Ascension - Rebellion (Inactive)

Game Master bbangerter

Library Street

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Human Summoner (HP 54/54, AC 14/11/13, F+4, R+4, W+6 (+2 to AC and all saves if Puck is within reach), Init+1, Per+0)
GM Ascension wrote:

@Jake (and Dev?)

Listening in on conversations in taverns and making small talk to learn more about the murders unearths several bits of information.

The number of individuals reportedly killed varies between 25 and 30 individuals. Some were killed in their homes while sleeping and others were attacked in the streets.

A few claim to have witnessed some of the attacks in the streets first hand - claiming the assailants to have been duergar, strix, or drow - depending on the teller.

"Kelmon got exactly what he deserved. He's been stealing from someone, no way he earned that kind of living working at the stables, specially him bein' as lazy as he is."

"I heard someone dressed in a dark cloak broke into the Fizzwinkles shop. And not one of the small folk either, but either a full grown man or a woman braving the dark of night in tiny town - it's unheard of."

"The Duresu family, murdered in their sleep they was. No one even knew till late morning the next day."

"They found ole Drail yesterday morning washed up on the shore, knife wound in his back."

"That drow the guards caught, me friend Tom said he saw the darkie run straight into the arms of the waiting guards, yelling like a pack o' demons was on his tail."

You may make knowledge local checks against any of those names to see if you recognize them.

@Digger, any particular details or wording you want to make about spreading rumors of Radgar?

I'll get maps of the washing area and a shop selling scrolls up tomorrow so you can make additional plans regarding those.
I'll get a map of the library and its surrounding areas over the weekend.

Jake first business after organising a place to meet the others and changing his disguise is to go see Susan and the other pack rats where he hears of all the murders. Inquiring of the rats they relay the rumours.

Knowledge local checks:
Kelmon: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28
Fizzwinkles shop: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27
Duresu family: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14
ole Drail: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26
drow the guards caught: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15

Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

Similarly, once informed of these rumors, knowledge local:

Kelmon: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Fizzwinkles: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Duresu: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
ole Drail: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
drow: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

Male Catfolk Ranger (Skirmisher/Urban Ranger) 4/Rogue (Roof Runner) 2 [ HP 51/66 | AC 19/15/15 | Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +2 | Init +4 (+6 in Coran) | Perception +12 (+2 in Coran, +2 vs. Humans, +1 vs. Traps) ]

Ditto on the Knowledge (Local) rolls - add 2 to those involving humans, for favored enemy bonus

Knowledge (Local, Coran) - Kelmon: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
Knowledge (Local, Coran) - Fizzwinkle's Shop: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Knowledge (Local, Coran) - Duresu Family: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Knowledge (Local, Coran) - ole Drail: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Knowledge (Local, Coran) - Drow: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Taking the highest roll for each name and using that

Kelmon, while not a common name, really could be anyone as far as you are concerned.

The Fizzwinkles are a gnome couple that live in tiny town. They run a pawnshop there. They've had at least one mixup with the law for selling an item that was proven to have been stolen. Nothing concrete has ever been brought against with proof of them being complicit in the theft.

The Duresu's own, or used to at least used to own, a spice shop on the Merchant's road.

Drail, assuming the rumors refer to the same man, operates several warehouses in the docks, storing goods primarily for various merchant families, but also for others as well with the cash to pay for a secure storage location.

Seeing a drow in Coran is extremely rare - a combination of both their arrogant nature towards other races and the mistrust towards drow sensible folk have.

Wash area, morning of the next day
Three woman and a young boy approach the wash area with two large baskets filled with guard uniforms from the nearby guard house. They sit themselves on hard stone street and begin taking out the uniforms one at a time, inspecting them for rips and tears. Those not in need of mending they set to one side, then begin sewing in patches over the few that have holes in them. They are at J-L/21-22

A minstrel strums lazily at a lute while sitting on the southeast corner of the pool. A small hat resting at his feet with a few copper coins in it.

Other commoners sit about the pool, their shirt sleeves wet with water from the pool as they scrub at plain drab clothing.

Placed Rocosmia and Digger at the southwest side of the map for now. Was anyone else coming with them on this task?

