Poor Wandering GM |
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Exterior. Morning. Late summer. One or two clouds in a perfect blue sky.
A grey-blue bird is flying above a forest, seemingly following the well tended road below towards a town sheltered between a glittering river and the sun soaked sea.
The bird dives wings tuck then flare as it lands on a simple wooden sign reading "Sandpoint". A rider canters past their horse relaxed. The bird takes wing flying towards the city.....
Take it away folks. Show me what the bird sees

Jzero Katzu |
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Attracted by smells of food, the bird flies over a large open area with people busy setting up booths for food and entertainment. Gliding closer, a group of children sit or stand near a booth with an opening on the side where a puppet show is under way. The children are laughing and making comments.
Standing behind the kids is a grown man, wearing a dark outfit made of simple cotton, loose fitting pants, a jacket-like top tied with a fabric belt. He is tall, muscular, and a young man in his 20s. The top of his head is bald (or shaved), with dark hair streaked with dark red drawn back into a ponytail. He has a moustache and goatee, neatly trimmed.
His face does not look like most of the adults in the area. His skin is a ruddy shade of light brown. His eyes are copper colored with folds tapering off on each side, indicating ancestry from the far-off realm of the Dragon Empires. He has little with him except a belt-pouch--no weapons or armor.
He watches the puppet show intently, mostly with a scowl of puzzlement, but occasionally he laughs heartily, his bass voice ringing across the square.
One of the children, a little girl, tugs on his pant leg and motions for him to sit. He lowers himself to sit, placing his ankles so they rest on his thighs, back straight, hands on his lap. She offers him a piece of candy, which he accepts, unwrapping it from its paper cover with such intensity, he seems to lose track of everything else. He places the sweet bit into his mouth and savors the taste, eventually smiling and giving the child a polite bow from the waist and a word of thanks.
Then he returns his attention to the puppet show as the bird flies on.

Lucien Voduca |

Lucien considered himself lucky if not happy. He had spent the last winter in Magnimar, and though the many monuments there had kept him entertained for a while, the press and crowd of life in the big city was not for him. Perhaps a trip north along the coast to his mother's birthplace was in order. It didn't hurt that he'd heard of a magnificent new cathedral recently constructed there, with a whole section dedicated to Sarenrae. Perhaps he could meet his destiny there.
Lucien had been in Sandpoint about 2-months now and found that life in the town fit him much better. He'd also found some purpose in performing duties in the name of Sarenrae in the new temple and had settled into a routine but rewarding way of life. Then the crowds started arriving for this danged festival. He had been fortunate to procure monthly rental on a small loft over a storage room in The Rusty Dragon It was little more than a cot up a ladder, with a basin for washing, an oil lamp, and a small chest, but it was all he needed.
Lucien stood beside a wagon out of the immediate press of people, and watched the crowds begin to gather. The direct sunlight made him uncomfortable as his pale skin burned easily, but here in the shade of this wagon it was not unbearable. The tall thin man stood erect in his posture with a light sleeveless jerkin over a pale saffron colored shirt. His britches were worn with a few inconspicuous patches, but clean and pressed. Hi armor was stored in a cubby at the foot of his cot along with most of his belongings, but he wore his proudly displayed silver symbol of the Dawnflower, and carried his scimitar loose in a scabbard at this hip. His ankle high boots were shinned enough to reveal a reflection, and he seemed ill at ease glancing and frowning at any who were loud or boisterous. His wide brimmed straw hat looked out of place in this situation, but it kept the worst of the sun off his face.
A group of young girls came skipping by laughing and singing, and dropped a wreath of colorful flowers about his neck, almost knocking off his hat in the process. He scowled but then when he noticed the innocence and frivolity of the act almost smiled himself with a chuckle under his breath. I've got to lighten up a bit or I'll never make friends.

Mirri Brightstep |
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The bird perches on the lip of a roof outside a tavern, where a gnome woman with purple, spiky hair emerges, a cup full of something pink in her hand. She takes a sip and starts walking, bouncing along jauntily and humming to herself.
She wears dark brown and black leathers with a katana, of all things, strapped on her back, the grip sticking up over one shoulder.
She smiles at people who pass by. At one point, she sees a group of children, sets down her cup, and pulls out a silver coin.
With a flourish, she makes the coin disappear! Then, she pretends to find it behind a little girl’s ear. She flips it, catches it, palms it, twirls it, and puts on a little show, all with just a coin.
At the end, she flicks the coin in the air towards one of the kids, but it slows and stops before landing! The coin rotates a couple of times and then flies back to the gnome’s hand, where she makes it vanish with a grin.
The children clap, and she flips each one a silver, this time letting the kids catch the coins.
The kids flock her and she laughs, grabbing her cup and going along as they pull her towards a puppet show where a tall looking, bald human stands enjoying the festivities surrounded by yet more kids.
The bird, having already seen the puppets, takes wing and flies on.

Ceri Featherwing |
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I'm a little confused, did the events in the tavern in Discussion not happen? Or in this post are we on the way to the tavern, or what?
The bird flies on, and spots a thin blond young woman wearing a leather jacket and leggings but no visible weapons casually walking down the street. From her point of view, the street was an explosion of sights, sounds, and scents that engulfed her senses. The air was filled with laughter, chatter, and the occasional burst of music from live bands performing at street corners and stages.
Food vendors occupied every available space, enticing passersby with an array of mouthwatering delicacies from different cuisines around the world. The enticing aromas wafting through the air made her stomach grumble, and she sampled some of the delectable treats.
As she continued down the street, performers and artists showcased their talents at every turn. Dancers swayed gracefully to the rhythm of exotic music, acrobats wowed onlookers with daring stunts, and street magicians mystified with their sleight of hand. The various acts blended together, forming a mesmerizing mosaic of entertainment.
"I made a good choice coming here", she thought to herself. Having just recently been a part of a group of adventurers that had disbanded amicably, she had heard that Sandpoint was a good place to find like-minded people. The fact that the town was celebrating something was a lucky perk.
PWGM - the "RATN" in my stats list is "Ranged Attack Target Number", which is usually 4. Some Powers say that opponents' attacks subtract 2 from their ranged attack roll, but as a GM I found it easier to just say "RATN is 6".

Velrek Savage PF |
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The bird catches an updraft along a busy street and sees a large human in armor bearing several weapons walking down it. His face is set and hard but as he walks along seeing the festival atmosphere it softens. Music, the smell of good food and a lot of children playing lightens his mood and by the time the bird changes direction he is actually smiling a little.
He notices wary stares from many as he walks by but as his mood betters and his stride becomes more relaxed so does the reception.
“This seems to be a happy place. I miss this kind of community”, he thinks as he buys a snack from a vendor who seems to have sold the least of his wares so far. As he turns away, teeth having some issues tearing into the overcooked food he still turns back to smile and wave in a friendly manner towards that vendor and his wife.
He comes to an intersection and looks back and forth between two inns. As he ponders which one to try the wife of the vendor from earlier points to the one on the right.
”You’ll get better food an bedding for a better price over there. Good luck large man!”
Velrek smiles, shakes his head and calls out, ”Thank you!” as he turns to the inn.

