Fallout - Twin Cities (Apocalypse World)
Game Master
DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish"
Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○
Yeah Tom can be hit or miss really. Depends on his mood and if he's taken a shine to you.
RETIRED PC | Quarantine | COOL+3 | Hard+1 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | WEIRD+1 | Armor 0 | Harm 2/6 (6:00) | Exp ●●●●○
Sorry for the delay, folks. I'll only have my phone for internet from this Thursday night until the following Monday night, so I'll probably be slow or silent during this time too. Bot me if need be, if Vonya hasn't ripped me in half before then.
RETIRED PC | Quarantine | COOL+3 | Hard+1 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | WEIRD+1 | Armor 0 | Harm 2/6 (6:00) | Exp ●●●●○
Vonya wrote: Not sure how to handle this Mooshy, as he got a miss. Do I just respond with how he can appease Vonya? I'm not 100% on this, but I believe I'd get an answer and my miss prompts Mooshy to use a "GM move" for my failure on the dice, like Francis being faced with a hard choice, or having a 16 ton weight fall on him.
Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○
Quote: "On pure principle, you ballsy bastard, I'm not gonna hand them off right now. But I will give 'em to the kids. We got a bigger problem to deal with first. I'm not gonna use em to shoot up - if it don't get me high, it's no use to me." What I originally wrote...
Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-1 | Sharp=0 | Weird+2
Not exactly good, but I've wanted an opportunity for Volcano to "explode" for a while...
RETIRED PC | Quarantine | COOL+3 | Hard+1 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | WEIRD+1 | Armor 0 | Harm 2/6 (6:00) | Exp ●●●●○
Sorry, phone died over weekend - post will be up shortly.
Sorry for not posting any updates yesterday guys, I was under the weather. Will be updating today.
Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○
DOes Francis' damage to us increase his Hx with us?
Yes, it does! Thanks for reminding me of that.
However, it unfortunately does not matter, as I will be taking over Francis for the time being. The player is bowing out for RL reasons.
RETIRED PC | Quarantine | COOL+3 | Hard+1 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | WEIRD+1 | Armor 0 | Harm 2/6 (6:00) | Exp ●●●●○
Yes, unfortunately I'll be dropping from several of my games due to time constraints. I've enjoyed playing with y'all- thanks for the fun, and good luck with who/whatever's at the top of the Crane! And both thanks again to Mooshy for letting me on board to begin with and apologies again for bailing.
RETIRED PC | Quarantine | COOL+3 | Hard+1 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | WEIRD+1 | Armor 0 | Harm 2/6 (6:00) | Exp ●●●●○
My time crunch doesn't actually start 'til the end of the week, so I should be active through Friday. After that, SPC Benjamin's life is in Mooshy's capable hands.
This is unrelated, but I hope everyone listens to this.
Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○
Sorry for my lack of posting lately - I have family visiting and my wedding next week! If I start to hold the group up please auto me to keep things rolling.
Also sorry to hear you have to bow out Francis. I felt like we had started something special together!
RETIRED PC | Quarantine | COOL+3 | Hard+1 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | WEIRD+1 | Armor 0 | Harm 2/6 (6:00) | Exp ●●●●○
Thanks, Vonya; congratulations on your upcoming nuptials!
Congrats on getting hitched soon!
Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○
RETIRED PC | Quarantine | COOL+3 | Hard+1 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | WEIRD+1 | Armor 0 | Harm 2/6 (6:00) | Exp ●●●●○
And rather than ending on a high note, Francis fails miserably on an Open Your Brain test. Huzzah!
Mooshy, I officially hand control of Francis over to you. Good luck everybody!
Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-1 | Sharp=0 | Weird+2
Just to give everyone a heads-up, I'll be leaving on a trip to Ireland with my family to celebrate my brother's graduation this Saturday (the day after my birthday, if you can believe it) and so my posting next week may be a bit spotty. I'll try to keep informed as to what's goin' on in game and try to post if I can, but feel free to bot my character if it's needed to progress.
Thanks everyone! :D
M Humanborn
cool, one of these days i want to go to Ireland and the rest of Europe.
