GM Phntm888 |

It's Green/Blue colors at the start - more options will open up in game.
The main reason I'm doing it this way is because of the canon explanation from before the reset in 2012. Ilum crystals (specifically lightsaber crystals from the planet Ilum) primarily only come in blue and green, and Ilum is the Jedi's only source for lightsaber crystals for about 2000 years Before the Battle of Yavin (BBY) prior to the end of the Clone Wars. In the rare cases of Jedi with different colored lightsabers (Mace Windu), it was spelled out that the crystal was not an Ilum crystal, and instead he found the crystal on his homeworld as part of his personal journey to coming to terms with the darkness inside himself (Expanded Universe Explanation for why Samuel L. Jackson gets a purple lightsaber).
Thus, for the time period, I'm having anyone starting with a lightsaber have a blue or green one. The ability to acquire other crystals will come up - for an idea of the special abilities of different types of crystals as well as what colors they can be, check the Jedi Academy Training Manual.

GM Phntm888 |

I don't believe the Jedi made the distinction by this point, since all Jedi had similar responsibilities and no longer fought in large-scale conflicts (and had not for a thousand years). That was more of an Old Republic construct. An example would be to look at the Prequels/newer Clone Wars series, as Obi-Wan's nickname was "The Negotiator", yet he used a blue lightsaber, or Asohka Tano, Anakin's apprentice, who was very Guardian-like in attitude but had a green blade. Of course, the Force acts in mysterious ways, so perhaps there is some distinction to the color of one's lightsaber and one's role within the Jedi - Yoda's lightsaber was green, and he fits the very definition of a Jedi Consular.
The color for representing each "Division" of Jedi (Blue=Guardian, Green=Consular, etc) was more of a construct of the Old Republic video games, so they had a way to easily denote what class you were. It doesn't necessarily hold up the best when trying to categorize events in the movies, which never make the distinction.

Dodekatheon |

You know, I don't want to point out to other DM's that there are more than enough players here to run another DoD game for those of us that might not make it in buuuuut....wait. That's exactly what I want to point out.
On a different note I just bought FFG's Imperial Assault. It had some good reviews so hopefully it's enjoyable! I tend to enjoy crawl-y board games.

Songdragon |

That's one of the reasons I gave everyone an extra couple of days. I got so busy with the holidays, I figured others probably had as well.
By the way, updated list, since I noticed I forgot the Wookie.
See, she was so small that she was overlooked! Almost had a sad wookiee face there. Thank you for the update. :)

GM SuperTumbler |

Rosmer Lace was a lieutenant aboard the Invisible Hand when it was destroyed in Revenge of the Sith. Lace managed to abandon ship aboard an escape pod. He was a loyal Separatist with a firm hatred for the Republic that carries over into his opposition for Palpatine and his New Order. Rosmer worked closely with the Quarren engineers who designed the ship, and maintains connections with all manner of weapons smugglers in the wake of the rise of the Empire.

F. Castor |

You know, I don't want to point out to other DM's that there are more than enough players here to run another DoD game for those of us that might not make it in buuuuut....wait. That's exactly what I want to point out.
On a different note I just bought FFG's Imperial Assault. It had some good reviews so hopefully it's enjoyable! I tend to enjoy crawl-y board games.
Okay, so...
Regardless of whether I get in this game or not, I am actually considering trying my hand at running it. Before you get your hopes up too much though, do keep in mind that "considering" is not the same as "having reached a decision". Furthermore, this would be my very first attempt at GMing a PbP here on the boards and in general, so there will most likely be... issues (pacing, rules stuff, you know the deal). Thus, submit characters at your peril.
I will probably use this game's character creation rules as the basis, since they seem pretty great, with a few tweaks here and there to mirror my own preferences and such.
Anyway, if or when I do actually put up a recruitment thread, I will make sure to link it here as well.

HeftyUpTop |

Happy new year.
I keep looking at my old Med Droid and forgetting how I even built it in the first place, and now I've put it off too long to finish it up in time so I'll just make it 'official' and withdraw my tentative application. Love Star Wars, primarily the original EU, so if someone else opens up a game as has been mentioned I might poke in there.

GM Phntm888 |

Okay, here's the final list of submissions. I will post the end results this afternoon.
Vrog Skyreaver - Winter Allesh, Human Soldier
Jason Rodarte - Quen Pah, Human Jedi
Jaster Kite - Tirual’Sij’Ekil “Jek”, Chiss Scoundrel
Dodekatheon - Istian Thul, Human Scoundrel
DM Ragnarok - Jordis Valden, Mirialan Jedi
Joynt Jezebel - Galatea Rayven, Nemoidian Noble (Force -sensitive)
Havocprince - Lost Pearl, Iron Knight (Jedi)
GM SuperTumbler - Rosmer Lace, Human Noble
Jereru - Chryston Rinx, Human Jedi
F. Castor - Callum Vorn, Human Scout (failed Jedi)
Stiehle - Sebbik, Duros Scoundrel
Anderlorn - Lora Vercet, Human Jedi
SongDragon - Grozmapia, Wookie Scout
If I missed you, please notify me ASAP.

GM Phntm888 |

Okay, everyone the time has come! Before I post the results, I'd first like to say that everyone submitted strong characters. I've looked over everyone's character several times working on coming to a decision, and no one has made it easy. That being said, I do have to disappoint some of you, since I can't take everyone. No one made it easy on me, and I'd like to thank you guys for the excellent submissions. I will definitely keep those of you who didn't make the final list in mind should I need replacements.
That being said, here is the final list:
Tirual’Sij’Ekil "Jek"
Galatea Rayven
Jordis Valden
Winter Allesh
Callum Vorn
Would those chosen please report to the Discussion thread. Best of luck and happy gaming to everyone else.