Echoes of the Sephira

Game Master Red Velvet Tiger

Epic heroes chosen by fate stumble across an ancient secret and unknowingly become gods. Their actions will determine the destiny of the multiverse itself.

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^_^ <(*.*<) one face for you, free of charge! Do you have a link to these prosthetics? I may add them on as as it stands atm I have some free gold floating around I am not sure what to do with.

They where in the Magical Marketplace player compendium.

This thread has a ton of this game still recruiting?

I found my old cold race RP breakdown that I used initially for Petrikov, which I have since altered somewhat. Took away the breath weapon, cuz that not really necessary, shifted some other stuff around, etc.

While its currently not a direct conversion of an Uldra, its partly one and part way what I had made originally.

And right now its only a 14 RP race.

How many RPs am I allowed? and is there a point where I would take a level hit? Not sure if that's a thing in PF still or not.

I will be submitting one more Idea.

He is going to be a god of battle and honor, I was thinking....

Samurai(ronin Sword Saint OR Nitojustsu Sensei )/something.
(any ideas for a class to go with the samurai? O.o)

his portfoilo would be something like
Honor, Battle, War, Heros, Freedom, Good, Strength,

fledgling work in progess, suggestions still welcome!

Darien, Robot-nachos is correct. I have some others as well, but I doubt they're on the SRD. Also, I get you thinking on the other thread? ^_^

Bane88, yes the campaign is still recruiting and will be until a week from the OP. There's a lot of interest and a lot of questions, hence the high post count! ^_^

Petrikov, that's one reason why I squick on the race builder thing, unless it's used to empower 3.X classes. Really hard to even out things with 'regular' races. What does it look like right now?

PF Uldra WIP:

Fey(Cold) 2
Advanced Stats 4(-2 Str, +4 Con, +2 Mental)
Standard Languages-0

Natural Armor 2
Improved Natural Armor 1(+2 total Natrual Armor)
Cold Immunity 4

Cryomancer 3

Fire Vulnerability -2

Oh gods, a full week for recruitment? We've already got a TON and we still have the rest of today(Sat) and then 4 more days!

Poor, poor, RVT.

Eh, gives enough time for those who are interested, I guess? XD I have a few other ideas floating around, but I'm trying to avoid being too similar to anything that's already been made...

Loose ideas (If our GM wants to hear more):

Camiel: Probably destined for godhood from the start - this character was originally made as an actual godling... of Purity and Lust. This is exactly as awkward as it sounds, and which side has the strongest pull varies depending on the type of day. When it's light out, she leans towards Purity/Law, and at night, Lust/Chaos. The end result is that she's NG overall, but can and does swing to the sides based on the time. Very nice person overall, though, and would probably be adventuring in order to get noticed and obtain more worshipers. Might be more fun than Saya, really... could go for this as my first choice.

Kisa: Obtained her powers through a god's curse, granting the powers and abilities of outsiders - probably some completely insane multiple-template build in terms of crunch, and she's actively seeking power. Namely, she dislikes the idea of others ruling her life and being able to do things to her at any turn, and she wants to be so strong that she can feel safe in the future. Personal godhood is actually a rather good means to that particular end. Leans truly neutral in personality, happy to avoid bothering others unless they stop things but willing to finish whatever others start.

Ok how bout,

Name: Morthos
Epic Titles: Lord of the Eternal Battlefield, The Winds of Plague, The First Warrior, The Forsaken One, Monks worship him as the Common State of Inner violence, The Father or Orcs.
Domains: War, Violence, Destruction, Famine, Disease

He will be a Orc Adept Godling/Fighter

When you level up in Gesalt do you get the ability increase from each class ie I hit 4th with 2 classes so +2 attribute points?

Morthos was the Clan Chief of the largest horde of Orcs to ever grace the world, he led them on a 30 year campaign of destruction across the land as his power grew. Facing the combined might of all of the civilized nations together against him, his horde was defeated, but Morthos slew tens of thousands in that battle and as he embodied the spirit of war and violence he was raised up to lead across the multiverse carving a bloody path across the stars.

Bane88, no. I find an easy way to think about gestalt is that it works just the same as regular except your class is a best-of-two-worlds amalgam. (For each level, you take the better class' thing, e.g. a barbarian | alchemist gets the HP, BAB, and powers of the barbarian + the skill points and alchemy powers of the alchemist.) If both classes offer the same thing at the same (e.g. sneak attack from rogue and vivisectionist) they don't stack.

Monkey God, I would prefer if the Uldra was made, then had about 4-6 RP worth of abilities or stats added to it. As I said, that's just one of my few 'squick' areas regarding character creation.

Rednal, go ahead and detail the characters a little more, along the guidelines of 'WHAT I WANT TO SEE' from the OP.

Bane88, no, you only get one attribute increase. Also, see my suggestion to Rednal above.


Well, then...



Female Human NG Clever Godling 17/Eldritch Godling 17

Domains: Charm (Love, Lust), Community (Family), Good, Magic (Divine), Protection (Purity)

Servitors: Angels

Titles: The Holy Daughter, The Walking Miracle, The Virgin Lover

Relic: The Staff of Sacred Light - a modified artifact with spells better suited to a divine caster's list. Actually wrote this one up a long time ago, though you did mention not making rules ourselves. XD Sans that, something that could be used to bless others somehow. Like, "kneel before me, so that I may give you a holy blessing to guide you through the darkness that you will soon face".

Divine Realm: The Seven Heavens

Background: Camiel was born with a... rather complicated divine heritage. Frankly, gods are known for doing all kinds of odd things, but in her case, the effect was rather profound - Camiel had inherited more than a little divine power. On one side, she had purity and protection, with an aversion to things that were evil or dark. On the other side... lust. Carnal, screaming desires, and so much raw divine potential that she rarely had to do more than look at people to get them interested. Especially those with weaker wills.

This caused more than a few problems for her. When you start getting into the realm of godly beauty (as she did), people with power start to take notice. Wealthy merchants, noblemen, and people even higher up the ladder began to hear stories about a girl with literally unearthly beauty, and many of them wanted a chance. Part of Camiel would have been all too happy to accept, but unfortunately for them, they kept asking in the day... when her purity was strongest. Somewhat unusually, Camiel's powers were not totally set - they fluctuated with the rising and the setting of the sun, changing her focus and her thoughts, and her pure side wanted nothing to do with the greed of mortals.

