GM Thunderspirit's 5-02: The Wardstone Patrol (Inactive)

Game Master thunderspirit

Ruins of Bedis map

Crusade's End map

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Liberty's Edge

Human (Ulfen) Cleric 5

Round 2

Yngvar runs straight toward the battle with his blade drawn. (run x3 = 60)

"Sarenrae's servant is here! Prepare tae meet yer end, vretched demons!"

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Investigator 2 (HP: 28/25) (Pool: 0/5), Init: +3, AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14, Perception +12 (+13 v Traps), F: +3, R: +6, W: +4, CMB: +1, CMD: 14

After the euphoria of the last few seconds disappates, Zo realizes that the situation is still Really Bad (tm). Letting Sundr's words seep into him he draws back and takes aim at the brimorak. Munchkin time. 10' up and 10' away means 2 diagonals to get to me right? That's a move, right????

Bow (Cold Iron Arrow): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Confirm: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
DMG: 3d8 ⇒ (5, 7, 1) = 13!

Zo looks astounded at the bow as he sees the arrow sink in. Then he looks panicked when he sees his situation...

Five-star Hound of Tindalos. Er, GM. Whatever. | RoW Encounter Map | A Fistful of Flowers slides

Technically 10' up and 5' over, but it's not vital at this point.

Yngvar double-moves (okay, technically runs...)!

Zosimos sinks another bow shot, this time into the fiery demon!

GM stuff:

B 17


Sovereign Court

Ulfen Skald 9 HP 93/93 | AC 17 Tch 11 FF 16 | F+12 R+7 W+7 | CMD 23 | Perc +2 | Init +1
HP 111/111 | AC 16 Tch 10 FF 15 | F+12 R+7 W+10 | CMD 25
Per Diem:
Spells: 3rd 4/4 2nd 5/5 1st 6/6 | Raging Song: 30/30 | Kenning 1/1 | Lore 1/1 [b]Reroll: Unused

By the way, I am treating all those crusaders as allies for the song, if it matters for coup de graces!

Eschewing her native tongue, the skald decides to sing in Taldane this time:

"A storm! A storm!
From edge of cliff,
To depth of wood,
Under raven's shriek and cries!

A storm! A storm!

The thunder echoes!
The waves crash!
Boats are sundered,
Helms split!
As the rains lash and lash!

A storm! A storm!

Its fury brings heart to the mighty,
And strength to the glorious!"

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Gunslinger (Pistolero) 5 Init +5; HP; 41/41 AC 20 Touch 15 FF 16; Perception 14; Grit 4/4


The gunslinger's eyes lock on the brimorak before the dretch finished its fall. He continues to stride forward implacably, hands doing their practiced reload trick with lightning speed. Come on, ye filthy hob... he thumbs back the hammer with an ominous click...Come and meet your end!. BOOOOOM

Spend 1 grit for UC&P

attack vs touch: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 8 + 1 = 22
damage, NS: 1d8 + 6 + 1d6 ⇒ (8) + 6 + (3) = 17

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Gunslinger (Pistolero) 5 Init +5; HP; 41/41 AC 20 Touch 15 FF 16; Perception 14; Grit 4/4

I keep writing "Up close and Personal" when it's "Up Close & DEADLY" Dammit. And I really wanna see how this all plays out!!!

Oh, and nice poem/song T-rex (that is T-rex, right???) (and, I believe it would be "coupes de grace" as the cuts would be what is pluralized, not the mercy :-) )

Sovereign Court

Ulfen Skald 9 HP 93/93 | AC 17 Tch 11 FF 16 | F+12 R+7 W+7 | CMD 23 | Perc +2 | Init +1
HP 111/111 | AC 16 Tch 10 FF 15 | F+12 R+7 W+10 | CMD 25
Per Diem:
Spells: 3rd 4/4 2nd 5/5 1st 6/6 | Raging Song: 30/30 | Kenning 1/1 | Lore 1/1 [b]Reroll: Unused

Danke! Aye, it's me. No hablo espanol. :P

Five-star Hound of Tindalos. Er, GM. Whatever. | RoW Encounter Map | A Fistful of Flowers slides

Riegel's shot hits the demon and it howls, but does not fall. Instead, it turns on the gunslinger with a snarl and charges! (By my calculations it shouldn't provoke, unless Sündr has a reach weapon of some sort.)

