WhtKnt |
I have started going through applications and should have a decision by tonight, at the latest. I appreciate everyone's patience, and I want to thank all who applied and for making my decision so difficult. My intent is to take one of each role, with a sixth one chosen based on what best rounds out the group. There are some great applications here and it is very difficult to decide who to take.
WhtKnt |
In the darkened kitchen of the Formidably Maid, two furtive figures huddle just inside the doorway to the taproom. "The big ugly one with the black eyes and the shark's chompers, the shaved elf, the singer with the wooden leg, and the greenskin," one of the figures whispers hoarsely.
"We be needin' six, the cap'n says," the other figure replies.
"Two more, eh? Awriht, the blond with the long hair cuts a nice figure. She'll be good fer morale, if nuthin' else."
An' the last one?"
"Hmmmm. Dwarves is tough and good fer hard work."
"Aye, but which?"
"Hmmmm. The whole one, not the shark bait. Aye, that'll do it."
"Right, I'll round 'em up and get 'em back to the ship."
"Hurry. The cap'n is ready to shove off."
This was a very difficult decision. All of the submissions were outstanding, and I was hard-pressed to choose just six. I hate turning anyone away who wants to play (which is why I once ran a tabletop campaign with 14 players), but I only had room for six this run. If you were not selected, please don't feel bad. I couldn't accept everyone, and I had to make some tough decisions. That said, congratulations to those who were selected. The names are:
Dantes Goldforge (markofbane)
Bangkha (Sai Ling)
Chumtooth (Cuchulainn)
Alwen Gaelarean (Azrael Dukshi)
Satinder Morne (Rickmeister)
Ayaki Kitsune (Krumthi)
Would those who made the cut please report to the Gameplay thread.
WhtKnt |
We have lost one of our players in the Skull & Shackles campaign. If anyone is interested in picking up at the start of Book 2, please submit a 4th-level character otherwise in accordance with the rules given on the first page of this thread. I'll allow a week for recruiting before a decision is made. Since they will be sailing with you, I invite the existing crew to help me decide who to pick. Feel free to role-play the interview process.
Javell DeLeon |
I got this guy: Sh'torek
Not sure if a healer type is priority or not. If so, then no worries.
Huh. Didn't realize I actually signed up for this game. Also didn't realize it was a year and half ago nearly.
Man. Where does the time go.
Andrea1 |
Some crunch and fluff of Andrea, undercover Urgathoa priestess.
Full Name : Andrea
Race: Human
Classes/Levels : Cleric 4 (Skill points)
Gender M
Size M
Age 24
Special Abilities :
Alignment: N
Deity Urgathoa
Location Shackles
Languages Common,Infernal
Occupation : PIRATE!
Strength 10
Dexterity 10
Constitution 12(+1)
Intelligence 12 (+1)
Wisdom 16 (+3)
Charisma 15 (+2)
Height: 5'7"Weight: A lady never tells Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue
Favored Class: Cleric (Skill points)
Hit Points: 30
Spd: 30
Init: +5
AC: 15 ( 5 armor shield)/Touch 10/FF 15)
BAB: +3
CMB: +3
CMD: 13
Saves: Fort +5 Ref +1 Will +5
MW Light mace +4 1d6
MW Light Crossbow +4 1d8/19-20
Skills: 5/Level
Swim 6 (3+3)
Sense Motive 8(2+3+3)
Diplomacy 9(3+2+3+1)
Bluff 8 (3+2+3)
Heal 10(3+3+3+1)
Know-Religion 7(3+1+3)
Perception 6(3+3)
Mw Light mace (306)
MW Light crossbow (335)
10 crossbow bolts (1)
+1 Mithril shirt (2100)
wand of CLW 50 (750)
4 Antitoxin (200)
Handy Haversack (2000)
Cleric's Kit
belt pouch
candles (10)
cheap holy text
flint and steel
iron pot, a mess kit
spell component pouch
torches (10)
trail rations (5 days)
wooden holy symbol
293 gp
Feats:Selective Channel(2 targets),Toughness(3 HP, +1 HP level past 3),Improved Initiative
Traits: Ship's Surgeon(+1 Heal/Craft Carpentry),Birthmark(Serves as divine focus,+2 saves vs charm/compulsion),Friend in Every town(+1 Diplomacy/Know-Local)
Special Abilities: Bleeding Touch (1d6 round for 2 rounds, 5/day)Hand of the Acolyte(+2 Hit 5/day)Channel Negative Energy(2d6 DC 14 5/Day)