Of course, what she wanted didn't matter very much to the kind of people who were trying to woo her, and things were on the cusp of violence when she made her decision. Quite calmly, Camiel announced that she was turning religious and would henceforth be taking certain vows, including one to not get married - and hiding herself in a temple helped to separate her from those who desired her. Without her in direct proximity, they slowly began to drift away. Meanwhile, Camiel was busy starting her own church.

She first met the rest of the group while they were passing through the area - they'd begun to get quite a reputation by now, and her church was always on the lookout for talented help in pacifying the area. After a few small missions, they were tasked with a big one - destroying a remarkably persistent nest of evil not too far away. They succeeded quite admirably, and after some consideration, Camiel decided to join them when they left. Her local church had grown a lot, but it was time to start spreading her creed to other areas as well - a creed of an honest and righteous daily life, with a healthy and very active marriage supporting it. More importantly, she'd finally met people who were better at resisting the charm she literally could not control, and that was more of a relief than many could even begin to imagine...

At heart, Camiel is extremely good. She tends to believe the best of people, and is quite forgiving of failure and flaws as long as people keep trying to succeed. Her particular traits means that she swings the entire spectrum between law and chaos, with an average result that's somewhere in the middle. Of course, that's not to say she's weak in any way... beneath her pretty face lies a lot of divine power, and she's more than ready to put it to good use if she has to.

Sefira: Tiferet

Character Interactions: Darn right. XD Camiel's interactions are actually quite good for groups - she's naturally social, and her tendency towards optimism means that she'd rather help her companions get along. She can be stubborn in her own way (she's used to being treated as the most important person around), but she prefers to resolve things by wit and charm instead of force. Very much a "face" character for the group. Even better, her tendency to swing between Law and Chaos means that she can easily understand people on different sides of debates - she's just as comfortable with crafting geniuses as she is with lords of battle, though she has a strong opposition to actual evil. As she's occasionally pointed out, sometimes "protection" means "stab them before they stab you", and she teaches her faithful accordingly.

Hello all, here's my submission.

I'll start looking through the other submissions and trying to come up with ideas to fit in with everyone, but in the meantime I'd love some feedback or suggestions!

Yukio the Shadow-Binder:

Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: 2 Ninja/5 Swashbuckler/10 Shadowdancer|9 Cross-blooded Sorcerer (Shadow/Draconic)/8 Dragon Disciple

Note: I'd like to use the Shadow bloodline from Pathfinder Fans United instead of the Paizo version, as well as the Retribution Domain from 4 Winds.

Shadow Bloodline

Retribution Domain


2. Details about your character's divine portfolio, domains, favored race of servitor Outsiders, ect.

Portfolio: Just Retribution, Darkness, Illusion, Deception, Freedom

Domains: Good, Chaos, Darkness, Trickery, Retribution (3pp)

Servitors: The shades of Avidarel


3. Three deific titles. You will be playing deities, the least you can do is come up with some epic titles!

Titles: The Lady in Black, Shadow-Binder, Thiever-of-Stars

The Lady in Black

Mortals interacting with Yukio find it difficult to focus on her and often only remember being visited by a woman in a black hooded cloak.


When fighting, Yukio relies heavily on illusions, many of which are infused with shadow to grant them a physical presence. She also carries a black blade which is kept sheathed within her own shadow, and is attended at all times by the shade of a dragon.


Legend has it that in order to battle her brother, the Sun King, Yukio snuck into the heavens to steal the star Avidarel, which she used to forge her blade.


4. Come up with ideas for a deific relic. For a real world mythical analogue, think Zeus' Aegis, the Mymir Stone, the Staff of Anubis, ect. Provide an idea on what sort of abilities you may want, but do not include rules! The rules are will be decided by me.

Relic: Avidarel's Shadow

A blade made of shadow-stuff stolen from the corpse of Avidarel, forged in the Plane of Dreams and tempered in the light of the Seven Heavens. In dim light the weapon appears as an inky black katana whose form seems to flicker and sway like the shadows cast by a candle. In these conditions the weapon seemingly weakens the boundary separating it from its home, infusing illusions cast in its presence with the shadowy essence of its realm. When the weapon is exposed to bright light, however, the weapon's form ceases to waver and it's edge takes on the wicked sharpness of a shadow in the sun.


5. What sort of divine realm would you have? Which plane would it be on (Be generic, like 'the plane of law', because we will be using the Dark Roads and Golden Hells cosmology by Kobold Press, along some worlds from Lords of Gossamer and Shadow by Rite Publishing!)?

Divine Realm:

Yukio has made her home in a portion of the abandoned plane of Avidarel, partly due to her need to remain hidden from her brother, and partly due to her affinity to the place. The shadows that taint her bloodline allow her to move mostly unmolested throughout the plane, which has given her the opportunity to build a temple and library there in which she stores the knowledge and magical items she has stolen. It is there she prepares for the coming battle with her brother, one which will decide the future of the plane.

The temple is tended by free-willed shades, fallen followers of the dead god Avidarel. They were originally bound in service to the Umbral Great Wyrm Aeliastraza the Black-Hearted, child of the fallen Gold Dragon who had served as one of Avidarel's Generals. When Yukio and companions came to steal the material for Avidarel's Shadow, they fought and slew the dragon, and Yukio used an ancient ritual to bind it within herself. Doing so granted her a portion of the wyrm's power and the service of those shades within the plane which hadn't succumbed to madness yet. The shade of Aeliastraza serves Yukio now as her chief servitor and accompanies her on her trips outside the plane.


6. BACKGROUND! I would rather have a party of people with sucktastic crunch and awesome fluff, than a party with the inverse.


Yukio and her twin brother were born as heirs to a small kingdom whose rulers descended from a clan of assassins and shadow-magic users. When they came of age, her brother staged a coup, slaying their father, but failing to kill Yukio. When she fled, she took many of the clan's sacred manuscripts with her, denying her brother much of the knowledge he sought.