Rhodel Gantier |
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As the bird comes to perch on top of the great rusted iron dragon statue that sits atop the inn named for it, a young woman comes out of the inn's front door and turns right, walking up Market Street.
She is dressed casually. Her gray trousers are baggy and bloused at the bottom, drawn tight with ties at her ankles. She wears a short, waist length, buttoned jacket without sleeves, and apparently without a shirt underneath. The jacket is a bright green color with piping and embroidery in black and yellow. A scarf is tired around her waist as a sash, and a second scarf is tied kerchief-like atop her head to keep her long dark brown hair in check. Below her trousers are light, short boots barely coming to her ankles. She also wears plenty of jewelry. There are a couple of necklaces around her throat, one tight and the other looser with a pendant. She wears earrings, several bracelets, and four rings. Two of the rings are on fingers of her left hand, one on a finder of her right hand, and one intricate ring is in her pierced septum. The overall of her outfit is Varisian, but decidedly not traditional Varisian.
As she walks, the young woman raises a hand and greets a couple of people as she passes them, with the passersby reciprocating. She stops for a few moments to say hello and chat with another woman in the street for a minute. If the bird's hearing is very keen, it would hear the older woman address the young one as "Rhodel".
Passing a couple more buildings, the woman named Rhodel comes to Sandpoint's open market, located in the open area where Market Street, Water Street, and Festival Street converge. The market isn't empty though as vendors, both local and from out of town, set of stalls and unpack all sorts of goods for sale. It's not yet even mid-morning however, so customers have yet to start arriving in any number.
She doesn't stop for the market, or turn right onto Festival Street, but continues straight on across to water street. Water Street takes Rhodel by the docks for a short stretch until she reaches Main Street. Taking that right, the real purpose for her walk begins. She stops in at all the opening shops, which slows her progress.
In each place she spends some time chatting with the proprietor and the employees if there are any. She tries to buy some small thing if she can. She get a pastry from the bakery, a few pieces of candy from the sweets shop, a nail file from the general store, an old, thin booklet of short plays at the bookstore, and so forth. When she doesn't buy, she at least browses some.
Walking and shopping trip around the town is Rhodel's daily morning ritual, one she began on her first full day in town almost three weeks ago. It is part of an aggressive campaign on her part to meet people, make some friends, and become well-recognized and known around town. It's worked about as well as possible for her given the short length of time she's been trying. She has all the tools to succeed. Rhodel is quite pretty, but not in a haughty, "great beauty" kind of way. She's about average in height and full figured with curves. Her face is open and friendly, with a warm smile. She is gregarious, good at making small talk, and finds people interesting. She feels approachable and trustworthy to most others.
Down the street a ways by the town hall, her route takes a right onto Raven Street and right again to the opposite end of Festival Street. The walk in it's entirety is a loop around the core of Sandpoint. Again Rhodel doesn't stop in the market. She goes on back to the Rusty Dragon, has a cup of tea, and grabs a quick little nap up in her room. She doesn't know much about the details of the Swallowtail Festival, but it seems a big deal and she expects in to last until late. Rhodel will be staying as long as there's something to do, so she wants to be well rested.

Poor Wandering GM |
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So in these and in other little ways the day draws on.
The little bird flits through the town witnessing drama, comedy, action, and a bit of romance. It searches for crumbs under the tables in front of the Rusty Dragon. It dodges feet and a well concealed cat in the market place before coming to rest on an ornate gargoyle jutting from the new cathedral.
The square below is far busier than on other days the little bird remembers. Because today is a festival day. Today is the Equinox and in Sandpoint this day is sacred to Desena. The festivities formally begin at noon with the dedication of the new cathedral but even now in the late morning the square is crowded as locals and travelers arrive, and several merchant tents featuring food, contests, clothes, games, local crafts, and souvenirs are there to meet them. Today may be the equinox, a day sacred to Desna, and many of the gods, but for Sandpoint today is a day of festival and the town intends to enjoy it.
Last chance for changes/updates. Please note what you are carrying and wearing to the big noon kickoff. Armor and weapons are fine if you choose to wear/carry them. Normally martial gear would get a look from Sheriff Hemlock but he knows that appearing armed and armored for the kick off is excellent advertising for the adventuring types. Many people have been hired as caravan guards or to accompany traders on the lesser frequented roads after they were seen in full regalia in the square. After the kickoff the rules get a little tighter as happy crowds and heavy weapons do not mix. A word from the sheriff or an escort to the adventurers lodgings or the garrison to drop things off usually does the trick.
If you like either pull a card form a deck and give us an interlude telling us how you enjoyed the festival until the noon dedication.
The hero has a chance to win a great prize in a competition. Perhaps one involving swords, weights, or pies. What happens?
This activity is optional just let me know you are declining so we don't wait for you. Anyone who does participate though gets a shiney new benny. If you roll/draw a suit that someone else has already done of if you just like another suit better feel free to choose one that speaks to you.
And for those of you who perhaps tire of all this happiness, joy, and music, do not despair fire and death have also been invited to Sandpoint…

Jzero Katzu |

card: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Jzero applauds as the puppet show ends. He was up early, as usual, meditating and working out to keep his martial skills sharp. Although he ate breakfast at the inn, he did not eat much, having heard there would be food a-plenty at the festival. He follows his nose and ends up strolling down a line of booths selling various foods.
When he gets to "Sandpoint Savories" stall, he finds a mouth-watering array of sweet breads and cookies. He finds himself equally attracted to the two young women taking orders and managing payments. They are identical twins in their early twenties, quite fetching, and each greets Jzero with a warm smile.
Jzero lingers, pretending to be trying to decide what to eat, but actually enjoying the chance to talk to the young women. One of them apparently decides to adopt him as the customer she will devote her full attention to, leaving the other customers to her sister.
"Hello, handsome stranger! I'm Arika. See anything you like?" She winks at the monk and waits for his response.
Jzero bows, saying, "I am Jzero Katzu. What are these?" and he points at some intriguing sweet-breads shaped like an infinity sign with some kind of icing on them.
Arika picks out a small one and gives it to him to inspect. "I know most of the folks around here from over the Crown and this is the first I remember seeing you," Arika says. "What brings you to Sandpoint? This place isn't the end of the world, but you can see it from here."
Jzero puzzles at this last sentence until he senses she is making a joke, so he smiles and nods. "I was sent here by my master. He had a vision and believes my destiny begins in this place. I arrived by boat five days ago."
"Your master? Are you a slave?" Arika asks
"Slave? Oh, no, My master, my spiritual instructor. He guides my training. His name is Master Lao."
Arika grins. "Your destiny begins here. That's intriguin'! Found the trail yet?"
Again, Jzero struggles with what to him is a non sequitur. "There are many trails. I have not gone beyond the city, however."
"City? Okay, if you say so. Most folks call it a town at best. I tell you what. Business is slow so far, so why don't I give you a little tour of the square, introduce you to folks."
She picks up a few of the infinity shaped sweetbreads and takes Jzero's arm and begins to lead him away from the stall. She ignores the icy stare her sister gives her.
Arika points out the new cathedral which looks down on the square where the stalls are doing business. She explains how the old one had burned down and this is the dedication of the new temple. Jzero explains that in his religion, this day is a minor holiday, but the big holidays are the two solstices. Arika also leads him down some of the streets near the festival center just to point out where her mother's shop is, insisting he come by early to get some of the freshest bread each day.
As she walks, she asks him about his family. Jzero explains that he was left at the monastery as an infant and raised by the monks. He does not know his parents, although the master feels like a father and a woman eventually adopted him and looked after him as he grew to manhood. "Her name is Stanna. She is from Magnimar, a city south of here, I believe. She was taken by slavers and shipped to Minkai to serve as a household slave. She won her freedom and took pity on me and adopted me. I promised her I would go there and try to locate her family to explain her fate. She taught me to speak this language."
Arika eventually parts with him, but leaves him saying, "I'm happy to have met you Jzero. You seem sweet as our breads. I'd like to see more of you." She stands on tip-toe and gives him a peck on his cheek and winks again before heading back to her marketplace stall, turning her head once to be sure he was watching her, which he was.
Jzero wonders at the last sentence. She wants to see more of me? He looks down at his body, puzzled.
"Destiny," he mutters, half question, half statement. Then he walks back to look at the cathedral and wait for the festivities to begin.

