Being blown off course during a horrendous storm hadn’t prevented Captain Jarn Forslakt from maintaining pursuit of galleon sailing to the Shackles. Rain fell in torrents from the skies above as though Besmara herself wanted to claim the galleon before
Helvetet Vantar caught her. As the ships rounded the Mediogalti islands, both vessels came under attack. Worse still, both vessels were sunk.
Koningslos was blown from the deck of his longship, clinging to a plank of oak. In the wake of destruction, one of the launches from the galleon managed to escape intact. As it paddled closer to where Koningslos floated, it realized too late that the survivor they’d spotted was that of an Ulfen raider. Bracing against the plank, the Sea Reaver hurled his boarding pike at the launch, hooking the ship and severely wounding one of the two aboard it. Koningslos boarded the launch, killing both survivors and claiming the vessel.
Above him, the storm continued to rage, matching his own anger with each slam of thunder. Over the next few hours, he managed to find one other from the crew of the Helvetet Vantar, - Kesh - but of their captain and the others, there was no sign. Nor was there a sign of the vessel that had sank both ships.
At the mercy of the storm, the two found themselves forced along the tempest edges of the Eye of Abendego and smashed into the shore near Drenchport. Over the next few months, the two survivors, Koningslos and Kesh made their way along the lines of islands, finding mercenary work where they could get it. But they never found a crew willing to brave the journey north nor one that would bargain with an Ulfen ship. In a more violent encounter where the two were not being paid their promised wages, Kesh fell to a cutlass in the back, Koningslos fighting his way out into the alleyways of Port Peril.
Now alone, plenty of time for ale and anger, Koningslos seeks out a new ship looking to hire on a mercenary of particular violence. Perhaps if he can’t make his way home to Bildt, then Koningslos Sjal, son of Raseri would teach these southlanders the meaning of piracy.