Domains: Magic,Death
Spells DC 13+level 4/4+1/3+1//
Apperance: Andrea is a slender woman of about middling height and weight with pale skin that has been roughened by life at sea. Her blond hairis cut short and kept under a kerchief and she has a rather decorative serives of tattos across her skin that combines waves,skulls and ghostly figures. Andrea says that it has taken numerous sessions to get the work done and might just add some more. She is often dressed in plain tunic and breeches along with sturdy boots. When attending to medical duties, she wears a clean but stained smock with numerous pockets and scrupelously sharp tools.
History: Andrea was born the child of a Bloodmother, a woman whose function was to bear children for the church of Urgathoa for the purposes of sacrifice or induction into the faith. Just like her mother, Andrea had no last name since it was deemed unneeded for her role as acolyte.
Andrea's life in the church was notable since she took to the appriciation of undeath not as the dirt,mold and gore spattered stereotype of ghouls and zombies, but the clean,polished lines of bone. Andrea appriciates a fine feast but channels her desires into finely crafted meals and liquers, abodes are clean and quiet,(except for the occasional moan) with neat racks of skulls, bones and workshops of meticulously cared for equipment.
The elders of the church believed that Andrea would best be served as an emmisary and infiltraitor and thus she was sent to establish a foothold in areas where her faith was not prominate. She was told not to spread disease or undeath, not to preach to the masses or commit atrocity, but to seek to establish herself in a position to allow others to safely spread throughout the region. Becoming a figure of influence would work perfectly, so she was sent to The Shackles to find these oppurtunities. During her cover as a healer who actually performed healing, births and other aiding of customers, she aided others of her faith by getting them onto ships bound for the Shackles.
Grand Moff Vixen |
I have a character that I made for the Skull & Shackles AP that I would like to be considered. Note that I have not made any changes to the character for this campaign yet, I just want to see how it will be received before I attempt to come up with something else.
Nessa Maltaneth Linthdel. She is a Rogue (Pirate).
Grunyar Feyblooded |
I have played the first book of this AP twice with groups that fell apart and DMed it once for my table top group. I really would like to see the second book.
Grunyar is not quite a gunslinger but his main motif are firearms. Let me know if he fits the criteria for recruitment, if not I can throw together something else. What are you planning in regard to hitpoints and wealth by level 4 DM?
Victoriana Whitecap |
Hi, Sh'torek! Hope it's okay if I submit my character from the same game, as I really enjoyed playing this one in book 1.
Victoriana's the kind of character no party usually has, but who fills enough roles as a healer/support caster/crafter to fit in with most. As a healer with nautical-themed spells, she can probably replace the role a druid filled—and her focus on things like burning hands and abundant ammunition was originally designed to make combat at sea more interesting and creative for the whole party.
Also, the long stretches at sea in book 1 seemed to lend themselves well to mundane crafting, and Victoriana should be able (with the DM's permission) to do a bit of customization on the siege weapons on the party's ship, potentially leading up to things like fire cannons, self-tacking sails and animated ropes that attempt to trip boarders (there's some great rules for this in Ultimate Magic that rarely get to see use).
Currently in the process of shifting slowly towards CN, she's just begun learning about Besmara's jolly teachings.
And, of course, her skill/spells in repairing ships might come in handy.
