Lily Parmenter

Absinthe Mooneyes's page

1,494 posts. Alias of Aebliss.

Full Name

Absinthe Mooneyes; Blackjack




Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2







Special Abilities

Cold resistance 5; Darkness 1/day; Darkvision 60 ft.; Electricity resistance 5; Evasion; Fire resistance 5; Rogue talents; Sneak attack 3d6; Trap sense +1, Trapfinding




Daikitsu, Hei Feng, Mirarae, Pao-Lung, Qi Zhong, Sangpotshi, Sun Wukong, Tamashigo


Aklo, Common, Draconic, Halfling, Infernal, Shoanti, Thassilonian, Tien, Varisian


Carpenter, sailor, thief

Strength 14
Dexterity 20
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10
Charisma 8

About Absinthe Mooneyes

Brawler rewrite:

N Female native outsider Rogue 8 (Favoured class) / Brawler 2
Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12

AC 21 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 deflection (Ring of Protection), Dodge feat)
hp 88
Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

Speed 30 ft.

+13 dagger, 1d4+2, 19-20/x2
+15 keen mithral rapier, 1d6+4, 16-20/x2
+13 light mace, 1d6+2, x2
+13/+15 holy rapier, 1d6+3 (+2d6), 18-20/x2
+14/+16 +1 human bane rapier, 1d6+3(+2d6), 18-20/x2
+14 masterwork rapier, 1d6+2, 18-20/x2
+13 unarmed, 1d6+2
+13 crossbow, 1d10, 19-20/x2, 120 ft., P
+13 dagger, 1d4+1, 19-20/x2, range 10 ft.
+13 dart, 1d4+1, 20/x2, range 20 ft.

Str 14, Dex 20*, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8
(* Belt of incredible dexterity)

Base Atk +8; CMB +10; CMD +25

Bookish Rogue
Combat Reflexes
Improved Critical (Rapier)
Improved Unarmed Strike
Nightmare Fist
Weapon finesse

Acrobatics +18 (10 ranks, +5 Dex., +3 class skill)
Bluff +8 (4 ranks, -1 Cha., +2 racial, +3 class skill)
Climb +11 (6 ranks, +2 Str., +3 class skill)
Craft (carpentry) +5 (1 rank, +1 Int., +3 class skill)
Craft (weapons) +10 (4 ranks, +1 Int., +3 class skill, +2 masterwork tools)
Disable device +22 (10 ranks, +5 Dex., +2 Trapfinding, +3 class skill, +2 masterwork thieves' tools)
Escape artist +16 (3 ranks, +5 Dex., +3 class skill, +5 Slick armour)
Intimidate +10 (8 ranks, -1 Cha., +3 class skill)
Knowledge (local) +12 (6 ranks, +1 Int., +2 trait bonus, +3 class skill)
Linguistics +10 (6 ranks, +1 Int., 3 class skill)
Perception +13 (10 ranks, +0 Wis., +3 class skill)
Perception to find traps +17 (10 ranks, +0 Wis., +4 Trapfinding, +3 class skill)
Perform (dance) +4 (2 ranks, -1 Cha., +3 class skill)
Profession (sailor) +4 (1 rank, +0 Wis., +3 class skill)
Sense motive +8 (5 ranks, +0 Wis., +3 class skill)
Stealth +25 (10 ranks, +5 Dex., +2 racial, +3 class skill, +5 Cloak of Elvenkind)
Swim +6 (1 rank, +2 Str., +3 class skill)
Use magic device +5 (3 ranks, -1 Cha., +3 class skill)

Drug Addict (Friend)
Prolong Magic

Languages Aklo, Common, Draconic, Halfling, Infernal, Shoanti, Thassilonian, Tien, Varisian

Brawler's cunning
Cold resistance 5
Darkness 1/day
Darkvision 60 ft.
Electricity resistance 5
Fire resistance 5
Improved uncanny dodge
Martial flexibility
Martial training
Prehensile tail
Rogue talent: Combat Trick = Improved Critical: Rapier
Rogue talent: Major Magic = Shield 2/day as 8th-level caster
Rogue talent: Minor Magic - Detect Magic 3/day as 8th-level caster
Rogue talent: Trap Spotter
Skilled (+2 to Bluff and Stealth)
Sneak attack +4d6
Trap sense +2
Trapfinding: 1/2 Rogue level added to Disable Device and to Perception checks to find traps
Unarmed strike
Uncanny Dodge


14 sp
Amulet of proof against detection and location
Arrows (7)
Artisan's outfit
Artisan's tools (carpentry)
Artisan's tools (weapons; masterwork)
Belt of incredible dexterity +2
Cloak of Elvenkind
Crossbow (heavy)
Dart (3)
Holy rapier
+1 Human bane rapier
+2 Keen mithral rapier
Mace (light; silver)
Mirror, small steel
Mithral chain shirt (masterwork)
Mithral rapier
Potion of cure serious wounds
Potion of lesser restoration
Rapier (masterwork)
Rations (3 days' worth)
Ring of Jumping
Ring of Protection +1
Rope (silk, 50 ft.)
Silvered light mace
Spellbook - Disguise self, Magic missile, Obscuring mist, Shield, Summon monster I, True strike.
Thieves' tools (masterwork)

Who is the child in the house of delights, the one that slinks through smokes and sneaks past sighs and says not a word?

