
Ebonnard Raloon's page

Organized Play Member. 120 posts (1,123 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 5 aliases.


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Dark Archive

I will no longer be using this account. I have read that it is impossible to delete an account. But you may mark this account as inactive or impossible to log into. I have removed anything that has ties to me from the profile (ei email).

-Thank You

Dark Archive


We are a new guild looking for members that are interested in a little of everything (PVE & PVP)! We are a group of players who are not picky of what class or race you want to play just as long as your a good team player and a vocal member on chat whether it be skype or vent as well as our website! Because our guild is new all members thoughts and suggestions will be taken seriously because we want everybody to have fun in the role they are given within our guild. We will be fully supportive of all members in reaching the whatever goal they have in the game especially end game content. We also don't want to rush through the game and lose the overall experience that you get from Elder Scrolls games. We're a bunch of pretty laid back guys who enjoy a good laugh and anyone who wants to just hop on ESO and have a good group experience this is the guild for you. If you have any questions on our type of char's we will be playing, the way the guild will be run, rank structure or any thing pertaining to our guild feel free to email us at or visit us at

- We will be recording and streaming ESO.

- Hours of theory-crafting and research.(group effort to research on how to make every members char better)

- A healthy social atmosphere that is competitive.

- Organized events in both PvP and PvE.

- Endgame Progression (PvE and PvP).

- Team focused combat.

- An active roster.

- Leadership devoted to serving you. (Not the other way around)

- Politics with other guilds/communities.

-Skype and Vent chat

- And much,much, more!

We also have a google+ account, wikipedia page, facebook,and a twitter which we are hoping will allow our members to chat and keep in touch off the game creating a lively atmosphere where players can talk ESO!

On a final note I'll elaberate on our rank structure. Its set up so there's 3 teir's with 3 ranks in each teir. In the 3rd teir each of the ranks have 2 subclasses which are PvE or PvP. Example in the Commander rank you could just be a straight up Commander or PvE Commander depending on what you let us know you want to lead our other members in PvP matches or Raiding in PvE. Each rank you gain has more options open to you on our guild's site. All players who join pre launch will be placed in the 3rd teir because we don't expect to get as many members pre launch as we are post launch. Rank progression will be based on time in guild, lvl of char, amount of play time, and positive activity on our site and in game. We figured this was a cool way to go about it and give our members things to work toward. If this ranking structure becomes to complicated by vote of the members as a whole then we will change it to members, officers, and admin. We value everyones opinion and all of our members will have a voice in how the guild is run!

Hope yall like what you've read and you'll join us in our domination of Tamriel and the mission to take the throne for the Ebonheart Pact!!!


Dark Archive

^this guy

Dark Archive

He is going to have crazy AC, i am picking every snapping turtle style feat. He is going to be able to take a point blank shot from a crossbow wearing only peasants clothing and not even flinch as it bounces off him.

Dark Archive

I think im going to make a human monk of stone. As opposed to the human monk wanderer i previously submitted. I think it will be much for a front line person. I will most likely have the same vows as before (poverty and truth).

Edit: i also looked at the martial artist archetype... It was just very weak, it would be slightly useful if the monk used weapons, but other than that i didn't particularly like it.

Dark Archive

Lol, this is life as a 17 year old who is home-schooled and has to work very little on occasions.

And i am willing to make whatever you guys want me to. I thought about posting every character i mentioned tomorrow AND another that i create especially for this campaign and go from there. lol

Dark Archive

Oh thats no problem, i can give a paladin of Iomadea a reason to going on a killing spree, story is my specialty

Dark Archive

*half-orc paladin lol

Dark Archive

No thats more than enough time :).

And i was totally confused, lol. But i see now that i am in the rebellion guild not the merchants guild. Totally went right over my head.

I would be happy to create a different character though :)

i have the monk, but i also have a tiefling cleric of dispater (can change race), a dual-cursed oracle of flame, an internal elf alchemist and a paladin orc of... I dont remember lol, already made if those fit better into here. I can tweak them a little to fit into this campaign, or i can have a completely new character made by tomorrow evening (i have a lot of free time lol)

If you prefer me to make a character, you can give me a few preferred classes that might suit this group better and i can have a unique character come tomorrow evening :P.

Whatever suits you man, im flexible and have absolutely nothing to do 24/7

Dark Archive


how soon do you need my character? And how/when do i come in?

Dark Archive

Lol not possible unfortunately :P

Dark Archive

Sooooooo yeah..... Anyone want a monk by there side? :)

Dark Archive

I have to take back my character submission. I realized i don't have any of my DnD 3.5 books anymore since i switched to pathfinder :P

Dark Archive

Ebonnard Raloon wrote:
I didnt know if there was anything else story wise i needed to know :)

I will have a character posted tomorrow :)

Dark Archive

I didnt know if there was anything else story wise i needed to know :)

Dark Archive

I am just coming here to show my interest in a replacement character.

Is there anything i need to know? The initial thread doesn't include much storyline oriented character requirement which most recruitment ask for. Please and thank you :).

I can put a character together quick though :)

Dark Archive

I realized not long after i made "Mal" that i put down his alignment as neutral instead of lawful neutral. A minor detail but thought i would mentioned it.

Dark Archive

We? :P I have my person that i would miss. Mal would miss his master from the temple in coran :)

Dark Archive

Good -_- wouldn't haven't any other way. WOULDN'T WANT ME TO COME THROUGH THE COMPUTER

Dark Archive

WOO HOO! done :). I am thoroughly happy with this character now.

And i know that your mainly interested in back-story, but building the character helps me better understand who this character is.

I hope that his back-story is rich enough, also the stat block may not be how you like, but this is just for now, it will be better organized when and if i get picked :).

Edit: I should also mention that he has taken a "vow of poverty", which means he can only own six items, five of which must be very simple, and the sixth may be something more extravagant as long as it has some sort of meaning, therefore it has more value sentimentally than value in gold. So the only thing over four gp that he owns is a "Ring of Sustenance", and how he attained this is in his story. All other gold was donated to the temple or Coran where he was raised (again, in the back-story)


Basic Information::

Race: Human

Class: Monk Wanderer

Alignment: Neutral

Age: 20

Height: 5'4ft

Weight: 145 lb.


Languages: Common, elvish, dwarven, halfling, Gnome, Orc, Goblin



-Strength: 12 +1

-Dexterity: 18 +4

-Constitution: 12 +1

-Intelligence: 12 +1

-Wisdom: 13 +1

-Charisma: 12 +1


- Fortitude: +5

- Reflex: +8

- Will: +5

*You gain a +1 trait bonus to Will saves and a +2 trait bonus to saving throws versus divination effects.

Favored Class Option: Add +1/4 to the monk's ki pool.


- Dodge

- Weapon Finesse

- Endurance

- Stunning Fist: You must declare that you are using this feat before you make your attack roll (thus, a failed attack roll ruins the attempt). Stunning Fist forces a foe damaged by your unarmed attack to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wis modifier), in addition to dealing damage normally. A defender who fails this saving throw is stunned for 1 round (until just before your next turn). A stunned character drops everything held, can’t take actions, loses any Dexterity bonus to AC, and takes a –2 penalty to AC. You may attempt a stunning attack once per day for every four levels you have attained (but see Special), and no more than once per round. Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be stunned.

- Snake Style: You gain a +2 bonus on Sense Motive checks,
and you can deal piercing damage with your unarmed
strikes. While using the Snake Style feat, when an
opponent targets you with a melee or ranged attack, you
can spend an immediate action to make a Sense Motive
check. You can use the result as your AC or touch AC
against that attack. You must be aware of the attack and
not f lat-footed.

- Snapping Turtle Style: While using the Snapping Turtle Style feat
with at least one hand free, you gain a +1 shield bonus
to AC.

- Tiger Style: While using this style, you gain a +2 bonus to
your CMD against bull rush, overrun, and trip maneuvers.
You can also deal slashing damage with your unarmed
strikes. Whenever you score a critical hit with your slashing
unarmed strike, your opponent also takes 1d4 points of
bleed damage at the start of his next two turns.


- Without a Past: You earn +1 trait bonus to Bluff and Linguistics when used to forge documents, and choose one as a class skill.

- Reactionary: You gain a +2 trait bonus on Initiative checks.



-Peasants Outfit 2lb.

Other Items:

- sack 1/2lb.

- Blanket 1lb.

- Straw Hat 2lb.?

- Ring of Sustenance -

Total: 4lb

Light: 43 lbs. or less

Medium: 44–86 lbs.

Heavy: 87–130 lbs.

Class Features:

Far Traveler: At 1st level, the wanderer gains either one additional language known or proficiency in one exotic or martial weapon. At 4th level and every four levels thereafter, the wanderer may gain an additional language known or may retrain her weapon proficiency from this ability to a different exotic or martial weapon.

