GM Phntm888's Dawn of Defiance

Game Master Phntm888

Abandoned Warehouse

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I definitely like a system that allows customization and keeps it simple without gimping the class or character.

It is a great system.

I think the hallmark of a great system is one where you can get to the same concept a bunch of different ways: I want to be a dashing swordsman "Okay, here is the way that you can play that character as a rogue, or a bard, or a fighter, or a swashbuckler or ..."

I think that there is some ability to do this with 3.x dnd/pathfinder, but there are better systems out there.

It exists in PF but there are too many classes and that is what GM Phntm888 was indirectly commenting on. Only 5 main classes in SAGA with a plethora of options to customize your character and no restrictions. Some of the dipping in Pathfinder does ruin a class from time to time and definitely multiclassing.

The Pathfinder system does give lots of oprions.

@Lost Pearl

You had me at 'cheaper than a hireling'. He said, offering his hand to the droid and, only once it was extended, thinking that it might have been odd to do so. Welcome to my crew, good droid. Insofar, you stand in the prestigious position of being my first member, before even I have a ship. That makes you first mate.

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Merry Christmas to everyone!

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Season's greetings all! :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy Life Day, Happy Holidays, and Merry Christmas to All!


"Ahh, then you are getting a crew together. It would seem that I have come at the beginning of your grand ambition. I accept the position of First Mate. You may call me Lost, First Mate Lost... Captain. I will endeavor to keep your crew in line and produce inducements to good morale."

@Lost Pearl

Jek stroked his skin and smiled. Yes, let's go with that. Yes, I'm getting a crew together, First Mate Lost. I'm promising you right here, right now, that the crew I'm putting together will take over the space lanes, just you watch. He snapped his fingers. And along those lines, regarding morale, I am fine with both verbal abuse and corporal punishment, so long as neither are directed at me. He hummed, rubbing his hands together. Would you be opposed to having one of your graspers replaced with a military grade plasma-cannon or -ooh! A vibro-hook?

Boiler plate message.

Due to the statistical certainty that at least one person in any of my games is celebrating some kind of Christmas thing... Merry Christmas.

I will be taking part in the long standing Jewish tradition of Chinese food and a bad horror film if anybody needs a suggestion on what to do. This years bad horror film, "Killer Clowns From Outer Space". A classic.


"If you are offering to replace limbs, I am in possesion of a weapon that could be intergrated in to my systems." Lost pulls the lightsaber hilt from his compartment. "It is quite the elegant weapon."

Killer Clowns from Outer Space is a great movie. If you're looking for another one, I would recommend the Feast.

Would Star Wars Saga Edition Wikia help folks?

For consideration, Grozmapia, a female Wookie Scout.

I would have posted sooner but I have had work until the 23rd. I am more than willing to work with a party to flesh out skills to better help the party as a whole, as I still have two choices for skills remaining. Likely a knowledge skill and something else.

Thank you for the opportunity. Merry Christmas to All!

Grozmapia :

Medium Wookiee, Female
Destiny Discovery
Force Points 5

Initiative +7, Perception +5
Languages: Basic, Shyriiwook, (+2)
Defenses: Ref 14 (ff 12), Fort 13, Will 13
HP26; Second Wind 13; Threshold 14
Speed 6 squares

Ranged: +2 Bowcaster (3d10)
Melee: +4 Ryyk Blade (2d10+4)
Base Attack +0

Abilities: Str 18, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha -6

Talents: Deep Space Gambit : 1/encounter when you or vehicle is target of an atk, can force opponent to reroll, must take worse result (Knights of the of Old Republic p. 28)

Feats: Shake it Off, Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee, pistols, rifles, simple weapons)

Trained Skills: (5) – Initiative +7, Perception +7, Stealth +7, Survival +7, Mechanics +7 (+2 more skills that will help the party)

Untrained Skills: Climb +4, Jump +4, Swim +4, Treat Injury +2

Possessions: (303cr of 3000cr) Bowcaster (1575), Ryyk Blade (525), All temp Cloak (100cr, 1.5kg), Utility Belt (500 cr, 4 kg) [Ration pack x3, Medpac, Tool kit, Power Pack, Energy Cell, Glow Rod, Com-link (short range), liquid caple despensor with grapple hook)]

Description: Grozmapia stands at 1.67 meters tall, short for a wookiee. She has light golden colored hair with streaks of silver, espessially around her head. While shorter than most she lives up to being a wookie as she well built. The young wookie wears functional clothing of an outdoors nature, with a bowcaster across her back and a Ryyk blade at her side. She as a utility about her waist and wears a hooded green-brown cloak. (Picture)

Grozmapia, meaning the Golden Storm in Shyriiwook, has been on her own traveling the star lanes by herself for over a decade now. She has used her strength and skills at fixing things and combat to gain passage to where she wanted to go. She has deemed the nickname of Roz acceptable to those she trusts.

As a young wookiee Grozmapia lived up to her name as whirlwind of youth and exuberance. She was along with her twin sister the runt of the family. By Wookiee standards the pair are rather small, under six feet in height. Grozmapia made up for her stature by being a fierce and fearless Wookiee where her sister Wrrlova is more dedicated to her learning. While the twins are very different in their views they are also close, with Grozmapia being very protective of her sister.

The young Wookiee spent much of her younth with her older brothers as they would explore and venture through the wilds of their home. She learned how to survive and live off the land. She learned how to protect herself and her family as well.

One of her proudest moments was passing her trials and her father passed onto her a Ryyk blade that he had been crafting for years.

During her travels she and her kin met a kindly Ithorian, Murr. Murr was able to show the young wookiees many new and interesting things. He was able to bond with both of the twins with his knowledge and stories of his travels. Both also learned Murr’s secret of being a user of the Force. They also learned of the Ithoarian’s mission to help those fleeing from the growing bias of the budding Empire.

Grozmapia found it worthy cause and offered her help. She would often travel with Murr as they would be an advance team to find and set up refuges shelters for those that would follow. To her dislike her sister Wrrlova also helped using her own set of skills to facilitate and help those in need.

Just of a year ago Wrrlova went missing along with several refuges. Grozmapia has been searing for her sister since, and she believes with what little evidence she was able to find that the Empire took them.


Jek’s ruby eyes widened at the sight of the weapon. Th-that’s a lightsaber. He said pointing at it. That is a kriffing lightsaber. I’ve only seen these in the holos, how did a droid like you get this? Did you kill a Jedi? Did —can I touch it? He asked, then laughed. This Sullustan reporter was all proud of his protocol droid has a laser in his finger and a sense of smell. Mine has a kriffing lighstsaber. He said, mostly to himself.

Vrog Skyreaver wrote:
Killer Clowns from Outer Space is a great movie. If you're looking for another one, I would recommend the Feast.

Never seen either of them.

ObsessiveCompulsiveWolf wrote:
Would Star Wars Saga Edition Wikia help folks?

Looks like a great site from my perusal.

