Silverstache, Stevesie |

Finished my guy's story
Stevesie is the third and youngest son of Lord Bendtner and Lady Windermere Silverstache. Originally Sandpoint locals, the Silversaches moved to Falcon's Hallow when Stevesie was five years old. The Silverstaches heard of a new logging business and set about buying land to build a new golf course for the locals. This was a terrible business idea and set the Silverstaches on a course for bankruptcy. Stevesie spent his time in and out of jail for many drunken misdemeanors, including one ding-dong-ditching incident. During these formative teenage years, Stevesie became interested in impersonating others, with elaberate disguises, to gain valuable information. Eventually, Stevesie decided that he would restore his family to glory in one of the esteemed social circles in the land. This required a fair bit of money, however, and his family had none. Stevesie took up alchemy in an attempt to turn lead into gold, in order to procure enough money to move his family up the social ladder once again.

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The ramshackle town of Falcon’s Hollow rests perilously close to the infamous Darkmoon Vale. The jagged shadow of nearby mountains casts a shroud of gloom on the desperate souls who call this place home. Many are drawn here to make their fortune cutting a swath of darkwood lumber through the lush forests of the vale. Others journey to these remote fringes to start over, piecing together their shattered lives on the edge of an untouched wilderness far from the things of man. Persecuted zealots and outcasts flock to Falcon’s Hollow. Here, these fanatics practice their strange and often deviant rites unfettered by the mores of civilization. Still others are lured to Falcon’s Hollow by the promise of great adventure. Peril and splendor await within the accursed halls of dwarven kings of old, whose glorious civilization long ago shattered and crumbled to dust.

Silverstache, Stevesie |

Grandpa is a fan of making me drink as much Ratzeputz, the worst 58% alcohol that money can buy, as I can, so I guess I follow his lead
Because living in Falcon's Hollow is not the most entertaining place for a youngster who comes from a family that has lost all of its money, Stevesie heads to the bar to spend more money on drinks, and make fun of the deranged tiger: Bort.

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Kalani has been at the tavern for a while now, not sure where to go in his Spirit's quest. See his background.
"Another drink!" says Kalani as he approaches the bar.
While waiting for his drink, he turns to Stevesie.
"Greetings, friend. I'm Kalani Akoni. I'm new to town here. Are you a local?" he introduces himself.

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A dark cloaked elf with long silver-white hair approaches approaches Falcon's Hollow by the West road, he sees a guard.
"Hail soldier, could you kindly point me in the direction of the local tavern?
A man with weathered skin looks back, sizing up Churdon before responding. "Head to the Jak'a'Napes. It's near the low market in the center of town. Best be minding to yourself, though. There's an illness about."

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Stevesie and anyone that passes a knowledge local DC 15 will know the following:

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Steve replies to Kalani, "Aye, I'm from around here, the names "Stevesie". The job board is over there if that's what you're looking for, friend, lumberjacks are always in demand. Although for 10SP I can offer you a special job out on my parents' yet to be finished golf course. Although, I will need to know your name first."
Well I just figured out how to actually put your character in the thing and that you can reply to other people. Learning curve to strongk.

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Steve replies to Kalani, "Aye, I'm from around here, the names "Stevesie". The job board is over there if that's what you're looking for, friend, lumberjacks are always in demand. Although for 10SP I can offer you a special job out on my parents' yet to be finished golf course. Although, I will need to know your name first."
Well I just figured out how to actually put your character in the thing and that you can reply to other people. Learning curve to strongk.
Kalani is briefly annoyed that he already introduced himself to Stevesie, but quickly recovers.
"Kalani Akoni, at your service" he says.
Referencing his spirit's quest,
"I'm not looking for a job per se, but rather heard of some disturbances here in Darkmoon Vale. Have you heard of anything?

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Stevesie Silverstache wrote:Steve replies to Kalani, "Aye, I'm from around here, the names "Stevesie". The job board is over there if that's what you're looking for, friend, lumberjacks are always in demand. Although for 10SP I can offer you a special job out on my parents' yet to be finished golf course. Although, I will need to know your name first."
Well I just figured out how to actually put your character in the thing and that you can reply to other people. Learning curve to strongk.Kalani is briefly annoyed that he already introduced himself to Stevesie, but quickly recovers.
"Kalani Akoni, at your service" he says.
Referencing his spirit's quest,
"I'm not looking for a job per se, but rather heard of some disturbances here in Darkmoon Vale. Have you heard of anything?
Stevesie curiously inquires, "How recent is this disturbance you speak of? Perhaps the church up the road may be of more assistance."
Realizing that he knows very little about religion
"Although there is a minor flu bug going around, but surely this is not the disturbance you speak of?"

