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"HEY! Look I'm not good in a melee fight, but without my training, you'd be running around blind!"
Don't forget you can use SM to detect someone under the influence ;-)

GM thunderspirit |

Yngvar: you can borrow a scimitar, sure.
As Zosimos looks back on his party in anger, a gust of warm, dusty wind sweeps over the knoll and onto the party.
Riegel Will save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Sündr Will save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
Yngvar Will save: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
The scent of the flowers is not entirely unpleasant, even as Sündr overhears Sir Ilivan call her a useless ally...and hears Riegel, Yngvar, and Zosimos join in the ridicule! In fact, Zosimos is standing on the hill even now, smugly calling Sündr names, loudly questioning her parentage, and even suggesting that a Skald isn't a "real" profession!
Sir Ilivan stops his horse and slides from his saddle, looking about warily.

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point of order: the rules state that normally, one knows whether one made a save/is aware of a failed magical attack. Is that the case here?
Hearing Zos' strange tirade puts Riegel on his heels; seeing their commander suddenly dismount and go on alert is more warning than he needs that something is amiss.
He reaches for Discordia, but considers his friend's uncharactaristic anger, and changed tack. He puts his hands up non-threateningly and approaches Zos' position
Ye be talking strangely, my friend. Speak to me da-dinh; what ails you?

GM thunderspirit |

Ordinarily, yes; in this case, however, it's not a spell effect, so you only know what's been posted so far.

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sense motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 --wow. Who are you again?
The gunslinger is clearly confused; he knows something is amiss but is casting about for what to do about it. Zosimos, what is my name?. He continued to close but is otherwise nonthreatening

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Sündr is quite used to being ridiculed, having endured it constantly in Linnorm lands, so while this is an abrupt change of pace for most of her companions she remains relatively unfazed. Turning her back to the laughing group, she frowns and continues to advance toward the captured soldiers.

Dungeon Master S |

Not sure how Zo would answer here, will need TS back I think."

GM thunderspirit |

Still tired, and (naturally) I got con crud. But I'm back.
Sündr 2nd DC 18 Will save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
Zosimos 2nd DC 18 Will save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Powerful anger is welling within you both toward your other party members. Zosimos remembers Riegel kill-stealing that dretch back in the ruins of Bedis, while Sündr recalls Yngvar doing much the same after her valiant charge at another of the demonkind. Both the gunslinger and the cleric appear to be mocking the investigator and skald about it now, with Sir Ilivan chuckling alongside them.
Sündr and Zosimos are both under an evil, mind-affecting, compulsion effect. They are not yet confused, but may/will be soon.
Either of you can attempt a Kn (planes) check to know what you're facing.
Sir Ilivan takes a step or two from his steed, then silently falls prone, curling into the fetal position with his hands covering his eyes, rocking back and forth quietly.

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Know the Planes like a Bard: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Sorry you're still not feeling well, thunder. :/

GM thunderspirit |

You've stumbled across a patch of rageweed pollen. When the pollen alights on a moist or fleshy surface, such as being inhaled or touching skin, the pollen quickly germinates, inducing fits of paranoia, hallucinations, and violent rage. Severely afflicted people often even attack people they consider their friends.
You guys both get a standard action to react to what you see around you, then one more Will save to try and shake off the effects. Zos, you're still affected so can't willingly share what you know yet.

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Sir Ilivan takes a step or two from his steed, then silently falls prone, curling into the fetal position with his hands covering his eyes, rocking back and forth quietly.
Riegel thought their captain was dismounting to get ready for trouble; on seeing this, he curses heartily in chagrin. SIR KNIGHT!! Get Ye up, handsomely now sir! This childishness becomes ye and ye station not one whit, say true!.
Grabbing the blubbering knight by the scruff the gunslinger drags him away from the hill, looking for some form if cover against the attack he's sure is imminent. He calls out over his shoulder. Yngvar! Try to get Sundr away from here. I'll get Zos. Ignore their harsh words; they're ensorcelled!!
The half Orc tries to coax Illivan's horse to follow. He finds a tree or hollow, dps the knight down, then goes after Zosimos with a will

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Listening to the half orc's advice, Yngvar tries to help his friend.
" Sündr, my dear!" Yngvar exclaims, "Come with me, ve must depart this cursed place!" The cleric then grabs her horse and attempts to lead it away.
Does Yngvar have any idea what is happening? What skill check do you need? Sense Motive, Knowledge, Planes? Did Zos respond to Yngvar's questioning?