As the years passed, Yukio studied the manuscripts in exile while her brother consolidated his power. Styling himself as "The Sun King", her brother expanded the boundaries of his kingdom through conquest and founded the Empire of the Seven Suns. The name of the kingdom referred to the light of the Seven Heavens, an ironic choice for an oppressive and militaristic empire that sought domination of the world. When she had finished her training she returned to the borders of the empire and began an insurgency, using her shadow magic to strike at the empire and evade capture.

During this time her brother recieved a prophecy which fortold of his ascendance to godhood, and the means by which he would do so. As the prophecy required his sister to remain alive until the time of his ascension, he diverted significant resources to tracking her down and capturing her. Unprepared for her brother, who had gone to great lengths to develop magics that countered her shadow-magic, Yukio was captured and entombed deep underground in a chamber filled with the light of a thousand suns, so that no shadows could exist within it. Bound by a spell that preserved her, she lay trapped within for a thousand years as her brother continued to expand the empire and pursue his goal of apotheosis.

Eventually a group of adventurers discovered the location of the tomb and raided it, freeing Yukio. Once freed, she immediately sought knowledge of the prophecy, something her brother had let slip in his gloating prior to her imprisonment, and began preparing for her eventual confrontation with him. As part of her preparations, she set out with her companions to craft her blade, Avidarel's Shadow. While normal shadows are dispelled by light, the blade--A weapon of shadow crafted from the remains of a god of light--instead gains strength, strength she'll need when she confronts the Sun King.


7. Post which one of the 10 Sefira your character embodies: Malkuth (Rulership of One's self and surroundings, and respect for another's authority), Yesod (Physicality and the transcendence thereof), Hod (Glory and serenity), Netzach (Eternity, represented by an un changing will), Tiferet (Beauty and inner grace), Gevuruh (Discipline and intent of the law), Chesed (Kindness and compassion), Daat (Knowledge), Binah (Understanding and wisdom), Chokhmah (Epiphany), and Keter (Creation and light). These will be important storywise, give bonuses and penalties, and offer a selection of 'bonus divine powers' once characters achieve apotheosis.

Sefira: Yesod or perhaps Daat

The prophecy involving Yukio and her brother states that one will achieve apotheosis and in doing so, slay the other. Transcendence is essential to her survival, but just as important is the knowledge she's had to gather in an effort to understand and thwart her brother's plans.


8. Try to ask around other players and build the group's background.

I'll try and read through the thread to get ideas.

In the meantime it's likely Yukio has travelled with others in the group during her quest to forge Avidarel's Shadow, a weapon crafted specifically to slay her brother. It's also possible that some of the group may have been responsible for freeing her from her imprisonment in searching for allies.

While she wields powers that might typically viewed as evil, she does so to defend herself and to mete out justice to those who are otherwise untouchable. Should the group be aimed towards achieving noble goals she'll be more than happy to help realize them.


9.A post about why you want to play this character, what you bring to the table, and whether or not you intend to facilitate group cohesion (Read: YOU MUST! Even though your character will be a god, this is still a group-based roleplaying game. There will be plenty of time for independent stuff during downtime!).

I've been kicking around an idea for a shadowdancer for a while, and I really think she has the raw flavor necessary to make an interesting deity. Gestalt offers the opportunity to really showcase the shadow-magic and illusions of the shadowdancer, which is something that normally gets left by the wayside.

As far as group cohesion goes, Yukio is definitely the type to help others, although she might clash a bit with those with strongly lawful tendencies. She realizes that even in her own endeavors she's likely to need assistance from others, and hence is more than willing to offer it.

Edit: Thought of one more thing. Would it be possible to get some way to upgrade the shadow companion from the Shadowdancer to something more useful? It'd be nice to be able to make it relevant at these levels by giving it progression like an animal companion or something. I'd be perfectly willing to spend mythic feats or abilities to do so, as the shadow is supposed to be the shade of the umbral dragon she bound.

MORE CHARACTER GOODNESS! How shall I ever pick from them all?! O_O

In response to your question, Xentik, read below. Also, I will be sendIng you a PM regarding something.


Oh my one of my charters is a synthesis summoner, does that count?

Template of our choosing? Can they be Mythic? and its one template, or can it be a combination = to +3 CR?

The Arcane template is really good for familiars.

Robot, it would count if you chose to split it from you. It's not really a companion if it's fused to you. I think of fused eidolons as fleshy power armor, to use a very bad analogy.

Fair enough.

Petrikov, yes to all three of your questions. I would, of course, encourage some really flavorful choices over bland, utilitarian choices, but in the end I will not hold it against someone for the latter (I would be slightly disappointed though!). If anyone has an idea for a template and either wants it approved or wants me to find one that matches the flavor for them, just let me know.

Tenro, hopefully I will find a template for you soon!

Billy, sorry about the race not getting to you yet! I'm HOPING that I can get it to you today!


working on final story now, will submit soon. running late, but the character is pretty complicated.

as far as setting references, should i keep those neutral, or are we using a published setting? i guess, all in all, it wont matter since planar travel is integral anyway.

Tenro, setting references do not matter. If you made a good enough case for your character coming from Athas, or even Ravenloft, I would have little to no problem with it! You're not late, so don't worry about rushing or anything! And your character being complicated shouldn't be a problem! ^_^

Red velvet tiger, I'm cool with swapping domains if I need to.



1. The above character creation used in making the character.

2. Details about your character's divine portfolio, domains, favored race of servitor Outsiders, ect.

3. Three deific titles. You will be playing deities, the least you can do is come up with some epic titles!

4. Come up with ideas for a deific relic. For a real world mythical analogue, think Zeus' Aegis, the Mymir Stone, the Staff of Anubis, ect. Provide an idea on what sort of abilities you may want, but do not include rules! The rules are will be decided by me.

5. What sort of divine realm would you have? Which plane would it be on (Be generic, like 'the plane of law', because we will be using the Dark Roads and Golden Hells cosmology by Kobold Press, along some worlds from Lords of Gossamer and Shadow by Rite Publishing!)?

