Queen Ileosa Arabasti

Rocosmia Semvelo's page

142 posts. Alias of Nightskies.


Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

About Rocosmia Semvelo

Rocosmia Semvelo
Female Ifrit Bard (Songhealer, Street Performer) 5
CN Medium Outsider (native)
Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft; Perception +2
AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +2 shield, +3 Dex)
hp 40 (5d8)
Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3; +4 vs. bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependant effects
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Masterwork Dagger +6 (1d4+2/19-20/x2) (+1 damage with whetstone)
Ranged +1 Composite shortbow (Str +2) +7 (1d6+3/x3) or
. . with Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Shot +6/+6 (1d6+4/x3)
Special Attacks bardic performance (standard action) (16 rounds/day, bardic performance: dissapearing act (2 targets), bardic performance: distraction, bardic performance: fascinate (2 targets) (dc 17)
Spell-Like Abilities Enlarge Person (1/day)
Bard (Songhealer, Street Performer) Spells Known (CL 5):
2 (3/day) Blindness/Deafness (DC 16 Fort), Mirror Image, Calm Emotions (DC 16 Will)
1 (5/day) Hideous Laughter (DC 15 Will), Charm Person (DC 15 Will), Grease (DC 15 Reflex), Touch of Gracelessness (DC 15 Fort)
0 (at will) Message, Prestidigitation (DC 14), Ghost Sound (DC 14), Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Mending
Str 14, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 6, Cha 18
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 18
Feats Spellsong, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot

Acrobatics 3 (+9, 3 DEX + 3 + 3)
Bluff 5 (+14, 4 CHA + 5 + 3 + 2 Streetwise)
Climb 1 (+5, 1 STR + 1 + 3)
Disguise 5 (+16, 4 CHA + 5 + 3 + 2 Streetwise + 2 kit)
Escape Artist 5 (+11, 3 DEX + 5 + 3)
Know Local 1 (+7, 1 INT + 1 + 3 + 2 Streetwise)
Linguistics 1 (+5, 1 INT + 1 + 3)
Perception 1 (+2, -2 WIS + 1 + 3)
Perform Act 1 (+8, 4 CHA + 1 + 3)
Perform Dance 5 (+12, 4 CHA + 5 + 3)
Sleight of Hand 5 (+13, 3 DEX + 5 + 3 + 2 Streetwise)
Spellcraft 1 (+5, 1 INT + 1 + 3)
Stealth 5 (+11, 3 DEX + 5 + 3)
Use Magic Device 1 (+8, 4 CHA + 1 + 3)

Languages Dwarven, Common, Elven, Ignan
SQ bardic performance: disappearing act (2 allies) (dc 16), bardic performance: harmless performer (dc 16), enhance healing (4/day), gladhandling, hypnotic, quick change, streetwise, well versed
Combat Gear Bouncing metamagic rod (lesser) (3/day), Wand of cure light wounds (50 charges), Wand of Silent Image (48 charges), Acid (2), Alchemical grease (3), Antiplague, Smokestick, Arrows (40), Blunt Arrows (20)
Other Gear +1 Chain shirt, +1 Buckler, Cloak of Resistance +1, +1 Composite shortbow (Str +2), Masterwork Dagger, Backpack (masterwork), Disguise kit, Silk rope, 350 gp worth of jewelry and gems, 305 gp
Combat load: 58 lbs (light load)
Travel load: 114 lbs (medium load)
Light load: 58, Medium load: 116, Heavy: 175, Lift: 350, Push: 700
Special Abilities
Bardic Performance (standard action) (16 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Bardic Performance: Disappearing Act (2 allies) (DC 16) (Su) Those within 30' who fail to save treat an ally as invisible.
Bardic Performance: Distraction (Su) Counter magical effects that depend on sight.
Bardic Performance: Fascinate (2 targets) (DC 17) (Su) One or more creatures becomes fascinated with you.
Bardic Performance: Harmless Performer (DC 16) (Su) Enemies must save in order to attack you.
Bouncing metamagic rod (lesser) (3/day) The wielder can cast up to three spells per day that bounce as though using the Bouncing Spell feat.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Enhance Healing (4/day) (Su) Cause spell completion/trigger healing to function at bard CL.
Gladhandling Use Bluff to improve attitude, but the attitude becomes worse 1 minute later. Earn double for perform checks.
Hypnotic (Ex) +1 to the DC for all saving throws against spells or effects that inflict the fascinated condition. Once per day, when a creature rolls a saving throw against such an effect, the ifrit can spend an immediate action to force that creature to reroll the saving throw and use the second result, even if it is worse. The ifrit must announce he is using this ability before the results of the first roll are revealed.
Wildfire Heart +4 racial bonus on initiative checks.
Efreeti Magic Cast enlarge person once per day as a spell-like ability.
Point Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Quick Change (1/day) (Ex) May disguise as a standard action with a -5 penalty, may take 10 on bluff and disguise checks, and 1/day take 20 on bluff or disguise.
Rapid Shot You get an extra attack with ranged weapons. Each attack is at -2.
Spellsong Combine spellcasting and bardic performance
Streetwise +2 (Ex) You add half your bard level to Bluff, Disguise, Knowledge (local), and Sleight of Hand checks, Diplomacy or Intimidate checks made to influence crowds, and Diplomacy checks to gather information
Well Versed (Ex) +4 save vs. bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects.
Armor Expert -1 to armor check penalty
Adopted: Warrior of Old +2 initiative

Appearance, history, etc:
Smooth and glossy red horns rise only two inches from the crest of her forehead, partially concealed by hand length variable-shade-red hair that flicks and flows like a flame. She stands six feet at one hundred fifty pounds. Her casual, sensual dress reveals much of her well-toned build and fine curves. Combined with lithe movements and a smooth face, many would typically consider her alluring. Often, the myriad of disguises she employs makes her appearance in the like of a human unpredictable, save that some extra amount of skin be revealed even disguised as a male. (Note: She behaves and dresses this way due to her personally liking the style, not for show.)