Charge w/flaming longsword & higher ground!: 1d20 + 11 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 11 + 2 + 1 = 24
dmg: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 plus 1d6 ⇒ 4 fire and a DC 17 Fort save for Riegel (failure = sickened condition)!

Five-star Hound of Tindalos. Er, GM. Whatever. | RoW Encounter Map | A Fistful of Flowers slides

GM stuff:

B 34

Party up!

Sovereign Court

Ulfen Skald 9 HP 93/93 | AC 17 Tch 11 FF 16 | F+12 R+7 W+7 | CMD 23 | Perc +2 | Init +1
HP 111/111 | AC 16 Tch 10 FF 15 | F+12 R+7 W+10 | CMD 25
Per Diem:
Spells: 3rd 4/4 2nd 5/5 1st 6/6 | Raging Song: 30/30 | Kenning 1/1 | Lore 1/1 [b]Reroll: Unused

With her song growing in tempo and proximity, the skald comes charging forward with her axe raised high!

Of course, no one can see her. That is, until her axe smashing into the brimorak overhead.

Greataxe, Charge, Invisible, PA, Reckless: 1d20 + 7 + 2 + 2 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 7 + 2 + 2 - 1 + 1 = 18
Damage (Cold Iron): 1d12 + 7 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 7 + 3 = 14

Status: HP 30/30, fast healing 2, AC 13.

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Gunslinger (Pistolero) 5 Init +5; HP; 41/41 AC 20 Touch 15 FF 16; Perception 14; Grit 4/4

fort: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26 <--while I am pleased to have made the save, I cannot help but curse the dice bot for having used that 20 NOT for an attack. Still never critted wit this char

Riegel gags at the stench but remains stoic, ready to make this beastie bleed

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Investigator 2 (HP: 28/25) (Pool: 0/5), Init: +3, AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14, Perception +12 (+13 v Traps), F: +3, R: +6, W: +4, CMB: +1, CMD: 14

1d20 + 6 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (11) + 6 + 1 + (4) = 22 Cold Iron DMG: 1d8 ⇒ 7

Using the last of his inspiration, Zo takes aim one last time.

Liberty's Edge

Human (Ulfen) Cleric 5

Round 3

Yngvar moves up closer to the Brimorak to support Riegel and channels energy in a 30 foot burst. Selective Channel to avoid the Brimorak if needed.

"By the firey light of the Dawnflower, may your vounds be healed and may ve use her fire to destroy these fiends!"

Channel Energy: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 3) = 8

A brilliant burst of healing light emanates from the cleric!

This should include Riegel, Sündr, and all of the crusaders.

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Gunslinger (Pistolero) 5 Init +5; HP; 41/41 AC 20 Touch 15 FF 16; Perception 14; Grit 4/4

Riegel winks at Yngvar after the healing. He steps back, reloads, and fires on the Brimorak.

Attack vs. touch: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 8 + 1 = 23
Damage, NS: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Five-star Hound of Tindalos. Er, GM. Whatever. | RoW Encounter Map | A Fistful of Flowers slides

Sündr hits home with her greataxe!

Yngvar channels energy, helping to save the crusaders as well as his companions!

Zosimos' arrow into melee somehow still manages to hit!

Riegel does the same, but since he's targeting touch AC it is less surprising that he hits as well! And, with the final blast from the gunslinger, the demon collapses onto the ground!

As the wicked brimorak falls, Riegel and Zosimos both notice the faint sound of a distant battle cry, and catch a glimpse of Sir Ilivan charging lance-first at a nabasu demon. The other demons quickly surround him, tearing him from his horse within seconds and the scene devolves into a chaotic mess of claws, wings, and teeth. Sir Ilivan does not return to sight from the carnage.

Sündr and Yngvar are both certain that their position is in imminent danger of being overrun by the rapidly-approaching horde; discretion is probably the better part of valor now, and all four Pathfinders focus on helping the rescued crusaders return to Fort Portolmaeus and returning themselves to Nerosyan.

Commander Wardroxan tries to remain stoic at your arrival, but it is obvious she is both pleased you have returned and relieved to see the men her orders nearly sacrificed. Her gratitude is palpable.

Upon returning to Nerosyan, Venture-Captain Jorsal greets you outside the walls of the Diamond Ciy. He is accompanied by a representative of the Mendevian military, who remains in his saddle as Jorsal dismounts before you. Greetings, Pathfinders! he says. What news do you bring us of the River Road and Fort Portolmaeus?