Full description in avatar, here's a few relevant sections.
Victoriana Whitecap is not a woman of large stature, but she stands upright and proud. Much of her appearance is dominated by her hair, which is often wind-tossed, and rarely of even length due to its tendency to catch fire. Her clothing is practical: an engineer's smock over light armor, ringed with metal just heavy enough to be resistant to scratches and flames, and smeared with pitch and soot. Her hands, arms, and neck bear scars—some of them burns, some scratches—of uncertain origin, but she does not walk or act as though she is in pain. She moves, rather, as though she does not have time for pain.
Victoriana talks loudly, excitedly, and confidently—and endlessly, if she is engaged on the subject of ancient magics or feats of engineering. A buzz of magic tends to follow where she goes; she is constantly looking for dents, flaws, scratches in the objects and structures around her that could benefit from a Mending spell. But the better part of her time is spent reading, or experimenting, studying the things around her only when she is distracted from the things in her books or the artifacts in her workshop.
This is a gnome who looks after the people and objects around her, even if they don't always want her to. Victoriana believes it's always better to be prepared, although the things she prepares for are not always the wisest, and may well range from waterproofing the ship's sails to warding her books against dragonfire. She's an archaeologist, and an engineer, and most importantly she's someone very confident in her own ability to fix anything and anyone.
When the pirates caught her, and dragged her to her ship, she merely shook her head. When they took her pistol away, she grimaced; when they threw her smaller tools overboard, she screamed. But when she saw the boatswain, drunk on stolen wine, throw her books into the cooking stove as kindling, THEN she got mad, burning through the ropes around her wrists and setting half the ship ablaze.
The pirates that grabbed her from the tavern she had foolishly wandered to alone had wanted a new ship's mechanic, but after seeing the damage she had done to their ship, they quickly found a way to get her off of it, "trading" her to the first captain they met in the next port.
Hailing originally from Nex, far to the East, Victoriana was trained as a gunsmith, with a love of intricate mechanics, gears and pullies, and an innate magical knack that involved a lot of spontaneous fire-setting—the sort of thing that would be worrying to anyone but a gnome mentor. While there was much she could learn through studying, her magic seemed to come of its own accord, but eventually she found ways to use it effectively, repairing light damage to objects around her and the heavier injuries that she inevitably had a tendency to inflict on herself.
Like many gnomes, she found something of a restless wanderer inside herself. With a fascination for the knowledge and technology of the past, she signed on to join an exploration deep into the Mwangi Expanse in search of ruins and artifacts; but when her party turned back, empty-handed, she chose to press on further west, following stories of legendary treasure wrecks just off the coast of the Shackles. Foolishly naive and headstrong, she's learned quite a bit in the service of merchants and pirates as she plies her trade as a shipwright, looking to build up a large enough fortune to have a bit more freedom in her inventions and explorations.
Now, she seeks treasure or secrets, though of yet has found little; and she seeks freedom to work in peace, on something more exciting than shipboard fevers and repairing minor damage to the rudder. Most of all, she'd like to have some intellectual equals to talk to, or a magically/technologically exciting treasure to chase.
Victoriana is quick, and tough, and very smart, but most of all she is convinced of her own brilliance, and good at making others agree, to the point that it may be the strength of her love for tinkering that powers the magic she uses to actually succeed at it
Eventually, Lore mystery will lead to increased int and int-based skills; will also be taking lots of item crafting feats.
• Spontaneous healing, fire-casting, and utility. Should have a decent range of attack and support spells as necessary. Spells to give air underwater, etc.
• Can craft just wondrous items, and just about anything mundane (catapults, ship repairs, masterwork weapons/armor, alchemist's fire) thanks to oracle abilities. Dreams of eventually animating ship's sails, weapons, etc. as constructs.
• Extremely tough; can take (or dodge) more hits than your average cleric, thanks to gnomish constitution and oracle's + Charisma to AC (and later, saves).
