Fun, Useful, and Cheap Magic Items You Love

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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What the title says. What are fun or useful and cheap magic items that people like to take? Slotted or unslotted doesn't matter. I'm thinking things like the Ring of Sustenance or Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier or the Ring of the Sophisticate (okay, at five figures the last one might not be 'cheap' anymore).

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kestral287 wrote:
What the title says. What are fun or useful and cheap magic items that people like to take? Slotted or unslotted doesn't matter. I'm thinking things like the Ring of Sustenance or Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier or the Ring of the Sophisticate (okay, at five figures the last one might not be 'cheap' anymore).

I'm going to go with actually cheap items -

1) A dull-gray ioun stone with heightened continual flame (to 4th level to overcome Deeper Darkness)
2) Assisting gloves
3) Hand of the Mage is fun for some characters
4) Catching Cape
5) Muleback Cords
6) Mask of Stony Demeanor is pretty ridiculous

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Potions of spider climb.


Copper pieces with light cast on them.

MeanMutton wrote:

I'm going to go with actually cheap items -

1) A dull-gray ioun stone with heightened continual flame (to 4th level to overcome Deeper Darkness)
2) Assisting gloves
3) Hand of the Mage is fun for some characters
4) Catching Cape
5) Muleback Cords
6) Mask of Stony Demeanor is pretty ridiculous

I'd lean toward something like a locket or a pocketwatch for the continual flame, so you can put it away when stealth is necessary.

Some good stuff here, though personally I dislike the one-charge items. Half-tempted to run the math to see what they'd come out to as X/day or command word items though, especially the Catching Cape. That one seems like it could save lives.

theheadkase wrote:

Potions of spider climb.


Copper pieces with light cast on them.

Out of curiosity, why Sunrods?

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Handy Haversack; for sure! Great for characters who aren't big and strong, but still want to bring along a lot of useful stuff.

Myself, I also like having wrist sheaths. One per sleeve, for one wand each. Makes it way easier to get a wand out quickly in an emergency. Saved my character's life at least once, by being able to get a wand of heal minor wounds out real quick.

Xunal wrote:

Handy Haversack; for sure! Great for characters who aren't big and strong, but still want to bring along a lot of useful stuff.

Myself, I also like having wrist sheaths. One per sleeve, for one wand each. Makes it way easier to get a wand out quickly in an emergency. Saved my character's life at least once, by being able to get a wand of heal minor wounds out real quick.

What Wand are you typically using in the other sheath?

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Because its an iron rod that can cancel the effects of a darkness spell...and it can also be used as a simple club, to bar a door, a climbing peg, and other type of things.

A Necklace of Fireballs can be handy.

Nt exactly cheap, but I love the Ring of Evasion.

The Rope of Climbing negates a lot of tedium.

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Ring of Sustenance
any Cloak of the Hedge Wizard, especially transmutation or divination
Handy Haversack and Efficient Quiver
Feather Tokens, especially tree
Hybridization Funnel
Immovable Rod (ok this one's not so cheap)
Lesser Metamagic Rods, esp. Extend Spell
Featherstep Slippers
Gloves of Reconnaissance
Sleeves of Many Garments
Wand of Endure Elements

hammer and pitons solve SO many problems it's not even funny

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Tanglefoot Bag (for casters & flying creatures)
Vermin Repellent (CHEAP! and can work against swarms)
Elixir of Vision (+10 circumstance bonus to perception checks for a hour 250 gp)

kestral287 wrote:
Xunal wrote:

Handy Haversack; for sure! Great for characters who aren't big and strong, but still want to bring along a lot of useful stuff.

Myself, I also like having wrist sheaths. One per sleeve, for one wand each. Makes it way easier to get a wand out quickly in an emergency. Saved my character's life at least once, by being able to get a wand of heal minor wounds out real quick.

What Wand are you typically using in the other sheath?

Whatever wand I have handy. At the moment my PC has only two wands: Cure Light Wounds and Ray of Enfeeblement. Of course the curing wand has been seeing a lot more use. But it's handy to have them quickly accessible.

Sovereign Court

theheadkase wrote:
Because its an iron rod that can cancel the effects of a darkness spell...and it can also be used as a simple club, to bar a door, a climbing peg, and other type of things.

Actually, sunrods are useless in darkness. Both darkness and deeper darkness stop nonmagical light sources from functioning, and sunrods aren't magical.

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One I really like isn't technically a magic item, but it's close enough.

I call it the flood cloak and its about 16000 pounds of water shrunken with shrink item (multiple casts) and had permanency cast on it. Then you sew the cloth into a cloak and can flood anything at a whim.

