[DM rel20] Darkmoon Vale

Game Master djpika

PbP Guide

Droskar's Crucible Level 1<Active>


Droskar's Crucible


Forest Elder

Falcon's Hollow

Falcon's Hollow Environs



A6 Journal


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Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Shaman 2

"Ahhhhh!" shouts Kalani.

"Jeva is a shapeshifter!"

Kalani attempts to slumber Jeva, and moves forward.

Grand Lodge

M Human HP 8/19, - AC 17/T: 14/FF: 13 - Perception +5 - F: +2/ R: +7/ W: +3 - CMB: +1 - CMD: 15, Speed: 30, Init. +4 Spells/day 1st 1/3

Question. According to the reference material (d20PFSRD) do we have to do one point of normal damage and the rest as nonlethal damage to get her unconscious? It seems that full nonlethal damage can only stagger or kill.


Staggered and Unconscious
When your nonlethal damage equals your current hit points, you’re staggered. You can only take a standard action or a move action in each round (in addition to free, immediate, and swift actions). You cease being staggered when your current hit points once again exceed your nonlethal damage.

When your nonlethal damage exceeds your current hit points, you fall unconscious. While unconscious, you are helpless.

Spellcasters who fall unconscious retain any spellcasting ability they had before going unconscious.

If a creature’s nonlethal damage is equal to his total maximum hit points (not his current hit points), all further nonlethal damage is treated as lethal damage. This does not apply to creatures with regeneration. Such creatures simply accrue additional nonlethal damage, increasing the amount of time they remain unconscious.

Stevesie draws his short sword and moves to Jeva. He shouts, "Lets try not to kill the child shall we?"
It appears that I must take an AoO to get into position, as Kalani and Ulfgar are blocking the two squares that would avoid the AoO.

If non-lethal + lethal exceeds the hp total, the character falls unconscious.

Jeva Fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Apparently Jeva's rage is quelled from Kalani's hex.

Grand Lodge

M Human HP 8/19, - AC 17/T: 14/FF: 13 - Perception +5 - F: +2/ R: +7/ W: +3 - CMB: +1 - CMD: 15, Speed: 30, Init. +4 Spells/day 1st 1/3

Steveis assumes the role of executor and goes to finish off the last kobold who is unconscious on the floor.

Damage: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 2) + 2 = 7

Assuming that it is dead.
He turns to the adventurers, "Hi my name is Stevesie, and this is my guild. We have Ulfgar, Kalani, and Churdon." He motions to each of them one at a time as he says their names. "We were lead here by Jeva, the shapeshifter, who is a child from a burned down orphanage. We are looking for the rest of the children. Who, pray tell, are you."

Are you sure you want to start conversation while Jeva is asleep?

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf HP 20/20,- AC 17/T:14/FF: 13 - Perception +8 - F: +6/ R: +7/ W: +3 - CMB: +4 - CMD: 18, Speed: 20, Init. +5

Ulfgar uses his excess amount of rope to securely tie up Jeva.

If she shapeshifts will she still be tied up or does her size change as well?

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Shaman 2

"Good Call. Let's tie her up and make sure she can't get out."

Grand Lodge

M Human HP 8/19, - AC 17/T: 14/FF: 13 - Perception +5 - F: +2/ R: +7/ W: +3 - CMB: +1 - CMD: 15, Speed: 30, Init. +4 Spells/day 1st 1/3

I guess we are having the conversation while tying Jeva up. No sense in taking longer than we have to. I am also assuming that the other adventurers are not hostile to us.

For Ulfgar's question:

Knowledge Arcana DC15:
Shapeshifters change size when they alter

Ulfgar ties Jeva up.

Grand Lodge

M Human HP 8/19, - AC 17/T: 14/FF: 13 - Perception +5 - F: +2/ R: +7/ W: +3 - CMB: +1 - CMD: 15, Speed: 30, Init. +4 Spells/day 1st 1/3

"Ulfgar, when she shapeshifts back it might not matter if she shrinks as she will (hopefully) regain consciousness."

Stevesie then repeats his questions to the adventurers, hoping that they just didn't hear him the first time.

He turns to the adventurers, "Hi my name is Stevesie, and this is my guild. We have Ulfgar, Kalani, and Churdon." He motions to each of them one at a time as he says their names. "We were lead here by Jeva, the shapeshifter, who is a child from a burned down orphanage. We are looking for the rest of the children. Who, pray tell, are you."

"You're with that thing! She looked like she wanted to year your head off!" yells Kimi, incredulous and taking a few steps back.

The halfling, panting from the exertion, adds in between gasps, "Jurin... *gasp* taken... *gasp* others we told... *pant* to run... that way," pointing north.

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf HP 20/20,- AC 17/T:14/FF: 13 - Perception +8 - F: +6/ R: +7/ W: +3 - CMB: +4 - CMD: 18, Speed: 20, Init. +5

"Don't worry, we'll find them. Do you want to come with us or stay here and recover?"

Ulfgar then proceeds to loot the room
perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

Grand Lodge

M Elf Magus/2 HP: 15/17 AC: 18

"It may be hard to protect her if we get into a fight"

Grand Lodge

M Human HP 8/19, - AC 17/T: 14/FF: 13 - Perception +5 - F: +2/ R: +7/ W: +3 - CMB: +1 - CMD: 15, Speed: 30, Init. +4 Spells/day 1st 1/3

Stevesie asks the halfling, "Sorry sir (or ma'am), but I do not know your name. Who is this Jurin you speak of?"

"We're from Flacon's Hollow - Jurin and the rest of us," chirps the wavy-haired tomboy.

"And I'm Edgrin, a member of the Grey Eagles, or at least what's left of them. We need to save the rest of the kids," adds the halfling.