Wash Area

Human Summoner (HP 54/54, AC 14/11/13, F+4, R+4, W+6 (+2 to AC and all saves if Puck is within reach), Init+1, Per+0)

At nik naks
Jake looks worried after thinking about the rumours for a moments "Susan, hut the store for a few days, tell everyone to keep their head low until the killings finish. It sound's like who ever is doing these killings is after merchants and probably more dodgy ones at that. While I was out..." Jake relates to story of the butchered hamlet and the small girl and finishes with "... I think the killings in the city might be the same person. Contact the merchant's guild let them know we have some information and are prepared to trade that information for any information they have on the recent killings and will help them where we can. If the merchants aren't interested go to the thieves and offer the same, no don't, it might be them cleaning up those who have crossed them or not paid their dues." Note:the we refers to the pack rats, Susan knows Jake is wrapped up in some dangerous work but she doesn't know the details.

Jake pulls some 10 gold coins and hand them to Susan "Here is some cash Puck stole, it should keep the food on the table while the shop is closed."

That night Jake will then summon Puck, after collecting 200gp from him for a bard version of the silence scroll, he casts Unfetter and Invisibility and asks him to steal cash and anything easily convertible into cash from one of the wealth merchant's home.

Puck is more a burglar than a pick pocket, and he and Jake can stay in contact throughout the break in, and if he get noticed Jake can unsummon him.

Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

Drewan was keeping an eye over the situation, wasn't he?

It had been just long enough waiting for Rocosmia. Her current outfit is that of a simple citizen, concealing her dagger. Enough, perhaps, for this simple enough task. Once the guard uniforms come into play, she slips out the wand of silent image. "Here, Tock, you know how to use this? Make some real big rats come out the drain in just a moment. You should hear the que."

Walking out, Rocosmia plucks a small bit of wax for her magic. Acting as though just passing by and hearing something coming from the grate, she comes to a stop near those with the uniforms @O21. "What's that sound-?" she remarks, just loud enough for the boy to hear her clearly.

Spellsong, conceal casting Ghost Sound: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

Immediately, a gradually rising sound of a scuffle of rats echos from the grate. Several of them, scampering, scraping, screaming. And fast approaching the top, by the sounds of it.

If Digger fails to make the illusions on que, the sounds will loom for a moment near the grate. Otherwise, the sounds match the pace and ferocity that the rats seem to have in the water.

Male Catfolk Ranger (Skirmisher/Urban Ranger) 4/Rogue (Roof Runner) 2 [ HP 51/66 | AC 19/15/15 | Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +2 | Init +4 (+6 in Coran) | Perception +12 (+2 in Coran, +2 vs. Humans, +1 vs. Traps) ]

Drewan will be there if he's wanted...

Drewan is on a nearby rooftop (around V27, take 10 to climb, peering over the rooftop at the courtyard below, take 10 for stealth, 26 total) armed with his bow and his greatsword on his back, in case things get ugly.

M Human (multi-ethnic) Rogue Charlatan 6

UMD: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24 Digger attempts to use the wand as instructed.

Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

Dev will keep a low profile but is willing to run errands and scout ahead. Anybody want something purchased for them? I can probably stop by any number of shops and either go alone or be accompanied to Ivora's Wonders to purchase any scrolls we need. Perhaps work out a bargain. I don't have enough money to purchase a Dimensional Anchor scroll by the by and Dev would insist on pooling resources. And possibly getting a refund from the Rebellion.

Going to run Pucks adventures in parallel with the main group story line. Puck is of course out and about the previous evening.

Susan becomes increasingly alarmed as you relate the tale of the butcher to her, her eyes tearing up as you tell about the young girls traumatic experience. "Jake, don't get involved in this. This is to dangerous."

The pack rats are excited to see you and clamber around as you talk with them. "Sure thing Jake, I'll go talk with the merchant's for you", says one of the older boys. He seems confident they'll talk to him, the thought they might not listen to a young teenage boy not crossing his mind. "Where shall I tell them to meet you at?"


Later that evening you head over to the merchants road, once all the shops have closed and set Puck loose in the streets. You head off to a warmer location to get a bite to eat and drink and await Pucks return.

