Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
Easter Monday here, and I have been in a rural area for the whole day. I will post my answer tomorrow morning :)
Nidhi Aashirya |
@Zilchus, I never saw the Justice League movie because I heard it was bad, but I love the Wonder Woman film :D I own it!
I like "Robots In Love" song you linked. (Hmm... "man of steel" lyric, I'm seeing quite a few tie ins to the DC universe in your song selections. Intentional or not, lol) Beautiful Small Machines is similar to stuff I like listening to. You might like these:
Death Cab for Cutie - I Will Possess Your Heart I love the lyrics (starts at 4:32)
Pale Waves - Television Romance
Chet Faker - Gold Awesome music video
Neon Trees - Trust One of my favorite bands. I've seen them live twice
Neon Trees - Our War My favorite Neon Trees song
Young the Giant - Apartment I used to listen to them A LOT. I still love them. AMAZING live
The Neighborhood - Sweater Weather I love this song
Phoenix - 1901
Florence + The Machine - Dog Days Are Over
Foster The People - Pumped up Kicks You all have probably heard this one
The Revivalists - Wish I Knew You and probably this one too
Grouplove - Tongue Tied Smooth and upbeat
Sir Sly - High I this song less after watching the video
Jukebox the Ghost - Somebody
Kungs vs Cookin' on 3 Burners - This Girl I really like the trumpet
Modest Mouse - Float On Nice upbeat song
Peking Duk - Feels Like Upbeat and funny
Ghosted - Get Some Lyrics NSFW
The Regrettes - Seashore Has some profanity
As a side note, I found an example of my singing ability in the form of a screaming cowboy in the sky (I have zero musical talent.)
Florence Corvina |
Hey folks, work stuff has kept me busy the last day or so and more looms on the horizon tonight (and I'm out of time for now, need to get some sleep). If it's quiet I'll hopefully be able to sneak in a post but otherwise please bot me if needed and I'll catch up tomorrow :)
Nidhi Aashirya |
I don't know how you handle all of your games, Flo! (Especially with your wonky work scheduling.) I admire your dedication! I can only handle 3 or 4. My slower games throw me off too. I find myself spending extra time just reading back on what happened. I don't have that problem in this game - it's a constant flow so the characters stay relatively fresh in my mind.
Nidhi Aashirya |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I am sorry not to have the chance to roleplay this, but doing it in a single post would not do justice to the situation. At the same time, I realize the need to push the story a bit forward, so I will have to keep this general.
Hmm. Why instigate a walk then not follow up with something? You did a great job with the book and Ben's new headband. Like, I don't see the point. What is Ben's motive for wanting to get to know Stelle? He was stand-offish before. And he was stand-offish with Cahal too. ..Is he.. worried Nidhi might gossip all sorts of things about him and Florence to Stelle so he wants to set the story straight?
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
Prof. Benedictus Dickens wrote:I am sorry not to have the chance to roleplay this, but doing it in a single post would not do justice to the situation. At the same time, I realize the need to push the story a bit forward, so I will have to keep this general.Hmm. Why instigate a walk then not follow up with something? You did a great job with the book and Ben's new headband. Like, I don't see the point. What is Ben's motive for wanting to get to know Stelle? He was stand-offish before. And he was stand-offish with Cahal too. ..Is he.. worried Nidhi might gossip all sorts of things about him and Florence to Stelle so he wants to set the story straight?
I am a bit undecided whether to reveal it to you or not...Why don't you ask in-game to Ben? It would be a nice way to get to roleplay!
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
And in case your question was: why didn't you followed up with a roleplay interaction, I will tell you that was I was planning on was a multi-post interaction with Stelle, but considering the GM's poke I have decided to delay it to a more appropriate moment ;)
Nidhi Aashirya |
Why don't you ask in-game to Ben? It would be a nice way to get to roleplay!
Nidhi narrows her eyes, “but Ben, why are you asking Stelle out on a walk? Why not Flo? Florence is a desirable woman, Ben. You’d better be careful or some muscular arena fighter might steal her away."
I did.
I will tell you that was I was planning on was a multi-post interaction with Stelle, but considering the GM's poke I have decided to delay it to a more appropriate moment ;)
You've used spoilers for Ben and Flo interactions in the past. Why is this any different? Here is some inspiration
Florence Corvina |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hmm...not that I can claim to know Ben's mind but maybe it's kinda like why I just mentioned that Flo went looking to have a swim earlier but didn't really go in-depth about her search or how the swim went and such: partly because I ran out of inspiration (though I did Google search to see if ancient Egyptians had swimming pools...) and partly because I was in a hurry at the time to get something posted. I also didn't really think it'd make for super-interesting reading even though I could've slapped it into a spoiler so it wouldn't clutter up the larger post.