I should have my submission ready if not later today, then some time tomorrow. Between the first days of parenthood and Christmas, things have been a little more hectic than expected. However, I am also returning to work come tomorrow, which pretty much guarantees having enough time to finish my guy's background and post daily if chosen for the game.

It sounds like congratulations are in order, F Castor. Hope the baby and your partner are well.

Thank you muchly! Yes, they are indeed. :-)

Congratulations and welcome to the no sleep club ... ;-)

Indeed, F. Castor. Congratulations!


I'll say she's short for a Wookie - 1.67 meters translates to 5'4". There are humans taller than you. Might I suggest a slight height increase - say by a tenth of a meter? That will put you in at 5'8", which is a little taller. 1.8 meters will give you 5'9" - still short for a Wookie.

Based on your backstory, I would suggest one of your other trained skills be Knowledge (galactic lore). It fits the character nicely.

Did Murr get grabbed by the Empire as well as her sister, or is he still free?

Character looks good otherwise.

Thank you!

By the way, actually, unless I am mistaken, 1.67 is about 5'6", while 1.80 translates to about 5'11".

Right you are. I misread Google, which for some reason put the feet in decimal format. 1.67 meteres is 5.4 feet, per Google. Converting to inches gets me 65.7", which is roughly 5'5 3/4".

Still really short for a full-grown Wookie.

Quick lore important and general aesthetic question, how are you handling lightsaber color? Legends based off crystal or Cannon based on wielder. Either way the effect is going to be the same, just changes how I come about the look I want. The lightsaber will have a clear blade that seems to shimmer in place. If crystal will be because of a chunk of barab ore, if instead current canon wielder reasons then it is because Pearl has kept himself hidden from the force for so long it has affected the way his natural talents interact with the crystal inside his saber.


"No, I have not killed a Jedi. Nor do I wish to have to fight one any time soon. I was given this saber by my old master before she released me from her service. It is most useful for opening stuck doors."

GM Phntm888:

I'll say she's short for a Wookiee - 1.67 meters translates to 5'4". There are humans taller than you. Might I suggest a slight height increase - say by a tenth of a meter? That will put you in at 5'8", which is a little taller. 1.8 meters will give you 5'9" - still short for a Wookie.

Height change easy enough to adjust. I wanted short, but not midget.

Based on your backstory, I would suggest one of your other trained skills be Knowledge (galactic lore). It fits the character nicely.

That was one of the Knowledge Skills that was I was leaning towards. Depending on party composition I could also drop mechanics, although it was one of the few skills that cannot be used untrained.

Did Murr get grabbed by the Empire as well as her sister, or is he still free?

I would say, yes Murr is still free. Perhaps a little more quit than normal as he was nearly taken and likely on the run. Murr is a character that links a few of my other Saga characters in the past, usually Force Sensitive non-Jedi characters I have played and considered for this campaign. But there are several such submissions so I shied away from those concepts and went with something different for me. It would be interesting and fun challenge to roleplay Grozmapia, should she be picked.

Character looks good otherwise.

Thank you. It took some consideration to come up Grozmapia and it was fun to build and flesh out something different than I would play. Thank you for the review and opportunity.

GM Phntm888, I hope you are having a great holiday season as I am and here is my submission for your game. Thank you for the opportunity!

Lora Vercet



Medium Human Female Jedi (Sentinel) 1
Destiny: 1 (Creation); Force: 5
Init +8; Senses Perception +7
HP 32; Threshold 14
Fort +14, Ref 15 (12 flat-footed), Will +14; 0
Speed 6 squares
Melee Snap Baton +4 (2d4+2)
. . Lightsaber +4 (2d8+2, Ignores DR)
Ranged By Weapon +4
The Force Power Suite (Use the Force +8, Force Points 5/5)
. . Cloak
Cloak (standard; you) DC 15: gain total concealment against all targets
DC 20: as DC 15 except gain +2 to Stealth
DC 25: as DC 15 except gain +3 Stealth
DC 30: as DC 15 except gain +5 Stealth
Spend a Force Point to increase Stealth by +5
. . Force Shield
Force Shield (reaction; you) (Telekinetic) DC 15: gain SR 5 until start of your next turn, cannot be recharged
DC 20: as DC 15 except SR 10
DC 25: as DC 15 except SR 15
DC 30: as DC 15 except SR 20
Spend a Force Point to increase SR by 5, maintain as a standard action
. . Mind Trick
Mind Trick (standard; one creature of intelligence 3 or higher within 12 squares and line of sight) (Mind-Affecting) +8 vs. Will to:
1. create an hallucination to use Stealth even if target is aware
2. perform a feint so that target loses Dexterity bonus to Reflex on your next attack against them
3. make an unpalatable suggestion
4. fill target with terror to flee at top speed 1 minute, stops fleeing if wounded, not if higher level
Spend a Force Point to improve attitude one step, + one step per every 5 points the check exceeds Will<BR>
Talents Clear Mind
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 16
Base Atk +1; GRP +4
Feats Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (simple)
Skills Knowledge (Bureaucracy) +6, Use The Force +8
Languages Basic, Binary
Special Qualities Human Bonus Trained Skill, Human Bonus Feat
Gear (200 creds, 56.25), ;
. . Lightsaber (0 cr, 1kg, medium) (Currently hidden in its concealed holster along with the Jedi Shadow Holocron in her quarters)
. . Snap Baton (100 cr, 1kg, small)
. . (2) Holster (Concealed - Lightsaber and Snap Baton, 100 cr, 0.2/0.4kg, fine)
. . Commoner Clothing
. . Cantina Clothing
. . Dark Robes (Not Jedi nor Sith Style to avoid drawing that kind of attention)
. . All-Temperature Cloak (100 cr, 1.5kg, Diminutive)
. . Basic Datapad (100 cr, 0.3 kg, Fine)
. . Jedi Datacron (Holocron)
. . Business Management Software (100 cr, 0.1 kg, Fine)
. . (2) 100 cr Credit Chips (200 cr, 0.2 kg, Fine)
. . Utility Belt Kit (500 cr, 4kg, fine)
# (3) Day Supply of Food capsules
# Medpac
# Tool Kit
# Spare Power Pack
# Spare Energy Cell
# Glow Rod
# Comlink
# Liquid Cable Dispenser with small grappling hook
# (2) Empty pouches (0.5 kg per pouch)
Special Abilities
Clear Mind: You may reroll any opposed Use The Force check made to avoid being detected by other Force-users. You must take the result of the reroll, even if it is worse.
Force Sensitivity: You can make Use The Force checks and gain access to Force talenets.
Force Training: Learn a number of Force Powers equal to 1 + your Wis modifier (min 1)
Weapon Finesse: Use Dex Modifier instead of Str modifier on attack rolls with light melee weapons and lightsabers.
Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers) No penalty in the use of Lightsabers
Weapon Proficiency (Simple) No penalty in the use of Simple weapons.



