Fallout - Twin Cities (Apocalypse World) (Inactive)

Game Master DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish"

Current Characters

Ice Sculptor
"Doc" Evans

Cool-1 | Hard+1 | Hot+0 | Sharp+2 | >>Weird+1<< | Armor: 0 | Harm: 0/6 | Exp: ○○○○○
(11 posts)
Oppian Nevilindor
Radiant Oath Archpaladin Zousha

(5,542 posts)
DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish"

(1,625 posts)


(99 posts)
Dr Davaulus
Chief the Maestro D'

Cool+0 | »Hard+1« | Hot+2 | »Sharp+1« | Weird-1 | Armor: 0 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●●○○○

played by Borogove (158 posts)
Devargo Barvasi
Dog, the pack alpha

»Cool+1« | Hard+2 | Hot=0 | »Sharp+1« | Weird-1 | Armor: 2 | Harm: 0/6 | XP: 2/5

played by LupineLegend (34 posts)
Duchess Weneschia
Dust the Hocus

Cool +1 | Hard -1 | »Hot +1« | Sharp 0 | »Weird +2« | Armor : 1 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●○○○○

played by TheJim (111 posts)
Anaphexia Assassin

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-2 | Sharp+2 | Weird+3 | Armor: 1 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●●●○○ / ●

played by Tenro (172 posts)
Rival Explorer
Rimy Jim

RETIRED PC | Cold-Blooded Chantyman | Neutral | HP 150/162 | AC 38 (T 18, FF 32) | CMD 34 | F +14 R +17 W +12; Resist Cold 10, Immune to Fear | Init +3 | Perception +30/SM +1; darkvision 90', blindsense 30' | Speed 60 | Mythic Power 3/5, Bardic Performance 4/30, Claws 7/7, Breath Weapon 2/2, Touch of Rage 7/7, Tactician 2/2 | Spells: 1st 5/6B 7/7S, 2nd 4/5B 4/5S, 3rd 4/5B, 4th 3/4B | Active Effects: 1 Cha damage; magic vestment & heroes' feast 11.25/12 h; telepathic bond 7/8 h; feather step & see invisible 74/80 m, acute senses 9/12 m, blessing of fervor 9/12 r, allegro 11/12 r

played by goodwicki (306 posts)
Runner, aka Rufio

COOL+3 | Hard=0 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | WEIRD-1 | Armor 0 | Harm 2/6 | EXP 2

played by Atomicknyte (110 posts)
Scarlet Tyler

Cool+3 | Hard-2 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armor: 1 | Harm: 1/6 | XP: 3/5

played by Spwack (86 posts)
The Manyfaced One
Seth "Volcano" Hafner

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-1 | Sharp=0 | Weird+2

played by Archpaladin Zousha (146 posts)

Gearmaturge | Lvl 7 | EXP 0/13 | HP 17/23 | Dam 1d8+2 | Armor +3 | Charge 2 (3) | AA on hold +2 when Aided
STR+0 | DEX+2 | CON+1 | INT+3 | WIS+1 | CHA=0

played by Atomicknyte (456 posts)
Sir Holton

RETIRED PC | Quarantine | COOL+3 | Hard+1 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | WEIRD+1 | Armor 0 | Harm 2/6 (6:00) | Exp ●●●●○

played by goodwicki (98 posts)
Man in Mask

Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○

played by Smith606 (148 posts)

Previous Characters

Navarre "Two-Fingers"

played by Robert Henry (724 posts)