Ceri Featherwing |
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Card: 1d4 ⇒ 3
As Ceri wanders thru the town, she hears someone calling in the distance "Pie eating contest! Pie eating contest! Who's hungry and wants some pie?"
Seeing as she hadn't had breakfast or lunch, and had eaten only a few light treats at the festival stands, she figures this would be a way to get a free meal. She wanders over to where the barker is, and sees two tables are set up in rows, the front one with enough space for the contestants to sit comfortably, and the second one behind it holds a stack of pies ready to be devoured.
She walks up and says "I'm in!" to which the barker replies "Ya gotta pay a copper to enter, these pies ain't free!" Seeing as that's cheaper than most tavern meals, she gladly pays the man.
Taking the last open seat at the table, she says with a bravado that she doesn't really feel "The rest of you may as well leave, since I'll be winning this".
The barker says "Here's the rules : you can eat until the sand in the hourglass runs out, about 5 minutes. You can't use your hands to eat, and you can't drink anything between bites. Everybody ready? Go!"
All the contestants, including Ceri, dig into their pies with great enthusiasm. The crowd cheers them on as they thrust their faces into the pies, immediately getting pie filling all over their faces. The atmosphere is filled with laughter and excitement as the participants try to outdo each other in pie consumption.
Sneaking peeks at her competition, she notices that some had developed unique strategies, taking smaller but faster bites, while others seemed to be going all out, stuffing their faces with enormous mouthfuls.
As the grains of sand dropped into the bottom of the hourglass, the barker called for a halt, and the participants sat up and wiped their faces with the towels provided. With the competition over, it was time for the judges to see how much pie was left in each plate and determine the winner.
While the judges conferred, the crowd engaged in friendly banter, discussing their favorite moments and making predictions about who might have emerged victorious. The anticipation built up as they eagerly awaited the final decision.
The judges waved their hands to get the crowd's attention and to quiet them down, and one of them stepped forward and said "It was a close call, folks, between this fair lady (gesturing towards Ceri) and this colossus of a man (gesturing towards a barrel-chested large bearded man, still trying to get pie out of his beard), but the man wins!" The crowd goes wild, cheering him for his victory. The judge hands him a small wooden medal on a string, with a carving of a slice of pie on it. He puts it around his neck with a big smile.
As Ceri left, she didn't feel like she had lost, because now her belly was full and she wouldn't need to eat anything else for the rest of the day.

Mirri Brightstep |

Card: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Mirri wanders happily between the various stands set up in the market making a point to sample as many types of pie (sweet or savory) as she can find. In her wanderings, recent as they have been so far (only a handful of years), she has come to appreciate that everywhere, everywhere, has pie. And pie can tell you a lot.
Pie can tell you whether a place is overly serious ( too many savory pies and not enough sweet), what crops grow nearby (is there wheat for the crust? Or do they use some other flour), and generally how stuck up people are (do the nobles eat the same types of pie as everyone else? Or do they have their own kind of pie?). Pie is the great truth-teller.
As she walks, Mirri sees a child watching a pie stand. A quick glance around identifies the child's accomplices: two other children crouch not quite inconspicuously enough behind a box of... something or another. Merri is not sure what was in the box.
The lookout licks her lower lip and then bites it softly. Mirri can feel the girl's anticipation. Too soon, Mirri thinks.
But the girl gives a wave and the two kids move in: one to make the grab, one for courage. They are trying to approach while the vendor is distracted, finishing up a sale. They aren't going to make it in time.
This is a disaster.
So Mirri steps in. ”Excuse me!” she calls just a little too loudly, intentionally slurring her words. “What kind of berry pies have you got?!”
The cart vendor turns to Mirri and begins regaling her with the selection of delicious pies he has to offer, and the children strike. One of the pies near the edge of the cart disappears, and Mirri does not even spot the kids as they get away. Not bad.
As Mirri walks away, her own pie in hand (legitimately purchased, alas), she finds the little lookout girl in the crowd, now heading towards an alley, no doubt to share in the spoils.
Mirri catches the girl’s eye, gives her a wink, and continues on her Mirri way.
Crisis averted.

Poor Wandering GM |

Are you wearing your armored jacket and leggings? Are you carrying all your gear and weapons? Both the Rusty Dragon and the Garrison are offering free secure storage for the festival.
Meant to ask you earlier. Mind like a sieve. Is your katana an actual katana from foreign parts, or at lease made in that style, or is it just a short sword with a larger grip and balanced for two handed use? Either way the stats are the same, but if it is a katana then Jzero might notice you talking it for a walk.

Jzero Katzu |

I had noticed that and planned to make it a point of conversation when their paths crossed.

Rhodel Gantier |

Drew a 3 of Hearts.
After her catnap Rhodel hurriedly washes and changes from her sleeveless short jacket in favor of her leather tunic. She then throws on a slightly oversized sky blue linen shirt over the tunic. Leaving the shirt untucked, she adds a belt holding several daggers and a small axe. The Varisian scarf then goes back around her waist as a sash covering the belt. A quick application of some light cosmetics finishes the picture and Rhodel is ready to go.
As she makes her way up Festival street toward the new cathedral, Rhodel generally avoids shopping or spending much time browsing the stalls. She's already spent some money today, and she should stick to something resembling a budget since she doesn't currently have any money coming in.
She does stop to look through the clothing Rhynshinn Povalli has brought out for sale. Rhynshinn's shop, Vernah's Fine Clothing is right close by the Rusty Dragon, and Rhodel considers the clothier and seamstress to be a genius. Everything Rhodel has seen in her shop is immaculately constructed. Further, Rhynshinn not only makes items of conventional design, but her own designs as well.
The piece that grabs her attention this time is a short boiled wool cloak in scarlet. It is much like any cloak of its kind overall, but the details set it apart as great. Instead of the typical hood, it has a rounded, fold over collar. It has a petal wave edge rather than the usual straight hem along the bottom. It also has a clasp unlike any Rhodel has ever seen before. The two connectors don't latch into each other to hold it on the wearer's shoulders. Instead there is a loop of fine chain with a pendant at the bottom threaded through the clasps. If the pendant is pulled fully down it brings the clasps completely together, holding the collar snugly around the neck for warmth. At the other extreme the chain will hold the cloak stretched to its maximum width by leaving the clasps open. This allows for such a loose neck that the cape could be worn jauntily to the side over just one shoulder. Any length in between is possible by pulling the little flower blossom pendant down to the desired fit and pressing each clasp to grip the chain.
Rhodel is immediately in love. The chain clasp is fantastic, but the scalloped hem is what wins her heart. But with that love comes anxiety. She carries the cape over to speak with Rynshinn.
"Hi Rhyn! This cape is gorgeous! Could you please please hold it for me until tomorrow morning? I swear I will buy it then. I would now, but I didn't bring any money out with me."
Looking slightly to her left and right dramatically, Rhodel leans in slightly and says "pickpockets, you know?" in a low voice.
Rhynshinn, agrees to put the garment aside for her until tomorrow, and Rhodel thanks her profusely, adding "You now Rhyn, you really are brilliant. If you were doing what you do in a city like Magnimar, you would make a fortune!"
Rhynshinn smiles rather shyly and thanks Rhodel, while demurring with reasons like 'having never lived anywhere except Sandpoint', and 'owning her own building here rather than paying rent'.
Rhodel shrugs offhandedly and replies "Oh I'm not suggesting you pack up and run off to the city. I just want to to know how good you really are" before waving and taking a step on her way. With her second step Rhodel adds "See you tomorrow morning" before turning fully around and walking on toward the cathedral.
Rhodel has her armor, daggers and hand ax, but she's leaving her sword at home. All her carried weapons are out of sight under the scarf/sash around her waist.

