[Official] Pathfinder Society Boon Request Thread

Pathfinder Society

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Paizo Employee 5/55/5 ** Organized Play Coordinator

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Greetings, Pathfinders!

Now that replays are available and functional, the Boon Store is in what I consider to be its fully realized state. Obviously there are technical changes and improvements that are in the queue, but from an available content standpoint, everything I imagined to be available is now available. But that's just my imagination.

This thread is to suggest additional content for the Boon Store. As it is an official thread, I'm setting some restrictions below to keep things on topic, but in short: if there's something you'd like to see in the Boon Store, drop a suggestion here! If you like a suggestion, Favorite it; if you dislike it, just don't respond to it.

Thread Rules

  • 1. I reserve the right to remove posts from this thread at any time. I reserve the right to add rules and make them apply retroactively at any time.
  • 2. If you like a suggestion someone has made, Favorite that post rather than creating a new post just to say "I agree!"
  • 3. If you dislike a suggestion or think it's unlikely to be granted, simply do not respond to it.
  • 4. The OP team will not be creating brand-new rules content except in special cases. Suggesting "a boon for a better divine smiting spell" will go nowhere.
  • 5. The OP team will entertain suggestions to unlock existing content, or to create boons for non-rules options (e.g. a boon that gives you a pet corgi with no game effect).
  • 6. Try to keep posts to one or two requests at most; if you list every single item you want in one post and it gets a bunch of favorites, we'll have no idea which ones people are reacting to.
  • 7. In most cases we will not respond to specific posts. This isn't a sign that we haven't read them! We're all very busy and if we have to respond to every post with a "yes/no/other" we'll never get anything else done.
  • 8. Non-boon suggestions or requests will be deleted. This applies to requests for changes to program rules, clarification on game rules or technical updates to the store (but is not limited to this list).

Here are some examples of good posts to make!

Example Post wrote:
Can we have a boon for access to the Kobold Friend archetype? I love kobolds and this archetype is uncommon with no access so I can't take it!
Example Post wrote:
The digeridoo weapon was left off of the Avid Collector–Castrovel boon; if it's not banned, can we add it?
Example Post wrote:
I like turtles, can we have access to the turtle shell armor?
Example Post wrote:
The nuclear bomb was banned when Lost Omens: Numeria first came out, but there's been new errata since then. Now that it no longer decimates whole towns, any chance we can get a boon for it?

2/5 **** Venture-Agent, Texas—Austin

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I'd love to see the Soulforger be offered in a limited fashion. Effectively the boon would act as the GM and create a cause / limit the expansiveness of this option (assuming that's the primary reason it is currently limited).

An example implementation might be a Soul Path for each PFS Faction where they champion the ideals of their group, gaining access to appropriate edicts and anathemas and a specific set of essence powers and their associated corruptions. This would not require new rules content and just have the Org Play team act as the GM for this archetype.

Dark Archive 3/5 **

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I'd love to see some of the Rare Backgrounds from a wide array of books get another pass. Here's some candidates that spring to mind as "not too disruptive to the campaign" as they don't call out any planning with the GM or tie your PC up in events/themes inappropriate for PFS play:

Age of Ashes:

Legendary Parents (with modified text to say your parents were legendary Pathfinders and allow you to name a previous PC in 1e as said parent).

Book of the Dead:

Scion of Slayers
Tomb Born

Crown of the Kobold King:

Friendly Darkmoon Kobold

Dark Archive:

Empty Whispers


Best Blessed

Guns & Gears:

Saved By Clockwork (Choose from pre-determined drawbacks on boon)
Tall Tale
Wished Alive

Knights of Lastwall:

Tyrant Witness

Secrets of Magic:

Genie Blessed
Magical Experiment (Sample Abilities Only)
Seer of the Dead
Time-Traveler (Predetermined origins like New Thassilon only)

Travel Guide:

Astrological Augur
Nocturnal Navigator
Sign Bound
Starless One
Sun Dancer
Tide Watcher

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my Cactus Leshy is extremely prickly that only their Pine Leshy friends can get a boon for Defensive Needles. Hopefully this will spike your interest, assuming you get the point.