6. BACKGROUND! I would rather have a party of people with sucktastic crunch and awesome fluff, than a party with the inverse.

7. Post which one of the 10 Sefira your character embodies: Malkuth (Rulership of One's self and surroundings, and respect for another's authority), Yesod (Physicality and the transcendence thereof), Hod (Glory and serenity), Netzach (Eternity, represented by an un changing will), Tiferet (Beauty and inner grace), Gevuruh (Discipline and intent of the law), Chesed (Kindness and compassion), Daat (Knowledge), Binah (Understanding and wisdom), Chokhmah (Epiphany), and Keter (Creation and light). These will be important storywise, give bonuses and penalties, and offer a selection of 'bonus divine powers' once characters achieve apotheosis.

8. Try to ask around other players and build the group's background.

9. A post about why you want to play this character, what you bring to the table, and whether or not you intend to facilitate group cohesion (Read: YOU MUST! Even though your character will be a god, this is still a group-based roleplaying game. There will be plenty of time for independent stuff during downtime!).

Revised from earlier, here goes:

  • 1. This will be done. To this end, I am waiting on/would like the following from you, when you get a chance:
    - Final determination of base CR for the Thoon Elder Brain under Pathfinder vice its old CR under 3.5 (you mentioned it would likely be a difference of 2 or 3 CR, I'd just like to know to see how many levels i have to work with on that side of the gestalt)
    - I like the Alien Entity template you sent and will almost certainly use it. However, it grants SR, and the base creature has SR. I don't recall if/how SR stacks, would it be like two separate sources of concealment (as in, roll once versus each) or would it be more of a static bonus to one in lieu of stacking? or simply a vestigial iteration of SR?
    - In addition, depending on the CR differential and any templates applied, I would be interested in A.) any other template ideas you could suggest, and B.) any suggestions for class to fill in those scant few levels on the Brain side. I suppose, for the purposes of growth, class levels would be better so youre not trying to apply a template again and again.

  • 2. - Portfolio: Madness, Thoon, Dreams
    - Domains: Madness, Knowledge, Void, Illithid, Dreams
    - Servitors: Illithid and Thoon creatures and constructs.

  • 3. - The Pattern that Binds
    - The Fractured Mind
    - The Lucid Lunatic

  • 4. Circlet of Thoon: This circlet contains a host of powers, potentially including the following:
    - boost the psionic and arcane resonance of its wearer
    - allow wearer to project images to enlighten or delude viewers
    - allow wearer to change shape into several common humanoid varieties
    - make sense of seemingly incomprehensible things, solving any puzzle or riddle, deducing a fact from seemingly unrelated clues
    - induce sleep and/or insanity, even in powerful creatures or those typically immune
    - onieromancy

  • 5. Mine would most likely be on the plane of dreams. it would be an ever-changing landscape of anything that an insane mind could conjure. not necessarily a hellscape, but in some areas that is entirely possible. all traits would be highly morphic, most likely.

  • 6.
    There is little to remember from the time before the Far Beyond. So fundamentally did the seemingly endless layers of concept after self-conflicting concept warp the very being of this creature, the decades before are a pale shadow of a memory. As the physical aspect of the "creature" is simply a brain with a few attendant tentacles, this warping was strongly characterized by a warping of thought.

    As the younger brain of the mind flayer base beneath Riedra, this one was sent away to start a new colony. Cast far across Eberron into the heart of Khorvaire, this one and its tadpoles found solace in the ground beneath the Nightwood in Karrnath.
    It was in this land that their numbers flourished, the locals were not unaccustomed to disappearances in the "haunted" forest. This one sensed the presence of hidden watchers, and reports confirmed strange creatures flitting about. The shadow flayers managed to capture one, and its brain had the most unusual flavor, like no brain before. The knowledge within was what most interested this one. Their newly founded base was in a place where an outer plane brushed past the material plane, and this strange creature had stepped across the boundary.

    Eager to have more, the young brain gathered its followers and possessions, and after the necessary calculations and preparations, cast themselves forth once more into the unknown. Little did they know just how unknowable their destination truly was.

    They floated for a time in the strange and infinite void, a place between places. Strange creatures attacked them, providing necessary brains for sustenance, reproduction, and experiments. At times, they even attacked alien creatures, some so incomprehensibly large that they could not consume the brain (when it could even be found or recognized) before the flavor escaped.

    It was in this not-a-place that the concept of Thoon formed in their minds. The strange flavor, they surmised, came from the knowledge of the unknowable. A cognitive disconnect between the understanding of what cannot be, yet is. Through the tasting of many brains of varying creatures and at varying stages of madness, it was determined that there is an optimal state of Thoon relatively early in the descent into madness. This revelation bore with it the need to return from whence they came, for the creatures in this void had mostly come to terms with madness as they had. If they could return to a land where madness was not the default, they could foment madness, sow and reap it as they desired.

    However, there was an obstacle to overcome. The way home was unknown. In fact, it was unknowable, for all had changed in their wake. They once again put their minds to a solution, and that solution was to alchemically induce a deep slumber within a creature large enough to house them, and magically enter its dreams. Once in the dream world, they shunted themselves from the anchor of the dreamer, and spent an unknowable amount of time in the plane of dreams. From here they introduced madness into a great deal of creatures, but to little effect. Dreamers could cope with madness, at least in limited doses. As the plane was highly morphic, they rarely got repeated access to the same dreamer so as to effect a budding insanity. Thoon provided the way, however. A detailed compilation of images and information from the minds of dreamers coupled with implanted suggestions allowed for the preparation of a site to receive them safely. When all was set, the plane shift occurred.

    This one and its followers stunned and captured the thralls in the sudden onslaught, and solidified their base of power. This was not the land from whence they originally came, but it would more than suffice for their needs. Their new base was to be formed deep within a mountain, and their eventual research showed that it was very similar in make to their origin.

    It was from here that this one began to foment madness in an attempt to sow and harvest Thoon. The time of greatest chaos was in battle, and so this one went from soldier to mage, mage to warlord, warlord to courier, courier to vizier, vizier to king; inducing madness at greater and greater a scale. The shadow flayers and Thoon disciples harvested the Thoon, the madcrafters crafted the scythers and stormclouds. An underground empire was crafted.

