GM Phntm888's Dawn of Defiance

Game Master Phntm888

Abandoned Warehouse

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Definitely interested in playing in this, but I'm feeling like the rest of the submissions are much more qualified than me as far as knowing the rules. I'll move away from a force user, since that looks complicated. There don't seem to be a lot of criminal types or nobles.

Is there a clever way to play a noble in the campaign? Leia is obviously a Senator who supports the rebellion, so there must also have been some Noble insiders early on in the rebellion.

Reply to GM:
"I completely forgot about the "half-finished" part when I looked over it - my apologies.
The online resource (and the other entry you are thinking of) are both from the "Other Species" Section of the Core Rulebook in the Allies and Opponents chapter, p. 286. I believe you on the Nemoidian stats from Galaxy of Intrigue, and otherwise see things as good."

OK, well that part is cool.

"For the backstory...I'll admit to waffling. Knowing that it's not actually Nute Gunray as a Force Ghost does make it a bit better."

Are you OK with spontaneous Force Sensitivity? I am giving the back story more thought in any event.

"How would you feel about swapping Force Pilot for Force Perception? Nute doesn't strike me as much of a pilot, but he strikes me as someone who would be ever watchful of plots against him - it would make more sense her thinking he's pointing out potential threats to her well-being than helping her pilot a spaceship."

This sounds really sensible. But I was thinking about future progression. Galatea is likely to go into Crime Lord at level 8. This means I need a talent from the Lineage tree unless I take levels as a Scoundrel, which I am not planning to. I will have 2 noble talents, Exceptional Skill (Use the Force) which will do almost nothing now and the Lineage talent, which is Educated. Ergo my level one talent is Educated.

There is an aphorism "to foresee is to rule". Well I am looking at level 8 at level 1 and in a PbP campaign that really is foresight. I may end up emperor.:)

Nobles are excellent skill monkeys and faces. Beyond that, they can serve to bankroll the party remarkably well with the "Wealth" talent. Other than that, they have some great buff abilities (increasing defenses, giving bonus actions, all sorts of neat stuff). Nobles are best played as skill monkeys/faces/buffers.

GM Phntm888:

Do I have this correct?

Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 16

Int is my Score of 8
Dex is base 6 +2 for being Human

I may still manage to put this together in time, but learning a new system without the help of a system like HeroLab to automate most of the character sheet is....slow going. Don't be surprised if I end up not submitting.

Holler if you want a hand, Ouachitonian.

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Supertumbler, Nobles are not only faces, but they can wreck condition track; to put it in a way you can understand, a high level noble can take an action and if the target(s) fail their save, they are disabled.

Quen Pah:

My count has you one point too high at 29 at the moment.

Could you give me a fully reposted stat block here in the thread? There are so many others in the alias it's hard to find the right one. You don't need to write out the full description for each Force power, but it would help me out if you could, please.

@Supertumbler: Noble doesn't just have to mean wealthy aristocrat in Saga - it can also mean a Senatorial aide or an actual Senator (although that one would be challenging from a plot perspective). It could also mean a low-level officer who's disillusioned with the Empire, or a University student who speaks publicly against the Empire. Mechanically, think of them like a bard - a natural face and skill monkey with the ability to provide excellent buffs or debuffs - and the debuffs are based on your Persuasion or Deception skill check, which dovetails nicely with being a face.

Galtea Rayven:

In that case, everything mechanically works out in a way I'm satisfied with. I don't have a problem with the spontaneous ability to Use the Force - Force Pilot was my main stick up there. Make sure you explain how the Jedi missed Galatea or how Nute kept the Jedi from taking her - after all, the Jedi usually get what they want when it comes to Force Sensitive children, regardless of whether or not the parents are happy.


Close, but you're 4 points over. From 10, a 16 costs 8 points (-2 from the 10 points it would cost starting from 8).

@Ouachitonian: If you need a hand with anything, feel free to ask either here or in my PMs. I'd be glad to help.

