Race |
Human Swashbuckler [Inspired Blade] - Magus [Kensai/Bladebound] 1 |
About Adolpho Fiel
STR: 12
DEX: 16
CON: 14
INT: 16
WIS: 12
CHA: 16
HP: 15
BAB: +1
F/R/W - 5/5/3
Extra Panache
Extra Arcane Pool
Weapon Focus [Rapier]
Stealth Escape [SOH instead of EA for bindings, +2 Bluff to appear bound]
Silent Hunter [+1 Stealth, Stealth is always class]
River Lander - +1 Fort
Skills: 11 [4+Int+FC+Skilled+2]
Acrobatics 1 [7]
Climb 1 [5]
Diplomacy 1 [7]
Kno: Arcana 1 [7]
Perception 1 [5]
Ride 1 [7]
Sense Motive 1 [5]
Sleight of Hand 1 [7]
Spellcraft 1 [7]
Stealth 1 [7]
Use Magic Device 1 [7]
Canny Defense
Spell Combat
Inspired Panache [8]
Arcane Pool [6]
Inspired Finesse
Swashbuckler Deeds
0 - 2
1 - 1
0 - All Magus 0 Level
1 - Expeditious Retreat, Floating Disk, Grease, Magic Missile, Shocking Grasp, True Strike
The son of a modest merchant but a dedicated lover of the art and science of the sword. A boy grown to man given just enough opportunity to learn that he has a gift and to pursue it he must give in to leaving his home and risking his life.
Adolpho is Determined, Kind and Adventurous.