DM RichD's Giantslayer Campaign
Game Master
GiantSlayer Book 3: Forge of the Giant God
Part 3: Cathedral of minderhal
The heroes must infiltrate the ruined temple of an ancient giant god and defeat the Storm Tyrant’s lieutenant to prevent the warlord from gathering an even larger army. Within the cathedral, the adventurers also discover a powerful artifact that they must reactivate before they can make use of its magic.
Female Dwarf Cleric of Dranngvit 8 | AC 19 T 10 FF 19 | HP 53/72| Fort + 8 Ref + 2 Will + 11 | Init -1 | Perc +4 Channel 0/4
Hello everyone, I am going to need a week to recover from everything that is going on in my life. My husband's beloved grandmother had an aneurysm Friday afternoon, where we all expected her to pass, due to the fact that she was in acoma for over 48 hours and was not passing any of the test that the doctors and nurses were preforming. On their way to remove the respirator this afternoon, she woke up and is able to wiggle both sets of toes, follow commands and look both ways as well recognize her husband and daughter. We are waiting on surgery which will be performed tomorrow morning to see how optimistic we should be.
In addition to this emotional whiplash, my car was broken into this weekend, and while only a small amount of coin was taken, it was just another scoop on a s@#+ sundae that I did not need.
Please bot me, and I will be back on the forums to check on January 18, 2021.
NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/
Hope everything works out Khari...
Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.
Dang that is rough. Good luck
NG Male Dwarf Fighter 9 HP: -16/117 AC: 24 TCH: 12 FF: 23 CMD: 29 (+4 vs giants, +4 vs AOOs, +1 vs Disarm/Sunder) | F+9*, R+6*, W+4*
I will add you and your family to my prayers Khari.
LG Male Dwarf fighter 4 / paladin 5
Hope everything goes well with Ezro's grandmother. Keeping you guys in my prayers.
NG Male Dwarf Fighter 9 HP: -16/117 AC: 24 TCH: 12 FF: 23 CMD: 29 (+4 vs giants, +4 vs AOOs, +1 vs Disarm/Sunder) | F+9*, R+6*, W+4*
So that was fun! Paizo sucks at internet stuff! Anyways, let's game on!
Init: +0 | Perception +2, Darkvision 60' | CMD 14 (16 vs bull rush/trip) HP: 64/64 | AC 10 (18) / T 10 / FF 10 (18) | Fort +6 | Ref +4 | Will +10 (+2 vs poison/spell/SLA)
Yeah, damn gobbos in the wires.
plus, severe windstorm in Seattle area didnt help.
NG Male Dwarf Fighter 9 HP: -16/117 AC: 24 TCH: 12 FF: 23 CMD: 29 (+4 vs giants, +4 vs AOOs, +1 vs Disarm/Sunder) | F+9*, R+6*, W+4*
Somebody really needs to design some sort of back up power supply thing, that the average person or company could use on their networks to keep such things from going down.
Female Dwarf Cleric of Dranngvit 8 | AC 19 T 10 FF 19 | HP 53/72| Fort + 8 Ref + 2 Will + 11 | Init -1 | Perc +4 Channel 0/4
Hello, I am back; We are still in a holding pattern where news fluctuates from she only has a day left to live to stable and fine, all in the same 24 hours. Ezro's handling it the best he can, and we're just stuck in the waiting place to see how things develop.
Thank you everyone for the kind words and patience; I truly appreciate it.
Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.
Continue to take the time you need Khari. Family first and good luck.
Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.
Hey guys just realized my account got logged out and never saw any updates. Will catch up and post today.
Female Dwarf Cleric of Dranngvit 8 | AC 19 T 10 FF 19 | HP 53/72| Fort + 8 Ref + 2 Will + 11 | Init -1 | Perc +4 Channel 0/4
Sorry about my absence; I'm currently dealing with a minor health issue that is causing me to be exhausted half the time and tired the other half. According to my doctor it should clear itself up in a month or two.
For those interested this comic pretty much sums it up: link
NG Male Dwarf Fighter 9 HP: -16/117 AC: 24 TCH: 12 FF: 23 CMD: 29 (+4 vs giants, +4 vs AOOs, +1 vs Disarm/Sunder) | F+9*, R+6*, W+4*
Hope you feel better soon Khari!
LG Male Dwarf fighter 4 / paladin 5
If I get the meme correctly, you are expecting again, right?
If so, congratulations!
-- david aka Rask
NG Male Dwarf Fighter 9 HP: -16/117 AC: 24 TCH: 12 FF: 23 CMD: 29 (+4 vs giants, +4 vs AOOs, +1 vs Disarm/Sunder) | F+9*, R+6*, W+4*
Hahahaha, I should have checked the link!
Female Dwarf Cleric of Dranngvit 8 | AC 19 T 10 FF 19 | HP 53/72| Fort + 8 Ref + 2 Will + 11 | Init -1 | Perc +4 Channel 0/4
@Rask: That's correct! Ezro and I are expecting again in mid-October!
@Kiln: Thank you for the well wishes! I'll have energy again in about a month.
Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.
