Playtest General Discussion

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Welcome to the Playtest General Discussion Forum!

Ancestry backgrounds and archetypes?


Aquatic Combat Thinking

Paizo Blog: Disembarking the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest

Automatic bonus progression as a base assumption solves a LOT of problems

Hooray for the traversal trait!

New Year, New Options

The implant limit is just way too limiting. The cybernetic / Bio / Magitech divide is overdone

This hurts my head too much 2e playtest 'Environmental Protections'

Extensive playtest of all classes at level 20

Extensive playtest of all classes at level 16

Hey guys it been a while!

Fixing cover

Question about the Akashic Lens Magic Item

Extensive playtest of all classes at level 13

SwingRipper's playtest feedback video

Paizo Blog: Starfinder Playtest Errata: Wave 3

What do cheekpouches actually DO?

Opening Roar clarification - Two, Three or Four?

Pulonis Independence

Plasma grenade (Warning: Gun Gale Online reference)

Ancient Android weirdness

Knowledge Checks: How do they work in Starfinder 2e?

Thoughts on 2e Starship Encounters

Extensive playtest of all classes at level 8

Level 15 feedback

Suggestions for Starship Design and Combat

Let's make guns more fun!

Paizo Blog: Empires Devoured

The Evolutionist in SF2e

Initial playtest feedback, including new players to table top roleplaying


Do Ysoki have mystic power we didn't know about?

The ranged meta doesn't exist, the cake is a lie!

Hardness vastly narrows the range of builds that will work. PF1 hardness levels don't work in starfinder


I think the stick is still mightier than the laser blaster

What does the inject serum medicine skill feat do?

Ammunition cost: Make it free or make it matter.

Weapon Discussion / Criticism

Pathfinder 2 Archetypes / Dedications in Starfinder 2

Class Fantasy

Adhere Cantrip Spell

Starfinder Extreme

During hazard encounters... You?

2e Playtest - 'Guns' are lackluster.

Paizo Blog: Starfinder Playtest Errata: Wave 2

Summon Mr. Roboto

Is the plasma caster supposed to be a pistol?

Paizo Blog: Starfinder Gen Con Follow-Up

Android Feat: Advanced Targeting System

Dex, Dex Dex and yet more Dex!

Text inconsistency with Barathu Adaptable Limbs Feat

Is the Barricade feat missing some needed text?

Should Magic Fall Out of Favor in Starfinder 2E?

Piloting under Perception

Piloting, failing a Drive check, and collision

Piloting trained and untrained action questions.

Is the Barricade feat missing some needed text?

Glitching condition

Starfinder 2e Playtest Iconic Tokens

Help me understand Paizo Logic

Notes from the playtest: Guns

Advanced melee weapons- who are these for?

Sniper Rifles

Seeker Rifle ERRATA!

Professional Weapon ERRATA!

Flight Suit and Second Skin

Ysoki Ancestry Feature

Thrown Weapon Trait, Shooting Starknives, and The Meaning Of A Gun

Needler Pistol Interactions with Alchemist PC

Plated Vesk, feedback for my favorite racial trait

Area Fire / Auto-Fire and Weapon Proficiency

Scatterguns / Shotguns as area weapons

Character sheet??

More Dakka!

Notes from the playtest: Barathu

Higher Level Playtest scenarios for SFS

More classes than the original

Some multi-armed feats I came up with

What does Archaic do?

Melee warriors in a scifi setting

Paizo Blog: Starfinder Playtest Errata

Weapon Runes, Upgrades, and Customizations: Some Musings.

You get Computers, You get Computers, Everyone should get one!

Weapon Rune / Scaling Confusion

Laser Rifles and beyond!

Do we have an ETA for the arrival of Starships in SF 2E?

Resistance in the ranged meta

I think There Should Be More Baseline System Changes

Gravity Environmental Rules


Getting some Playtest Play-by-posts going

Just kill the feat-gating on crafting stuff.

automaton ancestry

Spells Discussion

Mysticism vs. Arcana, Nature, Ocultism and Religion

Design Idea - Let Ammunition determine a weapons damage?

Life science and physical science lore - clarification request

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