(1) Atalantia - Scourge of Magic

Game Master mdt


'Ship' . . . 'House' . . . Connor's Log


Anrive | The Whole Dang World | Vellandrus

Prison of the Elements

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

The 16 hits the dwarf, but he doesn't go down. Although he doesn't look very good.

EDIT : Map Updated

HP 41/41 ()| PP 56/63| AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 (IA)| Fort/Ref/Will +6/+7/+8| Init +4| CMB/CMD +3/17
Humavian; white feathered wings; Psion (Shaper) 5/Psicrystal Imprinter3 ML 7
Appraise: +6, Autohyp: +8, Bluff: +1, C: Sculpting +18/16, C: Jewelry +14/16, Dis Dev: +8/13, Diplo: +5/+9/+14, Esca Art: +5, Fly: +10, Heal: +3
K:Dun/Eng/Geo/Nat/Nob/Psi/Rel/ThePlanes +9, Linguistics +6, Percep +8 (+6 w/o psicrystal), Pro:Gem +5, Pro:Sail +10, Psicraft: +16, Sense Mo: +3/1, Surv: +4, Swim: +1, UPD: +4

McIntyre Plot

Connor's stats:
Holding psionic focus (Energy type=Electricity); Power Points=2; AC=18/14/14; Active Power=Inertial Armor manifested (1 hour duration); wearing spiked gauntlet

"But!" Connor told Alister as the man broke off. Gunshot fire made Connor duck back onto the landing, even as Reaghar and Elrohir landed. "This may be more difficult than we first anticipated." he mentioned to the others. More gunfire from the left made Connor flinch again.

After the other two acted, Connor started manifesting Astral Construct again. He would put it right behind Alister, but the creature could move around and hit the gunman. Or at least distract him.

Astral Construct, Level 2, 1 pp, 2 round duration (Ground-fight):

This wingless human-like creature is made from a silvery-transparent material. It stands shorter than a Halvavian, its' right hand and arm ridiculously larger than its left.

Craft (Sculpting) check: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12 (creates a creature that is recognizably similar to the desired creature shape)
N Small construct
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception -

AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +5 natural, +1 size)
HP 15 (1d10+10)
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +0; Immune construct traits

Speed 30 ft.
Melee slam +3 melee, 1d6+5 damage with Power Attack [Ex] and Improved Slam Attack (Ex)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Str 15, Dex 15, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 10
BAB +1, CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats -
Skills -

SPECIAL ABILITIES (Two menu options from Menu A; Advanced Constructs Menu A is also available)
Improved Slam Attack (Ex)
Power Attack (Ex)

(Future actions: Astral Construct will move around Alister to the other side of the gunman. Slam attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4. Swing and miss. Connor will load crossbow but hold action until Alister/others are out of the line of fire. Connor has a +4 to Ranged attacks.)

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Just to clarify, how long does it take to manifest? Is it like summon monster? Full round and it attacks the round it shows up? (So attacks on Round 7?) or is it less time and it attacks on round 6?

HP 41/41 ()| PP 56/63| AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 (IA)| Fort/Ref/Will +6/+7/+8| Init +4| CMB/CMD +3/17
Humavian; white feathered wings; Psion (Shaper) 5/Psicrystal Imprinter3 ML 7
Appraise: +6, Autohyp: +8, Bluff: +1, C: Sculpting +18/16, C: Jewelry +14/16, Dis Dev: +8/13, Diplo: +5/+9/+14, Esca Art: +5, Fly: +10, Heal: +3
K:Dun/Eng/Geo/Nat/Nob/Psi/Rel/ThePlanes +9, Linguistics +6, Percep +8 (+6 w/o psicrystal), Pro:Gem +5, Pro:Sail +10, Psicraft: +16, Sense Mo: +3/1, Surv: +4, Swim: +1, UPD: +4

(Astral Construct: Manifesting Time 1 round, "acts immediately, on your turn" - Round 7. Same as the magical Summon Monster.)

