Jzero Katzu |

I posted Jzero's actions earlier.
Jzero will run so long as he doesn't encounter any goblins or other opponents until he gets to the house next to the wall. Then he will slow and peer stealthily around to see what's between the house and the wall and what's beyond. If nothing threatens, he will scout cautiously closer while giving the others time to catch up.
Stealth roll result: 4 + 3 = 7

Ceri Featherwing |

Sorry, I forgot that it was an innate ability (I have a really bad memory). Thanks for the prompt!
Ceri rises up to about 20 feet, but sticks with the main group, just so she can report on what's ahead of them.

Jzero Katzu |

I'm waiting on a description of the scene.

Poor Wandering GM |

Ok, it looks like we are ready to9 go at LOOOOOOOONG last. Sorry. Jzero we need a counter for Evesk. Can you supply?
Evesk until we get you a counter use the black cat counter on the map.
Katie, bar the door turn one
Setting: Sandpoint, just inside the north gate. Intersection of Church and Tomb streets. Pleasant late summer evening.
Illumination: Full daylight
Terrain: Flat, dry roadbed. Open ground. Buildings. North gate is Open.
Benny count:{Please double check that this jibes with he bennies you think you should have}
Mirri 2
Evesk 3
Everyone else 7
GM Bennies used 2
Evesk Ace of Spades
Jzero Ace of hearts
Goblins ace of diamonds
Aldern & Dog Queen of clubs
Warchanter Ten of clubs
Goblin Dog rider three of diamonds
Goblin Dogs five of diamonds
Token breakdown.
Side of the Angels:
.The person in red near the player tokens is Aldren Foxglove. They are hiding behind a water barrel. There are a couple of arrows stuck in the barrel.
..The White dog/Frost Wolf marked 1 is Aldren's prize hunting dog.
Side of the Other:
.The 3 goblins marked 1,2,3 north of the player tokens are cowering/trying to sneak up on the the noble. They are armed with large knives and crude bows.
..The rat/dog things marked 1 through 5 in a rough half circle around the hunting dog are hideous Goblin dogs. You know these things are bread as hunting/guard dogs by some tribes. They are fast and their bite carries a disease or venom that has been likened to a dozen wasp stings. Not lethal but VERY painful.
...The black wolf marked 1 is just another goblin dog. I ran out of counters.
....The guitar player marked 2 is a goblin Warchanter. A bard able to cast some useful magic and bolster their fellows. They are armed with a whip, a bow and a crude knife/shortsword.
.....And last but not least the fine gentleman in the north-central part of the map is a goblin, larger than the rest riding a larger than normal Goblin dog and wielding a bow and a crude Pole-arm.
Evesk, You start on this map, so place your token where you like. The positions of the enemy tokens will change before time starts so consider the placement as only roughly where they actually are. Up until now the fight has been a stalemate. The goblins and the Goblin dogs are terrified of the hunting dog and your warhammer in equal measure. Luckily they haven't managed to hit the dog with any arrows and the few that hit you have either stuck in your shield or bounced off your armor.
Jzero You are currently hidden 2 inches off the southern edge of the map near Goblin Dogs 4 & 5
Everyone else you will also be coming in on the same map edge. Please assume that you ran past and could grab/use anything that is normal to be on a street on the way here, or very nearly anything at all if you spend a benny to get it. For example, you could take cover in a abandoned wagon 6" off the southern map and use ranged attacks if you like.
Everyone as usual please feel free to ask questions/make suggestions.
Evesk you have the floor. Please place your token (use the cat until you get a real token). You can either take your action now or go on hold to see what happens.
We are off!

Jzero Katzu |

Evesk token is on the map now.

Evesk |

OCC: Okay by placing I assume you mean where Evesk starts. All-things-considered I assume he is guarding Aldren Foxglove having just escorted him safely to their current position with the purpose of getting him to better cover, like inside the building they are standing next to. I looked at the building but I did not see any obvious doors or windows. Is there some place that Aldren could safely slip into the building?
Note to GM - if you feel Evesk should be some where else feel free to adjust his starting position. I just chose his current position as it seemed rather likely all-things-considered.

Jzero Katzu |

Evesk: I would assume your token's location is okay and either pos an action or hold your action until later in the initiative.