Long Walk: At 3rd level, the wanderer gains Endurance as a bonus feat, and the feat bonus doubles when he makes Constitution checks because of a forced march. In addition, a wanderer gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects that cause exhaustion and fatigue.

Light Step: At 5th level, a wanderer leaves no trail and cannot be tracked, though he can leave a trail if desired. By spending 1 point from his ki pool, he can use ant haul, feather step, longstrider, pass without trace, or tireless pursuit as a spell-like ability (with a caster level equal to his monk level).

Inscrutable: At 5th level, the wanderer gains a supernatural air of mystery. The DC to gain information or insight into the wanderer with Diplomacy, Knowledge skills, or Sense Motive increases by 5. In addition, by spending 1 point from his ki pool, the wanderer gains nondetection for 24 hours with a caster level equal to his monk level.

Furry of Blows[b]: Starting at 1st level, a monk can make a flurry of blows as a full-attack action. When doing so he may make one additional attack using any combination of unarmed strikes or attacks with a special monk weapon (kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shuriken, and siangham) as if using the Two-Weapon Fighting feat (even if the monk does not meet the prerequisites for the feat). For the purpose of these attacks, the monk's base attack bonus from his monk class levels is equal to his monk level. For all other purposes, such as qualifying for a feat or a prestige class, the monk uses his normal base attack bonus.

[b]Unarmed Strike: At 1st level, a monk gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A monk's attacks may be with fist, elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a monk may make unarmed strikes with his hands full. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a monk striking unarmed. A monk may thus apply his full Strength bonus on damage rolls for all his unarmed strikes.

Usually a monk's unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, but he can choose to deal nonlethal damage instead with no penalty on his attack roll. He has the same choice to deal lethal or nonlethal damage while grappling.

A monk's unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.

Evasion: At 2nd level or higher, a monk can avoid damage from many area-effect attacks. If a monk makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if a monk is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless monk does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Fast Movement: At 3rd level, a monk gains an enhancement bonus to his land speed, as shown on Table: monk. A monk in armor or carrying a medium or heavy load loses this extra speed.

Maneuver Training: At 3rd level, a monk uses his monk level in place of his base attack bonus when calculating his Combat Maneuver Bonus. Base attack bonuses granted from other classes are unaffected and are added normally.

Ki Pool: At 4th level, a monk gains a pool of ki points, supernatural energy he can use to accomplish amazing feats. The number of points in a monk's ki pool is equal to 1/2 his monk level + his Wisdom modifier. As long as he has at least 1 point in his ki pool, he can make a ki strike.

-At 4th level, ki strike allows his unarmed attacks to be treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Ki strike improves with the character's monk level.

-By spending 1 point from his ki pool, a monk can do one of the following:

Make one additional attack at his highest attack bonus when making a flurry of blows attack, or
Increase his speed by 20 feet for 1 round, or
Give himself a +4 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round.

Purity of Body : At 5th level, a monk gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.


- Vow of Poverty:

Restriction: The monk is not allowed to deliberately speak any lies, including bluffing, stating half-truths with the intent to deceive, exaggerating, telling white lies, and so on. This applies to all forms of communication. If presented with circumstances where telling the truth would bring harm to another, the monk remains silent. Many monks of this vow also take a vow of silence to show their commitment.

Benefit: A monk with this vow increases his ki pool by 1 ki point for every 5 monk levels (minimum +1).

- Vow of Truth:

Restriction: The monk is not allowed to deliberately speak any lies, including bluffing, stating half-truths with the intent to deceive, exaggerating, telling white lies, and so on. This applies to all forms of communication. If presented with circumstances where telling the truth would bring harm to another, the monk remains silent. Many monks of this vow also take a vow of silence to show their commitment.

Benefit: A monk with this vow increases his ki pool by 1 ki point for every 5 monk levels (minimum +1).


- Acrobatics +9 = Rank 5 + Base(DEX) 4

- Climb +8 = Rank 5 + Base(Str) 3

- Craft(religious icons, wooden) +1 = Base(Int) 1

- Escape Artist +1 = Base(Dex) 1

- Knowledge (religion) +2 = Rank 1 + Base(Int) 1

- Knowledge (geography) +3 = Rank 2 + Base(Int) 1

- Knowledge (local) +3 = Rank 2 + Base(Int) 1

- Linguistics +6 = Rank 5 + Base(Int) 1

- Perception +1 = Base(Wis) 1

- Perform +1 = Base(Cha) 1

- Profession(temple monk, guard) +1 = Base(Wis) 1

- Ride +1 = Base(Dex) 1

- Sense Motive +1 = Base(Wis) 1

- Stealth +9 = Rank 5 + Base(DEX)

- Survival +1 = Base(Wis) 1

- Swim +1 = Base(Str) 1


- HP: 40

- AC: 18

-Flat-Footed: 11

Touch: 16

- CMD: +6

- CMB: 21

- Init: +6

- BAB: +3

- Speed: 40ft

Who is Mal?:


Eyes: Blue

Hair: Long (shaggy, scruffy) brown hair with matching beard.

Skin: Slightly tan, tough, skin

Clothing: Peasants Outfit

Description: You see a scruffy man, looking way older than he should, toting a sack over his back with really bad clothing. He appears to be a homeless person.

His story: This young man never knew his parents, for when he was born he was given to the temple of Shelyn in Coran where is was raised. He was taught by the local monks of martial arts where he excelled and loved, it was his favorite form of meditation.

When he came of age he decided to take two vows: A vow of poverty and truth. For he may never lie nor own more than six objects.

After this vow he decided to leave the temple, but before he left... His religious teacher gave him an item so that he may further his vow of poverty with his travels. He took him to the back of the temple and gave him an ancient ring passed down through the temples leaders. He told him if he wore it, he would never have to eat nor drink and his sleep would be lessened greatly. Mal, as the temple leaders named him, was incredibly enthused and went out into the world.

He decided he wanted to travel to better understand the world and his religion.

He quickly found that he could travel with a caravan and act as guard for them. And he could travel to far away lands and all around.

But still to this day whenever he is back in Coran he makes a stop at the temple see his master and his friends and show them how he has kept his vows and tell them stories and the places he has seen.

Personality: He tends to be very statue like as he will after go long periods without talking, and when he does talk his says very little. In fact he only moves in two situations: When he travels he moves his feet (of course) and when he is fighting. However he is often so fast that you can't see him when he moves.

Though on the outside he seems quite dull and lifeless, on the inside he is quite a happy person, knowing all the things he does for his deity everyday. And the fact he also gets to keep people from stealing caravan goods, despite his non-intimidating prowess.

How he falls into the campaign: He sees the power of the rotten mages, he sees their black souls, he even sees the horrible effects their rule has on caravans. He is searching in every way to help against this horrible unjust, heretical rule.

Dark Archive

Ok, i will try to find it :P

Dark Archive

Ok... Second question, what is the level you start out at? I cant seem to find and info on actually building a character except the words "light recruitment" everywhere lol

Dark Archive

bbangerter wrote:

Characters so far:

Casnae - Elven, Fighter, from Coran, holds a minor seat on the merchant council and wants to prove himself worthy of it. Significant NPC's: parents.

Mikal (wolfheart) - Human, Ranger/Inquisitor, from Coran, father killed by goblins, in debt to the church of Abadar. Significant NPC's: mother.

? (Ebonnard Raloon) - no info yet

Garion Tathos - Half-elf, Cleric, searches for his elven father, has ties with Casnae. Significant NPC's: Astrid BelVan.

Gorgutz Lanwell (whalerking) - Half-orc, Inquisitor, living in Coran, dedicated to stamping out evil, interested in alchemy. No significant NPC's listed yet (at least none in the campaign region).

I have decided on a human monk wanderer that has taken a vow of truth and vow of poverty. I am working on him now, getting his story together etc.

Been going back and forth between different ideas all day. :P

Dark Archive

That seems like it would be crazy and impossible to handle... lol

A GM's worst nightmare lol

Dark Archive

Ok i read the originally post, are you just excepting all entries? Or have you re-opened this recruitment thread? :P considering this thread is really old.

Dark Archive

This guild seems to have the least amount of posts. So i will dot for interest and post a character later today :)

Edit: Just read all the way everything. I will create all the stats for my character as I usually get the backstory as i go along.:)

Dark Archive

Will be awaiting the results :)

Dark Archive

My submissions posted all together to make it easier :)

Tosniak Voxile "Vox the Vile"

Basic Information::

Race: Tiefling

Class: Cleric of Dispater

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Age: 74

Height: 6'2

Weight: 170 lb.