Not so I am bothering the GM all the time with my newbieism to this system, does one of the books or is there a website that has an appendix/directory of where everything is located like Create Destiny? I am glad the Character Generator spreadsheet has a lot of it but I didn't see a reference for Create Destiny.

Sample Destinies are listed in the Core Rulebook. There really isn't a system to creating them. I'd suggest picking one of those. If you don't want to come up with what your Destiny is, I can do that and keep it hidden from you.

I'll take a stab at it. I think all of the Jedi candidates have the same destiny but different ways of approaching it.

"Quen Pah CL 1Medium Human Jedi 1
Init +7; Senses Perception +3
Languages Basic, Semblan
Defenses Ref 14 (12 flat-footed), Fort 14, Will 15; 0
hp 32; Threshold 14
Speed 6 squares
Melee 0 +1 (2d8+0)
Ranged by weapon +3
Base Atk +1; Grp +3
Force Powers Known (Use the Force +8) Farseeing, Force Blast, Force Slam, Force Thrust, Mind Trick (2), Move Object, Vital Transfer
Abilities Str 11, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 16
Special Qualities Bonus Trained Skill, Bonus Feat
Talents Adept Negotiator
Feats Force Sensitivity, Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (simple)
Skills Initiative +7, Knowledge (Life Sciences) +6, Pilot +7, Use the Force +8
Possessions lightsaber
// Farseeing (full; one creature you know or have met before) <BR>+8 vs. Will, cannot reuse for 24 hours, can get a sense of target, whether the target is alive or dead and gain a vague sense of its immediate surroundings, what it's currently doing, and any strong emotions it is presently feeling
Spend a Force Point for a clear image of surrounding 6 squares of target<BR>
// Force Blast (standard; one target within 12 squares and line of sight) <BR>DC 15: +8 vs. Reflex, 2d6 damage
DC 20: +8 vs. Reflex 3d6 damage
DC 25: +8 vs. Reflex 4d6 damage
DC 30: +8 vs. Reflex 5d6 damage
Spend a Force Point to add a bonus of 0 damage<BR>
// Force Slam (standard; all targets within a 6 square cone) •Telekinetic<BR>+8 vs. Will, deal 4d6 damage and targets are knocked prone; half damage on a miss
Spend a Force Point to deal +2d6 damage<BR>
// Force Thrust (standard; one object or character within 12 squares and line of sight) •Telekinetic<BR>+8 vs. Strength check + base attack + size modifier, push target back 1 square + 1 square per 5 points over the Strength check; target takes 1d6 damage if pushed into an object
Spend a Force Point to apply -5 penalty to opponent's check, 2d6 damage if pushed into larger object<BR>
// Mind Trick (standard; one creature of intelligence 3 or higher within 12 squares and line of sight) •Mind-Affecting<BR>+8 vs. Will to:
1. create an hallucination to use Stealth even if target is aware
2. perform a feint so that target loses Dexterity bonus to Reflex on your next attack against them
3. make an unpalatable suggestion
4. fill target with terror to flee at top speed 1 minute, stops fleeing if wounded, not if higher level
Spend a Force Point to improve attitude one step, + one step per every 5 points the check exceeds Will<BR>
// Move Object (standard; one character or object within 12 squares and line of sight) •Telekinetic<BR>+8 vs Will if target resists, hurl or drop object vs. target's Reflex, both take damage according to DC below
DC 15: Move up to medium object, 2d6 damage
DC 20: Move up to large object, 4d6 damage
DC 25: Move up to huge object, 6d6 damage
DC 30: Move up to gargantuan object, 8d6 damage
DC 35: Move up to colossal object, 10d6 damage
Moving or hovering target opposes Use the Force with a grapple check
Spend a Force Point to increase max size of object one category and +2d6 damage (max 12d6)
Spend a Destiny Point to increase max size three categories and +6d6 damage (max 16d6)<BR>
// Vital Transfer (standard; one ally touched) •Light Side<BR>DC 15: heals 2 hit points
DC 20: heals 3 hit points
DC25: heals 4 hit points
Take half of the damage you heal; spend Force Point to avoid taking damage; spend Destiny Point to move target +5 steps up the condition track<BR>

I haven't changed out the stats in the profile until and if he is chosen to play in the game.