Ceri Featherwing |

PWGM - I did mention in my first post (with the bird) that I was wearing my leathers, and was not carrying any weapons (ret-con : I have a dagger in my belt - but so does probably everyone else...). But the rest of my gear is stored at the Rusty Dragon.

Lucien Voduca |

1d4 ⇒ 4
Just as the flower bearing girls started down the street, stopping and bestowing additional flower wreaths, Lucien caught a movement out of the corner of his eye. Above the path of the girls, he saw a large sign advertising a local cobbler shift suddenly in the breeze and begin to fall towards the girls.
He dashed in that direction screaming out a warning. "Look Out! Above you"!
In the nick of time the quick handsome inquisitor arrived at the scene, two of the girls saw the danger and leaped aside, but the other was frozen in terror. Lucien with a last second burst of speed tackled the girl rolling so that she landed on top of him, his straw had coming off in the action.
The teenage girl began so squirm off him until she saw how handsome he was, and she lay there a bit longer. "My hero". She smiled demurely kissing him on the cheek before he could make a move.
"I uh... I mean... you're welcome. I'm glad I could make it here in time. I mean... here let me help you up". He rose to his feet and helped the girl right herself. The other two girls stood by, one with his hat and one with his pipe in hand. The three girls smiled and giggled at Lucien as they continued on their way down the street. "I'm Melissa". Said the one he'd rescued looking at him with dreamy eyes as she walked backward for a moment. "Come find me".
Lucien looked about him as the incident drew attention he wasn't craving and returned his hat and pipe to their normal positions. He dusted himself off and started to step into the cobbler's business to inform him of the near disaster. As he turned towards the door, he noticed the cobbler standing in the doorway with his arms crossed and looking at Lucien with a look of anger.
"What did you do? Somebody's going to have to pay for that". The gruff man then looked around and started shouting "Guards! Guards".
So much for a nice quiet place to live.
Lucien decided not to stick around for the arrival of the guards and tried to loose himself in the crowd.
Hopefully enough bystanders will speak up in my behalf.

Velrek Savage PF |

d4: 1d4 ⇒ 3
As Velrek is happily headed towards the door of the Inn he hears a loud voice from his left side. ”Ho! I’ll take THAT one for my team!”
Intrigued, he stops, looks over and sees a middle aged overweight man wearing what Velrek would call foppish clothing pointing at him, wearing a huge smile on his face. Behind him are two younger men dressed similarly. They are looking at him like he had just stolen their new puppy.
Velrek takes a few steps forward. ”greetings. What team are we talking about?”
One of the younger men blurts out ”It’s OK, we cancel the bet!” The older man shakes his head, ”Oh no, you two said I could pick anyone who walked down this street in the next minute and seconds later this man did so! Now, let’s get to the challenge!”
The two men look crestfallen. Velrek puts his hands up, palms out, ”Hold on, what is this challenge. I am not fighting anyone for you.”
The other two men blanche a bit and one stammers, ”Oh no! We just challenged our uncle to a contest to see who could slice through a four inch think branch the best. Just a silly little joke of a bet! No need to go through with it now."
The old man laughs, ”No need? These kids thought they could make an easy fifty gold off me! Ah, I see! No, no actual violence, unless you consider that yonder tree limb on the ground. Just one cut each and we have an impartial judge already. Tell you what, you’re headed to the inn? Win and I’ll pay for your room and food for three days!”
Velrek smiles, ”How can I refuse?”
The other two grumble about losing their easy bet. They meander towards the branch, each pulling… a short sword. Velrek thinks this will not be fair. The other gentleman seems to read his mind, ”Oh, the bet was to use the blade you had on you. All I have is a dagger. I had high hopes a strong man with a big sword could spare a few minutes. This will teach these kids to better watch their environment! Think of it as a lesson for them!”
A small crowd has stopped to watch this silly contest and after the two men both take whack at it and one actually making a cut most of the way through it, Velrek steps up. He looks to the one, ”Good cut! I see you have training. My apologies.” His sword rises up and falls, cleanly cutting the rest of the branch in two.
The impartial judge, an older woman who apparently had just been walking by and stopped for this, points at Velrek, ”No doubt, there’s our winner. It’s time for my nap..” and walks off.
The two pay up and Velrek and his new friend head into the Inn for a drink and a discussion with the manager…
Velrek will watch the crowd before heading out later. If he sees most are not wearing armor and weapons he will only take his daggers. It's a peaceful looking place. What could go wrong?

Poor Wandering GM |

PWGM - I did mention in my first post (with the bird) that I was wearing my leathers, and was not carrying any weapons (ret-con : I have a dagger in my belt - but so does probably everyone else...). But the rest of my gear is stored at the Rusty Dragon.
All good just making sure that hadn't changed.

