A more Savage Sandpoint. A new look at an old friend.

Game Master ZenFox42

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Female Half-elf Sorcerer; Parry 5(7 w/spell), RATN 4(6 w/spell), Toughness 8(3); Bennies : 3

I didn't notice the goblin icons I think because my default view was zoomed in, and I didn't check the upper edge of the map.

Ret-conning my last action to fly due north at a "Run" pace :

Running: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Then moving 6", now both of the remaining goblins are in range :

Spellcasting & Wild: 1d10 ⇒ 61d6 ⇒ 5 = Success, Entangled

Targeted goblin is marked.

Ag d8. Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6 | Pace 6 Parry 6 (+2w/ shield, +1 w/ 2H Sword) Size 1 Toughness 9 (3)
Poor Wandering GM wrote:
Velrek Your previous post said you were 7" away from the late and lamented cart goblin.
Velrek wrote:
Just out of range, will need just a 1 on the run die. :)
so your Run die was a 5 and if you needed 1" to get the cart goblin then wouldn't you only have 4" left? You seem to be 6"-7" from the cart? Am I missing something?

That's my bad. I messed up counting while scrolling. Moved him back 2 squares.

Ceri Featherwing

It appears you moved 16". From your starting location by the purple tent, now marked with an "X" 10" (flight 6" plus run 4") will get you to the large arrow next to Mirri. Or have I misunderstood something? Let me know and we can close out the turn.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Since you are not otherwise distracted and as you are indulging your curiosity....Notice, wild: 1d6 ⇒ 61d6 ⇒ 3. Ace: 1d6 ⇒ 2. Total 8.

You hear screaming, shouting, and tumult coming from most directions. But underneath it is something.. Rhythmic? You are not sure what it is or exactly where it is coming from. The church square's acoustics are great for speeches but the buildings bounce ambient sounds all over the place.

You strain your ears and brain a bit. It's noise, not too different from the screaming but this noise is organized.....

Hope you didn't mind me stepping into your shoes there. You had a spare action that was about to vanish so I hopped in. Please let me know if this is trespassing and I will cheese it immediately. ~PWGM

Check. You are on hold pending events.

She/Her | Gnome | Rogue | Novice 0 | Bennies: 3/3 | Conviction: 0 | Pace: 5 (running d4) | Parry: 6 | Toughness: 6 (2) | Wounds: 1 | Fatigue: 0

”Is someone… drumming?” Mirri wonders aloud.

Ceri's action should not impact this so...

Crowd scene

Dog. Dog's attitude: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5. Bumped to neutral because Rhodel killed the cart goblin. The stray with a fresh cut on their hindquarters looks at Rhodel and moves towards them to sniff their hand or skirt. They then cock their head, bark once and tear off the the southwest leaving the courtyard. Run doggo run!: 1d10 ⇒ 6

Bystanders. Group run: 1d6 ⇒ 2 The square is nearly clear now. Just some stragglers to the south and a cat hidden somewhere in the tent near the church. Cat, stealth: 1d8 ⇒ 8Ace: 1d8 ⇒ 7 Notice 15 to spot the cat. That is a very concealed kitty.

Female Half-elf Sorcerer; Parry 5(7 w/spell), RATN 4(6 w/spell), Toughness 8(3); Bennies : 3

I said that I ret-conned my first turn to Move+Run with a Run die of 4, and moved this round 6". 6+4+6 = 16.

Per the discussion thread I have moved Ceri to next to Mirri.

which brings us to Goblin's turn!

The goblin to the right of the ex-baby carrier screams .."Longshanks! New baby!" and runs: 1d6 ⇒ 2 through the striped tent. They emerge on the far side carrying a large pale-pink squash significantly larger than the baby that Jzero is now holding. "Big BABY!"

The goblin to the left of the ex-baby carrier sees Ceri flying and says "Tall longshank...ME TOO!" Before climbing: 1d6 ⇒ 5 up the side of the building to their left. Building height? 1d6/2 inches, min 1: 1d6 ⇒ 1.

Standing on the roof they ready their bow and gleefully look down on all the helpless longshanks quivering below them....
Target? 1 Ceri, 2 Jzero, 3 Lucien, 4 Mirri, 5 Rhodel, 6 Velrek: 1d6 ⇒ 1

Except one is not below them... Their black eyes narrow in hate as they take aim at the flying half elf... Thwang!-2range: 1d10 - 2 ⇒ (2) - 2 = 0 and miss Ceri completely.

