About Cladissa d'Lavigne VelorryanADVANCEMENT CHOICES:
1st level: Witch; Cat familiar; Agility Patron; Extra Hex x2; Hexes Cackle, Evil Eye, Fortune; Favored class: hit point. 2nd level: Witch; Hex Misfortune; Favored class: hit point. 3rd level: Witch; Accursed Hex ; Favored class: hit point 4th level: Witch; 5th level: Witch; Extra Evolution; Favored class: hit point 6th level: Witch; Disguise Hex; Favored class: hit point 7th level: Witch; Improved Familiar feat; Favored class: hit point 8th level: Witch; Disrupt Connection hex; ability score to Int; Favored class: hit point 9th level: Witch; Spell Penetration feat; Favored class: hit point 10th level: Witch; Ice Tomb hex; Favored Class: hit point; retrained hex Retribution 11th level: Witch; Favored Class: hit point; Feat: Extra Evolution 12th level: Witch; favored class: hit point; Witch hex: Regenerative Sinew; Ability point: Int 13th level: Witch; favored class: hit point; Feat: Extra Evolution 14th level: Witch; favored class: hit point; Witch hex: Hidden Home 15th level: Witch; favored class: hit point; Feat: Greater Spell Penetration 16th level: Witch; favored class: hit point; Witch hex: Weather Control; Ability point: Int Cladissa Velorryan
Fort +9 (5 base, 2 Con, +2 resistance)
Defensive Abilities: +5 resistance Will vs enchantment ----------
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft Special Attacks
Spells memorized:
0-Level, DC 20: dancing lights, message, read magic, detect magic 1-Level, DC 21: burning hands, cure light wounds, cure light wounds, charm person, comprehend languages, ear-piercing scream, unseen servant 2-Level, DC 22: aggressive thundercloud, cat's grace, glitterdust, glitterdust, see invisibility, see invisibility, steal breath 3-Level, DC 23: dispel magic, dispel magic, lightning bolt, ray of exhaustion, suggestion, vampiric touch 4-Level, DC 24: black tentacles, charm monster, confusion, death ward, freedom of movement, scrying 5-Level, DC 25: baleful polymorph, feeblemind, hold monster, hold monster, teleport, teleport 6-Level, DC 26: animate object, animate object, cat's grace (mass), flesh to stone, source severance 7-Level, DC 27: ethereal jaunt, heal, fairy ring retreat, plane shift 8-Level, DC 28: maze, mind blank, nine lives ---------- STATISTICS ---------- Str 16
Base Atk +8
Precise Treatment:
You treat others with a clear and calculating intellect. You gain a +1 trait bonus on all Heal checks, and you may use your Intelligence modifier when making Heal checks instead of your Wisdom modifier. Seeker:
You are always on the lookout for reward and danger. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Perception checks, and Perception is always a class skill for you. Skills
Total Points:13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 (2 witch, 10 int, 1 human) Racial Traits +2 Int, Skilled, Bonus Feat Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Celestial, Aklo, Orc, Catfolk, Tien, Abyssal*, Infernal*
An eidolon gains a pair of spinnerets, giving it the ability to spin webs. The eidolon can use these webs to support itself plus up to one creature of the same size. It can throw webbing as a ranged touch attack up to 8 times per day, entangling a creature up to one size larger than the eidolon. The webbing has a range of 50 feet and a 10-foot range increment. Creatures entangled by the web can escape with an Escape Artist check or a Strength check (at a –4 penalty). The DC of these checks is equal to 10 + 1/2 the eidolon’s HD + the eidolon’s Con modifier. The webs have a Hardness of 0 and a number of hits points equal to the eidolon’s total Hit Dice. The eidolon can climb its own webs at its climb speed and can pinpoint any creature touching its webs. The eidolon must possess the climb evolution to take this evolution. The summoner must be at least 7th level before selecting this evolution. Familiar: Cat "Cole"