Religion: Dispater

Languages: Abyssal, common and infernal



-Strength: 13 +1

-Dexterity: 12 +1

-Constitution: 8 -1

-Intelligence: 15 +2

-Wisdom: 16 +3

-Charisma: 10 +0


- Fortitude: +2

- Reflex: +1

- Will: +5


-Eschew Materials


-Birthmark: This birthmark can serve you as a divine focus for casting spells, and you gain a +2 trait bonus on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.

-Noble Born(Surtova): You deal +2 damage when attacking a flat-footed opponent while wielding a light or one-handed weapon. Your family motto is “Ours is the Right.”


-Law(devil):Hell’s Corruption (Su):

- You can cause a creature to become more susceptible to corruption as a melee touch attack. Creatures touched take a –2 penalty on all saving throws and must roll all opposed skill checks twice, taking the worse result. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum 1). You can use this ability for a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

- Staff of Order (Su): At 8th level, you can give a weapon touched the axiomatic special weapon quality for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your cleric level. You can use this ability once per day at 8th level, and an additional time per day for every four levels beyond 8th.


-1st: command

-2nd: align weapon

-3rd: suggestion

-4th: order's wrath

-5th: dispel chaos

-6th: hold monster

-7th: dictum

-8th: shield of law

-9th: summon monster IX


- Sudden Shift (Sp): In the blink of an eye, you can appear somewhere else. As an immediate action, after you are missed by a melee attack, you can teleport up to 10 feet to a space that you can see. This space must be inside the reach of the creature that attacked you. You can use this power a number of times each day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

- Master's Illusion (Sp): At 8th level, you can create an illusion that hides the appearance of yourself and any number of allies within 30 feet for 1 round per cleric level. This ability otherwise functions like the spell veil. The save DC to disbelieve this effect is equal to 10 + 1/2 your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier. The rounds do not need to be consecutive.


- 1st: disguise self

- 2nd: mirror image

- 3rd: non-detection

- 4th: confusion

- 5th: false vision

- 6th: mislead

- 7th: project image

- 8th mass invisibility

- 9th time stop



-Heavy Mace 1d8 (x2) 8lb.


-Armored Coat +4 AC, 20%, ACp -2 20lb.

-Light Steel Shield +1 AC, 5%, ACP -1 6lb.

-Scholars Outfit 6lb.

Other Items:

-Signet Ring -

-Feather Token(bird)(2) -

-backpack 2lb.

gold(62) 3lb.

Total: 43lb

Light: 50 or less

Medium: 51–100 lbs.

Heavy: 101–150 lbs.


- Appraise: +2

- Bluff: +4

- Craft: +2

- Diplomacy: +4

- Disguise: +0

- Heal: +3

- Knowledge(nobility): +6

- Linguistics: +2

- Proffesion(politician): +3

- Sense Motive: +3

- Stealth: +1


- HP: 8

- AC: 16

- CMD: 13

- CMB: +2

- Init: +1

- Speed: 20ft(with armor)


Born: Outside The World Wound in Shudderwood.

Birth: It is said his mother was raped by a fiend and let live. She fled the to Shudderwood, elves assisting the native fey helped give birth to the tiefling... This process killed the mother. It was noticed by one of the elves the odd mark on the left inside palm of the child... (Birthmark trait) it looked odd or perhaps familiar... A cleric present observed the mark. It appeared as a brand more so than a birthmark. The cleric verified is was the mark of dispater...

Life as Child: The elves horrified by the mark wanted to kill the child, as it was considered not a child of any fiend... But of Dispater himself. The Elves were quite distressed but took him took him far away to brevoy, in hopes to stave his wickedness he was left with temple. As the child starting growing up the Surtova family saw him and were immediately taken by the child, and decided on adoption. Despite the warnings from the clerics they took him in with ease. Earlier on the child started showing odd signs, as for one he was left handed....

As a young adult:In his teen years he starting showing signs of interest in politics and law. In his years he as well started feeling the over-whelming to worship the Iron Lord Dispater. He started making small altars in in the forests and some other area of secrecy. His devotion over the years was soon rewarded with powers as his worship continued.

Adult in the World: He sets out in the world finding whatever he can to get himself into politics, rather it be directly, gold or infamy, it is apparent he wants to rule the world for the glory of Dispater and above all uphold the law.

Though not born in the family of Surtova, he is quite close with the family. His rise in politics brought him close with the Surtova family. The family loves his wit and cleverness, and they are the perfect guinea pigs for his political gain.

He earned his nickname "Vox the Vile" not in the typical way of battle or perhaps battlewounds, but in the act of deviance and harshness in political negotiations. Often leaving one party short handed and without choice, just by pure cleverness.


Virnal "The Enternal" Markov

Basic Information::

Race: Elf

Class: Internal Alchemist

Alignment: Neutral

Age: 120

Height: 6ft

Weight: 106 lb.

Religion: None

Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven, Gnome, Orc, Draconic



-Strength: 14 +2

-Dexterity: 12 +1

-Constitution: 14 +2

-Intelligence: 16 +3

-Wisdom: 10 0

-Charisma: 10 0


- Fortitude: +6

- Reflex: +3

- Will: 0


-Godless Healing: Once per day when you have half your total hit points or fewer, you may heal yourself of an amount of damage equal to 1d8 plus your total Hit Dice as a move action. This is a supernatural ability.


- Resilent: +1 Fortitude on Saves.

- Rostlander: +1 Fortitude on Saves.



- Mace, light 1d6 (x2) 4lb.


- Wooden Armor +3 AC, 15%, ACP -1 25lb.

- Buckler +1 ac, 5%, ACP -1 5lb.

- Scholars Outfit 6lb.

Other Items:

- Alcehmist Kit 5lb.

- Waterskin 4lb.

- Ration(2) 1lb.

- Backpack 2lb.

- 51gp 1lb

Total: 53lb

Light: 58 or less

Medium: 59–116 lbs.

Heavy: 117–175 lbs.

Abnormal Abilities:

Breath Mastery: At 1st level, the internal alchemist can
control his breath and the f low of vital energy within his
body. Without preparation, he can hold his breath for a
number of minutes equal to his Constitution score (after
this, he must begin making Constitution checks or risk
suffocation); by spending a full-round action preparing
himself, he can increase this duration to 1 hour per point
of Constitution. The alchemist can survive twice as long
as normal without food or water before he starts to take
penalties. He can put himself into a state of suspended
animation as a move action, and is then unconscious and
appears completely dead; he awakens at a preset time or
in response to a condition set by him when he enters this
state. This ability replaces Throw Anything.

Mutagen: At 1st level, an alchemist discovers how to
create a mutagen that he can imbibe in order to heighten
his physical prowess at the cost of his personality. It
takes 1 hour to brew a dose of mutagen, and once brewed,
it remains potent until used. An alchemist can only
maintain one dose of mutagen at a time—if he brews
a second dose, any existing mutagen becomes inert. As
with an extract or bomb, a mutagen that is not in an
alchemist’s possession becomes inert until an alchemist
picks it up again.
When an alchemist brews a mutagen, he selects one
physical ability score—either Strength, Dexterity, or
Constitution. It’s a standard action to drink a mutagen.
Upon being imbibed, the mutagen causes the alchemist
to grow bulkier and more bestial, granting him a +2
natural armor bonus and a +4 alchemical bonus to the
selected ability score for 10 minutes per alchemist level.
In addition, while the mutagen is in effect, the alchemist
takes a –2 penalty to one of his mental ability scores. If
the mutagen enhances his Strength, it applies a penalty to
his Intelligence. If it enhances his Dexterity, it applies a
penalty to his Wisdom. If it enhances his Constitution, it
applies a penalty to his Charisma.
A non-alchemist who drinks a mutagen must make
a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the alchemist’s level + the
alchemist’s Intelligence modifier) or become nauseated for
1 hour—a non-alchemist can never gain the benefit of a
mutagen, but an alchemist can gain the effects of another
alchemist’s mutagen if he drinks it. (Although if the other
alchemist creates a different mutagen, the effects of the
“stolen” mutagen immediately cease.) The effects of a mutagen
do not stack. Whenever an alchemist drinks a mutagen, the
effects of any previous mutagen immediately end.