When Lora dresses in her work clothing, she shows little cleavage only at the cantina because it starts conversations and gives her more tips in which she needs both. Otherwise, she dresses down to keep a low profile showing no cleavage and saves all of her money she makes. She is talkative at work, nice, and non-confrontational but obviously being a Jedi in sheep's clothing, she will defend herself if necessary and will not use the force unless she has absolutely no other options. In keeping with not drawing attention to herself, she fights with skill when using a snap baton but not at the level of skill if a lightsaber was in her hand.

Underneath the disguise of being a mundane female worker within the Empire, Lora is a very pretty brunette with green eyes if she was to dress up. She is not very tall, she is 5'3" or roughly 160 cm so she is not very intimidating and she weighs 90 lbs. or around 40kg. All of these traits would make a good Shadow, beautiful and/or non-intimidating. She carries a snap baton in a concealed and easy reach location which is legal under Empire Law especially for a cantina worker.
Lora hides her lightsaber in a concealable holster, a utility belt, and her Jedi Datacron (Holocron) inside Dark non-force user robes which is also hidden in a spot most people wouldn't look in her room and would not cause a visit from the maintenance man/woman/droid. She does not currently use the lightsaber or holocron fearing she will be seen or detected until things calm down and/or force multiplier increases so she can use those items without being detected by loyalist, sellouts, or Empire authorities.



Lora Vercet is currently a bar tender and back office administrator at Gundark's Cantina on Sel Zonn Station, orbiting Brentaal IV. She chose this job so she can over hear conversations, become part of conversations, and blend in without having to become a prostitute. It's bad enough one has to show her cleavage to sale many drinks and make a decent wage in tips but one must do crazy things in order to survive. She chose Gundark's Cantina to hide in because of the privacy rooms he maintains with no interest to sell out his customers to the Empire. After all, that is bad for business especially since those customers who use the privacy rooms want anonymity from the Empire. She could go work at the Credit Chip since Cecil Vane disdains the Empire but his cheating of customers, especially Empire citizens, may one day instigate an investigation from Empire authorities. Lora maintains a mundane lifestyle focusing on going to and from work but staying clear of Blue Deck where the majority of Empire loyalists live for she has a secret to maintain. Since she does not draw attention to herself by keeping a mundane look and she is human, she is not harassed on the promenade.

Before she became a bar tender, she was known as Jedi Loralee Falco who was from an old and long line of Jedi and Dark Force users. Since she is from a Jedi family, it is only logical that Jedi training came naturally to her. Of course it was still difficult but not as difficult to those who were not strong in the force, prepared for to the physical demands, or were the first Jedi in their family. She received high marks from her teacher, Master Jorill Ask'cor. After being formerly titled as a Jedi by Grand Master Yoda and the Jedi Council, she was requested by Grand Master to see him in his inner sanctum. There Grand Master told her, there is a shadow moving within the force and that she was being assigned to Jedi Shadow training. If she passes all the real life tests and shows aptitude to for clandestine Jedi operations, should would be formerly appointed into the Jedi Shadow ranks which is mainly comprised of Jedi elite and would not be new for the Falco family. In the Old Republic Era, her great Aunt, many times over, was a Jedi Shadow and another Great Aunt was a Sith Inquisitor Assassin. Grand Master told her since these are troubling times, she may want to see if there was a Jedi Datacron in her family's home detailing Jedi Shadow training to use as a fallback if necessary, maybe even one on Sith Inquisitor training, and to acquire the holocron(s) at once by use of civilian transport. Grand Master told her Shadows work in anonymity and that she needs to give him an undercover name which she chose to be Lora Vercet. And lastly before she was dismissed, Grand Master Yoda told her to travel as a citizen and not as a Jedi. When she left the inner Sanctum, Grand Master had the Jedi slicers change her name to Lora Vercet and to leave no traces of the change by deleting change logs.

Unfortunately, there were no Sith Holocrons at the family home. They were taken a long time ago when the uneasy truce between family Jedi and Dark Force using family members was severed forever in a huge falling out. Before returning to Coruscant, she reviewed the holocron a little and it suggested to her to learn the skills of a Scout and/or allied Agent as well. On her way back, she felt the huge negative disturbance in the force that all the surviving and dying Jedi felt as Order 66 was being carried out. In order to blend in during this time of anguish, Lora pretend it was women issues and retired to the civilian transport restroom for the remainder of the disturbance and sorrow that followed. Once composed, she returned to her seat and found out what had happened on Coruscant through media and other citizens. She followed the majority of the citizens’ reactions in order not to draw attention to herself. At the next stop, she would exit the civilian transport so as not to return to Coruscant and perhaps become a lethal part of the disturbance that was known as Order 66. It was time to blend in and a time for survival, or a time for exile. As she was thinking of her next steps, she saw a business management course on a holodisk being sold in one of the stores on the promenade, so she purchased it and began studying it. This will be her first step in becoming a bar tender and back office administrator.

It is obvious for all Jedi, besides survival, is maintain the Jedi Order in some way or better yet rise from the ranks within the Empire to cause considerable damage to it. Lora's (Loralee's) main goal in life is just that, either reorganize the Jedi Order until a higher rank can achieve command and/or create a Jedi Order or Jedi faction within the Jedi, like the Shadows, that specifically works in the shadows to recover Jedi artifacts, assassinate/capture those that opposed the Rebellion or Jedi, and secretly bring back the Jedi Order from destruction.


Hmm... You seem to only have two trained skills when you should have four (2 Jedi + 1 Int + 1 human).

Alrighty then. Here you go. I do believe I have everything.

Callum Vorn, Once and Future Jedi:
Medium Human Scout 1
Destiny 1, Rescue; Force 5, Strong in the Force; Dark Side 0
Init +8; Senses Perception +8
Languages Basic, Huttese
Defenses Fort 14 (19 vs. extreme heat or cold), Ref 16 (flat-footed 13), Will 14; Evasion
hp 26; Second Wind +14; Threshold 14
Special Actions Shake It Off
Speed 6 squares
Melee Unarmed +1 (1d4+1/20/x2/B) or
. . Knife +1 (1d4+1/20/x2/S or P)
Ranged Sporting blaster pistol +3 (3d4/20/x2/E/20 squares/accurate, stun setting) or
. . Knife +3 (1d4+1/20/x2/S or P/6 squares)
Base Atk +0; Grp +3
Atk Options None
Special Actions None
Force Powers Known (Use the Force +7): None
Abilities Str 13, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 14
Talents Evasion
Feats Force Sensitivity, Shake It Off, Strong in the Force, Weapon Proficiency (Pistols, Rifles, Simple Weapons)
Skills (Trained) Endurance +7, Initiative +8, Knowledge (Galactic Lore) +6, Mechanics +6, Perception +8, Pilot +8, Use the Force +7
Skills (Untrained) Acrobatics +3, Climb +1, Deception +2, Gather Information +2, Jump +1, Knowledge +1, Persuasion +2, Ride +3, Stealth +3, Survival +3, Swim +1, Treat Injury +3, Use Computer +1
Combat Gear Sporting blaster pistol (in hip holster), knife (in concealed waist holster); Other Possessions All-temperature cloak, comlink (long-range, wrist-sized), utility belt (aquata breather, credit chip, energy cell x2, glow rod, liquid cable dispenser (15 meters) with grappling hook, medpac, mesh tape, power pack x2, ration pack x5, tool kit), hip holster, concealed waist holster
Money 985 credits; Other Wealth None

Of Books and Covers:
A handsome man in his late twenties, Callum stands close to six feet tall and possesses a slender and athletic build. Opting almost always for a clean-shaven look, at least if he can help it, he has raven black hair of a medium length, a characteristic which contrasts somewhat with his rather fair complexion. His most defining features though are probably his pale blue eyes, especially given the scar starting below his right one and ending above it, a memento of a ship repair having gone awry.

