Dungeon Master S's "Abomination Vaults" AP

Game Master Chris Marsh

Tactical Map | Strategic Maps | Otari | Handouts | NPCs | Campaign Tracker

Default Exploration:

Initiative assumes Talborel is Scouting
[dice=Bibi]d20+13+1[/dice] Avoid Notice (T)
[dice=Carrufikus]d20+13+1[/dice] Detect Magic (A: +2 (U), N: +11 (T), O: +2 (U) , R: +11 (T))
[dice=Elena]d20+9+1[/dice] Investigate (A: +13 (T), N: +9 (T), O: +11 (T) , R: +9 (T))
[dice=Noroc]d20+10+1[/dice] Search (E)
[dice=Peldur]d20+11+1[/dice] Avoid Notice (E)
[dice=Talborel]d20+11+2+1[/dice] Scout (Init ties to Tal)

Party Perception:

[dice=Bibi]d20+5[/dice] (E, +1 v. Traps)
[dice=Carrufikus]d20+7[/dice] (T)
[dice=Elena]d20+4[/dice] (T)
[dice=Noroc]d20+5[/dice] (E)
[dice=Peldur]d20+4[/dice] (T)
[dice=Talborel]d20[/dice] (E)

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Map Templates | DC Chart | Conditions | Abomination Vaults | Extinction Curse| Circus Posts |

Enter the megadungeon! Evil stirs in the depths of the Abomination Vaults, a sprawling dungeon where the evil sorcerer Belcorra Haruvex attempted to raise an army of monsters hundreds of years ago. Brave heroes must venture into a dungeon full of beasts and traps to prevent a spiteful villain from rising again.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NG Female Human Wizard 5 | Default Exploration: Investigate
AC 19 | Fort +11, Refl +10, Will +11 | Perc +9 | Speed 25
♥️48/48 | ☘️ 3/3 | ☀️ 0/1 | ✋ Staff of Necromancy | ⚕ Mage Armor | Spells (Arcane, +11, DC 21): Cantrips (6), 1st (3/4), 2nd (3/4), 3rd (1/3)

Seated at a table within the Rowdy Rockfish is short woman in blue and orange explorer's clothing. Her ruddy complexion suggests she's not adverse to travel and her boots, caked in fresh mud, indicate that she's recently returned to Otari. She scribbles on a piece of parchment, occasionally brushing aside a lock of stray blonde hair as she does so. After a few moments the young woman sets aside the sheet of paper to let the ink dry.

The parchment, which is a letter, reads:
Dearest Archmage,

I hope my letter finds you well, and I am sorry that it has been three months since my last message. But it is long past due that I update you on my learning, so I will get to the point.

Specifically, I've had a breakthrough with the Alarm spell. You may recall that I had been unable to make the spell last beyond a couple minutes, which had long disappointed and perplexed me. I had questioned whether my intonations were imprecise, a problem that was compounded by the number of repetitions. In the end, it was not that: it was the silver bell. The focus item was not pure silver, but was silver leaf with an iron core! Needless to say, I returned to scoundrel of a merchant and… let's just say he learned something of my Ulfen ancestry that day.

Wrin continues to share keen insights about the stars above, and as well about the Cosmic Caravan. In my quest for knowing, I wonder if I ever will reach the bottom of the murky depths of her brain. Otari continues to hold me, though rest assured I will let you know if I ever get 'bored enough' to return to Korvosa.

Warm regards,

The young wizards nose twitches as she catches the smell of breakfast. "Is that your white fish omelette, Brelda?" she calls out to the dwarven proprietor. "It smells great! Can I get some?"

When she gets a response to the affirmative, Elena retrieves another piece of parchment and working on a second letter. Although 'letter' might be a term that you can only apply loosely. From her backpack she also retrieves a number of rolled posters, ads for a circus troop known as the Celestial Menagerie, and begins cutting out letters from each poster. She arranges each vowel and consonant with care, and finally retrieves a stick of glue to adhere each letter to the sheet. It's a mess to behold, but Elena smiles, satisfied.

This 'letter', addressed to a goblin Pathfinder, reads:

I hope you are well and that the wet weather lets up so you have dry things to burn. I just wanted to thank you again for your help with that spell that allows me to produce flame and hurl it. Knowing that the gesture is a flick then a turn made the evocation magic burn so much brighter! I'm embarrassed that I could barely catch parchment on fire, and now I was able to scorch a nice hole in a dead tree. It lit up, even with the rain, which was probably the safest way to test it.

Enclosed in this letter you'll find a bit of tree bark I got from a merchant. He said it was from the Finadar Forest and that it was extremely flammable. Do you know it? Maybe try your own experiments and let me know. I thought it might be a better material for those tindertwigs that most alchemists make.

Anyhow, write back when you can. And I hope you don't mind that I appropriated your writing style.

Your friend,

Her correspondence work done, Elena melts a bit of red wax and applies her seal, three stars, to both letters. When the meal arrives she says, "Thanks Brelda. I'm starving! And I've got more letters that need to go out. Is Peldur around? Maybe he can get them to a messenger for me? One is bound for Absalom, but the other has a longer journey," she pauses to smile at the owner, her expression one of genuine appreciation. "So, is he here?"

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Street Rat Monk 5 HP 83/83 AC: 23| F: +13 R: +13, W: +11 | Perc: +11 (T) | Init: +11 | Hero Points:2 Class Abilities:

It was the bird shit that finally woke Peldur from his slumber. He could sleep through the crash of the waves and the constant seagulls mewing above, but the plop of fowl waste on his brow brought him to instant awareness. A shadow slid away, allowing a slim ray of sunlight to touch his face through the open knothole in the pier board directly above him. Peldur kicked the board and was pleasantly greeted with a cacophony of cries from the startled birds.

Peldur stretched then sat up and stretched again. He rolled off his perch down to the shore just below the Fishery. He splashed his face in the cold water to wake himself fully and to wash off his rude awakening. With one last stretch, he hopped up onto the nearest piling and pounced back up to his sleeping nook under the pier and Fishery floor. He stowed away his blanket and few belongings, then quickly jumped from piling to piling to the far side of the fishery and then onto the beach.

Peldur paused to breathe in the fresh morning air and his stomach responded with a loud growl. He'd missed dinner last night and wasn't eager to miss another meal. He considered his best options. It had been a week since he'd visited the Rowdy Rockfish and fish sounded like a tasty possibility. Brelda was usually open to offering a meal for some scrubbing and cleaning, as long as he didn't take advantage of her generosity too often.

Breakfast decided, Peldur hopped up the embankment and strode into town.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
F Halfling Thief 5 HP 56/56;AC 23*;Perc +10 (+11 v traps);F+9W+10R+13; HPts:1
2 Weapon attack:
[dice=Attack]d20+14[/dice] [dice=damage, Sneak Attack]d6+4+2d6[/dice][dice=Dagger]d20+10[/dice][dice=Damage, Sneak attack]2d4+4+2d6[/dice]

Bibi awoke to the pleasant sensation of gentle sunlight tickling her eyelids through the brush she was sleeping under. There was nothing like a comfy bedroll in the temperate outdoors! She stretched luxuriantly and sat up, looking about her little lair. Folks almost NEVER came this close to the Gauntlight so she was pretty sure she'd not be disturbed, as usual.

