PbemDM's page
RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter. Adventure Path Charter Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 490 posts (2,287 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 9 aliases.
I vote for recruiting a 5th player. I think an arcane caster would be a good fit, but I don't think we need to put any restrictions on what class the new player would take. I haven't had any bad experiences on the board with OP players so I can't really speak to that aspect.
Did we get it for real, or did you fudge it?
Starting my holiday leave tomorrow, so my posting will be intermittent. Happy Holidays, all!
Are you OK with it, DM C? It's more work for you.
Roshelle should probably carry the wand of summon monster III, then.
He wasn't posting in the other game we were in, either.
Cool. Haftor will keep the wand and the scrolls, then, and distribute them to the group. I’ll let Seamus and Jarrek decide between them who gets which scrolls.
I can go next, but I can't start until the 3rd week of August. I've never GM'ed PFS before, so I might need some advice.
Any suggestions for scenarios? I have Mists of Mwangi.
I'm on leave 1-15 July. Feel free to bot Branthis. He's got his +1 weapon going, but he'll cast Burning Hands if the opportunity presents itself, which I think it might.
Haftor votes to go by way of Trunau. Treasure hunting should not be taken lightly, and everyone needs the chance to gear up and kiss their mom good bye.
Oh, also, I'm on leave 1-15 July. Feel free to bot Haftor.
Yes, please: 117048-1
Hope everything is OK with you in RL, Trianne. It's been fun.
Prep and clean-up are the worst part of most jobs.
I feel you. I’m working on installing a hardwood floor for the first time. It’s going to be a mess.
Kronug the Merciless wrote: "Seamus's bombs had a significant impact as well," Kronug adds.
33 from 2 direct hits and then another 10 splash damage?
"Praise Torag for his healing power" he says as Haftor channels.
Also, @Haftor, Divine Favor is Personal (self-only). Has this been houseruled or do you have some way to cast it on others?
Good catch! I didn't look closely enough at the spell and figured I could use it to buff others. My bad. I won't be using it that way anymore.
Cool. Do you write for Outpost?
Radiation safety folks? The power goes straight to their heads. I know the type.
I've had that issue a few times. For me, it was to do with clearing some kind of register or something. I'm not tech savvy, and I had to contact the Webmaster.
Trianne Ashton wrote: In my defense... :)
"Artifact Hunter: You’ve always had an interest in magic, but you’re fascinated with those legendary magic items known as artifacts.
Haftor may have some questions about his hammer that he'd like to ask Trianne.
TDW was a bust.
Haftor will only be down 4 after resting, so I don’t need any healing.
We need confirmation whether Seamus and/or Jarrek have any healing left.
We have either 4 or 5 charges left on the CLW wand as well, if we really need it. I also really need to get a healer’s kit.
I checked in as well. It's cool if there's no room.
Ah, so which module is it? I'd need to buy it, probably. I own all the APs, but almost no modules. Assuming 3rd level is high enough for the game.
Looks like I have a 3rd level Magus. I’m willing to jump in, but I don’t know how a round robin game works.
I haven’t played PFS in years, but I might be up for it. I’ll be back to my computer on Mon night and I can check out my characters. Is that too late?
How are we doing on HPs? If I'm going by what's on the status bars, not so great. Please update - I'm considering healing options.
Thanks. I do remember that we had no answer for the thing at the time.
How meta can we go with this? Without even looking at the rules, I know channeling energy can sometimes be effective against haunts, at least temporarily. But Haftor apparently does not know squat. Not sure how to proceed here.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
I just DMed him on Discord, which makes me sound very tech savvy.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sorry about the delay in posting. I’ve been traveling and can’t seem to find the time.
Kronug the Merciless wrote: I am expecting that, with no idea where Haftor is, one giant would reasonably go after Kronug and Jarrek.
It looks like Jarrek got a CMW from Haftor that he has not applied to his statline, so might be at 27 HP.
Well, please have some missile weapons ready, because as much as it would be cool if I actually manage a cleave attack against these guys, they are going to absolutely wreck me 2 on 1.
I'm back from leave! Things are awful quiet in here.
I'm going on leave starting Wed, and I won't be posting for a week or so. Haftor is trying to get around to flank the giants before his invisibility runs out, then he's going to try to get into position to Cleave them both. I'm sure it will all go off without a hitch.
I'm on leave for the next 9 days. Haftor will support in melee with his hammer. and back out to heal if need be.
I'm going on temporary duty out of the country for the next ten days or so. I may not be able to post.
That is all very cool. I didn't realize anyone was simulating meltdowns - vey interesting.
I do research in identification and characterization of pathogens that are considered to be bio-warfare threats, though we've gotten into naturally occurring pandemic diseases for obvious reasons.
No molten sodium, just lots of bio-safety labs.
Are you a physicist? I'm a chemist.
So, they were so impressed that they are pouring loads of resources into your project, right?
karlprosek wrote: I'm good with Haftor taking on the orcs while Jarrek and Kronug keep the giant busy. J's gonna get in range and try to Demoralize everybody with his first round, should give the bad guys a debuff for a couple rounds. I'm going to cut east and hit the orcs on that side.
Also, I love your avatar.
Haftor will try to get in threatening range of as many orcs as possible so he can start hewing. He's most effective against them until their numbers thin out. Maybe I take on the orcs while Jarrek and Kronug try to flank the giant?
PbemDM wrote: DM Carbide wrote: Nope--you can swap that for another feat. Huzzah! So I dropped the Power Attack feat so I could swap in Goblin Cleaver (3rd lvl) which gets me to Orc Hewer at 5th lvl. Just putting it out there as a heads-up before I start hewing.
My comment is they ain't gettin' lucky twice.
Scouting party? Did I miss something?
Yeah, I have a few things on my sheet that I have never stuck in my profile for some reason.