
Eli Blakewater's page

498 posts. Alias of Capricornus.

Full Name

Eli Blakewater




Male Human (Chelaxian) Alchemist (Chirurgeon) 9 [HP 71/71 | AC: 17 (25) T: 13 FF: 16 | F: +10 R: +10 W: +6 (+2 vs Poison) | Init +4 | Perc +6 | Effects: Mutagen (+4 Dex, -2 Wis, +2 Nat), 6 Wis dmg]









Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 22
Wisdom 8
Charisma 12

About Eli Blakewater

Eli Blakewater, Alchemist and loving husband was born in Wowick. His parents were down on their luck, but Eli's father had a brother who was a successful Alchemist. Uncle Alfonse, as Eli knew him, was a difficult man but he took Eli on as an apprentice in his Alchemy shop. From the age of twelve, Eli slaved for Alfonse. At first Eli suffered from the fumes and the burns, but through it all, he stubbornly continued to work, though he developed punishing migraines and his hands became permanently red from the chemicals he handled. As time passed, Alfonse slowly brought Eli into the secrets of crafting the mundane alchemical substances that were his trade. The boy showed an aptitude for the work, and even more, he had the spark of inspiration. Alfonse recognized something in his nephew that even he lacked - the ability to take alchemy beyond the making of remedies and solvents and preservatives. Eli had the ability to merge magic with the mundane. Alfonse, as an alchemist, was a member of a secret society. Though guilds were outlawed, many craftsmen banded together in affiliations they called Clubs. These Clubs served as social and fraternal organizations, but they were also ways for them to protect the secrets of their arts and regulate their industries. The Alchemists' Club was called the Crucible Club, and they concealed the fact that there were those among them that could create Extracts, combining magic with the art of Alchemy. Alfonse reported Eli's talent to his fellows, and Alfonse, against his better judgement, was instructed by the Adepts of the society to bring his nephew in for instruction in the deeper mysteries of the Alchemist's craft. At fifteen he began to study with a woman named Mother Merapi. Eli did not like this woman. She was unpleasant, and crooked, and she smelled. Which was something considering the chemicals they all dealt with and how accustomed he was to foul odors. He was afraid of Merapi. She had an unhealthy manner, and he grew to dread his lessons. But despite this, he learned much. For two more years he studied with his new tutor and she taught him how to create Extracts, how to brew magical potions, how to distill poisons, and even how to make mutagens, the Alchemist's most controversial art. All the rest had economic value, but Mutagens were for the Alchemist only. It was something the society frowned on, but they were at the mercy of those who were able to make them. Mutagens were easily abused if the Alchemist was not in firm control of themselves.

When Eli finally returned to Alfonse's shop full time, he had learned much. Alfonse looked on his nephew with new eyes. He was wary of the boy, now a young man, but his pragmatic side could plainly see the benefits to his business of having such a talented apprentice. Soon they were seeing a rise in profits, and Eli felt the pride of having the things he created being sought after and sold. All the while he started to experiment on the side. He pushed himself to create ever more difficult substances. He also started making his own mutagens and extracts, and to experiment with other things. He started drinking, but because of his Alchemical resistance, it took more for him to feel the effects, and this caused him to try more dangerous and even illicit intoxicants.

Eli, was now stepping out in the community and making a name for himself in his trade. He had a darker and less respectable social life, but using his Extracts he was able to disguise himself so it didn't get back to his family. He made many friends, and struck up an aquaintance with Balthe Synder, who came to rely on Eli's skills for his inks, which had the most vibrant colours. He also used his alchemical knowledge to give himself stimulants so he could keep up with his work. At the age of eighteen, he met someone that would change his life. Marysin Ludovica was the daughter of a local horse merchant. She was a beautiful girl, and anyone could see why Eli would be smitten with her. He saw her one morning as he shuffled back home after one of his nights on the town, and he returned later in the day, and on many subsequent occasions to see her. It would take many of these visits for him to actually work up the nerve to talk to her. She saw something in him. She agreed to let him court her, and after months, they were married. A young couple has need of a home of their own and though Eli was growing more successful, he did not have the means to support them yet, still being an apprentice. Alfonse, no fool, had seen the effects of Eli's experimentation, but the influence of Marysin seemed to calm his excesses, so his uncle granted Eli and Marysin the apartment above the shop to live in. It was cramped, but it was a home. Eli and Marysin were very happy.