Bombs: In addition to magical extracts, alchemists
are adept at swiftly mixing various volatile chemicals
and infusing them with their magical reserves to create
powerful bombs that they can hurl at their enemies. An
alchemist can use a number of bombs each day equal
to his class level + his Intelligence modifier. Bombs
are unstable, and if not used in the round they are
created, they degrade and become inert—their method
of creation prevents large volumes of explosive material
from being created and stored. In order to create a
bomb, the alchemist must use a small vial containing
an ounce of liquid catalyst—the alchemist can create
this liquid catalyst from small amounts of chemicals
from an alchemy lab, and these supplies can be readily
refilled in the same manner as a spellcaster’s component
pouch. Most alchemists create a number of catalyst vials
at the start of the day equal to the total number of bombs
they can create in that day—once created, a catalyst vial
remains usable by the alchemist for years.
Creating and throwing a bomb requires a standard
action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Thrown
bombs have a range of 20 feet and use the Throw Splash
Weapon special attack (see page 202 of the Pathfinder
RPG Core Rulebook). Bombs are considered weapons
and can be selected using feats such as Point-Blank
Shot and Weapon Focus. On a direct hit, an alchemist’s
bomb inf licts 1d6 points of f ire damage + additional
damage equal to the alchemist’s Intelligence modif ier.
The damage of an alchemist’s bomb increases by 1d6
points at every odd-numbered alchemist level (this
bonus damage is not multiplied on a critical hit or by
using feats such as Vital Strike). Splash damage from an
alchemist bomb is always equal to the bomb’s minimum
damage (so if the bomb would deal 2d6+4 points of f ire
damage on a direct hit, its splash damage would be 6
points of f ire damage). Those caught in the splash
damage can attempt a Ref lex save for half damage. The
DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the alchemist’s level +
the alchemist’s Intelligence modif ier.
Alchemists can learn new types of bombs as discoveries
(see the Discovery ability) as they level up. An alchemist’s
bomb, like an extract, becomes inert if used or carried by
anyone else.

Brew Potion (Ex): At 1st level, alchemists receive Brew
Potion as a bonus feat. An alchemist can brew potions of
any formulae he knows (up to 3rd level), using his alchemist
level as his caster level. The spell must be one that can be
made into a potion. The alchemist does not need to meet
the prerequisites for this feat.
Mutagen (Su): At 1st level, an


- Appraise: +7

- Craft: +4

- Disable Device: +1

- Fly: 0

- Heal: +4

- Knowledge(Arcana): +7

- Knowledge(Nature): +7

- Perception: +4

- Proffesion(Librarian): 0

- Sleight of Hand: +4

- Spellcraft: +3

- Survival: +4

- Use Magic Device: +3


- HP: 8

- AC: 15

- CMD: 12

- CMB: +1

- Init: +1

- BAB: +0

- Speed: 20ft(with armor)


Appearance: You see a stern Elf with a sharp gaze, wearing wooden armor and a buckler.

This Elf of Rostlander grew uo in a poor family, not having much. He was very close to the woods and forest. He spent most of his young life exploring in wooded areas. He would meditate often in the woods honing his soon to be magical skills.

As he went out into the world he found an alchemist looking for an apprentice. It was perfect for him. He found that the knowledge and power he honed in the forest could be easily applied to potions.

He feels very close to nature for he considers it his first home, and his second the small cottage he lived in with his family.

He refuses to harm anything natural or green without good reason. He wears wooden armor and shield to show his bond to nature.

As he starts to further his skills he learns further how to keep himself alive, getting the idea that one day he could keep himself alive indefinetly with the power of nature and science coming together in a loving union.


Izzaz "Firebrand"

Basic Information::

Race: Human

Class: Dual-Cursed Oracle

Alignment: Neutral

Age: 23

Height: 5'4ft

Weight: 76 lb.

Religion: Worshipper of many deities, but the Sun and Fire itself is above others.

Languages: Common



-Strength: 8 -1

-Dexterity: 12 +1

-Constitution: 14 +2

-Intelligence: 10 +4

-Wisdom: 16 +3

-Charisma: 16 +3


- Fortitude: +2

- Reflex: +1

- Will: +5


- Eschew Materials

- Prophetic Visionary: Once per day, you can enter a deep trance to receive a vision of the future. The trance lasts for 10 minutes, during which time you can take no other actions. If you are interrupted, you must begin again. When you come out of the trance, you know whether a particular action in the immediate future will bring good or bad results, as an augury spell with a 70% chance of success.


- Deformed(Burnt face/chest/shoulders): +1 on intimidate checks.

- Bastard: +1 on Will Saves.



-Longspear 1d8 (x3) 9lb.


-Padded Armor +1 AC, 5%, ACP 0 10lb.

-Peasants Outfit 2lb.

Other Items:

- Waterskin 4lb.

- Ration(2) 1lb.

- Everburning torch 1lb.

- sack 1/2lb.

- gold 57 1lb.

Total: 28.5lb

Light: 26 or less

Medium: 27–53 lbs.

Heavy: 54–80 lbs.

Class Features:


- Blackened: Your hands and forearms are shriveled and blackened, as if you had plunged your arms into a blazing fire, and your thin, papery skin is sensitive to the touch.

You take a –4 penalty on weapon attack rolls, but you add burning hands to your list of spells known.

At 5th level, add scorching ray and flaming sphere to your list of spells known.

At 10th level, add wall of fire to your list of spells known and your penalty on weapon attack rolls is reduced to –2.

At 15th level, add delayed blast fireball to your list of spells known.

- Wasting[b]: Your body is slowly rotting away.

You take a –4 penalty on Charisma-based skill checks, except for Intimidate. You gain a +4 competence bonus on saves made against disease.

At 5th level, you are immune to the sickened condition (but not nauseated).

At 10th level, you gain immunity to disease.

At 15th level, you are immune to the nauseated condition.



-Bonus Spells: burning hands (2nd), resist energy (4th), fireball
(6th), wall of fire (8th), summon monster V (fire elementals
only, 10th), fire seeds (12th), fire storm (14th), incendiary cloud
(16th), fiery body* (18th).


-Molten Skin (Ex): You gain resist fire 5. This resistance
increases to 10 at 5th level and 20 at 11th level. At 17th level,
you gain immunity to fire.


0 Level:

- Detect Magic

- Purify Food/Drink

- Read Magic

- Spark

1st Level:

- Burning Disarm

- Sun Metal

- Burning Hands


- Acrobatics: +1

- Climb: -1

- Craft: +0

- Diplomacy: +6

- Heal: +3

- Intimidate: +8

- Knowledge(Religion): +4

- Perform: +3

- Proffesion(Oracle): +7

- Sense Motive: +3

- Spellcraft: +0


- HP: 8

- AC: 12

- CMD: 10

- CMB: -1

- Init: +1

- BAB: +0

- Speed: 20ft(with armor)

Who is Azziz?:

[b]Appearance: You see a what appears to be a walking corpse. As his face/chest/shoulders are scarred from horrific burns, he lacks a nose, just holes. And now hair other than slight pathces of gray ato his head. But his hands.... His hands look as if they have suffered even worse burns but have not healed. They appear black with ash and brittle and thin. And the rest of his body looks as if it is a rotting corpse, thin, bony and smelling of rot. He wields a spear and has on mere peasants clothing and padded armor on.

This repulsive man was not always so.... For not much is know before what has happened except for the events that lay before it.

It started with a humble trip with a caravan through the desert, however this was not the best of wonderings the the young male. For it was not long that the caravan realized they were lost and quickly running out of rations and water. All but this young man survived, struggling, crawling, throught the dense heat. Wearing rags at this point and without and food or water that it happened.
He looks up to the sky, on his knees, to ask the gods to help him or slay him... They did both. For as he faced the sky lighting struck his hands and a dense ray of heat that was if the sun itself was channeling itself right at the poor soul. The ray of heat didn't last long, mere mintues that felt like ages to him, however his hands continued to burn thorought the night... Slowly... Slowly burning down it stopped. Though he could feel the fire within himself. The next day as he layed in the sun thought himself slain and cursed by the gods... A rescue caravan set out to find survivers, as a messenger bird was set out in help before the whole party parished. He realized that the gods had not cursed him... But shown him the light, or rather, fire. His wounds was treated, his face slowly healed, though his hands never ceased its burnt condition, nor did his body ever regain its weight lost ffrom near starvation. He realized the gods had marked him. That he was meant to be as he is, as a sign that the fire flows through him.

He know travels the world, spreading the word that is fire. Making his way giving out predictions of the future. He arrives at this land out of mere chance. As he has no real home.


Dark Archive

I adjusted Izzaz's equipment and did an overhaul of Virnal.

He should be much more to your liking now :P

Virnal "The Enternal" Markov

Basic Information::

Race: Elf

Class: Internal Alchemist

Alignment: Neutral

Age: 120

Height: 6ft

Weight: 106 lb.

Religion: None

Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven, Gnome, Orc, Draconic



-Strength: 14 +2

-Dexterity: 12 +1

-Constitution: 14 +2

-Intelligence: 16 +3

-Wisdom: 10 0

-Charisma: 10 0


- Fortitude: +6

- Reflex: +3

- Will: 0


-Godless Healing: Once per day when you have half your total hit points or fewer, you may heal yourself of an amount of damage equal to 1d8 plus your total Hit Dice as a move action. This is a supernatural ability.


