Fallout - Twin Cities (Apocalypse World) (Inactive)

Game Master DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish"

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Cool+0 | »Hard+1« | Hot+2 | »Sharp+1« | Weird-1 | Armor: 0 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●●○○○

I think Chief was kind and unafraid toward you. The first time you came to Walker's, everyone was falling over themselves to get out of your way, but when he came into Wolf's, Chief was just like "Hi, you're new here! Welcome to Wolf's, have a cup of coffee on the house."

Chief has kind of a blind spot about physical danger.

Since then, Chief has occasionally hired you for odd jobs -- moving heavy things around in exchange for a few meals.

COOL+3 | Hard=0 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | WEIRD-1 | Armor 0 | Harm 2/6 | EXP 2
Vonya wrote:
Which one of you do I think is pretty?


Alright, I will put this out there.
You think I am pretty in that I remind you of what you looked like before the scarring accident left you hideous.
So it can be an "I wish I looked like my old self again" thing and causes friction between us?
Or any other way that will make a cool HX.
As for my avatar, I do not always wear a mask, only to keep the dust out of my face when driving.

Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○

Which one of you once helped me do something terrible? Pallor
Which one of you was once kind and unafraid toward me? Chief
Which one of you do I think is pretty? Runner

I really like the ideas! Runner's is out there but I can see the merit in it, it's very interesting. I envisage Vonya as having a lot of burns and scars, so the envy could be quite real. The mask helps him get over a lot of his fears of looking like a freak (in the sense that he can ignore it and get on with things) so seeing Runner might trigger a lot of old sh*t that makes him too emotional or sentimental to function properly.

Regarding Chief, I can see how this might have made Vonya treat you differently, because Chief treated me differently. That's a level of mutual respect and understanding that Vonya would appreciate.

I'd like to flesh out this weird sh*t that Pallor and I might have done though. What terrible thing did we do? Given that my forte is gratuitous violence.

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-2 | Sharp+2 | Weird+3 | Armor: 1 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●●●○○ / ●

Pallor might have swayed someone into attacking you so that your killing them violently would have not drawn as much attention.

He may have urged you to kill a rival violently.

there may have been a deal with another hold that the big boss didn't want to make but didn't want to deal with the ramifications of turning down, and Vonya and Pallor made sure the messengers/brokers only returned in pieces, but with no witnesses, and having implicated a third (enemy) hold, turning hold 2 against 3 in a bloody butterfly effect with a scorched-earth ending.

Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○
Pallor wrote:

Pallor might have swayed someone into attacking you so that your killing them violently would have not drawn as much attention.

He may have urged you to kill a rival violently.

there may have been a deal with another hold that the big boss didn't want to make but didn't want to deal with the ramifications of turning down, and Vonya and Pallor made sure the messengers/brokers only returned in pieces, but with no witnesses, and having implicated a third (enemy) hold, turning hold 2 against 3 in a bloody butterfly effect with a scorched-earth ending.

I like these! The last one especially; it's so nefarious with Pallor using Vonya as an instrument of destruction in a flurry of rage, it cemented an odd, bloodthirsty bond between the two.

As my highest bond with +3, Pallor, which stat would you like to highlight?

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-2 | Sharp+2 | Weird+3 | Armor: 1 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●●●○○ / ●

Pallor is most interested by the weird folks, so i will highlight WEIRD

yeah i liked the last one best which is why i fleshed it out the most. and it gives your bloodrage a modicum of acceptance by the big boss

now i forget this but for Hx, if someone has +3 with me do i have +3 with them?

Cool +1 | Hard -1 | »Hot +1« | Sharp 0 | »Weird +2« | Armor : 1 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●○○○○
Navarre said wrote:
A couple of things need sorted out for Navarre's back story. Dust I figure you and Navarre came from the same small berg. You left first, Navarre followed. Why don't you pick the town where they grew up at. If you want to have grown up in the same nutty religious group as he did or just someone from the town, I'm good either way.