(well that was anticlimactic)

Good wholesome fun! Turn 2

Setting: Cathedral square Sandpoint. Pleasant late summer evening.
Illumination: Full daylight

Terrain: Mix of large and small flagstones. Carts and tents are considered rough terrain. The carts and tents contain nothing of combat use, unless you spend a benny or take an action and succeed on a Notice roll to investigate. In those cases they contain anything even vaguely reasonable to find in a large marketplace.

Token orientation notes. An upside down token means the subject is under whatever the token in on. A sideways token indicates the subject is flying/levitating or climbing.

Bookkeeping: No bennies gained or used.

Velrek Ace of clubs
goblins king of hearts
crowd/bystanders jack of hearts
Mirri Nine of diamonds
Lucien Seven of clubs
Rhodel Six of diamonds
Jzero Six of clubs
thing that might be happening four of spades
Ceri Three of clubs

Actions may be posted in any order but will be resolved in card order. Suit precedence is reverse alphabetical order.

The square is nearly empty now. Two goblins lie unmoving. One dances in frustration on a rooftop while another runs screaming from a tent carrying a large gourd in triumph.

Velrek: You can clearly see everyone but the cat.
Mirri: The winds holding the half-elf aloft tousle your hair. You can clearly see everyone but the cat.
Lucien: You can clearly see everyone but the cat.
Rhodel: A crude arrow lands at your feet. You can clearly see everyone but the cat.
Jzero: You are carrying a baby. If you make an attack in hand to hand combat, or make an athletics roll to climb/leap/or bypass rough terrain and critically fail then the baby will be in danger. You are able to spend your bennies on behalf of the baby and you may interpose yourself to intercept successful attacks on the baby. This may result in attacks hitting you that would not hit you under ordinary circumstances. You can clearly see everyone but the cat.
Ceri: You are 3" in the air and have a clear view of the square. You can clearly see everyone but the cat.

Velrek, take it away!

She/Her | Gnome | Rogue | Novice 0 | Bennies: 3/3 | Conviction: 0 | Pace: 5 (running d4) | Parry: 6 | Toughness: 6 (2) | Wounds: 1 | Fatigue: 0

Running: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Athletics: 1d6 - 2 ⇒ (4) - 2 = 2
Wild Die: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Benny spent
Athletics: 1d6 - 2 ⇒ (4) - 2 = 2
Wild Die: 1d6 ⇒ 2

Another Benny spent
Athletics: 1d6 - 2 ⇒ (3) - 2 = 1
Wild Die: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Mirri darts to the goblin who stole another baby but cannot, despite her strenuous efforts, get a good angle to take the baby back.

"A baby? Really? Let the baby go!"

She/Her | Gnome | Rogue | Novice 0 | Bennies: 3/3 | Conviction: 0 | Pace: 5 (running d4) | Parry: 6 | Toughness: 6 (2) | Wounds: 1 | Fatigue: 0

I missed that Mirri goes after the bad guys' block. I'll revise her turn if the opportunity to snatch back the baby is past once she's actually up.

Mirri Brightstep wrote:
I missed that Mirri goes after the bad guys' block. I'll revise her turn if the opportunity to snatch back the baby is past once she's actually up.

{just to clarify it is VERY clear that the goblin running out of the striped tent is carrying a large squash/gourd. I mean they could have a baby that is just cleverly disguised as a gourd....you never can tell with babies, they are sneaky}


I made an error. Luckily it had no impact. The roof goblin does not have a d10 shooting. I am away from my info at the moment so I cannot verify but I think that should be a d6. I am letting the total of 2 stand. Sorry for the error.

Male Dhampir Inquisitor N1

Lucien turns to the man holding the baby. "Stick with me. Let's find a safe spot for that baby".

He then steps forward to engage one of the Goblins.

1d8 ⇒ 1 Fighting (Scimitar)
1d6 ⇒ 1 WD

Wow! Just wow!. I think something bad is supposed to happen when rolling a 1 on both dice, so I guess I need to spend a benny.

1d8 ⇒ 5 Fighting (Scimitar) benny
1d6 ⇒ 4 WD

1d8 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + (3) = 7 Edge

Ag d8. Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6 | Pace 6 Parry 6 (+2w/ shield, +1 w/ 2H Sword) Size 1 Toughness 9 (3)

Seeing the agile Goblins running and climbing Velrek mutters a curse and goes after the closest. Up the side of a short building...

athletics: 1d6 ⇒ 6
athletics xplode: 1d6 ⇒ 2
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 3

He scrambles up easily and attempts to gut said Goblin.
"Your bow, give it to me."

dagger: 1d8 ⇒ 5
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 1
damage: 1d8 + 1d4 ⇒ (2) + (3) = 5


AAIiiieee! the goblin twists and leaps to avoid your knife. You manage to hit the bugger but they foul your arm with their bow taking some of the force from your thrust. (Goblin is Shaken. Need 8 damage to wound. Should you want to use a benny to reroll damage. I am assuming a no on the reroll but it is an easy ret-con if it's yes.)

