FemNPC4 |

"As you can see, we have beaten and destroyed all opposition outside the curtain walls of the Citadel itself.
"Company A is anchored at Paradise hill, where the extensive defensive works make it currently impregnable on the East side.
"Company C, after your victory in the Cemetary, has Crossed the Ahari to the West and is currenly encamped on the plains to the Northwest.
"Company B is currenly camped just outside, here." She said pointing. "Just to the south of the main bridge spanning the Ahari riverbed and pointing straight to the gates of the Citadel."
She paused.
"We need that bridge, and we need it intact if we are to avoid ruinous casualties in taking back the Citadel of Drezen.
"Our problem is that there are guards in protected revetments on the bridge itself.
"Worse, there are evil looking herdbeasts chained to the undersupports of the bridge, and our scouts are certain the undersupports have been weakened also.
"So. One startling bang, one arrow to the rump, or any spell that panics the beasts, and off they go dragging the supports with them. Down goes the bridge.
"We can't just rush the bridge; they'll just collapse it.
"What we need is a small unit, stealthy enough to get in close, intelligent enough to figure out how to disable this trap, and powerful enough to deal with enemy forces present."
She stood back and looked at you.
"My lords and ladies, I believe you are called to duty here."
She sniffed, frowning.
"That is, after you have cleaned up and rested. Tomorrow is better I think; they won't be running off anytime soon."

Grey, the Lady's dog |

"נו, איר וויסן ווי צו מאָטיווירן אַ גוף." Grey mutters to himself as he straitens, abandoning any further pretense of childhood. "Easy on the lord bit if ye dun't mind. Far as I'm concerned I'm a conscript."
"Gewoon niet ingelijfd door u partij." He adds, squinting just over the map table.

Taedric Starfell |

Taedric nods in greeting to each of the officers, offering a gentle, "Well met.", then turns his attention to Irabeth's status upgrade. At the end, he whistles, "I don't know that I can claim to be stealthy, but, quick and careful, at least."
He studies the map again, then says, "I wonder if we could feint something out on a flank -- not close enough to the target that they'd blow the bridge, and maybe just loud enough to turn everyone's attention away from the path we're taking."

Thrall the Lucky |

"I'll be happy to contribute to the distraction" Thrall thinks aloud, "since I'd be substracting instead of adding in the stealth commando."

Arthas Sword of Ragathiel |

”Alorah, I am thinking this will require magic as the answer. Either disabling the beasts or strengthening the bridge somehow, maybe support it with a Wall of Iron or some sort.”

Kelden Sunblade |

"Are the beasts attached to the bridge by chain? If its a metal chain I have a spell that would make the chain links brittle. If they stampeded the chains would snap leaving the bridge intact."
He paused and frowned shaking his head for a second.
"I would need to get within 50 feet however to affect the chains, which would no doubt require magic I dont have access to."

Alorah |

"Creating a wall of solid iron is definitely beyond anything I'm capable of." Alorah replies after considering the suggestion, "Perhaps a combination of slowing down the beasts and speeding us up "
wall of iron is a sixth level spell, requiring a 12th level sorcerer."

Thrall the Lucky |

"Maybe charming the beasts?" Thrall thinks aloud. "Or making them sleep?"

Kelden Sunblade |

"Those things are beyond any aid i could call from the Dawnbringer. But we could see if any of the arcane folk about have something like that. A mixture of both might be needed. I could try and weaken the chains to brittle nothingness just in case teh putting them to sleep or charming them doesnt work."

Alorah |

"I may be able to at least mask our approach if we remain close together." Alorah adds. "Once there, we'll need to figure things out."
Unsing Mythic power I can pull off Invisibility Sphere for the approach

Arthas Sword of Ragathiel |

”Keldon, your spell for brittling the chains sounds the most promising way to reduce damage from a stampede tearing away the supports.”
”Perhaps we could feed the beasts something, put them to sleep somehow or box them in where they can’t flee? Maybe a mass entanglement spell or plant growth if some of our host have access to such magic?”
”Once we have the problem of how to keep the rug from being pulled out from under us, we will have to eliminate the threat posed from the reventments. Do on we know the number guards stationed on top of the bridge?”

Arthas Sword of Ragathiel |

Arthas moves over to the halfling and places a hand on her shoulder in a friendly embrace, but where he can also grab her if she makes a sudden movement.
”We may also have an ace in the hole. I believe one of us possesses a way to get in plenty close and without being seen Keldon.”
”Nurah, I know you are no wizard and I have seen you teleport with my own eyes. Please, show them the device you have used to do it.”
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
Detecting Evil

DM-Camris |

A successful DC 15 Climb check is needed to move down or up one of the steep embankments of the dry riverbeds.
While this is unlikely to pose a challenge for heroes, it’s a significant barrier for the army.
In order to reach central Drezen and face the citadel’s army, the Heroes of Kenabres need to secure the Ahari bridge, as it is the only remaining crossing in town that provides access to the Citadel. The scouts report that the bridge is guarded by feral-looking beasts chained to the bridge’s weakened supports and several tieflings on the watchtowers above, and furthermore that each support has been significantly weakened by structural damage.
It might take a minute or two, but the beasts chained to the pillars could be driven to tear the bridge down.
Marching an army up to the bridges will certainly cause the cultists to destroy it, but a smaller group could sneak in and defeat them quickly without, hopefully, triggering the destruction of the bridge.
You cannot see into the bridge watchtowers; you only know they are occupied by multiple enemies.