Still need to add my part to this.

I'm thinking that from the sounds of Navarre's family it would make sense that everyone living there would be part of this religious survivalist culture too. I think we would have been friends when we were younger on account of both being rebellious youths and would both have rejected the religion there (though feel free to correct me if you didn't) which would have been very puritanical and strict.

Outsiders would be unwelcome in place like this but they would be unable to avoid having to trade for certain supplies. In his younger days Omega traded in medical supplies which is how Dust first met him and how we got hold of stims. Eventually I'd had enough and persuaded Omega to take me with him which is ultimately how I ended up at Walker's. Before I left I stole my family's golden age radio equipment from their bunker which would later form the basis for the equipment I use to make my music.

Not sure how far away from the city it makes sense for the town to be but there's a small town 4 hours drive away which looks like it might fit the bill

that's awesome Dust, I just happened to live in Wausau, which is just south of there, when I was a kid. I love the idea of Navarre being from "Tomahawk."

I was definitely thinking a puritanical/strict group and being rebellious youths. His parents embraced the "psychic stuff" as part of their religion, like it is a prophetic gifting, so it just got added to the rules of do's and don'ts.

Navarre puts that whole religious rules and the "psychic stuff" together as religion. That's why he hates "going weird." It's like admitting religion is real but not wanting to follow it. So he just wants to ignore the existence of all of it and do his own thing.

Cool +1 | Hard -1 | »Hot +1« | Sharp 0 | »Weird +2« | Armor : 1 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●○○○○

I like it. Makes for a cool dynamic that Navarre rejected religion entirely as a result but Dust ended up rebelling in the opposite direction and wound up as the de facto head of a new religion based on revelry and excess.

Cool +1 | Hard -1 | »Hot +1« | Sharp 0 | »Weird +2« | Armor : 1 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●○○○○

If anyone wants a bit more detail on the tags used to describe gear and weapons this might come in handy (NB. It's from the 1st ed rule book). I know I've found some of the the tags a bit tricky to figure out and the basic playbooks don't really tell you what they mean.

Info in tags:
Weapons’ and gear’s descriptive tags fall into 3 categories. First,
the plain mechanical; second, constraints on when the characters
can use them; third, cues recommending something for you to
say about them.

In the listings that follow, +[tag], like +valuable or +infinite,
means simply to add that tag to the thing’s description. -[tag],
like -loud or -reload, means to remove it. +nharm, like +1harm
or +2harm, means to add n to the thing’s existing harm. For
instance, if you create a custom weapon whose base has 1-harm
and give it an option with +1harm, list 2-harm in its final

Ranges (constraint) let you know when and whether the
character can bring the weapon or gear to bear. e ranges,
nearest to farthest, are intimate, hand, close, close/far, far (cf ).

n-armor (1-armor, 2-armor etc.) (mechanical): reduces incoming
harm by n-much.

n-harm (1-harm, 2-harm etc.) (mechanical): inflicts n-much

+nharm (+1harm, +2harm) (mechanical): adds n to the harm it

+bonus (+1hot forward, +1sharp when eyesight matters, +1 to
going aggro etc.) (mechanical): adds to a particular stat or a
particular move’s roll, under the specified conditions.

Alive (cue): it’s a living creature.

AP (mechanical): it ignores its target’s armor, inflicting its full

Applied (constraint): it takes intimacy and uninterrupted time
for the character to use it. You’d better have a willing subject, or
restrained. Contrast tag.

Area (mechanical, constraint): its target or subject is an area,
not a person; it fully affects everyone and everything there.
An area weapon used against a larger gang inflicts its full harm,
provided that the gang is crowded into the area in question.

Autofire (mechanical, cue, constraint): at the character’s option,
the weapon makes an area attack (cf ), but must imediately
reload (cf ).

Close (constraint, a range): she can bring it to bear only when
she’s pretty close to her target or subject. If they could call to one another and have a shouted conversation, they’re close enough.

