DM NomadSage's Curse of the Crimson Throne (Inactive)

Game Master nomadicc

Part IV: A History of Ashes

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Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

All good! Enjoy the energy boost!

M Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Urban) HP 132/159,(Rage HP=189) l DR 5/10 Nonlethal and Resist Fire 3: INIT +2, Perc. +13, AC 22/T:14/FF:18, Saves= Fort+13/16, Ref +7, Will +7/+12 with rage

Hi all. I can finally log into the Paizo server, though not with Firefox, which is my preferred browser. Not sure what happened to the server but I am finally back. I hope everyone else is. I'll try to get a post on later today.

Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

Hey Segang. You will need to delete your cookies to make the Paizo website work again. Expelliarmus!

Gender Fluid Half-elf Shadowcaster 5/Veiled Illusionist 4//HP: 38/46 AC: 13 (17 w/MA), F:4 R:6 W:7 (+2 ench), Init: +3, Perception: +12
  • Active spells: Mage Armor, Veil
  • Spells remaining: Clr Spry x2, Frcd Quiet. M Arm, vent, laugh, det tht, create pit, stone disc, invis, hyp pat, twi haze, dispel, major image, haste, fly, Sh Ench, DD, Shad Conj, PK, Sh Inv , Sh Evoc x2, Br Ench, Teleport
  • Binding Darkness: 9/9, Veil Pool: 7/10, Pearl: 1/1, Extend Rod: 3/3
  • ***HARROW POINTS***: 4

Finally logged back in myself.

M Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Urban) HP 132/159,(Rage HP=189) l DR 5/10 Nonlethal and Resist Fire 3: INIT +2, Perc. +13, AC 22/T:14/FF:18, Saves= Fort+13/16, Ref +7, Will +7/+12 with rage

Working on a post. Went back and am re-reading a lot. But life is busy. Hope to post tomorrow. Sorry for being slow. Also, hope Ab comes back soon.

Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

No problem, Segang, Diplomance it up!

M Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Urban) HP 132/159,(Rage HP=189) l DR 5/10 Nonlethal and Resist Fire 3: INIT +2, Perc. +13, AC 22/T:14/FF:18, Saves= Fort+13/16, Ref +7, Will +7/+12 with rage

Between work and family I am having the hardest time carving out the time to post. I am sorry it's taking so long. I have to run home game tonight but commit to getting a post up tomorrow!

Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

It's cool, Segang--these are rough times. Your diplomacy will be that much more wondrous.

Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

Jarha, I think telekinetic haul is about to save our butts.

Male Human (Garundi) cleric of Khepri 1/telekineticist 9; AC 20 (currently 23); HP 123/137 (includes 9 temp. and +10 overflow); 3 pts burn (24 pts NL damage); Perception +13; copycat 4/4; liberty's blessing 4/4

My understanding is we are still wondering whether we can do something useful with rocks and rope without a KN engineering check. I would imagine there's no reason why Jarha could not pile up enough rocks to pile up around the totems up to half their height and with sufficient width to keep them standing. I assume the module contemplates we would use our other abilities because in any given party only one or two people will have the strength to hold up the totems (if that). But maybe I'm not understanding something about the set up.

Otherwise, Jarha can hold his up telekinetically and Segang can hope to keep rolling successes, but we can't keep the other totems up unless someone has another idea.

Can we afford to fail this one and succeed on another trial?

M Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Urban) HP 132/159,(Rage HP=189) l DR 5/10 Nonlethal and Resist Fire 3: INIT +2, Perc. +13, AC 22/T:14/FF:18, Saves= Fort+13/16, Ref +7, Will +7/+12 with rage

Segang intends to stand and hold his totem and will not ask for help.

Male Human (Garundi) cleric of Khepri 1/telekineticist 9; AC 20 (currently 23); HP 123/137 (includes 9 temp. and +10 overflow); 3 pts burn (24 pts NL damage); Perception +13; copycat 4/4; liberty's blessing 4/4

Yeah, but it might be moot if we can't figure out how to hold up Seren's and Melianthe's totems, although it makes sense Segang will want to hold up his even if we can't figure out how to hold up those others. Jarha will telekinetically hold up his regardless as well, but I my assumption has been that we need to keep all 4 upright. But maybe not!

M Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Urban) HP 132/159,(Rage HP=189) l DR 5/10 Nonlethal and Resist Fire 3: INIT +2, Perc. +13, AC 22/T:14/FF:18, Saves= Fort+13/16, Ref +7, Will +7/+12 with rage

I am not sure. We should help each other as much as we can. But this seems very much like individual tests.

The Kn Eng check was mainly to help you gauge how effective your plan would be. You're certainly able to try the rock stacks without it. No piled rocks are going to be high enough or stable enough to hold the totems on their own, but they could aid the Strength checks.

Also, the four of you are taking the trial together, but you succeed or fail individually based on keeping your own totem standing at the end.

Male Human (Garundi) cleric of Khepri 1/telekineticist 9; AC 20 (currently 23); HP 123/137 (includes 9 temp. and +10 overflow); 3 pts burn (24 pts NL damage); Perception +13; copycat 4/4; liberty's blessing 4/4

Got it. Am I correct that Jarha can use telekinetic haul to keep the totem upright? For zero burn he can "move an object that weighs up to 900 pounds." I sort of imagine him wriggling it back and forth a tiny amount constantly to keep it in place. It's hard for me to imagine he can throw a 900 pound object 120 feet but not keep the totem in place and upright. He can even stand there and look like he's holding it. Of course, that doesn't help Melianthe and Seren, but he will certainly do whatever he can do to aid their strength checks.

Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

If we connect two objects with rope, can he keep two in place?

I would agree that telekinetic haul is sufficient to holding the totem up for long periods, since there is zero burn. I expect it requires a certain level of mental attention that would be fatiguing long term.

Ropes would help stabilize the other totems, so an aid bonus to their checks.

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

Anybody alive in here?

Holy cow! Welcome back / hows it going?

We're still plodding along, mostly hung up by my apparent inability to resume a regular posting rhythm.

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

Well, I'm vaccinated and feeling a bit better about the world at large. ^_^

M Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Urban) HP 132/159,(Rage HP=189) l DR 5/10 Nonlethal and Resist Fire 3: INIT +2, Perc. +13, AC 22/T:14/FF:18, Saves= Fort+13/16, Ref +7, Will +7/+12 with rage

Hey Ab, good to hear from you! I think we are all here. We are undergoing a test of endurance by both holding up totems and in the rate of postings. :P Hope you are back to rejoin and not just saying hello.

Male Human (Garundi) cleric of Khepri 1/telekineticist 9; AC 20 (currently 23); HP 123/137 (includes 9 temp. and +10 overflow); 3 pts burn (24 pts NL damage); Perception +13; copycat 4/4; liberty's blessing 4/4

Yes, nice to see your avatar again! Ditto to Segang's comments!

Hey all, sorry for lagging so badly recently. Multitude of factors, but I wanted to acknowledge the delays (once again). Maybe a fight will pick things up! =)

I've had a family crisis come up. I'll try to get back to this when I can. Stay safe!

Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

Be well, Nomad Sage! <3

M Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Urban) HP 132/159,(Rage HP=189) l DR 5/10 Nonlethal and Resist Fire 3: INIT +2, Perc. +13, AC 22/T:14/FF:18, Saves= Fort+13/16, Ref +7, Will +7/+12 with rage

Take what time you need.

Male Human (Garundi) cleric of Khepri 1/telekineticist 9; AC 20 (currently 23); HP 123/137 (includes 9 temp. and +10 overflow); 3 pts burn (24 pts NL damage); Perception +13; copycat 4/4; liberty's blessing 4/4

Yes, take care. All the best.

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

I hope everything will be alright for you and your family, NomadSage.

Thanks for the well wishes and for being patient. I'll get things moving along "soon".

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

How's it going now, Nomad Sage?

Going well, thanks! =)

M Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Urban) HP 132/159,(Rage HP=189) l DR 5/10 Nonlethal and Resist Fire 3: INIT +2, Perc. +13, AC 22/T:14/FF:18, Saves= Fort+13/16, Ref +7, Will +7/+12 with rage

Glad to here!

I posted in game, btw, just in case notifications have timed out.

Male Human (Garundi) cleric of Khepri 1/telekineticist 9; AC 20 (currently 23); HP 123/137 (includes 9 temp. and +10 overflow); 3 pts burn (24 pts NL damage); Perception +13; copycat 4/4; liberty's blessing 4/4

Glad you're back and well, Nomad Sage! As I mentioned, Jarha is going to follow Segang's lead as to what to do with the totems, so I will post his action after Segang acts. I'm guessing Segang will choose to put down his totem and Jarha will do the same.

Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

I'll be out camping from Friday to Monday--please bot Mel as needed.

M Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Urban) HP 132/159,(Rage HP=189) l DR 5/10 Nonlethal and Resist Fire 3: INIT +2, Perc. +13, AC 22/T:14/FF:18, Saves= Fort+13/16, Ref +7, Will +7/+12 with rage

Just back from a trip and ready to jump back in... :)

Male Human (Garundi) cleric of Khepri 1/telekineticist 9; AC 20 (currently 23); HP 123/137 (includes 9 temp. and +10 overflow); 3 pts burn (24 pts NL damage); Perception +13; copycat 4/4; liberty's blessing 4/4

I think it's just Absinthe and the bulettes that still need to post for this round.

Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

I believe that is correct. Maybe a 24-48 period before botting a character is a good ideer? :)

I realize I keep apologizing for falling off the posting (again). At first I was waiting for Abs to post, but that turned into a couple weeks, oooof! I won't wait and try (again) to get things moving.

Just a few months ago, I had 4 play-by-post games I was running, and playing in 4 others. That's now down to 1 and 1, which has significantly affected the flow I've been used to for the last several years. I could check my campaigns tab and have updates on at least a few of the games I was in -- now, not so much.

There's a lot of factors in play, but I feel the play-by-post era has been waning for a couple years. In honor to how far we've gotten, I *do* want to continue this campaign, at least to get it to a conclusion! Thanks for hanging in there patiently.

Male Human (Garundi) cleric of Khepri 1/telekineticist 9; AC 20 (currently 23); HP 123/137 (includes 9 temp. and +10 overflow); 3 pts burn (24 pts NL damage); Perception +13; copycat 4/4; liberty's blessing 4/4

Personally, I still really enjoy play by post and it's my only player outlet because I'm the GM in three face to face (or zoom these days) games. So count me in as long as the game keeps going!

M Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Urban) HP 132/159,(Rage HP=189) l DR 5/10 Nonlethal and Resist Fire 3: INIT +2, Perc. +13, AC 22/T:14/FF:18, Saves= Fort+13/16, Ref +7, Will +7/+12 with rage

Same. PBP is my main conduit for play these days so I certainly am in favor of continuing.

Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

It's cool, Nomad Sage! I think that if we do a 48 hour grace period, then bot, it will keep the pace going.

I like this game, and have for many years! :)

Thanks! =D

That's a fair guideline. I'll strive to set a more consistent pace.

That said, Round 3 is posted!

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