Grand Lodge

M Human HP 8/19, - AC 17/T: 14/FF: 13 - Perception +5 - F: +2/ R: +7/ W: +3 - CMB: +1 - CMD: 15, Speed: 30, Init. +4 Spells/day 1st 1/3

Stevesie tries to recall what he knows about the Grey Eagles and if he has heard of Jurin and Edgrin before.

Knowledge(local): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

Stevesie also wants to see if the Jurin and Edgrin are trustworthy.

Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 2

Stevesie has heard of the Grey Eagles, an adventuring troupe based in Falcon’s Hollow who ventured into the vale a week ago seeking treasure.

Stevesie believes that Jurin and Edgrin are 100% genuine.

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Shaman 2

"Hmm, Let's keep moving... We do need to figure out what to do with the shapeshifter though... We don't want her to break free of those bonds.

Anyone have suggestions?"

Grand Lodge

M Human HP 8/19, - AC 17/T: 14/FF: 13 - Perception +5 - F: +2/ R: +7/ W: +3 - CMB: +1 - CMD: 15, Speed: 30, Init. +4 Spells/day 1st 1/3

Stevesie suggests that the other adventurers explore further into the basement while the gang circles back to clear that pesky room we missed off to the left.

They can face check the traps for us.

Grand Lodge

M Human HP 8/19, - AC 17/T: 14/FF: 13 - Perception +5 - F: +2/ R: +7/ W: +3 - CMB: +1 - CMD: 15, Speed: 30, Init. +4 Spells/day 1st 1/3

Stevesie approaches the other adventures. "It looks like we have similar goals. We will take a look at that one room we missed back in the beginning and you will take a look at the room further ahead. We will meet up with you after."

The gang back tracks a little to the missed hallway and listens at the door.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Grand Lodge

M Elf Magus/2 HP: 15/17 AC: 18

Churdon whispers to Stevesie, "Are you sure that is a good idea to send them ahead?"

"Sorry, but we're not going that way alone, especially with just a dagger between the two of us," says Edgrin, while Jurin wears an incredulous face at the lack of help.

Grand Lodge

M Human HP 8/19, - AC 17/T: 14/FF: 13 - Perception +5 - F: +2/ R: +7/ W: +3 - CMB: +1 - CMD: 15, Speed: 30, Init. +4 Spells/day 1st 1/3

Stevesie replies, "If the only problem is a lone dagger between you I can remedy the situation. You may both have daggers."

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Shaman 2

"I don't think we should send them alone. It'll be safer if we all go as a group. We should be able to protect them. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Shall we be off then?"

Grand Lodge

M Human HP 8/19, - AC 17/T: 14/FF: 13 - Perception +5 - F: +2/ R: +7/ W: +3 - CMB: +1 - CMD: 15, Speed: 30, Init. +4 Spells/day 1st 1/3

Stevesie is reluctant to travel with people who are not his subjects as per the guild charter but reluctantly agrees.

Stevesie says, "Shall we move forward then?

Stevesie gestures to continue down the hallway. He moves into position with his sword drawn.

perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Shaman 2

Kalani agrees with Stevesie that we should be careful, but follows Stevesie down the hall.

I thought the kids ran to the north?

Which direction are you guys going?

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Shaman 2

Kalani redirects Stevesie towards the north.

The rest of the group follows.

This dark ossuary is cold and full of the sound of dripping water. A dark corridor runs north down the center of the room, while to either side two large bays open into small niches that contain ancient dwarven skeletons. At the far end of the corridor rests a large iron anvil.

Grand Lodge

M Human HP 8/19, - AC 17/T: 14/FF: 13 - Perception +5 - F: +2/ R: +7/ W: +3 - CMB: +1 - CMD: 15, Speed: 30, Init. +4 Spells/day 1st 1/3

Stevesie suggest we cast detect magic.
That anvil doesn't look promising.

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf HP 20/20,- AC 17/T:14/FF: 13 - Perception +8 - F: +6/ R: +7/ W: +3 - CMB: +4 - CMD: 18, Speed: 20, Init. +5

Ulgar casts detect magic in the room

"It could also be a trap like the spear room."

perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Ulfgar doesn't see anything else out of the ordinary.

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Shaman 2

"I guess we should keep moving then. "

Grand Lodge

M Human HP 8/19, - AC 17/T: 14/FF: 13 - Perception +5 - F: +2/ R: +7/ W: +3 - CMB: +1 - CMD: 15, Speed: 30, Init. +4 Spells/day 1st 1/3

Stevesie very carefully steps into the room. He is alert and has his bow ready.

The group moves into the ossuary. What now?

Grand Lodge

M Human HP 8/19, - AC 17/T: 14/FF: 13 - Perception +5 - F: +2/ R: +7/ W: +3 - CMB: +1 - CMD: 15, Speed: 30, Init. +4 Spells/day 1st 1/3

Stevesie shrugs, "I guess it's safe."

Still carrying his bow, he inspects the skeletons and sees if he finds anything he recognizes.

Knowledge(local?History?): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

Then he inspects the anvil.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Stevesie steps closer to one of the near alcoves to poke behind the bars and the stout skeleton decides to claw back at him through the grates:

claw: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Grand Lodge

M Human HP 8/19, - AC 17/T: 14/FF: 13 - Perception +5 - F: +2/ R: +7/ W: +3 - CMB: +1 - CMD: 15, Speed: 30, Init. +4 Spells/day 1st 1/3

Stevesie steps back to retreat.

Are the skeltons stuck behind bars? Or are they free to move about and chase me?

Stevesie shouts, "Skellies! Who brought their clubs and staves?"

Grand Lodge

M Elf Magus/2 HP: 15/17 AC: 18

"I may not have a club, but I can still make my sword work"

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Shaman 2

"I've got a club, but my sleep magic won't work on them."

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