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Sündr keeps walking away, trying not to let the foolishness of her companions get to her, and pulls out her drinking horn.
Will: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15 doubtful
She takes a deep swig.

GM thunderspirit |

Despite Riegel's protestations and admonishment, Sir Ilivan does not respond, even when roughly handled by the desperate gunslinger; instead, he continues to cover his eyes as though attempting to force out some unwanted vision. He moans softly to himself.
Must stay in control...must remain in control...
Overcome by...by something, Zosimos locks eyes with Sündr and falls on her violently, attempting to find her nuts in an ultimately futile effort to twist them off. For her part, Sündr is convinced she hears Zosimos call her father something, and that is the final straw — don't nobody talk about Sündr's papa like that! — she whirls, flings the empty mead horn at the elf, and the two descend into a good, old fashioned brawl for several seconds.
Then, all at once, the moment passes. Sündr's fist has blackened one of Zosimos' eyes, and he has torn the stitching on the Ulfen's leggings, but neither appears any worse for wear as they come to their senses.
PCs can attempt a Diplomacy or Heal check to bring Sir Ilivan around, and a second Diplomacy (or similar) check once he has returned to himself.

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Casting guidance on himself and hoping to work with the crusader, Yngvar makes an effort to bring Ilivan around.
"Sir Ilivan, by the light of the Dawnflower and the Inheritor, you must tell me vhat is going on here! Ve need your experience and help. Talk to us and let us know vhat is happening! Talk to us, Sir!"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 7 + 1 = 24

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Once Zo snaps out of it (and acting completely nonchalantly about his whole "episode".
In perfect Elven "You can hold it together Sir. This is but an allergic reaction. Focus!" Zo will aid Yngvar Dip: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Then he'll administer first aid to clear the crusader.
Heal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

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Taking the quick change of action in stride, Riegel attempts to aid both Yngvar and Zos in bringing Ilivan back.
Diplomacy, Aid: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Heal, aid: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Hopefully they succeed in spite of his bumbling--perhaps he's more disturbed by the episode than he thought...

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Rather embarrassed that she left Zosimos still conscious, Sündr stifles the feeling and smiles, reaching out to rustle the elf's golden hair. "Let's do that again sometime!" she winks.
Turning to the new task at hand, she grins wider. "Come now, Sir Ilivan! Get up, get up! On your feet, soldier!" Diplomacy (Aid): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

GM thunderspirit |

Sündr and Yngvar work together to reach the knight, who gradually comes back to himself. He straightens and tries to remount his horse; but he misses the stirrup and ends up back on the ground. As he struggles back to his feet he waves off attempts to help him. I'm fine, fine, he mumbles unconvincingly.
Once back in his saddle Sir Ilivan is quiet, looking over the cracked and twisted hills to the west. After a few moments he turns to Riegel. I know you will understand better than anyone, he says, nodding toward the gunslinger's Mendevian commendation, that some scars never fully heal. T'was in the Fourth Crusade that I got mine -- courtesy of a shadow demon that took hold of my mind and watched with maddening laughter inside my head as I rode down two members of my own platoon before the clerics of Iomedae could restrain me. He is quiet a heartbeat more, then: I was not strong enough to save those doomed men. All are damned once they come to this accursed land.