Even married bliss could not keep Eli's taste for experimentation down for long, and Eli, wanting to make more money for the sake of his bride - and he hoped for his future family, started to look for ways for his skills to pay off in a larger way. Some of his friends had less than reputable contacts. One friend, a dandy by the name of Case Grammet, had always been a bad influence on Eli, and he knew a man named Konor Quay. Quay was a trader. He sold illicit substances. When Case brought the two together, Konor gave Eli a drug that Konor wanted refined. The money was too good for Eli to pass up, and he started to work. As he did, he began to experiment with it too. He created his own formula, which gave a powerful high with no deleterious effects - or so he thought. Somehow the drug interacted with Eli's mutagen to counteract the harmful side effects, and under the influence of the drug, he convinced Marysin to try it. Marysin, with no such resistance, became addicted to it. Their use of the drug went on for some time, and finally Marysin suffered an overdose. It was Alfonse who found her, unconscious, and brought her to the Crucible to be treated. Eli, finding her gone, went out looking, and as the drugs wore off, he started to realize what he had done. He rushed back to the apartment only to find a grim-faced, and terrifying woman waiting for him. Gunla was relentless in her questioning, and Eli gave up Case and Konor's name. But for some reason, she spared Eli, on the condition that he help her in the future. Eli agreed readily, and when his uncle returned with Marysin, he promised never to become a slave to the drug again. Marysin has not completely recovered. She suffers bouts of withdrawal and sickliness, and Eli does his best to ease her symptoms. She says she forgives him, but she has lost some trust in her husband. Alfonse also has lost trust in Eli, and though they still work together, he watches the young man closely.

Friends and Foes:
Tam Blakewater, Father. Tam is a hard-working man, a former inn owner who suffered a series of misfortunes culminating with the loss of his property. Since then, he has been trying to turn things around and works as a bartender in a pub called the Three Carriage Bend.

Dorcie Blakewater, Mother. Serving as a housekeeper in the home of a wealthy merchant, she works long hours. A formidable woman when challenged.

Alfonse Blakewater, Uncle. The successful brother, Alfonse has accumulated and invested a goodly fortune. He is frugal and hard-working. His shop, Blakewaters, is Eli's current place of employment and residence. Alfonse is a member of the Crucible Club, a secret association of Alchemists. Alfonse, being witness to Eli's recent mistakes, is watching his nephew closely. Though Alfonse seems quite severe and emotionless, he has grown fond of Marysin and Eli, and wants to protect them, but his patience is tested by Eli's errors.

Case Grammet, Friend. The son of a wealthy nobleman, Case is a (former) mate of Eli's from when he was more involved in debauchery and dissolute pursuits. He was recently ratted out by someone (Eli) for involvement in illegal drugs and his parents came down very hard on him for disgracing their family. Case has not discovered Eli's involvement yet, but if he does, he will not forgive easily.

Konor Quay, Criminal. Quay is a criminal. He leads a gang of thugs and is involved in the drug trade. Recently, he was caught in a sweep of the gangs, and even in prison, his reach is still significant. He has more means to discover his betrayer as well. Quay is also not an isolated part of the criminal world. He has bosses over him who may be displeased with the disruption to their profits and power.

Mother Merapi, Teacher. Mother Merapi, as she is known, is a skilled Alchemist who teaches potential members of the Crucible Club the arts of the Magical Alchemist. She is mysterious and unpleasant, but no-one can deny she is effective. She never forgets a student, and always keeps up tabs on her more promising pupils.

Marysin Blakewater, Wife. Marysin is a pretty young woman. Her beauty has been marred as of late by a sickness that Eli and his Uncle have been careful to conceal the true causes of. She loves her husband, but her faith in him has been somewhat shaken by his mistakes. She hopes he is sincere in trying to turn himself away from the actions that caused her illness.

What do you look like?

