Echoes of the Sephira

Game Master Red Velvet Tiger

Epic heroes chosen by fate stumble across an ancient secret and unknowingly become gods. Their actions will determine the destiny of the multiverse itself.

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Most likely stay on the material plane here. Thats where all the fun stuff he can tinker with is after all!

Here's an overview of what I have so far; I will post a detailed backstory tomorrow evening.
Entquiliv is a Tanimin racial paragon [Rite, In the Company of Dragons] with the balanced draconic essence [corresponding to sovereign dragons]//Witch (time patron). He was not born, so much as created from a dream in the Plane of Dreams...
Eventually he managed to escape from his temporal-mental prison and gained a material form, which he used, along with some aeon allies, to kill the mortal who dreamed of him. The peculiar nature of the situation resulted in Entquiliv manifesting Witch powers. He's spent most of his time since then plane-hopping, gathering followers and support.
Divine Portfolio: Dragons, Time, Aeons, Dreams, Secrets
Domains: Knowledge, Scalykind, time[Purple Duck, Gods of Porphyra], dream[Book of Divine Magic, four winds fantasy], Luck
Subdomains: Aeon (knowledge), Future (Time), Past (Time), Dragon (Scalykind), Fate (Luck)

Sefira: Netzach
Favored outsiders: Aeons. Entquiliv's first allies as a mortal were aeons, and his familiar is a paracletus.
Typical followers: Dragons and dragonkin, aeons, historians, diviners
Divine Realm: A plane he created with Create Greater Demiplane. Entquiliv's ultimate goals, however, include conquering both the plane of dreams where he was formed and the Loom of Fate.
Deific Relic: (name forthcoming), a sharp spike which can be fastened (magically) to a dragon's tail, tooth, or claw. It can cast a few spells on its own as well as being used to improve a dragon's natural attack (or as a normal sharp weapon).
It also extends a little bit into the past, and can affect creatures and objects at a location it previously occupied, as if it were there, for a short time after moving.
More than a weapon, this temporal spike is actually sentient and possesses a frequently-mutating personality, making it very difficult to control.

Relations to the other PCs: I think Entquiliv would already be on good terms with Charis...what say you, Vritra?

As I said above, a lot more is coming tomorrow, I have to go now...

Oh, just for the record, I'm sorely tempted to submit a:
Two-Headed, Mighty, Advanced, Giant Tyrannosaurus (CR 17 including the templates) | Barbarian 17.

His domains would be saurian, destruction, rage, and hunger.

He would be known as The Swallowing Saurian, The Twin Heads of Hunger, He Who Snacks on Worlds, and the Munching Maw.


Kios wrote:

If anyone wants to have a connection to Ythir, it should be a simple matter. He has been exploring the Planes for some time, so it would make sense that he would have run into others doing the same.

Edit: Tenro, could he have met your character at some point? I find him fascinating and I think the two would get along well, even if they never really understood why themselves.

that would make the most sense and is more than fine with me

Darien Cedric Espoir wrote:
who wants to be friends with the eccentric inventor :3

who DOESN'T? !

My background is coming along pretty well. Once it's done, I'll be fishing for background connections.

Also RVT, when you get a moment, I look forward to those racial mods for the Thoon Elder Brain as well as ideas on possible other Thoon powers to compensate for CR differential. In fact, I was thinking it might even be cleaner (gestalt-wise) to have Thoon Elder Brain be one whole side of the gestalt. I cant imagine 2-4 levels of something tacked on to that could even possibly matter, although maybe I could fit a PrC in there.

Also, in terms of my relic, I was thinking for abilities A. Something that could change my appearance (perhaps based on thoughts floating around or dream remnants), and/or B. Something that reflects his ability to make sense of seemingly incomprehensible things, to find patterns in maelstroms of chaos.

Scarab Sages

Just in case my first character doesn't work out, my second is:

Joey, The Mighty Roo, The Foot of Fall, The Martial Marsupial, The Kangaroo King
the CN Heroic Advanced Dire Mythical Mighty Kangaroo Ranger/Barbarian 2
|Str 44|Dex 36|Con 36|Int 12|Wis 22|Cha 18|HP...still figuring it out.

What does an animal companion do when it becomes awoken to the dangers it's master puts it through? Well, in Joey's case, he bounced. Since then, he has traveled the world in hope of being the best of his kind and lifting the kangaroo race from choices of slavery and early death in the wilds.

Since he learned of the plane, he has always thought it would be cool to be a bouncer in The Casino.

Edit: His portfolio would include Strength, Perserverance, and Animals

He would have a dedicated cult called "the Foot" and his herald would be the Leaping Lumberjack, one of the first of his followers (Known to his friends as Carl).