Note: You might want to look at "Two Weapons" on page 140 of SWPF core. Drawing your second dagger will give you a +1 fighting vs folks with one weapon and no shield. It would have made no difference in this attack. Both 5 and 6 were hits but not enough for a raise but you might want to think about it in the future since you are carrying 2 knives after all.

Goblins Turn!

Roof goblin:Spirit roll to shake off Shaken: 1d6 ⇒ 5 success "No longshank. me King!" shouts the goblin as they draw their crude knife and leap for your face!
(Wild attack+2: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5. Miss. Goblin Vulnerable until end of their turn 3 action.

Squash goblin: Run!!: 1d6 ⇒ 3 The goblin with the prize squash runs across the square and onto the stage.
{Mirri I marked the squashe's path so let me know if the goblin passes through or adjacent to your position before you moved. If they do then you will get a free attack as they pass by should you wish to take it. Their parry is 5 but they will gladly use the baby/squash as an improvised weapon so they are not considered unarmed. Jame variant Innocent bystander rule in play as with Jzero. A miss on your wild die and a 1 on the skill die hits the squash/baby.}

Crowd scene

The remaining stragglers, including the cat, clear the square.
Sounds of tumult and shouting are still going strong.

You all hear hunting horns off to the south.

Mirri, and the rest You are up!

Male Human Monk Ranks 0, Card: TBD Bennies: 2, Convictions: 0, Pace: 6 (running die d8), Parry: 7, Toughness: 8, Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0 | Map

Jzero moves away from the goblin with the knife and hopes to move toward a fleeing citizen to whom he might hand the baby. Until he has an opportunity to do that, he will make no attacks and move so as to protect the baby from any goblin attacks. He takes the Defend action and moves but does not run. Parry increases +4 to 11 unless there is a penalty to that for protecting the baby rather than himself.

A good name for a bard's singing group: Everyone but the Cat!

Jzero Katzu wrote:

Jzero moves away from the goblin with the knife and hopes to move toward a fleeing citizen to whom he might hand the baby. Until he has an opportunity to do that, he will make no attacks and move so as to protect the baby from any goblin attacks. He takes the Defend action and moves but does not run. Parry increases +4 to 11 unless there is a penalty to that for protecting the baby rather than himself.

A good name for a bard's singing group: Everyone but the Cat!

No penalty. I am treating the baby as an object with a called shot mod of -2. So raising your parry automatically makes the tyke harder to hit in hand to hand. As of your defend move you have a parry of 11 while the baby has an effective parry on 13. Ranged is another story but nearly everyone has problems with ranged attacks. Band name ... stolen.

Lucien Voduca

You actually don't have a target at the moment. There is one goblin heading for the stage and the other one is on the low roof of the building in front of you. A reach or ranged weapon could attack the roof goblin but your scimitar is too short.

Go ahead and ignore your posted turn (and the crit fail) and let me know what you are doing now that conditions have changed Note Mirri may get a free attack on the stage-bound goblin and their action processes just before yours so stage goblin may not last all the way to your action.

Female Human Bard (Novice 1)

Rhodel is both surprised and a little dismayed at her efficient killing of the little green... whatever it is. On one hand it's gratifying to know that after all that time spent practicing to miss a body by the smallest possible margin she's not stuck in that mode if she needs to do otherwise. On the other hand, ew, she's pretty sure it's dead, which is a somewhat conflicting.

The arrow plinking on the cobblestones by her prompts Rhodel to look around. She sees the arrow, and also some woman floating almost right beside her. She has enough to chew on at the moment without considering what that might be all about too. When something is too weird, sometimes it's best to pretend it isn't happening and just walk away.

Rhodel does, though at more of a hasty jog than a walk. She doesn't want to lose her knife anyway so she hustles to the downed goblin. She pulls her knife out of it, which is very gross, and looks around trying to decide what comes next.

Female Half-elf Sorcerer; Parry 5(7 w/spell), RATN 4(6 w/spell), Toughness 8(3); Bennies : 3

This *is* Pathfinder, right? I mean, with so much magic around it can't be that odd to see a floating person?