The streets are dimly light from the moon and stars overhead. An occasional passerby hurries down the merchant road, but it is mostly deserted. The shops along the street are dark, having closed for the evening and their doors locked.

5 minutes of invisibility remaining - pick out a target shop, or peer through shop windows, or specify other actions.

Merchants Road

Several heads turn as Rocosmia puts on an act of fear and alarm, eyes quickly shift towards the drain grate as scratching and scuffling sounds begin to emerge from it.

Half a dozen oversized rats clamber out of the drain grate and screams and shouts erupt throughout the courtyard. Almost in unison the washers rise from their kneeling or sitting positions and begin fleeing from the area. Baskets are overturned and clothing is left floating in the pool.

Wash Area Map

Going to play this round by round for the moment, but no initiative rolls needed yet.

Human Summoner (HP 54/54, AC 14/11/13, F+4, R+4, W+6 (+2 to AC and all saves if Puck is within reach), Init+1, Per+0)

Edited to reflect GM's next post

Earlier at The Crow, in the private room

Jake nods to the half-orc "Greetings. Did we have any code words etc?

As Dev comes in "Thanks for the offer ealier." Jake says handing him a purse full of gold coins. "Remember the bard version of silence, and wait on the dimensional anchor its probably not wise to buy them at the same time. Just to be of the safe side you might want to disguise yourself. If we are successful there will be plenty of people trying to work out who did it."

"Rocosmia, can you disguise us all for the attack? While I suspect there will be plenty of magic on people at the meeting if I was a guard I'd be looking very closely at anyone with illusion magics active."

Minor retcon for the previous evening.

Heading to The Crow, a ritzy tavern (as far as taverns go) near the center of town, you spot the half-orc the lieutenant told you to meet. He sits in a booth drinking... something, you probably don't want to know what a half-orc might be drinking.

The proprietor, a man friendly to the cause, offers a private dining area for you to talk things over and make plans for the morning.

Human Summoner (HP 54/54, AC 14/11/13, F+4, R+4, W+6 (+2 to AC and all saves if Puck is within reach), Init+1, Per+0)

GM and anyone who want to read, just cutting back post size when other people are not present:

With the Rats. Added teenage boy Jacob to list of character on character sheet

Jake smiles at the boy then up at Susan "Jacob, it might be a good idea to take Susan with you. They know her, and you know how silly merchant types can be, thinking too much of themselves and too little of those younger than them." Looking more serious he looks at over the group "With this killer or killers out you all have to be very careful, if you hear a scream or see something, look out for yourself and any rats by hiding first and coming back later to see what happened. Okay?"

GM and compulsive spoiler openers:

I've taken some liberties, as to the shops. Most of it is flavour text but if anything doesn't sound right please correct me

Puck will take a quick shops flying past a few windows. Given the cash he needs he dismisses a few of the smaller stores. He remembers hearing one of the Rats mention she had seen a lot of people going to Fideaux's Fine Spices recently. While spice isn't quite as easy to convert in to gold as gold is if the half-elf had been doing so well she might have plenty of gold on site as well. In addition Fideaux and her family lived above the shop which meant she might be a little lax with security. I'm going to check out Fideaux's he thinks to Jake then continues I like that Rocosmia you were travelling with, good sense of humour, I think she might have little brothers.

Puck flies up to Fideaux's Fine Spices and then up to the second floor where the family live and does a quick circuit to see if any windows are open to let in the cool evening breeze.

Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

Disguise: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23 1d20 + cha mod

Dev puts on a disguise before heading out, removing his hooded cloak and covering up his distinct features as much as possible. He wraps his head with bandages to cover his horns and forehead then attempts to cover the scars and growths on his skin with either clothes or powder. He looks like a sickly young man.

The summoner is uncomfortable with heading out so exposed, but does so anyway. He first heads to Ivora's Wonders to purchase a Bard Scroll of Silence.

Half-Orc Inquisitor 5 HP 55/55 AC 21(25)/12/19 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6 Init +4; Perception +10

Is the half-orc me?

Puck, Jake's Eidolon wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I fit both of those descriptions...


I should have provided you with more info.
The Duresu shop is about 200 feet west of Pucks current location. You can use that as the spice shop if you want to hit it.