The Halfling tucked into the small but sturdy breakfast she’d brought: bread and cheese, some dried fruit, and a flask of beer. With a belch befitting a dwarf, she wiped her mouth, then jumped up to her hairy feet and started making her way briskly to the actual outskirts of Gauntlight, serious determination in her bright eyes.

Her step faltered slightly, and the look in her eyes became a bit more apprehensive, as the old lighthouse came more fully into view, its sinister aspect casting a pall on the whole area. As Bibi approached the first bits of the ruin’s outskirts—well away from the lighthouse proper; she was an eager Halfling, but no fool!—she stopped, and became still. She listened intently to her surroundings, and drank everything in with her eyes, becoming attuned to the area and to herself. After a deep breath she took a few sprinting steps, and leapt onto a broken wall, making a grab for the edge. She found enough purchase to haul herself up with a chuff of satisfaction. The little thief then began to move with surprising sure-footedness along the broken bits of buildings, making some impressive jumps and climbs.

The last jump proved too much for her tiny frame, and the tree branch she reached for was just too far. She fell, but was able to save herself from injury with an agile twist. Despite the acrobatics sparing her from real harm, her head thumped soundly on the ground. Fortunately, there was a bit of moss on the tree root she hit, cushioning the impact.

Ha! THAT must have looked pretty funny! she exclaimed to herself while rubbing her tingling scalp. She stood, surveying the makeshift obstacle course she just (mostly) completed, and nodded with another chuff of satisfaction. Getting hurt less and less on the falls…I’ll have to tell Uncle Bofus that I’m learning something! She jauntily strode back to her belongings and quickly packed up, musing and looking at the Gauntlight all the while. I’m feeling…lucky! Maybe today I finally find someone who wants to go in there. Heh, yeah, right. Well, at least I can try. And, in fact, I think I’ll do myself the pleasure of something special…SECOND BREAKFAST!

The irrepressible young lady started whistling as she approached Otari, in high spirits even compared to her usual joyful self. She started walking toward the Crow’s Cask, her usual haunt (if for no other reason than she was still trying to get Magiloy to commit to more of a long-term relationship with the Beerswizzler brewmaster), but she sniffed the air and her head turned a bit left. That…smells like Brelda’s fish omelet! Now THAT, and a beer, is a second breakfast!! Turning away from the Cask, she headed straight for the Rowdy Rockfish, making friendly waves and how-do-you-do’s to anyone who might pass her by.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Cleric 5 |HP 68/68 | AC 17 | Class DC 21| F+12 R+7 W+13 | Perc+13, Init +13 | Heal: 3/5 |Focus: 1/1| Hero Point: 3| Default exploration: Search

As the gnome pilgrim strolls into Otari, recognition takes over and it becomes clear to him that this is the place he saw in his dream.

The lighthouse! Oh my Starsong, can this be it?!

The gnome reaches deep into his pocket. His fingers take hold of a silver star pip covered cube. He removes it for a moment, gives it a gentle kiss, and then replaces it securely back to his pocket.

The houses look like so many others, but the lighthouse is unmistakable. Your dream was so vivid. You clearly meant for me to remember this.

”Oh my Resplendent Goddess of Good Fortune, thank you for guiding me here! The butterflies were most helpful.” He whispers.

Now, whom am I going to meet here? I cannot wait!

Unfazed by what others may think, he stops to dance a little jig on the side of the road.

I wonder if I will meet the woman with the blonde hair, the one writing a letter? Her focus was unmistakable. She must have been a scholar of sorts. Maybe there is a school in town where she resides.

Carrufikus begins to skip down the street, looking around in wonder as he goes.

Then there was that human man, the graceful disciplined one. From his simple attire, I wonder if he was a monk. However, for the life of me, I cannot imagine why he has a strange attraction to birds.

Carrufikus stops and looks around to see if he spots anything flying above.

"Hmm. No sign of him yet."

Maybe, just maybe I will meet that rapier wielding young halfling? Wow! Imagine if I see her use that blade! She also clearly loved to eat and drink, especially beer. Maybe I can find her at a nearby eatery.

Carrufikus decides to dance an extra loop around a nearby tree before continuing down the street.

”My dear Starsong, guide me in my every step that I may be brought to the place you showed me in my dreams.” He faithfully affirms to himself.

”I do wonder about that blue caped man in my dream who was lying in the grass looking up at the sky. Where might he be located? He looked like a master at avoiding work. His axe was doing a great job resting against the side of a tree. He sounds like just my sort! I cannot wait to meet him.”

Carrufikus stops and looks around for any fallen logs in the town. Not seeing any in particular, he continues to skip down the street making his way into the town center, elation abundant and joy abounding.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male CG Human Ora5 | HP: 58/58 (resist 4 physical) | AC: 20 | F: +8, R: +8, W: +10 | Perc: +10 [E] | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Search | Hero Points: 1 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Conditions: . |

Even before Noroc opened his eyes, he knew it was going to rain this morning. The horoscope he'd cast last night had said as much. Looking out from the grimy window of the Rowdy Rockfish attic room he'd managed to secure last night with a bit of flattery and some coin, he could see the clouds approaching from the west.

1 Calistral, he thought with a lazy stretch. Right smack in the middle of The Lantern Bearer. Well, that angel better get to work on protecting from monotony, hadn't it?

At least if it was going to rain, he wouldn't have to work today. Or pretend to, more accurately. Since he'd been approached by old man Chertel about watching the woods instead of swinging an axe at 'em, he'd been much more free to set his own work schedule.

Rising from his makeshift bedroll, he checked the sky again. Definitely rain, maybe even a serious storm. So no need to check on the other lumber companies today, or check in with Wrab. No one would be spending much time out in the forest today, even with the warm snap. Cutting lumber in the mud was too much work.

I like you, son, Wrab had said, in that drawn-out cadence of his. Dunno why, but I do. Noroc didn't know why either -- Wrab didn't like anyone -- but he wasn't going to look this gift horse in the mouth. So I'm gonna make yuh an offer. Rather than waste both our time only sometimes chopping wood, how 'bout I pay yuh the same to keep an eye out for things? Somethin' is going on. Broken equipment, bad attitudes -- it's all gotta be comin' from somewhere. Watch, and listen, and lemme know what yuh hear.

Of course, that would also mean no pay today, which was a drag. But the stars bring good days and bad days, he'd learned that well enough. Besides, he still had some money, and the scent of Brelda's whitefish omelette had made its way to his ramshackle eyrie. Grabbing his azure cloak, and running a quick hand through his hair to be presentable, he headed down to the common room.

Male Human Street Rat Monk 5 HP 83/83 AC: 23| F: +13 R: +13, W: +11 | Perc: +11 (T) | Init: +11 | Hero Points:2 Class Abilities:

Brelda smiles over at Elena. "As a matter of fact, he's just finishing up." She calls back into the kitchen, "Peldur!"

Peldur steps out through the kitchen door, taking a bite out of a ripe apple. "Thanks for the breakfast, Brelda. All of the bowls and plates are put away, counters and tables wiped down, and I put the rubbish out, as agreed."

Brelda gives a nod in Elena's direction.

"Oh, hey, Elena!" he greets her. "How's it going? Need help with anything?" he asks through a mouth full of apple.