Poor Wandering GM |
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Noon arrives and with it the official beginning of the equinox and the festival.
As with all things civic this begins with speeches
The turnout for the opening speeches is quite
respectable. The cathedral square seems to be the place to see and be seen. The four keynote speakers each deliver short but well-received welcomes to the festival.
Mayor Deverin’s friendly attitude and excitement proves contagious as she welcomes visitors to town. She jokes about how even
Larz Rovanky, the local cobbler (and notorious workaholic), managed to tear himself away to attend, much to everyone’s amusement (except Larz’s).
Do they mention you? If so are you made the butt of the Mayor's sometimes caustic humor?
Sheriff Belor Hemlock brings the crowd down a bit with his dour mood. He gives a reminder to be safe around the evening’s bonfire and requests a moment of silence to remember those who lost their lives in the fire that destroyed the town’s previous church several years ago.
Several people in the crowd mutter. You might catch the phrase "the late unpleasantness." There seems to be some debate weather Hemlock showed good taste in bringing it up.
The next speaker was scheduled to be local nobleman Lonjiku Kaijitsu, but a sudden illness has prevented him from attending the ceremony. This news causes some scattered laughter as apparently Lonjiku's dislike for public functions is very well known.
Are you enjoying the festival? Or is mingling with the many headed something you would happily run a mile to avoid?
Sandpoint’s own showman Cyrdak Drokkus is more than up to the challenge of bringing the crowd’s mood back up with his rousing anecdotes. He delivers a not-completely-irreverent recap of the long
process the town went through to finance and construct the new cathedral. Somehow they manage to make the history of the construction and the listing of important partons both interesting and amusing. He throws in a bit of self-promotion at the end inviting everyone to stop by the Sandpoint Theater the following evening. Cyrdak entices people to attend his new production of “The Harpy’s Curse,” revealing that the lead role of Avisera the harpy queen will be played by none other than the famous Magnimarian diva Allishanda!
Did you find the political minutia interesting or did your attention wander? Are you considering attending the play? Or is theater too frivolous?
Finally, Zantus the new head priest recounts a short parable of how Desna fell to earth and was nursed back to health by a blind child. Then as a reward, Desna transformed the child into an immortal butterfly.
At the climax of the story acolytes scattered around the edge of the square open baskets and cages releasing thousand's of Children of Desna: a furious storm of swallowtail butterflies. They swarm into the air in a spiraling riot of color to a great cheer from the crowd.
Throughout the rest of the day, children futilely chase butterflies, never quite quick enough to catch them.
Do you try? You can't catch one either but somehow it isn't frustrating.
For five years, the faithful of Sandpoint have attended church in a series of temporary structures erected or borrowed after fire destroyed the previous temple. While their new religious leader was helpful, kind, and wise, and apparently more popular that the former head priest who died when the old church burned, the church wasn’t the same. Now, the new cathedral is finally done. All that remains is for the Swallowtail Festival to renew the site’s blessings from the gods, and it will be as if the Sandpoint Fire had never occurred.
Afternoon to late afternoon
Numerous games and contests take place during the day, including sack races, hide and-seek, weight-lifting challenges, balance
beam contests, tug-of-war events, egg-and-spoon, waiters/barkeep's marathon and the like. You can take part in as many or as few of these games as you wish. The stakes are never more than a few coppers or bragging rights but win or lose you are becoming a part of Sandpoint.
You can also ret-con freely later that you met person so-and-so at the festival. This is the day when Nobles and beggars and strangers can share a drink at the same table.
Lunch for the festival is provided free, at the expense of Sandpoint’s taverns. Each brings its best dishes—as much a marketing push by the local taverns to win new over customers as to feed a hungry crowd. It soon becomes apparent that the darling of the lunch is, once again, Ameiko Kaijitsu of the Rusty Dragon. Her remarkable curry-spiced salmon and early winterdrop mead easily overshadow the other offerings, such as the Hagfish’s lobster chowder or the White Deer’s peppercorn venison.
Did the right dish win? Did you try them all? Did you partake a bit too much?
Finally, as the sun begins to set, Zantus takes the central podium, uses a thunderstone to attract everyone’s attention, and clears his throat as he prepares to recite the Prayer of First Dreaming.
You are in the courtyard. Either willingly or swept along by the crowd.

Poor Wandering GM |

A sharp retort, like the crack of distant thunder, slices through the excited crowd as the sun’s setting rays paint the western sky.
A stray dog that has crawled under a nearby wagon looks up from their stolen sausage pie.
The buzz of a hundred conversations quickly hushes as all heads turn toward the central podium, where a beaming Senior priest Zantus has
taken the stage. They clear their throat, take a breath to speak, and suddenly a woman’s scream slices through the air.
The crowd freezes for a heartbeat as if they are surprised that Zantus could hit that note. A moment later, another scream rises, then another.
Guards sound their horns north and south of the square.
Beneath these sounds and rising to overwhelm them, a sudden surge of strange new voices rise, high-pitched, tittering shrieks that sound not quite human.
The crowd begins to panic as something low to the ground races by, giggling with disturbing glee as the stray dog gives a pained yelp and runs barking into the crowd.
Everyone Gets one action to represent what you are doing in the chaos as the crowd swirls about and buffets you in panic. One action and then we go to the map.

Poor Wandering GM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Scenes in the chaos
.The stray dog running flat out after or away from something.
.A well dressed man shouts in surprise and pain as they trip. A fresh gash marking their calf.
.Hemlock at the Cathedral door shoving people in to keep the doors clear for more.
.A short peg-legged man standing on a table. Shouting and waving the crowd towards the western exit from the square
.A column of smoke rising to the south. The smell just arriving.
.An acolyte leaps onto the stage. Shouting to draw the crowd towards the shelter of the stone building.
.A leather stein still somehow full of ale sitting upright on the ground as the crowd parts around it.
.Amiko Kaijitsu leading the flow down the street to the west.
.Two waiters lifting the peg-legged man and beginning to run.
Everyone most of the crowd will be clear once all the players have posted their chaos actions. Apparently the citizens of Sandpoint are a bit brighter than the average Gothamite or denizen of Metropolis. When things get weird, they run.

Jzero Katzu |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Jzero listens politely to the speeches. His understanding of the common language is not sufficient to understand some of the statements, so he focuses instead of body language and smiles when the crowds laugh at a joke and keeps respectfully still and attentive when others do the same.
He partakes of the provided food, sticking to Ameiko Kaijitsu's food that draws on her ancestor's cuisine traditions. He generally only eats fish and vegetables, with substantial amounts of rice when available. As is his custom, he does not eat so much as to feel full and consumes nothing after the lunch meal except water.
During the afternoon games, Jzero participates in a few of the physical activities, such as races, arm wrestling contests, and the archery contest.
Running: 1d8 ⇒ 2
Running: 1d8 ⇒ 1
Running: 1d8 ⇒ 7
Arm Wrestling
Strength: 1d8 ⇒ 4
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Wild Ace: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Result: 6+4=10
Strength: 1d8 ⇒ 4
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Result: 4
Strength: 1d8 ⇒ 3
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Result: 5
Composite Bow: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Result: 5
Composite Bow: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Result: 2
Composite Bow: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Result: 4
In the race, he lags behind early on but has a good kick to a respectable finish. He does well in the first arm wrestling contest and is a challenging opponent through all the rounds. He hits the bull's eye with two of his three arrows, again, doing respectably and perhaps catching the eye of anyone looking for a capable worker or fighter.
After this, he enters the cathedral and is impressed with the shrines to various deities. He sits for a time in meditation in an out of the way alcove. While he meditates, a butterfly lands on his shoulder and stays until some children notice it and draw near.
He tells the children, "A butterfly is like happiness. It eludes you if you chase it. It draws near when you are present in the moment."
As things wind down, he stands attentive as the prayer is about to be given. He feels good about the community, for he has seen much in the population to be admired.
When the chaos begins, Jzero stands on the speaker's platform to get a clear view of the area, looking for the cause of the panic.
Notice: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 3
At first, he sees only the people running every which way.

Ceri Featherwing |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ceri keeps to the fringes of the crowd, being surrounded by people makes her nervous. During the speeches, her mind wanders, and she plays a game with herself that she started as a child - looking at someone, and imagining what their life is like - what they do for a living, whether they're married, have kids, etc. Later on, she regrets stuffing herself with pie, since all the taverns' food looks so good - she had no idea that the lunch would be free.
When the panic starts, she takes to the air (3" up), and then she looks around trying to spot the disturbance :
Notice & Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 51d6 ⇒ 6
Wild ACE!: 1d6 ⇒ 1 = 7, Success
And sees...???