Edit 2: His artifact would be Joey's Tie, a gift given to him by a crazed magician who said it would help him leap across the planes.

Complete background is up.

Whew. That was a looong background to type out.

The relationship between Trazzle and Entquiliv would probably not be too friendly, for obvious reasons... have you perhaps encountered the Wyrmtaunters some time in the past?

Darien, I could see The Lord Inventor and the Prince of Shenanigans traveling together for a while and working on a few projects. What do you say?

If anyone else has an interest in sharing some background with the Prince of Shenanigans, let me know. I'd be happy to interact, and being chaotic neutral with a big emphasis on freedom and doing stuff on a whim, he can be an ally just as much as a past foe.

Velvet Tiger, would you mind taking a look at my backstory and letting me know if anything appears to be an issue? There's a big focus on my Nemesis story feat, so I'd like to know if you're fine with what I went with. (It's likely to be something that will need to be worked into the campaign)

EDIT: I'll still have a bit to add about him finding his familliar, actually.

Question: Provided that it makes sense with the background, could having your favored servitors be first-world fae rather than outsiders be acceptable?

I'm going to try some more fluff/crunch soon. I need the links to the fursona books to really know what he will be like though.

Background fully complete

I've only got his divine portfolio to complete, and then it'll be ready. I encourage everyone interested in shared backgrounds to take a look and see if they see anything that interests them.

Question: Does the setting include a neutral or evil god of dragons? I'm kind of invoking the existence of one in my background, and I'd like to know if there's a specific one I can use. (Specifically, one that gets mad when a bunch of goblins slay a big bad dragon and revives said dragon to get revenge.)

I'm imagining my character hailing initially from the mountains of 5 winds, then traveling to the far beyond where he was transformed by his thoon insight, and came back via the plane of dreams.

Hey all, if you have the spare money, even a just a dollar, to support this incredibly badass and awesome project I would greatly appreciate it:

Mythic Mania

Charis' Page

Inspired by Cydrius, Charis has moved his background and information to the Paizo forums.

Still looking for more connections! I've managed to craft a connection between Ythir and am currently working on connections with Trizzle.

If you like the writing style I have for the backgrounds, I can also write up more and create a lovely set of history. Space is limited (who are we kidding, it really isn't).

Short version: Charis left his dragon overlord after having a semi-prophetic dream, proceeded to develop his powers, had some sort of adventures with the Wyrmtaunters, proceeded to join up with Ythir in plane-hopping, where they studied Aeons, and Charis was abducted by Proteans. He proceeded to hole up in his demiplane for the next while, coming out at least once to look for Ythir after hearing about Jun's "blessing". After that, sat around in his tower for ten years before meeting with Ythir again at the present day.


Started to compile my information; Expanded story, domains, and crunch to come.

Edit: I approve of Vritra's message! I'll be changing the story slightly to reflect my view of things and to fit around what I have already written.

Dot, dot, dot, dot, dot!

I probably don't have the time to take this on (I haven't even skimmed the last few pages of the thread yet), but I'll see what I can do. Such an interesting idea...

Shameless plug-in'er! Just kidding! ^_^

I'll post soon! Being driven home! Prince and I are so buzzed! ^_^ :D

So here is the alias for Kommandar Killjoy. Goblin Synthesist/Gunslinger. I already had the alias half built so i am going to finish him up first :) ill let you know when more information is written on him :)
If i get the raging fireball of greenie doom, then i would love to be your opposite :)
are you thinking something like a friendly feud, constantly one upping eachother, bitter enemies forced to work together? Or a different idea?
Personally i like the one-upmanship idea the most and i imagine there could be lots of fun to be had there :)
Tell me what you think!

Friendly feud works of one-upsmanship definitely sounds like lots of fun.

Though, that would a goblin and I'm a Uldra, so that might get in the way of us being family, let alone brothers, lol. Hmmm.

1. The above character creation used in making the character.
Div Spawn Tiefling
Str 10
Dex 16
Con 10
Int 10
Wis 20 (3 from Level Adjustments)
Cha 20 (1 from Level Adjustments)

2. Details about your character's divine portfolio, domains, favored race of servitor Outsiders, ect.
True Neutral Magic, Knowledge, Plant, Animal, Luck. Favored race...probably be native outsiders (IE the bastard children of the planes)

3. Three deific titles. You will be playing deities, the least you can do is come up with some epic titles!
Magic's Bastard Son, Nature's Little Devil, Devil With No Home