Tall and thin, with short dark hair and the shadow of a beard. Brown eyes, sharp and alert, but sometimes slightly bloodshot. Dressed in a black coat with black boots and gloves. A gray vest over a white shirt and dark brown breeches. Often carrying assorted vials and pouches.

What is your character’s profession?

Alchemist. He works selling alchemical remedies and sometimes other items less mundane or acceptable to the average person. He is good at his craft and does well, but spends most of his profits on his experiments, and illicit substances - which are also for his experiments.

How did you end up doing that?

He was apprenticed to his uncle, an alchemist.

Who are your (or your profession’s) enemies?

He has competitors, naturally, but it is his extracurricular activities that have resulted in what can be termed real enemies. He and his wife suffered at the hands of an addiction, and it is now the purveyors of drugs and intoxicants that are his enemies, and by extension the criminal element that extorts, blackmails and generally preys upon the weak.

What is worth fighting for?

Family, love and redemption. He has embarked on his current mission to atone for his own wrongs. Wrongs to his uncle and his family, to his wife, and to himself.

What social class do you belong to?

Artisans. He is a craftsman.

Lying: Lie to your enemies, not to your loved ones. Untruths can be a valid tactic to use against a foe, but they are not to be used against people you like. However, this is a principle he has violated on many occasions. One of his many vices.

Stealing: Similar to lying. He finds theft to be a great evil, but he will not feel any compunctions against stealing from a person he judges to be evil.

Authority: Authority is something, like any form of power, that he feels can be and is more often than not abused by those who possess it. He has witnessed it's misuse and corruption many times, and has learned not to trust it. He has more faith in the justice he can find with his own two hands than in that imposed from on high.

Killing: He has never done it, and doesn't know what circumstances might bring him to do so. He believes there are times when it's justifiable to kill, and accepts that execution is a necessary punishment for heinous crimes. He also believes that if it were a matter of preserving his own life or that of a love one or an innocent life, killing is justified.

The Unknown: If such a thing as a rationalist can exist in a fantasy world, he is one. He believes that reason can find out all things. This includes magic and the supernatural. There is a place made for all things in the multiverse, and as such anything can be understood. Magic is one tool to be used, and though it has mysterious workings, he does not consider it unknowable.

Other Social Classes: He believes that for the most part everyone is out for themselves or their own families. He has never seen any behavior from anyone of a higher social class that will convince home that they have any interest in helping those less fortunate - quite the opposite in fact. There is a certain amount of envy involved in this attitude, but he does not see the social order as being for the best. He does not like those higher on the social ladder, and believing those below him feel the same as he does, he does not trust them.

Fate: He can't believe that the gods do not exist. There is just too much direct involvement by divine beings in the world, and so he believes that there is fate, insofar as gods use their powers to direct events on the Material Plane. He does not however believe in the infallibility of divine beings or that they have the best interests of mortals in mind, and so fate is not a kind concept in his mind.

Do the ends justify the means?: Short answer, yes. Slightly longer answer, it depends on the situation and one must use one's reason.

- Clean up his mess. Get rid of any evidence at his home of his meddling with drugs.
- Find out if Konor Quay has been arrested and imprisoned.
- Tend to Marysin.
- Apologize to his uncle.

Medium Term
- Refine his Mutagen recipe to improve its ability to protect against toxins.
- Earn enough to have his own residence.
- Help his parents get their own Inn back.

Long Term
- Become a Master Alchemist
- Stop the drug trade and prevent more people from suffering as he and Marysin did.

Traits, Feats:
Traits: Hedge Magician, Outlander (Exile - +2 Initiative)
Feats: Cosmopolitan, Iron Will, Throw Anything, Brew Potion, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus: Bombs, Precise Shot, Skill Focus: Heal