Velrek Savage PF |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Velrek isn’t much for fancy speeches but he does enjoy the mayor’s speech. She seems down to earth. He grins at the reaction to the the sheriff’s words. He gets a little bored as Crydak drones on but smiles as the butterflies are released and the children’s reaction.
He gets a little more good food and tries his hand at a few contests..
Arm wrestling
Strength: 1d8 ⇒ 7
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Strength: 1d8 ⇒ 2
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Strength: 1d8 ⇒ 5
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 5
short bow: 1d8 ⇒ 7
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 1
short bow: 1d8 ⇒ 4
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 6
wild xplode: 1d6 ⇒ 3
short bow: 1d8 ⇒ 5
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 5
He wins his first arm wrestling match easily but loses his second. A local butcher with hands the size of his head uses his leverage to beat him. Velrek laughs and congratulates the man.
He sees an archery contest and asks if there is a bow he can borrow as his is in his room. There are and he steps up and gets a bullseye on the first two rounds and barely beats a man who looks like he came from even further way than he did.
"Well done, sir! I thought you had me there! Enjoy the rest of your day!"
He wanders about a bit and was considering heading back to the Inn for another snack and some rest when the noise begins. As the crowd starts panicking he looks for the cause while helping anyone who stumbles or needs other assistance. Once most are out of the way his had automatically comes up to his sword as he remembers it isn't there. He curses silently and looks again to see the source of the trouble and does a quick look around for a weapon better than his daggers...
notice: 1d6 ⇒ 4
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Mirri Brightstep |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Mirri listens with rapt attention as Sheriff Hemlock talks about the lost church. So that’s what happened here, she thinks. It seemed odd to build a cathedral out of the way out here, but I guess it makes sense if they are replacing something they lost.
She guffaws at Cyrdak Drokkus' antics and makes a mental note to check out that play.
As far as the food goes, she is mostly full on pie (mostly), so she is only able to sample the foods rather than feast. Alas, she does not get the chance to try Ameiko's salmon, but she does manage to snatch a cup of the mead, which is quite good.
All in all, she has a pleasant day amongst the crowds and sights in Sandpoint. This. This is why I travel.
When things get chaotic
When the screaming starts, Mirri gets small. She slides under the stage and tries to stay low and quiet. In her experience, the big folk very rarely look down or up when trouble starts, and that's where she makes her living. She peeks out between the boards to see whatever she can, but her focus is on avoiding notice.
Stealth w Thievery Bonus for City: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Wild: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Rhodel Gantier |

After leaving Rhynshinn's stall Rhodel continues on up toward the cathedral without paying much attention to any other vendors. The cape she's paying for tomorrow will set her back more than she should really be spending, so she feels it's best not to tempt herself and further.
Near the top of High Street Rhodel notices an open space has been used for the contests that involve sharp things moving through the air. The side of the small bluff the cathedral sits on makes a natural backstop to catch errant sharp flying things. Aside from archery, a couple of roundels have been sliced from a large log. Painted as targets, they are propped up for axe throwing.
Although the crowd for the contest is a decidedly woodsier lot than Rhodel normally mingles with, she decides to give it a try. She doesn't expect to win, but she should keep her practice up.
Bearded Dude #1: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 3) = 13
Bearded Dude #2: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 6) = 13
Bearded Dude #3: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 6) = 10
Bearded Dude #4: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 3) = 6
Rhodel: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 2) = 6
She finishes her turn at throwing with enough points to make it into the top 5 just barely, which satisfies her. At least I still remember how she thinks.
By noonish Rhodel springs for some lunch. She goes with Ameiko's salmon, which is a little redundant since she's staying at the Rusty Dragon. But the food there is very good so she knows she won't be disappointed. Besides Rhodel completely adores Ameiko, so Rhodel wants to say hello to her.
Of the various speeches that come a little later, the only one Rhodel gives hawklike attention to is Cyrdak's. She studies him intently, sucking up everything she can glean about the theater owner in her memory for later reference. He is her pathway forward here, the puzzle she will have to unlock. The timing of the Harpy's Curse opening is inconvenient. If Rhodel and arrived in Sandpoint a little earlier, she might have nabbed a part in it. As it stands she will have to wait out it's run and the time it takes for the next production to begin ramping up before anything will be available for her to audition for.
But, Rhodel is definitely a 'glass half-full' kind of person. With the extra time she can learn what she can of Cyrdak as a person and producer/director. Of course she will be seeing The Harpy's Curse more than once. It's also the reason for her morning goodwill campaign ritual. Talent alone doesn't win parts. Good word of mouth is a form of currency as well. Given a few weeks to work with, Rhodel can build a friendly audience for herself. The bit of spending here and there at shops each day isn't frivolity, it's an investment. She knows that Cyrdak will know she can fill seats with people who are coming to see and root for her. Between her winning friends and making sure she's there every time Cracktooth's open stage night comes along, she can build some solid buzz about her going into auditions.

Rhodel Gantier |

When the crowd starts to stir during the priest's prayer, Rhodel doesn't know what is happening at first. The screams start to clue her in that something not so great is happening, but not the nature of the problem. As the crowd moves on to panic, she still not sure, being too close to the stage to be able to see what's happening out at the edges.
Then people begin to scatter in all directions and maybe there's something odd in amongst them in the crowd. Rhodel finds herself paying attention to the dog for some reason, maybe because upset crowds of people can happen for all kinds of dumb reasons, while dogs are more basic and better indicators of a real problem.
By the time Rhodel sees a couple of people who are injured, and notices smoke, she's being invited by various organizers and quick reactors to flee for safety in several different directions. She looks around again trying to see what's harassing the dog, and otherwise takes a few tentative steps toward the cathedral.
Notice: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 2

Lucien Voduca |

Socially awkward Lucien tries to stay out of the crowds as much as possible... but his striking good looks tend to draw undesired attention. He deals with it as well as he can. He waits patiently to have a word with Zantus and is able to introduce himself, and quickly volunteer to help out, especially with the shrine to Sarenrae.
He finds contests boring and unnecessary, so stays away from that type of thing, but he is careful to seek nourishment looking for the most undercooked offerings available, as he has always had a hankering for bloody meat.
At the beginning of the chaos Lucien looks about as the yelping dog almost runs into him in its efforts to escape. The tall warrior looks off in the direction of the running dog to see if he can find the source of all this panic.
1d6 ⇒ 2 Notice
1d6 ⇒ 1 WD.