The brothel known as the House of the Scarlet Wing is the kind of 'sight' that draws foreign sailors that put in at the docks of Goka, greatest city of the Dragon Empires. It is a place of many delights, ranging from the simple, cheap and quick to things that may turn a less 'refined' man's hair white in the space of an intricate night. The half-fiend woman who gives the establishment its name, known only as the Scarlet Wing, rules it with skill and cunning, but even she sometimes makes little mistakes.
One such mistake was the tiefling child, born to and then largely ignored by her. The girl crept through the House, quiet as a mouse, round eyes watching, always watching.
She watched the lies, the mixing of odd potions, the sly acts of theft.

Who is the imp that hangs in the rigging, the thing that watches at night with eyes like twin moons?

A Wizard arrived at the House of the Scarlet Wing one day, not for the usual (or unusual) delights it offered, but because he was seeking a creature of fiendish blood. He was in the market for an Imp, he said, or possibly a Quasit, to study and maybe bind as a familiar. The Scarlet Wing offered the foreigner something better and bigger. Some money changed hands, and when the Wizard's ship left Tien Xia for its home port of Korvosa, the tiefling child was on board.
The girl endured the poking and prodding in silence, watched the Wizard work his magic in silence, climbed up and down the rigging and stared at the sailors at work - mostly in silence. As the trip wore on and the people on board grew more or less used to her, she started to speak. Simple questions, mostly, and answers to curt orders or questions put to her. Gradually, her owner started taking a little better care of her, as she made herself useful as a servant, and showed a keen interest in his magic. He taught her a few things. Little things. So did the sailors for whom she ran and fetched when her owner was asleep.
Little things like how to be a sailor, how to do carpentry work, and how to cast a single, little spell.

Who is the girl that stalks the docks, the fiend-born, moon-eyed thing that sneaks past locks?

The sea voyage ended, as all such things must. For the Wizard, it ended before the ship made port in Korvosa; he had contracted a disease of some sort, and was buried at sea. The ship's captain was a little at a loss as to what to do with the tiefling child, but she made her own arrangements; under the cover of night, she sneaked out of the ship and plunged into the city.
She did some thieving at first, and she fell in with other urchins in the game. A bad crowd in the eyes of the law; a merry little band of thieves. She learned more things and grew more beautiful, the girl with the eyes like twin moons. How to pick locks and filch goods, how to seduce with a look, how to tell a liar from an honest man.
Useful skills for a budding thief. But the most important lesson she learned, was that there was no real future in theft, especially not for a creature as eye-catching as she.
So in the fullness of time, young Absinthe managed to apprentice herself to a real carpenter and started making 'honest' money. It was hard work, but she enjoyed it well enough. Certainly the hours, food and shelter were better for a carpenter than they were for a thief.

Who is the fiend that cries and stalks in the dark of night?

While she had stopped stealing herself, young Absinthe did not entirely abandon her old friends. One of them especially, young Rigger, she would not have lost contact with for all the gold in Korvosa. The clever human boy either saw past her abnormalities, or else appreciated them as being simply normal for her. For a time, they were lovers... and then Rigger fell afoul of the drug called shiver. One night, when Absinthe opened the back door of her master's shop to take out the trash, she found Rigger's body lying there, one hand outstretched towards her as if begging for help from beyond the grave.
Absinthe arranged for Rigger's funeral and tried to find justice for him within the law. But when the law was unable to provide, she started hunting for the one responsible herself. She has caught the name 'Gaedren Lamm' while spying out the darker corners of Korvosa during her off-hours, and now she is on the hunt.

Physical description

Absinthe mostly looks like a slender human girl with the pale skin and straight black hair of the Tian-Min people. She has round eyes of shifting colour; by day, they are a deep violet, but at night or in the dark they become white and silver like the moon.
As a tiefling, Absinthe has certain odd traits; two short horns, which she tries to hide under her hair; a tail with a barbed tip, which she hides by wrapping it around her waist.
Absinthe's back is something she is moderately proud of; even so far from the Dragon Empires, she has managed to have it tattooed to her satisfaction. Her back is a colourful display of Dragons, battling evil outsiders of all sorts.