Stat Block:
Eli Blakewater
Male Human Alchemist (Chirurgeon) 9
NG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init: +4, Perception: +6
AC 17 (+2 Dex, +4 Armor, +1 Def), touch 13, flat-footed 15
HP 63 (8d8+20)
Fort +10 Ref +10, Will +6, (+2 vs Poison)
Speed: 30ft
Melee: Dagger +6 (1d4), Club +6 (1d6), Longspear +6 (1d8)
Ranged: Dagger +8 (1d4), Bomb +10 (+11 within 30ft) (4d6+5), Light Crossbow +8 (1d8, 19-20/x2)
Special: Bombs (17/day, 5d6+6 Fire, 10 splash damage, DC 20 Ref Half)
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 22, Wis 8 (6), Cha 12
Base Attack: +6/+1, CMB +6, CMD 18
Feats: Cosmopolitan, Brew Potion, Throw Anything, Iron Will, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus: Bomb, Precise Shot, Skill Focus: Heal, Extra Bombs
Traits: Hedge Magician, Outlander (Exile)
Skills: Appraise 6 +14, Bluff 8 +12, Craft Alchemy 9 +26 (28 with MW tools), Disable Device 9 +13, Heal 9 +14, Knowledge: Arcana 8 +16, Knowledge: History 3 +13, Knowledge: Local 8 +16, Knowledge: Nature 7 +15, Linguistics 4 +12, Perception 3 +6, Spellcraft 5 +14, Use Magic Device 9 +13
Languages: Taldane (Common), Varisian, Elven, Draconic, Dwarven, Gnomish, Shoanti, Halfling, Sylvan, Thassilonian, Giant

Skills: Appraise 6 +14, Bluff 8 +12, Craft Alchemy 9 +26 (28 with MW tools), Disable Device 9 +13, Heal 9 +14, Knowledge: Arcana 8 +16, Knowledge: History 3 +13, Knowledge: Local 8 +16, Knowledge: Nature 7 +15, Linguistics 4 +12, Perception 3 +6, Spellcraft 5 +14, Use Magic Device 9 +13

Specialized in Linguistics, Knowledge: History

Gold and Gear:
373gp 6sp 4cp

Light Crossbow (35/4), 20 Bolts (2/2), Longspear (5/9), Dagger (2/1), Club (-/-), Leather Armor (10/15), MW Chain Shirt (-/25), Tabard of Resistance +2, Alchemist's Kit (40/24), Alchemy Crafting Kit, Backpack, Bedroll, Belt Pouch, Flint & Steel, Ink, Inkpen, Iron Pot, Mess Kit, Soap, 10 Torches, 5 Trail Rations, Waterskin), Formula Book (-/-), Artisan's Outfit (1/4), Traveler's Outfit (-/-), Healer's Kit, 2 Alchemist's Fire, 2 Acid Flasks, Liquid Ice, MW Thieve's Tools, Potion of Cure Light Wounds, 3 Scrolls of Sending, Ring of Protection +1, Headband of Intellect +2

2 Potions of Enlarge Person, Potion of Reduce Person, Alchemical Glue, Alchemical Glue Accelerant, 2 Alchemical Solvent, 3 Bladeguard, 3 Alkali Flasks, Cold Iron Weapon Blanch, 2 Bloodblock, 2 Antitoxin, Wand of Stone Call (21 charges)

Extracts Known:
Level 1: Cure Light Wounds, Crafter's Fortune, Enlarge Person, Shield, Reduce Person, Disguise Self, Comprehend Languages, True Strike, Targeted Bomb Admixture, Bomber's Eye, Endure Elements
L2: Cure Moderate Wounds, Cat's Grace, Invisibility, Fox's Cunning, Levitate, See Invisibility, Lesser Restoration, Resist Energy
L3: Fly, Cure Serious Wounds, Animal Aspect (Greater)

Extracts Prepared:
L1: 0/6 True Strike, Targeted Bomb Admixture, Bomber's Eye, Comprehend Languages, Extended Shield (X), Extended Shield
L2: 0/6 Lesser Restoration (X), Lesser Restoration (X), Lesser Restoration (X), Cure Moderate Wounds, Invisibility, Lesser Restoration (X)
L3: 0/4 Extended Fly (X), Cure Serious Wounds, Animal Aspect, Fly

Mutagen: (+4 Dex, -2 Wis, +2 Natural Armor)
Bombs Used: 4/17
Discoveries: Precise Bombs, Strafe Bombs, Concussive Bombs, Confusion Bomb (DC 20)
Enduring Fomulae - 3/3, Up to 3 times per day you may improve an extract as though affected by the Extend metamagic feat. This must be chosen when the extract is created and can only be used on extracts up to 3rd level. This does not increase the level of the extract.
Debilitating Spores - 0/3, Three times per day you can imbue a bomb with a specialized chunk of the necromantic fungus. A creature hit by this bomb (direct hit only) takes an additional 1d6 damage and must make a fortitude save or take 1 strength damage. This is a poison effect.