Evesk |

OCC: I had adjusted its position and if it was not moved it is where he needs to be and now just waiting to Initiative to take place.

Jzero Katzu |

There is an initiative spoiler in the post of Sun, Nov 19, 2023, 06:23 pm. It may be moot if the GM is not posting, of course.

Poor Wandering GM |

Is there some place that Aldren could safely slip into the building?
Sure. That building is probably a gate/guard house. Likely where city taxes are collected on goods passing through the north gate.
So call it a solid wooden structure all closed up for the festival, no taxes are collected on festival days to encourage folks to come into the city.
Doors are locked but you managed to smash a shutter open and stuff Aldren inside. His dog leaps in after him. The tokens for Aldren and his dog are upside down to denote they are inside that building.
Good news, Alderen is semi-safe
Bad news, the goblins are no longer frightened by the dog.
Please place yourself where you want to start. Remember you turn your token upside down if you are in the building with Aldren.

Jzero Katzu |

Jzero moves to attack the nearest dogs, starting with the one closest to the building Aldren is in. #5
Unarmed: 1d10 ⇒ 3
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Modifier: +1
Result: 5 + 1
Unarmed Damage: 1d8 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + (3) = 9
unarmed Raise Damage: 1d10 ⇒ 6
AP 2

Poor Wandering GM |

PWGM - can we literally place ourselves at any point on the map, or are we moving 6" into the map from some starting point?
You are still a turn off the edge of the map. Next turn you will be dealt into the initiative count and will be able to move your full pace from the south edge of the map.

Evesk |

OCC: Where is the map we are currently using, I went to Campaign tab and it is not there and therefore I must have forgot where it is. Also, would it be possible to add it to the Campaign tab for ease of future referencing.

Velrek Savage PF |

Poor Wandering GM |

OCC: Where is the map we are currently using, I went to Campaign tab and it is not there and therefore I must have forgot where it is. Also, would it be possible to add it to the Campaign tab for ease of future referencing.
I generally keep map links in the big start of turn post where you see you initiative, benny count, etc. My thinking is that everyone needs to look at this post anyway so it is a good spot for links and other information.
Is that not working for people?
In any case I added the map for the north gate to the Campaign tab and renamed the old confusing map to make it easier to ignore.
Evesk you are up. Acting or going on hold?
Sandpoint North Gate map Just in case it's needed.

Evesk |

Faith roll: 1d8 ⇒ 5
Wild Die?: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 6) = 10
Raise: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Evesk calls upon Imoedae to smite his enemies and extends his hand in the direction of the Goblins and attempts to summon forth a cone of holy light to burn them with Imoedae's Holy Fire.

Evesk |

OCC: Okay finally found the right page, ignore my Raise roll or if applicable add it to my Ace on that one damage die.

Poor Wandering GM |

Placement question. Are you inside the building?
By your token placement it looks like you are outside of the building with your back to the wall just south east of the well / barrel thing. If that is correct then you do not have Line of Sight on the goblins on the north side of the house.
Or are you aiming at something else?
With the Burst power (which I assume you are using here?) you get to use either the cone template (black template beside the map) or the stream template. (red template same place) You do not have to place the templates if you do not want to, just let me know which one to use and what you are aiming at and I can do the rest.
Btw the rolls look perfect. Well done.

Evesk |

OCC: Oh I thought that brown was just a patch of ground and that small shape behind me was the buidling. Okay I have adjusted my position. Sorry for the confusion.
As it stands where he now is, he can either use a Cone 1yd/1yd out to 18yds/6yds or he can use a Stream 24yds/2yds I think either one of those would hit all the Goblins.

Poor Wandering GM |

Normally you would need to choose and place the Cone/Stream but in the interests of time I will will choose Stream and place it for you. In order to hit the 3 goblins you will need to move close to goblin dogs #2 and 3. But I will give you a partial cover advantage as you dodge out from behind the rain barrel and back that will negate your Vulnerable status from attacking a non-adjacent target while in melee with another.
The burst of divine flame sweeps over the three goblins, bursting the rain barrel and heavily scorching the back wall of the guard post and converting the goblins in to flaming unmoving forms. 2pp spent
The goblins are down the back wall of the building is badly scorched with a couple of spot fires but nothing that will spread or grow unless something else happens/someone gets unlucky.
The two goblin dogs bite at you as you pull back. But you easily dodge.
dog #2, fighting, +1gang-up: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 miss.
Sandpoint North Gate map Just in case it's needed.

