Ascension - Rebellion (Inactive)

Game Master bbangerter

Library Street

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Will post shortly with some opening information.

The following is to give some feel for the layout of Coran, and some of its major features.

The city is located on the eastern coast of the continent. With the tail bone of the Chaggath Spine mountain range coming to an end at the edge of the city. The mountains run northwest from the city perhaps two dozen miles then turn westward cutting horizontally across the continent. A 20 foot high wall surrounds the western and southern sides of the city. The north being protected by the steep slopes and cliffs of the mountains, and the east side being open to the sea. The main gate lies on the west end beginning the road leading to Gumlat. The south side has a smaller gate that heads to Issust Hold. There is also a road connecting the Gumlat road to Issust hold for those wishing to avoid paying tariff's to enter Coran with goods destined between the smaller population centers.

The city is a sprawling affair. The major roads seem to be the only things specifically planned out, and everything else appears to have been built haphazardly in between them. The great library, which is built at the sound end of the city, lies at the end of Library Street. The street runs north to south, passing the Tower of the Heavens some 300 feet from the library and continues straight on for 3 miles to the north end of the city. The library is a 3 story building, with a single clock tower rising 70 feet into the air. The clock tower, a marvel in itself, is decorated with stained glass windows depicting an angelic being wielding a flaming sword. Two wings split off north and south from the tower, thousands of books stored inside.

The Tower of the Heavens itself is an odd structure for a tower. It measures roughly 100 feet across at the base, tapered inward slightly such that it is perhaps 90 feet across at the top of its squat 60 foot height. The entire building is made of some kind of marble. At times a door can be seen standing open on the south side of the tower. When the door is closed, those looking in from outside the grounds are unable to discern where the door is located precisely or how one might gain entrance. Those who have been inside the grounds say the entire building is covered with carvings of celestial bodies. Stars, moons, suns, comets, etc.

Around the tower itself is a circular area, the tower grounds, 100 feet distance in all directions from the tower. These grounds hold half a dozen more traditional wood and stone buildings for housing the students of the tower, the tower guards, kitchens and so forth. The grounds are well maintained, including a small garden. The grounds are encircled about by a 15 foot wrought iron fence with a large double gate on the south side.

A view of the mage tower grounds
All the stone and wood buildings are two story affairs. The two southernmost buildings are guard towers, with a platform running between the two on the second level. Fruit trees cover the north ends of the ground which provide fresh fruit all year round.

The grounds of the mage tower are fairly well lit even during the night. While the tower itself is white in color, those who look closely during the night notice that at times it has a faint colored tint. The color varies night to night - red, green, gold, blue, purple, and others.

Some of the rumors surrounding the mages of the tower include the following:
They capture and experiment on trolls and other creatures.
They are crossbreeding horrific monsters and creating new breeds of nightmarish creatures.
The consort with demons inside the confines of the tower.
That they plan to kill everyone in the city and turn them into mindless undead.
That they built the library to attract strangers to the city whom they then abduct for their experiments.
They are working to stave off threats from other worlds.
They are working with other worlds to take over this one.
They seek to overthrow the gods.
They seek to become gods.
They seek to release some dark god from his prison.
Or prevent the release of said dark god.

Running east to west in the city is the merchants road. This is a wide street and serves as an open market place for all kinds of street vendors. The official offices of the merchant's guild lies as its western end. An ornate building that exudes the wealth represented by the powerful merchants houses. A thick wall surrounds the building and the place is heavily guarded.

Several blocks north of the merchants road is beggars street. That's not its official name, which is known only by a few who care. Most folk avoid the street.

The harbor on the east end of the city contains numerous warehouses. Stretching out into the water are 3 large docks, and there is always activity going on day and night. Large cranes loading and unloading ships.

Various temples dedicated to the good and neutral deities can be found scattered about the city.

In the southwest end of the city is a section called Tiny Town (or often worse names) where many of the gnome and hafling residents reside. Larger folk are generally not welcome here, and a few unexplained accidents have been known to happen to such after dark.

The thieve's guild is located...
Haha, you wish.

Winter, 4474, 1 week ago

You have spent the last two months in taverns and inns around Coran reigniting the old rumors. Things the mages wish to keep secret. Things they have tried to cover up.

Like the time of nightmares in the year 4350. The time when when doors were locked and barred and screams could be heard through out the night, the screams and cries of strange creatures stalking the streets. These things must be brought into the light where they might stand as witness against the Mageocracy.

