1. GM Edwin's Zeitgeist Campaign

Game Master Insnare

When the people and King of Risur have internal or external enemies but won't or can't call in the military... They Call in the RHC(Royal Homeland Constabulary)

Act 1: The Investigation Begins!
Chapter 1: The Island at the Axis of the World
Chapter 2: The Dying Skyseer
Chapter 3: Digging for Lies
Chapter 4: Always on Time
Chapter 5: Cauldron Born
Zeigeist World Map
Avery Coast Train

Act 2: The Grand Design

Chapter 6: Revelations From the Mouth of a Mad Man


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Rogue(Scout) 7 , hp 45/45, AC 20(T14/FF16) CMD 20, Init +7, Perc +10 (+12 traps). F+5/R+10/W+3 Vanish 5/5

The TBA was just for non combat equipment, since I didn't know what we were getting for free as members of the RHC. Anyways I just bought some common manacles with my remaining 15gp.

Claude Waithe M Human Sorcerer (6) AC 15+2/14t/13+2ff, HP 53/53, Fort+6, Ref+5, Will+6, Init+7, Perc+4
Arvangail Wintry wrote:
Btw to all if you don't post of show your current hp how are we to easily know how badly wounded you are? (expect for mithas and i of course as our stat summary can be seen easy)

spaced it out, ty :]

Hp 28/28 AC 19 / 14 / 15 (+8 Perc; +6 Init; Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3)

Well hopefully you can catch her mithas

M Humanborn

to be clear, Cretien's prototypes work like spells of the same name, but they are reskinned to a more techno-magical appearance. (like a compact device that unfolds into a shield and follows a magnetic orbit making a slight electrical hum, instead of a bland disk of force)

Male Human Rogue(Spy)1,Init +0 Bab:+0 Fort +0 Ref +2 Will +0 Ac=10 on all Hp: 8 of 8 nonlethal0

Hope no one has a problem with Joseph trying to organize everything. Out of character that is, in character if one of yours would have an issue with him trying to take charge please be as RP as you like. :)

Shot Putter Funkmeister

I knew that was going to happen when a 17 year old refers to a 150 year old as boy or lad... lol...

Tiefling map Armiger (Machinehead) 9/ Aristocrat 1 // AC 26/22/15 / HP 62/84 / F +10 R +11 W +9 / Init. +3 / Perc. +15 / Sense Motive +13

Heh, indeed

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Just waiting on Mithas and then I will start up the challenge.

Male Human Rogue(Spy)1,Init +0 Bab:+0 Fort +0 Ref +2 Will +0 Ac=10 on all Hp: 8 of 8 nonlethal0

Lol apparently you put Joseph so far in his place everyone is remembering every good idea asyours.

Tiefling map Armiger (Machinehead) 9/ Aristocrat 1 // AC 26/22/15 / HP 62/84 / F +10 R +11 W +9 / Init. +3 / Perc. +15 / Sense Motive +13

heh, Cretien is mostly only good at one thing. to be told to do something else when his time to shine using his main ability is unthinkable! reprehensible!

but looks like we got the situation in hand, i hope we did anyway. we will see.

Hp 28/28 AC 19 / 14 / 15 (+8 Perc; +6 Init; Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3)

well having the king blow up in his ship would certainly look bad in our CV when looking for a new job :)

Male Human Rogue(Spy)1,Init +0 Bab:+0 Fort +0 Ref +2 Will +0 Ac=10 on all Hp: 8 of 8 nonlethal0

I am going to laugh if we all die because we didn't listen to Merle.

Claude Waithe M Human Sorcerer (6) AC 15+2/14t/13+2ff, HP 53/53, Fort+6, Ref+5, Will+6, Init+7, Perc+4

Just realized my confusion was because I thought you said "give me a 12 round action" not "give me a round 12 action". Small misread, big difference. Oops. Sorry!

Male Human Rogue(Spy)1,Init +0 Bab:+0 Fort +0 Ref +2 Will +0 Ac=10 on all Hp: 8 of 8 nonlethal0

I completely forgot about the alarms... but somehow I don't think Joseph did. I think he just didn't tell Merle there was a way to warn everyone.

M Humanborn

Johnathan it is 1hp per level plus you CON mod per night so you should get 2 more hp from rest.