• Siege weapon use. Able to craft cannons/catapults, together with Gear Gnomes' +4 proficiency bonus overcome Blackened penalty to make her decently effective at using ship's siege weapons.
• Skills. Great at knowledge, repairing ships, mundane crafting. More than a standard healer—at higher levels, Lore will give massive +int bonuses.
• Offensive ranged support. Crossbows/guns with abundant ammunition (for poison or holy water arrows), ability to craft poisons, should allow decent non-magical fighting.
Ivar "Goldilocks" Theodinson |
When I decided to build Ivar I had been reading a lot of Joe Abercrombie, I liked the moral ambiguity of his characters and the “northmen” reminded me of the show “Vikings” that the history channel was airing at the time. So I built Ivar a true neutral Ulfen raider, with those qualities in mind.
He is a young man favoring the double headed waraxe (don’t call it a dwarven axe to his face) who values: family, crew and community in that order. His favorite saying is “If the sheep could choose, they’d choose to be wolves.” As a sailor in port he would be a reasonable fit for several AP’s.
He was accepted into a “Serpent Skull” game on Nov. 15. As we were about to hit third level the GM decided to do “Iron Gods” instead, fortunately, those people in the first game were invited to begin the following game. So about a week ago the game Ivar was in came to an end, in the two and a half months I played him he posted around 460 times, so averaging six posts a day between game and discussion. He did not seem like the right fit for “Iron Gods” it was too far from the Sea, so here he is. I do not expect to post as much in your game but he was built for new ships, new crews and new adventures and I would really like to keep playing him.
I’ve looked at the characters in the game, it appears they have all rolled their hit points and that magic items are fairly thin. So, I’ve taken him up to level four and will roll his HP. Instead of spending the 6,000gp listed in the PFSRD I invested in a + 1 axe, a masterwork breastplate and a couple other weapons, totaling at 3,008 gp. If you want the entire 6,000 gp spent I will go back and invest in magic armor and a magic shield. Thank you for your interest in Ivar.
Hit Points: 4d10 + 8 ⇒ (8, 1, 10, 2) + 8 = 29
wow, any chance of re-rolling ones?
The athletic Ulfen warrior casually approaches you, tall and lithe, walking with the swagger of a man used to a deck under his feet. He carries an unusual obsidian double-bladed axe in his left hand and his sea bag neatly tucked in an Absalomian-made breastplate in his right. His boots, breaches and war kilt appear Ulfen made. His facial features strong, his blue eyes clear, his blond hair braided and his fine beard cut short. He is bare chested and well-muscled, indicative of pulling an oar. A blue-woad sea-wolf tattoo wraps from neck to nape, proudly displayed; accenting several battle scars, some old some still pink.
Smiling, he speaks in a clear baritone voice ”The ‘Shark’ tells me you need a crewmember who can handle himself.” Making eye contact, with each one in turn.I was born for sea-worth adventure. My Pa sailed with White Estrid when she raided the Nidalese port of Nisroch. He moved the family to Absalom and sailed as a buccaneer against the Cheliax after that. Soon I was sailing with him on the longship 'The Linnorm's Claw' under captain Tavar ‘the Lame’. While on a raid into Cheliax that went south, I anchored the shield wall earning my name, ‘Goldilocks’ and this scar right here. He stops talking long enough to show you an old five inch scar across his left rib cage.
“Shortly after that I went out on my own; worked as a merchant mariner out of Absalom, sailed the ‘Arch of Aroden’ eight times, both sides of the Eye of Abendego, been around the ‘Horn of Garund’ once and I’ve been shipwrecked.” He turns and shows you three long parallel scars over his right shoulder. ”Got that killing ghouls on that D*** Island.” Then he turns his left arm over showing you a matching three inch scar on both sides of his forearm. ”Got that from a blasted lobster- scorpion on that island too; h*** killed cannibals, a snake-man and a vampire to boot. Proud to say that everyone who survived the wreck got of that blasted Island alive.” He stops smiling and getting very serious he continues. ”But that was on dry ground and I do my best work at sea. So when I heard you all need a crewman, well here I am. So what do ya say, you ready to sail?”
