I guess we are reaching a point where expectations are not being met. Surprise rounds are gone in 2e — sneak vs per drove off Iraydiel. Rather than have the dinos attack prone party members sleeping, I had them attack the sentry. Makes sense, but not optimal ‘TPK’ strategy.
I do not see that the mules will be trained to be on watch unless they are significantly different than mules I have known on my aunt’s farm. So I would likely not allow mules on watch with the resources you have now.
I guess we also question the range at which the encounter should start. With only hearing and limited LOS how close can predators get. I feel rangers/rogues/stealth is important and pc rogues/rangers need a single roll to get ‘in place’. This makes characters that do that more viable. Sneaky creatures get the same benefit in my games now in places with limited LOS.
So rather than continue a game that does not meet expectations in many ways, we will end the story here. It should be enjoyable for all involved.
But these are hidden rolls. I do not know if I want to roll your hidden rolls openly. They were obfuscated intentionally, but looking back you can see now who critically succeeded on search checks with the blite order. If you roll a 1 to recall knowledge and get bad info, are you going to pull out a bludgeoning weapon knowing it doesn’t have a weakness to bludgeoning as a player?
And again you are not supposed to be knowing hidden rolls. I guess there is a lack of trust my home groups and start playing groups don’t share. We roll GM blind all the time and don’t need to check the results.
Let me see if I can think of a way to make the requested adjustments without slowing the game down. I typically rolled all the hidden checks. Roll 5d20 using my BLITE algorithm (BB, Lyra , Iradiel, Tibold Edoom) and applied mods for search and recall know. I guess it came across as arbitrary with no player agency.. To let you know and roll all the hidden checks will be a major change.
Yes, we tend to take the weekends off and I wanted to give Lyra a chance to post, which happened on Friday. I am still considering Edoom's comment about giving you a break.
I didn't think the first chapter was too challenging, but the hexploring content is quite different. Following the camping rules as written will lead to encounters where the enemies seem prepared and you don't. This hexploring AP may be a poor fit for the expectations of the players.
I am considering to recruit a fifth and not adjust encounters so the game goes to easy mode.
Do you really feel that NPCs bailed you out in the first book? I mean wasn't the ogre and giant bosses pretty easy?
Two dinosaur predators appear out of the brush and brutally attack Brightberry and Redleaf. Redleaf makes a keening scream as Brightberry goes down, and is attacked by the second predator before falling unconscious. Brightberry falls on top of Edoom and the rest of the group awakes.
Party in any order prone
BB and redleaf unconscious
The wolves drag off the boar carcass, giving you what appears to be an approving look. This allows healing magic to restore the group to full health and the travel continues to Oleg's.
After Lyra misses the boar with two arrows, it escapes rushing back the way it came.
The wolves look at their prey and do not give chase. They look in your direction. They are obviously interested in the boar carcass.
Edoom's condition worsens, but then Redleaf takes and restores him.
Daily update
Round 2 Recap
After Edoom is hit by a boar, the group springs into action.
Jade rains down snow and fires water at the boars.
Edoom and Brightberry bring down the male boar, but the boar appears to be ferocious. Lyra finishes the ferocious boar off with a nasty strike and wounds the female boar hit with cold, electricity, and now a vicous slice.
The boar critically strikes Edoom knocking him down. Then it strikes Jade with her tusks and runs down the road.
Edoom dying 2 Jade 12hp damage
Three wolves pounce on the boar, ripping it up. The boar avoids a death blow, but is very wounded and surrounded by three wolves.
boar barely conscious wounded 1
It wasn't the intent to drive people away but to encourage people to try Shadowdark, but if that is the case, I will halt world building for now.
OSR games haven't had many recent successes on these boards. Maybe it is better left up to someone else to carry the Shadowdark torch. And yes, carrying the torch in Shadowdark is an important duty.
It does turn out there are some great Gauntlets written for the game. If anyone wants to run one, count me in. Feel free to grab any content I started to make in gameplay--I was going to start simple.
From the wiki: The original version of D&D (1974) allowed players to choose among three alignments when creating a character: lawful, implying honor and respect for society's rules; chaotic, implying rebelliousness and individualism; and neutral, seeking a balance between the extremes.
So, I like to go retro.
If you want to call yours Good, neutral and evil -- I can see making that the more "intuitive" call.
I just like the retro names and being consistent with the Shadowdark RAW.
Some of us old school guys remember when there were only three alignments.
Since chaotic was what bad guys were, you were lawful or neutral. Neutral characters were like Han Solo before he fully converted to be lawful (good). I have no problem with you moving back to the nine alignment system. I will keep the Shadowdark simple system as then I would probably have to make the deities more complicated too. I am embracing the Shadowdark back to simpler times idea.
I am also thinking of having a week of PbP time equal an hour of torch time. I will probably do 5 posts a week, so 5 full crawling rounds will be an hour equivalent.
I like the attack the light theme that enemies may have. The one holding the torch is an obvious focus when the dark is dangerous. We are bringin some dwarves, so we may not be as scared of the dark. But, if dark means constant swarms of monsters, we will be fighting to keep the light too.
Daily Update -- Boars on the road
Round 1
Edoom fired an arrow, barely grazing one of the boars.
Brightberry launches an arc of electricity, but the electricity seems snap at about thirty feet and crackle the air short of the boars.
The two boars charge then try to gore Edoom. The initial charge from the male strikes true, but Edoom dodges the rest of the attacks. The boars seem to be in the range of the crackling electricity for next time.
12hp of damage to Edoom
Party in any order
Two boars (one -1 hp)
There are two games currently recruiting.
DJs game will probably start first.
The second game will be more selective.
May include grabbing successful players from his game and has a priority for those running Shadowdark games.