NG Female Human Wizard 5 | Default Exploration: Investigate
AC 19 | Fort +11, Refl +10, Will +11 | Perc +9 | Speed 25
♥️48/48 | ☘️ 3/3 | ☀️ 0/1 | ✋ Staff of Necromancy | ⚕ Mage Armor | Spells (Arcane, +11, DC 21): Cantrips (6), 1st (3/4), 2nd (3/4), 3rd (1/3)

"Yes! I've two letters that need to go to Absalom, to the Pathfinder Society actually. This one is addressed correctly. But this one," she holds up the letter for Morkeleb. "This one I need delivered to an elf named Zanderel Elerin. He's going to see to the letter making it the rest of the way. Actually, let me just quickly write a note to him as well. Just a second!"

Elena quickly scrawls a note, folds it, and seals it. "Can you bring these to Gallentine Deliveries? The letters are light enough that it should only cost five copper pieces. Don't let Oloria tell you otherwise! And here," she hands over a copper piece for Peldur. With a smile she add, "For your troubles."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cleric 5 |HP 68/68 | AC 17 | Class DC 21| F+12 R+7 W+13 | Perc+13, Init +13 | Heal: 3/5 |Focus: 1/1| Hero Point: 3| Default exploration: Search

Currufikus is hired by Alymora Inkleholtz to teach Religion to a group of children in the village. He is enjoying his new work, especially sharing stories of Desna and his travels.

”Desna has seven towers, but in her fifth tower there is housed a bell of mercy and when it tolls, butterflies burst forth and . . .”

Suddenly, he notices the blonde haired woman of his dreams walk by outside of the window. Overcome with excitement, the pilgrim quickly excuses himself.

”One moment, my pets. I will be back in just a moment.”

Immediately leaping up from their story circle, Carrufikus hurries out the classroom and out onto the street where he greets Elena Solheim with elation, despite never having actually met her before.

”You are here! You are here! I found you!” Carruffikus exclaims as he takes her hands and immediately starts swinging her around in a dance. ”I followed my Starsong and it brought me here, and sure enough, I found you. Oh my goodness, oh my goodness. It has actually happened. Is it true that you are a master of the written word? Do you know how to use arcane magic? I have so many questions for you. Forgive me, but what do you call yourself, my dear? I am Currufikus.”

NG Female Human Wizard 5 | Default Exploration: Investigate
AC 19 | Fort +11, Refl +10, Will +11 | Perc +9 | Speed 25
♥️48/48 | ☘️ 3/3 | ☀️ 0/1 | ✋ Staff of Necromancy | ⚕ Mage Armor | Spells (Arcane, +11, DC 21): Cantrips (6), 1st (3/4), 2nd (3/4), 3rd (1/3)

Elena is momentarily taken aback by the intense gnome that has sprung up out of nowhere. She centers herself, smoothing her robes, and studies the fellow before her. Clearly new to Otari, otherwise he'd know I've been here before. And Starsong is a reference to Desna, I think. But how does he know me?

"Carrufikus, you say? Is that with a 'Ca' or a 'Cu'? As you seem to know, I do write and like to be precise. Though 'master of the written word' does feel a bit generous," she smiles at Carrufikus. "And yes, I am a student of the arcane. I suppose that's no real secret," she gives the man another moment of study, then comes to a conclusion for herself. "My name is Elena Solheim. I'm originally from Kalsgard but now Otari is my home. How is it you know of me?"

Male Human Street Rat Monk 5 HP 83/83 AC: 23| F: +13 R: +13, W: +11 | Perc: +11 (T) | Init: +11 | Hero Points:2 Class Abilities:

As Peldur strolls down the lane back to the Rowdy Rockfish, he sees Elena talking with someone outside. He rushes over to the pair.

"Elena, I'm glad I caught you before you left. Oloria gave me a receipt for you and said to tell you your letters will be going out tomorrow. Thanks for the copper. If you need anything, I'll be... I'll be around."

Cleric 5 |HP 68/68 | AC 17 | Class DC 21| F+12 R+7 W+13 | Perc+13, Init +13 | Heal: 3/5 |Focus: 1/1| Hero Point: 3| Default exploration: Search

With Elena

Elena wrote:
"Carrufikus, you say? Is that with a 'Ca' or a 'Cu'? As you seem to know, I do write and like to be precise."

"I spell my name with a 'Ca' when I need to, but in all honesty, I do not write very well and much prefer to use my spoken words when at all possible."

Elena wrote:
"My name is Elena Solheim. I'm originally from Kalsgard but now Otari is my home. How is it you know of me?"

"I cannot say that I know much of you yet, but I will tell you that I am a humble pilgrim and I listen to the Starsong as often as I can. She has a kind way of guiding me along paths that I would not altogether expect. One night, I had a dream of five companions where I walked as a sixth among them. Together we were to unite and accomplish some good. In truth, I am not clear what that is yet, but by your appearance, I have no doubt you are one of those companions from my vision. I hope you do not take fear in what I say, for I see it as a blessing that can be together as friends."

With Peldur

"The Starsong sings again!" Carrufikus' eyes go wide at the monk's appearance. "Well met my dear traveller." Carrufikus grabs Peldur's hands and begins shaking it enthusiastically. "Would by any chance you be friends with any birds? No matter, I am Carrufikus Stumblemoss and I cannot believe I am meeting you as well."


With Bibi

During his first few days in Otari, Currufikus makes his way to the Rowdy Rockfish to try the fish omelet that has already becomes famous in town.

“Can my luck be with me today?!” Carrufikus immediately rushes up and embraces the unsuspecting halfling, Bibi. ”Have I met the beer drinking, rapier wielding, halfling acrobat of my dreams? In fact, is that your blade right there?”

Carrufikus stares wide eyes as he appraises the weapon sheathed at her side.

”The blade that stings when it swings! Forgive me, my dear halfling, you may not know me, but I am Carrufikus Gimblegrim Stumblemoss at your service. I know you by sight but not by name and now that I am in your presence, I fear to hear your name at all for indeed I know that my own name could hardly compare. In truth, this humble gnome has been given the name Stumblemoss which lends itself to a klutzy pilgrim who slips on logs or finds himself covered in mud, which is not altogether unfitting. But with regards to names that fit me you could have easily called me Gimblegrim as I have often ruined a number of my father’s inventions with little effort of my own other than a curious tweaking. But let us not talk of such ill tales. Alas, my dear halfling, who do I have the pleasure of making acquaintance with at this auspicious meeting?”

Male Human Street Rat Monk 5 HP 83/83 AC: 23| F: +13 R: +13, W: +11 | Perc: +11 (T) | Init: +11 | Hero Points:2 Class Abilities:

Peldur would not identify as a Monk and probably wouldn't know what you were talking about if you referred to him as such

Ummm... Nice to meet you too, Carrufikus. Traveler is being a little generous, though. I haven't been anywhere but Otari.

NG Female Human Wizard 5 | Default Exploration: Investigate
AC 19 | Fort +11, Refl +10, Will +11 | Perc +9 | Speed 25
♥️48/48 | ☘️ 3/3 | ☀️ 0/1 | ✋ Staff of Necromancy | ⚕ Mage Armor | Spells (Arcane, +11, DC 21): Cantrips (6), 1st (3/4), 2nd (3/4), 3rd (1/3)

"We're to unite and accomplish 'some good'? And that's a message you received from Desna? I admit it's not every day I meet someone who speaks directly to a goddess, though the fact that the message is obscure and incomplete seems... well, apropro for the divine. No offense meant," Elena says. She's clearly still unsure what to make of this new acquaintance.