There are also the monthly shipments in the middle of the night to the tower, surrounded by a dozen guards. Few have noticed, but those who have learned patience to watch have seen the pattern of it. A large crate, a canvas tied down tight to cover it up, hauled inside the one door into the tower.

You have grown restless though. If nothing more is to come of your efforts you are wasting your time. That night sitting in a tavern a stranger slips you a note. The time has come friend. We gather, two days journey south of Gumlat, at the edge of the desert. You tossed the note into the crackling fire and packed your belongings.

Winter 4474, south of Gumlat, late morning

Perhaps two-hundred have gathered at the edge of the Endless Desert and the forests of Gumlat. Several wagons filled with supplies sit in a line at one side of the makeshift encampment. A man in his mid-forties walks among you, towering over the assembled at 6'5” height. The left side of his face from his cheek down is a raw mass of scars, Captain Denath. The captains clothes are neat and clean, a military style uniform. You've met him only once before. He sought you out, spoke with you at length in a private corner at an inn. You talked of the injustice of the tower. He talked of their failure to rule justly. He persuaded you something more could be done than to sit in silent rage.

Denath speaks briefly to the assembled crowd. ”The seeds have been planted and the mages are off balance. Now we begin to act in earnest. Now we pull them down in their arrogance. And the common folk shall flock to us in droves to join our cause.”

“Lieutenant Banmor”, he calls and a younger man in a uniform similar to his own steps up. ”Organize them into companies.” With another uniformed individual Banmor begins ushering those at the far end towards the supply wagons. Captain Denath however gives a few men and women a quiet look, then tilts his head bidding them follow him. You are one of those he singles out.

Taking you some 30 feet from the crowds he stops and offers a smile, at least the right side of his face comes up in a smile, the left side of his mouth seems paralyzed by whatever wounds he suffered there. ”Our numbers have grown since we first spoke. But we are in need of supplies. The food caravans will be leaving Coran soon with a shipment for Issust Hold. I mean to have that food for our men, and I intend for you to get it for us. Kill only those you must though, the people will understand our need for supplies, they will not be so forgiving if those among the dead are their friends or families.”

The captain stops as though to ponder some internal question, rubbing his jaw with his left hand, then asks aloud, ”There are a thousand or more people between where we stand now and the gates of Coran. Simple folk - farmers and craftsmen. Those who pay taxes to a government that gives them nothing in return. How do you convince a people in the bonds of slavery to free themselves when they do not even know they are slaves? Do any of you have an answer for this riddle? I should like you to ponder this question and find its answer.”

The game isn't quite underway yet, but while I start going through your characters as you finish them up I wanted you to be able to start making plans and asking questions about your first situation. Most of my time currently though is still focused on suggesting additional touches to back stories and tying some pieces together.

Each group is going to have one or two encounters (and I use that word loosely - not necessarily combat encounters) to get a feel for each others playing before they start colliding with the other factions.

Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

A cloaked figure stands at the edge of the rest of his company, hood pulled low. His gaunt frame is apparent, his outfit loose on his body like a man wearing clothes a few sizes too big for him.

The only clearly visible part is the lower part of his face, pale like sickness. He seems to be bothered by the heat, his mouth displaying sharp teeth as he pants, the rasping sound barely audible, but he makes no move to remove his coverings.

He doesn't seem to be thinking about the captain's question, too distracted with his uncomfortable state.

M Human (multi-ethnic) Rogue Charlatan 6

Digger smiles broadly. This waiting around b#~+$#+$ was for the amateurs. This was his work.

"You want to convince these people, you have to shape the narrative. Humans are bred to be easily contented in situations like this. They think they have a roof and a hole to f!~@ and that's all their is. They don't know freedom. We have to tell the story of the glory. Stories shape our thinking. Time to shape their thinking."

Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

Rocosmia follows the captain to the others. With a smile to Tock and Jake, she looks to her new allies one at a time, slowly. She's dressed well for the desert scene in sturdy undergarments as most ifrit do and a loose brown drape, standing taller than most the men here. She hid her ifrit nature until arriving, shifting much of her clothing to her pack. Her excitement keeps her posture up, muttering to Jake before the captain speaks.

"Fancy meeting you here. Ready to save our home?"

She turns to Lieutenant Banmor, crossing her arms and listening. A frown crosses her lips. The question posed itself as a riddle to her, and she disliked such things. When Digger speaks, she nods slowly in agreement. After a couple minute, she contributes.