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Knowledge Local: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (6) - 1 = 5
Ulfgar just finished purchasing his weekly supplies at the general goods store and is killing time at the inn before he will return home.
Bort is curled up near Ulfgar's feet, calmly grooming himself.

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Stevesie curiously inquires, "How recent is this disturbance you speak of? Perhaps the church up the road may be of more assistance."Realizing that he knows very little about religion
"Although there is a minor flu bug going around, but surely this is not the disturbance you speak of?"
Kalani shrugs
"To be honest, I'm not sure. My Spirit sent me here with little guidance"

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Stevesie Silverstache wrote:
Stevesie curiously inquires, "How recent is this disturbance you speak of? Perhaps the church up the road may be of more assistance."Realizing that he knows very little about religion
"Although there is a minor flu bug going around, but surely this is not the disturbance you speak of?"
Kalani shrugs
"To be honest, I'm not sure. My Spirit sent me here with little guidance"
Quite confused and note quite sound of mind right now, "Sounds like a personal problem. Sorry but as fun as this was, I'm feeling the need to get up and do something active, I'm going to join this sad lonely elf over there."
Stevesie stumbles to the table where the hooded elf sits, bumps into the table twice, and a nearby patron helps him into a seat next to the table. "Greetings elf. I am here to join the adventure. WHAT ARE WE DOING? ROBBING A BANK?" Stevesie suddenly realizes that he is too drunk and too loud for this. "Shhhh, too lound. Okay, what's the plan. You know I'm ready for this because I am totally sober."
Stevesie shouts to no one in particular, "ANOTHER BEER PLEASE."

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Ulfgar stands up and walks over to the table where Churdon was sitting.
He ignores the drunk human and speaks to Churdon.
"What's the job yer offering and what's the pay?" he grumbles.

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Looking up pensively, churdon considers the Human and Dwarf for a moment.
"I am glad that some have answered, to be sure I was afraid no one would show. Please have a seat with me, before we get into the gritty details, I believe it is common courtesy that at the very least we introduce ourselves. I suppose I should begin.
I am Churdon Aeneas, a scholar and a swordsman if you will. I have decided to take up the adventuring life and see where it takes me."
Curious as to the rest of the people in the room, Churdon half focuses on the people around him
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

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Looking up pensively, churdon considers the Human and Dwarf for a moment.
"I am glad that some have answered, to be sure I was afraid no one would show. Please have a seat with me, before we get into the gritty details, I believe it is common courtesy that at the very least we introduce ourselves. I suppose I should begin.
I am Churdon Aeneas, a scholar and a swordsman if you will. I have decided to take up the adventuring life and see where it takes me."Curious as to the rest of the people in the room, Churdon half focuses on the people around him
Stevesie smiles, remembering that he had something prepared for this. "I am Stevesie Silverstache, second son of Lord Bendtner and Lady Windemere of Falcon's Hallow. Chief Journalist for the Falcon's Flight: first newspaper of Falcon's Hallow, VP of internal affairs at the yet to be finished golf course that my family is building and master puppeteer."
Stevesie leans in to whisper in Churdon's ear
Stevesie is now quite satisfied with his introduction but is still unnerved by the dwarf
"Dear Master Dwarf, why is it that you bring a fully grown tiger into this nice establishment? Can't you read the sign? Big animals sit outside, only lizards, parrots and smaller creatures that fit in one's pocket are allowed inside. And what kind of dwarf is the most sober person in the bar?" At this point Stevesie bursts in to laughter and ends his turn.

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Ulfgar mumbles something inaudible and pulls up a chair.
"I am Ulfgar and this is Bort. I'm a hunter and a tracker. I offer my skills for a reasonable price."
He turns towards Stevsie
"And "this tiger" has been a better patron of this inn than you have. Maybe it is you that should wait outside until you are sober enough to act civilized[/b]"

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Kalani turns to the barkeep, thinking the other folks a lost cause.
"Does "Roots and Remedies" mean anything to you?" he asks.
A rotund red-faced human with a single wisp of bright red hair on his otherwise bald head answers, "Roots and Remedies? That's Laurel's shop just up the road. But if you're looking for a cure-all, you better plan on waiting. She's been busy since the plague's hit town."
It's location 14 on the map.

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"Hmm... I see, well it seems like you guys are interested in getting down to business. So be it. I have with me a guide to the Silverglint Mines. Now, apparantly according to what I know, back when it was a silver mine, the diggers uncovered evil beyond their reckoning. If you should join me, I am sure there are riches to be had down there."