    Lest madness become a default state, and Thoon production stagnate, the operation must get underway in other planes. It was in this way, beings of similar power to this one were encountered. Never before seen, these creatures bore observing.

  • 7. Chokmah - he definitely had a profound epiphany that sent him on this course (this may be the most applicable, i think)

  • 8. the only conflict i recall seeing is that several of us are eying the domain of knowledge. Mine would be more akin to the subdomains of Memory or Thought, insight gained from lunacy and such, rather than the entire domain of knowledge which would encompass every sage librarian and such.

  • 9. I have wanted to play a character like this (although i hadnt yet considered doing so at so high a level). I made such a character at low level already for another game but that game died so i was considering bringing the idea forward and extrapolating what it might be to play such a mad character with deific power. Roleplaying the madness and the insight would be the most fun for me, as well as RP interactions of trying to convince others that he is right, as well as his mad followers trying to convince others that they are right and how they are reacted to by other mortals.

    Will facilitate group cohesion as a knowledge-based support as well as spell/power support.

  • Hello, here is Gobo Horde ^-^
    This is Pyroclasm, the everburning goblin.
    He is a druid/alchemist (Menhir Savant/Ragechemist)
    Lots of his fluff is in his alias

    As for other characters, I love the idea of being the opposite of the ice king, constantly trying to one up him (and burn his ice) as well as the gravity elemental, as a fellow elemental there could be lots of chance for connected backgrounds :)

    As per the post above,
    1: Very little character creation thrus far, mostly just some ideas.

    2: Portfolio: Fire, Destruction, Trickery
    Domains: Fire (obviously), Destruction (catastrophe, rage), Glory (heroism), Madness (insanity), trickery (deception, innuendo, thievery)

    3: Pyroclasm, The Great Ball of Fire, The Everburning Goblin. To the goblins he is known as BOOM BOOM Burnie.

    4: Relic. Not to sure here, I am thinking of a few different ideas. The first one is something to get past fire immune creatures as that will be my biggest weakness by far (water comes a distant second). Some sort of eye or "Green Flame" that reduces fire immunity to resistance 20 or some such? The next idea was a giant fireball. Something like once a day I can hurl a massive fireball causing a huge explosion and carnage. After its used, it must recharge its energy.
    This section I could use ideas for.

    5: Divine realm. For sure the elemental plane of fire. It will be an area where goblins exist (despite fire everywhere, tho they can still burn if set alight by other sources) and explosions are everywhere.

    6: in the alias :)
    Retyping it would create too much of a wall of text than this already is.

    7: Embodies the Sefira of Hod. There is no true glory except when something is burning. Then it is the act of burning that creates glory and it is to what is burning that the glory is given. Pyroclasm takes this to the extreme, he burns, everything he touches burns, everywhere he walks burns, and if something will not burn, it has no glory and loses most of its value. One big exception is things that cause things to burn. Those are the heralds of glory, and thus have glory in their potential. That and bombs.

    8: I see great opportunity to mesh with the ice king and the gravity elemental. I will have to read more of the others to get a good understanding of them :)

    9: I want to play this character because I love goblins. A goblin gaining the power of fire is a fun idea :) Goblins, alchemist, fire. A match made in heaven.
    I would be able to bring lots of direct damage to the group, in a multitude of ways, as well as having a really versitile spell selection. While I will be largely focused on fire, I can still do other things like scouting (if that even applies at this level :P), distraction and buffing/support.
    I have full intention of playing as a group. How, I am not sure at this point, but as a player I have no intent on "doing my own thing in my own corner". If that means I have to be everyones pet to do this, then so be it :)

    RVT: I'd be ok with swapping domains if needed as well.

    I'd be fine with it. An alternate idea would be to separate the domain between the two, having them represent different subdomains.

    I'd like your approval for using the Missing template from Super Genius Games for my familliar.

    Oh, right, that reminds me. I think someone asked this question before, and I didn't see an answer (apologies if I missed it) - would we get the Favored Class Bonus for both classes, or would you prefer we stick to just one? I'm not sure how Gestalt usually handles this, so I was curious. ^^

    ... and as an addendum to that question, if we got favored bonus to both class, would the Nemesis story feat grant a third? (It normally grants a second one)

    Tenro, that looks glorious! THOON IS THOON! ^_^

    The Pyroclasm, BURN BABY BURN! ^_^

    Cydrius, the Missing template is pretty cool and is approved!


    Seconding Cydrius's idea of splitting into subdomains.

    Ok this is my a bit more thought out suggestion,

    Name: Arkus Vulcannos
    Race: Orc with the Half Dragon Template
    Class: Crossblooded Sorcerer (Orc, Dragon)17 l Fighter 17
    Domains: Tactics, Protean, Demon
    Deific Titles: 3a
    ----The Red Orc: Arkus appears as an enormous orc, with fierce claws and teeth his skin a dark chromatic red.
    -----The Demon Dragon: Arkus’ heritage gives him wings and scales like a dragon, with the body of a huge orc, he is a fearsome sight to behold
    -----The Bloody General: Despite his chaotic nature, Arkus is a brilliant battlefield commander.

    3b Demons and Proteans

    4. Mother’s Fury: A massive battle axe made from the bones of Arkus’ deceased mother, an ancient red dragon called Firescorn. Arkus says things like, “Mother’s upset with you” and “You’ve made Mother angry.” or “Don’t make me tell Mother”

    5. Arkus lives in the Black Keep, a Massive fortress in Hell.


    First Arkus was born. His Father was a chieftain of an orc clan called the Scartooth Clan, his name was Argus Bone Cleaver. Argus was intelligent for an orc, rising to leadership of his clan quickly in his youth, swelling the clan to previously unheard of numbers. His secret? The whispering of a lady called scorn who visited him at night instructing him, having him strike at a neighboring kingdom. The lady Skorn became the lover of chief Argus and bore him a son.