Male Human Fighter (Pole Arm Master) / 2: HP-25, AC-20/13/17 (+2 Per, +2 Init, F+5 / R+2 / W+0)

I use a house rule we might want to consider for "Cure" spells...Not channel energy. We roll an extra die, and discard the lowest and use that for healing. Still gives the chance for a one, but raises the chances to getting at least an average role. Thoughts???

Hp 28/28 AC 19 / 14 / 15 (+8 Perc; +6 Init; Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3)

nay don't really needed eventually the +X from level is going to work nicely.

Male Human Rogue(Spy)1,Init +0 Bab:+0 Fort +0 Ref +2 Will +0 Ac=10 on all Hp: 8 of 8 nonlethal0

Where are you coming up with the plus con mod? I think there is a feat that does that but natural healing in pathfinder is just character lvl or double for 24 hour rest.

Joseph isn't going to complain but he is noticeably wounded still seeing as he still has the cut through his coat and everything. Didn't even wash the blood out. Technically out of uniform he is. Also don't think he got the 8 hours needed to gain back health what with the romp and all. What was the widows name so I can keep track my good GM?

M Humanborn

ah, it appears you are correct. i believe i have brought the "lvl+CON" in as a relic from 3.5. my apologies.

Male Human Rogue(Spy)1,Init +0 Bab:+0 Fort +0 Ref +2 Will +0 Ac=10 on all Hp: 8 of 8 nonlethal0

No apologies necessary, we all have relics we forget about till someone points it out. My RL GM was doing AOO for drawing a weapon till I pointed out those didn't happen in pathfinder.

M Humanborn

wow that is another one i didnt know about

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Cool, so I want you all to calculate your THAC0, please... lol....

M Humanborn

Pretty sure Cretien's is 19. hahaha

Male Human Rogue(Spy)1,Init +0 Bab:+0 Fort +0 Ref +2 Will +0 Ac=10 on all Hp: 8 of 8 nonlethal0

That is easy sir. We are all at Thac0 of 20.

Hp 28/28 AC 19 / 14 / 15 (+8 Perc; +6 Init; Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3)

that would be your base THACO but you would have to modify it with STR and weapon specialisation (and Elfe race get a bonus for longbow and longsword)

Male Human Rogue(Spy)1,Init +0 Bab:+0 Fort +0 Ref +2 Will +0 Ac=10 on all Hp: 8 of 8 nonlethal0

All that added to the roll not subtracted from the thac0. Could be worse though, didn't have nearly as much formula work as villains and vigilantes.

Male Human Rogue(Spy)1,Init +0 Bab:+0 Fort +0 Ref +2 Will +0 Ac=10 on all Hp: 8 of 8 nonlethal0

Going to give Mithas and john a chance to react if they want.

Tiefling map Armiger (Machinehead) 9/ Aristocrat 1 // AC 26/22/15 / HP 62/84 / F +10 R +11 W +9 / Init. +3 / Perc. +15 / Sense Motive +13

Off to work now, ill take a stab at the puzzle I. About 10 grs if it hasnt been solved by then.

Hp 28/28 AC 19 / 14 / 15 (+8 Perc; +6 Init; Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3)

Just to info you all that i am leaving tomorrow until Monday in order to attend a friend's wedding. I won't be able to post more then once per day during that time.

Fell free to DM NPC Me

Shot Putter Funkmeister

ok guys you just got paid. and can requisition gear, just tell me what you buy, are you going to ask the chief anything before you go on the ship?

Tiefling map Armiger (Machinehead) 9/ Aristocrat 1 // AC 26/22/15 / HP 62/84 / F +10 R +11 W +9 / Init. +3 / Perc. +15 / Sense Motive +13

for my 1000gp, i am shopping around for:

wand of cure light wounds (used, ~33 charges left)
Scroll: Unseen Servant x2
Scroll: Sleep x6
Scroll: Color Spray x6
Scroll: Touch of the Sea x3

Is this actual money or a voucher for equipment through the RHC? would it be possible to save any of it for use later?

Shot Putter Funkmeister

You don't have to spend it all if you don't want to...

Tiefling map Armiger (Machinehead) 9/ Aristocrat 1 // AC 26/22/15 / HP 62/84 / F +10 R +11 W +9 / Init. +3 / Perc. +15 / Sense Motive +13

ok. am i able to find what i listed above? i realize maybe six of one scroll might be tough to find in a day, even if its a low level scroll. also wondering if i find a used wand and how many charges it had left

Shot Putter Funkmeister

You can definitely get the scrolls but a used wand would take more than a few hours to get for your trip.