GM Phntm888:

Can you take Force Training 2 at Level 1?

I am just playing with all the options

Here are my corrected scores;

16, 14, 14, 12, 14, 16

GM Phntm888:

My character is now complete and ready for inspection.

One thing that will need the GMs approval is the part starting around half way through the back story which details what she knows and suspects about her father's death and the end of the Trade Federation.

It is mostly what is publicly known and what can be inferred from that. But not all. I think it makes sense and shouldn't create problems but it is not my campaign.

Quen Pah:

I'm going to make a suggestion - it's your call if you follow it. Given the time period, overt Force power or lightsaber use will draw a lot of attention to you. You might not want to go so Force Power heavy, since enemies will react accordingly.


Technically, yes, but read the "Tips to get in" under the first statement, and remember that overt use of the Force/lightsabers will bring a lot of attention - most of it unwanted. Enemies/NPCs will react accordingly.


I am counting 9 trained skills when I believe it should be 8. Under languages, did you mean "Sy Bisti" as opposed to "Sly Bisi"?

The official story for Nute's death, I believe, was that he was killed resisting arrest. I see no problem with her believing he was murdered, and blaming the Empire for it. Both are technically true. Blaming Palpatine for having a hand in these events is also fine, since his new title of Emperor makes him quite a visible and powerful target. It is also true.

Much of her belief in these things, while true, seems like it could easily be dismissed as a daughter distraught at her father's death and looking for someone to blame. So long as she knows nothing about the Sith being involved, and Anakin/Vader especially, I see no problems with it.

Thanks. He doesn't really use a lightsaber all that much but I am planning on playing him as these were his powers until Order 66, He has to learn to adjust now that things are different. Is he okay now?

GM Phntm888:

I adjusted my toon to have only 3 Force powers which are primarily escape and protection. I was thinking with FT2, I would take more of the escape powers but yeah, if I have more powers I am bound to over use them.

I am working on equipment and still thinking about my background.

Reply to GM:

"I am counting 9 trained skills when I believe it should be 8. Under languages, did you mean "Sy Bisti" as opposed to "Sly Bisi"?"

Yes and yes. Duly adjusted.

"The official story for Nute's death, I believe, was that he was killed resisting arrest. I see no problem with her believing he was murdered, and blaming the Empire for it. Both are technically true. Blaming Palpatine for having a hand in these events is also fine, since his new title of Emperor makes him quite a visible and powerful target. It is also true.

Much of her belief in these things, while true, seems like it could easily be dismissed as a daughter distraught at her father's death and looking for someone to blame. So long as she knows nothing about the Sith being involved, and Anakin/Vader especially, I see no problems with it."

I figured your reaction would be something like that- it is essentially what I would do if GMing, well I think so, I have not read the adventure. But I wanted to run it past you, it is your campaign.

Galatea knows some stuff about what went on with the trade federation. But what Newt told her is hearsay from a dead person, and Galatea isn't likely to be accepted as objective. She probably has reason to at least strongly suspect Newt et al were murdered, proving it is another matter.

And she has no idea of Sith involvement or knowledge of the Sith beyond what is commonly known, which is almost zero.

There is some interesting role playing in prospect when Galatea starts interacting with force users. If she is selected for the campaign of course.

What with all the characters currently running, players willing, does anyone want to think collaboration? Not with me in particular, just in general.

I wouldn't mind having a common background with someone, I am not sure, maybe another Padawan?

"Yes, hello, you good sir. You look like you could use a protocol droid. I can balance your books, yes sir. Programmed in the latest galactic tax codes... No business ventures of your own, I assm sorry for your failure in life sir. How about you madam, a fine lady like yourself could use a droid to help watch your offspring and nurture their growth... No, no children... How sad for you. You must be so miserable. I could help find you a mate, it would be a challenge, but there must be a blind man out there for you somewhere." The peculiar protocol droid continudes his search for a new master. "Maybe you sir, you look an efficient type in that white armor... Who am I registered to? Oh, you don't need my registration. You are going to go back to the barracks and call your mother. There's a good man. "

Anyone want to purchase a protocol droid?