A Corellian born and bred, he is independent minded and adventurous, yet pragmatic when faced with a problem. Possessed of a sharp wit, one that can at times turn a bit dry or even snarky when bored or annoyed or his patience is at an end, he is generally quick with a smile or a joke, one of his favorite being to give different answers when asked about his scar, answers that can range from the mundane to the dramatic to the ludicrous.

Usually seen in simple functional attire, at times complemented by a hooded all-temperature cloak to keep both heat and cold away, Callum shows a preference for clothes that are as comfortable and non-restrictive as possible. His other possessions appear meager, amounting to little more than a sporting blaster pistol holstered by his right hip and a utility belt containing various useful items within it, or at least that is how it seems. However, what is not readily apparent is the knife kept in a concealed holster that is fastened across his belt in the small of his back and is usually hidden under a jacket or some other piece of clothing, as well as his cloak when he wears it.

The Journey So Far:
Callum was born twenty seven years ago in Coronet City, his father, Sorin, a Corellian commercial pilot and his mother, Moira, a teacher. There was nothing particularly out of the ordinary regarding his birth truth be told, and by all accounts he was just a boy, much like his older brother Aidan, if a bit more curious and reckless. However, not many years passed before a Jedi visited the family's home. His name was Jonathon Keriss and he informed the couple that their younger son was strong in the Force and that he had the potential to become a powerful member of the Order. So it was than a few days later, when Jonathon left the Vorn household, Callum went with him.

The next few years of his life after finding himself in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and under the tutelage of Master Yoda were rather typical of a Jedi Initiate, involving the studying of various subjects, the history of the Order among them, meditation and practice with a training saber among other things. To tell the truth, he enjoyed those years, even if the simple fact that Initiates were not to venture outside the Temple did annoy him somewhat, his nature leading him on occasion to try and "escape" from the confines of the building's walls. Not that he ever succeeded of course.

And then came the time for the Initiate Trials, a test that was to determine his future in the Order. He was certain he would pass them of course, confident in his abilities, a view he actually shared with Master Keriss, the one who had brought him to the Order and who had been watching over him ever since, regardless of whether the boy was aware of that or not.

The first test was simple enough. All he had to do was to recite the Jedi Code, showing that he had committed it to memory. He did so flawlessly.

The second test was a little... trickier. It involved the use of a lightsaber in staged combat with a hood. It tested not only skill, but also technique. Although not as easy as the first, still he passed it, as even as a youngling Callum had already shown an affinity for the Jedi's signature weapon during the various training sessions.

And then came the third test. With the boy being strong in the Force, Jonathon expected it to be almost a technicality for him to succeed. But it was not his strength and his connection to the Force that was in dispute during that last part of the Trials. It involved meeting the standards of being a Jedi, vague as that may be. And due to that strong connection of his, the ones administering the test took a page out of the Order's history books and sought to see how Callum would react when faced with the Dark Side of the Force. Nothing too extreme given the Initiate's young age of course, but just enough to tempt him. The result was... inconclusive. He did not reach out to it, but he did not recoil. He was curious to perhaps learn more, but more out of a sense of adventure rather than a thirst for power. Still, it was enough to spark a debate. And after it had ended and a decision was reached, Callum was no longer a member of the Jedi Order.

At first he was crushed, but children are resilient, adaptable. It took some time, but eventually he turned his focus to more... Corellian pastimes, thanks in no small part to his father's influence. And even though he was not quite as skilled in the piloting and repairing of ships as Sorin, he nevertheless became a capable enough pilot and mechanic. It was just that he did not always use those skills while on the right side of the law. In fact, it was during one not-quite-so-legal venture he met Sin, a beautiful Twi'lek woman. They partnered up -and perhaps in more ways than one- and took jobs that ranged from the absolutely legal to the not quite so much. Some of them were even in the service of the Galactic Republic, especially during the Clone Wars, though the credits did help. It was an... interesting time, even if it did eventually end and the two took their separate ways.

And then, of course, came "peace", brought on by the death of the Jedi Order and the end of the Republic. The former had conspired to take control of the galaxy, it was said, and the latter had to evolve in order to become something greater, it was declared. Callum mourned them both. Even if he had been a part of the Order for only a brief time, he knew what a lie that was. And he could tell that this Empire would be different that what had come before.

A year later and it was already being proven that what took the Republic's place was darker, that much Callum could see. He could even sense it. It was or it was becoming something oppressive. He did not need to watch the various lies and propaganda of the occasional news videos on the screens of Sel Zonn station, its cantina offering a brief reprieve between jobs, to realize that much.

He had always hated bullies. But he was just one man, at best a half-trained Jedi Initiate and even that was in the past. But if there were more men and women who thought like that? And could all the Jedi have been killed? There must have been thousands before the Purge. Surely some ought to have survived. It was thinking like that, hope like that, that brought a crooked smile to his lips as yet another video of some Imperial victory or other started playing on one of the screens.

Faces Past and Present:
Jonathon Keriss (Male Human Jedi Master) - The one who "discovered" Callum and brought him to the Order, Jonathon looked over the child and observed his progress with interest, certain that he would make a powerful Jedi Knight one day. It is ironic then that after Callum's Initiate Trials he was also one of those who advocated that the boy should not continue with his training, perhaps fearing that the youth would eventually fall to the Dark Side if he grew in power and skill.

Sinya "Sin" T'racen (Female Twi'lek Scoundrel) - An old friend, and perhaps more, Sinya, or Sin as Callum calls her, is a beautiful Twi'lek woman with a wit as sharp as any lightsaber. They have shared a ship's cockpit on more than one occasion -and more than one of those occasions were not exactly legitimate runs- and by now have lost count of who "owes one" to whom.

Aidan Vorn (Male Human Officer) - Callum's older brother, he is an officer in the Imperial Military and a veteran of the Clone Wars. Despite Callum's sometimes not-so-legal activities, the relationship between the two brothers was quite amicable and they were indeed close when they were younger. However, they have since then grown apart due to the different paths their lives have taken.