Female Elfavian Gifted Bolt/6 | HP (13/52) | PP (4/5) | AC/Touch/Flat 22/16/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +5/+11/+7 | Init +7 | Percep +12 (+10 sight)

I assume we can see what is going on at the south side of the building now?
If so wold alys be able to tell who are the guards and who are the attackers?

"Seems like someone else has a bone to pick with this Kol.", Alys says as her left hand grasps into thin air and for the first time to see for her guild mates an elegantly curved, long blade of translucent purple energy materializes between her fingers. She takes to the air with a flap of her wings and starts heading toward the building.

After manifesting my mind blade i fly 10 feet up and 20 ft directly toward the entrance.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Actually, to the Mintakia Guild people, it looks like there's just a standard guard (Connor) on the balcony. Although they can hear gunfire from inside, os to them it would seem more like there's been a falling out. There's no real uniforms on either attackers or defenders.

Alys can make a DC 10 fly check and reach the building in one round. Does she want to land on the balcony by the 'guard', or does she want to take the doorway inside and start in from the inside of the building?

EDIT: Note that Alys is 120ft from the Balcony, not 30 ft. If she and Selven leave Sammark behind, they can fly to the building in one round (assuming they aren't wearing medium armor).

Female Elfavian Gifted Bolt/6 | HP (13/52) | PP (4/5) | AC/Touch/Flat 22/16/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +5/+11/+7 | Init +7 | Percep +12 (+10 sight)

I'll take the fly check, sorry Sam, I'll try to leave something for you.

Fly check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

EDIT: Also I need to stop forgetting to set the right alias

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

I still need to know if Alys is heading for the 'guard' on the balcony, or if she's going to land by the door and go into the ground floor of the building to head for the inside entrance.

Female Elfavian Gifted Bolt/6 | HP (13/52) | PP (4/5) | AC/Touch/Flat 22/16/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +5/+11/+7 | Init +7 | Percep +12 (+10 sight)

I'm going for the door

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Connor Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

Connor, as he's conjuring up the astral construct notices a elvavian woman with butterfly wings and a large scintillating purple blade come flying in hell bent for leather. The woman lands on the ground outside the open doorway leading into the building the McIntyre's are assaulting.

Edit : Map Updated to show Alys at the building and in front of the door on the ground floor.

Male Elfavian HP:31/31, 27/27 PP; Saves F:1 R:3 W:4, AC:17,+4 Init, +6 Perception

"No! Damnable fool! Come on Sam let's hurry before we're on corpse retrieval!" Selvan runs but does not fly. "Rushing headfirst into a firefight without cover! Stupid!"

Selvan runs but does not fly hoping that Sam's not too far behind.

Hey no worries, we'll pick up your bullet riddled corpse later. :P Right, equipment, just assume my stufs masterwork for now because that was in my plans and definitely on the list. I'll get that now.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Waiting on Elrohir, then I'll pose the two bad guys, then PCs pick up again.

Selvan, I assume you bought the MW stuff with the cash from the drop.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Map updated slightly to better show Alister what he can see.

Male Elfavian HP 36/36 | AC/Touch/Flat 20/19/15 | Fort+5, Ref+11, Will+10 | Init+7 | Perception+16, Low-Light Vision |
Skills Acrobatics+13, Fly+18, Perception+16, Sense Motive+13, Stealth+13
Marksman 3/Zen Archer Monk 3

Flick fires off another arrow No Wind Reader, 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16 for 1d8 ⇒ 7

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Round 6

Elrohir misses (due to Reaghar being in the way, Soft cover).

The dwarf growls, but can't fire without provoking. So he slams his foot into the ground, and a 6 inch blade slides out of the boot. He then kicks at Alister. Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23 Confirm: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12 Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 The blade stabs up into Alister's thigh, and then the half-orc behind him rumbles. "DOWN!!" The dwarf pales and drops prone, feet toward Alister.

Kol's teeth grind, and the veins on his neck and forehead pulse. As Alister watches, the half-orc's movements seem to become more deft. Kol reaches over his shoulder, and lugs a sawed off shotgun the size of Alister's thigh up and over. The massive firearm takes both the orc's hands to hold in place, and each barrel (to Alister) seems to be big enough to fire a coconut out of. "I'll learn ya to attack me home, ye feathery shtock brain!"