Male CG Human Ora5 | HP: 58/58 (resist 4 physical) | AC: 20 | F: +8, R: +8, W: +10 | Perc: +10 [E] | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Search | Hero Points: 1 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Conditions: . |

Noroc comes about the corner from the attic steps, seeing Elena surrounded by all manner of folk. This is not altogether surprising, as the young lady has always been easy on the eyes. Noroc has noticed well enough, but never once thought of her as anything but the sister he never had.

Sometimes, that attention gets out of hand, and he protectively goes over to ensure she's all right. Mornin', Elena, he says cheerily. Care to join me breaking the night's fast? He doesn't wait for an answer, the comfort of familiarity nearly automatic, as he moves to her side to guide her through the door, eying the gnome with a bit of suspicion, and the halfling more with surprise.

Noroc recalls seeing the latter around a bit, and of course Peldur. But the wild-haired gnome was a new sight. And he was accustomed to noticing new sights.

Cleric 5 |HP 68/68 | AC 17 | Class DC 21| F+12 R+7 W+13 | Perc+13, Init +13 | Heal: 3/5 |Focus: 1/1| Hero Point: 3| Default exploration: Search
Elena wrote:
"We're to unite and accomplish 'some good'? And that's a message you received from Desna? I admit it's not every day I meet someone who speaks directly to a goddess, though the fact that the message is obscure and incomplete seems... well, apropro for the divine. No offense meant,"

”Heavens, no offense taken. For certainly, you are being too kind in your words. I admit, I am most grateful to have been blessed to feel the guidance of the Queen of the North Star at times. However, truthfully, she has made it rather easy for me with her generous use of butterflies. They always appear when I need them most. As I like to say, you are never lost following butterflies. However, besides that, she has tended my dreams and shown me a way. I simply followed her Starsong and it has led me here to you."

Peldur wrote:
” Ummm... Nice to meet you too, Carrufikus. Traveler is being a little generous, though. I haven't been anywhere but Otari.”

”Nowhere else but Otari? Well that’s fine, as long as you keep yourself engaged in enough to keep away the bleaching. So, I take it you must know everyone in Otari, my friend? What exactly do you do here in this town? How long have you known Elena?”

Then, with the approach of the third person from his dreams, Carrufikus excuses himself and exclaims, ”If not for the mysterious ways of the Starsong, I would not believe my own eyes.”.

Wiping tears of joy from his eyes, the gnome pilgrim pulls out a star covered mysterious silver cube from his pocket, gives it a gentle kiss, and whispers a prayer of gratitude, ”Oh my Resplendent Goddess of Good Fortune, thank you, thank you, thank you!”

As Noroc approaches, the pilgrim gnome rushes forward and grabs a hold of the newly arriving stranger’s hands and begins to dance around him. ”You are here as well! Hooray, Hooray! I love the way you lean your axe against the tree and rest in the tall grass under a blue sky where you soak in the views and enjoy life! I just know we are going to be great friends. Oh let us celebrate! Hooray, hooray, hooray! For indeed fate and the stars have intervened and brought me to Otari to meet you and the others. What a joyous meeting! Have you met Elena and my new friend here? Today you are the third that I have met from the guidance of my dreams, and in truth, there are only two others left for me to meet. You may not know me, but I am Carrufikus Stumblemoss and it is a most splendid pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

NG Female Human Wizard 5 | Default Exploration: Investigate
AC 19 | Fort +11, Refl +10, Will +11 | Perc +9 | Speed 25
♥️48/48 | ☘️ 3/3 | ☀️ 0/1 | ✋ Staff of Necromancy | ⚕ Mage Armor | Spells (Arcane, +11, DC 21): Cantrips (6), 1st (3/4), 2nd (3/4), 3rd (1/3)

At the sight of Carrufikus dancing about the more serious Noroc, Elena is unable to contain herself anymore: she bursts into gales of laughter!

"Oh! I'm sorry," she says, struggling to contain her mirth while Noroc tries to steer with Carrufikus dancing about. "Noroc, your face! I'm sorry my friend, but it's just too precious!"

Composing herself, she speaks to Carrufikus. "Friendly Desnan, I hate to break it to you but... you're the stranger here. I know Peldur from my time here in Otari. And Noroc I've known for three years now, as we both journeyed from Korvosa to Absalom together on a Pathfinder ship. Though our paths strayed for a time, I'm glad he's here now."

"Now I must ask: you mentioned two others left to meet. Can you tell me about them?" Elena asks, still smiling. "I might be able to help, and admit I would love to know just who you're going to ambush next with praise and dancing!"

Male Human Street Rat Monk 5 HP 83/83 AC: 23| F: +13 R: +13, W: +11 | Perc: +11 (T) | Init: +11 | Hero Points:2 Class Abilities:
Carrufikus wrote:

”Nowhere else but Otari? Well that’s fine, as long as you keep yourself engaged in enough to keep away the bleaching. So, I take it you must know everyone in Otari, my friend? What exactly do you do here in this town? How long have you known Elena?”

Taken aback by Carrufikus's exuberance, Peldur takes a step back. As she runs to intercept Noroc, Peldur takes the opportunity to excuse himself.

Not that I don't like a party. Well, no. I don't like parties. Have a nice day all.

Peldur crosses the street and slides between two houses into the small yard beyond. He ducks behind the house, jumps up to grab the eave of the roof and pulls himself up. He keeps a low profile, hopping from roof to roof. He makes a tremendous leap across the lane to land on the roof of Crook's Nook, sliding down and landing on the narrow embankment below. He follows that upstream under the bridge and finally to the rear of Crow's Casks. He scrambles up the slope to the yard above. He dusts himself off and wipes the wet sand off his feet. Then, he walks around front and enters, hoping Magiloy will have something brewing for him.

Cleric 5 |HP 68/68 | AC 17 | Class DC 21| F+12 R+7 W+13 | Perc+13, Init +13 | Heal: 3/5 |Focus: 1/1| Hero Point: 3| Default exploration: Search
Peldur wrote:
” Not that I don't like a party. Well, no. I don't like parties. Have a nice day all.”

”Wait. What did he say? He doesn’t like parties? What exactly does he mean by that? Surely he must like dancing. I have a dance I want us all to do once we are together.”

Elena wrote:
"Now I must ask: you mentioned two others left to meet. Can you tell me about them?" Elena asks, still smiling. "I might be able to help, and admit I would love to know just who you're going to ambush next with praise and dancing!"

”You would be willing to help me? Yes! Yes! Yes! I knew I would find my people on this journey! Well, let’s see. The next one I’m looking for is a female halfling. She is extraordinarily talented with a rapier and she is as nimble as a goat. She also knows how eat, drink, and dare I say, belch.”

“The final one is perhaps the most mysterious. I remember a graceful elven warrior who seemed at one in the woods. He stands tall and noble but from what I could tell was a man of few words.”

NG Female Human Wizard 5 | Default Exploration: Investigate
AC 19 | Fort +11, Refl +10, Will +11 | Perc +9 | Speed 25
♥️48/48 | ☘️ 3/3 | ☀️ 0/1 | ✋ Staff of Necromancy | ⚕ Mage Armor | Spells (Arcane, +11, DC 21): Cantrips (6), 1st (3/4), 2nd (3/4), 3rd (1/3)

Elena ponders the two mystery people. "I can't say that I know either, at least not from that description alone. I tend to come in and out of Otari, so Peldur might have been your best bet." She then looks to Noroc, "Do either ring a bell to you? If not, maybe we can ask Wrin. I was just going to see her."