"We need to give them a hard reason to fight. Anger will be our reason. We don't tell them how to be happy. They're complacent because they think they're happy. We tell them how mad they should be. They won't do anything at first, but they'll start to see what is coming the Mageocracy. When something slips, they'll turn anger into action. And from that action, others will rise if our cause is true. That's why I'm here. I'm here because I'm angry."

She takes a long breath. Her face flushed, she looks to everyone.

"Its time to make more people mad. Let it be thoughts of fire, of destruction, and let them tear back the freedom the mages hold away from them."

She calms herself with another, longer breath.

"At least, that's what I think. Never mind the fire, I don't literally want the empire to burn."

Male Catfolk Ranger (Skirmisher/Urban Ranger) 4/Rogue (Roof Runner) 2 [ HP 51/66 | AC 19/15/15 | Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +2 | Init +4 (+6 in Coran) | Perception +12 (+2 in Coran, +2 vs. Humans, +1 vs. Traps) ]

Drewan listens in silence to the words of the others. "I generally leave the philosophical discussions to those better suited for it. I feel that our actions guide others' thinking more than useless prattle. Regardless, I will say this: we will not win the hearts of the people to our cause by stealing their food. They will not flock to our cause when we make them suffer by our actions, nor when we show them their sorry state."

He shakes his head and looks in the face of each of the others, judging their commitment as he continues. "No, we will draw their ire. Over time, they will grow to hate us, and they will cry for our heads. The people will go to their precious Mageocracy and demand that they quell our little rebellion. When they are unable to stop us, it is then that the people will rise up against the authority that is supposed to protect them, and it is then that we will have won."

He lets his words sink in for a moment, then continues. "Now, we few have been chosen to perform a task. Let's get to it."

Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

Rocosmia allows Drewan his opinion. "Down to business, then. The guards probably don't want to die over a shipment of that. We could just wait and see what they got coming out the gate and go from there. Not that we need a perfect plan, but we could do better than to go into this with a cavalier attitude. If nothing else, a night raid should do."

She examines Drewan. If he was so eager to get to killing, she wondered if he could keep from it when there was no reason in it. "These will be merchant guards, I imagine, so there's no point in killing them. Lieutenant Banmor, you've done this before? Can you can tell us what to expect of them, like horsemen?"

Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

"Perhaps," Dev says, panting as he tugs at the fabric near the corner of his neck to open his hood wider, letting more air in, "we should consider asking for the food."

Captain Denath rubs at his chin, scratching at his scars.


Your sense motive reveals the following.
Something in the way the captain scratches at his scars belays a sorrow in the man, a brief change in the look in his eyes as he pulls at the skin as though remembering some past event.

He sighs deeply looking directly at Dev's cloaked and hooded figure, "I'd say you are welcome to try asking, but its not in the merchants guilds nature to simply donate to a worthy cause." He runs one of his hands through his hair, weariness showing in his eyes. "I can understand your reluctance in this task and it's some hard choices we have ahead of us. For the time being though we need supplies and resources and don't have the funds to get them. Your work", he includes all of you in a small gesture, "all of your work in Coran for the past two months has put the city on edge, and we need to tip it while we can. I'm hoping to set up a base camp out here in the woods of Gumlat from which to run raids against the Coran regulars. Once we get several of the settlements to join our cause they will provide us with the resources we need, and places to strike from."

He focuses on Rocosmia, "With a caravan this large there may be as many as 15-20 guards. The majority of them will be green behind the ears but there will be a caravan captain and two or three lieutenants. If you can neutralize them quickly its likely the rest will surrender. The top ranks are likely to have horses, but most will be on foot. The main thing to watch out for the patrols. Twenty or thirty men, all on horseback and all trained soldiers. There are maybe four or five patrols to cover the week long road between Coran and the hold. They should be easy to avoid, if you know where they are, but you need to get the wagons and get well off the road before the next patrol finds the caravan guards."

Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

"I'm sure we can be, ah, very persuasive in asking." He turns a question to the captain. "It is better to turn the enemy into our friend, but failing that a neutral party is better than a hostile one. Do we want them to know it was the Rebellion, and do we want them to know what we need the food for?"

Male Catfolk Ranger (Skirmisher/Urban Ranger) 4/Rogue (Roof Runner) 2 [ HP 51/66 | AC 19/15/15 | Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +2 | Init +4 (+6 in Coran) | Perception +12 (+2 in Coran, +2 vs. Humans, +1 vs. Traps) ]

Drewan looks curiously at Dev. "Would you also tell them where our camps will be? I, for one, think that we will be safest if they still believe we are disorganized and few in number. I also don't expect that we'll be doing much talking..."

Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

"We've done nothing but talk for two months. I can see you're impatient." Dev pauses and gives a wry smile. "But I concede I don't know much about warfare."

Human Summoner (HP 54/54, AC 14/11/13, F+4, R+4, W+6 (+2 to AC and all saves if Puck is within reach), Init+1, Per+0)

The flamboyantly dress man speaks up in an well educated accent. bluff for accent: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (13) + 15 = 28 "I do agree with this fine fellow." He starts to put his hand on on Dev's shoulder but after a glance at the opening to his hood pulls back his hand. "We owe him the chance to sway the caravan's owner, maybe not looking like he does but a chance all the same. Not only for the reason already said but also if we have people regularly sending us food it will free us to do more important jobs."
Turning to Drewan, "You are right of course, telling people of our camp would be foolish, even more foolish than forming a camp in the first place. However that is a hurdle we can overcome later. If this... man's persuasion fails we do need a backup. We could disguise ourselves as well know members of the thieves guild, I'm sure we have all seen the wanted posters for cut throat Delilah and her gang, but what they would want with food for 200 hundred is beyond me. No I suggest disguising ourselves as an outside force, orcs, and goblin and the like."

Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

"Then we focus on the captain and lieutenants. I don't know about orcs or goblins - do they even take prisoners? They might fight to the death if they think that. If we do disguise ourselves, let's keep it simple?" She looks to Dev. "If ... this fine fellow ... doesn't convince them, let's try Captain Denath's suggestion, and take the guard captain suddenly in ambush. I'm a pretty good shot with a bow- elven training- or could coddle most of the guards with a spell for a short while. I don't know tactics really, either, but I suppose someone should call the shots in battle? How about you?"

She offers Jake a little smile, motioning to him to the rest. She looks back at everyone who hasn't spoken. "By the way, call me Rocosmia, if you would."

M Human (multi-ethnic) Rogue Charlatan 6

Digger laughs. "Guys, guys, guys. You're going about this half-cocked. We need the food, that's a necessary evil. But most commoners aren't going to understand that. They will be angry with those that take these supplies. So we don't take them. WE don't have anything to do with it. The Mageocracy commandeers it for ...experimental use." With that Digger's handsome form shifts and changes into a wizened, bearded old man in a robe, with the mark of the Mageocracy on his chest.

Human Summoner (HP 54/54, AC 14/11/13, F+4, R+4, W+6 (+2 to AC and all saves if Puck is within reach), Init+1, Per+0)

Jake smiles. "Yes, that should work." He had a good idea but he's a bit of a show off. I wonder if he wanted us to know he has a hat of disguise.

Turning to Rocosmia "A pleasure to meet you, you can call me Jake. I agree that in a tight situations we should have one of us to make the tough choices but I don't know why it should be me over any of these others."

The captain gives a grim chuckle at Digger's transformation.

He pulls out a map of the region. "We're here, of course." He points just south of Gumlat. The caravan will be following the southern road between Coran and Issust Hold. Based on my reports they will leave Coran in five days. You'll need to locate and set up an ambush point somewhere along the road. Once you've secured the wagons I suggest you leave the main roads and cross through the open plains or desert. I'll send some of the men to meet you here."[/b] He indicates a point on the map S9. "They can bring the wagons the rest of the way to the base camp."

The captain gives Jake an appreciative look, "You speak the truth Jake. A large encampment is going to be noticed pretty quickly. Once those supplies are in our hands though this group will be dispersed into small regiments for hit and run tactics all along the roads. Only a few will remain here as a point of contact with which to coordinate our efforts."

Each grid square on the map is about half a days travel.
You'll note there is a small forest along the southern road.
The desert itself contains many large rock formations jutting out of the terrain, pocked with holes and caves.

Male Catfolk Ranger (Skirmisher/Urban Ranger) 4/Rogue (Roof Runner) 2 [ HP 51/66 | AC 19/15/15 | Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +2 | Init +4 (+6 in Coran) | Perception +12 (+2 in Coran, +2 vs. Humans, +1 vs. Traps) ]

All of this talk of disguises and is a wonder the rebellion has grown to become what it is today. Drewan shakes his head.

"I don't expect that we will have any success convincing them that the Mageocracy needs the food for any reason, nor do I think that they would be willing to let orcs and the like have it without fighting to the last man. Better, I think, to lay in wait here." he points to the map (at the southern edge of the forest, northwest of the fork in the road between P8 and P9), "It is far enough from Coran that help will not arrive from the city before we reach our rendevous point, but allows us to hide ourselves better than we could in the plains."

