arcaneArtist's page
Organized Play Member. 23 posts (34 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 44 Organized Play characters.

Alex Speidel wrote: Blakeg wrote: Was there a reason Pathfinder characters get a free rebuild while those of us that also play starfinder had to spend 50 ACP to rebuild with the enhanced rules and didn't get a free rebuild Because changes/updates to the core engine of a system must be treated differently than the release of a new rulebook. We don't offer free rebuilds when a new druid order is released. while it is certainly true that the enhanced classes are less expansive of a change than the remaster, the enhanced book specifically uses the following phrase in reference to the enhanced classes Starfinder Enhanced, pg. 8 wrote: they are intended to function as strict upgrades, and will be considered the baseline for those classes going forward. which to me makes them sound like they are a bit more than just new character options.
perhaps if free rebuilds are off the table, then characters with levels in the relevant classes could instead be given the option to add just the new mechanics from the enhanced version (without making any other changes to their build) either for free or at a lower ACP cost via a more specialized boon?
not trying to start an argument, mostly just hoping to better understand the current official position and as to me the comparison being made doesn't quite match up.
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I'd like to see a boon granting access to the Cathartic Mage archetype from Secrets of Magic, even with restrictions on which feats/emotional states can be chosen as needed to remedy whatever reason the archetype is not already available.
I accidentally ordered a physical copy when I intended to purchase the digital copy, so if I would like to cancel or change the order to make the correct purchase.
I've added my 1 dead PC, and was wondering: what's the limit on blurb length? you mentioned on the info page that it's limited, but didn't give any specifics.
Snowblind wrote: *ahem*
Quote: Therefore, psychic spells never have verbal or somatic components, and have only expensive material components.
i mostly interpreted that as referring to the inherent components of the spell, not those added by other abilities.
so i have a mesmerist (Umbral Mesmerist archetype) and i plan on taking the Harrower prestige class and the Harrowed Summoning feat, and both Harrowed Summoning and the Harrower's Harrowed Casting ability add a Somatic component to modified spells (and spell-like abilities in the case of HS), but since mesmerists are psychic casters, they don't normally have somatic components, and instead have emotion components, so my question is: do the somatic components remain somatic, or do they become emotion components? and if so, are psychic casters subject to arcane spell failure?
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Lurili errata, because i can't edit the post:
Resource Surplus: Gemstones, particularly ones resulting from irradiation or impurities such as Smoky Quartz.
Notable NPCs:
High Prophet Cavel: CN Male Human Oracle 20 (Occult Mystery)
The Herald of Corruption: N/LE Male Fetchling Vigilante 15 (Zealot of Hael)
Ralie, The Heretic: CN Female Inquisitor of Hael 15 (Heretic)
Updated Version of Hael can be found here
Population: 20,413 (exact demographics TBD)
on recent events: Hael has become corrupted by an unknown force, and is slowly twisting his church into a warped version of itself, Cavel, blinded by his devotion to his god, continues to follow the strange new commands he has been given by Hael, to the point of excommunicating Ralie, the captain of Lurili's primary inquisitor sect and guard squadron, the unseen ward, marking her as a heretic.
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Alignment: 1d9 ⇒ 3 LE
1d31 ⇒ 20 Law (actual result ignored)
1d31 ⇒ 9 Evil (actual result ignored)
1d31 ⇒ 9 Earth
1d31 ⇒ 18 Nobility
1d31 ⇒ 17 Magic
Subdomains: Divine, Leadership, Judgement, Corruption
Hael, the twisted
Hael was once a benign deity of magic and secrecy, but a mysterious force corrupted him into a dark god who seeks only to spread this mysterious corruption.
Holy Colors: Formerly Gold, currently Black and Olive.
Weapon: Formerly Bladed Scarf, currently Scythe.

here's my contribution:
Rolling for New Settlement Fri Aug 12 2016 17:03:10 GMT-0700 (PDT)
law/chaos 3
good/evil 1
size 19
government 4
region 5
race 3
quality 1 5
quality 2 27
quality 3 2
quality 4 25
quality 5 16
New Random Settlement
Chaotic Good Large City (Central)
Corruption 0; Crime +4; Economy +2; Law -2; Lore -1; Society +9
Qualities Cultured, Holy Site, No Questions Asked, Notorious, Resource Surplus
Danger 20
Government Council
Population 10,001-25,000 (Human)
Notable NPCs
Grand Prophet Cavel (Male Human Oracle(Occult Mystery)/7)
Base Value 10400 gp; Purchase Limit 75000 gp; Spellcasting 9th
Minor Items 4d4; Medium Items 3d4; Major Items 2d4
Like most cities in Rastria, the people of Lurili where suspicious of magic, but then the great propjet Cavel arrived, opening their eyes to the possibilities of magic and the teachings of the god Hael, an ancient god of magic and secrecy, along with a group of new followers, Cavel was able to usurp control of Lurili from it's previous leader and establish a new ruling council and break free from rule of their less open-minded countrymen.