4. Come up with ideas for a deific relic. For a real world mythical analogue, think Zeus' Aegis, the Mymir Stone, the Staff of Anubis, ect. Provide an idea on what sort of abilities you may want, but do not include rules! The rules are will be decided by me.
Personally, as a Sorc/Cleric...probably the most useful thing as a god I would bestow upon my servants....would probably be something to the effect of a Pearl of Unparalleled Power. Idea would be once a day, the pearl can be used to replace any one spell known with any other one spell of same rank or below. It would give the feeling of a god looking after one of it's own, by bestowing upon them the power that which they need the most at the worst possible time. (Some spell admissions would be wish and that sort of game breaker spells...but other then that badaboom)
5. What sort of divine realm would you have? Which plane would it be on (Be generic, like 'the plane of law', because we will be using the Dark Roads and Golden Hells cosmology by Kobold Press, along some worlds from Lords of Gossamer and Shadow by Rite Publishing!)?
Probably he would feel most at home, carving his own place into the Plane of nature...but to be honest, I could really see him as more a wanderer.
6. BACKGROUND! I would rather have a party of people with sucktastic crunch and awesome fluff, than a party with the inverse.
Background isn't 100% but I am feeling more the idea of, his parentage is unknown, whether he was abandoned in the woods as a child or perhaps simply he came to existence because of some demonic magic gone wrong. He came to be as but a babe alone in the world. His early years were surprisingly lucky in that nature itself seemed to provide for him, being taken in by bears, being cared for by wolves. He did not stay long with any one group, being shunned aside when the animals felt him old enough to care for himself only to find new parentage amongst another of nature's own. When he was old enough to fend for himself, he hunted only by necessity and foraged when he could. He began to show signs of magic in his youth and was eventually brought into civilization where he learned more of the ways of man.

7. Post which one of the 10 Sefira your character embodies: Malkuth (Rulership of One's self and surroundings, and respect for another's authority), Yesod (Physicality and the transcendence thereof), Hod (Glory and serenity), Netzach (Eternity, represented by an un changing will), Tiferet (Beauty and inner grace), Gevuruh (Discipline and intent of the law), Chesed (Kindness and compassion), Daat (Knowledge), Binah (Understanding and wisdom), Chokhmah (Epiphany), and Keter (Creation and light). These will be important storywise, give bonuses and penalties, and offer a selection of 'bonus divine powers' once characters achieve apotheosis.

8. Try to ask around other players and build the group's background.
Anyone who finds the concept interesting and would like to help me shore up a proper backstory and shape the character to being a better person would be most welcome.
9.A post about why you want to play this character, what you bring to the table, and whether or not you intend to facilitate group cohesion (Read: YOU MUST! Even though your character will be a god, this is still a group-based roleplaying game. There will be plenty of time for independent stuff during downtime!).
I enjoy playing healers, but generally don't enjoy having to save all my spells for just taking care of the party. The idea would be nice to be able to pull from both divine and arcane to better take care of a small group of friends for one who would feel that from birth there is nothing but loneliness. I would enjoy the roleplaying aspect of a shunned one being brought out of his shell and into the light...even if he may never become a good character at least he can be a little of both good and bad. If anyone is interested lemme know. I enjoy the idea of PCs being dependent in a way upon each other for survival. The idea of betraying each other is one I really don't enjoy myself honestly but I don't mind squabbles here and there.

I think my character's divine herald with be a Magnetar of some kind.

I'd like to get a bit more info on them before I write on up though, can I get directed to a resource for them?

They're in 'It Came From The Stars!', one of the coolest space books ever. That Moonchild class is one of my fave classes! ^_^

@Vritra: Trazzle could be linked up to me as well. Perhaps one of our joint adventures?

@Gobo + Monkeygod: I like the idea of your friendly feud. Might I have come across it during my adventures. Perhaps, at first, finding it strange, but then gaining insight into how it improved you both?

@Tenro: Might I have met you in the Plane of Dreams shortly before we came back to the Material Plane (if that's where we are starting)?

I like so many of the ideas. I feel sad that RVT will soon have to narrow this down and I really hope I make the list.

Edit: Either way, I'll be following it with interest.

That would certainly make sense. I would have been there conducting research of sorts into the nature of dreams and how the disjointed nature of them still makes sense to the sleeping mind, up to a limit

How many players are you thinking of taking?

MonkeyGod, probably 5 or 6.

Tenro wrote:

Also RVT, when you get a moment, I look forward to those racial mods for the Thoon Elder Brain as well as ideas on possible other Thoon powers to compensate for CR differential. In fact, I was thinking it might even be cleaner (gestalt-wise) to have Thoon Elder Brain be one whole side of the gestalt. I cant imagine 2-4 levels of something tacked on to that could even possibly matter, although maybe I could fit a PrC in there.