"And I'm sorry Noroc, I had breakfast. I'm happy to keep you company while you eat though. But... don't you have work to do? Are you going to be late?"

Cleric 5 |HP 68/68 | AC 17 | Class DC 21| F+12 R+7 W+13 | Perc+13, Init +13 | Heal: 3/5 |Focus: 1/1| Hero Point: 3| Default exploration: Search

"Well, speaking of work, I should probably return as well. I am the new religious studies teacher for Alymora Inkleholtz. She is paying me to teach the children about Desna. So if you need me you can always find me there. It has been so nice meeting you. I can't wait to see where this journey takes us!"

F Halfling Thief 5 HP 56/56;AC 23*;Perc +10 (+11 v traps);F+9W+10R+13; HPts:1
2 Weapon attack:
[dice=Attack]d20+14[/dice] [dice=damage, Sneak Attack]d6+4+2d6[/dice][dice=Dagger]d20+10[/dice][dice=Damage, Sneak attack]2d4+4+2d6[/dice]

As Bibi casually strolls down the lanes of Otari in search of her rare Second Breakfast, her ears quickly catch a high-pitched and excited tone of a stranger. As the Rowdy Rockfish comes into view, so too does the strange meeting of the gnome accosting every apparent random person he walks by! Bibi's face breaks into a grin as she watches the exchanges while passing by, but then the gnome spots her and his eyes goggle.


“Can my luck be with me today?!” Carrufikus immediately rushes up and embraces the unsuspecting halfling, Bibi. ”Have I met the beer drinking, rapier wielding, halfling acrobat of my dreams? In fact, is that your blade right there?”

Carrufikus stares wide eyes as he appraises the weapon sheathed at her side.

”The blade that stings when it swings! Forgive me, my dear halfling, you may not know me, but I am Carrufikus Gimblegrim Stumblemoss at your service. I know you by sight but not by name and now that I am in your presence, I fear to hear your name at all for indeed I know that my own name could hardly compare. In truth, this humble gnome has been given the name Stumblemoss which lends itself to a klutzy pilgrim who slips on logs or finds himself covered in mud, which is not altogether unfitting. But with regards to names that fit me you could have easily called me Gimblegrim as I have often ruined a number of my father’s inventions with little effort of my own other than a curious tweaking. But let us not talk of such ill tales. Alas, my dear halfling, who do I have the pleasure of making acquaintance with at this auspicious meeting?”...

Taken aback by the sudden embrace of a stranger, she briefly returns the embrace, but immediately checks her money pouch, and takes a quick look around for a pickpocket--because the most obvious thing this is, is a ploy to a heist. After a moment of the gnome's earnest and joyful rantings, Bibi's own eyes widen a bit in amusement as well as apprehension.

She takes about a beat and a half, giving him a long stare.

Do you always begin conversations this way??

Glancing at the rest of the gathered folk and their amused expressions, she makes the choice that there is no threat here, and her apprehension lessens considerably. Well, Mister Stumbleboss, I always knew I'd be the halfling of SOMEbody's dreams! I'm Beatrice Beerswizzler. And you seem to know a little about me; my skill with the blade is nothing like my uncle's, but the rest is pretty close. You running a con on me? Or, trying???

She makes eye contact with each of the humans in turn, giving a nod of recognition to each.

Cleric 5 |HP 68/68 | AC 17 | Class DC 21| F+12 R+7 W+13 | Perc+13, Init +13 | Heal: 3/5 |Focus: 1/1| Hero Point: 3| Default exploration: Search
Beatrice wrote:
”Do you always begin conversations this way??”

”Forgive me, forgive me. I have butterflies in my stomach, no doubt from Desna, and sometimes I get carried away by my enthusiasm. I do not begin this way with most people, but to have seen you in a dream and to finally meet you, I just cannot help myself. I cannot help but believe this is an auspicious meeting. I am sure we have great things to accomplish together!”

Bibi wrote:
”Well, Mister Stumbleboss, I always knew I'd be the halfling of SOMEbody's dreams! I'm Beatrice Beerswizzler. And you seem to know a little about me; my skill with the blade is nothing like my uncle's, but the rest is pretty close. You running a con on me? Or, trying???”

”If I was a devious sort, perhaps this would be a good con, but I would never risk losing the sound of Starsong that guides me day by day. For the song of spheres brings luck and good fortune to me in all my days and I wouldn’t want to risk losing that. In all truth, Beatrice, I am who I am, and I am genuine. I look forward to this next chapter of our lives. I have a feeling it will be an exceptional time for all of us."

"When you, me, Elena, Peldur, Noroc, and one other who is yet to reveal himself, come together, we will dance and celebrate our fellowship. After the ritual dance and celebration and we have sobered ourselves, I will then tell you of a foreboding dark vision I saw in my dreams. But we will speak of that later. As for now, I am simply overcome with the joy and elation that comes with meeting my true friends.”

F Halfling Thief 5 HP 56/56;AC 23*;Perc +10 (+11 v traps);F+9W+10R+13; HPts:1
2 Weapon attack:
[dice=Attack]d20+14[/dice] [dice=damage, Sneak Attack]d6+4+2d6[/dice][dice=Dagger]d20+10[/dice][dice=Damage, Sneak attack]2d4+4+2d6[/dice]

Bibi looks about with a strange expression--both apprehensive, and hopeful, at the same time. She's making slight eye contact with each of the others, trying to get a read on whether they believe what Carrufikus is saying.

Well, I *do* want to explore the Gauntlight. And I daresay that it'll be nice to have someone of reasonable size around in addition to all these big Daichinis! And I hope "sobering ourselves" is optional.

She nods toward the Rowdy Rockfish entrance. I'm going to grab a bite. I'm sure my table will have plenty of room... Bibi gives a polite nod, and slowly starts making her way into the common room, seeing who joins her.

NG Female Human Wizard 5 | Default Exploration: Investigate
AC 19 | Fort +11, Refl +10, Will +11 | Perc +9 | Speed 25
♥️48/48 | ☘️ 3/3 | ☀️ 0/1 | ✋ Staff of Necromancy | ⚕ Mage Armor | Spells (Arcane, +11, DC 21): Cantrips (6), 1st (3/4), 2nd (3/4), 3rd (1/3)

"Go, go eat Noroc," Elena says, releasing the man as her protector. "I've got to get over to see Wrin, and you must be famished. I'll see you around later, okay? We can grab dinner."

She waves and heads off to see Wrin.

Male CG Human Ora5 | HP: 58/58 (resist 4 physical) | AC: 20 | F: +8, R: +8, W: +10 | Perc: +10 [E] | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Search | Hero Points: 1 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Conditions: . |

No work today. 'S gonna rain, Noroc says with conviction, despite the sunny morning. He works to disengage from the bouncing gnome and catches Elena's eye. If you're okay with this lot... Noroc nods and joins Bibi inside.

Odd fellow, he says lowly, glancing about the crowded common room. Noroc realizes he's here rather later than usual, and the collection of full tables proves it. Here, he motions to Bibi, grabbing a chair at an empty small table and shoving the other with his foot toward her. Let's grab something to eat.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cleric 5 |HP 68/68 | AC 17 | Class DC 21| F+12 R+7 W+13 | Perc+13, Init +13 | Heal: 3/5 |Focus: 1/1| Hero Point: 3| Default exploration: Search
Elena wrote:
"I've got to get over to see Wrin"

"So who is Wrin? Is that a special friend of yours?"

