Baron Galdur Vendikon

Deliverance's page

Organized Play Member. 211 posts (5,006 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 20 aliases.


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Looks interesting...

Not to be a spoil sport but isnt multiple submissions from one player a big nono?

How do you even go below 7 before racials? I thiought the bonus point thing stopped at 7.

He is probably not gonna see this, but...

Alexd1976 wrote:

Just out of curiosity, let's say (for the sake of argument) that a GM allowed for proficiency with 'rock' (just the little D3 ones).

What could you do with just THAT as a Fighter?

Its so little about the dice and all about the modifiers. Like Riddick killing that guy with a rusty old cup. Theres actually a trait that makes you basically proficient with tools of your trade.

If you can make it work id say go for it. Depending on the profession or craft skill associated with it, it can be varying levels of hilarious.

This one

I say basically because it more or less acts like proficiency, but you would have to see what the DM says.

Zeladaris wrote:
How do you feel about age modifications?

I know you werent asking me, but...Age mods are a problem because you can game the system and get a disgusting amount of free points. This is especially bad with any full caster.

Oh, also, interested.

Variant tieflings allowed? Considering an Oni spawn.

Am giving an alchemist some consideration. Is it ok to do Pathfinder Society swaps, like Extra Bombs instead of Brew Potion?

Considering an Alchemist, and was wondering if the Pathfinder Society feat trade, Brew Potion for Extra Bombs, is something a player could take?

Im interested in joining a RotRL game, already been in one that fizzled around level 4 (Played Wizard)

Not currently sure what id play, but just voicing my interest.

Ive done a couple of Dungeon World Pbps before, and while they didnt last, I had some good fun playing them, so definitely interested.

Both of my previous plays were as a Pirate (One time as an actual pirate, the other using the class for a dwarven gunner) so ill probably have to try something new this time (Though the class as a whole appeals so much to me I just might go for a third.)

Im also contemplating playing a "group leader" type, possibly a cleric, something akin to an Inquisitor in Warhammer 40k. Just, you know, without the absolute power to order the others around of course.

Wait, "lottery" for recruitment? Really?

Carved on bone? Lots of surface area and relatively lightweight. Also potentially badass/intimidating.

Sounds very interesting ill agree. First things that spring to mind are either a Sorcerer or an Alchemist. Gonna have to give this some thought.

Im thinking ill break the mold a bit and write up a rough and tumble streetwise operative whose knack for getting out of sticky situations coupled with a rather diverse set of skills is what landed him in this line of work. Think Eggsy from Kingsman meets The Comedian from Watchmen. Quite a lot of potential fits for him as far as classes goes, but probably something along the lines of Barbarian, slipping into fighter once or twice along the way.

Probably gonna go with British im thinking.

Also, just gonna throw this out there, but since Aasiamar are a potential inclusion, wouldnt it be cool to be able to play other races, "reskinned" as humans. Could make for some cool occult influences in a characters background.

The main issue is that its as powerful as a feat, not only half of one.

And to not make this posts only purpose be to derail your recruitment, ill shamelessly ask about the alternate Tieflings things I asked earlier.

Not sure I will even have something ready in time, but I do have a question about race, specifically tiefling. An idea I have banging around in my head for a "frontline healer". I would very much like to use the alternate heritage "Oni-spawn" for it. Its Paizo material, and mostly concerned with racial stats and penalities.

Vanulf wrote:
and as such is considered OP by many GM's

I should hope its considered OP by pretty much everyone, because it is.

So I see you picked Ace. Might one inquire as to what the choice was based on, since we dont have actual characters or backstories to present.

A chance to play a bit higher level, and an (hopefully) interesting custom setting is certainly something that piques my interest. Ill admit, the "new GM" tag has me a bit apprehensive, seeing as my track record with those isnt too great. Still, usually worth it just for the chance of a great game.

Im not really sure what I would play. I tend to look at what everyone else wants and then pick something to round out the group. If the group composition doesnt end up mattering too much, im leaning more towards something like a melee ranger with competent archery (focused on melee, but taking archery style for crucial shooting feats)

Well poop, why do I always find stuff like this when its too late?

When you originally posted the sign up list, I was on there with Vinny, but this new one doesnt have me registered with a character.

Wow mdt, that is a pretty fantastic idea!

Roger. Is there any time-frame for when I should have something to present?

