Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Planes of Power (PFRPG)

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Planes of Power (PFRPG)
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Embrace the Elements!

The elemental forces of air, earth, fire, and water are among the most powerful in the multiverse, forming the basis of the material world and giving creatures capable of wielding them immeasurable influence. Now players and Game Masters can harness these primal powers for themselves by exploring the Elemental Planes—entire realms of existence dedicated to the four elements—with Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Planes of Power. This book fully details each of the four Elemental Planes with advice on adventuring in their harsh environs, new character options and creatures, location gazetteers, and an examination of major settlements that offer welcoming landing sites for planar travelers.

Season 8 of Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild will journey to the Elemental Planes, where adventurers can explore these fantastic realms and face the diverse foes that call them home. This book is the perfect resource for those undertakings and any campaign on the Elemental Planes, and includes nuanced information such as:

  • A thorough look at how each plane's environment affects Material Plane natives, including suggestions for those to wish to protect themselves from such dangers.
  • A look at the elemental lords both past and present, including lore about the methods the current evil overlords used to imprison and sequester their good counterparts during the Material Plane's earliest days.
  • New druid domains for characters who frequent the Elemental Planes, the elemental purist kineticist archetype, the planar sneak rogue archetype, and elemental barbarian rage powers, as well as new magic designed for planar travelers.
  • Detailed articles about each of the planes, including information on their inhabitants, prominent locations, and the complex politics and geography that tie all four realms together.
  • A bestiary full of potential new elemental threats and allies, from the nephlei—or cloud nymphs—who hail from the Plane of Air to the Plane of Earth's serpentine monstrosities called agrawghs to Ymeri, Queen of the Inferno and Elemental Lord of Fire!

Planes of Power is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can be easily adapted to any fantasy world.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-883-0

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscription.

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4.00/5 (based on 5 ratings)

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Good book


Read my full review on Of Dice and Pen.

Planes of Power is a great introduction for designing adventures set on the Elemental Planes. Indeed, there’s enough information in here to inspire numerous full campaigns. GMs will need to expand on the details and fill in the blanks, but overall, the book is an invaluable resource to get them started.

One of the best Chronicles I've purchased


As far as "bang for your buck" goes, Planes of Power is in my top 5. Fun gazeteer seeds one can easily build a campaign around for every plane, plus new monsters and a political primer on the genies. If you want to take your party into the elemental planes, this book is worth is every copper.

Elemental Power


I really enjoyed this book though not as much the First World one or Distant Worlds.

The Good
-Interesting information about the four elemental planes, it's denizens, and it's rulers(current and old).
-Some cool monsters including stats for one of the elemental lords.
-Some useful equipment/character options.

The Bad
-10 pages just isn't enough to cover a single plane.
-Wished we got stats for all 4 elemental lords.

Lacking in the Planes section!


Book #82 of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting (or #94 if you count the 12 Pathfinder Chronicles books too) is a mixed bag:

The "Unveiling the Elemental Planes" introduction is actually pretty cool, especially the "alternative Druid domains" and the new Rage powers.
The 9 creatures in the Bestiary section seem mostly solid too, as does the "elemental-infused creature" template.

The four 10-page sections of each of the elemental planes - essentially the main reason i bought this book - are severely lacking:
While there are some nice details in the gazetteer sections, there are no maps, neither of the planes, nor of their capital cities (which just get a short stat block and a very short - less than 2 pages- gazetteer)!
I get that we don´t get the stats of the four imprisoned good elemental lords, but why only stats for one of the four evil ones?

The City of Brass, which is supposed to be the largest of the four elemental capitals (that has been said since the early D&D days), has a 6 million population, as has the metropolis of the plane of earth.
The capital of the plane of air has a 6,1 million population, while the largest city in the plane of water has only 282,000!

This book didn´t inspire me very much, which is the opposite of what it should do and what i was expecting.