============= HP: 56 56/56 AC: 23 (T: 14, FF 21) 27 with mage armor Saves: F +6 R +7 W +10 DR 5/evil or silver; Immune Electricity, petrification; Resist Cold 10, Sonic 10, SR 21, Improved Evasion ============= Speed: 30 feet, 90 feet fly Offense: 2 claws +9 (1d2-4) bite +9 (1d3-4) Special Attacks: Deliver touch spells; heroic strength; pounce Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +8) Constant—know direction, speak with animals At will—dancing lights, prestidigitation, stabilize 1/day—dimension door (self plus 5 lbs. of objects only) 1/week—commune (6 questions, CL 12th) ============= Str 3 Dex 15 Con 12 Int 13 Wis 12 Cha 13 Base Attack +8, CMB +8 CMD 14 (18 vs trip) Alertness, Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link, Deliver Touch Spells, Speak with Master, Skills Acrobatics +14, Climb +8, Fly +6, Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (planes) +18, Perception +20, Stealth +29; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics, +4 Perception, +4 Stealth Languages Celestial, Draconic, Infernal; speak with animals, truespeech SQ cat's luck, flight, lay on hands (1d6, 1/day, always as a 2nd-level paladin), spectral mist ============== Cat's Luck (Su) A silvanshee adds its Charisma modifier as a luck bonus on all its saving throws. Once per day as a standard action, it can also grant this bonus to one ally within 30 feet for 10 minutes. Heroic Strength (Su) Once per day, a silvanshee can grant itself a +8 enhancement bonus to Strength for 1 minute. Spectral Mist (Su) A silvanshee can assume an eerie, mist-like form roughly the size and shape of a cat. This ability has the same effect as a gaseous form spell, except the silvanshee retains its own DR and supernatural abilities and can move at its normal speed. It can remain in mist form up to 5 minutes per day. This duration does not have to be consecutive, but it must be used in 1-minute increments. Hexes: DC 25 Cackle, Disguise, Disrupt Connection; Evil Eye, Fortune, Misfortune, Major Hexes Ice Tomb, Retribution, Regenerative Sinew, Hidden Home, Weather Control ----------
1st-level spells
2nd-level spells
3rd-level spells
4th-level spells
5th-level spells
6th-level spells
7th-level spells
8th-level spells
Patron: Agility
This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, candles (10), chalk (10), a flint and steel, ink, an inkpen, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, a spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin. Light crossbow, 7 bolts, dagger, holy water (1), potion cure light wounds, antidote kit, scroll mage armor CL1 Carrying Capacity:Light 50 Medium 100 Heavy 150 Money: PP 10; GP 32,258; SP 3 CP 5 Other Possessions:
Ht: 5'8" Wt: 125 lb Age: 26 Hair: Long, dark tresses. Eyes: Violet and black Skin: Soft and blemish-free, except her glossy black spider's legs. Cladissa is an attractive woman with long, luxurious hair and a classic hourglass figure. She appears as a normal human, except for four large, spiderlike legs that are anchored to her back. Though moderately frightening, they are smooth, graceful appendages that exhibit fine control and can fold up comfortably to fit underneath loose clothing. PERSONALITY -- UPDATED:
A very tumultuous and hard life has not managed to disillusion Cladissa or turn her away from goodness. Instead, the pressures and tragedies she's endured has forged her personality to one of resolute strength and endurance, yet still capable of exhibiting great kindness. BACKGROUND:
Cladissa's cheeks burned hotly as Cole looked down at her. It should have been a simple affair; cross the narrow beam across the gulf to get to the other side. Yet she was nowhere near as graceful as the black cat that eyed her with intense yellow eyes. And so she was on her rump in the soft cushions, failing again at the preparation exercises, which serve as a prelude to her true trial. It was so frustrating; she was a better luck charm to others than to herself. As she pulled herself back up, she could feel it: Auronee's smirking amusement at her own failure. Her step-sister was no doubt looking on somewhere. That thought got Cladissa moving again. She returned to the balance beam. This time. This time I'll make it. Take the lead, Cole, she thought to him, though he didn't really hear her thoughts; just the emotions behind them. He picked up on her urging, and he moved forward silently with feline grace. She followed, much more wobbly. She was almost to the other side, when a panel in the far wall slid open. She could see the strange writing, but couldn't quite make it out. She paused, but her wobbling started to get worse, so she had to keep moving forward. She kept going, and almost reached the other side when she glanced up again at the runes. And read them. A riot of colors shot out -- ===== Cladissa hated her the moment she saw her. This new man -- she would never call him Father; her real father had lost his head in Galt when they had moved there so he could defend the accused in their trials -- had successfully wooed Mother and brought them to his estate in Taldor. His daughter oozed sweetness, beauty, and an awful knack at being good at everything. Auronee had friends galore, yet chafed at the instructions to integrate