Liberty's Edge

Human (Ulfen) Cleric 5

"Vell met, Venture Captain Jorsal and company. Yngvar Sundheim at your service. Ve have returned with the crusaders as instructed. Ve freed them from the clutches of a Balmorak demon after fighting off dretches and a vermlek. I regret to inform you that Sir Illivan perished by the hand of a nabasu demon in a valiant attempt to allow us to get away from the demon horde. If not for his valiant act, ve vould have surely been overrun. As it vas, ve managed to escape alive moments before the onslaught of the horde. I am pleased to report that the rest of the company is present."

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Gunslinger (Pistolero) 5 Init +5; HP; 41/41 AC 20 Touch 15 FF 16; Perception 14; Grit 4/4

Aye, we were fortunate to have saved all but one captive soldier ; the demons executed him as we approached

Rigel addresses the mounted Mendevian soldier, and gives a crisp bow. Be it known, sir, that Sir Ilivan walked--nay, RAN--the path of The White with grace and honor. He willingly gave his life to bring those boys home, with a battle cry on his lips and demon icor decorating his lance! He is a hero and I am proud to have run with him, even for the few hours we had, say true and I say thankya big-big!

Turning back to the VC...But the Fort is...holding, for now. I think they would be grateful for any supplies and help that could be spared. In fact, I may spend some of what influence I have just for that purpose; these warriors are doing their best, but the prospects are not good

Sovereign Court

Ulfen Skald 9 HP 93/93 | AC 17 Tch 11 FF 16 | F+12 R+7 W+7 | CMD 23 | Perc +2 | Init +1
HP 111/111 | AC 16 Tch 10 FF 15 | F+12 R+7 W+10 | CMD 25
Per Diem:
Spells: 3rd 4/4 2nd 5/5 1st 6/6 | Raging Song: 30/30 | Kenning 1/1 | Lore 1/1 [b]Reroll: Unused

"What my companions skipped over is that a patrol from Fort Portolmaeus was attacked some days ago, and captured alive. The demons strung up the captives and tortured them in sight of the walls, laying a trap for the subsequent sally sent forth by the Fort's commander. This group was also captured alive and taken off. We were sent to rescue them, with some success. The loss of one captive and especially of Sir Illivan was most unfortunate, but battle takes the weak and the strong alike--as is its right and duty!"

"Along the River Road we encountered a group of commoners under the control of vermlek demons, near the village of Bedis. We destroyed the demons and the commoners were freed."

"Anyway, it's all here in my journal."

Five-star Hound of Tindalos. Er, GM. Whatever. | RoW Encounter Map | A Fistful of Flowers slides

Venture-Captain Jorsal is a little confused by the accounts of Riegel and Yngvar, but understands much more readily when Sündr fills in the gaps. Losing Sir Ilivan is indeed a grave misfortune, Jorsal nods as the skald speaks, then turns to the mounted soldier. We must send a detachment out to retrieve his body for burial with full honors. See to it personally, Lieutenant. The armored man nods and turns his horse, setting off at once.

Jorsal guides you into the walls of Nerosyan, where news of your deeds has spread quickly. Over the next week you are hailed as heroes in ceremonies both public and private, and when the warrior's body is returned to the Mendevian military some days later, Jorsal oversees another brief ceremony where Sir Ilivan's weapons and armor are laid to rest alongside the late knight.

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Gunslinger (Pistolero) 5 Init +5; HP; 41/41 AC 20 Touch 15 FF 16; Perception 14; Grit 4/4

Riegel attends Ilivan's burial. When he gets a chance to pay his respects, the gunslinger kneels at the grave, and touches his medal. Hile, Knight. May we meet at the clearing at the end of the path.

Sovereign Court

Ulfen Skald 9 HP 93/93 | AC 17 Tch 11 FF 16 | F+12 R+7 W+7 | CMD 23 | Perc +2 | Init +1
HP 111/111 | AC 16 Tch 10 FF 15 | F+12 R+7 W+10 | CMD 25
Per Diem:
Spells: 3rd 4/4 2nd 5/5 1st 6/6 | Raging Song: 30/30 | Kenning 1/1 | Lore 1/1 [b]Reroll: Unused

Sündr also attends, though in a more joyful demeanor. She spends the bulk of the occasion drinking, toasting, and casting about for someone to celebrate the victory with.