Dark Archive

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I'd like to see a boon granting access to the Cathartic Mage archetype from Secrets of Magic, even with restrictions on which feats/emotional states can be chosen as needed to remedy whatever reason the archetype is not already available.

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A boon for access to the Aklys weapon.

(currently unavailable through any feat or ancestry, even though it's listed in a core source)

Horizon Hunters ***

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Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Access to the Jalmeri Heavenseeker dedication would be awesome.

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

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I would like to be able to play as a Jinx halfling, something currently not possible because it is an uncommon option with no access condition

And since were talking shorties, a boon to make it so my pony doesnt become a full blown horse when I take the mount advancement feats would be much appreciated.

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

40 people marked this as a favorite.

A boon (or collection of boons) to allow Earn Income with a different skill or skills.

Such as Nature to herd animals, or Intimidation to work as a bouncer, or Diplomacy or Society to work in some form of customer service, or Survival to act as a guide.

2/5 5/5 *****

19 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'd like to see a "start at level 2" boon like we had from the playtest points. This can be particularly useful if you have a character concept that really needs a dedication to feel complete and doesn't make sense to be an ancient elf, etc.

2/5 5/5 *****

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I acknowledge this might get too close to things best kept as charity boons, but I really liked the Planetoid, Congregation, Ramlock's Tower style boons -- things that are a cross between a Vanity and a mechanical use for downtime/delayed pay-off. I know there's a lot of PCs with backstories about running some form of business between missions and having something that feels a little different than just "earn income" would be nice.

Grand Archive 2/5

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Can we get a boon granting access to the Russian language? After playing a certain scenario set someplace cold, my linguist PC would very much like to add her new friends' native language to her repertoire.

(If a way to do this already exists, please enlighten me!)

Dark Archive 1/5 *

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Perhaps a "ex-red mantis cultist" boon allowing access to the red mantis assassin archetype.


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Millicent Velarno wrote:
Can we get a boon granting access to the Russian language?

I would add/expand that boon to any language exposed to in various scenarios that have no access options (eg Ancient Orision, Hallasian )


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A boon that allows you to add one specific uncommon item chain to a character. It could be any item, but only available to that one character. It would be all levels of the item, if it has a level. You could not sell or trade the item to anyone, so you would have it forever, even if it becomes useless later on. It could also be used to gain access to one rare item, at a particular level.

An ACP boon that allows you to sell items for higher than normal prices, based on your faction fame. Thus, the more your faction likes you, the more you can get selling your old equipment to other Pathfinders of your faction.

An ACP Boon that allows you to give all of your characters access to a list of uncommon items of a type (I.E. all uncommon staves, or all uncommon armors from the Core Rulebook, etc.)

EDIT: Thought of two more. Bring a PF1 Character under a certain level to PF2. I've got a few low level characters that I got some GM credits on that I will never get to play now.

Play a PC of a very odd race (Such as a weretiger, or a gnoll). The Pc would have to start at their racial HD +1 class level, but it would be neat.

Paizo Employee 5/55/5 ** Organized Play Coordinator

PMSchulz wrote:
A boon that allows you to add one specific uncommon item chain to a character. It could be any item, but only available to that one character. It would be all levels of the item, if it has a level. You could not sell or trade the item to anyone, so you would have it forever, even if it becomes useless later on.

Can you explain to me how this differs from the current Avid Collector boons? Per the FAQ, you already have access to higher-level versions of an item you have access to.

(thank you all for your posts so far, they're exactly what we were looking for!)

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Texas—Austin

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I would love a boon that would allow Seekers of Perfection to be able to jump into the Jalmeri Heavenseeker archetype now that it has been reprinted to be reasonable

EDIT: Just realized I was beaten to the punch. Please favorite the request for this archetype above mine.

Grand Lodge 3/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

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I think that the PFS plot-arc specific backgrounds implemented at the end of season 3/start of season 4 were some of my favorite low-cost uses for AcP that let me make characters that felt like part of the story was intrinsic to their character. I think seeing some more of those would be really cool.