Well id definitely prefer two 4 man parties personally. 7+ tends to get severely unwieldy from my experience.

Whats the party size at this point? I dont see any official player selections. I had looked at this when you originally opened the recruitment, but got sidetracked and just assumed it was too late. Come back and see there may still be a shot. Is there?

My biggest hold up right now, is lack of inspiration for character background, could probably knock out crunch in a hour or less.

If everyone is fine with him starting as a blank slate that gets some story later, I can get it ready pretty soon.

Hey there, Laliytsa directed me here. Im told you would appreciate some sort of divinely inclined personality. Im thinking Oracle, possibly Aasimar if allowed. If allowed, are the variants on the table? (Like angel-kin and such)

So, ive decided to do a dungeon centered around a Thassilon lord. The idea is for the dungeon to be an old hub, kind of like a train station of sorts, where delegates from the other runelords kingdoms would come and stay before taking transports to the capitol. I havnt decided yet which rune lords capitol it will belong to, but what I do know is this.

Each of the "wings" of the dungeon will be populated by followers of each of the 7 sins, all working together in a shaky alliance to help the "main" sins followers in their attempt to unearth their rune lord. They will ofcourse all have their own agendas and plots, which the PCs might use against them.

What I hope to get help with is populating the different wings with thematically appropriate monsters.

So, heres hoping the collective can help me speed up the process of selecting thematic monsters. For reference, the 7 sins are:








Have at it, and thank you.

Using the Url function will make your text dark blue

The problem being that even without any actualy url adress, your can still click on the text. Its best used for highlighting things like numbers in your stat block like so:

Strength: 18

Though to be honest, the ooc tag is better for this.

Strength: 18

Ok then. I think im still interested, though if selecting is looming close im not sure if ill be able to get something done ill think is good enough.

When do you expect to make a choice?

Hmmm, on second thought, while the dynamic of the gameplay intrigues me to no end, it seems to be moving along at a rather slow pace. Is this a cause of the nature of the game, or those participating? I check my games several times a day, so sitting around for days with nothing new isnt really something id look forward to :/

Bit late to the party here, do I have a realistic chance to make something? I didnt see a date to end this new recruitment.

Ok, with the time table possibly being moved up, its time for me to stop lurking and sitting on my laurels.

Im thinking about playing a oversized goblin brawler, possibly Strangler archetype or Mutagenic Mauler.

He is basically the self proclaimed cook, confiscating food, cooking it up "for everyone", then eating most of it himself and handing the rest out. He is ofcourse utterly oblivious to the unfairness of his conduct, thinking they should all be grateful for his culinary generosity.

Dispite this bossy attitude, what with it being "unintentional" and all, he tends towards being about as loyal an oaf as they come amongst goblins, being easily swayed by flattery and well placed food bribes. If chosen, im hoping to have one of the other party members be his "handler" of sorts, steering him in directions for their own gain.

Started as a short story example, ended up going a bit long:
"I tellses the truth Krug, him say mean mean things!" the goblin squealed, pointing frantically at a goblin further down the cave, its back turned and seemingly unaware of what was transpiring behind him. The general noise of the other goblins saw to that despite the relatively short distance between them.

Krug kept stirring the large, dented kettle, seeming rather uninterested in the other goblins plight. "Him say other things too Krug." The goblin added, his voice lowered to a conspiratory whisper as he rubbed his hands with glee. He turned away from Krug, once more eying the back of his rivals head, a wicked smile splitting his ugly face from ear to ear as he thought of what to say. Behind him, Krug simply snorted, ladle still stirring the bubbling ooze that was his next culinary masterpiece.

"Wut him say bout Krug den?" He asked in his usual baritone, curiosity having finally managed to settle in his head. Picking an oozing prize from his nose, he flicking it into the pot, looking at the other goblin.

"Hehe, you's not gonna likes it Krug, not even a itzy bitzy bit, nono." The other goblin sneered, rubbing his hands frantically now. It was all he could do to not keep smiling openly in front of Krug. Instead he put on his most serious face. "Him say, uhm, lets sees, eh..." The goblin suddenly looked nervous, his speech lost in the sea of devious plots the little wretch was already thinking up. Stumbling backwards, he none the less failed to evade Krugs meaty fist, pudgy fingers closing around one huge ear, lifting him off the ground.