In a more sober hour, she makes sure to give Sir Ilivan a prominent role in her ballad about this adventure.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Investigator 2 (HP: 28/25) (Pool: 0/5), Init: +3, AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14, Perception +12 (+13 v Traps), F: +3, R: +6, W: +4, CMB: +1, CMD: 14

Zosimos is quiet throughout. He pens the tale in as much detail as possible to make sure Sir Ilivan's tail is never lost. Perhaps this way he can continue to fight, at the least, in name and inspiration.

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Gunslinger (Pistolero) 5 Init +5; HP; 41/41 AC 20 Touch 15 FF 16; Perception 14; Grit 4/4

ummm...are we waiting for something else?

Five-star Hound of Tindalos. Er, GM. Whatever. | RoW Encounter Map | A Fistful of Flowers slides

Haha, nope, just forgot to inactivate the thread, sorry.

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Five-star Hound of Tindalos. Er, GM. Whatever. | RoW Encounter Map | A Fistful of Flowers slides

The Wardstone Patrol is neither a wardstone nor a patrol. Discuss.

Sovereign Court

Ulfen Skald 9 HP 93/93 | AC 17 Tch 11 FF 16 | F+12 R+7 W+7 | CMD 23 | Perc +2 | Init +1
HP 111/111 | AC 16 Tch 10 FF 15 | F+12 R+7 W+10 | CMD 25
Per Diem:
Spells: 3rd 4/4 2nd 5/5 1st 6/6 | Raging Song: 30/30 | Kenning 1/1 | Lore 1/1 [b]Reroll: Unused

Blasphemy! I blame Aroden. Discussion dot.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Investigator 2 (HP: 28/25) (Pool: 0/5), Init: +3, AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14, Perception +12 (+13 v Traps), F: +3, R: +6, W: +4, CMB: +1, CMD: 14

I need to update Zo's online profile. He is, in fact, level 3

Five-star Hound of Tindalos. Er, GM. Whatever. | RoW Encounter Map | A Fistful of Flowers slides

Need PFS numbers.

Also: It doesn't look like it, but just to double-check: anyone in Cheliax Dark Archive or Sczarni the Exchange faction?


Sovereign Court

Ulfen Skald 9 HP 93/93 | AC 17 Tch 11 FF 16 | F+12 R+7 W+7 | CMD 23 | Perc +2 | Init +1
HP 111/111 | AC 16 Tch 10 FF 15 | F+12 R+7 W+10 | CMD 25
Per Diem:
Spells: 3rd 4/4 2nd 5/5 1st 6/6 | Raging Song: 30/30 | Kenning 1/1 | Lore 1/1 [b]Reroll: Unused

If I live: Perform Song: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Investigator 2 (HP: 28/25) (Pool: 0/5), Init: +3, AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14, Perception +12 (+13 v Traps), F: +3, R: +6, W: +4, CMB: +1, CMD: 14


And because I will live: Alchemy: 1d20 + 9 + 1d6 ⇒ (16) + 9 + (3) = 28

Sovereign Court

Ulfen Skald 9 HP 93/93 | AC 17 Tch 11 FF 16 | F+12 R+7 W+7 | CMD 23 | Perc +2 | Init +1
HP 111/111 | AC 16 Tch 10 FF 15 | F+12 R+7 W+10 | CMD 25
Per Diem:
Spells: 3rd 4/4 2nd 5/5 1st 6/6 | Raging Song: 30/30 | Kenning 1/1 | Lore 1/1 [b]Reroll: Unused

Riegel speaks truly. Everything alright, TS?

Five-star Hound of Tindalos. Er, GM. Whatever. | RoW Encounter Map | A Fistful of Flowers slides

Alive and kicking, so to speak. Spent a fair amount of the week under the weather (lots of work-then-go-home-to-attempt-to-sleep-mostly-in-vain), then yesterday had a game day (during which I felt not-much better but got through it). And today was errands galore, along with a beloved family cat who is unfortunately pretty close to leaving us.

So, how was your week? LOL

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Investigator 2 (HP: 28/25) (Pool: 0/5), Init: +3, AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14, Perception +12 (+13 v Traps), F: +3, R: +6, W: +4, CMB: +1, CMD: 14

Oh man. Sorry to hear all of that. I'm not in a rush with this character, so jump back in when life allows.