Alorah |

"What are you talking about, Arthas?" Alorah says looking at the paladin with a touch of concern.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

Grey, the Lady's dog |

Befuddlement writ across his face, Grey shifts uncomfortably for a moment or two before hei-ing after his fellow Halfling.
"Is hij gewoonlijk zo?" Grey queries as he catches up to her. "Hij leek waardig genoeg in een gevecht," he adds, shrugging bemusedly, "natuurlijk denk ik dat dat gewoon betekent dat hij goed is in vechten..."
untrained Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
ack, didn't mean to post that just yet...
"He seemed worthy enough in a fight, of course I suppose that just means he's good at fighting..."

Kelden Sunblade |

He too was confused by Artha's outbreak, but in that moment of confusion he did recall that before the initial fight and then the subsequent undead attack that they had been investigating some of the officers for whom was the suspected traitor. He himself had been investigating Master Aron Kir and had discovered something hidden...Perhaps Artha's had discovered something about Nurah.
"We all would do well to remember the discussion we had before we began to assault the city. I was following my own leads and hunches, perhaps he was following his. I am sure you can explain your reasons Arthas."
He said with a sigh, he was exhausted, he just wanted to make sure Kyra got back okay, and to find his bedroll for a few minutes.... or maybe food. Food would be good as well. And there was still that issue with Aron and Sosiel to deal with as well.

Arthas Sword of Ragathiel |

”Nurah’s alignment has been shielded from me and every other Paladin in the army since we mustered. The enemy has had a mole in our midst this entire campaign. The only times the enemy has not known our next move have oddly been coincident to times she is not in attendance to know our next move. I have seen her with my own eyes teleport. This was after the battle in the valley. I have wracked my brain on this for weeks.”
The Paladin’s eyes never leave the halfling’s.
”Now she lies effortlessly.”
”If I were to lie, I would not be able to wield Radiance as I do.”
Arthas draws the holy sword and places his bare hand on the blade showing that it does not burn him.
He holds up the dragon scale for all to see.
”The Martyred Dragon gifted me one of his scales as he fell in defense of the Holy City. A city which fell from traitors from within.”
He looks at his companions.
”Worries of making a false accusation held me back from stating my suspicion for some time. I couldn’t think an unobtrusive way to find the truth without some harm to a possibly innocent servant of Heaven. Blessedly, during our last battle I was granted a vision.”
He looks back to Nurah.
”Care to explain your teleportation stunt?”

Thrall the Lucky |

When Arthas shows Radiance and touches it's blade, Thrall nods.
"You certainly seem to be speaking no lies, though that doesn't mean you can't be mistaken. The trial you propose seems a fair one."

Taedric Starfell |

Taedric shrugs, then offers a gentle warning in Celestial.
"Just remember that even a good or neutral could be the mole -- history is littered with people doing the wrong thing for what they thought were the right reasons."

Sapphiria Paix |

Sapphiria listens intently to the conversation back and forth, then starts hastily signing a reply. She sighs as she realizes that it's going to be hard to get across a complex concept this way.
Digging through her pack she takes out her stylus and a scrap to write upon, puts her inkwell on the table, and skritches out a simple note, which she passes to the party.
Then we just arrange for her to get bad intel and catch her in the act.

Alorah |

As Sapphira's note is passed to her, Alorah reads it, moving to stand beside the statuesque blond warrior, and subtly moving her free hand until it makes contact with the back of Sapphira's. Focusing, she tries to project her thoughts in clear words, the way she received when first communicating with their new member.
'Except that won't work now that he has declared her a spy...unless she feels that we have a reason to fully trust her.'
Looking up, the sorceress' draconine shimmering eyes stare hard, firs at Arthas, then Nurah, her expression stony, tho whether at the idea of betrayal, false accusation, or being volunteered as the instrument of inquisition is unclear.
If nothing else, the paladin was right about her divine gifts effects based on what lay in the souls of those touched by it.

Kelden Sunblade |

He trusted Arthas, though he also couldnt believe miss Nurah was bad, He hurried out after her to try and see if he could help get to the bottom of this.
perception to spot the halfling maiden?: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
"Lady Nurah, a misunderstanding, we have questions."
He called out as he looked.

DM-Camris |

After Nurah swept out in a high dudgeon, and Grey darted out after her, the rest of the command tent erupted in cacophany as the staff jumped up and swarmed about shouting questions of General Irabeth and the rest of the Knights.
"Sir Arthas!"
"What was that?"
"There's a traitor?"
"But why?"
Pressing all around you, you cannot exit the tent at the moment without a successful bull rush in difficult terrain.

