DM Carbide |

I'll be traveling a lot over the next couple of weeks, and will be slow to post.

Kronug the Merciless |

@Jarrek, if Haftor moved up, then there is an empty space behind you. I would strongly suggest that you 5' step back. I hate even doing this minimal OOC strategizing but otherwise you are very likely going to die.

DM Carbide |

I've been busy getting ready for vacation over the next couple of weeks (Seamus, you going again this year?), and even though I'm bringing a computer with me I probably won't have much time to post.

DM Carbide |

Oh I’m definitely going again this year! I have the honor of representing the East Kingdom as an unbelted champion! Let’s connect over discord
Congrats! See you there!

DM Carbide |

No doubt. Have fun!

DM Carbide |

I just got back from Pennsic this morning, and spent most of the day either unpacking or unconscious.
Seamus, did you get out ahead of the storms? We were packing out yesterday and at about the 80% mark it started raining. Let me tell you, packing and closing up a cartop carrier bag in the dark and the rain is not easy.

DM Carbide |

I'll be extremely busy with work the next three days, so posting from me will be slow to nonexistent.

DM Carbide |

If any of you are in touch with Jarrek's player, can you ping him? He's been missing from this and another game I'm running.

Kronug the Merciless |

@Jarrek, the reason Kronug retreated into the hall is partly the bottleneck it offers, but more importantly the difficult terrain in the room and lack of difficult terrain in the hall.
The key to fighting foes with 10' reach is the 5' step. They can attack you from 10' away, but then you can 5' step and attack them. With difficult terrain you can't do that, and the movement provokes.
Even though Kronug has a good AC, moving up to attack two rounds ago would have resulted in him taking 6 attacks; an AOO from each giant on his movement, and then a full attack from each. Had they tried to Trip or Disarm, they might well have succeeded. Giving the enemy six attacks so I could get one seemed a bad deal.
More generally, you never want to let the enemy pick a battlefield where they have the advantage. That's a pretty basic precept of tactics (and Gorum has Tactics as a domain; he is not just the god of berserkers).

Jarrek Everstand |

The problem is (I'm not arguing with your point, this is just a general comment about PF) there's no way to compel an enemy to approach you in Pathfinder short of a feat most DMs ban and maybe a spell (I'm not going to look it up but I vaguely remember a relevant spell). The only way Jarrek's Intimidate attempt is going to work is if the DM is being nice to us.
I feel like the real way to beat this encounter is to just dump a bunch of fireballs in the room til they die.

Kronug the Merciless |

The problem is (I'm not arguing with your point, this is just a general comment about PF) there's no way to compel an enemy to approach you in Pathfinder short of a feat most DMs ban and maybe a spell (I'm not going to look it up but I vaguely remember a relevant spell). The only way Jarrek's Intimidate attempt is going to work is if the DM is being nice to us.
I don't think that is a problem at all. I don't need to compel them to approach.
If the enemy closes for melee, Kronug fights then. If they hang back, the rest of the party uses ranged attacks.
True, it would work better as a combined arms tactic with a more dedicated ranged attacker in the party. But even Seamus's bombs will get opponents to try to get at him.
Beyond that, we are intruders in their lair. They wish to defeat us. Much like the majority of Pathfinders, they look to rely more on brute force than on tactics and may think "Our best thing is melee so that is what we should always do."
They did have enough tactical awareness to step back and try to bait us into a disadvantageous position, but I try not to fall for things like that.

Kronug the Merciless |

I am expecting that, with no idea where Haftor is, one giant would reasonably go after Kronug and Jarrek.
It looks like Jarrek got a CMW from Haftor that he has not applied to his statline, so might be at 27 HP.

DM Carbide |

I'm running two games for PFS GameDay XII and playing in three more, so for the next month or so I may be slow to post. At least the schedule for the PFS1e special has us wrapping up early in October, which will free things up considerably.

Kronug the Merciless |

If Haftor is actually in the square where Seamus is on the map now (south of Red Manticore's SW corner), then is the partial square to the east of him too narrow for Kronug to fit, or can he get in there while squeezing and attack (with Squeezing penalties)?

DM Carbide |

Kronug can attack from there with squeezing penalties.

DM Carbide |

Is anyone in touch with Jarrek's player? AFAICT he hasn't been on the boards since before the turn of the year.

Kronug the Merciless |

If this is a haunt, as Trianne hints, then Jarrek would be invaluable with Rallying Cry. If he is absent, can we bot him?
He's also the GM for my Crimson Throne game and we haven't seen him either.

DM Carbide |

I think that's reasonable.

Trianne Ashton |

So in the lovely murk of everything I'm seeing on haunt rules, what's the ruling in this universe for targeting a haunt with the likes of Disrupt Undead?
She's torn between fight and flight, but I'm leaning toward flight with fighting from a safer distance... :)

DM Carbide |

It's possible to use disrupt undead against a haunt.

DM Carbide |

As long as Haftor (or anyone else) is affected by the haunt, he can do nothing but hit himself--he can't even try to recall knowledge.

DM Carbide |

There's one in the first book, but I'd have to check whether they dealt with it. That was several years ago real-time....

DM Carbide |

Haftor and Jarrek did indeed encounter a haunt in the Plague House outside of Trunau. It was rather weaker than this one, though, and most of them ran away from its initial fear attack. They weren't able to defeat it.

Kronug the Merciless |

So, Jarrek's Rallying Cry performance is extremely useful against haunts. It would let any of us use the result of his Intimidate check as a save against fear effects - and all primary effects of haunts are fear effects. It's one of the best features of his archetype (although you do lose the very underrated Countersong, it's still a decent trade).
A DC 20 Will save is pretty hard for 5th-level PCs to make (you might figure +5 is typical) but Jarrek's Intimidate is +20.
If he recognized that a haunt was manifesting, he could start the performance. What would he need to do that? Perception check to notice the haunt, Knowledge (Religion) to recognize it, and also beating it on initiative?

DM Carbide |

Yes--he'd have to succeed at the Perception check to notice the haunt starting to manifest during the surprise round, identify it as a haunt, and beat its initiative during the first full round. In the case of a haunt with a persistent effect, like this one, he could use Rallying Cry while the haunt was active (as long as it wasn't affecting him).