Ascension - Rebellion (Inactive)

Game Master bbangerter

Library Street

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Male Catfolk Ranger (Skirmisher/Urban Ranger) 4/Rogue (Roof Runner) 2 [ HP 51/66 | AC 19/15/15 | Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +2 | Init +4 (+6 in Coran) | Perception +12 (+2 in Coran, +2 vs. Humans, +1 vs. Traps) ]

Drewan falls in beside Digger after he's out of sight of Kit and Jake. "So, how do you think we should handle Jake's...issue?"

Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

Dev with Drewan.

"The issue being him becoming a liability," Dev adds, appearing on the other side of Digger. "Additionally, we still need to identify the packet Jake was attempting to conceal. Hezek is, unfortunately, not an option."

Waiting on Digger to make whatever arrangements for a dispel magic he wants to do, and Kit to lead Jake that direction.

Human Summoner (HP 54/54, AC 14/11/13, F+4, R+4, W+6 (+2 to AC and all saves if Puck is within reach), Init+1, Per+0)

"Not sure it really matters what was happening at the quarry. I figure they were up to something, there is no purpose in catching them for it and we can spin it to our advantage." Jake says after checking to make sure no one can over hear them.

Digger makes arrangements for both a protection from evil and a dispel magic to be used on Jake when he is brought to the old wizards shop.

M Human (multi-ethnic) Rogue Charlatan 6

Wow! I somehow didn't get a new notification till today ...sorry, guys!

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