But you're right, flex-time (aka spoilered conversations/interactions) is definitely a thing that can be used. Though I *have* ran into folks who dislike using a lot of spoilers too. Everyone's mileage seems to vary. *shrug*
Nidhi Aashirya |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I don't see my writing as "clutter" or "holding the story back." Our characters ARE the story and Euan is kind enough to be the vessel (the paper) that our characters are written on. Jeez, I wrote a page of dialogue surrounding Nidhi's damaged clothing from the assassin encounter. And I've typed out pointless descriptions of Nidhi bathing (at least twice.) Did anyone read it? Probably not. Then, why do I do it? Because I enjoy it! Pointless creative writing is fun for me. (I'm a shameless amateur writer! I'm on the loose! Quick! Hide all the writing utensils and keyboards! I joke.) I understand the extra writing I do is unnecessary but I enjoy it. Just please don't use the excuse of "inconveniencing" or "boring" people to mascarade laziness.
I haven't published jack, I'm wordy, and I'm not the best literary mind but that's okay. We're all here because we like to read, write, and roleplay as a hobby. Don't cut yourself short because (1) you think you'll be an inconvenience, (2) you think your writing is boring, or (3) your writing isn't "good enough." I'm sure if anyone has a problem with something you're doing or not doing he/she/we will let you know. Don't act like you're walking on eggshells - life is too short and posts take too long for that. If I mess up or overstep my bounds, let me know. And vice versa I'll let you know.
Man, I am so much braver online than in person. Lol, my computer is a +6 to confidence if there is such a thing.
Also, I think it goes without saying, but not everyone is going to like you. I'm pretty sure I can name two or three people on the Paizo site who dislike me (and I'm okay with that.) I think messageboards breed incoherent conversations and misunderstandings.
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Nidhi, your post are very direct and I will not answer them, because I feel like things could get too personal otherwise.
The only thing I am going to say is that keeping a parallel interaction going on in spoilers while the story progresses is a huge time investment, since it effextively doubles your daily posts. Now, I don't have that much time now as I had when roleplaying with Florence, so for me is a sogn of respect toward Stelle. The golden rule of PbP: *finish what you start*, is the most important rule for me as a player too. I would hate to start a direct interaction with Stelle and then having to stop abruptly because I do not have enough time, or make her wait for days before I answer, or worst lag behind in the story and hold the whole party back. This is why I gave up on the idea as soon as the GM poked us tp move forward; before I hoped to have the interaction count in my daily posts, after the GM's intervention I was made aware that it would not.
Also, consider that when you start such an interaction you are also somehow binding your interlocutor to it. And while I knew Florence well enough when we had our spoilered interaction in the past (still I contacted her in private to double check), I cannot say the same for Stelle. What if she didn't have the time to keep a parallel interaction in spoilers? I would be puttong some pressure on her, and that's definitely something I always try to avoid.
That was not a light-hearted decision, and I hope that in the future, when there is something you do not understand about me, you will refrain from assuming it was out of laziness. And remember this: English is not my native language. Writing a post takes me much more time for me. Try to write a post in Italian, French, Spanish or German after a whole day of work, and we will see if you will still put forth the laziness argument :)
Florence Corvina |
Hmm...I've been trying for the last couple of hours to decide how to proceed since it's apparent that some different nerves have been touched for different people. I suppose I could go to PMs but this is a case where I feel it would be better in the long run to say what I want to say out in the open so there are (hopefully) no misunderstandings.
First, I always enjoy reading about the stuff that Nidhi or any of the other characters get up to on the side, even if Florence is not there and even if I don't always respond to or comment on it. I do read it all - that's a promise. If it sounded as though I think that all the side-writing Nidhi (or anyone else does) about how they spend their days and such is boring or a waste of time, then I apologize - that was absolutely not my intent!
Second, I'll be frank and say that I don't appreciate the laziness remark - honestly, it actually hurt a little bit even though logically I know it probably shouldn't. Also, I think that that's a pretty big conclusion to arrive at right off the bat. Sometimes I do write side-stuff for the fun of it - in another game I'm in my character and another have had a whole flex-time side conversation about boys because in addition to being the saviors of the town, they're also a couple of teenage girls. It's fun to interact with other characters that way. In contrast, there's another game where my character would like to interact more with one of the other party members but I as a player am hesitant to start anything because said player has a lot happening in their personal life and sometimes it's days between their posts. Maybe they'd appreciate the attempt at interaction just the same - and I should ask them about it - but maybe they don't need the added thought of 'oh gee, I need to respond to <X> player and not leave them hanging'. It's hard to tell with someone without asking.