Cladissa into her little group. The pranks soon began. At first, they were simple things. She always ended up with the cracked mug. Snakes and insects in her bed. Animal dung in the chamber pot. But then they started getting worse, as Auronee started getting bolder, and their relationship soured. Cladissa found solace in books, and always had to keep an eye out for the next trick. When her new step-father Castor Farwynd was appointed ambassador to Qadira, he decided to leave his children behind with their uncle Laneth, but to take his new wife with him. Fortunately, her step-uncle Laneth treated her well, and nurtured her love of learning. He was a Pathfinder, as well, and took both girls to the lodge on occasions. It was there that the girls found a new way to compete -- earning favor with the Pathfinders and joining their ranks. Cladissa failed at everything, unfortunately. She wasn't particularly strong or agile. She couldn't even take well to the arcane, even though she seemed smart enough to grasp the concepts. As Auronee became a prodigy, Cladissa fell further and further behind, not finding anything she was good at. Her desperation fed into a bout of recklessness. One time while at the Pathfinder lodge, she snuck into a room of Osirioni artifacts, looking for something to make her special. She rummaged through the dusty junk for what seemed like hours. Then she made a discovery: a mummified cat. Thinking only of a possible joke to play on Auronee, she took the thing and brought it up to her room. Staring at the spiced, dessicated remains, her imagination failed in thinking of a way to use it as a prank. When she finally drifted off to sleep, she had a strange dream. Young one. You seek power, do you not? I can teach you, if you will accept guidance, came a voice from a shadowy form. I don't seek power. I just want to be able to do something. I don't want to end up a scribe, or scrivener, came her reply, compelled somehow to be honest to this entity. Power is what you seek, then. Power to do what you want, even if it is only to avoid a mundane fate. Cladissa found herself accepting, as the shadow resolved itself into a coal-black cat. Okay, then. I'll learn from you. Can you make sure I'm not a-- ============= FAILURE! Cladissa hung her head in shame as the Master of Scrolls addressed her. Her actual trial had gone even worse than the other training. It should have been so easy. They actually gave her a task that she was sort of good at. Kreighton Shaine had walked her into a large, hexagonal room. There was a simple desk at the center, and the walls were lined with shelves full of reference books, curios, nick-nacks. It was a comforting room to her. Shaine set down a large dusty tome upon the desk and instructed her to sit. This is your trial. He gestured to a long, tapered candle also on the desk. You have the length of this candle to study this treatise on the nature of planar energies, and to write a summation for evaluation. You will be graded on your insight, clarity of writing, and whatever findings you may come across. With a gesture from Shaine, the candle sparked alight, and the test had begun. The candle burned slowly, so she had time to do this right. She began reading and jotting notes on the parchment provided. Cladissa smiled. She was doing well; this was something Auronee could not mess up. She was here alone save for Cole, who was coiled up contentedly around her feet. Cole, her familiar. The one who came to her that night she stole the Osiriani artifact. The mummified cat had disappeared from her room all those nights ago, but Cole had showed up that next morning, and instantly they had a strange rapport. Through him, in a way she still wasn't entirely sure, she could cast a few spells. She also had ways of helping or hindering others. But none of them helped her gain any favor with the other Pathfinder initiates. She guessed she had Auronee to thank for her total isolation in Absalom. It was like she was a black cloud hanging over her life. When Uncle Laneth had brought them to Absalom for an extended stay at the Grand Lodge, she had managed to completely alienate Cladissa from all other Pathfinder potentials. It didn't help that her step-sister seemed completely immune to her hexes. At least, her Evil Eye. As if she'd ever grant her Fortune. Not that she needed it anyway. She was talented in a way that impressed all the masters. Cladissa suspected that the instructors put up with her just so that they could benefit from their rivalry and Auronee would join the