A roar of powder crashes out and down the hallway (Alister, Fortitude Save DC 14 not to be deafened for 1d4 rounds). A lead ball the size of a plum crashes out of the gun Kol's Attack: 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 7 - 2 = 25Confirm: 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (7) + 7 - 2 = 12Damage: 4d8 ⇒ (3, 3, 4, 7) = 17 and tears a bloody hole through Alister's chest and then rips it's way through the wall of the building, tearing out a chunk of wood the size of Alister's head before crossing the street and blowing another hole the size of Alister's head in the wall across the street. Alister's body flies back, bounces off the wall, sprays some blood out the hole, and then collapses in the hallway.

Alys is caught in a rain of wooden chunks, splinters, sawdust and blood splatter as the remains of the wall overhead rain down on the street from above. No damage, just distracting

Reaghar and Sammark are up

EDIT : Realized Kol actually did crit, modified to reflect that.

Male Humavian HP 31/31 | AC/Touch/Flat 13/10/13 | Fort: +8 Ref: +1 Will: +3 | Init: +1 | Perception +6|Barbarian 1/Aegis 1

Alister promptly begins bleeding, down at -10 HP. I'm gonna go out on a limb, and say the DC 14 Fort save or deafened doesn't matter too much.

Con Check, DC 20: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

What was that I was saying about being crit?

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

No, I don't think the deafened matters, at least with an 18 con you have 8 rounds to stabilize (assuming someone doesn't first aid you, or something. And I actually posted it only doing 12, but then I realized it was a touch attack, and it confirmed.

Male Humavian HP 31/31 | AC/Touch/Flat 13/10/13 | Fort: +8 Ref: +1 Will: +3 | Init: +1 | Perception +6|Barbarian 1/Aegis 1

Yeah, not much for me to do about touch attacks at this point. To be fair, I'm probably the best one to take such a blast. Being higher in HP wouldn't have hurt, but taking a point-blank crit would've probably been a bit more detrimental to others, seeing as how I started the round above the HP of any of the other people in the McIntyre party.

temp HP:9, +2 dmg 3 mins HP (21/21) | AC/Touch/Flat 19/15/14 | Fort/Ref/Will +2/+8/+3 | Init +5 | Per +6 | Brutal Disruptor (3)

"You might wanna get a distraction in there right quick"

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20 ranged touch vs the baddie he can see whose icon is framed in yellow
1d6 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 disruption energy

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Sammark can't get here any faster, so we'll go on and let him do two 'actions', it'd take 2 for him to arrive anyway


The human with the double barrel shotgun was about to fire it at Reaghar and Elrohir, but the energy rams into his stomach and he coughs up blood to add to the pool Alister is spreading in the hallway. He staggers around the corner, nearly tripping on Alister's body, and disappears into the hallway with a "Ugh.. boss...".


Init Alister -> 0
Init Alys: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Init Connor: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Init Elrohir: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Init Reaghar: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Init Sammark: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Init Selven: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Init Dwarf: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Init Human: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Init Kol: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

May Post Now : Alys, Sammark

Will then be posted : Dwarf

May post After : Connor, Selvan, Reaghar, Elrohir

Will post at the End : Kol, Human

Male Half-Elf HP 31/31 | PP 16/16 | AC/Touch/Flat 19 (20)/14 (15)/15 (16) | Fort/Ref/Will +4/+5/+6 | Init +4 | Per +11 | Psychic Warrior (Martial Kineticist) 4

Sam slows for a moment and summons his will into a ripple of twisted physics in front of him.

Manifesting Force Screen, AC: 22, PP: 2/3

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Map updated with Sammark's current position, please move him yourself now, ask me if you have any questions/concerns. Alys marks the entrance to the building.

Female Elfavian Gifted Bolt/6 | HP (13/52) | PP (4/5) | AC/Touch/Flat 22/16/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +5/+11/+7 | Init +7 | Percep +12 (+10 sight)

Alys shields her face from the wooden debris, "The big bad man has a gun! How exciting! Let's see if he's brave enough to fight a little girl!"
She lifts her mind blade abover her head ready to strike the first thing to come out of the entrance door, secretly hoping the people behind her are with the unfortunate soul who just landed at her feet.