While domesticated pigs are a staple of farm life, wild boars are much more dangerous. Foul-tempered warthogs are relatively common, while the lumbering, primeval beasts known as daeodons are less so. Voracious eaters, boars can ravage the countryside in which they live. Boars breed freely, and a pair of boars can rapidly grow to a large family. Boars are a particular nuisance to farmers, as they break into food stores and root through gardens to sate their hunger.
These particular boars are territorial and do not like your presence.
The wolves have continued to follow you at a distance, but no hostile actions have been taken by either side.
Brightberry informs you the wolves did not seem skinny or malnourished, but the last settlement seemed full of trappers and hunters.
4d20 ⇒ (17, 4, 3, 12) = 36
Wolves live and hunt in packs, which, contrary to popular belief, are not led by the strongest in the group, but typically consist of a mated pair, their pups, and juvenile offspring from previous mating seasons. Offspring generally leave their parents’ pack upon reaching maturity, at which point they seek out mates of their own to go form their own packs elsewhere.
Humanoids are not traditionally viewed as prey animals by wolves, but extraordinary circumstances can lead these animals to attack people, especially in winter months and other situations where traditional prey (deer and elk, mainly) is scarce. Some beings, such as powerful vampires, can call upon wolves to aid them in combat.
Lady Jumandi thanks you profusely for your aid. The money in the treasury Lady Jumandi considered to be her property. Any weapons, potions, and armor that you found she would like you to keep.
Lady Jumandi does inform you that she will need to reequip and restaff her forces, and any equipment (weapons and armor) that is left behind will be put to good use. Nevertheless, she generously offers for you to take all that you can carry to start your new kingdom.
Sorry if I was being unclear. Did you intend to buy a wagon and put the things in the wagon "to carry"?
Are the items being offered to her to buy more than you can physically carry using normal encumbrance rules?
If the equipment Lady Jumandi was offered to buy for 105 gp is more than you can carry and at half purchase cost, she will pay but not offer the magic weapons. Sorry I missed that in bookkeeping post.
You can buy +1 weapons for 35gp plus cost of weapon in Brevoy and save 2 days. Sounds like you come out ahead this way in time and gold.
I totally missed that post Lyra—sorry bout that.
Now that we have a fifth the 105gp sale hits WBL better!! The medallions were supposed to help too.
Daily update -- hexploring day 2 -- we havent had one of these in a while
During the middle of the third day Lyra and Edoom notice three wolves that seem to be following your group in interest. Brightberry identifies them as a mated pair with a near adult cub. They follow but do not close the distance, content to match your pace and keep near the brush by the river most times.
Making camp you set a careful watch and nothing happens until morning. Lyra and Brightberry find signs of wolf prints nearby next day most likely from one of the adult wolves.
Token moved staying in Brevoy and following river and road
The weather is the middle of spring, perfect for traveling.
The mules are saddled, the feed is purchased, and provisions are stocked in the saddlebags.
The travel from Restov, the cultural center of Southern Brevoy leads straight west. After two days, you arrive at the southernmost village in Rostov, Nivakta's Crossing. An alert assemblage of traders, hunters, fishers, and trappers watches you intently. The village is surrounded by a wooden pallisade for defense on the NE bank of the Shrike river. A low bridge allows access over the river to the south while the SW side of the bridge is fortified with well-manned guard towers.
Edoom mixes with the hunters a bit, and they share with him tales of Maeger Varn and his sturdy warriors into the Nomen Heights. The impressive mercenary company is the talk of the town.
There is a high priest of Pharasma in town, and she can be found at the only church if needed. You prepare to cross into the Rostland Hinterlands.
Edoom and Lyra seem to interest the locals who share:
In the southern Stolen Lands dwell a lizard group led by a lizard king who talks to his dead ancestors.
The hunters speak of a Swamp Witch who is friendly if you call out to her before visiting and going in her yard. She turns trespassers into scarecrows cursed to serve her forever.
Token moved on map
6d20 ⇒ (17, 12, 3, 20, 20, 18) = 90
You can continue in the well traveled land west or cross the bridge to explore lands south and closer to Maeger Varn's charter.
Pack mules (2gp each) are for sale—optional saddle bags .2gp each as accessories. A wagon is 25 gp and needs two mules or draft horses {same price as mules}
”These are domesticated but not combat trained or named. If you want the wagon I would stick to roads.”
says the man at the livery.
Shadowdark is one action economy! You get a near move for your turn for free at any part of your turn.
Standing up and potion quaffing is typically free too!!
You get ONE action for your turn which can be another near move
Cant get any easier!!
Characters can take one action
and move near on their turn,
splitting up the movement
however they want. Characters
can move near again if they
don't take an action.
Melee Attack. Melee attacks
use melee weapons. Roll 1d20 +
your Strength modifier + talent
bonuses. You hit the target if
your total is equal to or greater
than its AC.
Ranged Attack. Ranged attacks
use ranged weapons. Roll 1d20 +
your Dexterity modifier + talent
bonuses. You hit the target if
your total is equal to or greater
than its AC.
Cast A Spell. Casting a
spell takes one action (see
Spellcasting on pg. 44).
Improvise. Do an improvised
action, such as swinging across
a ravine on a vine. The GM might
determine it requires a stat
check or attack roll.
Multitask. Characters can do
small, parallel tasks on their
turns, such as standing up,
speaking, activating a magic
item, or quaffing a potion. This
doesn't typically use their action
The group takes two days as the master craftsman moves two potency runes from the mace and long sword with the Aldori crest.
None of the other groups have taken a wagon, and lady Jumandi discourages you from doing so. ”A wagon in bandit lands is like blood in the water among sharks.”