Also, in terms of my relic, I was thinking for abilities A. Something that could change my appearance (perhaps based on thoughts floating around or dream remnants), and/or B. Something that reflects his ability to make sense of seemingly incomprehensible things, to find patterns in maelstroms of chaos.

Much more finalized crunch here. (yay for immune to spells Ioun stone!)
mythic question, you get the universal mythic abilities, + that of a "type" right? (type being say, an archmage)


Gestalt godling
Thirrian Veldon
Gunslinger(Pistolero)16/Machine smith 16 Advanced template. Elf.
Indomitable Faith, Reactionary
Str:14 (2pt, +4 AT) +2
Dex: 38 (10pt+2 race+4AT+2levels+2mythic +6belt+4Tome) +14
Con:22 (6pt+4AT+6 belt) +6
Int: 33 (8pt+2 race+4AT+2levels+ 6belt+3 tome) +11
Wis: 22 (4pt+4AT+6 belt) +6
Cha:12 (0pt +4AT) +1

Fort: +23
Will: +19
To Hit: +38/+38/+33/+28+22 (DA-+33/33/28/23/18)
Damage: 1d8+22/(DA) +32

Feats- Point Blank shot, Gunsmith,
3- Rapid Fire, Craft Wondrous Items
4-Snap Shot
5- Precise Shot
7- Clustered Shot
8-Improved Snapshot, Craft Magic Arms and Armor
9-Deadly Aim
11-Combat Reflexes
12-Many Shot
13- Signature deed- Deadeye
15-Improved Vital Srike, Craft Construct
16- Rapid reload.
Trick feat- Vital Strike
Mythic Feats-Mythic Rapid shot, Mythic Vital strike, Mythic Combat reflexes

Greatwork- Mobius Weapon (Revolver) Upgrade 3
Augmentations- Explosive Ammunition, Energy Weapon
Gadgets- Portable Ornithopter, Invisibility Cloak
Techniques- Repair Flesh, combat Trick, Explosives Expert, Eye for Danger, Mobius Detonator,

Mythic teir
Universal paths- Extra Mythic Feat, 3rd tier- Sleepless (tinker all night!)

+5 Distance, speed, Seeking, Revolver (I call her, Lola, lol not really, still pondering a name) 100k (my pride and joy!)
Celestial armor
Belt of Physical Might +6/+6 45k
Headband of Mental Prowess +6/+6 45k
Ring of Freedom of Movement-40k
Ring of Prot +5-50k
Hand of Glory-
Cloak of resistance+5-12k
Boots of Striding and sprining-5k
Alchemists Fire (20)
+1 Ammo (200)-2k
Manual of Quickness of Action -105k
Tome of clear thought +3
Bracers of Archery (gunnery) Greater-13k
Goggles of Night-6k
Ioun stones-
Lavender ellipsoid-20k
Clear Spindle-2k
Pale green Prims-15k
+1 to hit/skills/saves Ioun stone

Perception- 16 (+26)
Acrobatics-16 (+34)
Knowledge engineering- 16 (+30)
Craft Arms and armor-16 (+38)
Craft Wondrous Items- 16 (+38)
Craft Construct- 16 (+38)
Know. Arcana- 10 (+25)
Know. Planes-10 (+25)
Know. Dungeoneering- 6 (+20)
Know. Geography-6 (+20)
Spellcraft-16 (+25)
Disable Device- 16 (+34)
UMD-16 (+20)
Sleight of Hand- 16 (+34)
Climb-8 (+14)
Swim-8 (+14)
Ride-2 (+20)
Perform(String Instrument)- 10 (+15)
Sense Motive-16 (+25)
Stealth-16 (+34)

Also, crunch aside, are there any other "godlings" that would spend 75%ish of there time on the material plane? If so I want/need to talk with you.

Tenro, you have the 3.5 MM? Here's an easy way to figure out the stats.

1. Look at Mind Flayer's stats.

2. Subtract 2, 4, 2, 8, 6, 6 from it's respective scores, in that order. This gives the base array used with Mind Flayers (The mods are from 3.X Savage Species.). As creatures fitting into such a similar category were given identical, or very similar, stat arrays, this is a valid way to start.

3. Subtract these scores from the Thoon Elder Brain's scores to receive its bonuses and penalties, which include adjustments for size and HD.

4. To go a step further, you can subtract ability scores gained via level acquisition (HD) by subtracting them from the primary attribute used by the creature's prominent abilities, if applicable (INT would be a good choice), as that is likely where they were placed.