Probable Level Progression:
Species: Human (+2 to one ability score, +1 trained skill, +1 feat; Basic)
Destiny: Rescue

Level 1 (Scout 1)
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 14
Languages: Basic, Huttese
Talents (Scout): Evasion
Feats: Force Sensitivity, Strong in the Force
Feats (Scout): Shake It Off, Weapon Proficiency (Pistols), Weapon Proficiency (Rifles), Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons)
Skills: Endurance, Initiative, Knowledge (Galactic Lore), Mechanics, Perception, Pilot, Use the Force

Level 2 (Scout 1/Jedi 1)
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 14
Languages: Basic, Huttese
Talents (Scout): Evasion
Talents (Jedi): Elusive Target
Feats: Force Sensitivity, Strong in the Force
Feats (Scout): Shake It Off, Weapon Proficiency (Pistols), Weapon Proficiency (Rifles), Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons)
Feats (Jedi): Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers)
Skills: Endurance, Initiative, Knowledge (Galactic Lore), Mechanics, Perception, Pilot, Use the Force

Level 3 (Scout 1/Jedi 2)
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 14
Languages: Basic, Huttese
Talents (Scout): Evasion
Talents (Jedi): Elusive Target
Feats: Force Sensitivity, Martial Arts I, Strong in the Force
Feats (Scout): Shake It Off, Weapon Proficiency (Pistols), Weapon Proficiency (Rifles), Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons)
Feats (Jedi): Weapon Finesse, Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers)
Skills: Endurance, Initiative, Knowledge (Galactic Lore), Mechanics, Perception, Pilot, Use the Force

Level 4 (Scout 1/Jedi 3)
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 14
Languages: Basic, Huttese, ?
Talents (Scout): Evasion
Talents (Jedi): Deflect, Elusive Target
Feats: Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Strong in the Force
Feats (Scout): Shake It Off, Weapon Proficiency (Pistols), Weapon Proficiency (Rifles), Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons)
Feats (Jedi): Martial Arts I, Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers)
Skills: Acrobatics, Endurance, Initiative, Knowledge (Galactic Lore), Mechanics, Perception, Pilot, Use the Force

Level 5 (Scout 1/Jedi 4)
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 14
Languages: Basic, Huttese, ?
Talents (Scout): Evasion
Talents (Jedi): Deflect, Elusive Target
Feats: Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Martial Arts I, Strong in the Force
Feats (Scout): Shake It Off, Weapon Proficiency (Pistols), Weapon Proficiency (Rifles), Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons)
Feats (Jedi): Rapid Strike, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers)
Skills: Acrobatics, Endurance, Initiative, Knowledge (Galactic Lore), Mechanics, Perception, Pilot, Use the Force

Level 6 (Scout 1/Jedi 5)
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 14
Languages: Basic, Huttese, ?
Talents (Scout): Evasion
Talents (Jedi): Block, Deflect, Elusive Target
Feats: Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Martial Arts I, Strong in the Force
Feats (Scout): Shake It Off, Weapon Proficiency (Pistols), Weapon Proficiency (Rifles), Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons)
Feats (Jedi): Rapid Strike, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers)
Skills: Acrobatics, Endurance, Initiative, Knowledge (Galactic Lore), Mechanics, Perception, Pilot, Use the Force

Level 7 (Scout 1/Jedi 6)
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 14
Languages: Basic, Huttese, ?
Talents (Scout): Evasion
Talents (Jedi): Block, Deflect, Elusive Target
Feats: Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Martial Arts I, Skill Focus (Use the Force), Strong in the Force
Feats (Scout): Shake It Off, Weapon Proficiency (Pistols), Weapon Proficiency (Rifles), Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons)
Feats (Jedi): Rapid Strike, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers)
Skills: Acrobatics, Endurance, Initiative, Knowledge (Galactic Lore), Mechanics, Perception, Pilot, Use the Force
Other: Build lightsaber

Level 8 (Scout 1/Jedi 7)
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 14
Languages: Basic, Huttese, ?
Talents (Scout): Evasion
Talents (Jedi): Block, Deflect, Elusive Target, Weapon Specialization (Lightsabers)
Feats: Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Martial Arts I, Skill Focus (Use the Force), Strong in the Force
Feats (Scout): Shake It Off, Weapon Proficiency (Pistols), Weapon Proficiency (Rifles), Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons)
Feats (Jedi): Rapid Strike, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers)
Skills: Acrobatics, Endurance, Initiative, Knowledge (Galactic Lore), Mechanics, Perception, Pilot, Use the Force
Other: Build lightsaber

I have (4) - Initiative, Perception, Use the Force, and Knowledge (Bureaucracy). I don't list Perception and Initiative in Skills because they are already listed at the top which I do for all of my characters but thank you for pointing it out.


Please list all of the skills under the Skills section - just for ease of reference. Otherwise, all of the crunch looks good. Don't forget to list the book and page number for abilities from outside the Core Rulebook, including Force Powers.

Backstory-wise, there are several things that don't work very well. The biggest is that the Jedi Shadows haven't operated or been in existence since well before the Clone Wars - and given Yoda's personality, I doubt he would have looked to revive them. Prior to the Clone Wars, the Jedi were heavily demilitarized and focused more heavily on their roles as mediators and peacekeepers - it's the reason the Niman lightsaber style became so popular, as it was a nice general use form that didn't require intensive study, allowing Jedi to focus on other pursuits. Part of the reason so many Jedi died at the First Battle of Geonosis is because they were so unused to having to fight such battles they hadn't kept up with their lightsaber training.

Second, having a holocron to start doesn't really work with the overall theme of the campaign. Yoda himself would definitely not

Third, Jedi families don't typically exist. The Corellian Halcyon family got away with it by almost never leaving Corellia, but most Jedi didn't have families as the Jedi Order forbid it. This is one of the major points of Episodes I-III and a major source of the impetus of Anakin's fall. It's also the reason most Jedi go to the Temple as infants or toddlers - to prevent them from developing such strong family bonds.

As a way to rework this so that it keeps the themes you want to hit with the backstory, might I suggest that Lora still comes from a line of Jedi, but it had been a few generations since the last one before her. Instead of Yoda telling her she was being chosen for Shadow training, perhaps she found a reference to her ancestor in the Jedi Archives, as well as the Jedi Shadows, and went back home to do some more digging into it against her Master's wishes. While she was on Sel Zonn station, waiting for her connection to the next planet, Order 66 happened, and, since no one knew where she was, she went into hiding there. I'll leave more specifics to you, but that's a thought for a rewrite.

F. Castor:

Crunch and backstory both look good. Consider yourself complete.

Important Announcement: I am still going to close Recruitment at 11:59 PM EST tonight. However, I will give those who've expressed interest an extra few days to finish up their characters. I will be traveling this weekend, so I will make my decision either on New Year's Day or the day after. Below is the list of those who've expressed interest. If I missed you, let me know. Bolded entries are considered complete.