    The lady Skorn’s real nature as a red dragon. Their son was a scaled red orc that Argus named Arkus. Argus was disturbed at his lover’s nature, but she brought him power so who was he to complain. Arkus grew quickly becoming strong and smart his blood running with the arcane power of his maternal heritage. He began fighting in his clan’s raids at the age of 7, learning quickly both from the orcs ferocity and the skill of the human and elven warriors they fought. At the age of ten he challenged his father for leadership of the clan and won handily.

    Even after killing his father and leading the Scartooth Clan, Arkus became very bored with the close mindedness of the orcs. Now he loved battle and destruction and killing, but there was a higher form of war out there, better weapons better armor, better tactics. Orc could never understand this. So when he was 17 he left his clan, in a bloody and culled state after they took issue with his departure. He began to roam the countryside, practicing his craft, learning from those he could, joining bandits and then eventually adventurers. Soon enough he made a name for himself as a particularly skilled warrior and mercenary, earning riches and fame. Arkus is always on the lookout for the next challenge.

    Personality: Arkus has a violent and rage filled nature that he battles against constantly. He views strength as the ultimate virtue but struggles to expand his mind so that he can recognize other forms of strength beside just strength of arm. He is well read, especially for an orc, and can speak several languages and is actually very charismatic. He enjoys pipe tobacco and is notorious for challenging people to duels that often end in death for those that except. He learned about said duels in his travels and absolutely loves the concept. Arkus nurtures an active thirst for knowledge and self betterment through struggle.

    7. Binah

    8. We could have gone on adventure together. Or even cooler, you could have been hired to deal with the bandit group I was with and recruited Arkus!

    9. I want for this character to overcome his evil nature and make lasting friendships. He needs to learn to work together and better himself. Arkus also wants to cultivate the strength in others. He seeks to be the greatest warrior that ever lived and has worked to realized that the mind helps as much as the back in that respect.

    Bane88, remember that templates adjust relative level.


    Scarab Sages

    I'd be willing to swap domains. I'm also working on a third character concept that works for the setting, so you can always choose a character that doesn't share domains with the others.

    Not fully complete, but so far:

    Character Concept:
    Theresa Allenmore, the Human Wizard 11/Rogue 7/Noble Scion 10/Diabolist 6

    Portfolio: Revenge, Evil, Sacrifice, Rulership

    Domains: Darkness(Loss), Evil(Devil), Law(Tyranny), Nobility(Aristocracy), War(Blood)

    Servitor: The Furies (Erinyes Devil), Deimavigga (Apostate Devil)

    Titles: The Dark Widow, The Devil's Wife, The Blood Queen.

    Sefira: Malkuth

    Theresa once lived a peaceful, happy life with her heroic husband. He was a kind man to his neighbors and a vicious warrior on the battlefield. He had some strange ideas about the afterlife, though.

    It was for sharing these ideas with others that Theresa's father, the king, sentenced him to death for treason.

    The only treasonous one that Theresa saw was her father. She would make him pay, no matter the cost.

    She learned dark magics and went to dark places. She committed her soul to the Eleven Hells, summoned devils, and built an army.

    Theresa's army stormed the castle and she blew open the king's door with her magics. Revenge would at last be hers! Or so she thought.

    The king cried out to his gods and was whisked away by a bright light.

    As she sat in her new throne, she smiled cruelly, thinking to herself: If the fool's gods want to help him, then they will pay as well.

    For this, the lords of the Eleven Hells rewarded Theresa with a visit from her husband, who had done very well for himself there. He was, as he had secretly been before, an Apostate Devil, spreading his master's will, in this case through his wife.

    Theresa still loved the Devil and bore him a son. Queen Allenmore ruled for years, spreading her kingdom and her faith far, eventually leaving the task to her son while she struck out again to find her father.

    Since I usually play neutral or good martial characters, I feel that an evil caster/rogue type that has good reason to work alongside the others might be a fun change of pace.

    Just in case anybody wants Mythic Psionics...

    Only $10k away

    What was the previous method for templates?

    The Sheet so Far

    Post with questions:
    2. Details about your character's divine portfolio, domains, favored race of servitor Outsiders, ect.
    Where Hanuhpah's brother represents the raw emotion and bloodied frenzy of killing, whether to prey on a food animal, drive off rivals to mate, or to protect ones territory, HAnuhpah represents the silence and will that lies between life and death, law and chaos. He is the calm before the storm and the soft wind after it passes. He brings both life and death and in him secrets lost to the civilized can be found.

    Hanuhpah is also a king of spirits having long ago challenged their ancient and callous ruler and devoured him whole in the form of a terrible man eating fly trap. They pay homage and fealty to him and in turn he protects them as their king.

    Domains Granted: Healing, Death, Animal, Darkness, Knowledge

    Hanuhpah is served mostly by animals and dragons, though in terms of outsiders he is served by all manner of beings from Daemons, to angels, to psychopomps, so long as they contain some aspect of neutrality within them. Many serve him temporarily to gain some wisdom from the sacred hunts among his servants (who hunt on another for a boon from him) before leaving with the knowledge. Hanuhpah does not care. Survival is about change, and those unwilling to change die. That is the jungle's law.

    3. Three deific titles.
    The Silent Watcher, The King of Spirits, The Bloody Prophet

    4. Come up with ideas for a deific relic. For a real world mythical analogue, think Zeus' Aegis, the Mymir Stone, the Staff of Anubis, ect. Provide an idea on what sort of abilities you may want, but do not include rules! The rules are will be decided by me.
    The Headdress of Hanuhpah is a relic from his priestly days. Adorned with the colored feathers of many birds. Over time it grew to encompass countless trophies gained throughout his adventures and is whispered to be the secret to his shape shifting abilities. Depictions of it in his temples show it adorned with any and all trophies from rare and powerful creatures from dragons to linnorms, to dinosaurs, to countless human skulls, and, some say, even trophies taken from gods who dared to challenge him and his brother in their jungle domain.