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Stevesie scoffs at the Ulfgar, "Me? Why I have been the life of the party and nearly all of the patrons here will vouch for me that I am at a state where I can take care of myself. The tiger is scaring away customers. Either way I am on my way, I have better things to do."
Stevesie turns to adress Churdon, "You have my interest, here is my address for when you need me. Stevesie writes his address on a slightly damp napkin and hands it to Churdon. "Perhaps when this boring dwarf is not around. They never were masters of conversation and festivity.
Stevesie heads out of the bar and into the night.

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Stevesie first heads to his friend Jim no last name because he is an npc and so he can talk to someone house and then to the Roots and Remedies shop as he is curious as to what this disturbance is.

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Creeping ivy and full window boxes cover the façade of the rugged-looking, two-story shop bearing the faded sign “Roots and Remedies.” A line of twenty-some somber townsfolk—some with pale, wheezing children, others seeming to be precipitously near tears—stretches from the open door.
Kalani is unable to make it inside without waiting or cutting the line.

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Is there a way to make the newest post appear at the top of the page instead of scrolling all the way down?
Stevesie walks in and says to Kalani, "You came here too eh? What is this disease you speak of?"
I'm assuming Stevesie gets the same blackscour mushroom speil and does a knowledge local for the water supply and possible mushroom spots Knowledge(local): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
I also want a second knowledge check on who the shopkeeper is
Knowledge(local): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
"I didn't know that the sickness was this bad, Kalani, I would be willing to help you find out what ails my countrymen for the time being."
Stevesie turns to one of the customers leaving the store and asks, "What treatments have proven effective? Did the doctor give you important information about curing this disease and how soon it could come."
I also realized that we didn't pay for the beer in the bar. Stevesie most likely has a tab with the barkeeper so he can pay at the end of the week. Kalani you just stole some beer :p

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"Looks like it. This must be what my Spirit sent me here to do. Use my knowledge to try and find a cure.
Kalani considers Stevesie for a moment.
"I'm planning on finding out what the local herbalist knows before I try anything."
Oops. I'll have to pay the bartender back :P Or just add it to your tab.

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After waiting for an hour in line, immersed in the constant coughing and avoiding those spitting up blood, the group finally enters the shop.
The smell of burnt earth and spicy incense chokes the air of the cramped, mud-tracked shop. Bunches of dried herbs hang from the ceiling, along with dangling pots, presses, alchemical apparatuses, and glassware of more arcane purposes. Pouches of rare plants, jars of colored glass, and all manner of dried, preserved, and jellied animal parts fill high shelves and tables doing double duty as displays and workspaces. In the shop’s rear, a rail-thin woman with severe-looking spectacles and hair pulled back tightly busies herself between an overpacked rack of herbs, a table covered in stray powders and measuring equipment, and a pot loudly bubbling over with thick gray froth. Over the din of her work and without looking up, the woman impatiently shouts, “And what’s your problem?”

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Stevesie chimes in, "What treatments have proven effective? Do you have enough of the ingredient(s)? How long are these people expected to live? Where do you think the tainted water came from?"

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The woman looks more annoyed with the questions, given the crowd of people. "Well, if your quick. But hurry along. Apparently this town thinks it's my job to fix every ailment around here."
What treatments have proven effective?
"Nothing around here. I’ll get these folks what I can and we’ll see what good it does. But folks are dying every day! ” sniffing, "Whew! And apparently all you've been doing is finding your cure at the bottom of the well. Move along, I've got real work to do."

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lol I asked all of the questions together because otherwise it would take weeks to ask questions one at a time. For PbP can we assume that we ask the questions at a reasonable rate even though we list them all together? This would save a lot of time getting backstory.
Stevesie shouts, "Brain Blast! There is a well in the low market, we should check it out."
This is based off of the Falcon's Hallow map. If there is no well in the low market feel free to make fun of Stevesie, the "local" about it.
I just assumed we were at the bar because it was night time, so either we wait until morning or we just assume we were drinking in the early morning?

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lol I asked all of the questions together because otherwise it would take weeks to ask questions one at a time. For PbP can we assume that we ask the questions at a reasonable rate even though we list them all together? This would save a lot of time getting backstory.
Space out the questions with "..." or mention that ooc. Otherwise I'll assume you want the natural response back and forth.

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Do you have enough of the ingredient(s)?
For the sake of moving things along...
The lithe woman stops to ponder for a moment, "Well, my grandmother’s book has a brew in it that says its good for this kind of thing. A weird concoction that sounds more like hoojoo than real medicine. Unfortunately, it requires some rare roots and concentrations, most of which I have here, but there’s three I don’t. Elderwood moss, which I’ve never heard of, but granny says the stuff only grows on the oldest tree in a forest. A specially pickled root called rat’s tail, again, sounds like hoojoo to me. And seven ironbloom mushrooms, stunty little things that only grow in dark places thick with metal, a favorite among dwarves, or so I hear."