Does he speak Bocce?

I like the saga system. I can't make much sense out of the newer system but then haven't played it either

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"Why yes sir, this one is well versed in the lowly language of the Baobab trade family fleets. A royal looking Chiss such as yourself would be an idiot child to pass up on a unit as fluent as this one. This unit is also well programmed in the arts and sciences, able to instruct a young fellow in the maths maybe. The universe is math sir, all binary and formula, surrounding and connecting all things. It all adds up, you will be in need of my services, I just know it."

@Quen Pah
It's definitely more difficult to make sense out of than Saga. It never quite clicked with me in the same way the Saga did.

@Lost Pearl
Chiss? What Chiss? What's a Chiss? Jek quickly floundered as he attempted to make sense of the situation he found himself in. He had been called stupid many times. Sometimes passive-aggressively, sometimes directly to his face, but never once by a droid. He was close to accepting that, yes, the Galaxy is that cruel to him, but then decided that there was a certain splendid novelty to it.
Then again, he was Chiss. All droids had some sort of novel appeal as far as he saw it.
I could definitely see how the services of one such as yourself would be useful, He said, rubbing his chin and seeing if he could justify the purchase of a protocol droid at this juncture in his life.
He couldn't, but he would, regardless.
Do you have a master I can negotiate prices with? He asked, already feeling his pocketbook cry out.

"Free agent sir, no master, trying to stay one step ahead of the scrap heap. Transactional sir, you pay for my maitenance and I provide loyal service. Cheaper than a meatbrain in a flashback. Able to work through the night, my maitnence is cheaper for you than a hireling would be."

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It's like I heard a million credits cry out, and then were silenced.

Don't purchase the droid, it speaks like HK-51! lol

I'm rather amused by the conversation with Lost Pearl. I would, however, insist that he make a Life Sciences or Galactic Lore knowledge check to know what a Chiss is - they are incredibly uncommon at the moment.


I was more referring to using some of the 2000 starting credits you have to buy a stun baton or something so you have a weapon that isn't the Force or a lightsaber. After all, you have it, might as well use it.


That's fine - take your time, you have until next week.


All looks good. You are completed.

Current Submissions/Interest:
Vrog Skyreaver - Winter Allesh, Human Soldier
Jason Rodarte - Quen Pah, Human Jedi
Jaster Kite - Tirual’Sij’Ekil “Jek”, Chiss Scoundrel
Dodekatheon - Istian Thul, Human Scoundrel
DM Ragnarok - Joris Valden, Mirialan Jedi
Joynt Jezebel - Galatea Rayven, Nemoidian Noble (Force-sensitive)
Havocprince - Lost Pearl, Iron Knight (Jedi)
HeftyUpTop - Medical Droid
GM SuperTumbler - Noble
Jereru - Chryston Rinx, Human Jedi
F. Castor - Callum Vorn, Human Scout (failed Jedi)
Stiehle - Sebbik, Duros Scoundrel
Storyteller Shadow - Gotal of Umbara, Umbaran Jedi
Spazmodeus - Arana Nix, Female Jedi (Jensaarai)
Anderlorn - Jedi
Ouachitonian - Yaka
Vehement 1 - Clone

If I missed you, say something. Bold means the submission is considered complete.

Need to withdraw from consideration, too scattered at the moment to take on another game.

Oh, okay

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I haven't got a chance to sit down and nail down the character and with the time of year I fear I'll miss out on the fun. Such is life.

The droid most certainly does not speak like an hk unit. He is merely blunt and honest with his thoughts, not hostile and making veiled threats.