I step up next to the door, (just one square above my current position) Readying an action to attack the first person to come put of the door

In case someone does, here is a pre-emptive roll, for fluidity's sake

Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

That'll probably miss

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Clarification : This is a building with multiple owners. Kol has 1/4 of the building, which is the top floor where the fight is going on. Directly ahead of Alys is a double door which leads into the ground floor. There are shops inside, mostly small things like pawn shops and herbal shops and alchemy shops. In the center is a long hallway with stairs at each end. So anyone coming out of the door Alys is at is more likely to be a panic'd innocent bystander. She and Sammark and Selvan know the layout of the building as drawn below, so if you want to change your action, please do Alys.

Overview of the building

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Ok, don't want to hold us up too much. Aly's choice, either way, won't affect the combat upstairs for a round or two. So, we'll go forward with Connor, Selvan, Reaghar, Elrohir

Male Elfavian HP:31/31, 27/27 PP; Saves F:1 R:3 W:4, AC:17,+4 Init, +6 Perception

Weird question. Why is Selvan 60ft. away when he ran for the building while it appears Sammark is there dspite stopping to activate a power? O_o

Male Elfavian HP:31/31, 27/27 PP; Saves F:1 R:3 W:4, AC:17,+4 Init, +6 Perception

In any case Selvan will go for the front door running again or flying if necessary.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Sammark presumeably used 3 movement actions and a standard action, since he didn't tell me what he did for one of his actions (he had one from round 5, and one from round 6). He was 120 ft away from Alys. 30 ft * 3 = 90 ft. 120 ft - 90 ft = 30 ft, so he's 30 ft from Alice.

Selvan, taking no actions other than moving via feet, will be either where Alys is (if she moves inside), or behind her (if she doesn't).

I'll update the map accordingly.

EDIT : To further clarify, if you go back and reread, you'll see the 120 ft was how far you were from the door, not the building.

HP 41/41 ()| PP 56/63| AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 (IA)| Fort/Ref/Will +6/+7/+8| Init +4| CMB/CMD +3/17
Humavian; white feathered wings; Psion (Shaper) 5/Psicrystal Imprinter3 ML 7
Appraise: +6, Autohyp: +8, Bluff: +1, C: Sculpting +18/16, C: Jewelry +14/16, Dis Dev: +8/13, Diplo: +5/+9/+14, Esca Art: +5, Fly: +10, Heal: +3
K:Dun/Eng/Geo/Nat/Nob/Psi/Rel/ThePlanes +9, Linguistics +6, Percep +8 (+6 w/o psicrystal), Pro:Gem +5, Pro:Sail +10, Psicraft: +16, Sense Mo: +3/1, Surv: +4, Swim: +1, UPD: +4

McIntyre Plot

Connor's stats:

Holding psionic focus (Energy type=Electricity); Power Points=1; AC=18/14/14; Active Power=Inertial Armor manifested (1 hour duration); wearing spiked gauntlet

Connor noticed the elfavian outside. "Alister's down!" Connor exclaimed. "Can you get him to safety, Reaghar?" he asked the burly man. "We might have more coming in!" Connor sent the finished Astral Construct around Alister's fallen form and into the corridor (up to 30 feet), with instructions to attack anything there, as well as wave its' arms around and provide a distraction.

Astral Construct Slam attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15 (1 round left)
Astral Construct Slam dmg: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

"I'll send another construct down the hallway." Connor told Elrohir, "You keep covering him. Maybe they'll run out of bullets before you run out of arrows." Connor concentrated on the corner where the dwarf had run after striking Alister. Too much noise, and with their luck, Alister would bleed out before they could get to him. There had better be some healing magic in there. Connor thought to himself.

Astral Construct, Level 2, 1 pp, 2 round duration (Ground-fight):

This wingless human-like creature is made from a silvery-transparent material. It stands shorter than a Halvavian, its' right hand and arm ridiculously larger than its left.