Ceri moves 5", which puts her in range of all the action. Seeing one goblin engaged with two attackers, she turns her attention to the one with the squash :

Spellcasting & Wild: 1d10 ⇒ 41d6 ⇒ 6
Wild ACE!: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Wild ACE! ACE!: 1d6 ⇒ 2 = 14 = Raise, Bound

Swirling bands of sparkling light wrap themselves around the goblin, and it falls to the ground.

13 PP left

Female Human Bard (Novice 1)
Ceri Featherwing wrote:

This *is* Pathfinder, right? I mean, with so much magic around it can't be that odd to see a floating person?

But IS there so much magic around in the average person's life? A person might see some small, cantrip-type spells here and there very occasionally, but magical flight? I can say with confidence that I've never had a character in any game, of which there have been many, who has witnessed anything without wings flying before mid-levels.

Under less stressful circumstances Rhodel might be weirded out and intrigued and ask about it, but under the current circumstances? F**+ that extra noise. I have too much on my plate already.

Ceri Featherwing wrote:

This *is* Pathfinder, right? I mean, with so much magic around it can't be that odd to see a floating person?

Ceri moves 5", which puts her in range of all the action. Seeing one goblin engaged with two attackers, she turns her attention to the one with the squash :

[dice=Spellcasting & Wild]d10; d6
[dice=Wild ACE!]d6
[dice=Wild ACE! ACE!]d6 = 14 = Raise, Bound

Swirling bands of sparkling light wrap themselves around the goblin, and it falls to the ground.

13 PP left

You may want to hold off/be ready to ret-con this as play is currently on hold pending Mirri's possible attack on the Squash goblin. Your target is currently Schrodinger's goblin. It may or may not be where it's token says it is.

Female Half-elf Sorcerer; Parry 5(7 w/spell), RATN 4(6 w/spell), Toughness 8(3); Bennies : 3

I know. I just wanted to make my post so that if Mirri fails to kill the goblin, you can move on.


Time to wrap this up.

Mirri either does not get, does not take, or misses their free attack on the squash goblin sending it running into Ceri's warm embrace.

The roof goblin trapped between Lucien on the ground and Velrek on the roof also falls rapidly. The details I leave to your imaginations...

The feverish calm of adrenaline shock descends on the square.

It is momentarily quiet here. There are fewer screams now and they are mixed with sounds of battle.

Everyone Notice rolls please. Mirri because of your earlier roll you have a +4 on this one.

There is a rhythmic sound coming from the south. Perhaps drums and organized screaming? Whatever it is it is getting closer.

as success. It is singing? There are drums and you can start to pick out voices. Non human(or elf, dwarf etc. English does not have a term for "those sapients you are familiar with") voices.

Ceri The goblin is struggling but making no headway. They seem quite distracted by the squash. They keep calling 'baby' and licking it occasionally.

Rhodel You retrieve you dagger easily. The former cart goblin carries a bow, a crude dagger, and 1d6+3 arrows (d6 can ace max 13 per goblin)

Mirri The goblin you were chasing slipped past you and leapt onto the stage. It is now wrapped in some strange bands that seem to have come from the person flying(?!) nearby.

Lucien and Valrek There are two former goblins nearby they both carry crude daggers. The roof goblin carried a bow and 1d6+3 arrows (d6 can ace max 13 per goblin). The baby goblin has a hand crossbow instead of a bow with the same roll for bolts as the roof goblin for arrows.

Jezro The baby seems calm. Though you do now see a curving line of pinpricks/teeth-marks on their forehead/scalp. A glance at one of the maps of Sandpoint on the campaign page might give you an idea of what to do with your passenger. Common knowledge if you think Jzero would be unfamiliar with the area but you have been here all day so add a +2 to that roll if you think you need it.

Ceri, Valrek and anyone else who climbs to a better vantage point There is a crowd approaching from the south, hard to say how big as there is also a house-fire in that direction and the smoke is getting in the way. Whatever it is will be here soon but not immediately.

You have 5 rounds until Ceri's spell runs out. We are not in initiative any more but more than one clock is ticking. So the spell seems a good time to check back. What do you do for the next 5 rounds?

Ag d8. Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6 | Pace 6 Parry 6 (+2w/ shield, +1 w/ 2H Sword) Size 1 Toughness 9 (3)

Velrek feints with his dagger and uses his other hand to shove the goblin right off the roof where it lands badly, at the least badly spraining an ankle. Lying on the dirt a shadow falls over him. He looks up to see the large human who pushed him of the roof and a closer human looking thing stepping up to his prone self....
Have fun, Lucien. :)

Velrek then picks up the bow and...
how many?: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
7 arrows. He then looks towards the source of the noise...

notice: 1d6 ⇒ 6
notice xplode: 1d6 ⇒ 2
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 6
"There may be more coming. I can hear them but cannot see them yet."