Absinthe is soft-spoken and cautious until she gets to know people. She is motivated mostly by enlightened self-interest and has little compunction about stealing something if she really needs it, or killing someone who tries to do the same to her, but she is not malicious. If she can live and thrive by doing honest work, such as working as a carpenter or common sailor, she is happy to do so.
Absinthe loves going out to sea; life seems much simpler to her on a ship's deck than it ever is on dry land. During leisure time, she equally enjoys the meditations and small ceremonies of the three philosophies that she learned about during her childhood from priests who visited her mother's place of business.
From time to time, however, she does like to engage in social activities. If she trusts people, she will be happy to joke, dance and drink with them. She strives for temperance in the area of strong drink, however, and stays well away from narcotics of all sorts; she saw the effect these have on people at her mother's place of business - and on her dead lover.

Fighter version:

N Female native outsider Rogue 5 (Favoured class) / Fighter 1
Init +4; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +8

AC 19 (+4 Dex., +4 armour, +1 deflection (Ring of Protection)
hp 46
Fort +5; Ref +8; Will +1 (+2 vs. fear)

Speed 30 ft.

+8 dagger, 1d4+1, 1d4+1, 19-20/x2
+8 light mace, 1d6+1, x2
+9 rapier, 1d6+1, 19-20/x2
+9 scimitar, 1d6+4, 18-20/x2
+8 crossbow, 1d10, 19-20/x2, 120 ft., P
+8 dagger, 1d4+1, 19-20/x2, range 10 ft.
+8 dart, 1d4+1, 20/x2, range 20 ft.

Str 13, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8

Base Atk +4; CMB +5; CMD +18

Dervish Dance
Improved Unarmed Strike
Nightmare Fist
Weapon finesse

Skills 8
Acrobatics +13 (6 ranks, +4 Dex., +3 class skill)
Bluff +7 (3 ranks, -1 Cha., +2 racial, +3 class skill)
Climb +6 (2 ranks, +1 Str., +3 class skill)
Craft (carpentry) +5 (1 rank, +1 Int., +3 class skill)
Craft (weapons) +9 (3 ranks, +1 Int., +3 class skill, +2 masterwork tools)
Disable device +17 (6 ranks, +4 Dex., +2 Trapfinding, +3 class skill, +2 masterwork thieves' tools)
Escape artist +9 (2 ranks, +4 Dex., +3 class skill)
Intimidate +7 (5 ranks, -1 Cha., +3 class skill)
Knowledge (local) +9 (3 ranks, +1 Int., +2 trait bonus, +3 class skill)
Linguistics +5 (1 rank, +1 Int., 3 class skill)
Perception +9 (6 ranks, +0 Wis., +3 class skill)
Perception to find traps +11 (6 ranks, +0 Wis., +2 Trapfinding, +3 class skill)
Perform (dance) +4 (2 ranks, -1 Cha., +3 class skill)
Profession (sailor) +4 (1 rank, +0 Wis., +3 class skill)
Sense motive +6 (3 ranks, +0 Wis., +3 class skill)
Stealth +15 (6 ranks, +4 Dex., +2 racial, +3 class skill)
Swim +5 (1 rank, +1 Str., +3 class skill)
Use magic device +5 (3 ranks, -1 Cha., +3 class skill)

Drug Addict (Friend)
Prolong Magic

Languages Common, Halfling, Infernal, Tien

Bravery +1
Cold resistance 5
Darkness 1/day
Darkvision 60 ft.
Electricity resistance 5
Fire resistance 5
Prehensile tail
Rogue talent: Minor Magic - Detect Magic 3/day as 5th-level caster
Rogue talent: Trap Spotter
Skilled (+2 to Bluff and Stealth)
Sneak attack +3d6
Trap sense +1
Trapfinding: 1/2 Rogue level added to Disable Device and to Perception checks to find traps
Uncanny Dodge


9 sp
Arrows (10)
Artisan's outfit
Artisan's tools (carpentry)
Artisan's tools (weapons; masterwork)
Crossbow (heavy)
Dart (3)
Mace (light; silver)
Mirror, small steel
Mithral chain shirt (masterwork)
Potion of Cure Light Wounds
Rapier (masterwork)
Rations (3 days' worth)
Ring of Jumping
Ring of Protection +1
Rope (silk, 50 ft.)
Scimitar (adamantine) (masterwork)
Scimitar (mithral) (masterwork)
Silvered light mace
Thieves' tools (masterwork)

Who is the child in the house of delights, the one that slinks through smokes and sneaks past sighs and says not a word?