A few moments later, Carrufikus arrives inside the Rowdy Rockfish where he looks around for Bibi and Noroc. He approaches and declares before sitting down.

"I must admit, I do not hang out in pups very often, but if you are willing, I will accept your invitation. Mind you, I do not plan to drink as much as someone with the name Beerswizzler. If I did, I would need to change my last name to Stumblefumblepickemupandputeminbedwithorwithoutmoss."

F Halfling Thief 5 HP 56/56;AC 23*;Perc +10 (+11 v traps);F+9W+10R+13; HPts:1
2 Weapon attack:
[dice=Attack]d20+14[/dice] [dice=damage, Sneak Attack]d6+4+2d6[/dice][dice=Dagger]d20+10[/dice][dice=Damage, Sneak attack]2d4+4+2d6[/dice]

In spite of herself, Bibi bursts into a bark of laughter at the gnome's tonguetwister. Don't worry, my excitable friend! I'm only planning on a single beer--goes great with an omelet! Lemme pick up this one. She calls out BARKEEP!! We need THREE omelets and THREE pints out here, if you please! If you happen to have any Beerswizzler brew, we'll take that--otherwise, Dealer's Choice!

Turning back to her table mates, she continues. I go by Bibi to my friends, and your enthusiastic greeting makes me think that is where our relationship is headed--whether I like it or not! Do you have any nickname, Carrufikus? Carry? Ruffi? Fikus? I recommend against that last one, someone might mistake you for a plant.

She turns to the human. Hey. I've seen you around, but I don't know your name. Bibi... she offers the young man her tiny hand in greeting.

Cleric 5 |HP 68/68 | AC 17 | Class DC 21| F+12 R+7 W+13 | Perc+13, Init +13 | Heal: 3/5 |Focus: 1/1| Hero Point: 3| Default exploration: Search
Bibi wrote:
"Do you have any nickname, Carrufikus? Carry? Ruffi? Fikus? I recommend against that last one, someone might mistake you for a plant."

"I do admit that my name has always been long and I always had a hard time dealing with it, especially when I was a youngster trying to spell. I am touched that you are already thinking of a nickname for me." he says with a happy smile. "Well, Carry doesn't sound like a good name, because I really do not like to carry things. My arms grow tired if I have to pick up anything that is too big. Fikus almost sounds like a swear word and I much prefer not to use any of those. It doesn't honor Desna if I start swearing. Ruffi has the greatest potential of any of those. Hmm? Ruffi. What do you think sounds better R-oo-fi or Ruf-fi? Roofi makes me sound like a roofer and in truth I really don't like heights. Ruffi does fit for a shortened version of my full name of Carrufikus, but I don't want people to think I'm a ruffian because in truth, I really try to be nice to people. My goal is to serve and bring healing and helpfulness to all the people I meet in the world. This is a tough decision, and it could last a long time. What do you think, Bibi? What do you think, Noroc? What should my nickname be?"

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Fluid Elf Ranger 5 HP 66/66 AC: 24| F: +10 R: +13, W: +11| Perc: +11 (E) | Hero Points: 2 | https://tinyurl.com/5awbjbpc

In an apartment upstairs in The Rowdy Rockfish, an Elf awakens from sleep.

The light of dawn passes into the wide open window, rattling the open shutters against the frame. The simple nightstand has had it's drawers removed and it is sitting on it's side. Inside the recesses of the nightstand, some small shade loving plants are growing wild and healthy. The drawers, filled with personal items and clothes, are arranged about the room like open baskets.

The bed has been propped up against the wall, standing perpendicular to the floor, and hanging above the Elf like a tall monolith. a sort of earthen mattress with some moss and short grasses growing in it serves as a bedroll, upon which rests a tall Elf. His eyes open without a flutter and he bows his body in a stretch, turning on his stomach and arching into a rounded form. He straightens and without delay strides to the window, which he climbs out of. He reaches overhead and swings out onto the roof, pulling himself above Otari to enjoy the rising sun. Talborel watches the loggers and fishers heading to their work. He can't help but grind his teeth at the human laborers who are probably not taking his advice. Again.

The sun rises, and Talborel slides without sound back down the roof and swings back into his room, and he returns to his novel. He reads until satisfied, and then places a delicate ribbon bookmark just before Chapter 12, Absalom Heat. He dresses in his intriquitely tooled leathers and hooded cloak. He straps on his blades and his bow and descends down into the common room.

Tal enters the common room without a sound and looks. He notes, without passion or judgement: The Urchin. The scholar. The Thief. The Prophet. His head quirks to one side as he observes a verbose gnome. He notes they are all eating breakfast and he can't help a small sneer. How can they eat so early? He notes, bet then he shrugs. It takes all types. Infinite diversity in infinite combinations. He looks to Brelda and places a finger across his lips. The dignified woman nods and indicates the wrapped loaf and fruit, along with the covered wooden tankard of black coffee. Tal smiles, takes his midday meal and his black coffee and quietly leaves the Rowdy Rockfish. If anyone noticed, they didn't get in his way. Which is best for everyone. They'll all be dead long before they get interesting anyway.

He needs to be quick. Klorte wants to clear the ridge.

An hour later, Tal stands before the ex gladiator and won't budge.

"Tal", the orc says in a deep basso.

One more day, he responds.


Just one. That will see it done. The swamp hawks have accepted the new burrow I built. They're moving.


Clear the south today. Come back tomorrow.

I can't clear the south. Owlbear.

I took care of the owlbear.

You... Took care... Of The owlbear?

I took care of him.

Klorte took a deep breath and pushed it out through his nose.

Okay. CREW! SOUTH RIDGE. Thanks, Tal.

As Klorte moved away, Talborel reached into his pouch and felt the blackened and cracked clay talisman. The Swamp Hawks had collected it and wouldn't miss it. Some kind of talisman, and Tal expected that Wrin Sivinxi might have use of it. He could stop there and then stop in to Odd Stories and see if the new Curse of The Crimson Throne was in.

Cleric 5 |HP 68/68 | AC 17 | Class DC 21| F+12 R+7 W+13 | Perc+13, Init +13 | Heal: 3/5 |Focus: 1/1| Hero Point: 3| Default exploration: Search

As Carrufikus ponders his new nickname, the server comes and places three ales down on the table.

”So, you think just one ale will be okay for me? I don’t want to be tipsy you know.” Carrufikus takes both hands around his mug and gets ready to drink when all of a sudden a butterfly flies through the room lands on the edge of his mug.

”Starsong delight, would you look at this sight! This is most certainly an auspicious sign.” As the pilgrim revels in the delight at seeing a butterfly, he is just as quickly perplexed to see it fly out the window.

”My friends, this is a sign. We have to follow it. Quick, grab your things. We need to go!”

Male Human Street Rat Monk 5 HP 83/83 AC: 23| F: +13 R: +13, W: +11 | Perc: +11 (T) | Init: +11 | Hero Points:2 Class Abilities:

Peldur steps out of Crow's Casks, unsteady on his feet. His hand lingers on the door for support longer than should be necessary.