How far is the inn? Could he run, grab a weapon/armor and run back before this crowd arrives?

Male Human Monk Ranks 0, Card: TBD Bennies: 2, Convictions: 0, Pace: 6 (running die d8), Parry: 7, Toughness: 8, Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0 | Map

Just making rolls for now. Will post actions soon.

Notice: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Notice, ace: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Result: 6 + 1 = 7

Common Knowledge: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Modifier: +2
Result: 4 + 2 = 6

Velrek wrote:


How far is the inn? Could he run, grab a weapon/armor and run back before this crowd arrives?

I scanned your posts and I don't see that you stated which inn you were staying at.. Now if I were an evil GM I would rule that your gear was at the Rusty Dragon. Number 37 on the "Map of Sandpoint" and on the "Lively Sandpoint by the sea" found on the campaign page. This is what I would rule for solo/pair play and so send you on a dramatic race through the chaotic city. But I am not quite that evil.

Your gear is at the White Deer, number 3 on both maps. You are currently in the courtyard between the Cathedral #1 (the big grey three lobed building, the #1 is in an odd spot) and the Jeweler #5. This is in reach but......

This looks like a Dramatic task. You will need 6 tokens to succeed (roughly 2 to get there 2 to dress 2 to get back). Each round you roll a skill that you think will help in the situation you are in. You get 1 token on a success and 2 with a raise none on a failure and -1 on a critical failure. I also draw a card each round, on a joker you get the +2 to your task roll that turn, but on a club something goes wrong the task that turn gets a -2, Each round you take before you get back is one round on the clock. You have at least 5 rounds before anything dramatic happens...you think. Alternately you can spend a benny per piece of gear to find near equivalent stuff in the tents or carts. A two handed sword from a cart would not be your two handed sword so trademark weapon would not apply.

So do you feel lucky?

P.S. I don't see this as taking too long IRL. It will also buy some time for Mirri and the last player to show signs of life.

Assuming a yes the first turn is running. That is an athletics roll unless you think of something better. No Joker or club flat roll.

everyone You are able to help but that may mean you are not present when whatever is going to happen happens. If you want in the first round is Athletics unless you have a better idea.


Just realized I could speed this process up:

Turn 2 Joker. Still running. Athletics at +2 as you near/reach the Inn.

The inn looks a little worse for wear and the doors are barricaded.

Turn 3 flat
Persuasion or Intimidation to get them to open up or Athletics to climb in a broken window.

Turn 4 Complication. There is a Goblin in your room! Stealth or Fighting at -2 to clear the room or grab your gear.

Turn 5 Complication. Goblins chasing a wounded horse through the streets. Athletics to avoid them, Riding to hop onto the horse, or Fighting to distract the greenskins and let the horse escape. Roll at -2. Note a success with Ride here ends the task and you immediately arrive in the square astride a horse.

Turn 6 Flat. Home stretch. Athletics to enter the courtyard in your new suit and angry baseball bat.

**Note the skills are just suggestions. Pretty much any skill is allowed with a decent reason/description**

**If you have 6 or more successes at any point you succeed and arrive with gear in the square.***

**If you reach turn 6 without 6 successes you can choose to reach the square with one piece of gear for every 2 successes you did get or try the extra turns below to get more successes. You choose which extra turn you want to use**

~Extra turn a. Flat. Wrong turn! Common Knowledge to find your way or Athletics to make up the lost ground.

~Extra turn b. Flat. Tripped. Vigor to shake it off and keep running or Athletics or Fighting to roll through the fall and get back on your feet. Note you can take a level of Bumps and Bruises fatigue SWPF core pg 151) here after you roll to turn a failure or critical failure into a success.

**If you reach turn 8 without 6 successes then you arrive in the square with one piece of gear for every 2 successes you have.**

Male Human Monk Ranks 0, Card: TBD Bennies: 2, Convictions: 0, Pace: 6 (running die d8), Parry: 7, Toughness: 8, Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0 | Map

Looking around, Jzero decides the new cathedral is likely to be the safest place for the infant he holds. He moves purposefully toward the porch of the cathedral. He enters cautiously wary that goblins might have entered the place as well. If he sees anyone, he will deliver the infant to him or her. If he sees no one, he will bellow, "I have rescued a baby from the goblins! Someone come keep him safe!"