Poor Wandering GM |

The goblins have no turn.
Aldern & Hunting Dog
.Hunting Dog goes on hold.
.Aldern Supports Jzero Watch out, there is another one!: 1d6 ⇒ 3 no effect.
Warchanter Looking in anger at the burned goblins the Warchanter scratches their own face and speaks a terrible word through the fresh blood. This unheard word somehow fouls your connection to Iomedae weakening your magic.
Lower trait on Evesk, targeting faith: 1d8 ⇒ 81d6 ⇒ 1 Ace irrelevant.
Evesk. Your faith trait is lowered by 2 die types to a d4. Per Boost/Lower trait on core pg you will get a Spirit roll ad the end of your next turn to try to resist the goblin magic.
Goblin Dog rider. Wheels to the north before losing an arrow from dog-back towards Evesk. shooting: 1d8 ⇒ 11d6 ⇒ 3 and sinking an arrow into the side of the guard-post.
goblin dogs. The dogs split into 2 groups and attack!
.On Evesk
Between their fear of fire and your shield the dogs are unable to find purchase.
Dog 1, fighting +2 gang-up: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 clean miss
Dog 2, fighting +2 gang-up: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 got in the way of dog 1
Dog 3, fighting +2 gang-up: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 caught the bite on your shield, no effect.
.On Jzero
One dog tried to bite your blocking hand and fails but the second leaps at you yellowed teeth flashing!
Dog 1, fighting +1 gang-up: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 miss
Dog 4, fighting +2 gang-up: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 this bite hits home!
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 21d4 ⇒ 4 d4 ace!: 1d4 ⇒ 4 d4 second ace!: 1d4 ⇒ 3 Total 13 points of damage incoming. Your Toughness is 8. (note your sheet says 7 half d8+2 +1brawler and +1martial discipline =8)
So you are looking at 1 wound. Benny to soak Jzero?
new round soon. Ceri, and Velrek will be dealt in this turn. Unless you were hanging back with Mirri, Velrek

Poor Wandering GM |

Katie, bar the door turn two
Setting: Sandpoint, just inside the north gate. Intersection of Church and Tomb streets. Pleasant late summer evening.
Illumination: Full daylight
Terrain: Flat, dry roadbed. Open ground. Buildings. North gate is Open.
The building wall closest to the 3 goblin bodies is lightly on fire. It is not spreading. The water-barrel near the building Aldren is hiding in has been shattered.
Benny count:{Please double check that this jibes with he bennies you think you should have}
Mirri 2
Evesk 3
Everyone else 7
GM Bennies used 2
Goblin Dogs, 10 of hearts
Aldern & Dog, 10 of diamonds
Goblin Dog rider, 8 of clubs
Ciri Seven of Diamonds
Evesk Six of Diamonds
Jzero, Two of Diamonds
Warchanter, 2 of spades
Token breakdown.
Side of the Angels:
.The person in the central building is Aldren Foxglove.
..The White dog/Frost Wolf marked 1 is Aldren's prize hunting dog.
Side of the Other:
.The 3 goblins marked 1,2,3 north of the player tokens are non responsive and badly burned.
..The rat/dog things marked 1 through 5 in a rough half circle around the hunting dog are hideous Goblin dogs. You know these things are bread as hunting/guard dogs by some tribes. They are fast and their bite carries a disease or venom that has been likened to a dozen wasp stings. Not lethal but VERY painful.
...The black wolf marked 1 is just another goblin dog. I ran out of counters.
....The guitar player marked 2 is a goblin Warchanter. A bard able to cast some useful magic and bolster their fellows. They are armed with a whip, a bow and a crude knife/shortsword.
.....And last but not least the fine gentleman in the north-central part of the map is a goblin, larger than the rest riding a larger than normal Goblin dog and wielding a bow and a crude Pole-arm.
Everyone else you will also be coming in on the same map edge. Please assume that you ran past and could grab/use anything that is normal to be on a street on the way here, or very nearly anything at all if you spend a benny to get it. For example, you could take cover in a abandoned wagon 6" off the southern map and use ranged attacks if you like.
Everyone as usual please feel free to ask questions/make suggestions.
Ceri you arrive 2 squares off the southern edge of the map on your initiative card. Please note if you are flying and if so at what altitude.