Craft (Sculpting) check: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27 (a result of 20 to 29 creates a construct that looks like an accurate portrayal of that creature type)
N Small construct
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception -

AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +5 natural, +1 size)
HP 15 (1d10+10)
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +0; Immune construct traits

Speed 30 ft.
Melee slam +3 melee, 1d6+5 damage with Power Attack [Ex] and Improved Slam Attack (Ex)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Str 15, Dex 15, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 10
BAB +1, CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats -
Skills -

SPECIAL ABILITIES (Two menu options from Menu A; Advanced Constructs Menu A is also available)
Improved Slam Attack (Ex)
Power Attack (Ex)

Female Elfavian Gifted Bolt/6 | HP (13/52) | PP (4/5) | AC/Touch/Flat 22/16/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +5/+11/+7 | Init +7 | Percep +12 (+10 sight)
mdt wrote:

Clarification : This is a building with multiple owners. Kol has 1/4 of the building, which is the top floor where the fight is going on. Directly ahead of Alys is a double door which leads into the ground floor. There are shops inside, mostly small things like pawn shops and herbal shops and alchemy shops. In the center is a long hallway with stairs at each end. So anyone coming out of the door Alys is at is more likely to be a panic'd innocent bystander. She and Sammark and Selvan know the layout of the building as drawn below, so if you want to change your action, please do Alys.

Overview of the building

Oh, okay I didn't get that, I thight the fight was going on at ground level. In that case I would have to retcon my whole last post.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

And that's fine, you can retcon it.

EDIT : At this point Alys has 2 options, fly up to the balcony and attack from there, or head into the building via the doorway and storm the place from the hallway. There's already a fight going on upstairs at the balcony, and from the sounds of voices, there's multiple people fighting there. The 'guard' hasn't attacked her yet (perhaps not realizing she's a hostile, from her perspective).

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

The astral construct rounds the corner, and there's a boom of handgun fire.

Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18 Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Something blows a chunk out of the astral construct, which doesn't round the bend, it straddles Alister's prone form instead. Then it attacks something out of Connor's sight, blood splatters, and there's a loud thump like a sack of potatoes hitting the floor.

HP 41/41 ()| PP 56/63| AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 (IA)| Fort/Ref/Will +6/+7/+8| Init +4| CMB/CMD +3/17
Humavian; white feathered wings; Psion (Shaper) 5/Psicrystal Imprinter3 ML 7
Appraise: +6, Autohyp: +8, Bluff: +1, C: Sculpting +18/16, C: Jewelry +14/16, Dis Dev: +8/13, Diplo: +5/+9/+14, Esca Art: +5, Fly: +10, Heal: +3
K:Dun/Eng/Geo/Nat/Nob/Psi/Rel/ThePlanes +9, Linguistics +6, Percep +8 (+6 w/o psicrystal), Pro:Gem +5, Pro:Sail +10, Psicraft: +16, Sense Mo: +3/1, Surv: +4, Swim: +1, UPD: +4

(Booyah. Sic'em, boy!)

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

He'd have missed if the human hadn't been staggered.

Female Elfavian Gifted Bolt/6 | HP (13/52) | PP (4/5) | AC/Touch/Flat 22/16/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +5/+11/+7 | Init +7 | Percep +12 (+10 sight)

Thanks, let's make this simple then

Mind blade at the ready, Alys enters through the door and starts to make her way up. If the debris came from on high, she would have to climb a few stairs. Should she meet anyone on the way, se plans to tell them to leave the building and or stay hidden.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Updated Map, Alys is still on the ground floor, so she'll have to follow the black arrows up to get to the second floor (a full double move) to reach the upstairs guard, assuming he's still where he's supposed to be.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

As Alys runs through the first floor with her blade brandished, she see's people have taken cover in the shops, a couple of people point firearms or crossbows in her direction as she runs past, but when she doesn't enter the shops they duck back under cover. Other than the people hunkered down in their shops, the first floor is deserted.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Still waiting on Reaghar and Elrohir.

temp HP:9, +2 dmg 3 mins HP (21/21) | AC/Touch/Flat 19/15/14 | Fort/Ref/Will +2/+8/+3 | Init +5 | Per +6 | Brutal Disruptor (3)

Reaghar moves up and tries to drag Alister around the corner and back towards Connor as much as possible.

temp HP:9, +2 dmg 3 mins HP (21/21) | AC/Touch/Flat 19/15/14 | Fort/Ref/Will +2/+8/+3 | Init +5 | Per +6 | Brutal Disruptor (3)

Doing my best not to present any part of myself to incoming fire.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

You can reach out and drag him over to you. Moving up and doing so all you can do this round.

