Construct Constructed For effects targeting creatures by type, Iseph counts as both a construct and a humanoid (whichever is
worse for Iseph)
Darkvision Iseph can see up to 60 feet in total darkness.
Low-Light Vision Iseph can see in dim light as if it were
normal light.
Debilitating Trick (Ex) When Iseph hits an enemy with a trick
attack, Iseph can choose to make that enemy either flatfooted or off-target until the beginning of Iseph’s next turn.
Dive for Cover When Iseph attempts a Reflex save against
an area attack or area effect, they can choose to fall
prone in an adjacent space in order to roll the saving
throw twice, taking the better of the two results.
Evasion (Ex) If Iseph succeeds at a Reflex save against an
effect that has a partial effect on a successful save, they
instead suffer no effect.
Flat Affect The DC of a Sense Motive check attempted
against Iseph increases by 2.
Kip Up Iseph can stand from prone as a swift action, rather
than a move action.
Multi-Weapon Fighting When Iseph makes a full attack with two or more operative melee weapons or small arms, reduce the penalty to each attack from –4 to –3.
Trick Attack As a full action, Iseph can move up to 40 feet
and make a single attack with a small arm (or a melee weapon with the operative special property) as a trick attack. Just before making the attack, Iseph attempts a Bluff, Intimidate, or Stealth check (whichever is better for Iseph) with a DC equal to 20 + the target’s CR. If the skill check is successful, the attack deals an additional 1d8 damage and the target is flat-footed against this attack.
Uncanny Pilot (Ex) When Iseph attacks while driving a vehicle, they take only half the vehicle’s normal penalty to their
attack roll. When in a chase, Iseph gains a +2 bonus to skill
checks when attempting the evade or trick pilot actions.
Upgrade Slot Iseph has an internal quick-release sheath
normally installed in armor as an upgrade. This can
store a single one-handed weapon, which Iseph can
draw as a swift action.