Poor Wandering GM |

Good wholesome fun! Turn 1
Setting: Cathedral square Sandpoint. Pleasant late summer evening.
Illumination: Full daylight
Terrain: Mix of large and small flagstones. Carts and tents are considered rough terrain. The carts and tents contain nothing of immediate interest, unless you spend a benny or take an action and succeed on a Notice roll to investigate. In those cases they contain anything even vaguely reasonable to find in a large marketplace.
Token orientation notes. An upside down token means the subject is under whatever the token in on. A sideways token indicates the subject is flying/levitating.
Everyone gets +1 benny for their interlude.
Benny count:
Jzero 4
Ceri 4
Velrek 4
Mirri 4
Rhodel 4
Lucien 4
Jzero, Ace of Spades
Lucien, King of spades
Rhodel 10 of hearts
Mirri 10 of clubs
Velrek 8 of diamonds
Ceri 7 of hearts
Thing that may not happen 4 of diamonds
Crowd/bystanders 4 of clubs
goblins 3 of clubs
Actions may be posted in any order but will be resolved in card order. Suit precedence is reverse alphabetical order.
As the square empties you all see the source of the chaos. A goblin is chasing the stray dog stabbing at it with a crude jagged knife while trying to eat the large wedge of cheese it is holding in its off hand.
The maniacal, and occasionally cheese muffled, screaming of the dog chasing goblin is suddenly surpassed by a new scream one that burns directly into your hind brain. Coming around the building to the north are three goblins. All three are running flat out with the rear two chasing the first. The reason is painfully clear. The lead (pink) goblin is carrying a small screaming baby!
Note due to the relative sizes of the goblin and the baby any attack on the baby carrying goblin will use the "Innocent bystander rules unless the goblin is rendered Vulnerable, Distracted, Shaken, or the attacker has the Drop
You easily leap into the stage. Your elevated view lets you see the stray dog bolt out from under a wagon running hard towards you. You saw the yellow goblin dive under the wagon but you do not see them now. You see the other people in the square clearly except for the person who just ducked under the stage. Strangely a person the south of the square seems to be levitating at a bit more than tent top height. The goblin with the baby is seemingly running straight at you with the other two trying to cut them off. What do you do?
Whew! Feel free to read all the spoilers. I trust you to only act on what your character would reasonably know/see no matter which spoiler the info is under.

Cevendyl |

He handed a platinum over to the vendor ... he'd only really heard one name in his travels as a little bird: Rhodel.
"Please Rhynshinn, when the Lady Rhodel returns, refuse her money. Say to her that her money is no good with you. Say to her that providence has destined your cape to hang from her neck and you are wont to refuse fate. Please?"
He hadn't changed his clothes ...
He stopped being a bird, he looked like Kyonin.
TBH, he looked like Iadara; every shred of home.
He didn't care, he needed to find Amiko.
She had been nice to him - she gave him a place, food, kindness, AND suggestions.
She fed ALL these people ...
He had to find her

Ceri Featherwing |

Ceri concentrates, and tries to bind one of the goblins that's chasing the baby-carrying goblin with bands of mystic energy :
Spellcasting & Wild: 1d10 ⇒ 61d6 ⇒ 3 = Success, Entangled
And she shouts "Someone catch the goblin with the baby! Don't attack him!"

Jzero Katzu |

There is a map of the square that I worked on with PWGM. The only link I see so far is the one I put up when I created the map. I'll repeat it here, but I'm not sure if the GM is ready to start using it.
Jzero reacts quickly, his training at the monastery kicking in, where the master encouraged students to try to surprise their peers by hiding or sneaking and touching the dark robe of another student with a fingertip covered in chalk. Students with chalk on their robes were assigned extra chores come evening.
He runs full tilt toward the goblin carrying the baby, giving out a ferocious howl as he runs. His speed is such that he is on the goblin almost before the runt realizes it.
Run: 1d8 ⇒ 7
Once in front of the goblin, Jzero directs a kick at his head, positioning himself so he can catch the baby if his kick causes the goblin to drop the it.
Unarmed: 1d10 ⇒ 10
Unarmed, Ace: 1d10 ⇒ 5
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Modifier: +1 (monk) -2 (running) -2 (grab baby if necessary)
Result: 10 + 5 + 1 - 2 - 2 = 12
Unarmed Damage: 1d8 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + (6) = 12
Damage Ace: 1d6 ⇒ 3
unarmed Raise Damage: 1d10 ⇒ 4
AP 2
Catching the Baby:
Athletics: 1d8 ⇒ 3
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Wild, Ace 1: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Wild, Ace 2: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Result: 6 + 6 + 5 = 17
@ Ciri: Since Jzero's action occurs before Ciri's, she should probably ret-con the entangling spell if allowed.
Note: as I understand it, the innocent bystander rule only applies to attacks using shooting or athletics (throwing) rolls.

Lucien Voduca |

Lucien runs towards one of the goblins near the screaming baby. Seeing Jzero seems to have this one under control he moves towards another one closing in on the square.
NOTE: I'm colorblind in real life so may make mistakes when directed towards "colored" enemies. Feel free to adjust any errors I make trying to move towards the wrong enemy.
Double Move, drawing scimitar.
1d6 ⇒ 3 Run

Rhodel Gantier |

Rhodel takes a few steps sideways to get a better look at the thing chasing the dog. She's never seen anything like it.
Is it a baby troll?
Whatever it is, she's pretty sure it's causing the problems. The dog is running from it, its body language is aggressive and it's chasing the dog, and there are a couple others of the same type doing similar stuff. They're probably what cut those injured people because they have weapons. It seems to Rhodel enough to act on.
She hikes up her sash to uncover her belt and draws a dagger from it. Taking aim, she throws the dagger at the creepy little bugger. Then she prepares to run like crazy if needed.
Athletics: 1d8 ⇒ 8
Damage: 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + (5) = 9
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 1

Velrek Savage PF |

Velrek gives up on finding a better weapon and draws a dagger. He has to put a little effort to get to the nearest one but does so and attacks it.
Just out of range, will need just a 1 on the run die. :)
run: 1d6 ⇒ 5
dagger: 1d8 ⇒ 2
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 1
damage: 1d8 + 1d4 ⇒ (2) + (1) = 3
Hello Dicebot! Good to see you my old friend. :)
He sees a few others trying to save a baby from more of these creatures and his face furrows in anger...

Poor Wandering GM |

Jzero has the correct map for Cathedral square Feel free to use it. I actually thought I added this to the opening post but I must have forgot. Sorry all. Feel free to change any actions as needed now that you actually know where things are.
Ceri. Remember that Entangle has a range of Smarts, or 6 in your case. Now that you have a map you might want to get closer to a target.
Jzero Correct on Innocent Bystander generally. But if you had missed that kick with your wild die and rolled a 1 on your skill die then.......
Lucien Oops. Do the new borders work? If not, the yellow goblin is the one by the dog and the cart, The pink goblin has the baby and is being chased by the red and green goblins with the green goblin to the east between the building and the striped tent. Is that better? I will use other methods to identify things in the future. Jzero Is it possible to add a number to a token?
Sorry have to run.. More soon

Ceri Featherwing |

PWGM - about the map : can I move (not within the game) to any place on the map as my "starting point" for the melee, or am I where you or Jzero initially placed me? The answer to that may modify the action I take. Also, I'm assuming the three icons on the far-left edge of the map are the 3 goblins, and the one with the basket is the one with the baby? If that's correct, I've marked the one I entangled.
Also, regarding Jzero's actions, Running imposes a -2 MAP, and he took 2 non-Free Actions, so shouldn't every Trait roll have a -4 to it? Not that it matters with his high rolls (altho it might remove the Raise to damage), just checking that I'm understanding the rules correctly.
Jzero - I said I was targeting one of the goblins chasing the one with the baby.

Jzero Katzu |

I was using the current map from the beginning so I don't think I need to make any changes.
Should be the same map as I gave a link to when I first created the maps.