"Stop keepin' Krug waitin', him not likes waitin'." Krug growled, seemingly calm, though likely just too lazy to get worked up just yet. He leaned in close to the other goblin as it squirmed from the pain in its crumbled ear. "Wuts him been sayin', tells Krug."

Faced with the immediate danger of the situation, the other goblin suddenly remembered, stammering out his speech in an avalanche of frantic words.

"Uhm, eh, him sayses that Krug is uhm, fat, yes, fat!" The goblin squealed. Seeing little reaction from Krug, except may a shrug of agreement, it quickly continued. "Uhm, him says, Krug real dumbs like, yes, really really stupidy dumbs, and, uhm, uhm..." It trailed of, at a loss for word and ideas. Krug tightened his grip, displeased with his scrawny catch.

"Krug dun care, why you waste Krug time?" His voice was raised now, causing a few nearby goblins to stop their squabbles and look on. The other goblin writhed in his tightly closed fist, sensing his ear might squeeze clean off any second. In desperation, he blabbered the first thing he could think of.

"Him says Krug stew tastings like poop, yes, him say that, likes poopiest poopy!!" It squealed, yelping in suddenly relief as Krugs fist snapped open.

"HIM SAYS WUT ABOUT KRUG COOKIN'?!!" Heavy snorts blasted from the enraged goblins nostrils as he sudden set off towards the other unsuspecting goblin, an ungainly loping stride carrying him forward, his labored breath visible in the dank air of the cave as he careened towards his prey.

His back still turned, the unfortunate goblins only clue was the frantic squealing of the goblins around him fleeing, Krugs hot breath on his neck, then a suddenly sharp pain, followed by unconsciousness.

Smashing his victim against the nearby rocks, Krug howled and roared, even as the unfortunate goblins seized to be a goblin, slowly but surely turning into a frayed red paste.


Im looking at using the Rough and Ready trait to use various kitchen tools as weapons. Ideally he would use a giant wooden ladle like a club, and various forks and knives as throwing weapons.

Theres really not too much craziness out there and most of it is fairly straightforward when you get right down it.

The only real trouble imo is when people get into some really weird combos with multi-classing and feat interactions.

Admittedly I know the rules better than I care to admit so maybe im not the best to be an advocate of opening up more options.

Maybe do a case by case, where feats and archetypes and such are an option if run by you first? That would certainly take alot of the restriction off.

I think the trouble stems mostly from the restrictions. Alot of popular classes being removed from the equation tends to dampen peoples enthusiasm, especially since most people have that "one character" they have already made that they want to play.

I am myself looking at bringing a character out of retirement, a not too bright "lovable oaf" Barbarian name Hugo.

Guru_of_the_Sands wrote:
EDIT I withdraw the question as its already been asked and someone else is interested in the concept

Dont be put off by my interest, Im not even sure ill be going bolt ace, just asked.

Doing something else than other people never seems to increase odds of being chosen in my opinion, go with what you want to play.

How do you feel about a Gunslinger with the Bolt Ace Archetype? Basically swaps out firearms for crossbows.

Heres a link to the Archetype, it is from Advanced Class Guide.

Sorry to necro this, but has anyone considered that Giants with Rock throwing only get one shot with their rocks? Its seems to suggest that you cannot full attack with Rock Throwing.

Too late to get in on this? I might have an idea for something. Ive been in a few games like this that fizzled almost immediately, so I think ill reuse my concept from that, though ill have to modify for the "being a god" aspect.

Browman wrote:
Why not play a casting focused druid then?

Because druids are wildly different in both fluff and crunch?

JGray wrote:
@Deliverance: Okay. I'm going to allow this - arcanists as, essentially, hot shots who are mainlining magic into themselves to form an arcane reserve. Ultimately a dangerous thing that could have consequences down the road and something the academic wizard community frowns upon.

My thanks. Actually that view of Arcanists gives me something more to work with on background and personality.

Oh ok, the bloodline I mentioned is an optional thing for Arcanists. If thats the root of it all I can simply not pick it. Though it isnt really a bloodline, just access to a power that a bloodline gets.

I should probably have handled this in PMs though, this has gotten a bit spammy, sorry.

Ive played wizards before and wanted to try something else. As for white necromancer, I tend to stay away from 3rd party material. Im just a purist I guess, cant really explain it.