Vrog Skyreaver - Winter Allesh, Human Soldier
Jason Rodarte - Quen Pah, Human Jedi
Jaster Kite - Tirual’Sij’Ekil “Jek”, Chiss Scoundrel
Dodekatheon - Istian Thul, Human Scoundrel
DM Ragnarok - Joris Valden, Mirialan Jedi
Joynt Jezebel - Galatea Rayven, Nemoidian Noble (Force -sensitive)
Havocprince - Lost Pearl, Iron Knight (Jedi)
HeftyUpTop - Medical Droid
GM SuperTumbler - Noble
Jereru - Chryston Rinx, Human Jedi
F. Castor - Callum Vorn, Human Scout (failed Jedi)
Stiehle - Sebbik, Duros Scoundrel
Spazmodeus - Deshade
Anderlorn - Lora Vercet, Human Jedi
Ouachitonian - Yaka
Vehement 1 - Clone

Blessings on the new little one.

Hope everyone has had a great holidays and congrats, F. Castor!

Special thanks to GM Phntm888 for getting back on the recruitment so quickly; I know what a drag it can be to get back to a game after the holidays! Eyes will definitely be peeled on the 1st and 2nd :)

Thanks, guys! :-D

1. Initiative and Perception added back to Skills,
2. Page Numbers added for all Feats, Talents, and Force Powers including Core Rule Book,
3. Back story adjusted to suggestions offered (although, I may word smith it some more). I could change the backstory to include one of the player character's gave her an alias of Lora Vercet but I didn't think they were high enough level or skill to make such a change.
4. Thanks again for the opportunity!;

Lora Vercet



Medium Human Female Jedi (Sentinel) 1
Destiny: 1; Force: 5
Init +8; Senses Perception +7
HP 32; Threshold 14
Fort +14, Ref 15 (12 flat-footed), Will +14; 0
Speed 6 squares
Melee Snap Baton +4 (2d4+2)
. . Lightsaber +4 (2d8+2, Ignores DR)
Ranged By Weapon +4
The Force Power Suite (Use the Force +8, Force Points 5/5)
. . Cloak (CWCG:50)
Cloak (standard; you) DC 15: gain total concealment against all targets
DC 20: as DC 15 except gain +2 to Stealth
DC 25: as DC 15 except gain +3 Stealth
DC 30: as DC 15 except gain +5 Stealth
Spend a Force Point to increase Stealth by +5
. . Force Shield (FUCG:86/LECG:54)
Force Shield (reaction; you) (Telekinetic) DC 15: gain SR 5 until start of your next turn, cannot be recharged
DC 20: as DC 15 except SR 10
DC 25: as DC 15 except SR 15
DC 30: as DC 15 except SR 20
Spend a Force Point to increase SR by 5, maintain as a standard action
. . Mind Trick (CR:97)
Mind Trick (standard; one creature of intelligence 3 or higher within 12 squares and line of sight) (Mind-Affecting) +8 vs. Will to:
1. create an hallucination to use Stealth even if target is aware
2. perform a feint so that target loses Dexterity bonus to Reflex on your next attack against them
3. make an unpalatable suggestion
4. fill target with terror to flee at top speed 1 minute, stops fleeing if wounded, not if higher level
Spend a Force Point to improve attitude one step, + one step per every 5 points the check exceeds Will<BR>
Talents Clear Mind (CR:40)
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 16
Base Atk +1; GRP +4
Feats Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (simple)
Skills Initiative +8, Knowledge (Bureaucracy) +6, Perception +7, Use The Force +8
Languages Basic, Binary
Special Qualities Human Bonus Trained Skill, Human Bonus Feat
Gear (200 creds, 56.25), ;
. . Lightsaber (0 cr, 1kg, medium) (Currently hidden in its concealed holster along with the Jedi Shadow Holocron in her quarters)
. . Snap Baton (100 cr, 1kg, small)
. . (2) Holster (Concealed - Lightsaber and Snap Baton, 100 cr, 0.2/0.4kg, fine)
. . Commoner Clothing
. . Cantina Clothing
. . Dark Robes (Not Jedi nor Sith Style to avoid drawing that kind of attention)
. . All-Temperature Cloak (100 cr, 1.5kg, Diminutive)
. . Basic Datapad (100 cr, 0.3 kg, Fine)
. . Business Management Software (100 cr, 0.1 kg, Fine)
. . (2) 100 cr Credit Chips (200 cr, 0.2 kg, Fine)
. . Utility Belt Kit (500 cr, 4kg, fine)
# (3) Day Supply of Food capsules
# Medpac
# Tool Kit
# Spare Power Pack
# Spare Energy Cell
# Glow Rod
# Comlink
# Liquid Cable Dispenser with small grappling hook
# (2) Empty pouches (0.5 kg per pouch)
Special Abilities
Clear Mind (CR:40): You may reroll any opposed Use The Force check made to avoid being detected by other Force-users. You must take the result of the reroll, even if it is worse.
Force Sensitivity (CR:85): You can make Use The Force checks and gain access to Force talenets.
Force Training (CR:85): Learn a number of Force Powers equal to 1 + your Wis modifier (min 1)
Weapon Finesse (CR:89): Use Dex Modifier instead of Str modifier on attack rolls with light melee weapons and lightsabers.
Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers, CR:89) No penalty in the use of Lightsabers
Weapon Proficiency (Simple, CR:89) No penalty in the use of Simple weapons.



When Lora dresses in her work clothing, she shows little cleavage only at the cantina because it starts conversations and gives her more tips in which she needs both. Otherwise, she dresses down to keep a low profile showing no cleavage and saves all of her money she makes. She is talkative at work, nice, and non-confrontational but obviously being a Jedi in sheep's clothing, she will defend herself if necessary and will not use the force unless she has absolutely no other options. In keeping with not drawing attention to herself, she fights with skill when using a snap baton but not at the level of skill if a lightsaber was in her hand.

Underneath the disguise of being a mundane female worker within the Empire, Lora is a very pretty brunette with green eyes if she was to dress up. She is not very tall, she is 5'3" or roughly 160 cm so she is not very intimidating and she weighs 90 lbs. or around 40kg. All of these traits would make a good Shadow, beautiful and/or non-intimidating. She carries a snap baton in a concealed and easy reach location which is legal under Empire Law especially for a cantina worker.

Lora hides her lightsaber in a concealable holster and a utility belt inside Dark non-force user robes which is also hidden in a spot most people wouldn't look in her room and would not cause a visit from the maintenance man/woman/droid. She does not currently use the lightsaber fearing she will be seen or detected until things calm down and/or force multiplier increases so she can use those items without being detected by loyalist, sellouts, or Empire authorities.



Lora Vercet is currently a bar tender and back office administrator at Gundark's Cantina on Sel Zonn Station, orbiting Brentaal IV. She chose this job so she can over hear conversations, become part of conversations, and blend in without having to become a prostitute. It's bad enough one has to show her cleavage to sale many drinks and make a decent wage in tips but one must do crazy things in order to survive. She chose Gundark's Cantina to hide in because of the privacy rooms he maintains with no interest to sell out his customers to the Empire. After all, that is bad for business especially since those customers who use the privacy rooms want anonymity from the Empire. She could go work at the Credit Chip since Cecil Vane disdains the Empire but his cheating of customers, especially Empire citizens, may one day instigate an investigation from Empire authorities. Lora maintains a mundane lifestyle focusing on going to and from work but staying clear of Blue Deck where the majority of Empire loyalists live for she has a secret to maintain. Since she does not draw attention to herself by keeping a mundane look and she is human, she is not harassed on the promenade nor does she hang out long on the promenade.