He looks back inside. Thanks for the copper, Magiloy. I'll check back in a week to see if you need my help again.

Peldur stumbles as he steps into the street, then pauses to grab his stomach as a massive cramp grasps his innards like a boa going for the kill. He takes several deep breaths to regain his composure and lets out a burp to wake the dead. He startles several folks walking by and they give him a wider berth than before.

Almost have enough for a decent dinner tonight. I wonder if Wrin has any work for me.

Peldur begins the long trek north to Wrin's Wonders, stumbling along like he's trying to avoid wormsign.

F Halfling Thief 5 HP 56/56;AC 23*;Perc +10 (+11 v traps);F+9W+10R+13; HPts:1
2 Weapon attack:
[dice=Attack]d20+14[/dice] [dice=damage, Sneak Attack]d6+4+2d6[/dice][dice=Dagger]d20+10[/dice][dice=Damage, Sneak attack]2d4+4+2d6[/dice]
Carrufikus wrote:
”My friends, this is a sign. We have to follow it. Quick, grab your things. We need to go!”

Bibi blinks at the flighty gnome and his strange pronouncement. She lets out a slow breath with puffed cheeks. Whelp, what can POSSibly go wrong?? She downs her ale in a single long draught, and as an afterthought chugs the gnome's all-but-untouched suds as well. Placing copper on the table, she follows her new "friend," curious as to how this will all play out.

Male CG Human Ora5 | HP: 58/58 (resist 4 physical) | AC: 20 | F: +8, R: +8, W: +10 | Perc: +10 [E] | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Search | Hero Points: 1 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Conditions: . |

Noroc gives his name and is about to share a little more when Carrifikus insists on them following the butterfly.

Why sh- is all he gets out before the gnome has bounded from his chair, grabbing both the halfling and Noroc on his way out the door, his mug still in hand. Noroc just manages to toss a silver coin on the table for payment before he is dragged forth.

The trio are quite a sight, the gnome flitting here and there in whichever direction the butterfly goes, with Bibi's flushed face -- from excitement, exertion, or both is entirely unclear -- and Noroc's pained expression along for the ride.

I don't know why in the name of the Stars we're chasing after a butterfly as if it were the embodiment of Desna herself. It's not even all that pretty of a butterfly...

Cleric 5 |HP 68/68 | AC 17 | Class DC 21| F+12 R+7 W+13 | Perc+13, Init +13 | Heal: 3/5 |Focus: 1/1| Hero Point: 3| Default exploration: Search

Carrufikus scurries back and forth across the street narrowly missing pedestrians and a cart or two. ”Keep up, you two!” He exclaims as he keeps up the chase.

”As I always like to say, you are never lost following butterflies!”

For a gnome who is not very agile, you see that he is very quick when he wants to be. The butterfly flutters back and forth in a whimsical manner until it finally arrives at a post outside of a shop, Wrin’s Wonders.

”Look at this. Can you believe it? We’ve arrived at a place of wonder. Ha! What a wondrous coincidence. Let’s go inside and see what awaits us.”

Map Templates | DC Chart | Conditions | Abomination Vaults | Extinction Curse| Circus Posts |

The pentad, naught more than acquaintances, and truthfully strangers still, find their way to Wrin's Wonders. Wrin herself is striking, and her exotic features burn an indelible mark on your memories.

"Ah! I go from no customers man---" She stops, gobsmacked.

"It's you! The gnome from my dreams! A portent most potent indeed!" She seems extremely excited, the whirl of activity in her mind's eye is soon followed by action in the flesh.

"The signs are abound, and Desna smiles. Two nights ago I was laying outside under the stars, contemplating the Caravan. When I saw something I've never seen before, a strange glow atop the ruin’s towering lighthouse to the North." She grabs chairs for everyone. The action includes looking each of you in the eye, and it comes with a deep reading of your comportment and countenance.

"I prayed to The Eight for insight. I received none." She sighs, but the sigh blossoms into a wry and crooked grin. "None at first. On my way home a black butterfly landed on something reflecting the light. It was an arrow head. I took it! I have no skill for hieromancy, but it meant something."

"It cannot be coincidence that I now see the five of you before me, a sacred number manifest in ones of such skill and potential. I fear for the future. Tell me, beyond your business here and now.... can I persuade you to come by your weird and take up a quest?"

NG Female Human Wizard 5 | Default Exploration: Investigate
AC 19 | Fort +11, Refl +10, Will +11 | Perc +9 | Speed 25
♥️48/48 | ☘️ 3/3 | ☀️ 0/1 | ✋ Staff of Necromancy | ⚕ Mage Armor | Spells (Arcane, +11, DC 21): Cantrips (6), 1st (3/4), 2nd (3/4), 3rd (1/3)

Elena, who until moments before had been idly chatting with Wrin, chuckles when the wagon-load of people arrive. "Of all the groups of odds and ends..."

She's interrupted when Wrin, her friend and confidant these last three years, speaks up at the sight. Elena listens, and when the request for help comes she immediately speaks up. "Of course I'll help, Wrin. You need only ask, and in some cases not even that. I know more about magic thanks to your insights, so anything I can do to repay is yours."

F Halfling Thief 5 HP 56/56;AC 23*;Perc +10 (+11 v traps);F+9W+10R+13; HPts:1
2 Weapon attack:
[dice=Attack]d20+14[/dice] [dice=damage, Sneak Attack]d6+4+2d6[/dice][dice=Dagger]d20+10[/dice][dice=Damage, Sneak attack]2d4+4+2d6[/dice]

Bibi grins. A weird quest?? IM IN!!!

Cleric 5 |HP 68/68 | AC 17 | Class DC 21| F+12 R+7 W+13 | Perc+13, Init +13 | Heal: 3/5 |Focus: 1/1| Hero Point: 3| Default exploration: Search
Wrin wrote:

"Ah! I go from no customers man---" She stops, gobsmacked.

"It's you! The gnome from my dreams! A portent most potent indeed!"

”You saw me in a dream?” Carrufikus asks incredulously. As realization dawns upon him, he replies, ”A star cannot see its place in the sky.”

Carrufikus listens to the striking woman as he stands in awe of the experience.

Wrin wrote:
"The signs are abound, and Desna smiles. Two nights ago I was laying outside under the stars, contemplating the Caravan. When I saw something I've never seen before, a strange glow atop the ruin’s towering lighthouse to the North."

As the lighthouse is mentioned, Carrufikus immediately recalls his own dreams and recognizes there are unseen forces at work. In that moment, he wants to speak, but even now, he knows when to listen.

Wrin wrote:
"I prayed to The Eight for insight. I received none."

The pilgrim gasps at her words. ”The Eight scrolls of Desna!” he speaks in barely a whisper.

Wrin wrote:
"It cannot be coincidence that I now see the six of you before me, a sacred number manifest in ones of such skill and potential. I fear for the future. Tell me, beyond your business here and now.... can I persuade you to come by your weird and take up a quest?"

The pilgrim looks around at the five companions he knows from his dreams and who are quickly becoming his friends. A smile lights his face as he replies.

”I, Carrufikus Gimblegrim Stumblemoss, by the life given to me and guided by the Great Dreamer, gladly give myself to this cause. For I too have seen recurring visions of children dancing around the Desnus Pole who gave way to ghostly children dancing around a lighthouse. I heard their songs and heard them become grim nursery crimes which I shall not utter here. However, I have also seen visions of these five companions who now stand with me. Beyond all doubt, I believe it is my destiny to join with these friends and follow the path that Mother Moon, The Song of Spheres, The Resplendent Goddess of Fortune whom I call Desna has laid before us. Wrin of many Wonders, I accept this quest with all my heart and soul.”