    5. What sort of divine realm would you have? Which plane would it be on (Be generic, like 'the plane of law', because we will be using the Dark Roads and Golden Hells cosmology by Kobold Press, along some worlds from Lords of Gossamer and Shadow by Rite Publishing!)?
    Hanuhpah shares a realm with his twin brother called the forest of Twelve Thousand Deaths, a savage jungle of long forgotten ancient cities and battles located on the plane of spears. Where his brother claims all the places at the edge of the water at its many rivers, the branches of trees, the webs of spiders,the very tops of the forest canopy, and the long abandoned battlefields and cities. Hanuhpah lays claim to the quiet secret places in the jungle between the leaves, in the trunks of trees and under the leaves of the forest floor, Hanuhpah is a hidden god always present but not always found or seen. To seek Hanuhpah is to struggle with one's own ignorance. To find him is to conquer that ignorance and thus earn the wisdom you sought him out for.

    6. BACKGROUND! I would rather have a party of people with sucktastic crunch and awesome fluff, than a party with the inverse.
    Working on it slowly. Getting crunch done first since it will be the hardest. May wait on billy to finish his and go from there.

    7. Post which one of the 10 Sefira your character embodies: Malkuth (Rulership of One's self and surroundings, and respect for another's authority), Yesod (Physicality and the transcendence thereof), Hod (Glory and serenity), Netzach (Eternity, represented by an un changing will), Tiferet (Beauty and inner grace), Gevuruh (Discipline and intent of the law), Chesed (Kindness and compassion), Daat (Knowledge), Binah (Understanding and wisdom), Chokhmah (Epiphany), and Keter (Creation and light). These will be important storywise, give bonuses and penalties, and offer a selection of 'bonus divine powers' once characters achieve apotheosis.
    Binah. Hanuhpah is predatory. But predatoy with a purpose. His followers hunt and kill for food, knowledge, and to udnerstand the world better. They stalk, wait, and observe their prey quietly before striking. If their is no wisdom to be gained then they allow the prey to pass, though the prey may never be aware of being hunted. Hanuhpah teaches survival and the follies of complacency in the face of overwhelming and senseless death.

    8. Try to ask around other players and build the group's background.
    Me and billy are probably doing the mayan hero twin thing. How do others want in on it?

    9.A post about why you want to play this character, what you bring to the table, and whether or not you intend to facilitate group cohesion (Read: YOU MUST! Even though your character will be a god, this is still a group-based roleplaying game. There will be plenty of time for independent stuff during downtime!).
    I rarey get a chance to play high powered characters and rarer still with a unique theme surrounding it. HAnuhpah seems aloof and mysterious, benevolent yet with a string of ruthless cunning that surprises even his brother. This is a man who removed hearts in the name of a vampire lord before destroying said vampire lord himself.

    I have one question for everyone. Vote if you would like for all damage, both PC and NPC/monster damage, to be multiplied to speed the game along.
    No. NO no no no no no no no.

    Hanuhpah and his twin brother were born on an auspicious moon on an auspicious night. The stars determined that Hanuhpah was to grow to be a priest whilst his brother was destined to become a great warrior.

    Hanuhpah showed no real signs of greatness throughout his young life. He was as curious as one might expect and learned the stories and lessons of his people as he was taught.

    However as he grew older and joined the priesthood proper his thirst for knowledge and wisdom grew. Having learned all the tales, done all the rituals and performed all the rites he began to question the reasoning behind much of what they did and sought to find the underlying reasons behind how people function. He studied animals, how they hunted, how they kept from being hunted, and how they lived. HE studied the spirits and learned not only their places in the world and how they interacted with it but the why as well. Though the older priests grumbled and complained about his flights of fancy and his overt interest in bodies with no souls (those of the sacrificed) they could not deny that it made him an effective medicine man and demon warder.

    When the city came under siege to a particularly nasty strain of ghoul fever the priests seemed all but powerless. No matter how many ghouls were destroyed or how many they managed to cure of the disease the ghouls continued to grow and spread.

    Where the other priests tried to answer the plague with more sacrifices to their vampire lord Hanuhpah chose to observe the ghouls themselves, communing with the spirits, tracking them to their origins and eventually finding the source of the plague Hanuhpah discovered that the ghouls were coming from the mass graves the priests used to dispose of sacrifices. Burning these sites and destroying the nests effectively ended the plague and saw HAnuhpah rise to the top of his order's hierarchy. Immediately Hanuhpah set out to reform his people's policies citing the ghouls and the shadow demons in the jungle a product of the old establishments aging policies.

    The resistance he met on this was quite stubborn as all feared that ceasing the sacrifices would allow the demons into the city and anger the nascent vampire lord beneath his pyramid. In a bout of anger HAnuhpah and his brother ripped up the pyramid which the vampire lord slept and slew him by exposing him to the hot jungle sun.

    What followed was a civil war that destroyed the city and scattered the remnants. Angry at their own people for their stubborn refusal to let go of useless traditions HAnuhpah and his brother set off into the jungle to learn the wisdom of the world away from that gods forsaken ruin.

    Whilst in the jungle both Hanuhpah and his brother learned the lost art of shape shifting, of how humans could take on the form of any that they desired through an act of will and raw emotion. His brother took to this more easily feeling more kinship to animals. Though HAnuhpah found his own ways, through alchemical concoctions or through entreating spirits he found that though the path was harder more forms became open to him.

    He also learned that it was ultimately stagnation and complacency that killed his people. Indeed as him and his brother came across more and more ruins he concluded that it was human complacency that allowed them to tolerate even the moat heinous crimes against them.

    So for Hanuhpah adventuring was a means to be under constant stimulus. Changing environments and fresh enemies continued to force HAnuhpah to change, and in that change he regrew to become stronger and more powerful. Over time Hanuhpah challenged to tyrant that ruled over the spirits themselves and in a contest of form changing defeated him and became the king of spirits by swallowing him whole.

    Hanuhpah is a tall man like his brother though not quite as broad and with a stern jawline seeming to be perpetually set into a dour expression. He prefers the trappings of the priest that he had back in the city, the black and white skull paint and the elaborate headdress that contains countless trophies from his kills. They serve both as a warning and a reminder the Hanuhpah was once a man elbows deep in other men's blood for no other reason than to appease a malevolent god. HE is fatalistic with an all too morbid sense of humor. HE smiles often though at seemingly inappropriate times showing a perfect set of white teeth as a contrast to his dark skin and large nose. He disdains weapons almost as much as his brother does seeing no weapon being as flexible or as potent ans ones own hands and thoughts. He is quick to make friends however as he is far from being devoid of benevolence and recognizes that people are made to work together rather than as lone hunters.