Coming east from the Duresu's is a shop selling fine silks.
An herbalist.
A shop selling cooking utensils and china for the upper class.
A shop selling wilderness equipment. Tents, bedrolls, ropes, backpacks, etc. This is the shop just west of Puck's current location.
A weapons and armor shop.
A pawnshop.
A fruit shop.

On the other side of the street a few notable buildings are
Two bakeries.
A tailor.
A shop selling fine glass figurines.

Hazan Razzka wrote:
Is the half-orc me?


Half-Orc Inquisitor 5 HP 55/55 AC 21(25)/12/19 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6 Init +4; Perception +10

Hazan turns and sees Jake.
Hello, friend. Would you be... Jake?

Human Summoner (HP 54/54, AC 14/11/13, F+4, R+4, W+6 (+2 to AC and all saves if Puck is within reach), Init+1, Per+0)

Jake doesn't react for a moment then looks like he remembered something and smiles "Yes, that is me. Sorry we weren't informed of your name, only that you were to help. Might I so rude as to ask what your name is and how you can help?"


As Puck starts toward Fideaux's and spots Duresu's Oh Jake, I just have to take a peak around in Duresu's. The goods have probably all been stolen ... But who cares you didn't really need all that cash did you. ignoring his Jakes insistence to be careful Puck looks for a discrete way in.

Perception: to stop any traps on the windows or find a better way in: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (5) + 18 = 23
Disable device:to break in: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (5) + 23 = 28

Once in Puck starts a thorough search of the up stairs area where the family were meant to murdered.

He'll start by taking 10 in the search for 28 and if finds nothing and hasn't been disturbed he'll go back and search the up stairs again taking 20. He has a short attention span so if he sees something like a safe he'll probably get distracted.

Half-Orc Inquisitor 5 HP 55/55 AC 21(25)/12/19 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6 Init +4; Perception +10

Hazan indicates for Jake to sit, and takes a swig of his drink.
I'm called Hazan. As to how I can help... Hazan taps on his armor and indicates to the falchion and long bow leaning against the wall
Not terribly easy to sit in a booth with a two handed sword and long bow across your back I'd imagine :)
I also have some small skill with magic, granted to me by the Accidental God.
Hazan takes a long drink.
I was told of certain goals and given the rough description of the people I was too meet, but little else. What do you need me to do?

Human Summoner (HP 54/54, AC 14/11/13, F+4, R+4, W+6 (+2 to AC and all saves if Puck is within reach), Init+1, Per+0)

Jake takes a good look up and down Hazan then turns to Rocosmia "Do you think you can disguise all this armour? Maybe use one of those uniforms, make him look like a guard." then turning back to Hazan "What sorts of magic? Have you been blessed to be able to stop a wizard casting a spell?"

Half-Orc Inquisitor 5 HP 55/55 AC 21(25)/12/19 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6 Init +4; Perception +10

That sort of magic is beyond my ability unfortunately.
Dispel Magic is 3rd lvl... grrr
However, I've found most wizards have a hard time casting spell while dodging several feet of razor sharp steel.
Hazan chuckles as he takes another drink.

Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

At the wash station...

Delighted at the swift response, Rocosmia keeps a steady demeanor, as though fleeing would attract attention of the rats. Turning her own attention away from the magic, the spell would last about 25 more seconds. She checks for the attention of any witnesses to her own actions from this point. Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3.

Her glances last only a moment, passing over the crowd too quickly as she moves to the uniforms. Swiping into a basket as swiftly as possible, she lays low by the water, head down. Sleight of Hand: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31. As she stashes the wet uniforms, she whispers, using Message.

"Drewan, make a show of defeating the rats, then be gone. Do it with bravado or something. You've got about 20 seconds."

- - -

at The Crow

Standing beside Jake, Rocosmia gazes long at the armor with an obvious a tinge of doubt. "Hello Hazan... Jake, it's worth a try. I'll have to use some magic to make it convincing. That hair though... we'll have to do something drastic."

Meeting Hazan's eyes, she extends a hand. "Thanks for waiting for us. So you're a cut first, ask questions later sort of man?" With a smile, she grips his hand firmly, intent on letting him know that she was a little stronger than she looked.