Caught up in the moment as tears fall from his eyes, Carrufikus kneels before her as he reflects on the seriousness of his commitment. When he stands back up, he asks, "Is this a good time for us to all join in a ritual dance?"

Male CG Human Ora5 | HP: 58/58 (resist 4 physical) | AC: 20 | F: +8, R: +8, W: +10 | Perc: +10 [E] | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Search | Hero Points: 1 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Conditions: . |

Noroc looks from Elena, to Bibi, to the neurotic gnome Carrufikus, to the just-arriving Peldur, and shrugs. Sure, I guess. Why not?

He pauses. But who's the sixth? This one here? he asks, thrusting a thumb at the patient elf trying to collect his coins from Wrin. Who're they?

Male Human Street Rat Monk 5 HP 83/83 AC: 23| F: +13 R: +13, W: +11 | Perc: +11 (T) | Init: +11 | Hero Points:2 Class Abilities:

Peldur squints his eyes and tries to focus on what everyone is saying.

Uh... there's a lot of words being said that together don't make a whole lot of sense to me. There's a light. At a lighthouse. And you want us to check it out? Is that right? And us in particular because a bunch of you saw us all in some dreams?

I dreamt I was a flying potato once. Made it all the way to Absalom before a duck the size of a horse swooped down and ate me. When I woke up, I didn't hanker to throw potatoes, go to Absalom, or revenge myself on some water fowl.

In any case, if there's some coin in it, I'm game. Sounds more interesting than sweeping floors or washing dishes.

F Halfling Thief 5 HP 56/56;AC 23*;Perc +10 (+11 v traps);F+9W+10R+13; HPts:1
2 Weapon attack:
[dice=Attack]d20+14[/dice] [dice=damage, Sneak Attack]d6+4+2d6[/dice][dice=Dagger]d20+10[/dice][dice=Damage, Sneak attack]2d4+4+2d6[/dice]
Peldur Perrindeldarion wrote:

I dreamt I was a flying potato once. Made it all the way to Absalom before a duck the size of a horse swooped down and ate me. When I woke up, I didn't hanker to throw potatoes, go to Absalom, or revenge myself on some water fowl.

Bibi huffs out an interruption Well THERE'S yer PROBlem...

Map Templates | DC Chart | Conditions | Abomination Vaults | Extinction Curse| Circus Posts |

"Aye. In plain terms, there's an eerie light at the lighthouse, and I'm worried that it portends something bad. Would you be willing to check it out? I can't foresee it taking more than a couple of days."

Cleric 5 |HP 68/68 | AC 17 | Class DC 21| F+12 R+7 W+13 | Perc+13, Init +13 | Heal: 3/5 |Focus: 1/1| Hero Point: 3| Default exploration: Search
Wrin wrote:
"Aye. In plain terms, there's an eerie light at the lighthouse, and I'm worried that it portends something bad. Would you be willing to check it out? I can't foresee it taking more than a couple of days."

In all sincerity, Carrufiku replies,"Oh wow! Here I was thinking that this was going to take years. A few days sounds like no problem at all. When should we head over?"

Map Templates | DC Chart | Conditions | Abomination Vaults | Extinction Curse| Circus Posts |

"Based on the smell of that fish omelette, you are all well fed. I'd say the sooner the better my new friends. Just make sure you have your gear."

As soon as everyone's character is complete we'll begin the AP!

Male Human Street Rat Monk 5 HP 83/83 AC: 23| F: +13 R: +13, W: +11 | Perc: +11 (T) | Init: +11 | Hero Points:2 Class Abilities:

Well, if we're going adventuring, I'll need to get my gear. Shouldn't take me long. Should I meet you all back here or at the north bridge? Peldur waits only long enough to get an answer, then is out the door.

When he meets back up with the group, the young man is outfitted for the excursion. He has on an open, brown, hooded shirt. His brown shorts extend to his knees, with sailor's rope wrapped around his waist as a belt. He is barefoot. His fists and forearms are wrapped in more old sailor's rope. All of his gear appears to be stowed in the backpack resting on his shoulders. Everything looks worn and second-hand.

Cleric 5 |HP 68/68 | AC 17 | Class DC 21| F+12 R+7 W+13 | Perc+13, Init +13 | Heal: 3/5 |Focus: 1/1| Hero Point: 3| Default exploration: Search

"Hey, are any of you guys interested in seeing my new weapon? I bought it just for this adventure."

The gnome carefully takes a bundle out of his backpack and unfolds a cloth that reveals a brand new starknife.

"I've never used this before except maybe to cut some plants. I like how it has four blades so that if one gets dull, I can just use one of the other sides. This blade I used to cut milkweed for the butterflies. This blade here I used to cut dandelions. And this blade here is really good at cutting pricker bushes so I don't get thorns. I'm still not sure what I should use this blade for."

"The smith that I bought it from said that if I grab the outer rim that I can throw it at my target, but I'm not sure that I want to touch the blade in case I get hurt. That seems a little dangerous don't you think?"

NG Female Human Wizard 5 | Default Exploration: Investigate
AC 19 | Fort +11, Refl +10, Will +11 | Perc +9 | Speed 25
♥️48/48 | ☘️ 3/3 | ☀️ 0/1 | ✋ Staff of Necromancy | ⚕ Mage Armor | Spells (Arcane, +11, DC 21): Cantrips (6), 1st (3/4), 2nd (3/4), 3rd (1/3)

"I only just got back to Otari today, so I'm not even unpacked yet. I guess that makes it easier," Elena says, gesturing at a sturdy leather backpack resting at her feet. "Let me just stock up on some trail rations and then I'm set. We can meet back here in, say, an hour. Sound good?"

To Carrufikus she says, "I'm sure there's a technique to throwing the starknife, and that you will figure it out one day. For now... maybe don't throw it."

Male CG Human Ora5 | HP: 58/58 (resist 4 physical) | AC: 20 | F: +8, R: +8, W: +10 | Perc: +10 [E] | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Search | Hero Points: 1 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Conditions: . |

Noroc, like Peldur, heads to retrieve some items that might be of use on this trip. When he returns to the meet-up at the north bridge, he has on a leather tunic with rings sewn to it and carries a crooked staff with a dull, hooked blade speckled with bits of rust attached to the end. My walking stick, he says simply. I found it in the woods one day.

NG Female Human Wizard 5 | Default Exploration: Investigate
AC 19 | Fort +11, Refl +10, Will +11 | Perc +9 | Speed 25
♥️48/48 | ☘️ 3/3 | ☀️ 0/1 | ✋ Staff of Necromancy | ⚕ Mage Armor | Spells (Arcane, +11, DC 21): Cantrips (6), 1st (3/4), 2nd (3/4), 3rd (1/3)

"Walking stick? That's what goblins call a 'horsechopper'. It's a weapon!" Elena says, having got the message and headed to the north bridge. "I don't know if you ever met Xanno while you were at the Grand Lodge, but she told me a bit about goblin lore. Among other things, goblins really don't like horses. That's why it's such a long weapon, as it let's them keep distance from the animal while... well, I think you get what they use it for."

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