Grand Moff Vixen |
Nessa Maltaneth Linthdel.
We have a rogue. Might be superfluous, no?Personally, I think we might need a 'dedicated' archer? :-)
I can easily change the class, it's just the background I want to keep. I was hoping to get some feedback in that regard, but no matter.
I will look into a class that has better ranged capabilities.
Ivar "Goldilocks" Theodinson |
a butcher's knife? That's an interesting choice...
Ivar listens to the attractive, well-armed bravado, smiling slightly he answers,
Guns? How about these right here?
He lifts his arms flexing in a traditional strong man pose, showing off his muscular biceps.
these are all the guns we need, and if you want a dedicated archer, give me the 500 for a well-made composite bow and I'll shoot whatever you want, I can shoot a bow as well as I can swing an axe
bluff: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
that's a lie, he can shoot a bow, but he's been swinging an axe since he's been big enough to chop wood :)
Ivar "Goldilocks" Theodinson |
that may have not been my smartest move
realizing the strongman pose may not have had the effect he desires; Ivar turns looking directly to the half-elf rake and asks the team
The 'Shark' said you might have questions, what information do you need that will help convince you I'm the best swab for the job?
Grand Moff Vixen |
I've rebuilt Nessa as an Oracle.
Looking forward to feedback. Gear has not been chosen. If selected I will complete that part.
Satinder Morne |
"You'd better learn to keep your mouth shut, blondy. There is no place aboard the ship for people who think they can lie and steal. Might aswell throw you overboard while docked, save you the trouble of swimming back to shore."
She looks at Chumtooth, a barbarian with filed teeth, standing behind her, and chuckles slightly as she tries to envision the two of them fighting.
My money is on Chum.
After Ivar mentions the 'Shark', Satinder gives a most dirty of looks, before turning her gaze away, and sits up straighter.
"Don't know about the rest of you, but there is only so many new people I am willing to trust today. What are your specialties?"
Ivar "Goldilocks" Theodinson |
no foolin this one, better play it straight
Ivar smiles at the savvy rake, he then holds up the double bladed obsidian axe, one handed, straight out, pointing it like it was a rapier.
yeah, your right its a bit of a lie, more like an exaggeration. Don't get me wrong, I can shoot a bow, H*** of a lot better than I can lie. Actually good as some, better than most. But I'm not an expert with one, not like I am with 'Rhea' here. I've been swinging an axe since I was big enough to hold one.
he lowers the axe and looks at the woman's companions
I'm not askin you to trust me, I'm not askin you to like me, but if your the crew I'm sailing with, your family. I don't have many codes, that's one. As for specialties I have two; on a bad day I survive and on a good day I win.
he stops talking for a second
and if I win my crewmates win
feel free to peruse his sheet, skills are spread out, as much as possible with a 10 int., I tried to build him as "Tanky" (is that even a word?) as possible. He's morally ambiguous, loyal and bullheaded. He takes keeping his crewmates alive personally, that's what he was taught growing up. If you want a meat shield he's your man, and come on, who doesn't want a meat shield ;)
Grunyar Feyblooded |
After stroking his long mustache Grunyar speaks.
Well lass, I am an expert at putting holes in things from afar... you know.... until they are dead. I am very proficient with the arcane too. The dwarf stops to think for a couple of seconds. Oh, and I am good at making stuff explode. There is that...He nods to himself proud.
One way or another I have been before the mast for the past ten years or so. I am a skilled sailor and not afraid of hard work. After finishing his introduction Grunyar starts to nervously search his pockets for his pipe.
