About Darien Cedric EspoirBorn from an elf mother, the angel kin Child Daren was lost in the wilds. Daren Espoir never knew his true parents. He was found as a babe by a farmer on the edge of the woods, but the child was not crying nor was he malnourished or feeble. In fact, he was quite full of life, and energy, almost emitting a golden glow. The farmer took the child in as a son. Daren lived a happy life as a farmer’s son, learning the till and the trade, a good life, a humble life. But not all was to remain, for soon after his ninth birthday the small village was attacked by foul demons sent by the lich. The child watched on as his father, mother and brothers were slain trying to defend him and his sisters from the beasts. When the beasts turned there foul heads towards the young boy he did not flee, he did not cry, he stood tall in the face of death for not fear ruled his heart, but anger, a burning fury. His adoptive father would have been proud. Alas naught but a child there was little he could do, and surely he was doomed but, at the last moment a trumpet sounded and several knights in gleaming armor charged into the battle, their glimmering armor shining bright through the smoke, fire, and darkness never seemed to become fouled with the blood of the demons. Before the demon could strike the killing blow a sparkling sword as bright as sunlight burst through it from behind and it dissipated back into the depths of hell from which it had come. And there, as the light faded, standing over the boy was not a knight in golden armor, but a man, one that seemed more a wizard, or scholar. The boy could only wonder at how powerful this man must be, but with the threat seemingly gone, and all his strength drained the boy fainted before he had a chance to approach the man. but was looked upon with seeing eyes. That day Prof. Lorrimar Saw in Darien the strength he felt inside himself. He had seen a fire burning in the child’s eyes as he had bravely stood his ground. He had seen a greatness in him yet to come. and, after speaking with the headmaster of the order of Holy light, The head master of the order of the holy light took on a protégé Now, the call has sounded, trumpets blare, it is time for him to rise to the challenge, or fall. One night years later, He finally met his father, an angel, shining bright as a sun came to him in his dreams. He told him of a greatness awaiting him, and told him he was deeply sorry he had never shown himself to this point. He told him how proud he was and that from now on he could and would watch over him. Darien now talks with his father sometimes, usually while he sleeps, sometimes while he is awake. His father guides him in the few times he finds trouble or his way becomes unclear. code-
For years, he trained under the head master, and was checked up on several times during this time by the Professor, who, while he was there, taught him several little bits about undead, and the best ways to combat them. Eventually, the visits came less often, as the prof. become more and more sure that Darien would become a great man one day. It was after he returned from a quest to slay a necromancer he heard of the prof. Death
personality- charming and out-going, Darien loves a good laugh, and will more often than not be the one attempting to lighten a situation, he makes friends quickly, and believes in the good nature of men. He does not give things to the poor freely, but will gladly aid in teaching them how to better themselves, or in helping them build a home or something of the sort. If there was one person left, in a building on fire full of demons, Darien would be in that building, giving his all to save that man. My view on paladins- A paladin is someone that despite everything, works towards a brighter tomorrow,
A paladin is someone who is all this, and yet so much more. Statistics:
Male Aasimar Paladin (oath of vengeance)
N Medium Humanoid (outsider) (truespeaker, exalted resistance, scion of humanity) FCB: +2skill +4hp Init +3; Senses Perception +0 ------------------------------ DEFENSE ------------------------------ AC: 21, touch 11, flat-footed 20(+10 armor, +1dex,+0 NA,+0 Magic) hp: 50{+1d10+1Con} Fort: +12, {+5Base,+1Con+4 cha +2 cloak} Ref: +8 {+2Base,+1Dex+ 4 cha + 2 cloak} Will: +12,{+5Base,-1Will +1 trait+ 4 Cha +2 cloak} CMD: 23 SR: 11(vs spells of the evil descriptor, or vs evil outsiders) ------------------------------ OFFENSE ------------------------------ Speed: 30 ft. CMB +0 Base Atk: +6 Melee:
*ACP applies to these skills
Languages Common, Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal, Sylvan, Draconic ------------------------------
Magic Gear: Headband of Charisma (+2), cloak of resistance +2, Belt of Strength (+2), Gear: Backpack, belt pouch, waterskin (3),rations (5), hammer, flint and steel, torch (10), silk rope (50ft), grappling hook, compass, Carrying Capacity
Money 17 GP 5 SP 0 CP Spells