Wow awesome!!! I did t want to say anything either way until you clarified it. Boy girl or twins?
1 person marked this as a favorite.
NG Male Dwarf Fighter 9 HP: -16/117 AC: 24 TCH: 12 FF: 23 CMD: 29 (+4 vs giants, +4 vs AOOs, +1 vs Disarm/Sunder) | F+9*, R+6*, W+4*
Kurag Urlot III wrote: Wow awesome!!! I did t want to say anything either way until you clarified it. Boy girl or twins? Dwarves often have multiple births, it's one of their few natural advantages against being overcrowded by the shorter lived races.
Female Dwarf Cleric of Dranngvit 8 | AC 19 T 10 FF 19 | HP 53/72| Fort + 8 Ref + 2 Will + 11 | Init -1 | Perc +4 Channel 0/4
Kurag Urlot III wrote: Wow awesome!!! I did t want to say anything either way until you clarified it. Boy girl or twins? All I know is that it is not twins, we got the first ultrasound done, which was to guesstimate an approximate full-term due date. Traditionally you don't learn the sex until 20 or so weeks, but now they can do a blood test at 9-ish weeks when you do screening for other genetical diseases (downs, spina-bifida, ect). I'll try to keep you all updated :)
NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/
Congrats Khari! Yes, Keep us posted!
Init: +0 | Perception +2, Darkvision 60' | CMD 14 (16 vs bull rush/trip) HP: 64/64 | AC 10 (18) / T 10 / FF 10 (18) | Fort +6 | Ref +4 | Will +10 (+2 vs poison/spell/SLA)
Congratulations on the news!
Babies are exciting!
LG Male Dwarf fighter 4 / paladin 5
Ondek Brightstone wrote: Babies are exciting! As a grandparent, I can confirm this, especially when they are grandchildren and you can just give them back to their parents! (hehehe)
-- Rask aka david
NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/
I am visiting family for the next two weeks so my posting might be spotty.
Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.
Female Dwarf Cleric of Dranngvit 8 | AC 19 T 10 FF 19 | HP 53/72| Fort + 8 Ref + 2 Will + 11 | Init -1 | Perc +4 Channel 0/4
Hey all, I'm going to make it official and withdraw from this game. The effects of the pandemic have been very difficult for me to deal with, and until I can get cleared to be vaccinated I have had to step up quarantine isolation. I'm just not able to concentrate on any pbp anymore.
I wish you all well, and hope that you are able to finish Giant Slayer.
Init: +0 | Perception +2, Darkvision 60' | CMD 14 (16 vs bull rush/trip) HP: 64/64 | AC 10 (18) / T 10 / FF 10 (18) | Fort +6 | Ref +4 | Will +10 (+2 vs poison/spell/SLA)
Sorry to see you go, Khari.
Hope your experiences improve soon!
NG Male Dwarf Fighter 9 HP: -16/117 AC: 24 TCH: 12 FF: 23 CMD: 29 (+4 vs giants, +4 vs AOOs, +1 vs Disarm/Sunder) | F+9*, R+6*, W+4*
LG Male Dwarf fighter 4 / paladin 5
Wish you and your family well.
NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/
Sorry to see you go Khari. Hope to see you on the boards again someday!
Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.
Good luck Khari and hope you stay healthy
NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/
Should we recruit for another healer? Anyone know anybody who might be interested in joining?
Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.
Healing is always nice when you have a couple of front liners but wands do well after fights. I am more concerned with the other aspect of divine magic such as restoring levels, ability damage and countering poison, disease, and other afflictions.
LG Male Dwarf fighter 4 / paladin 5
NG Male Dwarf Fighter 9 HP: -16/117 AC: 24 TCH: 12 FF: 23 CMD: 29 (+4 vs giants, +4 vs AOOs, +1 vs Disarm/Sunder) | F+9*, R+6*, W+4*
My gradual dying due to CON loss is problematic!
Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.
I am sure that Khari would have fixed you up before she took off to go take care of her daughter.
NG Male Dwarf Fighter 9 HP: -16/117 AC: 24 TCH: 12 FF: 23 CMD: 29 (+4 vs giants, +4 vs AOOs, +1 vs Disarm/Sunder) | F+9*, R+6*, W+4*
She hasn't fixed me up in the last 3 days, so I don't think that's a valid assumption.
NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/
Hey All,
So after recruitment ends, if each of you can PM me your rankings (currently it looks like their are five). So if it stays like that, 1 would be the player you most want to game with to 5 being the player you least want to game with. I will also be compiling my rankings and then I will total the points for each applicant and the lowest score will be invited to join.
Oracle 10 | HP 87/120 | AC 23 | T 13 | FF 22 | CMB +17 |CMD 24 | Fort +7 | Ref +6 | Will +13 | Init +2 | Perc +18 | Lvl 1 (5/8) | Lvl 2 (7/8) | Lvl 3 (5/6) |Lvl 4 (5/6) | Lvl 5 (4/4) Current Buffs (magic vestment (20hr) endure elements (48 hr ) enlarge person (40 min) weapon of awe (20 min) divine favor (2 min) and BoF (10r) Sven
Hello everyone! Thank you for having me. I'll jump into gameplay once I get the go-ahead.
Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.
Welcome Sven. Hopefully we don’t stumble across you in a gunny sack on a giant’s shoulder. Not the most noble of entrances.
NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/
J is a sunken temple. Does anyone have any spells to breathe underwater? If not, I might make it above ground.
Oracle 10 | HP 87/120 | AC 23 | T 13 | FF 22 | CMB +17 |CMD 24 | Fort +7 | Ref +6 | Will +13 | Init +2 | Perc +18 | Lvl 1 (5/8) | Lvl 2 (7/8) | Lvl 3 (5/6) |Lvl 4 (5/6) | Lvl 5 (4/4) Current Buffs (magic vestment (20hr) endure elements (48 hr ) enlarge person (40 min) weapon of awe (20 min) divine favor (2 min) and BoF (10r) Sven
DM RichD wrote: J is a sunken temple. Does anyone have any spells to breathe underwater? If not, I might make it above ground. Water Breathing is a lvl 3 cleric spell. Lasts for 2 hours per level (so 16 hours) and I have 4x lvl 3 spells per day. So, how about this for an idea?
The group comes to J and finds that its underwater. Sven is waiting there, having received a vision from Torag that his children were in need of him. He could have 3 castings of Breathe Water prepared and 1 casting of Remove Disease. The group can then rest for the night, and he could then
He could then prepare 3x breathe water (for the rest of the group, including Lucky) and 1x Magic Vestment, so he'll have decent AC.
It would wipe out his lvl 3 spells for when we get inside, except for his domain spell Stone Shape. But it would mean 8 solid hours for the group to get done with their water breathing.
--- could just be above ground and Sven can be found in a gunny sack on a giant’s shoulder.
NG Male Dwarf Fighter 9 HP: -16/117 AC: 24 TCH: 12 FF: 23 CMD: 29 (+4 vs giants, +4 vs AOOs, +1 vs Disarm/Sunder) | F+9*, R+6*, W+4*
Kiln’s spells are decidedly situational!
Welcome aboard Sven! Pay no attention to that “not unanimous” stuff the GM said in the recruitment thread, secretly we were all pulling for you!
Init: +0 | Perception +2, Darkvision 60' | CMD 14 (16 vs bull rush/trip) HP: 64/64 | AC 10 (18) / T 10 / FF 10 (18) | Fort +6 | Ref +4 | Will +10 (+2 vs poison/spell/SLA)
Welcome aboard, Sven!
To answer the question: no, Ondek does not have water breathing as a known spell. He could possibly use Sven to cast and help scribe a scroll of it, which would take at least a day or so.
NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/
Underwater temple it is then! Yes, Sven, you are the dwarf by the lake.
NG Male Dwarf Fighter 9 HP: -16/117 AC: 24 TCH: 12 FF: 23 CMD: 29 (+4 vs giants, +4 vs AOOs, +1 vs Disarm/Sunder) | F+9*, R+6*, W+4*
Even with -2 and 1/2 damage I think I'm still better off with my axe.
Oracle 10 | HP 87/120 | AC 23 | T 13 | FF 22 | CMB +17 |CMD 24 | Fort +7 | Ref +6 | Will +13 | Init +2 | Perc +18 | Lvl 1 (5/8) | Lvl 2 (7/8) | Lvl 3 (5/6) |Lvl 4 (5/6) | Lvl 5 (4/4) Current Buffs (magic vestment (20hr) endure elements (48 hr ) enlarge person (40 min) weapon of awe (20 min) divine favor (2 min) and BoF (10r) Sven
Same with my hammer.
With divine favor it is +12 rolled twice pick the highest, and then 1d8+11/2 damage (7.5 average)
With divine favor and a dagger, it is +10 and 1d4+7 damage (9 average)
Still, hoping that the temple itself is underwater, but dry inside.
NG Male Dwarf Fighter 9 HP: -16/117 AC: 24 TCH: 12 FF: 23 CMD: 29 (+4 vs giants, +4 vs AOOs, +1 vs Disarm/Sunder) | F+9*, R+6*, W+4*
Hey all, I shall be away doing the vacation thing for the next week, with little to no opportunity to check the game. I will catch you all on the flip side!
NG Male Dwarf Fighter 9 HP: -16/117 AC: 24 TCH: 12 FF: 23 CMD: 29 (+4 vs giants, +4 vs AOOs, +1 vs Disarm/Sunder) | F+9*, R+6*, W+4*
Ok Heroes, I head out of town tomorrow for another vacation in the lands of "wifi is very spotty if at all."
I should definitely be back online next Saturday, the 24th. Keep me alive until I return!
NG Male Dwarf Fighter 9 HP: -16/117 AC: 24 TCH: 12 FF: 23 CMD: 29 (+4 vs giants, +4 vs AOOs, +1 vs Disarm/Sunder) | F+9*, R+6*, W+4*
I fear we may have lost Ondek. He hasn't posted since 21 July in any of the games he's in.
I hope he is ok.