
Fin Orlovsky's page

3 posts. Alias of Wondering_Monster.

About Fin Orlovsky


Fin Orlovsky
Male Preacher heretic Inquisitor / Black-Blooded Lunar Oracle
Deity - Erastil
LN Medium Human
Init +4 ; Perception + 7;

AC 19, touch 15 , flat-footed14 (+5 dex, +3 Armor, +1 Shield)
HP 10

Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +5


Speed 30 ft.

Light Mace = +4 1d6 x2
dagger = +4 1d4 19-20x2

Longbow = +4 1d8

Space 5 ft., Reach 5 ft.


Zeal Inquisition
Zealous Surge - 1/day; when reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, Heal hit points equal to inquisitor level+wisdom

Lore of Escape (Ex) He adds his Wisdom modifier on Bluff and Stealth skill checks in addition to the normal

ability score modifiers.

Hide Tracks - Creatures attempting to track the inquisitor take -5 penalty to track

Stern Gaze - +1/2 level on all Intimidate and sense motive checks

Judgement 1/day

Curse of Black Bood - Positive and Negative energy affect the oracle as if undead; also -4 on all dex skills

Lunar Mystery
Prophetic Armor - charisma instead of dex to AC and reflex saving throws.


Str 8, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 20

Base Atk +0; CMB -1 (misc mods); CMD +13

Orlovsky family trait - +1 CMD; +1 Diplomacy
Dangerously Curious - +1 Use magic device, and its a class skill
Deft Dodger - +1 to reflex saves

Weapon Finesse
Spell Focus Necromancy
Greater Spell Focus Necromancy

Skills (X Points - 1 class, 1 race, etc):

Bluff +12 (1 rank, 5 cha, 3 Wis, 3 class)
Diplomacy +10 (1 rank, 5 cha, 3 class, 1 trait)
Intimidate +10 (1 rank, 5 cha, 3 class, 1 stearn Gaze)
Knowledge Arcana +5 (1 rank, 1 int, 3 class)
Knowledge Religion +5 (1 rank, 1 int, 3 class)
Perception +7 (1 rank, 3 wis, 3 class)
Sense Motive +8 (1 rank, 3 wis, 3 class, 1 Stearn Gaze)
Spellcraft +5 (1 rank, 1 int, 3 class)
Stealth +7 (1 rank, 4 dex, 3 Wis, 3 class, -4 black blood)
Use magic Device +10 (1 rank, 5 cha, 3 class, 1 trait)




Money: 85
Outfit - Simple Cloak of Fur with Erastil Holy Symbol burned in

Masterwork Buckler
Masterwork studded Leather

Light Mace
20 Arrows
20 blunt

Inquisitor Spells Known:

Acid Splash
Create Water
Disrupt Undead

1-Level 2/day DC=14
Cure Light Wounds
Divine Favor

Oracle Spells Known:

Detect Magic
Read Magic

1-Level 5/day DC=16
Inflict Light Wounds DC=18 will/half
Shield of Faith



Ht: 6' 0"
Wt: 190 lbs
Age: 25
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Skin: White

Fin Orlovsky Was a simple farmers son. The Orlovsky name is one of noble blood, but Fin is quit removed from that line.

Some where he has 3rd or 4th cousins that are living a much more luxurious life than him.

On Fin's 18th birthday, he was out hunting in the forest. He came across a shrine to Erastil. Now being the son of a

farmer, Fin already worshiped Erastil and was quit familiar with him. Also on this very day magical abilities

unleashed from Fin. He was able to do things, and cast spells that most others can not. Obviously to Fin this was the

work of Erastil and he must be chosen for great things. That was the day that he became absolutely devoted to the

teachings of Erastil. He swore to defend his community from evil and practice all the teachings of Erastil, as he was

chosen by Erastil to by a Holy warrior for good.

What Fin does not know, is that his black blood, and magical abilities that were unlocked that day are due to something

is the family bloodline. Every tenth generation someone is born with the black blood. This manifests on the 18th


Fin swore himself to Erastil and became a holy inquisitor in the gods name. After this Erastil actually did bestow more

magical abilities upon Fin. He has since protected his community and any community he travels through, from corruption,

evil, and attempts to heal the sick and injured.