Half-Orc Inquisitor 5 HP 55/55 AC 21(25)/12/19 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6 Init +4; Perception +10

I wouldn't be very good at my job if I never asked questions first. After all, if you don't ask questions first, how do you know who to cut? HAHA!
Hazan laughs deeply and finishes his drink.
Speaking of questions, shall we order another round and get to the question of how I can help with your mission?

Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

At the Crow

"Not as drastic as trying to disguise me, surely." The comment has a joking tone and slips out unguarded. Dev's face seems to close itself off afterwards. He didn't mean to say that out loud.

It's clear what he means, however, seeing his distinct features. It would probably be hardest to disguise his emaciated state or the black growths that cover his body like some sort of disease. Nothing mundane can probably be done about his sharp teeth.

He nods to Hazan. "Nice to meet you."

Half-Orc Inquisitor 5 HP 55/55 AC 21(25)/12/19 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6 Init +4; Perception +10

Hazan thanks the server as she brings a new drink. He nods to Dev.
You as well my good man. I understand we are here shopping for some new clothes. Would you care to fill me in on the details?

Puck spends a moment fiddling with the lock on the door, then is a bit chagrined to find that is not locked to begin with.

Inside the smell of curry powders, peppers, garlic and other herbs and spices assault his senses. Several shelves with buckets filled with the various spices occupy much of the room. Towards the back are two doors. Moving about quickly to search the place, the first room contains a single bed, the bed sheets have been removed, a large blood stain covers the center of the mattress. In the other room is a fine desk with several papers covering accounting of the shop resting on it. The drawers on the desk look to have been cleaned out of anything of real value. A second bed in here is in similar condition to the first, though the mattress here also shows a tear or cut near one section of it.

If Puck has a means of carrying the buckets the spices could be taken for some profit.

As Puck continues his search his ears pick up a sound in the distance, like someone slamming a door from down the street.

Dev, and anyone accompanying him shopping:
Keeping your hood pulled low around your face you enter Ivora's Wonders. Minor magical trinkets abound on the shelves. Two other customers are in the shop browsing through baubles and such. A woman, no doubt Ivora, approaches you, "Can I help you with anything today." She tries to sound cheerful but her sentence is split by a yawn in the middle ruining the effect.

Wash Area
With everyone having jumped into the intros for the evening before I'm feeling hesitant to progress the Wash Area location at the moment. Should I continue with this part or would you like me to delay it temporarily while the conversation and meeting with Hazan completes?

The wash area is quickly emptied of people as the imaginary rats run here and there about the edge of the pool. Coming from the street to the west the noise of greater commotion can be heard as a few of those fleeing the area run into the semi-crowded street in a panic. Rocosmia rights one of the tipped over baskets and begins shoving the uniforms back into it. Were you just going to carry the basket or did you have something else in mind?
Any further actions from Drewan or Digger?

Wash Area

For reference, here is a map of the library and its surrounding buildings/area - we don't need this yet, but I wanted this out there so you can start considering options regarding an possible attempt on one of the mages.


And zoomed in closer

Zoomed In

I'll provide more details on it late, but its late.

Male Catfolk Ranger (Skirmisher/Urban Ranger) 4/Rogue (Roof Runner) 2 [ HP 51/66 | AC 19/15/15 | Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +2 | Init +4 (+6 in Coran) | Perception +12 (+2 in Coran, +2 vs. Humans, +1 vs. Traps) ]

Drewan, seeing that the 'rats' have cleared the courtyard, continues to watch over Rocosmia, making sure she and the basket leave without complications.

Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

I think we can do this part at the wash area. Rocosmia will just be carrying the basket off. Awaiting the results of that. At the tavern-

Holding a few moments to consider the possibilities, Rocosmia soon settles into her chair more comfortably. "Simple deal- just get enough guard uniforms to set ourselves up for all this. I think only a few of us should attempt getting the uniforms- namely only who can stay hidden or disguised. Leave that to Tock, Drewan and I. If you want, be nearby, but not too close, and not in that armor. There may be a need for swiftness."