Before she became a bar tender and back office administrator for "Gundark" Saff, she was known as Jedi Loralee Falco who was from an old long line of Jedi and Dark Force users but not in recent generations. Since her family has been strong in the force before, it is only logical that Jedi training came naturally to her. Of course, Jedi training is still difficult for all padawans since it is quite demanding in all respects a sentient living body can endure but not as difficult to those who were not strong in the force and/or not prepared for the physical demands. Although quite inquisitive to the point of being nosy, she received high marks from her teacher, Master Jorill Ask'cor. She was so inquisitive (aka nosy), no one could speak around her without some of it being overheard by Loralee like subjects pertaining to a disturbance in the force and there is a shadow moving within the force. Nor could they leave their terminals unlocked with her around because one day the librarian left her terminal unlocked, Loralee found it, and began searching the Jedi Archives about shadows in the force. A few things popped up and Jedi Shadow caught her eye which she read they were an elite faction of clandestine Jedi within the Jedi Order in the Old Republic. She searched a little more and came across the name Lorena Falco, Jedi Shadow. Before she could read more, the librarian was returning from whatever took her attention away from the terminal. Loralee shut her windows down and sprinted away so she would not get caught. Later, Loralee asked about Jedi Shadows to her master but he told her don't worry about because Jedi Shadows are no longer part of the order and they are forbidden.

After being formerly elevated to Jedi by the Jedi Council, the inquisitive Loralee could not let the Jedi Shadow family member information go. She knew she could not request leave while she was a padawan but as a Jedi she had more lead way. She requested leave and said that she was going to Alderaan for some meditation in the mountains. However on Sel Zonn Station, she purchased a ticket to her family's home planet and traveled as a citizen under the alias of Lora Vercet which was set up without a trace by a family member within SIS that would later join the Rebel Alliance. At the family home, she found tidbits of information on her great aunt from the Old Republic in which she developed force powers that were important to the Jedi Shadow and that she worked with The Galactic Republic SIS on occasion which helped in areas the Force could not. Since many generations have passed, there wasn't much more information available but enough to get Lora started on walking the path of a Jedi Shadow.

On her return trip to Coruscant, she felt the huge negative disturbance in the force that all the surviving and dying Jedi felt as Order 66 was being carried out. In order to blend in during this time of anguish, Lora pretend it was women issues and retired to the civilian transport restroom for the remainder of the disturbance and sorrow that followed. Once composed, she returned to her seat and found out what had happened on Coruscant through media and other citizens. She followed the majority of the citizens’ reactions in order not to draw attention to herself. At the next stop, Sel Zonn Station, she would exit the civilian transport so as not to return to Coruscant and perhaps become a lethal part of the disturbance that was known as Order 66. It was time to blend in, a time for survival, or a time for exile and fortunately for Lora, her identity had already been changed. In addition, her Jedi name was purged from the Jedi Archives during or after the attack on the Jedi Temple during Order 66. As she was thinking of her next steps, she saw a business management course on a holodisk being sold in one of the stores on the promenade, so she purchased it and began studying it. This will be her first step in becoming a bar tender and back office administrator.

It is obvious for all Jedi, besides survival, is maintain the Jedi Order in some way or better yet rise from the ranks within the Empire to cause considerable damage to it. Lora's (Loralee's) main goal in life is just that, either reorganize the Jedi Order until a higher rank or more gifted Jedi can achieve command and/or create a Jedi Order or Jedi faction within the Jedi, like the Shadows, that specifically works in the shadows to recover Jedi artifacts, assassinate/capture those that opposed the Rebellion or Jedi, and secretly bring back the Jedi Order from destruction.


Dark Archive


Medium Human Clone Soldier 1
Destiny: 1; Force: 5
Init: +9; Senses: Perception +6
HP: 32; Threshold: 15
Fort: 15, Ref: 19 (15 flat-footed), Will: 12
Speed: 6 squares
Ranged: Pulse Wave Pistol Atk +6 Dmg 2d6+2 (+4 in Point Blank)

Str: 16, Dex: 18, Con: 15, Int: 14, Wis: 12, Cha: 10
BAB: +1
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium), Weapon Proficiency (Simple, Pistols, Rifles), Weapon Focus (Pistols), Grand Army of the Republic Training (Clone Wars Pg. 31)
Skills: Initiative +9, Knowledge (Tactics) +7, Mechanics +7, Perception +6, Pilot +9, Treat Injury +6
Languages: Basic
Special Qualities: Human Bonus Trained Skill, Human Bonus Feat

Special Abilities
Weapon Specialization (Pistols): +2 Damage w/ Pistols
Grand Army of the Republic Training: Add armors equipment bonus to fortitude checks to will as well



Much better. Consider yourself complete.


Crunch looks mostly good. You have a couple languages to choose for your Int bonus (I'd recommend one of them be Kaminoan). I'm also not sure how you got a 19 Reflex save - my math has it at 16 (10+Level (1)+Class (1)+Dex (4)). Don't forget to spend the rest of your starting funds (A Pulse Wave Pistol shouldn't take all of it, since you have the maximum starting funds).

For fluff, make sure to include how your character handled Order 66 (manage to disobey, never got the order, etc), as well as what they think of the Jedi. Does he have a name besides CT-1104?

Below is the list of those who have expressed interest and are planning to submit something to this campaign. Those who are not done will have until Monday, January 1, 2018 to finish up. If you are not on this list, your application will not be considered. If I missed you, please PM me along with a link to the post you put in this thread before 11:59 PM EST last night. Bold entries are complete.

Vrog Skyreaver - Winter Allesh, Human Soldier
Jason Rodarte - Quen Pah, Human Jedi
Jaster Kite - Tirual’Sij’Ekil “Jek”, Chiss Scoundrel
Dodekatheon - Istian Thul, Human Scoundrel
DM Ragnarok - Joris Valden, Mirialan Jedi
Joynt Jezebel - Galatea Rayven, Nemoidian Noble (Force -sensitive)
Havocprince - Lost Pearl, Iron Knight (Jedi)
HeftyUpTop - Medical Droid
GM SuperTumbler - Noble
Jereru - Chryston Rinx, Human Jedi
F. Castor - Callum Vorn, Human Scout (failed Jedi)
Stiehle - Sebbik, Duros Scoundrel
Spazmodeus - Deshade
Anderlorn - Lora Vercet, Human Jedi
Ouachitonian - Yaka
Vehement 1 - CT-1104, Clone Soldier

Asking a lore important and general aesthetic question again since there hasn't been an answer, how are you handling lightsaber color? Legends based off crystal or Cannon based on wielder. Either way the effect is going to be the same, just changes how I come about the look I want. The lightsaber will have a clear blade that seems to shimmer in place. If crystal will be because of a chunk of barab ore, if instead current canon wielder reasons then it is because Pearl has kept himself hidden from the force for so long it has affected the way his natural talents interact with the crystal inside his saber.