- Resilent: +1 Fortitude on Saves.

- Rostlander: +1 Fortitude on Saves.



- Mace, light 1d6 (x2) 4lb.


- Wooden Armor +3 AC, 15%, ACP -1 25lb.

- Buckler +1 ac, 5%, ACP -1 5lb.

- Scholars Outfit 6lb.

Other Items:

- Alcehmist Kit 5lb.

- Waterskin 4lb.

- Ration(2) 1lb.

- Backpack 2lb.

- 51gp 1lb

Total: 53lb

Light: 58 or less

Medium: 59–116 lbs.

Heavy: 117–175 lbs.

Abnormal Abilities:

Breath Mastery: At 1st level, the internal alchemist can
control his breath and the f low of vital energy within his
body. Without preparation, he can hold his breath for a
number of minutes equal to his Constitution score (after
this, he must begin making Constitution checks or risk
suffocation); by spending a full-round action preparing
himself, he can increase this duration to 1 hour per point
of Constitution. The alchemist can survive twice as long
as normal without food or water before he starts to take
penalties. He can put himself into a state of suspended
animation as a move action, and is then unconscious and
appears completely dead; he awakens at a preset time or
in response to a condition set by him when he enters this
state. This ability replaces Throw Anything.

Mutagen: At 1st level, an alchemist discovers how to
create a mutagen that he can imbibe in order to heighten
his physical prowess at the cost of his personality. It
takes 1 hour to brew a dose of mutagen, and once brewed,
it remains potent until used. An alchemist can only
maintain one dose of mutagen at a time—if he brews
a second dose, any existing mutagen becomes inert. As
with an extract or bomb, a mutagen that is not in an
alchemist’s possession becomes inert until an alchemist
picks it up again.
When an alchemist brews a mutagen, he selects one
physical ability score—either Strength, Dexterity, or
Constitution. It’s a standard action to drink a mutagen.
Upon being imbibed, the mutagen causes the alchemist
to grow bulkier and more bestial, granting him a +2
natural armor bonus and a +4 alchemical bonus to the
selected ability score for 10 minutes per alchemist level.
In addition, while the mutagen is in effect, the alchemist
takes a –2 penalty to one of his mental ability scores. If
the mutagen enhances his Strength, it applies a penalty to
his Intelligence. If it enhances his Dexterity, it applies a
penalty to his Wisdom. If it enhances his Constitution, it
applies a penalty to his Charisma.
A non-alchemist who drinks a mutagen must make
a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the alchemist’s level + the
alchemist’s Intelligence modifier) or become nauseated for
1 hour—a non-alchemist can never gain the benefit of a
mutagen, but an alchemist can gain the effects of another
alchemist’s mutagen if he drinks it. (Although if the other
alchemist creates a different mutagen, the effects of the
“stolen” mutagen immediately cease.) The effects of a mutagen
do not stack. Whenever an alchemist drinks a mutagen, the
effects of any previous mutagen immediately end.

Bombs: In addition to magical extracts, alchemists
are adept at swiftly mixing various volatile chemicals
and infusing them with their magical reserves to create
powerful bombs that they can hurl at their enemies. An
alchemist can use a number of bombs each day equal
to his class level + his Intelligence modifier. Bombs
are unstable, and if not used in the round they are
created, they degrade and become inert—their method
of creation prevents large volumes of explosive material
from being created and stored. In order to create a
bomb, the alchemist must use a small vial containing
an ounce of liquid catalyst—the alchemist can create
this liquid catalyst from small amounts of chemicals
from an alchemy lab, and these supplies can be readily
refilled in the same manner as a spellcaster’s component
pouch. Most alchemists create a number of catalyst vials
at the start of the day equal to the total number of bombs
they can create in that day—once created, a catalyst vial
remains usable by the alchemist for years.
Creating and throwing a bomb requires a standard
action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Thrown
bombs have a range of 20 feet and use the Throw Splash
Weapon special attack (see page 202 of the Pathfinder
RPG Core Rulebook). Bombs are considered weapons
and can be selected using feats such as Point-Blank
Shot and Weapon Focus. On a direct hit, an alchemist’s
bomb inf licts 1d6 points of f ire damage + additional
damage equal to the alchemist’s Intelligence modif ier.
The damage of an alchemist’s bomb increases by 1d6
points at every odd-numbered alchemist level (this
bonus damage is not multiplied on a critical hit or by
using feats such as Vital Strike). Splash damage from an
alchemist bomb is always equal to the bomb’s minimum
damage (so if the bomb would deal 2d6+4 points of f ire
damage on a direct hit, its splash damage would be 6
points of f ire damage). Those caught in the splash
damage can attempt a Ref lex save for half damage. The
DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the alchemist’s level +
the alchemist’s Intelligence modif ier.
Alchemists can learn new types of bombs as discoveries
(see the Discovery ability) as they level up. An alchemist’s
bomb, like an extract, becomes inert if used or carried by
anyone else.

Brew Potion (Ex): At 1st level, alchemists receive Brew
Potion as a bonus feat. An alchemist can brew potions of
any formulae he knows (up to 3rd level), using his alchemist
level as his caster level. The spell must be one that can be
made into a potion. The alchemist does not need to meet
the prerequisites for this feat.
Mutagen (Su): At 1st level, an


- Appraise: +7

- Craft: +4

- Disable Device: +1

- Fly: 0

- Heal: +4

- Knowledge(Arcana): +7

- Knowledge(Nature): +7

- Perception: +4

- Proffesion(Librarian): 0

- Sleight of Hand: +4

- Spellcraft: +3

- Survival: +4

- Use Magic Device: +3


- HP: 8

- AC: 15

- CMD: 12

- CMB: +1

- Init: +1

- BAB: +0

- Speed: 20ft(with armor)


Appearance: You see a stern Elf with a sharp gaze, wearing wooden armor and a buckler.

This Elf of Rostlander grew uo in a poor family, not having much. He was very close to the woods and forest. He spent most of his young life exploring in wooded areas. He would meditate often in the woods honing his soon to be magical skills.

As he went out into the world he found an alchemist looking for an apprentice. It was perfect for him. He found that the knowledge and power he honed in the forest could be easily applied to potions.

He feels very close to nature for he considers it his first home, and his second the small cottage he lived in with his family.

He refuses to harm anything natural or green without good reason. He wears wooden armor and shield to show his bond to nature.

As he starts to further his skills he learns further how to keep himself alive, getting the idea that one day he could keep himself alive indefinetly with the power of nature and science coming together in a loving union.

Izzaz "Firebrand"

Basic Information::

Race: Human

Class: Dual-Cursed Oracle

Alignment: Neutral

Age: 23

Height: 5'4ft

Weight: 76 lb.

Religion: Worshipper of many deities, but the Sun and Fire itself is above others.

Languages: Common



-Strength: 8 -1

-Dexterity: 12 +1

-Constitution: 14 +2

-Intelligence: 10 +4

-Wisdom: 16 +3

-Charisma: 16 +3


- Fortitude: +2

- Reflex: +1

- Will: +5


- Eschew Materials

- Prophetic Visionary: Once per day, you can enter a deep trance to receive a vision of the future. The trance lasts for 10 minutes, during which time you can take no other actions. If you are interrupted, you must begin again. When you come out of the trance, you know whether a particular action in the immediate future will bring good or bad results, as an augury spell with a 70% chance of success.


- Deformed(Burnt face/chest/shoulders): +1 on intimidate checks.

- Bastard: +1 on Will Saves.



-Longspear 1d8 (x3) 9lb.


-Padded Armor +1 AC, 5%, ACP 0 10lb.

-Peasants Outfit 2lb.

Other Items:

- Waterskin 4lb.

- Ration(2) 1lb.

- Everburning torch 1lb.

- sack 1/2lb.

- gold 57 1lb.

Total: 28.5lb

Light: 26 or less

Medium: 27–53 lbs.

Heavy: 54–80 lbs.

Class Features:


- Blackened: Your hands and forearms are shriveled and blackened, as if you had plunged your arms into a blazing fire, and your thin, papery skin is sensitive to the touch.

You take a –4 penalty on weapon attack rolls, but you add burning hands to your list of spells known.

At 5th level, add scorching ray and flaming sphere to your list of spells known.

At 10th level, add wall of fire to your list of spells known and your penalty on weapon attack rolls is reduced to –2.

At 15th level, add delayed blast fireball to your list of spells known.

- Wasting[b]: Your body is slowly rotting away.