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My hideously un-updated thoughts.

I should really get around that. Eventually.

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Hat of Disguise and Living Garments. It's truly absurd how many social encounters can be assisting by looking like you belong as a moment's notice. That's not even counting all the combat encounters you get to skip due to negotiations. Unless you GM is a jerk and disallows creative thinking and/or exp from noncombat encounters there isn't much reason to not take them.

Grand Lodge

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Deathwatch Eyes (quick, who's still alive?)
Scholar's Ring
Extend Metamagic Rod
Robe of Needles (useful for surprise round sneak attacks)
Shawl of Lifekeeping (combined with infernal healing)
Boots of the Cat (combine with cure X wounds for the cleric's feather fall)

Anzyr wrote:

My hideously un-updated thoughts.

I should really get around that. Eventually.

I thought I recognized your username from somewhere.

If I can make my own, this one was surprisingly cheap for what it accomplishes!

Anzyr wrote:

My hideously un-updated thoughts.

I should really get around that. Eventually.

What about TODAY

Robe of Infinite Twine and the Tengu Drinking Jug are both 1000gp and super awesome...

Combine with Profession: Sailor and you have free passage anywhere boats will go (use twine and rope to help fix rigging, jug produces a GALLON of booze every day...).

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder's Pouch. Store up to 10lbs into a non-dimensional space that's replaced by normal pouch space at a word, and has no magical aura by default. Perfect for smuggling (a sheathed greatsword in one instance), and at 1,000gp you'll not need to sacrifice your beloved piggy bank.

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I like the Circlet of Persuasion. A low cost item that +3 to all Chr Based skills. That items helps most classes but I love it on Rogue or Fighter where I don't have the highest CHR.

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Lesser metamagic rod of Selective is nice, you can't get the feat until 10th but you can afford the rod by the time you get fireball.

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Rusting Powder: RAW has it basically useless, but there is something I really like about the idea of having bottled rust-monster blood for whenever I need to ruin someone's stuff.

Bottled Sunlight: two of these kill just about any vampire.

Dust of Dryness: Being able to make water go away has its uses, being able to throw a bead the size of a marble that explodes into a water-balloon with 100 gallons of water in it is hilarious.

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Elixir of love. Maxine slight of hand and slipping them to party members/local warlords was the best.

Cloak of fiery vanishing for a magus. Get a ring or fire resist and fireball is your new best melee spell

And the 10 foot pole. It is magical in houseful it is.

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Ring of Feather falling: Go on, jump.

Goblin fire drum: give it to your hireling/cohort, has hilarious side effects.

Traveler's any-tool: fire your rogue.

Campfire bead: If your GM likes to be nit-picky about setting up camp. Instant fire is a nice ability to have too.

Armbands of the brawler: +1 to grapple, get if for the low levels or grabby animal companion.

Anatomy doll: unlimited healing if you can be healed by negative energy.

Metamagic rod familiar spell, lesser: Not exactly cheap but when you compare the cost to that of the metamagic quicken rod this is crazy good. Most caster's with a familiar end up taking one that can speak and manipulate wands anyway, might as well slap a component pouch on them too.

I've always been curious about the campfire bead. If i activate it while it is in someones pack what happens? Can i then attach it to a dagger throw the dagger so it lodges in them and then call the command word?

Silver Crusade

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Potion of enlarge person.

Or...making any potion an oil instead. Action economy is king, so smear the oil of fly on your fighter friend and watch him go after the bbeg on his next turn instead of downing a potion

Shadow Lodge

Torag's earthen boots from Inner Sea Gods. They give you a few nice little bonuses (+2 vs. Trip & Bullrush as long as you don't leave your square) but it's big draw is the flat fast healing 1 so long as you don't leave the square. No limit, no cool down, no minimum wear time to get that buff all you have to do is just activate, stay on your feet, and don't leave the square till you have your health where you want. Perfect item for the tank in the party and it gives you the chance to double as a backup healer in a pinch. And if you get something better just throw them in your pack and save them for later.

I spent a good portion of WLD using a Rod of Wonder every chance I got. It was awesome fun.

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Bottled Yeti Fur. Teaching us that sometimes the fun isn't in WHAT an item does, but HOW the item does it.

Scarab Sages

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Ring of Seven Lovely Colors. It's a ring of protection that also allows you to wild shape into a tiny bird for 70 minutes a day.

Quarterstaff of Entwined Serpents. It's a +1 staff that is also an at-will CL3 magic missile.

Feather Step Slippers. Full Movement, Charge, and 5ft step in difficult terrain.

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