Close/far (constraint, a range): she can bring it to bear at both
close and far range.

Far (constraint, a range): she can bring it to bear only when she’s
pretty far from her target or subject. If she can see the whites of
his eyes, they’re too close together.

Hand (constraint, a range): she can bring it to bear only when
she’s within arm’s reach of her target or subject.

Hi-tech (constraint, cue): it’s high tech, not the kind of simple
machine that can be easily manufactured in these crude
times. It’s also worth more than 1-barter, probably, but that’s

Implanted (constraint): it’s permanently implanted in its user’s
skin, body, or brain. Contrast worn.

Infinite (constraint): throw one away, the character has another
one, and another, and another; she has as many as she needs.
It’s important to distinguish an infinite thing, as one item, from
any one of its individual members. Take infinite valuable knives,
for instance: the character can throw one knife away and have
more, indefinitely, but if she throws all her knives away as an
item, they’re all gone. Similarly, it’s all her knives as an item, not any individual knife, that are valuable. Treat any one knife as
disposable, transient, not even really a thing.

Intimate (constraint, a range): she can bring it to bear only when
she’s very close to her target or subject, close enough to hold,
kiss or grapple him. Arm’s reach isn’t close enough.

Loud (cue): everyone nearby hears it, and can potentially
identify what made the noise. It wakes up sleeping people,
startles people who aren’t expecting it, makes small children
cry, and is generally distinctive and unignorable.

Messy (cue): it’s loud (cf ). Furthermore, it might hit every person
in its area but might miss any given person in its area; and it
leaves a mess behind — cosmetic property damage, blood and
gore, barf or s$~~ or other bodily produce, or some other kind of
mess as appropriate.

Refill (mechanical): using it uses it up. e character can’t use it
again unless she has a refill.

Reload (constraint): using it means the character has to take
specific action to reload or reset it before she can use it again.

Remote (constraint): the character can use it at a distance by
remote control, or maybe it can operate at a distance autonomously.

S-harm (cue): it disables its target without causing any harm.
Use it on a PC, and doing anything at all means doing it under
fire; the fire is “you’re stunned.”

Tag (constraint): the character has to touch her target to use it,
but only an instant of time, and there’s no need for the subject or
target to cooperate. Contrast applied.

Valuable (constraint, cue): it’s worth more than 1-barter.

Worn (constraint): to use it, the character has to be wearing it.
Contrast implanted.

Dust the Hocus wrote:
I like it. Makes for a cool dynamic that Navarre rejected religion entirely as a result but Dust ended up rebelling in the opposite direction and wound up as the de facto head of a new religion based on revelry and excess.

Navarre likes the revelry and excess part, it's just the psychic thing is part and parcel with mom and dads "old time religion"! To make matters worse, he took Battlefield instincts: when you open your brain to the world’s psychic maelstrom, roll+hard instead of roll+weird, but only in battle. as his third Gunlugger Move so he will be using the maelstrom for help in battle, What's the old saying? "There are no atheists in a foxhole"

Edit: Thanks for the info on the tags, every little bit helps, forgot what it was like to learn a new system!

Pallor wrote:
now i forget this but for Hx, if someone has +3 with me do i have +3 with them?

Not unless something in your class sheet says that that's so. Characters can absolutely have different Hx's from each other; he could have a +3 with you but you may only have a +1 with him, for example. It's all dependent on the Hx questions on your character sheet.

Thanks for the tags list, Dust!

Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○

Okay, weird is my first highlight. MC highlight another one and I'm good to go!

I learned my lesson from mis-allocating Chief's highlighted stat so he can't gain XP from his favorite bonus, so your second highlighted stat is Hard.

Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○

Sweet! How would you like me to be introduced?

Well, the party's split up into two groups currently. Say you were at Wolf's this morning when the scavving run was being discussed. Would your character have wanted to tag along with Scarlet and Dog, perhaps following Pallor? Or would you have stayed behind in the hold with Dust, Seth, and Chief?

Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○
DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" wrote:
Well, the party's split up into two groups currently. Say you were at Wolf's this morning when the scavving run was being discussed. Would your character have wanted to tag along with Scarlet and Dog, perhaps following Pallor? Or would you have stayed behind in the hold with Dust, Seth, and Chief?

To even out the party composition, how about I slept in this morning and was woken up by the explosion. Time to help out and earn my keep!

That's golden. We'll cut to you racing down the main residence area's "street," making your way toward Gallery 1, where Paul Atreides has told all able-bodied and armed people to gather via intercom.

Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○

Want me to start out writing a post, or would you rather set the scene for me to respond to?

You can start out. When you reach the Gallery is right as the engine for Old Bessie is firing up, and Chief just finished acing a Super Mutant in the face.

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Cool +1 | Hard -1 | »Hot +1« | Sharp 0 | »Weird +2« | Armor : 1 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●○○○○

Seems like a perfectly cinematic moment to arrive. Can't wait to see what happens.

Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○

I'm not sure if that was a legal move, as I'm still new to AW (I've read up on the adventures so far with the group, but the combat stuff is still foreign to me. DW deals with it in a clearer fashion).

As I asked in the gameplay chat - when do I mark xp in relation to highlighted stats? Whenever I roll using that stat, or only if I succeed in a roll using that stat?

Whenever you roll using that stat.

Nice entrance. Your Seize By Force roll was perfectly legal. AW encourages players to make big plays like that.

Cool+0 | »Hard+1« | Hot+2 | »Sharp+1« | Weird-1 | Armor: 0 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●●○○○

Vonya, any roll on a highlighted stat gains you XP.

(Also, great entrance! I was hoping you'd start in the hold and help us out, we are sorely lacking a heavy hitter here.)

Some MCs have a one-XP per highlighted stat per scene limit (a rule backported from the AW hack Monsterhearts) to avoid getting too crazy -- Mooshy?

Cool+0 | »Hard+1« | Hot+2 | »Sharp+1« | Weird-1 | Armor: 0 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●●○○○
DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" wrote:
I learned my lesson from mis-allocating Chief's highlighted stat so he can't gain XP from his favorite bonus, so your second highlighted stat is Hard.

Awww, don't mind me sassing you, Mooshy. I'm in for the long haul so I don't mind getting my second tier stats highlighted out of the gate.

Chief the Maestro D' wrote:

Some MCs have a one-XP per highlighted stat per scene limit (a rule backported from the AW hack Monsterhearts) to avoid getting too crazy -- Mooshy?

No, I don't give a damn if you level up quickly. I can still kill you.

Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○
Chief the Maestro D' wrote:
Also, great entrance! I was hoping you'd start in the hold and help us out, we are sorely lacking a heavy hitter here.

Here's hoping I get some credit for helping out, need more jingle in my pocket!

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-1 | Sharp=0 | Weird+2

Honestly thinking I might drop out of this game. It's moving a lot faster than I can keep up with, and I still haven't completed my sheet.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
COOL+3 | Hard=0 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | WEIRD-1 | Armor 0 | Harm 2/6 | EXP 2
Seth "Volcano" Hafner wrote:
Honestly thinking I might drop out of this game. It's moving a lot faster than I can keep up with, and I still haven't completed my sheet.


That would be a shame.
It might seem like tons has happened but each character has actually only done like 1 or 2 things in the last week.
Just take your time catching up and post when you can.
Your Savvy is shaping up to be quite the counterbalance to all the hothead, murder-hobos runnin' round here. You would be missed.

Yeah, you're not that far behind the action, Seth. It'd be okay if you only chimed in when you were able to. As the MC I'm assuming your character is there and mixing it up in the action even when the spotlight isn't on you.

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-1 | Sharp=0 | Weird+2
Runner, aka Rufio wrote:
Seth "Volcano" Hafner wrote:
Honestly thinking I might drop out of this game. It's moving a lot faster than I can keep up with, and I still haven't completed my sheet.