Poor Wandering GM |

PWGM - about the map : can I move (not within the game) to any place on the map as my "starting point" for the melee, or am I where you or Jzero initially placed me? The answer to that may modify the action I take.
"Ceri keeps to the fringes of the crowd, being surrounded by people makes her nervous."
That put you on the edge of the square. The dice gods said South and Center and there you are.
Also, I'm assuming the three icons on the far-left edge of the map are the 3 goblins, and the one with the basket is the one with the baby? If that's correct, I've marked the one I entangled. [/ooc]
Also, regarding Jzero's actions, Running imposes a -2 MAP, and he took 2 non-Free Actions, so shouldn't every Trait roll have a -4 to it? Not that it matters with his high rolls (altho it might remove the Raise to damage), just checking that I'm understanding the rules correctly.
Yup spot on. Jzero did apply the correct MAP/running penalty to their attack. First action, kick (-0) second catch (-2) run (-2) total penalty -4. Jzero didn't apply the penalty to the catch roll but I caught it. ;7). Thanks for checking though. I will make mistakes, guaranteed.

Poor Wandering GM |

Good wholesome fun! Turn 1, resolution 1
Setting: Cathedral square Sandpoint. Pleasant late summer evening.
Illumination: Full daylight
Map link because I forgot earlier.
Terrain: Mix of large and small flagstones. Carts and tents are considered rough terrain. The carts and tents contain nothing of immediate interest, unless you spend a benny or take an action and succeed on a Notice roll to investigate. In those cases they contain anything even vaguely reasonable to find in a large marketplace.
Token orientation notes. An upside down token means the subject is under whatever the token in on. A sideways token indicates the subject is flying/levitating.
Jzero 4
Ceri 4
Velrek 4
Mirri 4
Rhodel 4
Lucien 4
Jzero, Ace of Spades
Lucien, King of spades
Rhodel 10 of hearts
Mirri 10 of clubs
Velrek 8 of diamonds
Ceri 7 of hearts
Thing that may not happen 4 of diamonds
Crowd/bystanders 4 of clubs
goblins 3 of clubs
Actions may be posted in any order but will be resolved in card order. Suit precedence is reverse alphabetical order.
Ace of Spades: Jzero. With almost a single motion the man wearing the short robe and trousers leaps from the stage, crosses the courtyard and comes to a stop in a deep single leg crouch. One arm cradling thereaction: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 4) = 10 now smiling baby and one leg at full extension as the former baby stealing goblin slides slowly down teh wall of the building behind them. (Woah, monks are bad$%%)
King of Spades: Lucien. (Being a bit liberal in interpreting your action. Please let me know if I get something wrong. Oh, and Jzero is correct. No such thing as a double move. If you want to move more than your pace of 6 you need to Run which adds a d6(some folks have edges or hindrances that change their pace and Run die) to your pace at the cost of -2 to all actions this turn. It looks like you are Running and have a pace of 9(6+3run) this turn which looks like plenty of movement.
Question. Forgive me if I missed this but did you bring your full arms and armor rig to the dedication speeches? I am specifically wondering about the Halberd, javelins, and shield, in addition to the shirt, helm and leggings?
The tall pale man rushes to the side of the man now holding the baby. Their razor sharp blade in their hand.
(Not sure what you want to do at this point so I am putting you on Hold pending news. Unless you tell me otherwise you will go off hold and try to attack any goblin that comes in reach. Note any attack will carry the -2 running penalty.)
Ten of Hearts: Rhodel. I'm assuming the creepy little bugger in question is the goblin under the cart? because with a 12" max range you can hit any of them if you accept the range penalty. let me know if you are targeting anyone other than the cart goblin. Oh, you aced on your athletics roll. Ace = roll the highest number on the die. This means you roll the die again and add the numbers together. Dice can ace multiple times like you just did. I have rolled a 37 on a d4 in savage worlds. Make sense?
Knife at the goblin under the cart. Athletics=8, Ace: 1d8 ⇒ 8, Second ace: 1d8 ⇒ 3 total 19. Wild=1 Goblin has light cover for -2. Taking the better total between Wild and Athletics and applying the cover penalty gives a total to hit of (19athletics+aces-2cover) 17.
The target number for most ranged attacks is 4. If you beat an 8 you are considered to have hit with a raise which grants you an additional d6 for damage. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending which end of the knife you are on, only the first raise adds damage. I will roll the raise d6 for you.: 1d6 ⇒ 5. This gives you a total damage of 14.
It was a tough shot but the goblin was distracted by some roast pork in the cart. They reached for it and caught a dagger instead. They hit the ground unmoving.

Velrek Savage PF |

As Velrek starts to run to get to the closest Goblin it sprouts a dagger and falls. He gives the young woman who threw it a thumbs up as he closes in on another one and strikes at it with his dagger.
Rolling again just in case but understand perfectly if you take my initial rolls above.
dagger: 1d8 ⇒ 7
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 6
wildxplode: 1d6 ⇒ 2
damage: 1d8 + 1d4 ⇒ (5) + (4) = 9

Poor Wandering GM |

Velrek Your previous post said you were 7" away from the late and lamented cart goblin.
Just out of range, will need just a 1 on the run die. :)
so your Run die was a 5 and if you needed 1" to get the cart goblin then wouldn't you only have 4" left? You seem to be 6"-7" from the cart? Am I missing something?

Poor Wandering GM |

Lucien stands ready trying to assess the situation.
Of course I decided not to wear my armor to the festival. What could possibly go wrong?
After his dash he'll hold for any nearing goblin.
1d8-2 Scimitar
1d6 WD
1d6+8 Edge
Check on hold waiting for either a goblin to get close or something else to happen.
It looks like you may have made an error in rolling for damage. The sword does do a d6, which you did correctly. The error snuck in when you added 8. I think that was for your Strength becayse I see you have your Strength recorded as an 8. You Strength is actually a d8 not a flat 8. So the damage for the scimitar is 1d8(str)+1d6(sword) added together. Against most living targets both of those dice can ace. This means if you roll the max number , 8 or 6, in this case you roll the die again and add it to the total. There is no upper limit to the total so long as you keep rolling the highest number on the die. Does that make sense?

Lucien Voduca |

Lucien Voduca wrote:Lucien stands ready trying to assess the situation.
Of course I decided not to wear my armor to the festival. What could possibly go wrong?
After his dash he'll hold for any nearing goblin.
1d8-2 Scimitar
1d6 WD
1d6+8 Edge
Check on hold waiting for either a goblin to get close or something else to happen.
It looks like you may have made an error in rolling for damage. The sword does do a d6, which you did correctly. The error snuck in when you added 8. I think that was for your Strength becayse I see you have your Strength recorded as an 8. You Strength is actually a d8 not a flat 8. So the damage for the scimitar is 1d8(str)+1d6(sword) added together. Against most living targets both of those dice can ace. This means if you roll the max number , 8 or 6, in this case you roll the die again and add it to the total. There is no upper limit to the total so long as you keep rolling the highest number on the die. Does that make sense?
Got it.mread the rule wrong 1d8 ⇒ 7

Mirri Brightstep |

Running: 1d4 ⇒ 4
2" to crawl out from under the stage, 2" to stand up, 1" left of movement, and then 4" from her running die.
Mirri springs out from under the stage, jumps to her feet, and prepares to dart for the baby... but sees it has already been saved. Huh.
Well, she still runs towards the sounds of trouble, if nothing else then out of curiosity at this point. She does grab her dagger, just in case, but holds off on the sword for now. Swords make people nervous, and everyone here looks nervous enough as it is.