I enjoy writing, I enjoy PbP, I enjoy reading and interacting with the things that other people do. But sometimes, I'm just not feeling it for one reason or another and so sometimes I make the decision, for myself, as to what's most important to write about and respond to and what can be passed on - maybe not permanently, maybe just until I feel inspired to write about it or fill that detail in. I don't enjoy forcing myself to write when I'm not in the mood to do so and I'm not planning to start.
Finally, I'm not entirely sure as to where the remark about not always being liked came from? If I gave the impression that I worried about you guys not liking me or my writing then that was totally something I didn't intend to do - not to mention I suspect that if you guys didn't like me or like my writing, I would have been gently asked to exit the game some time ago :)
I'm sure there are people on the forums that don't enjoy my presence or my writing style and that's fine - there are a few people that I personally have found to be good role-players but would not play with because our personalities clash or because I don't care for their attitude or how they handle themselves on the forums. But really, as long as at least one (though preferably both) party can be mature about that sort of realization, it doesn't have to be a big deal. Just agree to disagree and everyone can go on about their business with a minimal amount of fuss.
Nidhi Aashirya |
Aww, man. I opened a big can of worms, didn't I? :/
I think some of my comments were lost in translation. I stand behind what I private messaged you and K yesterday: I'm sorry. I was too passionate with my statements. I do not think anyone here is lazy - it was a request. I'll also try to exercise empathy more.
Now that apologizes have been made both publicly and privately, let's keep playing! I don't see a point to dwelling on this unpleasant conversation.
Ben, you know I only poke you because I like you, right? If I didn't care, I’d ignore you. That goes for everyone. The disike comment stems from my own perception of the world in general. It wasn't meant as an attack on someone.
Florence Corvina |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
It's fine - I really struggled on whether to post at all but sometimes it's good to have certain conversations even if it's uncomfortable or painful in the short-term. But that being said, that's all I wanted to say on the matter. I'm still having fun playing with everyone and am ready to move on and continue having a good time :)
GM Euan |
OK then. Everyone take a breath and relax. This is not a big deal I think, though there are some ruffled feathers all around. PbP is a difficult medium at times because things don’t happen in real time or with facial expressions so we have to read into what we read, and things get stuck in our heads longer to mull them over - sometimes incorrectly.
The posts over the last few days have been fun, but somewhat scattered. It’s my job to keep us more or less on track, though as a DM I allow a lot of latitude so folks can have fun, develop their characters, and make their own stories within the confines of the Adventure Path. You have all gone pretty far afield the last few days while I’ve waited for you to come around again.
I tried, twice, to lightly bring you all back to the table, and was rebuffed. Clearly some of you still felt you had stories to tell and wanted to tell them. That’s fine to a point, but at some point we’re not playing the game anymore, we’re just sitting around chatting, if in character.
Everyone comes to the table with their own agendas and their own ways of having fun with the game. That’s part of what I like about gaming, we all put in something different, and we all take away something different. Please everyone recognize that, and respect that. If you’re not sure about an interaction, PM the other player, chat with them, or even carefully throw up a post in discussion - there are lots of ways to communicate. But please don’t point fingers, and please don’t take anything too seriously.
This is a game. We’re all here to have a little fun, and I think we all are for the most part, though clearly I need to reign you all in a bit more than perhaps I have. :)
Sounds like maybe we’re all OK now, but I felt I needed to say something. Hopefully I haven’t spurred us on to more confusion with my pre-coffee ramblings.
Zilchus Lyghtlode |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I had a bunch of stuff to respond to in the IC, but we've moved well beyond those scenes. However, posting them here as they may or may not work into the final cut of the montage when that is written into the final script. Consider the following to be optional or first cuts when the editors do a final weave of this story.
I just didn't want some responses to go unheeded.
Moving forward with the new map.
"What kind of friends did you hang out with before winning the lottery?"
Zilchus snorts at the thought.
"I didn't win the lottery, remember? You did," Zilchus rebuffs with some pride. "It was Abdur that selected you to join me." Zilchus takes another swig of booze. "Friends? Oh, you know, drinking buddies and sparring partners. Had to work hard to earn my first falchion." Zilchus doesn't have much more to say about friends. He probably has very few true friends and they are probably all around this table. Abdur is family, more like, than friend.
"Right, Zilchus? You'd protect me. All of us."
Zilchus' temper flares for a moment, his hand gripping the table strongly and he barely resists overturning the thing on his way out of the door. Instead, he decides to get up to begin his drinking early. He stands up and tromps to the bar to get a drink...coming back to slam the drink down and answer Nidhi's question.
Zilchus glowers at Nidhi.
"No. Not anymore. Not after you asked that. I can't believe you have to ask that. After all I've done trying to protect still need to ask? F!+$ it. You're on your own." Zilchus lies through his teeth, his anger pressing the fabrications out of his lips.
"F#@@ it."