Oh, and I never lie, or cheat. No ma'am, never! Grunyar here is straight as an arrow. You will never meet a more honest pirat...err...sailor.
Bluff: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Ivar "Goldilocks" Theodinson |
OK, I can't resist, I apologize is this isn't proper etiquette
what's that sulfur smell?
Ivar turns to look at the man behind him in line, then, realizing its a dwarf he looks down making eye contact with a smirk he says quietly
Don't you mean "straight as a stump" stubby, isn't there six other fellows in a mead-hall somewhere waiting on you? You know these fine folks are sailing a caravel not a barrel right?
Victoriana Whitecap |
Ah... is there supposed to be RP happening in the recruitment thread? Okayyyy...
There looks to be some right proper commotion going on outside the tavern... as she listens longer, she realizes it sounds like the sort of commotion that happens around money. Well. Been needing work since the last boat sank... try as I could to save it... an' hopefully anyone 's smart enough to consider hiring someone like me knows better 'n to sail straight into a reef like that.
Time to make a flashy entrance.
Victoriana whispers a few spells and ducks under a pier, popping out behind the arrayed sailors. "Oy!" she bellows, far louder than anything that small has a right to. As dips back into the sea, a clearly visible bubble of air forms around her head and then pops, coloring the water in green and silver swirls.
"You lot look like riiiight fancy captains," she continues, climbing out of the water and instantly going magic-dry, before holding out her hand.
"Victoriana Whitecap, if yer hiring. Ship doctor, catapult doctor, people doctor. You got problems with the Chelaxian navy? I put holes in their boat. You got holes in you instead? I take 'em out. Problems with pirates? Set 'em on fire, real easy, like."
A very short pause, for air and thought. "Problems with fish-people pirates that don't burn good 'cause they're underwater? Got some nice proper chemistry arrows as put 'em right painless to sleep. I've been too long stuck in this backwater nowhere, and you probably didn't even realize how much you needed a proper magicky shipwright."
And finally, after another second of thought, "Err, assuming you've got a proper revenue stream. I dunno about this lot, maybe they work for charity or chocolates, but that ain't my stakes."
And then she gives everyone time to start talking again.
WhtKnt |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
We are recruiting to replace a lost crewmember!
I prefer you have an alias, but I understand if you don't want to build one for a game you may not play.
I strongly recommend reading the Skull & Shackles Player's Guide before building your character. Doing so will maximize your chances of being picked.
- The character begins at 4th level.
- Any alignment is permitted EXCEPT chaotic evil (it just does not work if played properly), but I encourage you to remember that you are a pirate.
- 20-point ability buy; no exceptions!
- Core races are preferred. That doesn't mean that you can't have a different race, just that you will have to work harder to convince me to allow it.
- We are specifically seeking someone with healing magic! You don't have to be a cleric, but having the ability to at least cast healing spells will factor heavily into your chances of being selected! Any of the core or base classes is permitted, however, I will tell you that I'm not partial to gunslingers, ninjas, or samurai. Paladins and cavaliers, for obvious reasons, should carefully consider their reasons for applying.
- Archetypes are fine.
- You have 6,000 gp with which to purchase equipment.
- No third-party anything. Period. If it isn't from Paizo, chances are I don't have a copy and will not allow it.
- Your character should have max hit points at 1st level, and will use the average (PFS rules) thereafter. It just makes things easier.
- Characters have two traits; one must be a campaign trait for Skull & Shackles. You may modify the non-mechanical parts of the background to better fit your concept.
- I'm a believer in background, and I will probably use some of the PC backgrounds as side treks during this AP. You don't have to write a novel. Three sentences is fine, so long as it intrigues me.
Posting rate is not every day, but in general I try to post at least every few days. We're slow, but steady. Foreknowledge of the AP will not kill your selection chances, but we do demand a separation of character and player knowledge.
Currently, the party has a kuru fighter, a gnome oracle, and a dwarven wizard.