Bonus: basic deity info for Hael:
CN God of Magic and Secrecy
Domains: Knowledge, Trickery, Chaos, Magic
Subdomains: Whimsy, Divine, Deception
Weapon: Bladed Scarf
there's no penalty for moving though allies, and moving diagonally counts as two squares after the first diagonal in that move action.
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Azih wrote: Joana wrote: Azih wrote: they've got to explain how both RPG settings are continuing when one has vanished in the other. From the main Starfinder page:
Quote: Set thousands of years in Pathfinder's future, Everything happening in the Pathfinder line (including all future APs) is ancient history to the Starfinder line. Ah. Thanks Joana. That explains it.
Sad that Paizo only has a few thousands of years worth of AP planned though :_( except "thousands of years" doesn't necessarily equal "a few thousand", from what i understand, they're removing Golarion from the setting so they don't have to limit APs and other pathfinder products to a set timespan.
EDIT: the announcement also mentions that it's a "possible" future, so it's not set in stone as the eventual future of Golarion.
STR: 12
DEX: 15
CON: ether 12 (physical strain) or 17 (minor illnesses)
INT: 14
WIS: 13
CHA: 10 (people i don't know well/don't know if i have common interests with, because i suck at coming up with something to talk about.) 12 (everyone else)
i always figured the vigilante had a secret identity so that they could mingle with a group (like aristocrats) while in their social form, but be able to do things that group wouldn't approve of in their vigilante identity, since the default flavor for the vigilante is a defender of an oppressed people who uses another identity to mingle with their oppressors, gaining their trust as well as useful information. granted, that's not what all vigilantes do, but seamless guise, a second identity, and divination protection certainly help with things like that, and can also be used as simply a way to hide from enemies.
the only ones i've seen that truly make you popular are Celebrity Discount, In Vogue and maybe Gossip Collector, since renown could easily be gained from being "guy who always seems to be around when (insert vigilante form here) is about to show up." your GM could also rule that having renown decreases others' starting moods, instead of increasing them if you really want your social personality to be unpopular.
the demon lord Abraxas is apparently a deity in the gnostic pantheon.
@BigNorseWolf: well, restricting it to where you can only take it only once (come to think of it, it might not even be possible to take it multiple times, since most feats that have you choose an option and allow you to take it multiple times specifically say so in the book.) eliminates any combos that require things exclusive to multiple non-human races, so maybe in addition to the "you may only take this once" limitation they could restrict only certain ARG material to it's normal race, rather than the whole book?
@Majuba: isn't that the point of Racial Heritage? getting the options of another race in addition to the ones from your base race?
maybe the ruling could be relaxed slightly, making Racial Heritage a bit more viable without opening the floodgates? maybe the ruling could change from "Alternate racial traits, racial archetypes, racial evolutions, racial feats, and racial spells are only available for characters of the associated race. Racial equipment and magic items can be purchased and used by any race as long as the specific item permits it (for example, only halflings can purchase and use solidsmoke pipeweed)." to a note in the APG section (and anywhere else the feat has been printed) that says "characters may only take Racial Heritage once"? that way they get all the ARG options of one additional race, but because it's only one it doesn't open the floodgates as much as doing away with the ruling completely would.
i would let the player play the character, since if a character is truly bad, then they'll likely die pretty quickly, so i doubt the other characters would suffer much, and it would be a good learning opportunity for the player with the bad character.
i think i might just get Weapon Finesse, since my melee weapon is a rapier, and i've got a high dex mod.
DM_Blake wrote: Dakota Estes wrote: oh, ok, so it's completely useless to Musket wielders, since i'm pretty sure the fastest musket reloads can get is standard action. AT 3rd level you can get Fast Musket which lets you reload a musket like everyone else reloads a pistol. Then Rapid Reload works for you. except i'm a mysterious stranger rather than a musket master
Chess Pwn wrote: Rapid shots lets you get an extra attack when making a full-attack. Now if you can't reload fast enough (free action) to use extra attacks then it'll do nothing for you.
I suggest rapid reload
oh, ok, so it's completely useless to Musket wielders, since i'm pretty sure the fastest musket reloads can get is standard action.
i am fairly new to pathfinder, so this is probably a bit of a noob question, but how does Rapid Shot work, especially with a Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) wielding a musket? does it work with the full-round action reload speed that muskets have if you lack rapid reload?
i was thinking about getting ether Rapid Reload, Rapid Shot or Opening Volley as my feat for 3rd level in PFS.