You take a –4 penalty on Charisma-based skill checks, except for Intimidate. You gain a +4 competence bonus on saves made against disease.

At 5th level, you are immune to the sickened condition (but not nauseated).

At 10th level, you gain immunity to disease.

At 15th level, you are immune to the nauseated condition.



-Bonus Spells: burning hands (2nd), resist energy (4th), fireball
(6th), wall of fire (8th), summon monster V (fire elementals
only, 10th), fire seeds (12th), fire storm (14th), incendiary cloud
(16th), fiery body* (18th).


-Molten Skin (Ex): You gain resist fire 5. This resistance
increases to 10 at 5th level and 20 at 11th level. At 17th level,
you gain immunity to fire.


0 Level:

- Detect Magic

- Purify Food/Drink

- Read Magic

- Spark

1st Level:

- Burning Disarm

- Sun Metal

- Burning Hands


- Acrobatics: +1

- Climb: -1

- Craft: +0

- Diplomacy: +6

- Heal: +3

- Intimidate: +8

- Knowledge(Religion): +4

- Perform: +3

- Proffesion(Oracle): +7

- Sense Motive: +3

- Spellcraft: +0


- HP: 8

- AC: 12

- CMD: 10

- CMB: -1

- Init: +1

- BAB: +0

- Speed: 20ft(with armor)

Who is Azziz?:

Appearance: You see a what appears to be a walking corpse. As his face/chest/shoulders are scarred from horrific burns, he lacks a nose, just holes. And now hair other than slight pathces of gray ato his head. But his hands.... His hands look as if they have suffered even worse burns but have not healed. They appear black with ash and brittle and thin. And the rest of his body looks as if it is a rotting corpse, thin, bony and smelling of rot. He wields a spear and has on mere peasants clothing and padded armor on.

This repulsive man was not always so.... For not much is know before what has happened except for the events that lay before it.

It started with a humble trip with a caravan through the desert, however this was not the best of wonderings the the young male. For it was not long that the caravan realized they were lost and quickly running out of rations and water. All but this young man survived, struggling, crawling, throught the dense heat. Wearing rags at this point and without and food or water that it happened.
He looks up to the sky, on his knees, to ask the gods to help him or slay him... They did both. For as he faced the sky lighting struck his hands and a dense ray of heat that was if the sun itself was channeling itself right at the poor soul. The ray of heat didn't last long, mere mintues that felt like ages to him, however his hands continued to burn thorought the night... Slowly... Slowly burning down it stopped. Though he could feel the fire within himself. The next day as he layed in the sun thought himself slain and cursed by the gods... A rescue caravan set out to find survivers, as a messenger bird was set out in help before the whole party parished. He realized that the gods had not cursed him... But shown him the light, or rather, fire. His wounds was treated, his face slowly healed, though his hands never ceased its burnt condition, nor did his body ever regain its weight lost ffrom near starvation. He realized the gods had marked him. That he was meant to be as he is, as a sign that the fire flows through him.

He know travels the world, spreading the word that is fire. Making his way giving out predictions of the future. He arrives at this land out of mere chance. As he has no real home.

Dark Archive

Tassadan wrote:

Virnal The Eternal:-Your concept is good, but your story is short and sparse. Virnal also has one of the major characteristics of Min-Maxing: two ability scores under 10. I’m not telling you how to make a good character mechanically, just that I am unlikely to pick characters that are built this way.

Azziz “Firebrand”: Much better. This one has a more fleshed out story, and his physical features are quite unconventional.

Ok np. I will see if I can adjust virnals ability scores. I adjusted Azziz's ability scores majorly because I dumped three abilities originally :P

Dark Archive

This by far is my favorite character... I'm not sure if you will like him.. But he is amazing. I sort of took some inspiration from the silent hill game series along with the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Though he is not directly evil, he has the brand of evil. And you may ask "how does the horsemen fit into this?" well, i had the idea that there were people below them, that were "made" to set forth the circumstances to end the world. Even though they do not know it, but what the gods turned these people into, makes them appropriate to do the things they want on their own.

I edited his ability scores, feats, and traits so that it will better fit into the characters you are looking for.

Sorry btw on not submitting a rogue, i was just submitting the characters i have already made as they are some of my favorite.

Izzaz "Firebrand"

Basic Information::

Race: Human

Class: Dual-Cursed Oracle

Alignment: Neutral

Age: 23

Height: 5'4ft

Weight: 76 lb.

Religion: Worshipper of many deities, but the Sun and Fire itself is above others.

Languages: Common



-Strength: 8 -1

-Dexterity: 12 +1

-Constitution: 14 +2

-Intelligence: 10 +4

-Wisdom: 16 +3

-Charisma: 16 +3


- Fortitude: +2

- Reflex: +1

- Will: +5


- Eschew Materials

- Prophetic Visionary: Once per day, you can enter a deep trance to receive a vision of the future. The trance lasts for 10 minutes, during which time you can take no other actions. If you are interrupted, you must begin again. When you come out of the trance, you know whether a particular action in the immediate future will bring good or bad results, as an augury spell with a 70% chance of success.


- Deformed(Burnt face/chest/shoulders): +1 on intimidate checks.

- Bastard: +1 on Will Saves.



-Longspear 1d8 (x3) 9lb.


-Padded Armor +1 AC, 5%, ACP 0 10lb.

-Peasants Outfit 2lb.

Other Items:

- Waterskin 4lb.

- Ration(2) 1lb.

Total: 26lb

Light: 43 or less

Medium: 27–53 lbs.

Heavy: 54–80 lbs.

Class Features:


- Blackened: Your hands and forearms are shriveled and blackened, as if you had plunged your arms into a blazing fire, and your thin, papery skin is sensitive to the touch.

You take a –4 penalty on weapon attack rolls, but you add burning hands to your list of spells known.

At 5th level, add scorching ray and flaming sphere to your list of spells known.

At 10th level, add wall of fire to your list of spells known and your penalty on weapon attack rolls is reduced to –2.

At 15th level, add delayed blast fireball to your list of spells known.

- Wasting[b]: Your body is slowly rotting away.

You take a –4 penalty on Charisma-based skill checks, except for Intimidate. You gain a +4 competence bonus on saves made against disease.

At 5th level, you are immune to the sickened condition (but not nauseated).

At 10th level, you gain immunity to disease.

At 15th level, you are immune to the nauseated condition.



-Bonus Spells: burning hands (2nd), resist energy (4th), fireball
(6th), wall of fire (8th), summon monster V (fire elementals
only, 10th), fire seeds (12th), fire storm (14th), incendiary cloud
(16th), fiery body* (18th).


-Molten Skin (Ex): You gain resist fire 5. This resistance
increases to 10 at 5th level and 20 at 11th level. At 17th level,
you gain immunity to fire.


0 Level:

- Detect Magic

- Purify Food/Drink

- Read Magic

- Spark

1st Level:

- Burning Disarm

- Sun Metal

- Burning Hands


- Acrobatics: +1

- Climb: -1

- Craft: +0

- Diplomacy: +6

- Heal: +3

- Intimidate: +8

- Knowledge(Religion): +4

- Perform: +3

- Proffesion(Oracle): +7

- Sense Motive: +3

- Spellcraft: +0


- HP: 8

- AC: 12

- CMD: 10

- CMB: -1

- Init: +1

- BAB: +0

- Speed: 20ft(with armor)

Who is Azziz?:

Appearance: You see a what appears to be a walking corpse. As his face/chest/shoulders are scarred from horrific burns, he lacks a nose, just holes. And now hair other than slight pathces of gray ato his head. But his hands.... His hands look as if they have suffered even worse burns but have not healed. They appear black with ash and brittle and thin. And the rest of his body looks as if it is a rotting corpse, thin, bony and smelling of rot. He wields a spear and has on mere peasants clothing and padded armor on.

His story:This repulsive man was not always so.... For not much is know before what has happened except for the events that lay before it.

It started with a humble trip with a caravan through the desert, however this was not the best of wonderings the the young male. For it was not long that the caravan realized they were lost and quickly running out of rations and water. All but this young man survived, struggling, crawling, throught the dense heat. Wearing rags at this point and without and food or water that it happened.
He looks up to the sky, on his knees, to ask the gods to help him or slay him... They did both. For as he faced the sky lighting struck his hands and a dense ray of heat that was if the sun itself was channeling itself right at the poor soul. The ray of heat didn't last long, mere mintues that felt like ages to him, however his hands continued to burn thorought the night... Slowly... Slowly burning down it stopped. Though he could feel the fire within himself. The next day as he layed in the sun thought himself slain and cursed by the gods... A rescue caravan set out to find survivers, as a messenger bird was set out in help before the whole party parished. He realized that the gods had not cursed him... But shown him the light, or rather, fire. His wounds was treated, his face slowly healed, though his hands never ceased its burnt condition, nor did his body ever regain its weight lost ffrom near starvation. He realized the gods had marked him. That he was meant to be as he is, as a sign that the fire flows through him.