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Riegel listens intently to Ilivan’s tale. When it’s over, he stands tall before the Knight, and bows deeply and with humility. I misjudged you, Sir Knight, and I do cry your pardon. I was too quick and eager—and unfair!—to pin you as some part-time warrior, and paid no heed to the burdens you must bear. But hear me—hear me very well! No man is damned except for the choices he makes. You did not choose your actions that day. While you will feel that guilt ‘til you die, it is not deserved, although it does you a great credit, say true! And WE…
Here he straightens again, and his voice boos with conviction. …WE here CHOOSE to defy the demon filth! We CHOOSE to rescue our good soldiers! the Gunslinger touches both his Mendevian medal, and his Silver Crusade pin, in turn as he speaks. We walk the path of the White! Discordia will scream at the demons until my ammo is gone, and then I will smash her into their faces until I am dead! He directly addresses Ilivan again. And YOU, sir, will stand and be true! Fighting this fight may well cost our lives, but we will NOT be unmanned!
He remounts. Now, let’s find those boys and bring ‘em home—whether they walk with us, or we have to carry them. For the Silver! FOR THE WHITE!!!
With no further ceremony, he immediately tries to pick up the trail again.
Survival: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

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Yngvar nods solemly as he hears Riegel's words.
The half orc speaks true!
After Rigel's inspiring words, the Ulfen cleric takes a deep breath and goes to speak with Sündr-dögünn. Yngvar speaks to her in his native tongue."Tilgi meg, min kjære, men kan du vennligst forklare meg hva som skjer her? Ingen synes å opptre normalt. Er vi under en mørk og ond magi som bringer om det verste i oss alle? Måtte Dawnflower lys brenne slike ting unna."

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"hmmmm. I like the sound of your tongue. I ought to learn it...."
-Posted with Wayfinder

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"Ekki viss. Ég held að það er eitthvað rangt við blóm. Best að anda of mikið."
"Aye, Zosimos, you should! It is a fine language." Sündr proceeds to give introductory Skald lessons to Zos along the trail, at least until Riegel or Ilivan tells her to be quiet.

GM thunderspirit |

Apologies, all. I have been getting my @ss kicked up one side and down the other by this...whatever the heck it is. (I'll be going to the doctor tomorrow in an effort to find out, in fact, what it is.) It fells like all I've done over the past three days is sleep, cough, freeze, and sleep some more. :-(
I'm going to skip the optional encounter cos a) it's a bunch of swarms, and b) it's not as visually evocative as the author thinks it is; in fact, it's kinda boring.
Sir Ilivan seems to take some small comfort from Riegel's words. He even manages a slight smile at the gunslinger's proclamation. This war has changd me, as it inevitably changes all who fight in it. I fear I am no longer qualified to make command decisions, and thus I shall resign my commission upon our return to Nerosyan. After a moment or two of reflection, he continues. I could not save those men, but perhaps...perhaps we can save these soldiers from a horrible fate, and my entire career will not have been in vain.

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Apologies, all. I have been getting my @ss kicked up one side and down the other by this...whatever the heck it is. (I'll be going to the doctor tomorrow in an effort to find out, in fact, what it is.) It fells like all I've done over the past three days is sleep, cough, freeze, and sleep some more. :-(
are you achy? sounds possibly flu-ish...I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV. Hope you're on the mend soon!!
I'm going to skip the optional encounter cos a) it's a bunch of swarms, and b) it's not as visually evocative as the author thinks it is; in fact, it's kinda boring.
Sir Ilivan seems to take some small comfort from Riegel's words. He even manages a slight smile at the gunslinger's proclamation. This war has changd me, as it inevitably changes all who fight in it. I fear I am no longer qualified to make command decisions, and thus I shall resign my commission upon our return to Nerosyan. After a moment or two of reflection, he continues. I could not save those men, but perhaps...perhaps we can save these soldiers from a horrible fate, and my entire career will not have been in vain.
Mayhap ye should not make such a decision after such a stark recall of your trauma. Let's keep our minds on our task, and worry about the bigger questions later.

