1. GM Edwin's Zeitgeist Campaign

Game Master Insnare

When the people and King of Risur have internal or external enemies but won't or can't call in the military... They Call in the RHC(Royal Homeland Constabulary)

Act 1: The Investigation Begins!
Chapter 1: The Island at the Axis of the World
Chapter 2: The Dying Skyseer
Chapter 3: Digging for Lies
Chapter 4: Always on Time
Chapter 5: Cauldron Born
Zeigeist World Map
Avery Coast Train

Act 2: The Grand Design

Chapter 6: Revelations From the Mouth of a Mad Man


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HP: 17/34, |AC: 20; T: 15, FF: 15(+2 against non-magic ranged)| Fort: 4, Ref: 8, Will: 3| Resist 5 elec| Init: +6*| Perc: +9 (DV 60), Se Mo: +3| Grit 3/4

Yup. We're on hydra pruning duty. John's keeping us alive, and Cretien is keeping the weeds from growing back.

Stephan DeWir (Black Market Arms Dealer) Hp 53/53 AC 25 (+7 Perc; +1 Init; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4)

Taking heads is the name of the game (without being crushed or biten to death...)



Stephan DeWir (Black Market Arms Dealer) Hp 53/53 AC 25 (+7 Perc; +1 Init; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4)

Last week of my trip so i Will be completly unvailble until next tuesday

Stephan DeWir (Black Market Arms Dealer) Hp 53/53 AC 25 (+7 Perc; +1 Init; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4)

Back from travelling and catching up the thread

HP: 17/34, |AC: 20; T: 15, FF: 15(+2 against non-magic ranged)| Fort: 4, Ref: 8, Will: 3| Resist 5 elec| Init: +6*| Perc: +9 (DV 60), Se Mo: +3| Grit 3/4

Any ideas how I should further my questioning with Rackus? It seems he was with Duvall and not Fionna at the site he was working at, which kind of dead-ends my idea.

Perhaps asking whether a bigger fish or other noteworthy person visited while he was there?

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Finona's last name is Duvall.

HP: 17/34, |AC: 20; T: 15, FF: 15(+2 against non-magic ranged)| Fort: 4, Ref: 8, Will: 3| Resist 5 elec| Init: +6*| Perc: +9 (DV 60), Se Mo: +3| Grit 3/4

Woops! I meant Meredith, not Finona. Our possessed archeologist friend.

Please note I will be travelling and most likely be unable to post until Monday.

male Human Code name: "Black out" (soon to be Lasombra 9th generation)

Alright as a psychotherapist for some time earlier before becoming an english teacher this ought to be fun... schizophrenia... so I am going to go with delusional tendencies. In other words I am now the king of Risur and all my associates are my servants.. hehe

Tiefling map Armiger (Machinehead) 9/ Aristocrat 1 // AC 26/22/15 / HP 62/84 / F +10 R +11 W +9 / Init. +3 / Perc. +15 / Sense Motive +13

wont let me post in gameplay for some reason, acts as if i hit preview instead of submit. happens from time to time. anyway, here's my action:

repeating my last move against any enemies i can reach

INT: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24 vs fort

turret atk: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
dmg: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Please note I'm away next week, coming back around Sunday the 7th. I won'T be able to post reliably, so do not hesitate to bot me as needed.

Please note I'm going away for a week and some, starting Wednesday, with very limited access to the Internet, and most likely only through my phone. Please bot me as needed. I'll likely be back to normal posting around September 13.

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling

This is going to be the new face for Morgrym and new character. Still going over the milluon choices on what to do.

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling

my character is ready. I mistyped my archtypes I am actually using Freebooter/Urban Ranger.

Welcome back!

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling

Alright after listening a bit better and not letting excitement swallow my soul, some review and changes in store. Thanks Edwin

M Humanborn

Tomorrow I will be traveling outside the US on vacation and will return on October 6th. During such time, I will likely be very sparing on the boards, and I imagine connectivity may be an issue. Please bot me as necessary. I will still try to get some posts in or at least keep up with games while in my hotel, if wifi-allows.

HP: 17/34, |AC: 20; T: 15, FF: 15(+2 against non-magic ranged)| Fort: 4, Ref: 8, Will: 3| Resist 5 elec| Init: +6*| Perc: +9 (DV 60), Se Mo: +3| Grit 3/4

I think I need to warn you all that I'm probably in the middle of taking a small break. I'm not sure when I'm going to be able to post for at least another several days, so don't expect something for at least another half a week or so.