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Alex Speidel wrote:
PMSchulz wrote:
A boon that allows you to add one specific uncommon item chain to a character. It could be any item, but only available to that one character. It would be all levels of the item, if it has a level. You could not sell or trade the item to anyone, so you would have it forever, even if it becomes useless later on.

Can you explain to me how this differs from the current Avid Collector boons? Per the FAQ, you already have access to higher-level versions of an item you have access to.

(thank you all for your posts so far, they're exactly what we were looking for!)

Well, instead of a curated list of items that Avid Collector allows, you can select ANY uncommon item from any legal source. Ring of Wizardry, Dragonskin armor, etc. But it's only one. And you can only get it once per character. So if you get access to Blue Dragonscale full plate for your Paladin, that's the ONLY item he can get with the boon. Unlike the ones with a curated list, you can't buy it multiple times to get all the items on the list, you get one choice. If your character winds up going down a different path, oh well.

Edit for spelling and also to request access to the Fat Man launcher with the Nuka Nuke upgrade. Or barring that, a fully functional Dire Wolf OmniMech.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Personally, I think access to any of the line of ancestry feats introduced in LO: Impossible Lands with Fey Influence as a prerequisite would make for a fantastic boon. This could either include Fey Influence itself, or be a purchasable add-on for those who earned the chronicle boon awarding it. Either way, I really love how flavorful they are as a sort of sub-heritage, as body-altering powers that largely developed out of the user's control.

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Finland—Turku

18 people marked this as a favorite.

Boon for selecting Adopted Ancestry: Kobold

Kobold is uncommon, thus can't be chosen for adopted ancestry even though everybody has access to it.

(Make it Ancestral Adoption II and throw in Orcs and Kayals/Fetchlings too!)

Liberty's Edge 1/5 **

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'd like access to the Demolitionist archetype tbh.

I'm probably just a weirdo.

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Finland—Turku

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Corpse Tender Dedication (From Zombie Feast pg 81)

I'm guessing it was excluded from the Blood Lords boons because it requires evil alignment. With alignment getting removed from the game, please give this one another opportunity!

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Finland—Turku

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And lastly, boon for the weapon "Shears".

It's currently only accessible to LG and LN clerics and champions that worship Followers of Faith, and nobody else.

It's a simple uncommon 1d4 knife weapon from Bestiary 2, deadly d8, finesse, versatile P.

**** Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Christchurch

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The two that I would personally like to see are access to Revenant background, and access to the knapsack of Halfling kind (not the Greater version that allows teleportation, for Reasons).

The former is just another way to get negative healing and interesting character concepts (I have one in particular I'm keen to try), and the latter just because I think it's cool. I think the knapsack in particular is a good candidate for a specific boon because the boon could grant access to only the lower-level version rather than the Greater version as Avid Collector would.


14 people marked this as a favorite.

Access to adamantine weapons. These will become more useful as more society scenarios open up for higher levels.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Northwestern Indiana

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Can we have boons for rare languages, like Ancient Osiriani? This might be good for characters who are linguists/diplomats or have a background that relates to a rare language -- such as a duskwalker whose previous life was in Ancient Osirion and now finds himself in an unfamilar time and body? Or someone whose traditions relate to an ancient culture might want to study the language.


I would love to see access to the Cunning rune from the PFS Guide!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Dragon Disciple Access. There's nowhere near enough access to the charity boons and they're not unique enough to really merit NOT being ACP boons.

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Finland—Turku

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I'm sorry! (please don't smite me!)
I know this isn't a suggestion but I just have to point out that this

Gandeeva wrote:
I would love to see access to the Cunning rune from the PFS Guide!

is already accessible - check the first paragraph of p. 118 of the PFS Guide ("All characters affiliated with the Pathfinder Society have access to the uncommon options in this section.")

And likewise,

Ravien999 wrote:
Dragon Disciple Access. There's nowhere near enough access to the charity boons and they're not unique enough to really merit NOT being ACP boons.