Sovereign Court

Ulfen Skald 9 HP 93/93 | AC 17 Tch 11 FF 16 | F+12 R+7 W+7 | CMD 23 | Perc +2 | Init +1
HP 111/111 | AC 16 Tch 10 FF 15 | F+12 R+7 W+10 | CMD 25
Per Diem:
Spells: 3rd 4/4 2nd 5/5 1st 6/6 | Raging Song: 30/30 | Kenning 1/1 | Lore 1/1 [b]Reroll: Unused

Sorry to hear that as well! Also in no rush. Glad you're alive and kicking. :)

Five-star Hound of Tindalos. Er, GM. Whatever. | RoW Encounter Map | A Fistful of Flowers slides

FYI, all: I'll be joining Sheldon Cooper and Penny at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin's very own GaryCon this weekend starting tomorrow. (You all should join me!)

No idea how much time, if any, I'll have for online hijinks, but if I don't we'll resume no later than Monday.

Liberty's Edge

Human (Ulfen) Cleric 5

Hi guys. I'm getting ready for a PFS convention this weekend. Not only am I running five different scenarios, I'm organizing it. So, I am running around crazy like right now. I won't get back to posting until Monday. Have a great weekend.

Five-star Hound of Tindalos. Er, GM. Whatever. | RoW Encounter Map | A Fistful of Flowers slides

Primary success: The PCs complete their mission simply by reaching Fort Portolmaeus, returning to Nerosyan, and reporting on what they observed.
*checks box*

Secondary success: To succeed at their secondary mission objective, the PCs must have gone above and beyond the call of duty; they must rescue at least five of the eight abducted crusaders.
*checks box*

In the second one, if you don't accrue enough empathy points with Ilivan, he blames you for his own shortcomings and turns on the party, so he's the final encounter instead of the demons.

Five-star Hound of Tindalos. Er, GM. Whatever. | RoW Encounter Map | A Fistful of Flowers slides

Still need Riegel's PFS # and day job roll (if applicable).

Five-star Hound of Tindalos. Er, GM. Whatever. | RoW Encounter Map | A Fistful of Flowers slides

And Yngvar's, as it turns out.
Cos, y'know, reading. >.<

Liberty's Edge

Human (Ulfen) Cleric 5

Yngvar Sundheim
Silver Crusade

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Investigator 2 (HP: 28/25) (Pool: 0/5), Init: +3, AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14, Perception +12 (+13 v Traps), F: +3, R: +6, W: +4, CMB: +1, CMD: 14

That was good fun. That last fight was awesome!

Five-star Hound of Tindalos. Er, GM. Whatever. | RoW Encounter Map | A Fistful of Flowers slides

Chronicle for Silver Crusade PCs
Chronicle for non-Silver Crusade PCs

Day Job box is signed, so go ahead and write in your result after you roll it on the thread.

Hope you guys had fun! I enjoy the interplay in this scenario.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Investigator 2 (HP: 28/25) (Pool: 0/5), Init: +3, AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14, Perception +12 (+13 v Traps), F: +3, R: +6, W: +4, CMB: +1, CMD: 14

Alchemy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

Great time. Zosimos is likely my hardest character to play. He doesn't really take off until level 7ish, but I'm still glad to have an investigator. I just need to choose scenarios like Blackros Matrimony and the like.

Venture Captain since December 2014

I had a great time, Thunderspirit! Thanks for GMing!

Sovereign Court

Ulfen Skald 9 HP 93/93 | AC 17 Tch 11 FF 16 | F+12 R+7 W+7 | CMD 23 | Perc +2 | Init +1
HP 111/111 | AC 16 Tch 10 FF 15 | F+12 R+7 W+10 | CMD 25
Per Diem:
Spells: 3rd 4/4 2nd 5/5 1st 6/6 | Raging Song: 30/30 | Kenning 1/1 | Lore 1/1 [b]Reroll: Unused

Thanks for running Thunderspirit, thoroughly enjoyed this one! And thanks to the team too! :)

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Gunslinger (Pistolero) 5 Init +5; HP; 41/41 AC 20 Touch 15 FF 16; Perception 14; Grit 4/4

That's weird. I never saw the updates to the discussion thread, so I never noticed the chronicles!

thanks TS. That was fun. I like when we can really role play in PFS, it doesn't happen often enough!

Day Job (Intimidate!): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16

Riegel hits 5th level with this chronicle. BIG power jump, with Rapid Shot feat and dex bonus to damage. Wheeeeeeeeee BOOOOOM BOOOOM!!

Oh, my # is 2296-3

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