Jake the Rat |

"We'll need to take those documents down to the station, so we can check them and read over them properly. We probably should get moving we have taken enough of your time and we know where to find you if there are any more questions."

GM Ascension |

"Of course." Elia smiles. "If you've nothing else for now though I have more work to attend to." She looks at Digger and the sergeant pointedly.
The sergeants seems unsure of himself in this situation and looks back and forth between the two.
The commanding voice presses upon your mind again. "Go about your day, but return here at midnight."

Jake the Rat |

Jake nods picking up the documents he heads back out and away from the quarry. When he is 20 metres away he checks to see if the Sergeant and others are following.
Things are quiet so I thought I'd try to get things moving.

GM Ascension |

The sergeant, scratching his head, echo's Kits words. "So, err, now what?"
"Let me make sure I understand this. The quarry has stone delivered to them and then they ship it back out? Why would they do that?"
The general directive to get the others away from the area is still in effect, though as you move away the commanding voice grows softer. You are still compelled to obey, but no new commands will be forthcoming for now.

GM Ascension |

"Okay" says the sergeant looking puzzled, "We can stop at one of the guard stations nearby."
The guard station is a small building with a below ground holding cell. Kit, Digger, and Jake follow Hamilton inside.
A single guardsman lounges inside behind a small desk. He gives sergeant Hamilton a salute as you enter. "What can I help you with sergeant?" Judging by the mans own uniform he is a sergeant himself.
Hamilton returns the salute, "Just needed a place to talk privately away from the public for a moment."
Two empty chairs sit near one wall, adjacent to a weapons rack with a couple of long swords in it. Sergeant Hamilton sits in one of them, "Alrighty Jake, so what is going on here?"

Jake the Rat |

Sorry for delay, busy weekend.
Jake takes a moment to collect himself. Even though the immediate desire to get away that started the lie had disappeared he felt it was wrong to reveal the compulsion and it was too late to change the lie now. "Well, I should of realized earlier. But it wasn't until the stone cutter mentioned it that I remembered. The stone cutter said that he was represented the mage tower and it was then I remembered. When I first came to the city I went to see the tower and the other monuments, as you do. Anyway when I was there this guy, like the one described by the witnesses in spiked armour came striding in through the gate to the tower and now of the guards took a second look at him."
"I figure if mages ordered this killing then its way out of our league, the is no way we'll get permission to investigate the mages. Additionally the more we know the more dangerous, we might find something the mages don't want found out. You know?"
"I'm sure these papers will give us something we can report back about and not look too bad." Jake says giving the sergeant an innocent questioning look.
[ooc]Bluff roll (or rolls) at +16[/dice]

GM Ascension |

"Aye. Reporting this in can wait. I could certainly use a bite to eat at any rate. We can meet back at the training grounds in an hour, and with full bellies." he grins.
The sergeant seems more than willing to put off making a report on this, not wanting to have to face Bela regarding tower business.

Kitrina Razorclaw |

Kit looks at her companions. Well I guess we need to grab some food too. I am famished. We will return later sir."
Kit leads her companions through the city to a safe place to talk in private.
Perception +10 to watch for people following.

Drewan Shadowson |

Drewan appears from out of the crowd as the small group is buying a bite to eat. He pulls Kit to the side and, outside Jake's view, shows her the small discarded packet. "Jake is under some sort of enchantment, placed on him by the quarry foreman. He discarded this after being approached by her, and attempted to hide its existence from us. We should keep an eye on him for the next few days. Let Digger know when you can, as well." With those words, he fades back into the crowd.
GM - Drewan will attempt to shadow Jake for the next few days to keep an eye on his whereabouts and activities.
Stealth (Take 10, Coran): 10 + 15 + 2 = 27

Dev |

Dev will accompany Drewan, but staying at a far larger distance, communicating by Message so his own amateur stealth bonus won't interfere with Drewan's. We seem to be naturally working in groups/pairs. By the by, is Hazan still around?
"Drewan," Dev messages after he talks to Kit. "Hand me the packet. I'll meet Hezek to identify what it is.
Side-trip to Hezek's to have him appraise the powder. I'll also try to purchase a scroll of Dispel Magic [Wizard, CL 3] (375 gp) and a Wand of Infernal Healing [Wizard, CL 1] (750 gp). I should still have enough GP (1,428) to cover it, even with any appraising cost. I was considering Break Enchantment, but far too expensive.

GM Ascension |

It takes Dev a bit of searching around to find the wand he is looking for, but he soon has both items.
Hezek is a different matter entirely. Upon arriving on merchant street and heading towards the camping supplies shop Dev is shocked to find much of the building burned. The entire east half of the building is in ruins, what few beams of wood remain are completely blackened and thoroughly soaked with water.
There is no sign of Hezek, though many gawk at the burned out building as they move past it.