Stephan DeWir (Black Market Arms Dealer) Hp 53/53 AC 25 (+7 Perc; +1 Init; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4)

Posting this to all my game:

I will be away until monday for a tournament and unable to post

Stephan DeWir (Black Market Arms Dealer) Hp 53/53 AC 25 (+7 Perc; +1 Init; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4)

Posting this to all my game:

I will be away until Octobre 17th (posting will be very sporadic as i will be travelling often)
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Please bot me as needed

Tiefling map Armiger (Machinehead) 9/ Aristocrat 1 // AC 26/22/15 / HP 62/84 / F +10 R +11 W +9 / Init. +3 / Perc. +15 / Sense Motive +13

Falko, expeditious retreat increases your base speed by 30ft, which also gives you +12 to your acrobatics (under acrobatics rules)

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Is that +12 in addition to his normal acrobatics check?

Tiefling map Armiger (Machinehead) 9/ Aristocrat 1 // AC 26/22/15 / HP 62/84 / F +10 R +11 W +9 / Init. +3 / Perc. +15 / Sense Motive +13

Ah, yes but now that i reread it, it's just for jumping.

Faster Base Movement: Creatures with a base land speed above 30 feet receive a +4 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump for every 10 feet of their speed above 30 feet. Creatures with a base land speed below 30 feet receive a –4 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump for every 10 feet of their speed below 30 feet. No jump can allow you to exceed your maximum movement for the round.

I'll be away tomorrow, back Monday morning. Please bot as needed.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Hi everyone!!! Congratulations you have defeated Sijhen and for the most part completed Adventure 3. We still have some roleplay to get through and the epilogue as well.

Feel free to level your characters up to level 6 and you are going to receive a stipend of 6,000 GP to buy new equipment. Please don't spend more than 3/4 of it on one thing. If you want any special items please tell me what you want.

Claude Waithe M Human Sorcerer (6) AC 15+2/14t/13+2ff, HP 53/53, Fort+6, Ref+5, Will+6, Init+7, Perc+4

HPwToughness: 1d6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 2 + 1 = 9
(also +1hp I forgot at 5th level Toughness)
+1 BAB
+1 to all saves
+2 to Kn.Arcana and Kn.Planes

+1 Cantrip Known (Ghost Sound)
+1 3rd Lvl Spell Known (Haste)
2nd Lvl Spells per day +1
3rd Lvl Spells per day +3

Human Favored Class: +1 Spell known that is below lvl 3 (Levitate)

Swapping Enlarge Person for Vanish.

+6000GP (plus existing 4529.5gp = 10529.5gp)

Can I craft a headband of alluring charisma? Cost 2000gp
Belt of physical might 5000gp?
Belt of dex instead, 2000gp?

I have enough GP saved, but how much may I get? :D

Johnathan Eli Holbrook wrote:


(also +1hp I forgot at 5th level Toughness)
+1 BAB
+1 to all saves
+2 to Kn.Arcana and Kn.Planes

+1 Cantrip Known (Ghost Sound)
+1 3rd Lvl Spell Known (Fly)
2nd Lvl Spells per day +1
3rd Lvl Spells per day +3

Human Favored Class: +1 Spell known that is below lvl 3 (Haste)

Swapping Enlarge Person for Vanish.

+6000GP (plus existing 4529.5gp = 10529.5gp)

Haste is level 3, no?

GMEDWIN wrote:

Hi everyone!!! Congratulations you have defeated Sijhen and for the most part completed Adventure 3. We still have some roleplay to get through and the epilogue as well.

Feel free to level your characters up to level 6 and you are going to receive a stipend of 6,000 GP to buy new equipment. Please don't spend more than 3/4 of it on one thing. If you want any special items please tell me what you want.


*Pumps fist*

Great module! Great DMing!

Claude Waithe M Human Sorcerer (6) AC 15+2/14t/13+2ff, HP 53/53, Fort+6, Ref+5, Will+6, Init+7, Perc+4

Woops. That makes more sense. That'd be a hella good lvl 2 spell lol.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Flying and levitating hasn't been unlocked in world yet. The only person on the planet/continent of Lanjyr that has a similar ability is Gale, if you remember the fey terrorist, there is a reason for it. Flying will come into play but not yet.

3D combat is kind of a pain, anyway. :)

How long does it take to make those items?

Claude Waithe M Human Sorcerer (6) AC 15+2/14t/13+2ff, HP 53/53, Fort+6, Ref+5, Will+6, Init+7, Perc+4

Woops, I remember that now. Sorz!

1 day for each 1,000 gp

Level 6 Bard (archaeologist)
+1 BAB
+1 Saves
+1 HD (5 hp)
+1 2nd-level spell per day
+1 1st-level spell known (FC: Cure Light Wounds)
+1 2nd-level spell known (Heroism)
take 10 on Disable Device checks, even if distracted or endangered, and can disarm magical traps
trap sense +1
+9 skill points (Bluff (2), diplomacy, intimidate, perception, sense motive (2), escape artist (2))

With the 6,000 gp, I'd like to buy the following:

-Belt of incredible dexterity +2 (4,000 gp)
-Gloves of reconnaissance (2,000 gp)

Shot Putter Funkmeister


M Humanborn

With the level up, should i get rid of the vehicle i made last level up that i didnt use for the whole level? Or will we be traveling this time around?