Level Up:
Level 1-2: Alchemist (Chirurgeon), Favored Class Bonus: Skill Point, +7 HP, +1 Fort, +1 Ref, +1 BA, Discovery: Precise Bombs, Poison Resistance +2, Infused Curatives, Skill Points: 10, +1 Appraise, Bluff, Craft: Alchemy, Disable Device, Heal, Knowledge: Arcana, Knowledge: Local, Knowledge: Nature, Linguistics, Use Magic Device

Level 2-3: Alchemist (Chirurgeon), Favored Class Bonus: Skill Point, +6 HP, +1 Will, +1 BA, Feat: Point Blank Shot, Skill Points: 10, +1 Appraise, +1 Bluff, +1 Craft: Alchemy, +1 Disable Device, +1 Heal, +1 Knowledge: Arcana, +1 Knowledge: Local, + 1 Linguistics, +1 Perception, +1 Use Magic Device

Level 3-4: Alchemist (Chirurgeon), Favored Class Bonus: Hit Point, +8 HP, +1 Fort, +1 Ref, +1 BA, +1 Int, Skill Points: 9, +1 Appraise, +1 Bluff, +1 Craft: Alchemy, +1 Disable Device, +1 Heal, +1 Knowledge: Arcana, +1 Knowledge: Local, +1 Knowledge: Nature, +1 Use Magic Device, Discovery: Strafe Bomb, Level 2 Extract: Cure Moderate Wounds

Level 4-5: Alchemist (Chirurgeon), Favored Class Bonus: Hit Point, +8 HP, Skill Points: 9, +1 Appraise, +1 Bluff, +1 Craft: Alchemy, +1 Disable Device, +1 Heal, +1 Knowledge: Arcana, +1 Knowledge: Local, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Use Magic Device, Feat: Weapon Focus: Bombs, Level 2 Extract: See Invisibility

Level 5-6: Alchemist (Chirurgeon), Favored Class Bonus: Hit Point, +8 HP, Skill Points: 9, +1 Appraise, +1 Bluff, +1 Craft: Alchemy, +1 Disable Device, +1 Heal, +1 Knowledge: Arcana, +1 Knowledge: Nature, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Use Magic Device, +1 BA, +1 Fort, +1 Ref, +1 Will, Level 2 Extract: Cat's Grace

Level 6-7: Alchemist (Chirurgeon), Favored Class Bonus: Hit Point, +8 HP, Skill Points: 9, +1 Craft: Alchemy, +1 Disable Device, +1 Heal, +1 Knowledge: History 1, +1 Knowledge: Local, +1, +1 Linguistics, +1 Perception, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Use Magic Device, +1 BA, +1d6 Bomb damage, Level 3 Extract: Fly, Feat: Precise Shot

Level 7-8: Alchemist (Chirurgeon), Favored Class Bonus: Hit Point, +8 HP, Skill Points: 10, +1 Bluff, +1 Craft: Alchemy, +1 Disable Device, +1 Heal, +1 Knowledge: Arcana +1, Knowledge: Local, +1 Knowledge: History, +1 Knowledge: Nature, +1 Linguistics, +1 Use Magic Device, +1 BA, +1 Int, +1 Fort, +1 Ref, Level 3 Extract: Cure Serious Wounds, Discovery: Confusion Bomb

Level 8-9: Alchemist (Chirurgeon), Favored Class Bonus: Hit Point, +8 HP, Skill Points: 11, +1 Bluff, +1 Craft: Alchemy, +1 Disable Device, +1 Heal, +1 Knowledge: Arcana, +1 Knowledge: History, +1 Knowledge: Nature, +1 Linguistics, +1 Perception, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Use Magic Device, +1 Will, +1d6 Bomb damage, +1 L3 Extract per day, Level 3 Extract: Animal Aspect: Greater, Feat: Extra Bombs

Pathfinder Society Number: 61161