DM NomadSage's Curse of the Crimson Throne (Inactive)

Game Master nomadicc

Part IV: A History of Ashes

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Off to my IRL kingmaker, hopefully have some good news when I get back.

after the site being down won't be surprised if it tomorrow.

You never know. It is back now.

Discussion and Gameplay tabs appear to be decoupled. (Not here, not that they exist yet. We're in Schroedinger's PbP at the mo'.)

yup I expect it will be fixed soon enough. Forum just came back up, things can be odd on days it goes down.

Yeah, I lost a big chunk of reading time today with the "scheduled" maintenance. I'll hopefully have the final call tomorrow.

We all appreciate a reasoned decision rather than a hasty one, O DM. My best games are ones where the GM took their time to build the party just so.

DM NomadSage wrote:
Yeah, I lost a big chunk of reading time today with the "scheduled" maintenance. I'll hopefully have the final call tomorrow.

What the bald guy said. Those ^#$%@(@# goblins cause all kinds of trouble.

Fizzy goes back to plotting his Oh so glorious revenge on all who caused this to happen.

no pressure or anything ; )

Okay, I've decided on six...

The New (Maybe) Future Heroes of Korvosa:

* Absinthe (Aebliss)
* Demitri (Daxter)
* Melianthe (Axolotl)
* Rosa (Chris Kenney)
* Segang (Skorn)
* Seren (Fflash)

To Those Who Didn't Make It: Apologies if you spent a lot of time on your character builds and background. There were a ton of great ideas and players that make it very difficult to pass on. =(

A big thank you everyone for applying! It's tough to cull down 35+ submissions to just 6! Best of luck on future adventures!

EDIT: OOC thread link HERE.

Liberty's Edge

Jelani fails again -le sigh-

No worries, we all understand. Take your time and make the best decision (me :P jk)

have fun storming the castle!

ahh well should have guessed the more i work on the chracter the less likely to be chosen.

Have fun all!

Condolences to all those who didn't make it.

To everyone who didn't make it: I hope you find a great game for your characters soon.

Shadow Lodge

Congrats all, enjoy the game!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*Sniff* Fine! I hope Lamm gets you all! *Runs off crying*

What I find funny is my character backstory is modified from the original that won 2nd place in a WotC Character creation contest (back in 3.0 days) was originally created for a FR setting

oh well such is the way of things, there will be other games.

Scarab Sages

Congrats all, have fun!

Good gaming you lot. Excellent choices.

Casts thread necromancy...

Attention Paizo PbPers, we've had a couple recent departures from the original cast, and though I still have 4 able-and-willing PCs, we need a divine type to re-round everything out. I'll take 2nd level submissions, using the same guidelines at the start of this post.

We're still in the 1st module, about 2/3 the way through. Let me know if you're familiar with the AP and how much. That being said, Gaedren Lamm (the reason behind the campaign traits) is dead, so you can just choose 2 regular traits instead.

Let me know if you've got any questions...

Grand Lodge

Hello DM,

i am a heavy poster (post 5-6 times a day) i have never played Crimson Throne

Tiefling (Hungerseed) Male Inquisitor 2 Gorum (Rage Domain)
Init +5; Senses Perception +7
AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 17 (+6 armor, +3 dex)
hp 18 (2d8)
SR 0
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5
Armor Steel Lamellar, Medium
Spd 20 ft/x4
Melee Masterwork Greatsword +7 (2d6+7) 19-20/x2 CM +1
Str 20, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 7
BAB +1, CMB +6, CMD +21
Feats Armor Proficiency (LIGHT / MEDIUM) (PFCR 118), Dodge (PFCR 122), Shield Proficiency (PFCR 133)
Skills Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (nature) +6, Knowledge (religion) +7, Knowledge (planes) +7, Linguistics +3, Perception +7, Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +3, Survival +7
SQ Track (PFCR 64)
SU Judgment (PFAPG 38 - 39), Destructive Smite (PFCR 43), Destructive Smite (PFCR 43)
MC Inquisitor Domain (PFAPG 38), Inquisitor Orisons (PFAPG 38)
Traits Birthmark (Faith) (PFAPG 328), Defender of the Society (Combat) (PFCh: FcGd 62)
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Varisian

Short Fluff:

Zandar was a varisian nomad to the bone. A few years ago he came to Korvosa to pay his respect to the shoanti burial ground, Before the founding in 4407 AR) It was more of a spiritual journey of course, the burial site having been long gone. But still he had liked the city to a certain extend of course. He had figured to live here for a bit. And so he found a job, a harsh and dangerous job: Working for the sewers maintenance groupe as an otyughs Enforcer. Occasionally these creatures escape their pens and break into the main sewers, or even make their way onto the city streets, causing untold damage. And its his job to track and kill those dangerous escaped creature.

Thanks for submitting, but your character looks more like a bruiser than a divine caster. He's also a 34-ish point build (20 Str?)...

That's what I get too. 34 points. This is a 15 point build game.

Are you needing a divine healer sort? What sort of role are you needing the divine caster to play in the party?

Druid work? Menhir Savant/Pack Lord? Maybe a Shoanti background...

Stats - 12, 14, 14, 12, 16, 7

How are we for crafting?

In short, we lost a cleric and an inquisitor, so primary and alt heals are gone. Still have a witch in the group. Druid would be fine, most likely.

Wait... What about a CLERIC!? Stats - 10, 13, 12, 12, 15, 14

How do you do Domains, where do I find the domains available to which Gods?

Also, still want to craft. How long does the AP take in game time?

I've never done a cleric, but what do you think about one that would go cavalier of the star as a lead into holy vindicator? I can get the stats and everything up, depending on what you think of the usefulness of something like that.

Cleric is *also* fine (was answering the previous post)... =D The AP is several months in duration, depending. 80% of it is based in the city, so access to resources is generally high.

Domains are standard from the PRD. I think the Pathfinder wiki has them broken out by deity.

As far as crafting goes, currently, the rogue has carpentry and the wizard has got scribe scroll... it's pretty open.

After doing some crunching of the numbers, I'm going to pass on this game, as I am not a big fan of the 15 point buy. But good luck with it, though.

CG Male Oracle of Heaven (Calistria)

Here's my idea -- NG Aasimar (Agathion-blooded) Oracle of Life.

str 10
dex 13 (3)
con 12 (2) +2 = 14
int 12 (2)
wis 8 (-2)
cha 16 (10)+2 = 18

He is a short, agile, scrawny but tough young man, with cat ears and a tail from his heritage. I'd like to use normal human development rate rather than the longer development rate from the ARG if that's OK. (James Jacobs recommends this in the Golarion setting.)

Let me know if this non-standard race and such are OK and I'll go ahead and develop it.

Here is the Idyllkin life oracle I'm interested in playing.

Cool... I'll take a closer look at it in the morning. Thanks for submitting!

HP for 2nd level: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Edit: OK I've got most of the crunch in there. No armor, weapons or gear yet.

How much wealth would we get, standard WBL?

No, the group is a bit behind the standard WBL. Start with 500 gp worth of gear.

Applications are closed... Cherias got the job! =D

Welcome aboard, Cherias. ^^




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