Tiefling map Armiger (Machinehead) 9/ Aristocrat 1 // AC 26/22/15 / HP 62/84 / F +10 R +11 W +9 / Init. +3 / Perc. +15 / Sense Motive +13

OK so if i dont have time to get that i guess ill get like 8 scrolls of cure light wounds and 2 potions of cure light wounds

Male Human Rogue(Spy)1,Init +0 Bab:+0 Fort +0 Ref +2 Will +0 Ac=10 on all Hp: 8 of 8 nonlethal0

Sorry missed the very bottom of the post. Just replenishing my bolts and banking the 1k for later. Unless someone suggests otherwise. Also I don't remember, we don't have skill with firearms but they are handing us pistols. Oh, and how much shot and powder for that?

Claude Waithe M Human Sorcerer (6) AC 15+2/14t/13+2ff, HP 53/53, Fort+6, Ref+5, Will+6, Init+7, Perc+4

Replenish bolts (unless we're able to use the muskets/pistols), 10 potions of cure light wounds, 1 potion of enlarge person, 2 scrolls of hold portal, 2 scrolls of featherfall, 3 scrolls of shield, 1 scroll comprehend languages, 2 scrolls mage armor, 4 scrolls magic missile.

10x50=500g (Potions of Cure Light Wounds)
1x50=50g (Potion of Enlarge Person)
14x25=350g (Misc lvl 1 scrolls)
900g spent

100g (Leftover from RHC salary)
29.5g (Leftover gold from char creation)
129.5g total on character

Rogue(Scout) 7 , hp 45/45, AC 20(T14/FF16) CMD 20, Init +7, Perc +10 (+12 traps). F+5/R+10/W+3 Vanish 5/5

We should just split a wand of CLW, if everyone chips in it's only 125gp each.

Would things like manacles have to come out of the 1000gp? I assume we're still supposed to not flat out kill people...?

Claude Waithe M Human Sorcerer (6) AC 15+2/14t/13+2ff, HP 53/53, Fort+6, Ref+5, Will+6, Init+7, Perc+4

oh right, good idea :D

Hp 28/28 AC 19 / 14 / 15 (+8 Perc; +6 Init; Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3)

well if the DM is ok with 125 gp for a wand then i am good to go (banking the rest)

Male Human Rogue(Spy)1,Init +0 Bab:+0 Fort +0 Ref +2 Will +0 Ac=10 on all Hp: 8 of 8 nonlethal0

Let me know if that is what we do. I will deduct that amount from my banked cash.

M Humanborn

I am in another game that could use another person or two to get started. It is a modified/hybrid pathfinder game set in the Robotech/MACROSS universe. Link to Recruitment

Shot Putter Funkmeister

I hate to rain on the parade. To get a wand of that value would take a full day but the invasion cannot wait.

Hp 28/28 AC 19 / 14 / 15 (+8 Perc; +6 Init; Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3)

oh well i guess that will have to wait for another time.
i'll get 2 scrolls of CLW for 50gp then

Male Human Rogue(Spy)1,Init +0 Bab:+0 Fort +0 Ref +2 Will +0 Ac=10 on all Hp: 8 of 8 nonlethal0

Still waiting on an answer to my pistol question please.

Male Human Fighter (Pole Arm Master) / 2: HP-25, AC-20/13/17 (+2 Per, +2 Init, F+5 / R+2 / W+0)

Upon hearing the wand is not available yet, Merle will bank his funds to save for something else.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Sorry you have 20 rounds and firedust

Tiefling map Armiger (Machinehead) 9/ Aristocrat 1 // AC 26/22/15 / HP 62/84 / F +10 R +11 W +9 / Init. +3 / Perc. +15 / Sense Motive +13

And we are proficient?

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Due to RHC basic training you do not take any penalties normally associated with firearms.

Rogue(Scout) 7 , hp 45/45, AC 20(T14/FF16) CMD 20, Init +7, Perc +10 (+12 traps). F+5/R+10/W+3 Vanish 5/5

Mithas' requisition:

MWK Falchion - 375gp
Breastplate - 200gp
MWK manacles with superior lock - 200gp

Scroll of clw x3 75gp

total: 850gp

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