Pathfinders. But Cladissa still had her chance, and here she was. She wouldn't have to put up with that smirking, superior grin. She would be a Pathfinder too. She glanced at the candle. Oh no! Her mind had drifted, and the candle had continued to burn. She sped up her reading, skimming certain sections rather than reading them closely. Then she triggered the spell. It was similar to the rune trap on the obstacle course, and if she had been going slower, she may have caught it in time. A small, horned, winged figure poofed into existence in front of her, cackled in mad glee, and flew up to the top of one of the bookshelves. An imp, she surmised quickly, and suddenly felt a surge of panic. She tried to hex it. She tried to shoot it with her crossbow, but the bolt twanged off the shelf. It flew from one corner of the room to another, taunting, tormenting her. She ran up to it and unleashed a gout of fire, but only succeeded in igniting the books it was sitting on. Desperate, she pulled down a tapestry to smother the spreading fires. It took several attempts to get the last of the fire out, though plenty of damage was done. Infuriated at the imp, she caused herself to grow to large size, wielding the tapestry's bar as a club. She swung wildly at it, wrecking more shelves but doing no damage to the outsider. After a few more minutes, the imp disappeared. She looked around, only now noticing Cole sitting on the book she should have been researching, meowing urgently. She moved to the desk as she shrunk back to normal size and read what her familiar had been pawing at. Programmed image. The Master of Scrolls ranted at her. Springing a trap. Failing to see through an illusion. Horrible tactics against the creature. Failing to realize the spell would wear off eventually anyway. Starting a fire in the library. It was a debacle. Through tears, she glanced down at Cole, who twined around her feet. "You could have got my attention better," she mumbled to him. He just looked up at her, nonplussed. A lump formed in her throat as she thought of the inevitable gloating from Auronee. Bitter, rancid bile rose to her mouth as she felt the crushing weight of her failure. Auronee had passed the tests two months ago, but had hung around just to rub it in. And to watch how Cladissa fared. She looked up at the master, desperate. "Please, is there any way? I'll do anything. Anything! You have to have some way of... of" she trailed off, stopping herself from begging further. Auronee's gloating smile (why did she have to be so pretty, too?) came to her mind. Is this how she was to compete with her? By groveling better? "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have spoken like that." However, the Master of Scrolls looked at her with an appraising eye. "Anything?" was the only thing he asked. However, the tiniest seed of hope was planted. Cladissa was summoned shortly thereafter, in a gathering of a few other washouts. She looked around. She thought she recognized a few of them. Her eyes bulged as the masters spoke of their second chance. "I-- I'll do it," she said, surprising even herself a bit. It seemed like such a simple solution. She could smile at Auronee knowing full well that she would be a Pathfinder. Whatever else she became.
5' reach, 1/round Fame 82
Master of Trade:
Using influential contacts and mercantile experience, you can find a good deal. Once per game session, you gain a 10% discount when purchasing an item. This award cannot be used for spellcasting services, costly material components, items normally sold at full value (such as trade goods or gems), or magic item crafting. Lady Dacilane's boon:
Anytime you need to roll diplomacy (gather information) about something involving Absalom nobility and have time to visit her, you can get a +4 bonus on the roll due to her insider knowledge. Nuar Spiritskin's boon:
You rescued Nuar Spiritskin, the Minotaur Prince of Absalom and he is quite gratefulthat you have done so. Though he is absolutely unclear how he got into the Tangle in the first place, he pays this no mind and spreads the tale of your daring-do to his many contacts throughout the city. You gain a permanent +1 circumstance bonus to any Intelligence or Charisma-based checks made while in Absalom. Time in Dreng’s Vaults:
You gain a permanent +2 circumstance bonus on any one Knowledge skill check. Owed a Favor:
You may gain a +4 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy skill checks during one future scenario set in Absalom. The bonus may only be used one time before this boon expires. |