Taedric Starfell |

Taedric sighs, This is going about as well as I'd feared...

Alorah |

Alorah turns her gaze on Arthas, curious as to the supporting evidence of his claims.

Arthas Sword of Ragathiel |

Arthas looks back at Alorah. His large armored form could have gone barreling through the pressing persons, but he looks resolved to remain where he is.
”I could have used Radiance to smite her evil.. My understanding is that the powers that be would not allow the strike to land on a good and innocent being. My hope was your healing aura would hold no violence. I know it will not burn me. I also know what I saw on two occasions with Nurah. She is complicit and lying. Being innocent I would welcome your Heavenly Fire’s embrace.”
”I hoped for revelation and possible redemption rather than her outright annihilation. I imagine her true lords will have far less care for her soul than I and mine.”
”I know my actions seemed extreme to you, but she has been able to lie to the Queen and her loyal ranks of paladins, the same way the enemy did before the fall of our holy city and the Silver Martyr.”
The Paladin stands firm, but calls out to his companions.
”Some of you need to find GREY, he should not go alone.”

FemNPC4 |

"I WILL HAVE ORDER!" Thundered General Irabeth, jumping to her feet. Immediately the command staff stopped yelping and cringed back.
She leveled a steely glance at Sir Arthas.
"These are grave charges Sir Arthas. I hope and trust they prove to be founded on something more than a gut feeling; and just as much I hope they prove baseless. Lady Nurah came well recommended by Queen Galfrey herself." she said, looking ghastly as she said it.
"Nevertheless, we must have answers here. Go forth and bring Lady Nurah back here for..." She started saying before being cut off.

DM-Camris |

An orange light flashed against the command tent and dimmed as a BOOM shook the ground under your feet.
Swarming outside, you see one of the ancient warehouses near where your encampment is lit up as flames leap up from where the roof used to be.
Not ten yards away, you see Grey.
He looks absolutely dumbfounded. A rope trailed from his hands, down the ancient roadway and up to the broken windows of the burning warehouse.

Thrall the Lucky |

Thrall looks at the rope. There has to be an explanation. What could be on the other end of it that caused such destruction? And someone like Grey... He has seen the little one in action and, if he were to sabotage anything, he certainly wouldn't have been caught just like that.
Now, does that imply Nurah is guilty of all charges? No. Does that imply they have to find her? Totally. Thrall, thus, puts himself to the task, searching for himself while no other more expert takes command.
"Grey, tell us what happened." First things first.

Taedric Starfell |

Taedric's mind races at the sudden turn, But... the Queen just .... sent Grey... and he's a traitor?! No, that cannot be....

Arthas Sword of Ragathiel |

General Irabeth got orders out for local units to start fighting the fires and getting what supplies they could out of the warehouse.
She then turned to Grey.
"My Lord Grey" she gritted out, her steely gaze pinning him to the ground. "What were you doing with that rope, and where is Lady Nurah?"
”Search for her, but you will likely find she teleported away. Let’s get a mage in here and search for the aura please, so we can identify the spell or device used? Can we get trackers as well?”
Arthas looks at Grey’s responses.
He detects evil on Grey focusing on him for a few rounds.
”This fire may be a distraction for other moves or acts. We can’t let down our vigilance.”

Taedric Starfell |

Taedric keeps looking around, trying to set himself a clear path out from the crowd and able to... move.

Kelden Sunblade |

He moved with Sapphiria, while the worries over a possible traitor in the midst was worrying, this was all for nothing if the army starved trying to lay siege to the citadel. He couldnt create water at the moment, he had not thought to prepare such magics for the day, but he could help carry buckets to douse flames and heal any soldier wounded by the heat and flame.

Taedric Starfell |

Taedric shouts out a command in Sylvan, calling for Knave to meet him, while rushing out to get close enough to try to see what's happened... Maybe a wolf's nose can solve what our eyes can't... If nothing else, I can move buckets way faster mounted.

Alorah |

Alorah hitches up the hem of her dress as she races toward the warehouse, shifting her vision into the arcane spectrum as she does.
Detect Magic

DM-Camris |

Sitting in the command tent, flanked by two crusaders, Grey told his story.
Basically, he followed Nurah out of the command tent, trying to convince her to face the accusations. She refused, continuing to walk over by the bluffs overlooking the dry Ahari riverbed. She grabbed a rope covered by debris and looked like she was falling backwards off the bluff. She threw him the rope, and he hauled back. She cackled madly and... turned into a cloud of bats and disappeared into the darkness of the night.
"I swear! That's what happened!" He said pleading. "You all know I could make up a way better sounding story than that!"

MaleNPC5 |

Horgus came into the command tent all covered in smoke stains. He sat down and held his head in his hands.
"Well, I suppose we should give thanks only seventy-five percent of our food supplies are burning.
"She was so helpful. She said the supplies had to be gathered centrally to protect them from raiders.." He muttered wearily.