GM thunderspirit |

Riegel's Survival check is sufficient to track the demons and captured crusaders. Following the trail leads them into a dry, narrow gulch along a dried-up creekbed, which appears to have been the site of numerous battles. Rusted weapons, broken arrows, and the occasional skull are strewn about the landscape. The walls of the gulch narrow, creating a natural choke point.
As the party enters the gulch, they spy the unfortunate crusaders chained together being tortured by a grinning dretch as a bestial humanoid, standing just over three feet tall and adorned in filthy, tattered robes with dark fur growing on its head and arms and its feet ending in burning hooves looks on with sadistic glee. Its eyes glow as red as the flaming sword it wields in one hand, and its breath fills the surrounding air with noxious gray smoke.
The fiery demon is a brimorak.
Brimoraks are evil outsiders of the demon subtype; however, unlike most demons, they are vulnerable to cold. They also have spell resistance.
A brimorak's blood is boiling hot. Any creature damaging a brimorak with a slashing or piercing melee weapon is sprayed by this boiling blood, and takes 1d4 points of fire damage with each successful hit (reach weapons immune). Additionally, a brimorak's breath manifests as clouds of foul-smelling smoke when it exhales. This breath surrounds the brimorak out to a radius of 5 feet. The smoke doesn't obscure vision or choke foes, but it does sicken those not immune to poison.
As the party notices the scene, the demons notice them. At almost the same moment, Sir Ilivan points to a dust cloud approaching from the north. Riegel and Zosimos both easily spot discernible figures in the cloud — a gang of oncoming demons coming to reinforce the brimorak. Now is our finest hour! I will hold off this horde while you rescue those soldiers! The cavalier spurs his horse and gallops north to face the oncoming horde in what is almost certainly a suicide mission.
Riegel: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Sündr: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Yngvar: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (2) + 0 = 2
Zosimos: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
B: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
D: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (13) + 0 = 13

GM thunderspirit |

Init repost:
Zosimos and Riegel are up!

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Knowledge: 1d20 + 10 + 1d6 ⇒ (16) + 10 + (2) = 28 "Hit the Brimorak with cold! Trust me! Its blood will burn you! Take the demons I'll get the crusaders!"
Not sure if the dust here is enough to stealth, but I'll try on the double move (half speed.)
Stealth w/Inspiration: 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (9) + 8 + (2) = 19
Feel better TS!

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DMTS, we approached "too fast"--that is, in one post--for me to say that Riegel would have dismounted when it appeared htey were closing, as he' snot a particularly good shot from horseback. I'm going to assume that I can start dismounted, next to mount--unless you overrule that, in which case I'll tkae the move aciton to dismount. Savvy?
Riegel looks at the grinning Captain, and gives him a salute, crying out GIVE 'EM WHAT FOR, FOR YOUR FATHER'S SAKE!! STAND AND BE TRUE!! He then whips his head around to the demons, wiping an errant tear as he does. He whispers to his compatriots this is an ambush, or I'm a baker. Keep a keen eye out for more of the filth.
Seeing that Zos is making for the captives, the half-orc then thunders out to the monsters, to gain their attention. Hold, beasts! Get ye gone from here, and leave your captives, else your lives are forefit. We are taking these boys back, and will end you to do it--with great pleasure!!
He strides forward, drawing Discordia (and making sure she's loaded with Nexavarian steel). He also peers about intently, searching for the ambush he knows is waiting for them.
Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27

GM thunderspirit |

Riegel: sure, there's enough time to dismount. You do not see anything indicating an ambush.
Zos: unless you've got hide in plain sight, you'll not be able to Stealth on them. That does mean your move is a single one, though, and you've got a Standard action remaining.

GM thunderspirit |

BTW, everyone can dismount before moving, if desired, via ret-con. Or you can stay mounted, up to you.
2d4 + 2 ⇒ (1, 2) + 2 = 5
Fort save vs. coup de grace: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
The dretch reaches for one of the crusaders and tears the hapless victim's heart from his chest!
Seeing this, the brimorak cackles wickedly, then turns to face Zosimos. With a wave of its unbladed claw, it lunges forward as if onto the air itself, stopping about 20 feet up! Fortunately it can't charge the elf...this time...
Sündr, Yngvar!

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Ride DC 5 (Guide with Knees): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 whew
Blood boiling at the loss of another comrade, Sündr urges her horse forward while casting a spell on herself. She suddenly disappears from view (vanish) before dismounting from atop her bewildered horse.