Zilchus rises, takes his drink, and goes to the bar. I don't need this shit anymore.
"Zilchus, what did you do before the lottery? Were you a Paladin of Sobek? You should get a crocodile put on your armor. An albino one. They're the most appealing."
Zilchus frowns and looks down at his armor and didn't realize it was even lacking. It was fine armor, somewhat new. He shrugs, caring less about his appearance than others. He offers his less-good smile to Nidhi.
"My armor looks fine. Protects me well enough, that's all I need," Zilchus refuffs, unwilling to give into dreams of ever looking good or nice. It would never happen. Not with this face. It's also clear he's trying to take the comment as a positive one and not Nidhi mocking or insulting him.
Zilchus Lyghtlode |
Two more things that I thought I posted last night:
Stelle would never have considered giving the Wand to a drunken Zilchus, so consider the Wand still in Stelle's possession.
Oh yeah, that's a much better plan. But the bartender at the Hookah is plenty annoyed at losing his swizzle stick, the perfect drink mixer that he found. Yeah, get it to him another time. :)
"Um...your idea?" Florence replies with a bemused look. "Who else would look at a situation and say, 'Oh yes, this situation obviously needs more lava' but you?"
"Oh yeah, of course," Zilchus replies, trying to cover his amnesia. "Oh, I just thought someone else had the same great idea."
Florence Corvina |
Every time I do the giggle thing as Flo, I can't help but think of this...
Nidhi Aashirya |
Lol, I've seen those comics before. They're pretty funny.
Ahh, have you seen these? Whenever there is a new Catana Comic I usually link it to my hubby
Nidhi Aashirya |
I don't know if you guys like rock or miss Flyleaf, but I discovered someone who sounds like Lacey Sturm but without the screaming. LEDGER: Not Dead Yet (YouTube) Good gym music.
@Euan does this feed your Evanescence thirst? @Ben, you like? :D
GM Euan |
Sure, Good Hope is still in effect. It's close, but not quite - the party has been moving quickly.
GM Euan |
Heads up!
I am headed abroad (UK) starting tomorrow and will be gone for a week. Travel days not withstanding I should be able to post more or less as usual (though from a very different timezone). However if there is a lag in my posting, that's why.
Please amuse yourselves in my absence, and I'll catch up as I can. :)
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
[...] (though from a very different timezone).
Welcome in Europe, GM!
Florence Corvina |
Safe travels, GM!
And speaking of travel, I'm also off to a work training thing in New York State Sunday the 15th and will be gone through Friday the 20th. I'll have my laptop with me but I have no idea what my posting availability will be - definitely only in the evenings, if that. To be on the safe side, please go ahead and bot Florence as needed and if I have a chance to check in and post during my trip I'll do so. Otherwise, I'll catch up properly when I get home Friday.
Also, what time I do have I'll be giving to my GMed games first so if you happen to see posts from GM Ladile elsewhere but nothing here, that'll be why. Hopefully that'll avoid any 'FLO I SEE U POSTIN Y U NO POST FOR MM!?!??' confusion :)
Zilchus Lyghtlode |
Sorry if I'm being too quick on the draw with healing resources; used to playing healers so it's kinda habit. Please suggest a different method to Flo IC if you have one and she'll probably do her best to comply :)
Lol, no!! Keep pushing and keep healing. Zil's reaction was just something to RP because I blinked and there were 8 posts. Please don't change.
Zilchus Lyghtlode |
Archives of Nethys - Camel Mounts
That second sentence in the description also describes Zilchus.
Zilchus Lyghtlode |
GM Evilan, we have another distribution coming, yes? Can you take out for a group wands of CLW/CMW and 2* scrolls of remove curse and remove disease?
* * * *
..290 gp to spend
.2700 gp latest distribution
-..10 gp misc boozing
.2980 gp to spend
.2980 gp to spend
-.300 gp 2*camels (riding/pack)-..20 gp lots and lots of applejack
-..20 gp lots and lots of food
.2650 gp to spend
Florence Corvina |
Apologies for the delay/silence everyone; I've not felt well the last couple of days and it's largely kept me away from the forums and offline. Finally feeling a bit better though so hopefully I won't be slowing our roll any further - I'll get caught up on Gameplay shortly.
Florence Corvina |
Okay, caught up! While it somewhat pains me to sell a Bag of Holding in a meta sense, we really don't seem like we've accumulated enough junk that we have to have one - the extra money for the split seems more important right now.
And so if the above split is the final split then Flo should wind up with 650 or so if she wants to go ahead and pay off the rest of her debt to Abdur - which is about 2k gold if I remember correctly.
Should we look into investing in an Endure Elements wand, perhaps?
Sopdet-Ka "Stelle" |
Stelle wants to get the Sashimono of Comfort for the protection from the elements.