Make sense?

so its late and i have been drinking, so here goes:

Step 1: Str 26, Dex 14, Con 30, Int 25, Wis 23, Cha 23
Step 2: Str 24, Dex 10, Con 28, Int 17, Wis 17, Cha 17
Step 3: just realized, if i subtracted 2,4,2,8,6,6 from the scores and then subtracted the new numbers from the originals i would just get 2,4,2,8,6,6 again.
Step 4: that would be a -3 to INT

??????: so the basic ability mods would be.... +2 +4 +2 +11 +6 +6 ?

Tenro, it's late and I have been drinking as well. That looks about right on the stats, because in the end, I forgot to tell you to do the same with HD AS gains for the base mind flayer. Add a point to INT to even it out.

sweet. I should have my character done no later than sunday night. the story should be done tomorrow night, depending on social obligations

Damnit! Going down to 17th level means I miss out on 9th level Witch spells due to the Winter Witch only adding +9. No Polar Midnight to start off with :(

Also, is my claiming of Darkness and Night as portfolios acceptable?, as I do not believe anybody has claimed them, but I have not looked over every PC submission.

I always feel Cold/Winter and Darkness/Night went well together.

Also, if nobody is going to claim Undead/Necromancy, I'll totally take them too.

Sounds good, Tenro!



Petrikov, they seem legit and fit your character well. After all: Spring=Dawn, Summer=Day, Autumn=Dusk, and Winter=Night.

Which is why I love the night.. and winter.. Hate spring AND dawn haha.

Generally, I *think* one can combine items, with the most expensive one being the base and all the rest costing x1.5 their price.

However, just as a heads up, the book I sent you includes a special artifact system which limits you to four such items(they are rather powerful, trust me), with the feeling that even the lowest ranked deities can't really benefit from mortal magic items.

Finally, this if for any of us prepared casters:

How do we determine extra spells to our spellbook/familiar? I imagine we've encountered other casters who we were able to get more spells from.

sure, I am down with it.

Monkey God, prepared spellcasters know ALL spells available for their level, except for true rituals, which I will detail at a future time if you are interested.

Am I interested?


or as my grandfather used to say:

Does the bear poop in the woods??

Now however, I must slumber.

Red Velvet Tiger wrote:
Monkey God, prepared spellcasters know ALL spells available for their level.


This is madness!

... As a dual prepared caster, I love it.

I wouldn't mind a shared connection with any of you two goblin fellows, by the way. Trazzle's a goblin too.

Would we have had to pay for those spells RVT, or do we just know them for free?

Hmmm...a god of magic and war is interesting as well. Mechanically it would be an Advanced Magus 6 / Eldritch Knight 10 | Cleric or Oracle 17.

Bah, now I'm torn between a God of Magic and War or a God of Healing and Protection.

For a God of Magic and War I would see him getting into the thick of things using his hands to not only weave powerful spells, but to rend flesh.

For a God of Healing and Protection I would see a Paladin wading into a war zone protecting his fallen comrades with his shield and body while using his magic to not only mend their wounds, but even bring the dead back to life.

Considering I'm already playing the healer in another game, I think I might want to switch my concept over to a God of Magic and War. So I think I'll switch over to that concept. He'll be a Chaotic Good being who loves to get right in the middle of things and despite his brash behavior, he has a knack for making people like him.

Domains will include Glory, Good, Magic, Strength, and War.
Favored Servitors: Angels and Azata
Embodied Sefira: Hod (Glory and Serenity) because of his thirst for Glory or perhaps Yesod (Physicality and the transcendence thereof) because his love to be hands on when it comes to battle, however he pushes himself beyond normal means through the use of his magic.
Relic: Some kind of item that represents the union of both mind and body perhaps.

Any thoughts?

Charis, they are free. Let's just face it, at some point you likely either visited some vast planar library, consorted with witches friendly to you, or something of that nature.

Captain Fremont, either one could work.

I'm going to switch to the second. While playing the healer can be fun, it can also be rather tiresome so I would like to make someone that is more front line and in the mix of things.

So now I have to work on backstory for this one. I think I will continue on with the Advanced Aasimar idea and have him transcending his mortal shell by tapping into the divinity that flows through his veins. I think this will be shown through various feats and by switch over to an Oracle of Ancestors.

that is a nice idea capt. my angelic crusader does the same thing :3.

But I believe my inventor will come about "ascending" a slightly different way. Though making him an aasimar would make things a tad easier... hm.

RVT, are aasimar's allowed to swap out there SLA for a +2 to one stat?

Well, characters will ascend through something else, not merely their own blood. I don't want to spoil it, so you can have divine blood in your veins, but you will ascend just the same as everyone else.

Why has noone made punpun yet?

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