"If we wait for them inside the southern edge of the forest, we can kill the captain and lieutenants - they wouldn't accept surrender anyway. This will demoralize the rest, and we can allow them to flee. Then, we take the wagons from there. As an added benefit, there is a small chance we could leave a false trail heading northeast at the fork, to mislead pursuers."

Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

Making a little investigation of Digger's disguise, she smirks and comments quietly. "Nice trick."

Drewan gets an approving nod from Rocosmia. "I was thinking something similar, but its worth a try to deceive them out of it. Let us make use of our skills. If we ready ourselves there, we..." she motions to Digger, "...can meet them a little further north of the ambush. We might not be able to persuade them to leave the wagon to us, but perhaps we could lead one of the captains or lieutenants ahead to investigate a problem on the road, perhaps with a small group of the guards. Digger or I could then return alone disguised as the officer and give the all-clear to move on, right into our ambush. If that's too complex, then it should be easy enough to convince them to take a detour to a better ambush spot than the road. That should make it easier for us."

She gives a little sigh. "If that's too complex, then I guess we do this the catfolk's way. Vote? Mageocracy demands the food or directs them astray due to a problem on the road, or just ambush?"

Male Catfolk Ranger (Skirmisher/Urban Ranger) 4/Rogue (Roof Runner) 2 [ HP 51/66 | AC 19/15/15 | Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +2 | Init +4 (+6 in Coran) | Perception +12 (+2 in Coran, +2 vs. Humans, +1 vs. Traps) ]

Drewan returns Rocosmia's nod. "I submit that no captain nor lieutenant is going to investigate a problem on the road himself - that's what underlings are for - and it seems to me that that plan won't work unless the captain is the one that goes. In addition, if any one of the plans doesn't work, it will make a later ambush much more difficult, if not impossible. My vote will remain with a simple ambush."

M Human (multi-ethnic) Rogue Charlatan 6

"You can have whatever ambush you want. We portray Mageocracy. The people have no reason not to believe it, and we have no reason to be totally truthful on this mission. Remember, our overall mission is to end the control of those magic nerds. Eating is good. Ruining their reputation is even better."

Digger Chandler wrote:
...with the mark of the Mageocracy on his chest.

This, by the way, is a symbol of a crescent moon, usually over the left breast on armor/uniforms. It would be centered if displayed on a flag or banner or cloak.

Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

"The forest is good," Dev agrees. "I hate the desert."

The man licks his lips, taking out a flask of water and drinking from it before continuing.

"I do not care who leads, but it would be better to capture than kill, and even better not to fight at all. An ambush with the intent to disable the higher ranks and offer to trade their lives for the food would be my vote. How the ambush happens I do not care, but it would be wise to make sure they actually travel through the ambush point."

male Human Monk(Sacred Mountain) | HP 50/50 | AC 17 Tch 16 FF 16 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +6 | CMD 22* | Init +5 | Perception: +10

Crunch, Crunch, Crunch, Shake, Crunch, Crunch, Crunch, Shake

You here as a man approaches and his feet shift in the sand.

He stands of short stature, but heavy build(muscular),

You cannot see his face for his straw(circular) hat that protects him from the sun also seems to be protecting him from view as well.

He wears very feeble garb, having an almost homeless look. For his apparel consists of a torn dirty white gown being held together by what appears to be a loose tied rope string around his waist. His feet have only the protection of some simple wrappings resembling the same material that makes up his gown.

The only gear he brings is a sack over his back with what appears to be very few items.

A closer glance may reveal a ring on his left forefinger.

As he approaches he says simply in a low mono-tone, straight faced as a statue.

"I believe i was invited here"

His hat raises to reveal a dirty, completed shaven, face and head.

His head is elongated, giving him a more natural appearance than the round head you most often see from people with bald heads.

He has a rigid, strict jaw with protruding cheeks bones. His face despite the dirt shows not a blemish of scar nor injury.

His eyes a dark hazel, refuse to blink as he stares at the group. Eyes as still and lifeless as death itself peers out at the group with absolute peace.

"Sorry for my intrusion" He says in his low mono-toned voice.

Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

Again, Rocosmia nods to Drewan's suggestion. Allowing herself to appear only the slightest agitated with the monk's arrival, she keeps her arms loosely crossed. "With what the catfolk said, and your words," she motions to Dev, "it seems we'd best attempt persuading the caravan of what we can within sight of the ambush. Not the best for either approach, but we can give a shot at not hurting anyone, that way. And we can be sure we can get the job done if it goes badly."

