Raia_Danviri |
I may be pushing the limits of the scenario (or being forgetful), but have we figured out what the moon is, yet?
From what I can remember, "The moon is indeed false, it has a metal interior. However, it is guarded by Goblin tribes with a tractor beam." I feel like there are some important details I'm forgetting.
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GM Khaoz |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
If anyone of the characters that are assigning the Chronicle Sheet at level 1, needs me to sign off on purchases and spent Fame, let me know so I can make the necessary adjustments. That way you'll have an accurate sheet =).
Friendly reminder, if you are still missing a Welcome to SFS Boon, I'll fill and sign for you =), also for the Welcome to PFS. (Which can now be applied to your PFS-1 if never had one, no matter the level)
Defiant00's Sheet
NilesR's Sheet
Oykiv's Sheet
Upaynao's Sheet
Vlaovich88's Sheet
Daveak (Iseph) AND EwokBanshee (Raia)
I need the following information for your chronicle sheets
- Chronicle number: ONLY IF IT WILL NOT BE NUMBER 1, for example, if you have a race boon or you have a Welcome to Starfinder boon. (I haven't seen any but after GenCon there are some in the wild now).
- Name: (The player's) Real name (or how you want it to appear on your chronicle sheets).
- AKA: Character name, if you don't have it, I can leave it blank.
- Faction: For this scenario we won't slot a faction. But you can still gain Fame and Reputation for a faction you hold a Champion Boon (first one's free).
- SFS: # for the character, this is YOURID-701.
- XP: starting XP, if completely new it's 0.
- Fame: Starting fame, if completely new it's 0.
- Reputation: Starting reputation, if completely new it's 0.
- Credit: Starting wealth you bring into the adventure, for new characters I'll leave it at 1000, so you can complete ALL OF YOUR PURCHASES either after the scenario so I can sign them off for your, or on your next game, so the next GM will sign it off.
- Dayjob: Skill used + the roll.
- Apply adventure credit: Basically, you can choose to get 720 credits on an unplayed level-1, or wait until your PC hits level-4 to get full credits amount.
Altronus The Solarion |
The sheet looks good to me! Could you fill out a welcome to the society boon for me when you get the chance?
And thank you so much for running this! It was a lot of fun and you ran it very well. Very smooth and built well into be a pbp. So thanks for your time and I will keep my eye open for more from you in the future. Any plans for running another anytime soon?
Lastly, thank you for being my adventure companions! You guys were great and we finished in decent time! I hope to see you around!
Raia_Danviri |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Friendly reminder, if you are still missing a Welcome to SFS Boon, I'll fill and sign for you =)
EwokBanshee (Raia) I need the following information for your chronicle sheets
Ooh!! Could I have a welcome to SFS sheet, please??
Chronicle number: 2 (if the welcome sheet is 1)
Name: Nathan B
AKA: Hudathan Swarmbait
Faction: Exoguardians.
SFS: 240237-701.
XP: 0
Fame: 0.
Reputation: 0.
Credit: 1000
Dayjob: Profession (Cook): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Apply adventure credit: Get 720 credits on an unplayed level-1.
Thank you so much for running! This was a ton of fun! I will say, the thing i was most impressed with was how you ran combat. You put a lot of effort into keeping it moving, but making sure people stayed involved. Also, thanks for the humor. That was fun.
nilesr |
GM, I'm missing both of those Boons.
Also, I purchased
Tactical Semiauto Pistol L
Second Skin Armor(L1 Radiation Buffer) 0.2
Starstone Compass L
Industrial Backpack L
Small Arm Rounds L
Personal Comm Unit L
Mk1 Healing Serum x3 L
Travel Clothing L
Hygiene Kit 1
Mass Produced Tent 1
For a cost of 950 credits. So I only have the 50 + 720 remaining.
Iseph Pregen |
Sorry thought i posted
PFS#:22306(1st sfs)(24th PFS)
Player Name:DM Snider
Character Name:(first scenario so dont know)
Faction: (Unknown)
First sfs chronicle but applying it at lvl 3
-Posted with Wayfinder
Altronus The Solarion |
Just posting to make sure you didn't forget to post the new chronicle sheet and the welcome to the society boon. I know you said you had a busy weekend so I just wanted to remind you.
GM Khaoz |
No Vlaovich,you were not forgotten, but after being out of town for a few days, getting back to work and house errands took longer than expected, sorry about that, but.. without further ado, new (or updated) Chronicle Sheets)
EwokBanshee's Chronicle Sheet
EwokBanshee's Welcome to SFS Boon
NilesR's Chronicle Sheet
NilesR's Welcome to PFS Boon
NilesR's Welcome to SFS Boon
Vlaovich88's Chronicle Sheet
Vlaovich88's Welcome to SFS Boon
I think I got everything right, but if I did any mistake, send me a PM and I'll take care of it =)
I'll keep this Campaign active until next monday, just to make sure you all receive your chronicle sheets.
Last, but not least, thank you for the opportunity to let me debut in PbP with you guys =)
You made my job fun and easy, 5/7 would GM again.
@Vlaovich88: You asked if I had plans to run another game soon, when you asked, there were none, but I stepped up to fill one table (also GD6) where the GM went AWOL. It's for SFS 1-02 Fugitive on the REd Planet. And I think, I may have two slots open.
If any of you can still play it, and is interested, leave a message here, if there are more than two of you, I'll have to let the dice decide =P
Raia_Danviri |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Awesome, thank you so much! You did a great job (ESPECIALLY with the starship sequences.) I hope to play with you again sometime.
-Posted with Wayfinder
GM Khaoz |
May I have your attention please?
May I have your attention please?
Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?
I repeat will the real Slim Shady please stand up?
We're going to have a problem here
No.. wait.. that was not it... BUT, while I have your attention, could you please send me your E-mail address in a PM. I need it for reporting, so the powers that be (Besmara is that you?) can reach you in case you end up winning a Gift Certificate, we are part of the Gameday after all =)
Iseph Pregen |
-Posted with Wayfinder