Reaghar Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Reaghar see's what looks like the shotgun weilder dead in the hallway, but that's all the glimpse he gets.

Male Elfavian HP 36/36 | AC/Touch/Flat 20/19/15 | Fort+5, Ref+11, Will+10 | Init+7 | Perception+16, Low-Light Vision |
Skills Acrobatics+13, Fly+18, Perception+16, Sense Motive+13, Stealth+13
Marksman 3/Zen Archer Monk 3

Nocking another arrow, Flick moves forward, slowly, cautiously. Just moving down the hallway. Are there any other visible, alive enemies?

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

No other visible alive enemies. I'll assume Flick is not going to move into the north/south hallway, given it would take a double move and leave him with no actions.

Round 8
Init Alister -> 0 (Make Stabilization Check)
Init Alys: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Init Connor: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Init Elrohir: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Init Reaghar: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Init Sammark: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Init Selven: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

Init Dwarf: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Init Kol: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Init ???: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Init ???: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Init ???: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

Order : Alys, ???, Selvan, Reaghar, Elrohir, ???, Sammark, Dwarf, Kol, Connor, ???

Alys, Selvan, Raghar, Elrohir, & Sammark may post now. Nothing they do will affect ??? or ???.

Connor can go after the dwarf and Kol. Init Dice seem to hate him.

Female Elfavian Gifted Bolt/6 | HP (13/52) | PP (4/5) | AC/Touch/Flat 22/16/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +5/+11/+7 | Init +7 | Percep +12 (+10 sight)

Alys moves up the stairs, checking carefully for anyone waiting at the top, and making sure she gets enough cover, in case they are armed.
perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
When the guard comes in sight she stops.
"Hey, are you with Kol? I have a complaint about one of your products.", she says with a beaming smile.

What I'm trying to do is to get as close as possible to the guard but stay covered by the stairs or whatever else is around, so I can possibly move into close combat range next turn.
Also prepare an attack action in case he tries to move towards me

Attack roll: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
damage: 2d6 + 9 ⇒ (2, 6) + 9 = 17

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

The guard in the hallway turns at the sound of Aly's voice, and fires off a round of buckshot from the double barreled shotgun he's holding. A wall of lead fills the area Alys is in. "BOSS! MORE ON THE STAIRS!" The guard yells as he pulls the trigger.

Attack: 1d20 + 5 - 2 - 2 - 2 ⇒ (7) + 5 - 2 - 2 - 2 = 6

Fortunately for Alys, the stairs provide partial cover, plus her distance from the shotgun means the buckshot spreads out further, and she's missed.

You said you wanted to get as close as possible, and a single move action wouldn't have had him in line of sight. So I assumed you'd want to continue moving instead of readying an attack until you could see him.

Male Elfavian HP:31/31, 27/27 PP; Saves F:1 R:3 W:4, AC:17,+4 Init, +6 Perception

Selvan will fly (if enough room) to catch up with Alys.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Insufficient room to fly in the building, you'll have to settle for being a turn behind her I'm afraid.

Male Elfavian HP:31/31, 27/27 PP; Saves F:1 R:3 W:4, AC:17,+4 Init, +6 Perception

I'm afraid too. Will double move instead Selvan will hand signal the gun toting passerby's (shop owners and what not I imagine) to keep their heads down as I pass by.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

They do, only attacking if someone enters their shop.

Male Humavian HP 31/31 | AC/Touch/Flat 13/10/13 | Fort: +8 Ref: +1 Will: +3 | Init: +1 | Perception +6|Barbarian 1/Aegis 1

Con Check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

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