She looks intently to Jake. "Its up to you of what we try to persuade them to do, but I'll back you up on it. Unless Jake and... you, sir," she motions to Mong, "both now feel a simple ambush would be in order, this will be our course of action. I don't mean to be stepping on anyone's toes here."

Striding a little closer to Mong, she briefly examines him. She seems pleased with a smirk, though not revealing as to what. "This will try to make use of everyone's strengths. I'm not going to treat anyone like a soldier. We aren't..." she looks to Drewan, "...expendable."

She moves closer to him, speaking more softly and directly to him. "If someone has to die, I won't stop you from killing them. Please let us try to spare them from death with words, at least, before you make that decision."

She steps away and turns back to the others. "Since everyone is willing to go with the flow," she remarks and makes a gracious bow to the cluster of men, "I'll do my best to set the flow. Captain, I think we've spoken enough here? We'll be underway if you've nothing more to add. We can discuss more on the way as needed."

male Human Monk(Sacred Mountain) | HP 50/50 | AC 17 Tch 16 FF 16 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +6 | CMD 22* | Init +5 | Perception: +10

Mong being his usual self has nothing to say nor anything to add and will just follow along appropriately

Male Catfolk Ranger (Skirmisher/Urban Ranger) 4/Rogue (Roof Runner) 2 [ HP 51/66 | AC 19/15/15 | Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +2 | Init +4 (+6 in Coran) | Perception +12 (+2 in Coran, +2 vs. Humans, +1 vs. Traps) ]

Drewan nods at Rocosmia's words, but keeps silent until the group is on the road. Finally, someone as ready as me for some decisive action.

Once underway, however, Drewan addresses the small group. "While I am not comfortable giving up the element of surprise, I understand that not everyone's strengths tend towards combat. However, realize that if something goes wrong with your ruse, you may well be targeted before we can react. To that end, if you sense that they are unwilling to accept your ploy, let us agree on a signal for the rest of us to attack."

He tilts his head to one side for a moment, then continues. "It occurs to me, as well, that once the fighting has started, and once their leaders are disabled or dead, we need to have some way to cause the lesser guardsmen to flee. Please give that some thought, and make sure it is something that will be effective in the midst of combat."

Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

Dev nods a greeting to Mong, inspecting him for a few moments before turning his attention back to the conversation. "He could call out an order of retreat," he says, gesturing to Digger. "But if all else fails, I am sure we can . . . think of something."

Human Summoner (HP 54/54, AC 14/11/13, F+4, R+4, W+6 (+2 to AC and all saves if Puck is within reach), Init+1, Per+0)

Jake nods to Mong as he arrives. "It is quite possible that another plan will come to us as we travel but for now I am fully in favour of giving the talking a chance. It will give us the chance to place blame elsewhere and avoid making extra enemies. I have to say this whole thing doesn't sit right with me, the people in Issust Hold will need that food. Don't some God grant their priest the ability to feed large groups?"
He turns to the Captain smiling. "Captain, you should have a friendly priest sent to Issust Holt who can provide the people there with food from the Gods... and us. That way not only do they not get their regular food from the Mages they also have us the thanks for it, turning a possible negative into a big positive."
Turning back to the group "We are also going to have to plan our get away. The more trouble the authorities have finding out what happen and where we went the better for all of this. It occurs to me we are making a lot of plans totally blindly. I assume that the catman is good at fighting and I assume this man is good at talking or at least convincing, but the only thing I know is that he, or she" Jake points to Digger "can change what he looks like, which I cannot say surprises me."
"Before we do much more planning I would like to get to know what we each bring to this exercise. Lets start with names since only Rocosmia has been polite enough to introduce herself. A fake name is fine, in fact expected. You may call me Jake as I have already said. Additionally any other information about your skills that you are prepared to disclose would help. I am very good, well better than that really, at effecting things at range. For example I could arrange for a cart wheel to fall off at our desired ambush point or slip some poison into their dinner the night before, if I had access to any that is."

male Human Monk(Sacred Mountain) | HP 50/50 | AC 17 Tch 16 FF 16 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +6 | CMD 22* | Init +5 | Perception: +10

He simply says:


In his low voice

Male Catfolk Ranger (Skirmisher/Urban Ranger) 4/Rogue (Roof Runner) 2 [ HP 51/66 | AC 19/15/15 | Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +2 | Init +4 (+6 in Coran) | Perception +12 (+2 in Coran, +2 vs. Humans, +1 vs. Traps) ]

Drewan nods slowly to Jake at the suggestion to send food to Issust Hold in the name of the rebellion. That's all well and good, human, but if we could make food ourselves, why do we even have to raid this caravan? At the suggestion that he was being less than polite, however, he finds it difficult to look the others in the eye.