It looks like 20" from where Jzero is to the front door of the cathedral. At normal pace, that would take 4 turns to reach. He will instead run to get there more quickly, in case the drumming portends more violence.

Run: 1d8 ⇒ 2 + 6 = 8 (Turn 1)
Run: 1d8 ⇒ 5 + 6 = 11 (Turn 2)
Run: 1d8 ⇒ 3 + 6 = 9 (Turn 3)
Net distance in 3 turns: 27", which should get him into the temple far enough to find someone unless that place is deserted. I'd expect a fair number of people fled to the temple for safety.

She/Her | Gnome | Rogue | Novice 0 | Bennies: 3/3 | Conviction: 0 | Pace: 5 (running d4) | Parry: 6 | Toughness: 6 (2) | Wounds: 1 | Fatigue: 0

Notice: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Wild: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

After dancing to and fro with the little goblin, Mirri is dismayed to discover it was not carrying a baby at all, but rather a... pumpkin? Or something. Definitely a gourd of some kind.

A floating woman wraps up the gourd-napper with some kind of bands, and Mirri gives the woman a sheepish nod.

"Thanks! He is, ah, surprisingly shifty."

Mirri draws her katana and sheathes her knife. She places the katana on the gourdlin's shoulder.

"Have you seen one of these before? This is what is called a 'blade of truth' or a 'truth teller sword'. If you lie while it is touching you, it will magically cut you somewhere on your body. Lie enough times, and, well, who knows where you'll get cut? Get me?"

I don't suppose she would get any bonus to her lie due to katanas being exotic looking in this part of the world? It could be magical, after all...

Persuasion to deceive the gobbo: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 2

The dice do not love Mirri this scene when it comes to goblins!

"What are you doing here?"

Female Half-elf Sorcerer; Parry 5(7 w/spell), RATN 4(6 w/spell), Toughness 8(3); Bennies : 3

Notice & Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 11d6 ⇒ 5 = Success

Everyone sees the floating girl suddenly shoot straight up into the air.

Ceri will fly up at 6" per round for 2 rounds, giving her an overview of the city. Then fly down so she is on ground when the spell ends.

From her elevated viewpoint, can she tell *exactly* what the hullabaloo in the distance is? To move things along, here's a Notice roll, add any bonuses for her height as you see fit and let me know.

Notice & Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 21d6 ⇒ 3 Unless I get a +1 or +2 for my height, spending a Benny...

Notice & Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 41d6 ⇒ 6
Wild ACE!: 1d6 ⇒ 5 = Raise

Ag d8. Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6 | Pace 6 Parry 6 (+2w/ shield, +1 w/ 2H Sword) Size 1 Toughness 9 (3)
Poor Wandering GM wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

Velrek looks at the pitifully small bow and arrows in his hands, jumps down, passes them off to anyone nearby and says"I need weapons. Back soon" and just hauls butt further into town.

Turn 2: He really hits his stride and...
athletics: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Makes it to the Inn. (1 success, thank you Joker)

Turn 3: Seeing the blocked door he just shimmies up the side of the building and to his window.
athletics: 1d6 ⇒ 4
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 6
wild xplode: 1d6 ⇒ 2. (2 total successes)

Turn 4: That blocked door apparently did nothing... He charges the surprised Goblin..
dagger: 1d8 - 2 ⇒ (8) - 2 = 6
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 3
damage: 1d8 + 1d4 ⇒ (6) + (4) = 10
At least knocking it out of fighting shape while he grabs gear.(3 total successes)

As he is buckling and fastening on the run he turns a corner to see more of the little green buggers chasing a horse. He tries to time it to grab the horse and climb on...
riding: 1d4 - 2 ⇒ (3) - 2 = 1
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 4 (whew, 4 successes barely but a success on grabbing the horse, correct?)

In case it's needed he beats feet hastily back to the courtyard for turn 6
athletics: 1d6 ⇒ 3
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 5
(5 successes total but looks like barely a success on grabbing the horse. Let me know if I'm reading that wrong. :) )

Velrek wrote:

Velrek looks at the pitifully small bow and arrows in his hands, jumps down, passes them off to anyone nearby and says"I need weapons. Back soon" and just hauls butt further into town.

Running Man:
Looks like you missed the first turn roll. Rolling for you. Athletics, wild: 1d6 ⇒ 31d6 ⇒ 1 Ouch.