Poor Wandering GM |

Goblin dogs:
.on Evesk
Changing their tactics one of the dogs grabs your leg and tries to pull you to the ground.
Dog 1, Strength to push: 1d6 ⇒ 6 ace: 1d6 ⇒ 2 Total 8
[ooc]{Evesk please make an Athletics roll at -2 and spend bennies to re-roll as desired. If your total is 4 or higher you remain standing.
Dog 2, tbd
Dog 3, tbd
.on Jzero Need a decision on that wound you have incoming from last turn.
Dog 1, tbd
Dog 4, tbd
Alders and other action dependent on goblin dog results.

Ceri Featherwing |

Ceri is floating with her feet 10 feet above the ground. If the goblin dogs can jump that high, I'll move higher.
Now for some questions : sorry I didn't think of this until just now, but can I have taken an Action last round that only affects me, as I was approaching and seeing the scene before me?
Is spending a Bennie to recharge my PP a Free Action?
By my last count, I have 6 PP, I would like to spend a Bennie to bring it up to 11 PP.
If I can have taken an Action last round :
Ceri concentrates :
Spellcasting & Wild: 1d8 ⇒ 51d6 ⇒ 2 = Success
A dim shimmering aura surrounds her. Her TN to be hit by Ranged Attacks (RATN) is now 6.
Spellcasting & Wild: 1d8 ⇒ 61d6 ⇒ 4 = Success
Shining bands of energy wrap around the Bard goblin marked #2. Entangled
7 PP left

Evesk |

OCC: If on my initiative, going before the rat dogs, if I took a 5ft step back as you indicated and was where I am on the map then for them to attack me they had to move forward but you did not do that. As such I am going to assume from my current position I can attack one of the rat dogs otherwise please adjust my position accordingly -- aka move me directly West (assuming up is North) 5 feet.
Feeling a weakening in the connection he has with his deity due to the curse placed upon him by the enemy, Evesk lashes out with his Warhammer in a more physical manner at one of the Goblin Dogs.
Atheltics: 1d8 ⇒ 5
Attack: 1d8 ⇒ 2
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Damage Str+1d6: 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + (5) = 7

Jzero Katzu |

Sorry for the delay. This term I'm working a double shift on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so not much time to post. Jzero will use a benny to soak.
Vigor: 1d8 ⇒ 6
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Soaks the wound.

Poor Wandering GM |

Goblin dogs part 2
dog2, fighting, +2gang-up: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 target is parry 8 miss.
dog3, fighting, +2gang-up: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 target is parry 8 miss.
Missed an opposed roll for the push..My bad: 1d6 ⇒ 21d6 ⇒ 5
The goblin dog tries to pull you off balance, you give some ground but remain on your feet (i.e the dog beat your Strength roll but did not get a raise so you are moved 1" but keep standing) The other dogs bite nothing but your shield.
dog1, fighting, +2gang-up: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 target is parry 7 miss.
dog4, fighting, +2gang-up: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 target is parry 7 miss.
Gads these dogs are rolling horribly four rolls and nothing above a two.
You continue you graceful dance with the goblin dogs.

Poor Wandering GM |

Yes you can cast deflection and spend the benny to recharge before your turn starts. As you did not take a MAP to cast both Deflection and Entangle in the same turn I am assuming you cast Deflection last turn so the remaining duration is 5 of 6 rounds remaining when this turn starts.
I think you pp count is off. I am showing you used Shapechange (cost 3), Illusion (cost 3) and entangle (cost 2) in the courtyard fight.
That puts you at 15-(3+3+2) or 7pp at the end of that fight. Burning a benny to recover 5 makes that 12 and then spending the 2 for Deflection leaves you at 10 as you start this turn. The 2 for the Entangle you just cast leaves you at 8. Did I miss something?
You fly into the are before the open north gate. You quickly direct your magic to bind the Warchanter.