    Ahhhh, RVT, I might have misunderstood something then.

    Do monster levels take up one or both sides of the gestalt? E.g. does a CR 11 gravity elemental get six levels on one side and 17 on the other? Or six on both?

    It sounds like they'd only get the former (or could theoretically double their monster CR on one side to keep in of the other). Yes?

    Masking some nice progress on the fluff for my God of the Cosmos.

    How do you do feats for monsters? Do you get the monster feats plus the every other level feats one gets at that level?

    Me and billy need to see that supernaturally linked twin template. Though at this point I may ahve little to no interest in it.

    Yeah templates just got muuuuuch less attractive

    Scarab Sages

    Seems more attractive to me. You can still use them the same way as normal, or you could have something like Elder Brain Thoon 17/Wizard 11/3 level adj template taking the wizard side.

    I'm considering having Joey's templates replace only parts of his ranger side to make him more magical beast-like and give him a higher HD and saves as per monster creation rules.

    TarkXT wrote:
    The Gamemaster wrote:
    TarkXT wrote:

    Aaaaannddd now I have a 24 hour duration shapechange effect.

    I can only hope my brother embraces the same kind of ridiculous cheese.

    I plan on rage bearing fairly constantly.

    Why rage bear when you can rage dragon?

    To put some things into perspective.

    Hanuhpah, bringer of sunlight, holder of life and death, and he who watches from the dark can morph into a carrion claw.

    But, before that he can do the following buff round.

    Standard: Use Mythic Heroism (+4 Attack, damage, saves and skills) + Countless Eyes Extract (all around vision and can't be flanked or shield if AC is called for).

    Mythic Power for Extra Standard to Mutagen (+8 Str, +6 Dex, +4 Con, Pounce, Scent, Blindsense 30feet, Fly 90feet)

    Swift: Quickened Divine Power (+5 Attack and damage, Temp HP, Haste Effect)

    Free: Shift into Carrionc Claw form (+6 str, -2 dex +2 Con +6 Nat armor).

    So, barring any other buffs from fellow PC's Hanuhpah in his multi eyed, multi clawed centipede kill form has.

    Str: 38
    Dex: 24
    Con: 26

    7 (or 9 don't know how feral mutagen interacts) Claws that deal 4d6+38 before power attack(+12 damage) and sneak attack (9d6 damage) that have an attack of like +39 each.

    and 1 or 2 bite attacks that almost don't matter.

    The only sad part is his AC drops to a mere 39.

    If I need AC and wiling to sacrifice some claw attacks I can use mythic mosntrous physique instead for a four armed gargoyle.

    Then of course if straight up ripping foes apart is unfeasible he's still a full divine spellcaster who ahs the versatility to switch up to a buffing or battle field control strategy with but a day's notice.

    Needles to say Hanuhpah may be the calm one that's less likely to rip you apart. But, being the thinker and trickster of the pair makes him more dangerous to anger.

    Question about the relics: For relics that also function as a normal item (weapon, armor, etc.) do we need to take the cost for enhancing it out of our 600K budget, or does the relic have a separate budget for its non-unique abilities?


    Here is my submission from earlier. Still need to put the fluff back in and will be trying to incorporate some other characters into the background, but here's the crunch at least.

    I decided to use the Paladin of Anarchy from 3.5 for 2 levels if that's ok. It's basically a paladin....except chaotic.

    Anyone want to have some sort of connection to the serpentine trickster god?

    He is a 14 Vivisectionist/2 Paladin of Anarchy/1 Lunar Oracle/17 Arcane Sorc (with serpentine Eldritch Heritage for flavor :P)

    Kios wrote:

    Seems more attractive to me. You can still use them the same way as normal, or you could have something like Elder Brain Thoon 17/Wizard 11/3 level adj template taking the wizard side.

    I'm considering having Joey's templates replace only parts of his ranger side to make him more magical beast-like and give him a higher HD and saves as per monster creation rules.

    losing those caster levels is rough. Looking at (roughly):

    Lost Mind Cryptic 17
    Thoon Elder Brain 12-15 / ??? 2-5

    Was looking at a template for that 2-5 but if a +2 template becomes +4 I will probably just take class levels.

    As far as class levels go, not sure which way I wanna go with it.
    - I could go with an arcane caster class and do Cerebremancer
    - I could go with psion for more PP
    - I could go with something that gives a cool gimmick early on (like synthesist for a Krang-like brain suit, or something)

    not really sure, open to suggestions

    One favored class bonus, right...

    *Looks up the details on Nemesis*

    That actually sounds pretty interesting... though considering what that added FCB would mean for Camiel, it might be unfair to try and go for that. XD Even in a game like this.

    I personally think it would be hilarious if everyone took the nemesis feat.

    It WOULD be fun to have a nemesis for the entire party... or an entire group of them, working together to bring us down. XD That's the sort of power this party would need to be challenged, right? What do the rest of you think?


    Xentik, if you enhance the item by adding more abilities or pluses, it does come out of your gold.

    Gyrfalcon, yes, they gain the monster feats, as those are included in their CR calculations.

    Tenro, you could always take levels in the Aegis class to get a psionic ectoplasm armor!

    Rednal, how would you consider it OP?

    How does Hanuhpah look so far btw?

    By the by what are all the entries so far?

    As a Human Godling, Camiel has the Favored Class Bonus of 1/2 Divine Trait per level - in the practical sense, this means that taking the full twenty levels would give her an additional four-level set of divine traits... and since she's multiclassing two godlings, adding in Nemesis would run to a total of five lines (when a normal godling, without a FCB, would get about 1.5 lines). XD From the lists, that would probably mean she'd have all the powers of Legendary Beauty, Paramortal, Scholar, Seer, and Shapeshifter... or maybe swap in Divine Portfolio somewhere. I haven't thought that far ahead. XD Seems like an awful lot of power, even for a legendary, mythic campaign... but if you think it would be more fun that way, I could certainly go for it.

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