Shift (Teleportation) and Dimensional Agility / Dimensional Anchor

Rules Questions

Does Shift(Su) counts as prerequisite for Dimensional Agility? As i see it it utilizes Dimensional door-like mechanic, so maybe it qualifies as one?

If it does not qualify - does it get the benefits of Dimensional Agility when i'll get the feat& Or maybe it just does not impose same penalties (does not end the round for you, for example?).

Last question - is it affected by Dimensional Anchor? It states that completely blocks extradimensional travel. Forms of movement barred by a dimensional anchor include astral projection, blink, dimension door, ethereal jaunt, etherealness, gate, maze, plane shift, shadow walk, teleport, and similar spell-like abilities.. It IS extradimensinal travel, but its not spellike or spell, its supernatural. That part bugs me.

We ruled in our campaign that it both qualifies for D Agility and is affected by anchor, but we are pretty unexperienced(both us and the GM) i would be glad to get more in-depth view on the topic.

Thanks in advance.

Liberty's Edge

Depends on whether you are playing by 'logical' or 'legalistic' rules.

Logical: Dimension Door and Shift normally cancel any actions remaining after the teleport. The Dimensional Agility feat represents sufficient practice and familiarity with teleportation that you can continue with any remaining actions for your turn. Ergo, Dimensional Agility works with Shift and any other teleportation ability which would normally cancel your remaining actions. Similarly, the effect of Dimensional Anchor is to prevent "extradimensional travel", and thus it blocks all teleportation effects regardless of type.

Legalistic: Shift works "as if" using Dimension Door. Dimensional Agility works "after casting Dimension Door". With Shift you are not "casting" a spell at all. Ergo, Dimensional Agility does not apply to Shift. Dimensional Anchor states that it "completely blocks extradimensional travel" and that the forms of such "include" various examples. The total set of effects blocked is "extradimensional travel". That total set 'includes' the subset listed, but is not limited to that subset. Ergo, Dimensional Anchor blocks all extradimensional travel.

Liberty's Edge

Shift (Su): At 1st level, you can teleport to a nearby space as a swift action as if using dimension door.
You can move 5 feet for every two wizard levels you possess (minimum 5 feet). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.


Dimensional Steps (Sp): At 8th level, you can use this ability to teleport up to 30 feet per wizard level per day as a standard action.

Considering what is cited above, I think that we can something to CBDunkerson Logical argument:
While Shift range is way shorter, the ability to use it:
1) without a provoking an AoO and the need for a Concentration check;
2) as a swift action;
3) even if grappled, silenced, etc. without problems;
make it way stronger. So I think it is mandatory to read "as if using dimension door" as including dimension door limitations. Without those limitations it would be an extremely powerful tool to avoid dangerous situations.

Balance wise I am against allowing the use of Dimensional agility with this ability as it make it the equivalent of a shorter range quickened dimension door, i. e. the equivalent of a weakened version of 8th level spell. The tactical uses, if you can act and cast after using it, are decidedly impressive.

RAW, as it say that it work as Dimensional Door, it probably work. It all depend on how much emphasis you place on "cast" in the feat description.

As a prerequisite to get the feat, no it don't work.

That FAQ is relevant but has the issue that shift is supernatural instead of spell-like.

Sovereign Court

Abundant Step is (Su)

Summing it up:
Shift is affected by Dimensional Anchor.*
Shift(and Dimensional Steps) dont work as prerequisites Dimensional Agility.
Shift(and Dimensional Steps) are not affected by Dimensional Agility even if its aquired by having DDoor.

Dimensional Anchor prohibits use of both Shift and Dimensional Steps.

*The only questionleft standing is the nature of Shift(Dimensional Steps are Spellike) - it is supernatural and thus it is not clear if it is affected by Dimensional Anchor or not, correct?

Liberty's Edge

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Hety wrote:

*The only question left standing is the nature of Shift(Dimensional Steps are Spellike) - it is supernatural and thus it is not clear if it is affected by Dimensional Anchor or not, correct?

Dimensional Anchor isn't limited to spells. It say: "Any creature or object struck by the ray is covered with a shimmering emerald field that completely blocks extradimensional travel."

Then: "Forms of movement barred by a dimensional anchor include astral projection, blink, dimension door, ethereal jaunt, etherealness, gate, maze, plane shift, shadow walk, teleport, and similar spell-like abilities. The spell also prevents the use of a gate or teleportation circle for the duration of the spell." That is a (non exhaustive) list of possible way to get a form of extra dimensional movement, not the list of what is barred.
Note that it say "the use of a gate" too. That is not the gate spell, it is the use of an existing gate (if it is generated by a spell, a magic item or a magic phenomena is irrelevant).

So no exiting grapple by Shift, running away and pwning them with all my wizardly might... /sadpanda

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