Dragon Disciple is already accessible if you meet the access conditions:

Access You are a kobold with the dragonscaled or spellscaled heritage, a dragon instinct barbarian, or a draconic bloodline sorcerer.
It's not limited and thus doesn't need a boon to be accessed: The charity boon just adds another option to gain access to it, for those characters that aren't kobolds or dragon barbs/sorcerers.


13 people marked this as a favorite.

I really itch for a boon to unlock THAT mosquito cryptid to be patron for my witch.

Verdant Wheel ***

I love this thread!

2/5 *

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I would like access to aventure path item or options.

There starting to have so many option that i would like to remove the exclusivity to one character

2/5 **** Venture-Agent, Texas—Austin

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Player Owned Ships [Vanity Only]

I'd love to see the return of the ships/property vanity boons from 1e. It was always fun being able to own a ship and then when a scenario calls for it be able to say "we'll take my boat!" This should be entirely cosmetic only -- it's a quantum boat that takes the shape of any other mechanical boat needed in a scenario and doesn't change how the scenario works and can include language that says "the GM has final say if the players can use the PCs boat" if it doesn't work for plot purposes. There is no mechanical benefit to this, but a savvy player could get a hireling with Sailing Lore to be the first mate (or you could bundle a hireling into the boon and up the cost).

Dark Archive 3/5

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Hellknight options.


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A boon to add things to the Champion's steed ally, as per the existing rule "You can select a different animal companion (GM's discretion), but this ability doesn't grant it the mount special ability.".

Specifically, for some strange reason riding dogs are not available as animal companions. Without actual new rules elements, at a minimum a boon could be created to allow a re-skinned wolf to be taken as a champion steed that looks like a riding dog! Currently only goblins get that option, even though riding dogs have been iconic to halflings since forever.


6 people marked this as a favorite.

A boon to get access to a limited set of traits to create a Personal Staff from. Pick a single trait from a list in the boon, and you can craft/purchase a staff with spells you have access to with that trait.

The list of traits that actually have enough spells to craft a full staff from is fairly short, excluding the school traits. The largest trait is Mental, which is probably too broad, but most other spell traits are fairly limited lists (Acid, for example, only has 7 spells associated with it, plus a few generic energy spells that gain the relevant trait).

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Cavernshark mentioned ships, but I'd love to see other vanities back as well. Those were always lots of fun for high level characters in PF1. They don't have to have a mechanical effect to be worth adding, but I would love if they were tied to unlocking new skills for Earn Income. For instance, if my cleric of Cayden Cailean bought the You Own a Bar vanity, then he could use Diplomacy for Earn Income, to represent how full the tip jar is.


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Access to the Ursine Avenger Hood.


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Jared Thaler - Personal Opinion wrote:

A boon (or collection of boons) to allow Earn Income with a different skill or skills.

Such as Nature to herd animals, or Intimidation to work as a bouncer, or Diplomacy or Society to work in some form of customer service, or Survival to act as a guide.

This is such a great idea, but I find Earn Income boring. I prefer expanding Downtime options that are not Earn Income.

There used to be some Radiant Oath boon that allowed changing a Battle Medicine CF->F. I'd like to see more of those - boons that enhance the use of a variety of skills, but not just in the Earn Income.

For example, combine Jared's idea of Nature to herd animals with Farabor's suggestion to expand Steed Ally - allow a character to use Downtime Nature to breed / find / otherwise procure an expanded set of mounts or animal companions.

As another example, combining Survival to act as a guide in order to receive access to a language in one of the PFS scenarios (Russian was mentioned above). Narratively, the character was exposed to the language during the scenario, and guides a linguistic team back to that location in their downtime to learn the language and teach it to Pathfinders.


Chris Ballard wrote:
Hellknight options.

You're looking for the second initiation boon (2 acp). see FAQ

relevant Q's:


What is the full text of the Secondary Initiation boon? [SPOILERS]

Your contacts have introduced you to an influential member of another organization, allowing you to join that group or train in some of their techniques. Select an organization other than the Pathfinder Society. For the purpose of fulfilling prerequisites and Access conditions, you are treated as being a member of that group in addition to your belonging to the Pathfinder Society.

Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character, but each time you apply it, you relinquish your membership in the previous group in order to join a different group. Before doing so, you must retrain any options that listed membership in your previous group as a prerequisite.

Organization selected: ______________________________________


[NEW - May '23] How do I satisfy an organization’s entry requirements or gain ranks in an organization?

The Secondary Initiation boon, available in the online Boon Store, fulfills any entry requirements for an organization that would typically be met “off-screen,” such as the requirement to fight a devil to become a Hellknight. Pathfinders must still meet any other prerequisites to join an organization, such as national origin or ancestry if applicable.

Pathfinders who take the Secondary Initiation boon to become a member of an organization may also, as part of this boon’s benefits, declare their rank within an organization (within reason). For example, a Firebrand Pathfinder may use this boon to declare themselves as a second mark for the purpose of feat prerequisites, but they could not declare themselves to be a fourth mark Firebrand, a rank which requires international renown.

Silver Crusade 4/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Ohio—Toledo

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Crossover boon to unlock access to Space Goblins in Starfinder

Radiant Oath 2/5

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Watery Soup wrote:
There used to be some Radiant Oath boon that allowed changing a Battle Medicine CF->F. I'd like to see more of those - boons that enhance the use of a variety of skills, but not just in the Earn Income.

It's called Practiced Medic (spend downtime to "charge" it, expend it to improve a Medicine check by one degree of success). It's still available to Radiant Oath PCs, using ACP.

I would like more boons along the lines of that and Off-Hours Study. I believe most of the factions now have a boon that affects downtime activities, but more variety would be nice. Especially options that do something other than just giving a minor tweak to earning income or crafting.

2/5 5/5 **

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I'm going to split these up, as Alex requested, so they know which ones people are liking. However, the common theme is allowing access to mundane things granted by AP chronicles.

A boon to allow access to mundane weapons from Adventure Paths.

E.g., I would like to make a character who uses Poi as weapons, but I don't want to play the Extinction Curse.

2/5 5/5 **

9 people marked this as a favorite.

A boon to allow access to relatively mundane Animal Companions from Adventure Paths.

E.g., My gnoll kholo druid concept would sure be great with a Hyena Animal Companion, but I don't want to play the Age of Ashes.

2/5 5/5 **

7 people marked this as a favorite.

A boon to gain access to the Riding Drake Animal Companion.

Who doesn't have a character concept where you ride a dragon? It could be 280 AcP, that's fine!

Wayfinders 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

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Redeux once suggested a boon that I thought would be excellent:

Redeux wrote:
Would it be possible for there to be a boon added to do retraining but no gear changes? The current retrain boons seem excessive, if not punitive, to a character who does not want to change gear. Alternatively, could the existing rebuild boons have language added that the wealth is not changed if no gear is being changed? I think that having easier access to these things would be beneficial both to players wanting to have old characters take advantage of new boosts, as well as old and new PC's who may just want to make non-gear changes that would take a long time to complete via retraining.

Paizo Employee 5/55/5 ** Organized Play Coordinator

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PSA: We recently added boons to the AcP store that let you purchase the options previously only available via the Age of Ashes Chronicle Boons, as it had been a few years since its release. You can probably expect us to do similar things going forward as time goes on.

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A boon that would allow my familiar to participate in the marketplace.

My familiar complains about this incessantly during downtime. What she really wants is to enter Master's Form and make her own Earn Income roll. But I think she would settle for assisting me in my tasks, with an untyped bonus to my Earn Income (or Crafting) roll.

Silver Crusade 3/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Agent, New Zealand—Auckland

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There are a couple of feats that would, I think be fun to play for my Light Sprite. There are:

Crystal Healing (Dark Archive 78)
Chromotherapy (Dark Archive 78)

Also to use Medicine as an income earning possibility. Currently I'm using Lore(Medicine)

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