Seems a bit odd to disallow Arcanists based on mechanics, when you yourself professed to be all about fluff over crunch.

Anyway, to avoid having to get shot down again, is anything even related to Sorcerers disallowed then?

But...Arcanists are taught casters, not innate. I thought that was the only problem with Sorcerer?

Im currently looking at an Arcanist. What is your stance on "pseudo sorcerers"? The parent classes for the Arcanist are Wizard and Sorcerer, but the class is atleast one that gains its casting through learning. But it does have mechanics that are sorcerous, like one of the Exploits being a bloodline power.

While thinking about characters, I at one point was thinking about a character based on an animal. Like the druid archetypes or something to that effect. In doing so, I wondered about having a connection to one of the totems.

While ive since moved away from the concept, I thought it would be cool to suggest that each totem has an associated animal. An animal that lives in the area the totem inhabits, and possibly exemplifies some of the totems domains.

Dunno, just thought id suggest it :)

A quick question on familiars. Seeing as arcane magic is new, and witches get a very special way they acquire their familiar, where does this leave other arcane casters with familiar access?

Or in other words, how common are familiars?

Alright then. Still, ill give a few arguments in favor of sorcerer, see if I can sway you.

With the assorted experimentations mentioned, performed by Sakatha and his minions, these experiment being (I assume) of an arcane nature could certainly produce sorcerous "taints" in those affected by it. Heck, the whole, parents altered by arcane magic practically reeks of bloodline fuel.

Sorcerers would certainly be more common than witches, though likely still rare given the particulars of the experimentation. The parents would have had to escape or be freed at a stage where they had been altered enough to produce sorcerous children, but not so much as to being turned into a follower of Tiamat, or simply driven insane by the process.

I must admit im mostly trying to argue the point because I have a previously made halfling sorcerer with the Orc bloodline, a hothead who things a little too highly of himself. With their strong spirit and optimism, halflings are good candidates for surviving the experimentation process, and with the particulars of it, the Orc bloodline makes better sense.

What about other spontaneous casters like Bards and Summoners? Spontaneous casting usually suggest some kind of innate talent in the user. Summoners atleast never struck me as a taught skill, though there is some argument for a bards spellcasting being learned, althought the character (in my mind atleast) still needs to have possessed that "special something" to allow them to learn to cast as a bard.

You could also say that the weakening of the barrier that previously kept out arcane magic is the cause of sorcerers and assorted monsters with spell like abilities, in that as arcane magic slowly bleeds into the world, it cannot avoid affecting the creatures that inhabit it.

This is ofcourse all futile argumentation if you are dead set on no sorcerers, but I thought id give it a go.

Also, STATS!!

4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 5, 4) = 15 = 13
4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 5, 6) = 17 = 16
4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 4, 6) = 17 = 16
4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 5, 5) = 16 = 13
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 3, 4) = 14 = 12
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 4, 4) = 15 = 13

Blargh, my old nemesis the uneven stat! Still, I can hardly complain.

More importantly though, restricting one system to a stat lock and not the other heavily skews it to the point where you would never use one for anything but generating numbers to inform what you play.

Its kinda like the focus foible system, only even more restrictive due to the random nature of rolls. This is especially well portrayed in my rolls. One of my 5d6 sets netted a 10, which would completely have destroyed any realistic possibility of playing what you want if I had done what was intended.

Ill wait for the DM to chime in before looking into doing any more rolling.

With the whole "arcane magic is new" angle, the first thing I thought of was a sorcerer. Just finished reading through the recruitment thread and am now going back to read the wiki.

My initial idea revolves around the characters family having been hit with some of the funky mojo going around during the invasion, and my character has manifested powers as a result.

Given how new arcane magic is, he will not have had any training, and is completely selftaught. Being special will also have given him quite the ego, so he will be a bit unruly and full of himself at times.

Ill return later with something more concrete, for now though, heres a stat roll.

5d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 3, 3, 4) = 12 10
5d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 3, 6, 3) = 20 14
4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 5, 2) = 14 12
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 1, 3) = 15 14
3d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 5) = 16 16
3d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 2) = 10 10

As someone who is allergic to uneven numbers, these rolls please me greatly!

Awh poop, made it to the door just in time to see it slam shut.

Dotting, ill see what I can come up with.

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