Running total
Turn 1: 0 successes
Turn 2: 1 success
Turn 3: 3 successes

Turn 4. You aced (rolled the highest number on a die) on your fighting roll. This means you can roll that die again and add it to the total. Rolling for you: 1d8 ⇒ 2. That is just enough to give you a raise and an extra success.[/ooc[

Turn 4: 5 successes

[ooc]Turn 5. This is actually a failure. Modifiers to a roll, like the complication's -2 or the Joker's +2 apply to the the best total(roll + Aces) of the trait or wild die. So in this case your Ride total was 3 and your Wild total was 4. The 4 was the better of the two so it replaces the 3. Modifiers now come into play and change that 4 into a 2. Is that more clear? I know this is a weird way to do things but it gets intuitive pretty fast.

Turn 5 5 successes
Turn 6 6 successes

So you have reached turn 6 with 6 successes. You have as much of your gear as you want, and you have an extra benny from teh joker. I Have moved you to your starting location on the map.

Jzero Katzu wrote:

Looking around, Jzero decides the new cathedral is likely to be the safest place for the infant he holds. He moves purposefully toward the porch of the cathedral. He enters cautiously wary that goblins might have entered the place as well. If he sees anyone, he will deliver the infant to him or her. If he sees no one, he will bellow, "I have rescued a baby from the goblins! Someone come keep him safe!"

It looks like 20" from where Jzero is to the front door of the cathedral. At normal pace, that would take 4 turns to reach. He will instead run to get there more quickly, in case the drumming portends more violence.

Run 8 (Turn 1)
Run 11 (Turn 2)
Run 9 (Turn 3)

Net distance in 3 turns: 28", which should get him into the temple far enough to find someone unless that place is deserted. I'd expect a fair number of people fled to the temple for safety.

You run across the courtyard. Some knocking and shouted conversation {Persuasion, wild: 1d4 ⇒ 21d6 ⇒ 1,ouch. Baby uses their benny to grant a re-roll. Persuasion, wild: 1d4 ⇒ 31d6 ⇒ 5} and a timely wail on the youngling's part you convince the folks cowering inside that you are not here to eat them and an acolyte gladly takes the baby.

You can feel the panic in these people. Sheriff Hemlock and High priest Zantus must be elsewhere. Cyrdak the actor-promoter is keeping things under control but they are sitting on a powderkeg. These people are not prepared to defend themselves. If the fight gets in here it will be a slaughter.

Mirri Brightstep wrote:


"What are you doing here?"

It would take a +2 to salvage that roll. Ouch. Luckily the goblin is happy to talk...

The bound goblin looks at you with strangely intelligent eyes and says "Stupid longshanks. Sword not magic, sword stupid like you. Goblin not stupid. Goblin smart, goblin raid, eat, steal, kill, like baby." the goblin licks the gourd again and begins cackling manically.

call that 1 to approach and 1 for the conversation so you are at 2 of 5 before the spell ends. Continuing the convo or.....

{Note since the round where you danced with the goblin never happened you should be full on Bennies. Or have I missed something?}

Ceri Featherwing

Call it a +1 for the good view. Keep your benny

Note you do not have this info until turn 3/5.:
The first thing you notice is the smoke. Several buildings are burning. Judging from the fires it looks like there is heavy fighting in the maze of streets south of Market Street. (Roughly in the rectangle made by buildings 39-40-42-46 on the map)

You also see fires and movement closer to you. There is a rough line of fires from Tanner's bridge along Undercliff Way to where Soggy alley leads into High Street. (Area around buildings 13-14-15 and nearing 12)

You see at least a dozen Goblins pushing up past Savah’s Armory. (building 12) They do not seem to be taking the time to loot the place, maybe Savah and friends are putting up some resistance. If so she is pushing the mob straight for cathedral square!

Lucien and Rhodel You have a moment to catch your breath. How are you using it?

Male Human Monk Ranks 0, Card: TBD Bennies: 2, Convictions: 0, Pace: 6 (running die d8), Parry: 7, Toughness: 8, Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0 | Map

Jzero returns sans baby from the cathedral and begins to move toward the sounds. If the baby hand-off takes the full 5 rounds, I'll start at the cathedral door. If it takes less, let me know what he has to to work with.

Jzero Katzu wrote:
Jzero returns sans baby from the cathedral and begins to move toward the sounds. If the baby hand-off takes the full 5 rounds, I'll start at the cathedral door. If it takes less, let me know what he has to to work with.

Hmmm 3 to get there. Success but no raise talking the door open. Call it end of turn 4 for the hand off. So you have one clean round before the spell ends.