Planes of Semi Lackluster Power

First off let me say I was really looking forward to this book for the last several months for the 'Elemental Purist' archetype which in all honesty...really kinda sucks... it has the right flavor idea but mechanically only the change in Endcap ability is really fitting for the theme and has me really disappointed for hopes of a more Earth Dedicated Geokineticist(the template has promise though)

The rest of the book is pretty solid but seems to be even more lacking in stat details than many other books I've purchased lately. While the info on the individual planes, the local denizens, their attitude and motivation and 'interesting places' is great getting their stats can be a challenge(references to things like RotRL collector's edition, Curse of the Crimson Throne, Book 5 of Mummy's Mask, etc). Also somewhat disappointing is the total lack of stats for 3 of the Elemental Lords and little to no information on the Fallen Lords(plenty of room for homebrew campaigns I suppose). I was really looking forward to seeing the stats for Ayrzul but sadly only Ymeri is stated out. The creatures are interesting and appropriate for the book as expected, for the price the PDF is a decent enough deal for those truly interested in the planes either as a PC or DM and opens up a lot of potential.

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Community Manager

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Announced! Product image and description subject to change. (And holy moly, this is #100 in the Pathfinder Campaign Setting subscription line!)

You have my full attention now.

You've my attention as well. I LOVE planar stuff. XD

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Sweet!! City of Brass please! :D


Very cool! :)

Awesome! I was wondering when something like this would drop.

That's next month, right? Right? *looks at date* Aww....

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

New character options?

New powers for Kineticists please!



I think that's more of a player's thing than a GM thing. But I could be wrong...

Not quite a hardcover book of the planes but something cool none the less.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

This is just plane awesome.

Lantern Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

NICE! Also, lol @ Cthulhudrew

Is this book a standard 64 page one or one of those special case 96 page ones?

Dragon78 wrote:
Is this book a standard 64 page one or one of those special case 96 page ones?

I think the safe assumption would be that Planes of Power adheres to the standard page count, so 64 pages. Inner Sea Faiths specifically calls out the 96-page part in its product description.

It's worth noting, of course, that Inner Sea Faiths has the final product description up, while Planes of Power doesn't. I don't recall whether or not the 96 pages were mentioned in the non-final product description for Inner Sea Faiths.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hmm...Organized Play gets a very specific mention. I don't think I've seen that before.

Does this mean we can finally look forward to adventures beyond little Golarion (the Hao Jin Tapestry doesn't count)?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Excellent... At last the Planar Tide begins.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I want the same book for good and neutral upper planes, written by Todd Stewart.

Dark Archive

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Lev wrote:
I want the same book for good and neutral upper planes, written by Todd Stewart.

Shouldn't it just be a full trilogy - Planes of Purity, Planes of Balance, Planes of Corruption?


8 people marked this as a favorite.
Kvantum wrote:
Lev wrote:
I want the same book for good and neutral upper planes, written by Todd Stewart.
Shouldn't it just be a full trilogy - Planes of Purity, Planes of Balance, Planes of Corruption?


I promise Paizo that I'm not setting up forum proxies to beg on my account. I can do all my begging for such on my own. ;)

I am happy that the planar tide has if only the planetary and continental tides would begin.

Planar books - including ones like Horsemen of the Apocalypse - have always been some of my favorite to read. XD I'm not actually sure we need a Planes of Corruption because the existing trilogy covers those places so well, but I certainly wouldn't object to having more material for everywhere else...

Love extraplanar stuff, definitely looking forward to this.

Five months seems so far away.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

We need this book, the Outer Planar trilogy, and then one on the Ethereal, Astral, Shadow, and First World planes as well. Five 64-page books in total, or just one 320-page hardback.

Liberty's Edge

Don't forget the plane of dreams.

Positive energy plane, negative energy plane, dimension of dreams, dimension of time.

All of the above! :)

Despite being one of those die-hards who is still using the Great Wheel (with Golarion and the other settings all in the same cosmology), I'm still eager for Pathfinder planar information.

Dare I hope for lots of genie-related information? I still have a pile of Al'Qadim material waiting to be used ...

... Which leads me to ponder if the next AP after Strange Aeons might be Qadira-related, with genie-binders, etc.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Bellona wrote:

All of the above! :)

Despite being one of those die-hards who is still using the Great Wheel (with Golarion and the other settings all in the same cosmology), I'm still eager for Pathfinder planar information.

Dare I hope for lots of genie-related information? I still have a pile of Al'Qadim material waiting to be used ...