The brothel known as the House of the Scarlet Wing is the kind of 'sight' that draws foreign sailors that put in at the docks of Goka, greatest city of the Dragon Empires. It is a place of many delights, ranging from the simple, cheap and quick to things that may turn a less 'refined' man's hair white in the space of an intricate night. The half-fiend woman who gives the establishment its name, known only as the Scarlet Wing, rules it with skill and cunning, but even she sometimes makes little mistakes.
One such mistake was the tiefling child, born to and then largely ignored by her. The girl crept through the House, quiet as a mouse, round eyes watching, always watching.
She watched the lies, the mixing of odd potions, the sly acts of theft.

Who is the imp that hangs in the rigging, the thing that watches at night with eyes like twin moons?

A Wizard arrived at the House of the Scarlet Wing one day, not for the usual (or unusual) delights it offered, but because he was seeking a creature of fiendish blood. He was in the market for an Imp, he said, or possibly a Quasit, to study and maybe bind as a familiar. The Scarlet Wing offered the foreigner something better and bigger. Some money changed hands, and when the Wizard's ship left Tien Xia for its home port of Korvosa, the tiefling child was on board.
The girl endured the poking and prodding in silence, watched the Wizard work his magic in silence, climbed up and down the rigging and stared at the sailors at work - mostly in silence. As the trip wore on and the people on board grew more or less used to her, she started to speak. Simple questions, mostly, and answers to curt orders or questions put to her. Gradually, her owner started taking a little better care of her, as she made herself useful as a servant, and showed a keen interest in his magic. He taught her a few things. Little things. So did the sailors for whom she ran and fetched when her owner was asleep.
Little things like how to be a sailor, how to do carpentry work, and how to cast a single, little spell.

Who is the girl that stalks the docks, the fiend-born, moon-eyed thing that sneaks past locks?

The sea voyage ended, as all such things must. For the Wizard, it ended before the ship made port in Korvosa; he had contracted a disease of some sort, and was buried at sea. The ship's captain was a little at a loss as to what to do with the tiefling child, but she made her own arrangements; under the cover of night, she sneaked out of the ship and plunged into the city.
She did some thieving at first, and she fell in with other urchins in the game. A bad crowd in the eyes of the law; a merry little band of thieves. She learned more things and grew more beautiful, the girl with the eyes like twin moons. How to pick locks and filch goods, how to seduce with a look, how to tell a liar from an honest man.
Useful skills for a budding thief. But the most important lesson she learned, was that there was no real future in theft, especially not for a creature as eye-catching as she.
So in the fullness of time, young Absinthe managed to apprentice herself to a real carpenter and started making 'honest' money. It was hard work, but she enjoyed it well enough. Certainly the hours, food and shelter were better for a carpenter than they were for a thief.

Who is the fiend that cries and stalks in the dark of night?

While she had stopped stealing herself, young Absinthe did not entirely abandon her old friends. One of them especially, young Rigger, she would not have lost contact with for all the gold in Korvosa. The clever human boy either saw past her abnormalities, or else appreciated them as being simply normal for her. For a time, they were lovers... and then Rigger fell afoul of the drug called shiver. One night, when Absinthe opened the back door of her master's shop to take out the trash, she found Rigger's body lying there, one hand outstretched towards her as if begging for help from beyond the grave.
Absinthe arranged for Rigger's funeral and tried to find justice for him within the law. But when the law was unable to provide, she started hunting for the one responsible herself. She has caught the name 'Gaedren Lamm' while spying out the darker corners of Korvosa during her off-hours, and now she is on the hunt.

Physical description

Absinthe mostly looks like a slender human girl with the pale skin and straight black hair of the Tian-Min people. She has round eyes of shifting colour; by day, they are a deep violet, but at night or in the dark they become white and silver like the moon.
As a tiefling, Absinthe has certain odd traits; two short horns, which she tries to hide under her hair; a tail with a barbed tip, which she hides by wrapping it around her waist.
Absinthe's back is something she is moderately proud of; even so far from the Dragon Empires, she has managed to have it tattooed to her satisfaction. Her back is a colourful display of Dragons, battling evil outsiders of all sorts.

Absinthe is soft-spoken and cautious until she gets to know people. She is motivated mostly by enlightened self-interest and has little compunction about stealing something if she really needs it, or killing someone who tries to do the same to her, but she is not malicious. If she can live and thrive by doing honest work, such as working as a carpenter or common sailor, she is happy to do so.
Absinthe loves going out to sea; life seems much simpler to her on a ship's deck than it ever is on dry land. During leisure time, she equally enjoys the meditations and small ceremonies of the three philosophies that she learned about during her childhood from priests who visited her mother's place of business.
From time to time, however, she does like to engage in social activities. If she trusts people, she will be happy to joke, dance and drink with them. She strives for temperance in the area of strong drink, however, and stays well away from narcotics of all sorts; she saw the effect these have on people at her mother's place of business - and on her dead lover.