He know travels the world, spreading the word that is fire. Making his way giving out predictions of the future. He arrives at this land out of mere chance. As he has no real home.

Dark Archive

Virnal "The Enternal" Markov

Basic Information::

Race: Elf

Class: Internal Alchemist

Alignment: Neutral

Age: 120

Height: 6ft

Weight: 106 lb.

Religion: None

Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven, Gnome, Orc, Draconic



-Strength: 12 +1

-Dexterity: 14 +2

-Constitution: 14 +2

-Intelligence: 18 +4

-Wisdom: 8 -1

-Charisma: 8 -1


- Fortitude: +6

- Reflex: +4

- Will: -1


-Godless Healing: Once per day when you have half your total hit points or fewer, you may heal yourself of an amount of damage equal to 1d8 plus your total Hit Dice as a move action. This is a supernatural ability.


- Resilent: +1 Fortitude on Saves.

- Rostlander: +1 Fortitude on Saves.



-Dagger 1d4 (19-20,x2) 1lb.


-Leather Armor +2 AC, 10%, ACP 0 15lb.

-Scholars Outfit 6lb.

Other Items:

-Alcehmist Kit, portable 20lb.

Total: 42lb

Light: 43 or less

Medium: 44–86 lbs.

Heavy: 87–130 lbs.

Abnormal Abilities:

Breath Mastery: At 1st level, the internal alchemist can
control his breath and the f low of vital energy within his
body. Without preparation, he can hold his breath for a
number of minutes equal to his Constitution score (after
this, he must begin making Constitution checks or risk
suffocation); by spending a full-round action preparing
himself, he can increase this duration to 1 hour per point
of Constitution. The alchemist can survive twice as long
as normal without food or water before he starts to take
penalties. He can put himself into a state of suspended
animation as a move action, and is then unconscious and
appears completely dead; he awakens at a preset time or
in response to a condition set by him when he enters this
state. This ability replaces Throw Anything.

Mutagen: At 1st level, an alchemist discovers how to
create a mutagen that he can imbibe in order to heighten
his physical prowess at the cost of his personality. It
takes 1 hour to brew a dose of mutagen, and once brewed,
it remains potent until used. An alchemist can only
maintain one dose of mutagen at a time—if he brews
a second dose, any existing mutagen becomes inert. As
with an extract or bomb, a mutagen that is not in an
alchemist’s possession becomes inert until an alchemist
picks it up again.
When an alchemist brews a mutagen, he selects one
physical ability score—either Strength, Dexterity, or
Constitution. It’s a standard action to drink a mutagen.
Upon being imbibed, the mutagen causes the alchemist
to grow bulkier and more bestial, granting him a +2
natural armor bonus and a +4 alchemical bonus to the
selected ability score for 10 minutes per alchemist level.
In addition, while the mutagen is in effect, the alchemist
takes a –2 penalty to one of his mental ability scores. If
the mutagen enhances his Strength, it applies a penalty to
his Intelligence. If it enhances his Dexterity, it applies a
penalty to his Wisdom. If it enhances his Constitution, it
applies a penalty to his Charisma.
A non-alchemist who drinks a mutagen must make
a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the alchemist’s level + the
alchemist’s Intelligence modifier) or become nauseated for
1 hour—a non-alchemist can never gain the benefit of a
mutagen, but an alchemist can gain the effects of another
alchemist’s mutagen if he drinks it. (Although if the other
alchemist creates a different mutagen, the effects of the
“stolen” mutagen immediately cease.) The effects of a mutagen
do not stack. Whenever an alchemist drinks a mutagen, the
effects of any previous mutagen immediately end.

Bombs: In addition to magical extracts, alchemists
are adept at swiftly mixing various volatile chemicals
and infusing them with their magical reserves to create
powerful bombs that they can hurl at their enemies. An
alchemist can use a number of bombs each day equal
to his class level + his Intelligence modifier. Bombs
are unstable, and if not used in the round they are
created, they degrade and become inert—their method
of creation prevents large volumes of explosive material
from being created and stored. In order to create a
bomb, the alchemist must use a small vial containing
an ounce of liquid catalyst—the alchemist can create
this liquid catalyst from small amounts of chemicals
from an alchemy lab, and these supplies can be readily
refilled in the same manner as a spellcaster’s component
pouch. Most alchemists create a number of catalyst vials
at the start of the day equal to the total number of bombs
they can create in that day—once created, a catalyst vial
remains usable by the alchemist for years.
Creating and throwing a bomb requires a standard
action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Thrown
bombs have a range of 20 feet and use the Throw Splash
Weapon special attack (see page 202 of the Pathfinder
RPG Core Rulebook). Bombs are considered weapons
and can be selected using feats such as Point-Blank
Shot and Weapon Focus. On a direct hit, an alchemist’s
bomb inf licts 1d6 points of f ire damage + additional
damage equal to the alchemist’s Intelligence modif ier.
The damage of an alchemist’s bomb increases by 1d6
points at every odd-numbered alchemist level (this
bonus damage is not multiplied on a critical hit or by
using feats such as Vital Strike). Splash damage from an
alchemist bomb is always equal to the bomb’s minimum
damage (so if the bomb would deal 2d6+4 points of f ire
damage on a direct hit, its splash damage would be 6
points of f ire damage). Those caught in the splash
damage can attempt a Ref lex save for half damage. The
DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the alchemist’s level +
the alchemist’s Intelligence modif ier.
Alchemists can learn new types of bombs as discoveries
(see the Discovery ability) as they level up. An alchemist’s
bomb, like an extract, becomes inert if used or carried by
anyone else.

Brew Potion (Ex): At 1st level, alchemists receive Brew
Potion as a bonus feat. An alchemist can brew potions of
any formulae he knows (up to 3rd level), using his alchemist
level as his caster level. The spell must be one that can be
made into a potion. The alchemist does not need to meet
the prerequisites for this feat.
Mutagen (Su): At 1st level, an


- Appraise: +8

- Craft: +4

- Disable Device: +2

- Fly: +2

- Heal: +3

- Knowledge(Arcana): +8

- Knowledge(Nature): +8

- Perception: +3

- Proffesion(Librarian): -1

- Sleight of Hand: +6

- Spellcraft: +4

- Survival: +3

- Use Magic Device: +3


- HP: 8

- AC: 14

- CMD: 13

- CMB: +1

- Init: +1

- BAB: +0

- Speed: 20ft(with armor)


Born: Rostlander.

Virnal is a brilliant alchemist. He refuses all religion as he is a man of science.

He was raised South of Brevoy in Rostlander. He spent a lot of time in the forest, honing his eventual powers and love of science.

He studied wherever he could, rather it be at school or a library.

He later on found that his inert magical abilities could be used with science to create brilliant potions. So he sets out with this power to find the eventual Elixar of Life.

He comes to the these lands on search of knowledge, as above all, at this point, he wants to further his knowledge.

Virnal tends to not talk much and be very stoic. He looks at everything logically and applies science and what he has read as opposed to "common sense".

Dark Archive

I will post two more tomorrow

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Tosniak Voxile "Vox the Vile"

Basic Information:

Race: Tiefling

Class: Cleric of Dispater

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Age: 74

Height: 6'2

Weight: 170 lb.

Religion: Dispater

Languages: Abyssal, common and infernal



-Strength: 13 +1

-Dexterity: 12 +1

-Constitution: 8 -1

-Intelligence: 15 +2

-Wisdom: 16 +3

-Charisma: 10 +0


- Fortitude: +2

- Reflex: +1

- Will: +5


-Eschew Materials


-Birthmark: This birthmark can serve you as a divine focus for casting spells, and you gain a +2 trait bonus on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.

-Noble Born(Surtova): You deal +2 damage when attacking a flat-footed opponent while wielding a light or one-handed weapon. Your family motto is “Ours is the Right.”


-Law(devil):Hell’s Corruption (Su):

- You can cause a creature to become more susceptible to corruption as a melee touch attack. Creatures touched take a –2 penalty on all saving throws and must roll all opposed skill checks twice, taking the worse result. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum 1). You can use this ability for a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

- Staff of Order (Su): At 8th level, you can give a weapon touched the axiomatic special weapon quality for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your cleric level. You can use this ability once per day at 8th level, and an additional time per day for every four levels beyond 8th.