... Which leads me to ponder if the next AP after Strange Aeons might be Qadira-related, with genie-binders, etc.

We already got the genies AP in Legacy of Fire. The last 3.5 AP, but still, tons of stuff, including a trip to the City of Brass.

Dark Archive

Woo! The City of Brass has been a staple for quite some time, and I'm intrigued by what sort of development the planes of Air, Earth and Water will get in comparison, and if there will be any sort of 'para-elemental' sub-realms.

You always hear about the City of Brass but what about similar places in the other three elemental planes. Now that would interest me more.

I think the City of Brass is the largest and most notable city in the Elemental planes (in part because it's been repeatedly developed and visited), so nowhere else *quite* compares.

There are, however, a few locations. Armun Kelisk (the capital of the Djinn), the Opaline Vault (for the Shaitan), and Vialesk (biggest city in the Plane of Water). Those are probably the closest, and they're somewhat detailed in The Great Beyond: A Guide to the Multiverse.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh look boss! Ze planes, ze planes!

The only problem with this book coming out is that there is very little chance of a hardcover book of the planes coming out anytime soon.

Community Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Updated product listing with correct author attribution.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Dragon78 wrote:
The only problem with this book coming out is that there is very little chance of a hardcover book of the planes coming out anytime soon.

That's actually not a problem because if there was to be a hardcover book on planes that would cover the 19 full planes + demiplanes, I highly doubt you would get 16 pages per plane which you're getting here.

Paizo Employee Developer

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:
The only problem with this book coming out is that there is very little chance of a hardcover book of the planes coming out anytime soon.

That's false causation, Mr. Dragon, sir. This book is happening because we wanted to do planar stuff and there was already no change of a hardcover planar book coming anytime soon. :-)

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Also, the only reason we got 'Ultimate Equipment' (hardcover) is because 'Adventurer's Armory' (softcover) sold so well.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

11 people marked this as a favorite.

And every single hardcover in the Campaign Setting line was a softcover or a series of softcover books first. Make of that what you will, I guess! ;-P

I didn't say I thought a hardcover book wasn't happening just that it will be awhile before we might see it.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:

Hmm...Organized Play gets a very specific mention. I don't think I've seen that before.

Does this mean we can finally look forward to adventures beyond little Golarion (the Hao Jin Tapestry doesn't count)?

There have been a few hints dropped in the past two seasons about this being a possibility. I have two boons I'm looking at specifically that have me intrigued :-)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:
I didn't say I thought a hardcover book wasn't happening just that it will be awhile before we might see it.

Fair enough, and that's a lot more accurate.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I hope to see similar books especially for the positive energy plane, first world, axis, the maelstrom, dimension of time, and the dimension of dreams.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:
I hope to see similar books especially for the positive energy plane, first world, axis, the maelstrom, dimension of time, and the dimension of dreams.

Being Paizo-created, the first world, axis, maelstrom, etc. seem like they would be even more a creative focus than the 'D&D standard' elemental and upper/lower planes, and require more work than picking over the coolest ideas already present in products about, say, the Hells (such as the iron city of Dis, or the nine layers).

Ditto the Boneyard and Abaddon. Although I'm also intrigued by the 'occult' planes, both esoteric ones like the dimensions of dreams and time, and old standbys like the astral, ethereal and shadow planes, which could use a breath of fresh air in this post-Gith-setting.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh, the First World, PLEASE! The Fey are so never know whether they could be an ally, enemy or just there to complicate things!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The First World, Positive Energy Plane, and Dimension of Time are the planes/dimensions I am most interested in.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Fourshadow wrote:
Oh, the First World, PLEASE! The Fey are so never know whether they could be an ally, enemy or just there to complicate things!

Don't forget the Witchmarket!

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm looking forward to this one. Planar info books like this are something I've wanted to see, and I have a fondness for the elemental planes.

Things I'd like to see in this on the mechanics-side:
* Kineticist powers
* Deific Obediences/Boons for the Elemental Lords
* Elemental alchemy

I am hoping this book will be crunch lite, I am more interested in world building material from the campaign setting line.

I hope there's a few "elements" for the ganzi...

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