"My...apologies to all. I forget at times that the fight is not so important as can be common courtesy. My name is Drewan, and as you have surmised, many of my skills revolve around combat. I am capable in that regard both at range and in the thick of things." As he says this, he shows off an absolutely monstrous composite longbow and an ornate greatsword. "In addition, I am a passable scout, and am able to get places - mostly heights - many others can't or don't think to. I am most comfortable on the rooftops of Coran, but am no stranger to the wilderness. Lastly, I have given great care to study human physiology, to no small effect."

Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

"My name is Dev," the hooded man contributes. "I do not do well with combat, but I am able to summon things that are much better at it than me."

He says nothing else, merely rasping for breath as he tugs at his hood to circulate the air in his clothes. Finally, he looks to the captain "Captain, would you mind if I borrowed some clothes? I came unprepared for the heat."

Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

Rocosmia looks to Mong curiously after he introduces himself. His expressionless gaze and still body spoke so little of his skills, it invites her imagination to take over. As Drewan makes his apology, she rises from her brief lapse into imagination and gives heed to his words. She relaxes with Dev introducing herself, speaking up once he finishes. "I do better out of the thick of things too. As mentioned earlier, I've been trained by elves on the bow, and good at it. There's a few spells that can make it hard for our enemies to fight us that I can use... things that drain a fighting spirit. I've also learned to use healing magic and illusions, that should be useful. And, like Digger, I can change my appearance in a pinch, but without using magic. Give me half a hour and I could look like any of you, even under close inspection. A mageocracy official will be no problem. If Digger doesn't want to try to soften them up with a chat, I should be able to manage something, depending on the guard captain."

She looks to Digger, again crossing her arms. He had the charm of a successful charlatan, though it seems she expects more from him than that.

M Human (multi-ethnic) Rogue Charlatan 6

Digger smiles. "Me? I'm just the greatest storyteller you'll ever meet. Digger Chandler, for those of you that haven't met me already. I know I've served some of you in the bar. My hat of disguise is pretty handy, but I've never met the foe I couldn't talk my way out of."

The game is now fully in motion

"There is no need to worry about those in the hold. They will have to tighten their belts a bit, but this isn't their only source of food. They get most of what they need by sea."

At Dev's request for clothes, "We don't have much in the way of clothing. Mostly weapons and armor, ammunition, and other odds and ends, though you are welcome to take a look."

Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

"Thank you," Dev says and takes another swig of water. He looks to his group. "Would you mind if you waited? I need to change out of these clothes. We are going closer to the desert than I expected."

male Human Monk(Sacred Mountain) | HP 50/50 | AC 17 Tch 16 FF 16 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +6 | CMD 22* | Init +5 | Perception: +10

Mong stares blankly at Dev

Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

Dev returns the stare for a few moments, though it's a moot point since you have trouble actually seeing his eyes.

He turns away to search for clothes of a lighter cloth that is more suitable for the heat but still hides most of his body.

Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

"Let's not tarry much longer. The forest should be comfortable enough." She waits for Dev, ready to go herself.

As planned, we'll go to the southern edge of the forest, northwest of the fork in the road between P8 and P9. Not ready to actually do the ambush, but getting there would be a start.

Dev is able to find a few, poorly made clothes of lighter material to wear, though nothing to cover his head with. It isn't long before you are heading back eastward along the road to Coran, quietly discussing your plans for the upcoming days.

With the harvesting season over traffic on the road is light, with an occasional farm family traveling in one direction or the other to visit nearby friends or family. There status in life varies, from the near destitute to the humble but happy. Small settlements exist along the road every four or five miles. Clusters of a few farm homes, small orchards, and gardens.

Not an hour into your journey on the third day you are approaching another such settlement.

All but Dev:
The sun has been up only a short while, but it is oddly quiet as you approach the settlement. The usual sound of a barking dog, or chickens strutting about the area is absent.


male Human Monk(Sacred Mountain) | HP 50/50 | AC 17 Tch 16 FF 16 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +6 | CMD 22* | Init +5 | Perception: +10

He says in his low mono-tone voice

"Mmmmmm.... No.Good"

Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

Oooh, concealment.