Wash Area

As Rocosmia finishes stuffing uniforms into one of the baskets she sees two women with short bows enter one of the side streets, one points at one of the rats still scurrying about. They slow their movement, inching closer. They do not appear to have noticed Rocosmia yet crouched next to the wall of the pool.

Drewan can also see them from his vantage point.

To the east you see a couple of guards come out of the guard house. One of those who fled the wash area yelling at them and pointing back your direction.

Updated map

Current Rumors:
See my discussion thread post regarding these

The old watch tower ruins south of the city are haunted. Long ago the guards took a witch prisoner and tortured her to death. With her dying words she cursed the entire tower. The spirits of both the witch and her captures still inhabit it.

Be careful around the sewers drains and grates around the city, the sewers are inhabited by giant rats.

Some crazed wizard caused an oak tree to grow overnight in the western slums the other night. The wizard destroyed a home when she did it.

Radgar the Butcher has returned. He murdered two dozen people the other night. Best not to be out at night or he will find you.

Travel to the Ioso islands is no longer safe. Pirates sail the seas and are taking captive all those they run into and selling them into slavery.

Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

Taking the basket and staying low, Rocosmia moves quickly and steadily south through the alley between Drewan and Digger. Double move to V23.

(whisper) "That should be it... and exiting stage south. How did they get here so fast?"

Stealth (trying to use the low wall as cover from archers, moving quickly): 1d20 + 11 - 5 ⇒ (15) + 11 - 5 = 21

Male Catfolk Ranger (Skirmisher/Urban Ranger) 4/Rogue (Roof Runner) 2 [ HP 51/66 | AC 19/15/15 | Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +2 | Init +4 (+6 in Coran) | Perception +12 (+2 in Coran, +2 vs. Humans, +1 vs. Traps) ]

Drewan continues to watch, preparing himself to cover Rocosmia's escape, if need be.

If it looks like she's being pursued, Drewan will jump from the building (down the west side, using his 'tumbling descent' roof runner skill), meeting Rocosmia in the alley west of the building he's on, then have Rocosmia dump the uniforms in his handy haversack and climb back up and escape over the rooftops.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23

That's good for a 30-foot drop with no damage, if I'm reading the skill correctly.

M Human (multi-ethnic) Rogue Charlatan 6

Digger quickly shifts his appearance to that of a half-elven girl, rather pretty. "Officers! Help! The tavern ...the butcher! HE'S HERE!" bluff: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (16) + 21 = 37


Driven by curiosity Puck will move to a window to see what is happening.

Half-Orc Inquisitor 5 HP 55/55 AC 21(25)/12/19 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6 Init +4; Perception +10

Hazan gathers his things and heads out of the wash area.

Down the street to the east, Puck can see a light shining out of one of the shop windows - either from the pawn shop or the fruit shop. There was certainly not a light there before though - all hand been dark on the street.

I wasn't clear enough I think. The two women are not city guards but rather someone who has seen a fight or two in the past.

As Rocosmia stands up and runs southwards one of the women uses her bow to take a shot at one of the large vermin. Attack d20 + mods = 10 The shot is short though, the arrow splintering on the hard street, leaving the illusionary rats intact.

Drewan hops down off the rooftop of the tavern, a mere 10' drop to land beside Rocosmia and Hazan as they hurry towards the crowded street just ahead.

Digger runs to the east, his image changing as he does so, then begins shouting to the guards. It takes them only a second to digest what he is shouting to them. One of them briefly ducks his head inside the guard house while the other starts running in Diggers direction. Only a moment later several more guards emerge from the building, all drawing short blades and running in Diggers direction. All but one of the guards wear chain shirts, and have short bows strapped to their backs along with a quiver of arrows. The last to come out of the guard station is in full chain mail and bears a shield. A flail swings at the mans side as he runs towards Digger and the tavern.

Party may act

Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

Ivora's Wonders:

"Yes." Dev smiles. "I'm running some errands for someone. Do you have a Bard Scroll of Silence? And, uhh." He looks like he's trying to remember something. "A Bard Scroll of Dimensional Anchor too, I think."

M Human (multi-ethnic) Rogue Charlatan 6

"Oh, Gods! He drew that blade as a razor ..."

Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 Digger tries to think of a tavern where guardsmen go in their offtime.

Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

When Drewan opens his bag of holding toward her, she simply pushes the basket into the opening. With it smoothly consuming it all in a swift swallow, she simply reaches to Drewan's shoulder to give a quick pat once. Turning south, she pulls her outfit into a different manner and loosens her hair to change her disguise as she goes.

Disguise (Quick Change), Take 10: 10 + 16 - 5 = 21

(whisper) "Looks like we got this in the bag. See you soon, Tock."

Half-Orc Inquisitor 5 HP 55/55 AC 21(25)/12/19 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6 Init +4; Perception +10

Hazan continues to casually stroll of of the area, rather impressed by his new companions ability to create chaos. Working with these people should at least be fun, he thinks to himself as he sees guards running everywhere.

Since I'm not on the map yet I'm not certain exactly where I am, however if I see the guardhouse mention above I'll walk past it and check if there are any guards left inside

perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Male Catfolk Ranger (Skirmisher/Urban Ranger) 4/Rogue (Roof Runner) 2 [ HP 51/66 | AC 19/15/15 | Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +2 | Init +4 (+6 in Coran) | Perception +12 (+2 in Coran, +2 vs. Humans, +1 vs. Traps) ]

Once he receives the uniforms from Rocosmia, Drewan climbs back up the side of the building and, when the coast is clear, will jump from rooftop to rooftop to avoid the guards.

Take 10 for Stealth (Coran), for 26 total, and Acrobatics, for 21 total.

Ivora raises an eyebrow at your second request. "The first one I can do for you hon, the second one I can get for you if you want to come back tomorrow. And it ain't none of my business, but whatever your friend is going out to hunt you'd be a better friend dissuading them of the notion."

The Barrel's Bottom is a well known tavern frequented often by the city watch during their off hours. Open all night and all day and almost always a couple dozen guardsmen in there. It is a couple minutes run from here.

I didn't specify what any of the other buildings on the map were, I just assumed you figured one of those would be a tavern so if you want to direct them to the nearby tavern instead?

Placed Hazan near the guard house to the east

A quick glance through a window of the single story guardhouse shows the main room empty of people. There is a closed door leading to a back office of some kind.

The two female would be heroes come to fight the rights each take another shot at a nearby rat. The arrows pass through the image, shattering on the wall of the wash pool.

Above the noise of the shouting guards and Digger you are able to make out their exclamation of surprise, "They're not real."

Drewan waits a few seconds to be sure there is no one passing by on the southern street before scaling back to the top of the building, then nimbly and silently gets back on the roof.

Rocosmia walks out into the street joining the flow of people.

As the guards run up to Digger their faces show mixed confusion. The first to reach him spies the rats by the pool and rushes over to combat them. The next follows him while the other three slow, the sergeant calls out, alarm showing on his face, "Deryk, Bill, quickly, dispatch those beasts.". Turning back to the half-elven girl in front of him, "Where did you say he was? Spit it out woman."

Wash Area

M Human (multi-ethnic) Rogue Charlatan 6

"He's at the tavern! He said the Barrels Bottom was next! Oh Gods!" She begins to weep. Bluff: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (18) + 21 = 39

Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

Ivora's Wonders:

"Yeah, I've been trying to but he's stubborn. I was hoping you didn't have it so I'd have more time to try to convince him." Dev looks sheepish. "Never mind the Dimensional Anchor, I'll just say you didn't have any at the moment, which is true, right? But I'll get the Bard Scroll of Silence so he'll believe I went here."

Half-Orc Inquisitor 5 HP 55/55 AC 21(25)/12/19 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6 Init +4; Perception +10

Can I take a 10 on a bluff check to just stroll into the guardhouse like I belong there?

Male Catfolk Ranger (Skirmisher/Urban Ranger) 4/Rogue (Roof Runner) 2 [ HP 51/66 | AC 19/15/15 | Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +2 | Init +4 (+6 in Coran) | Perception +12 (+2 in Coran, +2 vs. Humans, +1 vs. Traps) ]

I would ask 'to what end?' i.e., what are you hoping to accomplish by doing so? If the reward is worth the risk, fine, but we've all but accomplished what we set out to do.

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