Knowledge: 1d20 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (15) + 2 + (3) = 20 More than willing to spend a force point on this before the actual game for story reasons... and looks like I might not have needed to.
Chance of language in translator.: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

Vague knowledge that this man is a Chiss but no specific knowledge as I don't have access to advanced knowledge? Also, randomly have the language programmed in the translator for use it would seem. Subject to the will of the force and the GM of course.

Edit:Also, traded out disarm for technometry as it made more sense to have it as a power.

Kevin O'Rourke 440 wrote:
I haven't got a chance to sit down and nail down the character

This may be a good thing. Whatever your character's defects I doubt they deserve to be crucified.

How difficult is picking up this game?

Not much different from other rpgs. force users are caster, everyone gets what basically amounts to a number of luck dice each level, your ac is tied to your reflex. Just got to get in to the lore of the game is all. Watch the original trilogy and the clonewars cartoon and you got it made.

<Has watched all of the movies and the old Clone Wars Cartoons. Not the 3d animation or Rebels yet.

<Thinks people are b$&&*ing too much over The Last Jedi.

So... is the game d20 based like Pathfinder? Or d6 based like Shadowrun?

D20 like 3.5 d and d.

Shouldn't be too hard to pick up then, excellent.

... Through then I remember I'm going on holiday to Disneyland 23rd-27th so.... likely not a good idea to try and pick this up.

I mean, if you can learn enough of the rules to make a character in one day before you leave, then there isn't a problem, seeing as recruitment closes on the 27th. We probably won't get to the meat of things until the New Year, since I'll be traveling that weekend.

However, your doing so may be a rather tall task (especially since I don't know what else you have to do today).

Think of Saga Edition as D&D 3.75 in space. WotC used the system to pioneer some of the concepts they later used in 4th Edition, and in my opinion Saga Edition is still the best d20 system game that they ever published.

I think 4th edition might have done better if it had been more like saga.

GM Phntm888 wrote:
Think of Saga Edition as D&D 3.75 in space. WotC used the system to pioneer some of the concepts they later used in 4th Edition, and in my opinion Saga Edition is still the best d20 system game that they ever published.

Even over 5th edition?

By the way, I am working on fluff and equipment for this game.

Going to go in a completely different direction....any objection to the deshade race from galaxy at war?

@Spazmodeus: None at all. Go right ahead.

I'll admit to not having played 5th edition much, so I'm not going to pass judgement on it. From what I have played, I've seen a lot of good things. Whether it can overtake Saga Edition in my personal rankings, however, remains to be seen.

I haven't played Saga system yet so I am can not compare as well. I do like the way they are going with 5th Edition but time will tell. I am currently playing (1) slow moving 5th edition game.

Saga is fun. I liked it a lot more than the Revised SW game.

I liked the way that character could be customized with the talents. It never made sense to me to have more than 1 Jedi class like in the D20 books before Saga.

I liked how they stuck to their guns and never went beyond 5 base classes. They added plenty of Talents for each, so you could make lots of different styles in each class, but you could play the whole game out of the Core Rulebook and not miss a thing.

Galatea Rayven wrote:
Kevin O'Rourke 440 wrote:
I haven't got a chance to sit down and nail down the character

This may be a good thing. Whatever your character's defects I doubt they deserve to be crucified.

You’re fired.

Re: Saga vs 4th/SW Revised- 4th was a miniatures tactical board game wrapped in DnD. Mechanically the game was built with less depth in large part to appeal to the booming MMO market at the time, and the game suffered for it.

SW Revised is a d20 base but suffers from some design flaws. One of which is Vitality Points/Wound Points; conceptually it’s a cool conceit but mechanically flawed.

VP were your endurance and fueled Force Powers and other special abilities, and if you received damage you would reduce your VP as your character strains to dodge and avoid truly bad damage. WP were your characters actual HP.

The problem; WP didn’t scale with level and were directly damages by crits. So a mook stormtrooper could one shot crit kill a max level Jedi.

One of the things I love about Saga is that you get something cool every level. I don’t think I would enjoy the game less were it not Star Wars. It very swiftly makes you Big Damn Heroes, which is not appropriate for every setting. In Saga, it fits like a glove.

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