Actually, since this is kind of flexible time. Just let me know what you want to do and we'll wing it.

She/Her | Gnome | Rogue | Novice 0 | Bennies: 3/3 | Conviction: 0 | Pace: 5 (running d4) | Parry: 6 | Toughness: 6 (2) | Wounds: 1 | Fatigue: 0

Mirri yells, ”Anyone who can fight, it sounds like there’s more coming!”

GM, would Mirri know the spell will wear off? How she treats the gobbo would vary depending on whether she had an idea he would soon be free.

Ag d8. Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6 | Pace 6 Parry 6 (+2w/ shield, +1 w/ 2H Sword) Size 1 Toughness 9 (3)
Poor Wandering GM wrote:
Velrek wrote:

Velrek looks at the pitifully small bow and arrows in his hands, jumps down, passes them off to anyone nearby and says"I need weapons. Back soon" and just hauls butt further into town.

** spoiler omitted **

Ah! Thank you.I was posting earlier with a cat in my lap and my attention may not have been 100% on the cmputer. :)

A sweaty Velrek rides back on a bloody horse, still making sure all his belts are buckled and strings are tightened.

Breathing heavily he looks to the brave folks who helped fight off the Goblins and help the baby. He points his thumb back the way he just came, "Damn green shorties are all over the place back that way. How are things here?"

Mirri Brightstep wrote:

Mirri yells, ”Anyone who can fight, it sounds like there’s more coming!”

GM, would Mirri know the spell will wear off? How she treats the gobbo would vary depending on whether she had an idea he would soon be free.

Technically no, or rather you are pretty sure it will wear off relatively quickly but not exactly when. But I'll go by rule of cool if you have a fun idea that requires that knowlwdge. Say the spell starts to flicker or something. Ceri also has the option to spend a power point to extend the spell for another 5 rounds if they want to and are in range.


Technically you don't have the horse, turn 5 was a failure remember? the horse is cool so lets say you have it. Also technically you are not back yet. You arrive on turn 6. One round after the spell ends. But waiting is boring and choices are fun.

You can arrive on turn 5 with the horse if you forfeit the benny you earned from the joker on your run.

Or you can ride into the square on turn 6. Your call.

Female Human Bard (Novice 1)

Rhodel takes her dagger, keeping it in hand. She ignores the other stuff, the goblin's possessions, as insignificant.

A look around leads her to think she's probably quite exposed if there's more trouble. She takes off for the cathedral steps with all haste.

Doesn't seem like a moment in time where looting bodies would be any sort of priority. Gotta admit I don't understand movement/distance/rounds and how they relate in the least. Rhodel will jog over to the steps, whatever amount of rounds that takes.

Rhodel Gantier wrote:
... Gotta admit I don't understand movement/distance/rounds and how they relate in the least. Rhodel will jog over to the steps, whatever amount of rounds that takes.

Well Rhodel has a pace of 6". On this map that means she can move 6 squares this comes out to 12 meters or close enough to 40 feet if you want real world numbers. Rhodel gets that move every round for free. If that is not enough she can Run.

Running adds a d6" to her pace but inflicts a -2 on any action she takes on that round. Unlike most rolls in Savage Worlds the Running die roll cannot ace. This prevents you from getting freakishly lucky and breaking the sound barrier on foot. ;7)

Given where you started from it looks like ~10-14 squares for you to get to where you are now. So 2 rounds. If there is something you want to do you still have some time to do it in.

Time is kind of fluid right now largely because I didn't want Velrek to miss out on too much of the coming encounter.

Break time status report.
map of the square

Ceri is currently taking in the view from on high. They are planning to return on turn 5 just as their entangle spell wears off.

Jzero is delivering the baby to the cathedral on turn 4 then moving to the southern side of the square on turn 5.

Lucien had a goblin drop off the roof to land at their feet on turn 1. If they want nothing to do with the goblin then it is K.O'd/dead. If there is anything they want to do they have 5 rounds to do it in.

Mirri is talking with the bound goblin on turn 2 so they still have 3 rounds of unused time if they want to do anything else.

Rhodel moved to the cathedral steps, arriving on turn 2. Just as Jzero runs past them as they work to deliver the baby. Rhodel has ~3 turns to do anything they want to do.

Velrek is running like a madman to fetch their heavy weapons. Having stolen/rescued a horse they will be returning to the square on turn 5 or 6


It looks like Ceri, Jzero, and Velrek have used their available time. Mirri and Rhodel have 3 turns left to use and Lucien has 5.

I think that is everyone/everything. Please shout if I have missed something or you have any questions.

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