Dev walks along, wearing the lighter clothes and with his blanket around his head to substitute his hood. The heat is much less stifling though he can't wait to get out of the hotter regions and wear his own clothes (which he stashed in his haversack).

He wonders if he could get a set of his own clothes but meant for the desert when Mong speaks, a rare event as he has found during their travel. "What is?" he says, replying to the man.

male Human Monk(Sacred Mountain) | HP 50/50 | AC 17 Tch 16 FF 16 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +6 | CMD 22* | Init +5 | Perception: +10

He says deep and strictly


Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

Dev looks ahead, not understanding what Mong means. "I don't see anything."

male Human Monk(Sacred Mountain) | HP 50/50 | AC 17 Tch 16 FF 16 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +6 | CMD 22* | Init +5 | Perception: +10

"hmm *grunt*, nor hear

He says with a deep voice

M Human (multi-ethnic) Rogue Charlatan 6

"I believe the cliche is 'quiet ...too quiet.'"

Male Catfolk Ranger (Skirmisher/Urban Ranger) 4/Rogue (Roof Runner) 2 [ HP 51/66 | AC 19/15/15 | Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +2 | Init +4 (+6 in Coran) | Perception +12 (+2 in Coran, +2 vs. Humans, +1 vs. Traps) ]

Drewan notices the absence of sound and he immediately crouches down and his ears slowly rotate around. He motions everyone to be quiet and to stay out of sight, then stealthily makes his way to the tree (at O13) if it will hold his weight and climbing it will grant him a view over the houses, or to the corner of the nearest house (at R18) if not.

Take 10 on Stealth, Perception DC 24
Take 10 on Climb to climb the tree/house, hits DC 25

male Human Monk(Sacred Mountain) | HP 50/50 | AC 17 Tch 16 FF 16 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +6 | CMD 22* | Init +5 | Perception: +10

Mong will drop his sack and go to full-defense for the time being

i.e., when drewan gets out of the tree and says everything is ok, if not he will act appropriately

Drewan silently climbs into the tree and perches among the lower branches. His vantage point doesn't offer any new insight into the situation though.

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Current Characters

Velriana Hypaxes

(50 posts)

Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

played by rashly5 (170 posts)
Aldern Foxglove
Digger Chandler

M Human (multi-ethnic) Rogue Charlatan 6

played by joerice (859 posts)
Nar'shinddah Sugimar
Drewan Shadowson

Male Catfolk Ranger (Skirmisher/Urban Ranger) 4/Rogue (Roof Runner) 2 [ HP 51/66 | AC 19/15/15 | Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +2 | Init +4 (+6 in Coran) | Perception +12 (+2 in Coran, +2 vs. Humans, +1 vs. Traps) ]

played by Pedwiddle (140 posts)
Cobalt Dragon
GM Ascension

played by bbangerter (4,500 posts)
Female Merchant
Hazan Razzka

Half-Orc Inquisitor 5 HP 55/55 AC 21(25)/12/19 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6 Init +4; Perception +10

played by pocsaclypse (80 posts)
Sajan Gadadvara
Jake the Rat

Human Summoner (HP 54/54, AC 14/11/13, F+4, R+4, W+6 (+2 to AC and all saves if Puck is within reach), Init+1, Per+0)

played by Tim Woodhams (199 posts)
Kitrina Razorclaw

AC:20/15/15, HP:84, Saves:5/11/5, Perception +11, Init: +5, Darkvision/Scent

played by jules1 (95 posts)
Puck, Jake's Eidolon

played by Tim Woodhams (33 posts)
Queen Ileosa Arabasti
Rocosmia Semvelo

Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

played by Nightskies (142 posts)

Eidolon 5 [ HP 59/59 | AC 18/12/16, Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +4 (+8 against enchantment)| Init +2; Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8 ]

played by rashly5 (8 posts)

Previous Characters

Cobalt Dragon

(2,701 posts)
Red Reaver
Silver Crusade Nightskies

(714 posts)


(179 posts)

(406 posts)
Friendly Fighter
Andrei Avotrus

Male Human Bard 3 (Arcane Duellist); HP: 4/30 AC: 15/11/14; Saves: F +3, R +4, W +1; Init: +1; Per: +4

played by Tim Woodhams (469 posts)
Kusari-Gama Monk

male Human Monk(Sacred Mountain) | HP 50/50 | AC 17 Tch 16 FF 16 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +6 | CMD 22* | Init +5 | Perception: +10

played by Ebonnard Raloon (46 posts)