-1st: command

-2nd: align weapon

-3rd: suggestion

-4th: order's wrath

-5th: dispel chaos

-6th: hold monster

-7th: dictum

-8th: shield of law

-9th: summon monster IX


- Sudden Shift (Sp): In the blink of an eye, you can appear somewhere else. As an immediate action, after you are missed by a melee attack, you can teleport up to 10 feet to a space that you can see. This space must be inside the reach of the creature that attacked you. You can use this power a number of times each day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

- Master's Illusion (Sp): At 8th level, you can create an illusion that hides the appearance of yourself and any number of allies within 30 feet for 1 round per cleric level. This ability otherwise functions like the spell veil. The save DC to disbelieve this effect is equal to 10 + 1/2 your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier. The rounds do not need to be consecutive.


- 1st: disguise self

- 2nd: mirror image

- 3rd: non-detection

- 4th: confusion

- 5th: false vision

- 6th: mislead

- 7th: project image

- 8th mass invisibility

- 9th time stop



-Heavy Mace 1d8 (x2) 8lb.


-Armored Coat +4 AC, 20%, ACp -2 20lb.

-Light Steel Shield +1 AC, 5%, ACP -1 6lb.

-Scholars Outfit 6lb.

Other Items:

-Signet Ring -

Total: 40lb

Light: 50 or less

Medium: 51–100 lbs.

Heavy: 101–150 lbs.


- Appraise: +2

- Bluff: +4

- Craft: +2

- Diplomacy: +4

- Disguise: +0

- Heal: +3

- Knowledge(nobility): +6

- Linguistics: +2

- Proffesion(politician): +3

- Sense Motive: +3

- Stealth: +1


- HP: 8

- AC: 16

- CMD: 13

- CMB: +2

- Init: +1

- Speed: 20ft(with armor)


Born: Outside The World Wound in Shudderwood.

Birth: It is said his mother was raped by a fiend and let live. She fled the to Shudderwood, elves assisting the native fey helped give birth to the tiefling... This process killed the mother. It was noticed by one of the elves the odd mark on the left inside palm of the child... (Birthmark trait) it looked odd or perhaps familiar... A cleric present observed the mark. It appeared as a brand more so than a birthmark. The cleric verified is was the mark of dispater...

Life as Child: The elves horrified by the mark wanted to kill the child, as it was considered not a child of any fiend... But of Dispater himself. The Elves were quite distressed but took him took him far away to brevoy, in hopes to stave his wickedness he was left with temple. As the child starting growing up the Surtova family saw him and were immediately taken by the child, and decided on adoption. Despite the warnings from the clerics they took him in with ease. Earlier on the child started showing odd signs, as for one he was left handed....

As a young adult:In his teen years he starting showing signs of interest in politics and law. In his years he as well started feeling the over-whelming to worship the Iron Lord Dispater. He started making small altars in in the forests and some other area of secrecy. His devotion over the years was soon rewarded with powers as his worship continued.

Adult in the World: He sets out in the world finding whatever he can to get himself into politics, rather it be directly, gold or infamy, it is apparent he wants to rule the world for the glory of Dispater and above all uphold the law.

Though not born in the family of Surtova, he is quite close with the family. His rise in politics brought him close with the Surtova family. The family loves his wit and cleverness, and they are the perfect guinea pigs for his political gain.

He earned his nickname "Vox the Vile" not in the typical way of battle or perhaps battlewounds, but in the act of deviance and harshness in political negotiations. Often leaving one party short handed and without choice, just by pure cleverness.

Dark Archive

Lol its cool man :). Sorry if i seemed like i was rushing :P

Dark Archive

Tassadan wrote:

@Ebonnard: Why Dispater and not Asmodeus? Also, if he's a Cleric that has devoted his life to this deity, why not wield Dispater's weapon: A heavy mace? You've got the lawful and the evil down, now turn it into a person whom someone could sympathise with despite his faults. As for your other characters, bring them on if you so desire. The more, the merrier. FYI we're currently short on rogue-like characters and Ranged attackers.

I chose dispater for the Lawful aspect, which is his sympathy point. He would do whatever he could to break up an unlawful fight or destruction of a village, mainly because he sees all of it as his own. Despite that, he would gladly pin two kingdoms against one another for power.

And the greataxe because a heavy mace is one handed, and i can't seem him holding a shield and the greataxe adds to his diabolic look.

And i don't know if i have gotten HOW lawful he is across... In scenario with him and a LG Paladin, he would be the one that would uphold the law above the paladin.

And as far as the other characters, i will take them from paper and put them on my comp. (at least my favorite ones). I will have them to you tomorrow.

Dark Archive

Tassadan wrote:

@Caspian: Don't worry, I see you despite your height.

@Drucas/thing: Looks good so far. Keep up the good work!

@Lumiere: You've got a great general feel of "Rin's" personality. If you can flesh it out with specifics you'll be on your way to a great character. What was the accident that separated her from her caravan? Why didn't they wait for or look for her? Wthat led her to be kicked out of Magnimar? That sort of thing.

@Grom: I like the Shadow Caller Archetype, and while it would be cool to fuse it with a Synthesist I'm a big stickler when it comes to archetype overlap. You can choose one or the other, but not both. As for the Fetchling's RP... it is very high at 17, but it's distributed in a way that makes it hard to overpower a Fetchling at first level. I'm okay with the race's use.

May i ask what about my character? AS far as the idea goes if you like it or not

Dark Archive

This sounds pretty interesting, would a tiefling cleric of dispater interest you?

Alignment: LN

He has the domains of: Law and Trickey, Sub-domains: Devil and Deception.

He wields a Greataxe and wears an armored coat.


(storyline built in golarian)

Born: Outside The World Wound in Shudderwood.

Birth: It is said his mother was raped by a fiend and let live. She fled the to Shudderwood, elves assisting the native fey helped give birth to the tiefling... This process killed the mother. It was noticed by one of the elves the odd mark on the left inside palm of the child... (Birthmark trait) it looked odd or perhaps familiar... A cleric present observed the mark. It appeared as a brand more so than a brithmark. The cleric verified is was the mark of dispater...

Life as Child: The elves horrified by the mark wanted to kill the child, as it was considered not a child of any fiend... But of Dispater himself. But one family said "No... This child has every right to live as any other child". They took him in and traveled the world, trying to stay out of sight of clerics and some of the Elven community as the word has spread. Earlier on the child started showing odd signs, as for one he was left handed....

As a young adult:In his teen years he starting showing signs of interest in politics and law. In his years he as well started feeling the over-whelming to worship the Iron Lord Dispater. He started making small altars in places they settled in for more than a day, and when he couldn't he just prayed. His devotion over the years was soon rewarded with powers as his worship continued.

Adult in the World: He sets out in the world finding whatever he can to get himself into politics, rather it be directly, gold or infamy, it is apparent he wants to rule the world for the glory of Dispater and above all uphold the law.

I can easily input this character in appropriate format (as it is currently on paper), i just wanted to see if you liked the idea of the character first, as I have other characters with equal story that you may find more interesting :)

Dark Archive

*sigh* ok. When i was a noob i made all of my characters in PFS so i have like four or so PFS characters unfortunately

Dark Archive

Ok i have made a few characters for PFS and they either weren't accepted in a game or like one of my characters actually died. I like things being clean though. Basically i want to know how to delete PFS characters on here/

TL;DR how do i delete my old PFS characters?

Dark Archive

Just thought i would say if i wasn't in three campaigns and about to GM another i would be in this(or try at least lol). This sounds really cool man. I may read some of the gameplay when you guys start :)

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Im thinking of having this be a short adventure rather than a campaign. And after we get throught his little part we will see of anyone wants to continue forward and if everyone likes it we can continue on as long as everyone wants. My imagination is endless (i will have what i can prepared though).

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Joy wrote:

How about 3rd level?

I was thinking of a mermaid cleric of Gozreh for my character.

Sounds cool

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Well first off it would be completely uderwater and i don't see anyone going out of water. And there will be areas in which you explore that are dark example: deep see cave. 20 point buy of course but what level would you guys like to start out at?

Dark Archive

Arkwright wrote:
Hell YES. I have a Synthesist Summoner already prepared for an underwater game that failed. It works really well; gills and flipper evolutions.

Yeah thats another thing, there are so many unused character options that are exclusively for underwater. Like gills evolution and aquatic druid

Dark Archive

What does everyone think about a COMPLETELY underwater campaign? Would it change the game too much? Would anyone want to play this? (or gm?) The party being completely underwater adds for soooo much more. First off everyone can move in three dimensions and spells like fly would be useless. Also it gives a chance for rare and unused pc races like gillmen and merfolk. Any suggestions on this campaign? Would anyone like this?

Dark Archive

any more on the campaign?

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Fiddle Hixblitz wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

hmmm... clever. gonna check into that

Dark Archive

My bad :P

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how should we roll for hp?