Completed, thank you!

Is Black beam with an outline or shimmer of Purple Legend or Canon? I think that would fit my character the most depending on how we are doing crystal colors?

For myself, I would actually prefer it if we do not go the myriad colors way of SWTOR and stick with mostly canon (as in those appearing in the movies and TV shows) colors, "boring" though they may seem. I think these include -other than blue, green and red of course- yellow (Jedi Temple Guard, I believe), white (Ahsoka Tano in Star Wars Rebels) and purple/amethyst (Mace Windu). Other than that, there is only one black lightsaber that I know of and that is the Darksaber, which is basically unique and weird looking and sounding.

Of course, I am hardly the GM and I am not even in the game, not yet at the very least, so these are just my two cents' worth. :-)

My lightsaber color idea isn't completely dark, it still has a shimmer of purple so the Darksaber would remain unique but I will go with whatever decision is made.

Eh... I am a bit of a traditionalist when it comes to lightsaber colors myself, that is all. I kinda liked the image of Jedi wielding blue or green blades against the Sith and their red lightsabers. Rather than, like, a hundred different colors and hues. I like variety as much as the next guy, but sometimes it feels a bit too much.

I think that if Mr. Jackson's favorite color was not purple, then we might never have seen a third color for the good guys' lightsabers. Even if my favorite lightsaber color is purple. ;-)

But as I said, just my opinion.

Kyber crystal wrote:

Kyber crystals were most notably found in Ilum's Crystal Caves. They were a critical component in the construction of lightsabers, focusing energy into the weapon's distinct plasma blade. The crystals shared a special relationship with the Jedi for tens of thousands of years, and welcomed them to hear their song and learn their lessons. Jedi younglings traveled to the ice caves to harvest their own crystals, which they then used to build their lightsabers. The Force guided their selection, finding a crystal that matched them as Jedi. To those not meant to receive it, the crystal was cold to the touch, however those the crystal chose would hear its "music" and "harmony," becoming attracted to it. Crystals lacked color before they were chosen by a Jedi. Once chosen, most lightsabers became blue or green, though other shades were created in rare instances, most notably Mace Windu's purple blade, the yellow blades of the Jedi Temple Guards, the black Darksaber, and Ahsoka Tano's white lightsabers.

Kyber crystals were inherently attuned to the light side of the Force, and would attempt to resist any effort by dark side practitioners to use them in lightsabers. To this end, the only way a Sith, or other darksider could make use of a kyber crystal was to use the Force to dominate the crystal, bending it to their will. This process would cause the crystal to "bleed", as if it were a living organism, resulting in the distinctive crimson-bladed lightsabers synonymous with the Sith. It was possible to "heal" a corrupted kyber crystal, the only known instance of purifying a corrupted kyber crystal was when Ahsoka Tano purified the two crystals she retrieved from the Sixth Brother's lightsaber following his defeat. In this case, the crystals turned white.

The above is from the Canon entry of the Lightsaber Crystal section in Wookieepedia. In Legends there are of course a lot more colors if you take into account the various Old Republic videogames with both white and black cores and an almost immense variety of outlines.

But the actual decision is the GM's domain, this being their game and all, so it is not like I mind how it goes with the lightsaber colors.

Sorry, I completely missed that question. Based on the crystal color - I've always liked that explanation more. Plus, in the newer animated Clone Wars series, there's an episode where Younglings go to Ilum to get their lightsaber crystals, and IIRC their eventual lightsabers match the color crystal they find there.

I'd also prefer lightsabers remain blue/green to start - the opportunity to change colors will come up (I'll make sure it does), but for now, let's keep them traditional.

If selected, Lora's will be blue until that visit to Ilum or other possibilities.

Lol, if the special effects were just a little better we would never have had green as a color. Blue just couldn't show up against that desert sky.

That being said, traditional Blue saber for Pearl until he builds his own then. If he gets seriously injured between now and 7th he will have a piece chip off, which he will use to form his new lightsaber.

GM Phntm888 wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Below is the list of those who have expressed interest and are planning to submit something to this campaign. Those who are not done will have until Monday, January 1, 2018 to finish up. If you are not on this list, your application will not be considered. If I missed you, please PM me along with a link to the post you put in this thread before 11:59 PM EST last night. Bold entries are complete.

Vrog Skyreaver - Winter Allesh, Human Soldier
Jason Rodarte - Quen Pah, Human Jedi
Jaster Kite - Tirual’Sij’Ekil “Jek”, Chiss Scoundrel
Dodekatheon - Istian Thul, Human Scoundrel
DM Ragnarok - Joris Valden, Mirialan Jedi
Joynt Jezebel - Galatea Rayven, Nemoidian Noble (Force -sensitive)
Havocprince - Lost Pearl, Iron Knight (Jedi)
HeftyUpTop - Medical Droid
GM SuperTumbler - Noble
Jereru - Chryston Rinx, Human Jedi
F. Castor - Callum Vorn, Human Scout (failed Jedi)
Stiehle - Sebbik, Duros Scoundrel
Spazmodeus - Deshade
Anderlorn - Lora Vercet, Human Jedi
Ouachitonian - Yaka
Vehement 1 - CT-1104, Clone Soldier

Super, with all the christmas prep and festivities, had no time to work on this! Nice to see I have a couple of days...

Hope everyone enjoyed their holidays.

That's one of the reasons I gave everyone an extra couple of days. I got so busy with the holidays, I figured others probably had as well.

By the way, updated list, since I noticed I forgot the Wookie.

Vrog Skyreaver - Winter Allesh, Human Soldier
Jason Rodarte - Quen Pah, Human Jedi
Jaster Kite - Tirual’Sij’Ekil “Jek”, Chiss Scoundrel
Dodekatheon - Istian Thul, Human Scoundrel
DM Ragnarok - Jordis Valden, Mirialan Jedi
Joynt Jezebel - Galatea Rayven, Nemoidian Noble (Force -sensitive)
Havocprince - Lost Pearl, Iron Knight (Jedi)
HeftyUpTop - Medical Droid
GM SuperTumbler - Noble
Jereru - Chryston Rinx, Human Jedi
F. Castor - Callum Vorn, Human Scout (failed Jedi)
Stiehle - Sebbik, Duros Scoundrel
Spazmodeus - Deshade
Anderlorn - Lora Vercet, Human Jedi
Ouachitonian - Yaka
Vehement 1 - CT-1104, Clone Soldier
SongDragon - Grozmapia, Wookie Scout


Doors, eh? Wish my employers were so generous.

@F. Castor

Always nice to see new gamers brought into the world. Congrats :)

IIRC there are only 2 purple lightsabers, though only Mace's is canon. Jaina had the other I think.,

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