Busy dipping my toe in the water of WoW again with Legion tonight, guys. Sorry
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Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-1 | Sharp=0 | Weird+2
Male - Smoog's Player - RPGer/37th Lvl -
Gain +1 XP, happy birthday!
Hey all, I’m really sorry I didn’t post on Friday or yesterday, which are normally scheduled posting days. I’ve been dealing with some lawyer/custody related stuff and work’s been a little difficult on top of that. Nothing I can’t handle! However it did affect my time and ability to post updates on those days – my bad. I’m updating with responses to your actions today, around 4 PM CST is when I’ll be planning to post the updates. Thanks for bearing with me.
Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-2 | Sharp+2 | Weird+3 | Armor: 1 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●●●○○ / ●
Super busy day at work, post inc tomorrow
M Humanborn
Tomorrow I will be traveling outside the US on vacation and will return on October 6th. During such time, I will likely be very sparing on the boards, and I imagine connectivity may be an issue. Please bot me as necessary. I will still try to get some posts in or at least keep up with games while in my hotel, if wifi-allows.
Sick and un-creative today so no post, my apologies. Everyone mark an XP while I'm gone because my birthday was last Friday.
Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-1 | Sharp=0 | Weird+2
Happy birthday! Get well soon!

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Hey guys, sorry I've been so quiet this past week. I can't explain why, but it's been really difficult to force myself to sit down and update the campaigns I'm in, both as a player and as a DM. I regret leaving you all hanging for this long and I don't intend to abandon ship, if you'll all still have me; I just need to get back into my creative mindstate and this flu I had for a few days recently really took it out of me.
As soon as I'm able to, I'll resume my regular schedule. I'll be trying every day...I'm just finding it very difficult to focus and just think. My mind is very...unsettled. Anxious. I don't know what kind of mental fugue I'm in but I want to get through it and be done. I don't like struggling this much just to write a few simple paragraphs of text.
Sorry about this, guys. I feel like I fall off my regular posting schedule all too often, every month practically, and all I have to say is that I'm thankful to be able to come back and rejoin my online gaming crew.
Just wanted to give you all an update so you don't think I died or something. :)
Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-1 | Sharp=0 | Weird+2
Don't worry, O mighty GM. I'll be right here when you're back on top again! This has been one of the most creative games I've ever been in, and as a Minnesota native, I gotta say you're doin' my favorite cities in the world proud!
M Humanborn
I'll be here when you're ready. There are things i should be doing instead of posting that i neglect so i can do those haha
Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○
Sorry for my own absence - I'm in Florida, and the storm knocked out our power so I haven't kept on top of this game.
Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○
I'm leaving for my honeymoon cruise tomorrow - if this starts back up while i'm gone for a week, just bot me 'til I'm back!
Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-1 | Sharp=0 | Weird+2
Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○
Thanks! I'm back, if this is still up.
COOL+3 | Hard=0 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | WEIRD-1 | Armor 0 | Harm 2/6 | EXP 2
I think we are all checking in once in a while to see when Mooshy returns. Still no activity but lots of interest. :)
Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-1 | Sharp=0 | Weird+2
*pokes head out of gopher hole*
Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-2 | Sharp+2 | Weird+3 | Armor: 1 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●●●○○ / ●
Cool+3 | Hard-2 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armor: 1 | Harm: 1/6 | XP: 3/5
We could do what is happening in the other of Mooshy's game, that is, rotating co-MC. Would anybody be interested in moving the action along till he gets back?
COOL+3 | Hard=0 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | WEIRD-1 | Armor 0 | Harm 2/6 | EXP 2
Although we are all partners in this venture, I feel Mooshy has the 51st share and since he asked for time to recouperate I will wait for him to return.
Most definitely fair enough. That being said, I'm planning on running an AW game over on discord in about a months time, spots are limited but if people drop out it would be nice to have spares. The setting is Heaven's Fall, an Underdarkesque cavern filled with creepy crawlies and worse, with the action taking place under the watchful eye of God up in his tower.
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I'm sorry everyone. I wish I could be better. I can't do this anymore. Not for awhile at least. You are all excellent players and I was privileged to DM for you for awhile.
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