Also what level is zeitgeist supposed to end around (for planning purposes)?

Shot Putter Funkmeister

You will be traveling but by ship and by train. You could get rid of that if you want.

Stephan DeWir (Black Market Arms Dealer) Hp 53/53 AC 25 (+7 Perc; +1 Init; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4)

Hey Everyone

Just got back from my trip. So playing catch up with the game thread

Thanks for the map, btw!

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Hi, for the makers. Before the meeting on the boat you will have enough time to make one of the items. You will have more time to make during the next part.

Actually I need to post some more stuff, handouts...

Claude Waithe M Human Sorcerer (6) AC 15+2/14t/13+2ff, HP 53/53, Fort+6, Ref+5, Will+6, Init+7, Perc+4

one of the items? Is that.... 2 days then for one of the 2000g items?

Tiefling map Armiger (Machinehead) 9/ Aristocrat 1 // AC 26/22/15 / HP 62/84 / F +10 R +11 W +9 / Init. +3 / Perc. +15 / Sense Motive +13

50 days before leaving?

Shot Putter Funkmeister

So yeah,we are going to have a skill challenge montage. Basically your character will make a skill check for each week of the montage to prepare for the trip. 7 in all. Feel free to be descriptive in what you will be doing. I will explain it as Delft in a bit. The montage will be a great way for you guys to use your skills in creative ways.

Angus should be rejoining shortly, Morgym hasn't put together a character yet and Asher said he may or may not return. I would like him to stay. I like his character and he seems to fit nicely. We'll see.

Stephan DeWir (Black Market Arms Dealer) Hp 53/53 AC 25 (+7 Perc; +1 Init; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4)

Quick recap (will edit as i go):
Current gp: 375 gp +3500 +6000

Level 6 Oracle (FC: +1 hp)
+1 Diplo
+1 Perception
+1 Sense Motive
+1 Heal
+1 Bluff
+1 Kn Planes

Level 3 spell to choose:
Magic Vestment
Scorching Ray (Mystery)

Planning to get:
+1 Longsword: cost 2355 gp
Belt of Str +2: Cost 4000 gp
Normal Large steel shield (the previous one is "cursed" and will be destoyed): cost 20gp
Rof of Lesser Metamagic Extend: 3000 gp

Gp:Left 500

Tiefling map Armiger (Machinehead) 9/ Aristocrat 1 // AC 26/22/15 / HP 62/84 / F +10 R +11 W +9 / Init. +3 / Perc. +15 / Sense Motive +13
GMEDWIN wrote:

Hi everyone!!! Congratulations you have defeated Sijhen and for the most part completed Adventure 3. We still have some roleplay to get through and the epilogue as well.

Feel free to level your characters up to level 6 and you are going to receive a stipend of 6,000 GP to buy new equipment. Please don't spend more than 3/4 of it on one thing. If you want any special items please tell me what you want.

Cretien's leveled up, but I haven't decided on equipment for him yet. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Does anyone have Craft Magic Arms & Armor? I could probably use my armor increased to +2, and my turret enchanted to +1

And a headband of INT from Johnathan would not go amiss (me paying him of course).

@GM, you said there wouldn't be much time for crafting, but we have 50 days before the train even leaves?

Shot Putter Funkmeister

I had read the module a few months ago and remembered it starts right afterwards and then I read it again. Because of the preps being done for the mission, I would say that any making that would normally take a day to complete would be extended to a week, taking into consideration it being done as a side hobby kind of thing. Something that would take a week, would take the whole preparation time before the ship sails.

Tiefling map Armiger (Machinehead) 9/ Aristocrat 1 // AC 26/22/15 / HP 62/84 / F +10 R +11 W +9 / Init. +3 / Perc. +15 / Sense Motive +13

normally crafting while adventuring (the worst possible category of crafting in terms of efficiency) is 2 hours of progress per 8 hours of work, so 4x the length of time.

especially when the same logic preventing a character from making double progress on an item by working his entire 16hr day on it should apply to anything - doing more than 8 hours of any task is mind-numbing, so we wouldn't be working on a particular case-related task for longer than 8hrs either.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Thats fine by me. I just tried to come up with something I thought was fair. Typing in the correct phrase in the SRD is sometimes a nuissance. Fair enough.

Stephan DeWir (Black Market Arms Dealer) Hp 53/53 AC 25 (+7 Perc; +1 Init; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4)

Can't remember how we ae doing for hp ?

Female Dwarf Ranger(Guide)

Roll the die

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