Jake the Rat |

Jake sits for a while taking advantage of food and drink to collect his thoughts. I can't tell them everything, if I do they'll return and I can't allow that. But will the lie work for them too, they have no interest in avoiding the mages. But admitting to the lie and not telling the truth will not help me, I wish I had time to summon Puck he'd come up with a plan.
He pulls out the papers from the quarry and starts to look at them for anything 'interesting' "So any idea how we are going the signature and seal we need?" Jake asks trying to break the tension he was feeling.

GM Ascension |

Several city guards stand near the building, keeping others from getting to close to it.
It takes Dev about half an hour to piece together what may have happened from nearby shop owners.
A little before noon there was a man in a breastplate, such as might be worn by captains of the city guard.
Within moments there was the sounds of fighting from within, people shouting and the screams of wild cats. Mountain lions or something like it. Then smoke and flames starting coming out of the rooms in the back on the east side of the building. There must have been at least three or four people inside, and not a one of them came out.

Dev |

Dev leaves the area, having spent more time than he wished and not wanting to draw attention to himself. He feels the others may have finished eating and can only think that it is a good thing he needs little in the way of sustenance.
He meets with Drewan and informs him of what he found. "His fate is uncertain, but it is best to assume he is lost. I recommend having those disguised in the city guard to inquire into the incident.
"Additionally, that means I was unable to have the contents of the packet identified. I do not know of anywhere else in this city I can do so discreetly. The only ones I know are the Fizzwinkles, but you know this city better than I."
I'm thinking visiting the Fizzwinkles while the others are talking with Yabel. They run a pawnshop and are shady.

Kitrina Razorclaw |

Kit steps into an alley with Drewan. "Something was definitely off at the quarry. Can you get someone to check out the packet. I'll stay close to Jake. Good work." She hugs her companion and hops back down the street, arriving at the eatery a minute after the others.
She pulls up a chair next to Digger and orders some food. "Crazy day huh? Well, what is out next step?" After Jakes question. "What do you think Digger? You probably know someone who can take care of the seal."
"Jake, hun, will you go grab the waitress and tell her to add a glass of wine to my order?
Bluff +12 to make it look like I am asking Jake to get up nonchalantly. I order and wait for the waitress to head in the back before asking Jake to go find her.

Jake the Rat |

Jake nods, "Not a problem, I'll be a minute I need to use the rest room as well" He gets up and chases down the Waitress before going to the bathroom where he'll summon Puck (takes 1 minute).

Kitrina Razorclaw |

While Jake is away, Kit hits up Digger in a whisper. "Something is up with Jake. Drewan grabbed me on the street and said he saw Jake ditch a set of papers at the quarry. He said Jake is under some type of enchantment. Dev is helping Drewan figure out what the papers are. Any idea how we can confront Jake or end the enchantment?"
Kit looks around nervously. She searched for anyone who may be listening in or watching them.

Kitrina Razorclaw |

"I know a few tricks, but nothing to this degree. When he returns to the table, I am going to try and convince him to come with us to someone who can help him. Do you know someone in this area who can help."
Knowledge local to identify someone who can help Diggs?

Puck, Jake's Eidolon |

A short time after Jake goes to the rest room Puke appears at the table, or for those with very good eye he sneaks up to the table.
He looks straight at Digger and starts talk very quickly "Jakesbeenmagiced. HehastokeepyouawayfromtheQuarryandgobacktheretonight. Ididnttellyouokay? Ohandcastthespellthatletsuswhispertogethersohedoesntknowwearetalkingabouthi m."

Jake the Rat |

"Well we need that seal. But I was thinking if we go out asking 'looking' for more evidence against the mages over the killings that could serve our cause some good as well, as long as everyone we talk to know we suspect the mages that is." Jake says taking his seat.

Kitrina Razorclaw |

"That sounds good. I need to pick up a few things at a local apothecary that Digger told me about. Hey Diggs...will you run ahead and get him started on my order? Jake and I can finish up the plans and then meet you there."
+12 Bluff to hide our intent to have the Mage ready to break the enchantment.
Kit slides over and hooks her arm in one of Jake's, leaning on his shoulder. She takes a drink with the other hand. "Thanks for catching the waitress for me sweety!"

GM Ascension |

Everything seems normal planning to you, no reason for suspicion of anything.
While Kit discusses plans with Jake, Digger heads off to find the wizard he knows of. He finds the man sitting out front of his apothecary shop smoking from a pipe. "What can I help you with friend." he calls as Digger approaches.

Kitrina Razorclaw |

Kit sits back in her chair. "How about we finish eating and then catch up with Diggs. We can head to his contact to get that seal after that." She takes another sip of wine. "So what do you think was up at the quarry? Why would they be moving stone like that. It doesn't make sense."