That would be a shame.
It might seem like tons has happened but each character has actually only done like 1 or 2 things in the last week.
Just take your time catching up and post when you can.
Your Savvy is shaping up to be quite the counterbalance to all the hothead, murder-hobos runnin' round here. You would be missed.

That's something I wanna do, but I am frustrated that I've essentially no knowledge of the system and thus have no real clue what I'm doing trying to get set up.

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COOL+3 | Hard=0 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | WEIRD-1 | Armor 0 | Harm 2/6 | EXP 2

One of the coolest thing I have come to appreciate about these PbtA games is that you can just narrate the 'action movie' in your head and let the others who are more familiar with the game's nuts and bolts fill in the rest.

Cool+3 | Hard-2 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armor: 1 | Harm: 1/6 | XP: 3/5

^ Agreed. As far as narrative games go, AW probably does this the slickest. If Vonya says "I hit them in the face", Mooshy can ask "Why?" And straight away know what the roll is. More than that though, how often does the scientist guy go out into the fray? Not very often.

Not until he has the sickest bloody laser gun and uses it to evaporate someone's spine.

That's you, by the way.

That's exactly right. We're basically communally writing an action movie together here that's unfolding as we post. That's the goal, anyway. Your character is a great fit in that movie. You can definitely contribute to that plenty.

On the bright side, know that if you do leave the campaign, I'll have aallll the Super Mutants aggro to you specifically, mangle your body and eat your lifeless corpse. Unfortunately, the Hold would need a new technician to fix all their broken sh*t. That could be a new group quest!

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-1 | Sharp=0 | Weird+2

So what's my first step to getting caught up?

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Cool+0 | »Hard+1« | Hot+2 | »Sharp+1« | Weird-1 | Armor: 0 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●●○○○

Hey, man, sorry Chief didn't engage Volcano more back at Wolf's before things started blowing up.

First off, the underlying rule for all the moves in AW is, "to do it, do it" -- which sounds like mumbo-jumbo, but what it means is this: to use the game mechanics and make a move, you narrate what your character is doing and either say what move you think you're making or wait for Mooshy to decide for you. Conversely, if you narrate that your character is doing something that Mooshy thinks looks like a move, then your character makes that move.

So you've got a nasty melée weapon and you're Hard+1 - you're not quite a heavy hitter, but far from helpless. You've got Cool and Weird highlighted, so you have XP incentive to use Act Under Fire, Stand Overwatch, Bait a Trap, Open Your Brain or Things Speak. (All these moves are described in the 2e preview playbooks PDF.)

Things Speak might be useful after the dust settles from the Mutant incursion -- depending on what they carried with them, you might be able to get some useful information -- but it's not so useful right now.

If you want to get into the fight you could maybe get a Mutie's attention and then Bait A Trap to, say, lure them into your workshop where you happen to have something that can f@!@ 'em up, like another gun turret you're working on, or a gigantic electrical coil, or maybe your ladybot has a choke setting booo I can't find an Archer Chokebot clip on youtube, or whatever. Describe anything you want that seems logical given what we know about Volcano and the Hold and the world, and if it's cool Mooshy will let you do it.

If you don't want to put yourself in danger, that's fine too; you can Open Your Brain to maybe gain information about why the bad guys are attacking, or you can just sit this fight out - you're an old man with a bum leg, no one's going to fault your discretion.

Longer term: you're an inventor, a mad scientist; figure out what you want to build and tell Mooshy, and he'll tell you what you need to do it.

Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○
Seth "Volcano" Hafner wrote:
So what's my first step to getting caught up?

It might be worth reading through all the posts again? I enjoyed doing this to not only get caught up on the story/action, but also see examples of how play is happening.

For example, at one point Navarre tries to roll 'going aggro' just to shoot at some raiders, but it's explained that that sort of thing just happens in the fiction, if he's doing something a bit more mechanically complex a roll would be needed to determine what happens within the fiction. Sh*t like that.