Summary of history:
Born in Coran and raised by sorcerer father and ifrit mother before father dies when she's twenty, then an elven couple raises her
Love interest gets into trouble because of her soon before coming of age, which turns her life upside down
Old aged human sibling tips her off of her mother's whereabouts and Rocos reunites them in Coran after soul-searching
Seeing the state of the empire prompts her to vigilante activities before redirecting her efforts in aid of the rebellion

Detailed history (birth to adulthood):
Rocos was born in Coran to a successful Ondian human merchant father, and an ifrit mother, Sisani. She had four human brothers and sisters each. Except when it came to celebration and excitement, her siblings seemed to exceed her in all aspects. None the less, life began for her in abundance at the large home of her father, ending when he dies from old age. Sisani, discontent to stay after half a human lifetime of mothering, spontaneously leaves for Issust Hold on her own. Though in her twenties like some of her siblings, Rocos' maturity was still that of a child. She had no real talent save the gout of flame her ifrit heritage afforded her, much to the disdain of her adult human siblings. They entrust her care to an ordinary elvish couple out of frustration of her slow development and tendency to burn clothes to a minimal state. She grew close to their only child of comparable age, Candarel, in short time. Thanks to him, Rocos' impulsive behavior eased, and it seemed as though the two would be blessed to a relatively peaceful life for an ifrit. She took the art of dancing up a notch in their care- she truly excelled at it, and it endeared her to many friends. Forty years went by as they matured together, their human friends leaving them behind. Candarel followed in Rocos' shadow often. When Candarel developed an addiction to Flayleaf, everything changed. Candarel's parents blamed Rocos' adventurous flare, wiping their hands free of the problems it brought by leaving Coran. Candarel fell into bad company and became obsessed with his addiction. Rocos sought refuge in her father's old home, finding that all her siblings had passed away, save her youngest human brother who no longer lived here. Now occupied by her grand-nephews and nieces, they grant her hospitality for a mere week. Paranoid of her nature and the tales of her early youth, their obvious mistrust of her dive her away. Abandoned again, Rocos was thrust into the Coran's streets. She only had her natural talents and the proficiency with sword and bow Candarel's parents taught her. Though she was without home, the life she found was anything but unbearable, taking refuge in temples or a friend's home. It took only days on the streets before Rocos turned her talent in dancing to coin.

Detailed history (last four years):
Faring modestly as a performer, she helped to support Candarel, able to make ends meet. The guilt she felt over his situation threatened to consume her. Anger began to build in her, feeling uncomfortable in public without making an effort to hide her ifrit nature. As Candarel dipped deeper into trouble, Rocos secretly took up vigilantism and discovered her talent for magic, giving her temporary reprieve from her downward spiral. Luckily for her, the thugs and vultures were nobodies, and she convinced them to back off. Candarel attempted to continue his addiction in secret, even to Rocos. But because of all that she had done, he proposed to her- and she rejected him. Her love had mixed too thoroughly with guilt. She felt the flames of discontent spreading but was unable to break her bonds. It wasn't that she was dumb, it was the lack of self-reflection. By the luck of the draw, she became a thespian while looking for something new. She kept at it for a couple years, though it slowly chipped at her spirit. While she was performing one day, her brother Lathison appeared, recognizing her after the dozens of years apart. He told her about her mother's retreat south and gave her much-needed advice about her lifestyle. Rocos disappeared from the public eye for a year to find her mother and hone her skills. Along the way she saw the empire's problems with her own eyes, sparking a new anger she could direct. All this time she had been oblivious of the course the empire was on. She found Sisani eventually and returned to Coran together after a brief stay, reuniting her family. Candarel offered to give Sisani indefinite residence at Rocos' request, and Lathison began to visit regularly despite his old age. Proud of how her daughter grew up, Sisani rejuvenated Rocos' joy of dance and made her proud of an ignan heritage. Sisani also started to straighten up Candarel with her pitiless nagging, which gave Rocos hope for the future. Now performing in the streets with enthusiasm, Rocos flourished. To her great angst, as her own situation improved, the empire got worse. She took up the solo vigilante role again. Again, luck was on her side, and at Lathison's advice, sought out the rebellion before getting herself killed.

some Fears and Desires:
The mere thought of stagnating in a prison makes her queasy. She'll panic if it seems she's going to be captured.
Being labeled as an evil demon due to her appearance. She has nothing against tieflings or the like, its just her pride of being ifrit speaking.
She wants to see Candarel make something of himself. Its more about personal validation; him having been better off with her than without her.
Public praise really makes her day. She feels worthy of it already; its just a matter of getting more.
Rocosmia needs adventure, not a settled life. She doesn't yet realize the desire to make her mark.