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"Cover me! I'll get the Crusaders!"
I'm running a lab all day today, so posting will be spotty.
1. Perception, are the crusader's manacled together? 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17
2. Shoot the dretch with cold iron arrow ATK: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24. dmg: 1d8 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3
2. Move action to close (is my horse combat trained?) Quick dismount: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4. BOLLOX!
3. I'm going to try to use my mount for cover (with inspiration.) Ride: 1d20 + 3 + 1d6 ⇒ (19) + 3 + (1) = 23

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Round 1
"By the Fire of the Dawnflower, we will smite these demons!"
Yngvar casts Bless upon his companions and a burst of good energy spreads out among his companions.
Yngvar will then drop from his horse and clutch his cold iron scimitar as he prepares for battle.

GM thunderspirit |

Sündr rides in on her horse, then disappears!
Yngvar bestows Sarenrae's blessings and dismounts!
Zosimos shoots the dretch next to the tied-up-but-not-tied-together crusaders, then closes on the demonling, trying to leap from the saddle only to find his boot entangled in the stirrup. Instead, he readies for the counterattack the furious dretch is likely to give!

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this has the potential to go south real quick; please dice bots, be good to me here...
Rigel continues to stride forward. Between the two targets, the brimorak is clearly the bigger threat; however, the dretch is threatening both the rest of the helpless soldiers, and the gunslinger's dhin. The shot is harder from this distance, but he trusts to hope that his aim will be true.
I kill with my heart!!
Move action to move 30', then standard action to fire on the Dretch. Using A Sure Thing trait to gain +2 to hit an evil target, and spend 1 grit for Up Close and Personal deed for extra damage.
Reigel briefly touches Discordia to his Silver Crusade pin, and both the pin and gun pulse in a small, but unmistakable, flash of light. He cries out FOR THE SILVER! He then draws a bead on the dretch, and his voice booms forth as does Discordia's: FOR THE WHITE!!
Attack: 1d20 + 7 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 7 + 1 + 2 = 29 <--due to distance this is NOT vs touch
NS Damage: 1d8 + 5 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + 5 + (5) = 16 <--half the d6 damage on a miss

GM thunderspirit |

Is there a range increment penalty? Reigel lapped the dretch's AC with the dice roll result, so odds are very, very high it's not changing anything; I just don't know enough about Gunslinger mechanics to know, so I thought I'd ask.
It is as though Riegel's shooting hand is guided by Iomedae herself in the Silver Crusade's name — his Nexevarian steel shot takes the dretch right between its demonic eyes and the creature collapses in a heap on the ground!
The brimorak (we'll call him Savash, cos really, why not? LOL) hurls an Abyssal curse at Riegel, then turns and charges at Zosimos through the air!
flaming longsword w/charge & higher ground: 1d20 + 11 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 11 + 2 + 1 = 15
damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 plus 1d6 ⇒ 4 fire, plus a Fort save for both Zos and his horse (failure = sickened condition)!
Party up!

GM thunderspirit |

LOL. Can I use my reroll on that...? :-D

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Sündr moves forward and begins a new raging song, giving some hint at her location but remaining invisible nonetheless. Decide each round if you want to use it!
+2 Str
+2 Con (+1 hp/lvl)
+1 Will saves
-1 AC
Restriction on skills/abilities
Choose to accept round-by-round as a free action

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That was an outstanding set of dice rolling, awesome visuals from Mike, and an overall memorable piece of PFS. Top 5 in my book. Well done!
Considering how many PFS moments you've had...I'm flattered, me brudder, and I say thankeesai!
My roll result was 25 with the 2 range increment penalties, sorry I forgot those. I believe I still hit. And I regain 1 grit for having felled a baddie w/a shot.

GM thunderspirit |

Yup. AC was 15, so you're still plenty to the good side.
Still want my reroll with a +4 to the roll, tho. I'mma hit Zos again yet! ;-)
Speaking of which: Zosimos, Yngvar, Riegel!