But, this is a time consuming procedure. I just had a bit of time on my hands and I'm eager to know more about AW.

Also, I'll keep ol' Bessie safe. Don't worry.

yeah, still learning it myself, this document Scarlet posted helped tons, as well as the list that Dust posted.

Hey Volcano, just post when you can, I don't know anything about "Apocalypse World" but the more the merrier, right.

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-1 | Sharp=0 | Weird+2

Thanks for the help and encouragement folks! I'll stick with it for now.

Cool+0 | »Hard+1« | Hot+2 | »Sharp+1« | Weird-1 | Armor: 0 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●●○○○

One more thing, Volcano -- Did you do a Bonefeel roll yet? It's a start-of-session move. You don't need its benefit right now (because there's a perfectly natural reason for you to be in the action) but it might come in handy later in the session, plus it's an XP for you.

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-2 | Sharp+2 | Weird+3 | Armor: 1 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●●●○○ / ●
DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" wrote:
I learned my lesson from mis-allocating Chief's highlighted stat so he can't gain XP from his favorite bonus, so your second highlighted stat is Hard.

glad you did, i would have felt REALLY bad if you didnt pick his important stat hahaha

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" wrote:
Chief the Maestro D' wrote:

Some MCs have a one-XP per highlighted stat per scene limit (a rule backported from the AW hack Monsterhearts) to avoid getting too crazy -- Mooshy?
No, I don't give a damn if you level up quickly. I can still kill you.

oh good news then, i was worried when i saw others with 3 or 4 filled in and i had already done what i thought was my only shot at a weird roll.

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-1 | Sharp=0 | Weird+2
Chief the Maestro D' wrote:
One more thing, Volcano -- Did you do a Bonefeel roll yet? It's a start-of-session move. You don't need its benefit right now (because there's a perfectly natural reason for you to be in the action) but it might come in handy later in the session, plus it's an XP for you.

Not yet. What do I roll?

Cool+3 | Hard-2 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armor: 1 | Harm: 1/6 | XP: 3/5

It is on your profile page, +weird. Also, you can ask Mooshy one question from the Read A Sitch move (because you rolled a 9). http://apocalypse-world.com/AW2ndEdPlaybooksPreview.pdf P.g. 30

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Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○

I very much intend to utilise Bessie's MG to cause some beautiful chaos. Let the rivers run red with mutie blood!!

Cool +1 | Hard -1 | »Hot +1« | Sharp 0 | »Weird +2« | Armor : 1 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●○○○○

Another possibility for learning the system which I found enjoyable was to listen to a podcast called The Jankcast. They did an apocalypse world campaign called Black Diamond which I really enjoyed listening to and also taught me a lot about how the game works.

Cool+0 | »Hard+1« | Hot+2 | »Sharp+1« | Weird-1 | Armor: 0 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●●○○○

Yeah, Jank Cast is great. I Podcast Magic Missile is another good one, they've done a couple of AW campaigns as well as their own AW hacks, Souls of Steel and Sword/Crown/Unspeakable Power.

RETIRED PC | Quarantine | COOL+3 | Hard+1 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | WEIRD+1 | Armor 0 | Harm 2/6 (6:00) | Exp ●●●●○

Thanks for the suggestion, Dust - I've been listening to the podcast all morning at work. Not having any prior experience with AW, it's a nice example of play.

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-2 | Sharp+2 | Weird+3 | Armor: 1 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●●●○○ / ●

Wow, just rolled my first snake eyes. Is that worse than a regular fail? If i die i call Child-thing hahaha

Yes, I do critical good results for 6-6 rolls and critically bad results for snake eyes...this might sting a bit, Pallor.

Cool+0 | »Hard+1« | Hot+2 | »Sharp+1« | Weird-1 | Armor: 0 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●●○○○

Emphasis on snake EYES.

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